Foundation Blocks

Basic Patterns


All foundation block sizes are finished sizes. The foundation should be printed out 1/2" larger to include the 1/4" seam allowance on all sides of the block.

To be sure that a block finishes at the correct size, test the printer before printing out the foundation. By altering the scale option of the page setup available on many computers, blocks can be printed out in a large variety of sizes. Don't be afraid to experiment.


This block has numerous possibilities. Foundations can be combines into blocks or strips for borders.


A nice block for friendship or quotation quilts. Foundations can also be combined into blocks.

Square In Square

A popular basic block. Can be used a the center for larger blocks.

Log Cabin

Probably the best known quilt block.

Court House Steps

A variation of Log Cabin.

 World Wide Quilting Page * Foundation Blocks Page