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Ami Simms
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Ami's Quilts

With a few exceptions, almost all of my quilts are "displayed" somewhere in my home. I live in a padded house. There are quilts on the beds, on the walls, in closets, draped over banisters, and hiding in cedar chests, closets, cabinets, and drawers. I have a quilted shower curtain AND a quilted clothes chute. (Please let me know if there is an area I've missed.)

Until I find a scanner that likes slides, the "Gallery" here will be a little sparse. I photograph all my quilts in slide form so that I can incorporate them in my books or slide presentations. In an effort to be technologically correct, however, in the future I'll try to use print film too.

 Ocean Waves  Bikini Quilt  St. Basil's Cathedral  Lekker