1999 Featherweight Fanatics Challenge

"Bringing the Featherweight into the New Millennium"

The purpose of this challenge is to create an item, using a Featherweight Sewing machine, that benefits mankind. Your project, size, scope and material is not limited. It may be as small as a Teddy Bear for a fireman to give to a small, fearful, child or as large as a King Sized Quilt, auctioned for a charitable cause. You may choose whatever fits into your own personal schedule.

Featherweight Fanatics is a group of enthusiasts who appreciate and collect Featherweight sewing machines. It has become clear, as we uncover much information about the past uses of sewing machines, that many of these machines have been put to use for charitable causes. It is in this spirit that we bring the Featherweight to the new millennium.

We, collectively, have the power to show kindness to others, putting our own interests aside momentarily. As sewing enthusiasts, we can demonstrate that the mighty Featherweight is here to stay and is a force that is here to stay in it's 2nd millennium and century!

To participate, you must be a member of Featherweight Fanatics. 35 mm photographs are due to Sue Traudt, 7 Valley Brook Lane, North Haven, CT 06473, or Sue@ox.ttsw.com, by January 10th, 2000.

Entries will be posted to the FWF web page for viewing shortly thereafter. You will need three photographs as follows:

  1. Your project
  2. Your FW machine(s) used
  3. Yourself
Also included must be a one paragraph description of what your item is and what charitable cause it will be donated to.

All photographs and paperwork become the property of Featherweight Fanatics.

Categories will be divided as follows;

Quilts, Toys, Clothing, & Everything Else.

Should you have further questions regarding these guidelines please contact Linda Heminway mljjhem@ttlc.net or Sue Traudt sue@ttsw.com.

 World Wide Quilting Page * Featherweight Fanatics
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