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Ami's AfterChat Newsletter

July 1998

Please Note: This newsletter was originally sent on July 20, 1998. It may not have improved with age. Information may be outdated and irrelevant, not to mention useless. It is here only for your enjoyment.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this silly newsletter. Some of my biggest thrills is to meet you when I go teaching. I got to teach in St. Cloud, MN in June and I think there must have been 50 of you there who came up and introduced yourself to me. It was such a thrill! You guys are EVERYWHERE!

Speaking of teaching, I'll be presenting an all-day applique workshop for the Little Balkins Quilt Guild in Pittsburgh, Kansas on August 17. There are still some openings in the workshop and there's room for you at the lecture that evening too. I'll be doing a lecture on the World's Worst Quilts at 7 pm. If you're in the neighborhood, come on over! For more information, call Debi Rankin at 316 231-8188 and she can give you all the particulars. I'll be flying into Joplin, Missouri, so if you're on the flight path, be sure to wave. (I'll try to get a window seat so I can see you better.)

For those of you interested in having me come teach for your guild, I would love to. Fortunately, (or unfortunately) right now I'm booked through March of 2001 and won't even be sending out information until the fall. So, if you're interested, please send me an e-mail in the fall and I'll send you materials about my workshops and lectures.

There will be no chat on AOL in July. More accurately, I won't be hosting it. You can all go in the chat room and talk about me, because I won't be there! The 4th Thursday will take me to Oklahoma City and I'll be doing a lecture during our regular chat time. Catch you all again in August. I'll be in the chat room on America On-line on August 27th at 9 p.m. EST. See you there!

Thanks to Vicki Windham, I've been invited to be a guest speaker on QuiltChat on Sunday, July 26 starting at 10:00pm EST. If you have MIRC set it to voyager.StarChat.net and the room is called QuiltChat. If this is as clear as mud, there is a web site that should help clear things up. It's http://www.kathkwilts.com/ and you can go there to figure out how to join in the fun. Please don't ask me. I downloaded the program so long ago, I don't remember how I did it! But it couldn't have been too hard, since I managed!

In any event, you have a few days to experiment and figure out how to get there. Come Sunday night, we'll be using protocol so I won't be interrupted. It's no biggy. Just come on in and type a "?" if you'd like to ask me a question and just wait for me to answer by typing your screen name and the letters GA, which stands for Go Ahead. I'll take the questions in the order the "?" appear. And don't worry; I'm sure I'll mess up! Come for the fun! Everyone is invited! Let's see if we can pack the room!

We have dry wall! I can no longer walk through walls, but I'm willing to give that up for taking the construction process one step further. It's only been 8 months! So exciting. As for the shower, I've gotten several more emails as to what the problem could be, but the plumber won't show up again until he comes to do the final stuff on the addition. Until then, I'm learning to sing along with the shower!

By the way, I am looking for a rather unusual item. Since you've been so helpful in all other areas, I'm sure you can help me find what I'm looking for. As you might remember, we are building the addition to the house so that my mother could come and live with us when she got tired of talking to the cats and wanted some real companionship. (She's 75 years young and lives by herself some 62 miles away and has been on her own since my dad passed away almost 15 years ago.) To say that she is eccentric may not go far enough. (Her answering machine says she can't come to the phone because she's DYEING. This usually gets a rise out of anyone not familiar with her hand-painted silk scarves and cotton yardage and really cuts down on telephone solicitors.)

Anyway, just one of the strange things we've done to the addition is to include a second story clothes chute from her bathroom to her craft room/laundry down a floor below. Not your ordinary, standard-size clothes chute. No! It's a 13 inch diameter sewer pipe that sits flush with the wall, makes a 90 degree turn downwards, and dumps out just above head level. (My job is to construct a quilted "end" with a zipper. No sweat. You remember How Not To Make A Prize-Winning Quilt, don't you?) Since the opening is so large, the building inspector is fearful of small children and tall pets accidentally becoming part of the dirty laundry. We need a cover for the clothes chute up in the bathroom. For reasons explained above, a simple wooden door is not acceptable. So, we are in search of a port hole. As in from a ship. Or the door to a safe. Just the door; you can keep the rest of the safe. If you have either of these two items, please let me know.

And, as long as you're searching...on a totally non-related issue, I'm trying to locate one of the following quiltmakers: Jane Hardy Miller, Marilyn L. Harrison, Fran Skiles, Judith L. Geiger, Bonnie Askowitz, Vita Marie Lovett, or Millicent Swerdlow. They are members of the Southeast Art Quilters and they had an exhibit back at the end of 1993. One of these gals made a quilt that was featured on a poster of Hurricane Andrew Art Quilts. The quilt was a pictorial of flamingos in a public bathroom. They're heads and legs peeking out of the stalls. I'd like to get a slide of the quilt for my Humorous Quilts and Their Makers lecture. B.W. Watler was the exhibit coordinator. Now you know as much as I do. (Probably more...)


I'm so excited, Blue Feather Productions, those nice folks who make the Grabbit magnetic pin cushions and other cool things, have turned four of my quilts into magnets. Slap them on your refrigerator, or car bumper. They're $2.99 each. To see them, hit http://www.blue-feather.com/quilts.htm

Lucky me. I got an advance copy of the article featuring my denim photo-quilt. It's the August 4th issue, the one with the gooey dessert on the front cover. (I know they all have gooey desserts on the front cover!) Inside is a not too flattering picture of the quilt and a hideous picture of me. I must have kept the good pictures and sent them the out-takes to pick from. YECH! My eyeglasses are at half mast, I have an insipid look on my face, and my hair looks like I styled it in the disposer again. Jen looks cute.

As you know I've been working on Fun Photo-Quilts & Crafts, my next book, for the last forever. I'm happy to say that I started the photography phase and spent two grueling days shooting quilts out in the back yard. Sun conditions were perfect the first day---cloudy and overcast---and leaving something to be desired the second. We worked in between blue skies and otherwise good conditions. I think there are 4 more quilts to photograph and then I can start shooting the vests, ties, mouse pads, and other crafty things.

It seems kind of funny to wish for cloudy days in the middle of summer, but if you could all put your minds to it, I'd appreciate a couple of miserable days the week of the 27th. Just between the hours of 11 and 1, if you don't mind too much. Thanks.

Thanks to Marsha McCloskey, brand new grandmother, who forwarded this gem which explains a lot about what we do:

A recent study has indicated that fabric gives off a certain pheromone which actually hypnotizes women, causing them to purchase ungodly amounts. When stored in large quantities in enclosed spaces, these pheromones can cause memory loss and trigger the nesting syndrome (similar to the one that squirrels have before the onset of winter which induces them to store food). Because of this, the fabric can actually perpetuate its own species, avoiding the eminent population loss due to their kind being cut up into little pieces and being mixed with others.

Sound tests have also revealed that these fabrics emit a very high pitched sound, heard only by a select few of the breed of women known as quilters. When played backwards on an LP, the sounds are heard as chants: "buy me, cut me, sew me!" In order to overcome the so-called "frenzy effect" that these fabrics can cause, one must wear a face mask when entering a storage facility, and use ear plugs to avoid being pulled into their grip. Due to this discovery, please do not laugh the next time you enter your favorite fabric store and witness hoards of women decorated ornamentally with W.W.II Army gas masks and headphones.

Studies have also indicated that alien life forms have inhabited the earth and may be helping to worsen the hypnotic effects that these fabrics have on innocent women. Aliens frequently try to obtain jobs as fabric store clerks.
-- Wilma Gallagher

MORE FUNNIES And a big hug to Aczompo sent along these groaners....

What do you get when you toss a hand grenade into a kitchen in France?
Linoleum blownapart.

Did you hear about the red ship and the blue ship that collided?
Both crews were marooned.

Eskimos in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once-and-for-all that you can't have your kayak & heat it, too.

A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He sidles up to the bar and announces:
"I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."

A neutron goes into a bar and asks the bartender, "How much for a beer?" The bartender replies,
"For you, no charge."

Two atoms are walking down the street and they run into each other. One says to the other, "Are you all right?"
"No, I lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm positive!"

Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused his dentist's Novocain during root canal work? He wanted to transcend dental medication!

A group of chess enthusiasts had checked into a hotel, and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. "But why?", they asked, as they moved off. "Because," he said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."

A doctor made it his regular habit to stop off at a bar for a hazelnut daiquiri on his way home. The bartender knew of his habit, and would always have the drink waiting at precisely 5:03 p.m. One afternoon, as the end of the work day approached, the bartender was dismayed to find that he was out of hazelnut extract. Thinking quickly, he threw together a daiquiri made with hickory nuts and set it on the bar. The doctor came in at his regular time, took one sip of the drink and exclaimed, "This isn't a hazelnut daiquiri!" "No, I'm sorry," replied the bartender. "It's a hickory daiquiri, Doc."

Happy quilting,
Ami Simms

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