
Miter She Wrote

Jessica Fourpatch's Case #113

Join Jessica FourPatch for another romp into the unknown (for awhile, that is!) as you make this jazzy quilt top in your choice of three different sizes. It will keep you busy, but bar none - you'll have a great quilt top to show for it!

© 1998 Merry May

If you haven't already, please read Part 6 before beginning Part 7

Part 7

Combine the units you made during Part 5 with those you made during Part 6 to make a total of 12 (20) [30] blocks that look like this:

Be sure to match the seams near the center of the block.

Notice that the top and bottom rows of this block (which you made during Part 6) have changed direction! Jessica Four-Patch advises you to once again check your diagram frequently while piecing your blocks.

Press seam allowances away from your Flying Geese (center) row.

Please go on to Part 8
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