Featherweight Fanatics Archives

September 1995

Sunday, September 17 - Saturday, September 23

Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 00:39:09 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: New Featherweights

This is a wonderful newsletter.  Great information and I can't believe I'm
getting it every day.  I had an experience yesterday and I wonder how many
of you did the same.  Saw a featherweight advertised on the net and made
the call to Canada.  When I finally talked to the person who was selling,
it turned out that this machine was just 3 years old.  Its a Singer and
says Featherweight on the box.  She was getting swamped with calls and was
just finding out about the old FWs we all love.  I was so disappointed.  I
didn't know Singer was calling some new ones Featherweights.

About the odor in the cases - I don't have this problem but thought it
might help to close the case in a big plastic bag with a box of baking
soda. Also if the odor is caused by moisture, maybe put kitty litter in
the bag or silica gel which is used to dry flowers.

Marked face plates - I have one that is marked but none of the lines is
exactly 1/4 inch.  One line is 5/16.  I like the idea of the magnetic
calendar. I have one on my refrigerator now and I'm going to try it on my fw.

I asked this before.  Does anyone have any information on model 328K?

Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 17:03:08 +1200 
Subject: FWs!!!

Hi All,

I am a relatively new FW fanatic - having bought my FW a month ago!  My
interested was initially aroused by a QNM article, and more recently by all
the FW chat on Quiltnet.

I hadn't even seen one until I talked to a local sewing machine repairman
who had one but wasn't selling. I put an ad in a local paper and got a
lovely one - but as this FW craze is not as well known in NZ the price was
not too bad - $120NZ.

My question is would the Singer 800 number be of any use in finding the age
of Singers made in Great Britain.  Would any one be prepared to ring and let
me know???
(1-800-877-7762).  I have a FW -EF 284937 and a treadle Y 4566224.


Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 09:57:43 -0400 
Subject: gold leaf

Hi, like you all I just love (perhaps obsessively so :>) my FW.  And to keep
it wonderful, I was wondering if anyone has any hints about how to keep the
gold leaf intact.

Also, I tried using a "little foot" (one of those clear quarter-inch foots),
and my machine did not like it at all.  Has anyone else had this problem?

Back to sewing!
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 18:26:05 -0400 
Subject: quarter inch seam and other misc stuff

First let me say how excited I am to receive this newsletter and even better,
 everyday. Featherweight Heaven!!!.  I was beginning to think that there was
something seriously wrong with me.  I mean I have 2 beautiful machines (1941
and 1956), my eleven year old daughter has her own (a  legacy from her
grandmother who purchased it new in 1954 for $159.95 including table { I got
the table [ metal legs]})  and here I am constantly looking at and lusting
for more.  
First, some hints that have worked for me.  earlier this year, I was
fortunatle enough to take a Sharyn Craig workshop.  She sat down at
everyone's machine with a 6 in onmigrid ruler and baggie of 1 1/4"Long   3/8"
wide strips of DR SCHOLLs(sp?) white foot and shoe cushions.  NOT moleskin,
 its sold at the same place in the store but this stuff is white and sold in
pieces about 3"x4" for about 3.50.  (she cuts it up with an old rotary blade
and I would guess that she gets at least 75 pieces out of each package.)
 anyway,  she sat at each machine (regardless of the make) and with the fly
wheel slowly put the needle down right on to the 1/4" mark of the ruler, then
making sure that she had the edge of the ruler square to the machine, she put
the presser foot down to hold the ruler.  then she peeled the dr scholls
strip and carefully put it down at the rt edge of the ruler.  It works like
magic, it doesn't mark the machine, it can be easily removed and after the
initial investment, its virtually painless to remove when you don't need it.
  I don't have to watch my seams like a hawk any more.  Its wonderful.
2.  I had a Little Foot on my machine at the same workshop, Sharyn asked me
to try puting my original presser foot back on and giving it a try.  I found
that the original foot in conjunction with the Dr scholls gave me a much more
even seam.  She pointed out that on the featherweight, the little foot does
not make good contact with the fabric on one side of the foot and that the
original pressure foot does.
Now I have a question,  Does anyone have a good resource for black belts, not
the brown ones.  I have a part number, its Siamnco 194114, or 194114.001  
Next time I have an uncontrollable urge to type,  I'll pass on a few hints
that  I picked up at featherweight tuneup workshop.  
WANTED TO BUY... a perfect 34,36,or 38, with case and chrome fly wheel
 sorry, I don't dnow which year had the chrome fly wheel, but thats what I'm
looking for.  The case doesnt have to be perfect, but I would like it to be
salvageable and for it to have the tray.  ( I would love for it to have the
manuel as well, but then I also believe in Santa)
Hope these hints help with your 1/4" seams.         Lynda C
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 17:05:02 -0400 
Subject: That old smell

Dear Fanatics,

Robbi E posted a note to quiltnet that she got rid of the old smell in
her Featherweight by using "lava rocks" which she purchased at Bed, Bath and
Beyond.  I haven't bought  them...I agree with Janice who posted that she
enjoyed the smell.  

Yes, I know I'm strange.  It is a prerequisite for this list, isn't it?  I
bought and sold a couple of Featherweights until I tracked down one from my
birth year, 1953.  (Yes, you can ship them, costs anywhere from $15 to $30
depending on packing and insurance and destination)  It has the little hanger
attachment for the foot petal on the lid.  BTW, my Featherweight came with an
old Singer oil can, green machinery box, new light bulb in a green box...a
whole bunch of stuff I had no idea was valuable.   I haven't used any of it,
of course, because I am afraid of using it up.  (Story of my life.)  It
probably wouldn't be good anyway.  

Now I am on the track of a tan one...if I every post a note that is all
!!!!!!!!, you will know that I found a 1953 tan one.  Anyone know if that is
possible?  I know the white ones were made circa 1968, the red and blue ones
were dealer premiums, but what were the tan ones?

Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 21:47:31 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/16/95

Does anyone who has a black machine made in Great Britain have the manual 
that goes with it? I have had three, but no manuals. I would like to know 
what the date is on the manual. Either at the very beginning or at the 
very end it will say:
	Form XXXX
	(Rev. XXX) such as Rev.655, meaning it was written in June 1955.

Also, my previous post about the tables should have read that the cabinet 
models came in birds-eye maple, not burled maple, sorry.

One more request: Apparently the different Featherweights made in Great 
Britain had different numbers, I've heard the white called 221b, and the 
tan called 221j, and the black called 221k. Does anyone have anymore 
information on this?
 Thanks, Krisi S
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 09:22:00 -0400 
Subject: Zen and the Art of Featherweight Maintenance

I have to echo Lynda's comments from yesterday...I too have a seam guide
strip on my throat plate and find that it, in conjunction with the very
narrow original foot make a perfect scant quarter inch seam.  Marsha
McCloskey showed me how to position it, she uses graph paper trimmed along
one line and lowers the needle into the paper at the quarter inch line.  Then
she positions the masking tape along the trimmed edge of the paper.  If you
only stick tape on the throat plate, which is steel I don't see how you can
lower the value of your machine...but you could improve the accuracy of your
blocks.  Mine is neatly trimmed with an exacto knife so that I can remove the
throat plate often to remove the lint that builds up.  I really like the idea
of using the Dr. Scholls cushions.

That's the left brained side...On the right brained side, I have to tell you
I adore my little machines, everything...the way each one sounds, the smell
of warm fresh sewing machine oil on the gears, the feel of the chrome, the
look of the gold leaf.  

I went to a quilt show last week and met about 5 FW dealers and about 20 FWs.
  I had to examine each machine and say, "hello."  I saw scroll faces,
striated faces, Egyptian gold leaf, gothic gold leaf, black machines, white
machines, card tables and centennials...What a treat!  I know I will never
own one, but I would just like to see the blue and red machines, I almost
don't believe in them.

Don't you wish we had conventions or rallies or something, we really are like
a bunch of Harley owners or Corvette collectors!  How many of you have taken
your FW on a road trip?  How many of you started a roadtrip without one and
came home with one?
TTFN, Ricki <--Who has Grandma's 1950 and a 1934 from a Seattle antique shop.
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 10:29:55 -0500 (CDT) 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/16/95

New to this list but wanting to start my hunt for a FW. Understand there 
is a book/pamphet on the subject. Would welcome advice as to how to get 
it. I need to know what I am looking for, right?? Thanks in advance.

Clara O
Date:          Mon, 18 Sep 1995 14:04:01 CDT
Subject:       I found it!

I took the plunge and bought my first FW Friday.  I promptly called 
my husband and explained that I had taken a large burden off him by 
purchasing my birthday/anniversary gift so he wouldn't have to bother 
with it...he laughed and asked if I thought five sewing machines was 
enough for me.  I had just bought an old!! singer at a garage sale 
the weekend before which is now at the doctor's and I am waiting for 
a prognosis/price.  I have no idea how old it was but will 
investigate later.  I got a nice green box of attachments with my FW 
but, alas, no manual.  I desperately need to know where to find Nanch 
S-J's book.  I did figure out how to thread it and it sews 
beautifully!  Now if only I could take a couple of weeks off work to 
sew instead of staying up all night...Someone please e-mail me 
privately about the manual/book and also the telephone number for 
Singer so I can check the birthdate - I know it's 1935 but would love 
to know the day.  
Marlene B
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 15:46:26 -0400
Subject: The NEW Featherweight


I purchased an old hand-cranked machine at the flea-market this past weekend.
It has a beautiful dome-shaped oak carrying case.  The machine has R.H. Macy
&Co. stamped on it but I also found a little place that had "SIMANCO" on it
which means that Singer manufactured this machine to be sold by R.H. Macy &
Co.  It was missing a bobbin (bullet-shaped) and I remembered reading an
article in a recent magazine about a man named Frank Smith who has an Antique
Sewing Machine Museum in Texas and that he also tries to help people located
missing parts for their old machines.  So.... I called and talked with Frank.
 I'm gonna send him some specs &photo and he'll try to help out.

More about Frank Smith.. During our conversation (he likes to talk about
machines, folks, which is okay with me cause so do I) he mentioned to me the
new Featherweights that are being manufactured (I think in Japan).  My
foot-in-mouth disease then took control of me and I told him that I had heard
they were crappy.  Ooops!  He sells them.  (Gulp!)  BUT, he then tells me
that they CAN be crappy if used straight out of the box from the manufacture.
 He says that his tech has found that he needs to fine-tune them and then
they sew like a charm.  I told Frank about them being removed from the shelf
at a place called "Costco" because of complaints (this is something I had
read on one of my net groups some time back).  He was curious to know what
"Costco" is and where it is located.  Help me on that one cause I don't know.
 Also, Frank said that he was going to send me some literature on the new
Featherweight (Frank said they are called "Little Giant") and I'll pass it on
to you when I know more.  I think (not sure, though) he said the price is
$299.  If you can't find an original Featherweight, this may be an option.
 Also, I thought it would be a great machine to have for travel so that my
"old" Featherweight friend is safe at home.  

I know this has been wordy but featherweights are wonderful!!!  

Also, while I was talking to Frank, the mail carrier delivered a toy sewing
machine that I had purchased from someone on this group I think.  (Thanks,
Shelley!)  Frank would not let me hang up the phone until I had opened the
package..... and yes, I was thrilled with my purchase! (So was Frank!)  By
the way, speaking of toy machines... (yes, I'll shut up in a minute, but not
yet)... I was told that they are making reproductions of some of the German
toy machines.  I personally like the real McCoy.

If you are interested in finding out more about the "Little Giant" or just
talking old machines, I told Frank that I would list his address &phone:

Frank Smith
The Antique Sewing Machine Museum
804 W. Abram Street
Arlington, TX  76013

Ok, I'm through now,
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 16:15:56 -0400
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/14/95

i have mailed a fw by ups blue, and packaged it with insulation around it.  i
suppose you could use bubble wrap or even fabric.  put the machine in its
box, then wrapped box with insulation (fiberglass, can you believe)! it
arrived safe and sound; i had insured it for $500 just in case.
good luck.  have it sent because the one that went to gainesville has made
several wonderful things already!
ellen b.
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 16:20:32 -0400 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/15/95

ah sandy, i too am from the class of 1943 -- i figure it was a grand year!
ellen b
p.s. never seen an fw from that year or any war years, come to think of
it--has anyone?
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 17:08:55 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: New OLD FW
Well, I added another one to my collection!  Unfortunately, I am not able 
to find the garage sale $15 or even $100 values, but I did get a 1936 in 
excellent condition for $280.   At the PA Extravaganza show, most of the 
FWs I saw were priced at $450, and not is an good a shape as mine.

There were lots of toys there this year - I don't remember seeing them 
before (but then maybe I wasn't really looking because I wasn't 
collecting them).  There was a German one there for over $800 - I am not 
THAT serious a collector.  I just like them, but the best part is getting 
them at a bargain!  Besides, just having bought the FW, I didn't feel I 
could justify any more toys right now.

Bye for now....Pat
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 17:07:51 -0400 
Subject: Feathweight worth?

I have a friend whom I just found out has a green Featherweight 1514.

She was wondering how much it might be worth.  Would anyone here be able to
tell me?

I, personally, have a black/gold Featherweight 221K.  I bought it at a tag
sale about a month ago for $25.  Didn't even know it was a featherweight!
 Just thought it was SO cute!  Now my 2 yr old White is off to the side,
gathering dust!!!

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 16:52:30 -0600 
Subject: FWs

Hello to all,

Im so glad to have this list.  I have 4 featherweights, one was a gift
fromm a wonderful mother-in-law, the other three I purchased.  I have had
these treasures for 3 years, but finally got the courage to use one of
them.  I started some patch work this weekend, and have found using the FW
is very relaxing.  I gives me a sense of being connected to the past.  The
size of the machine also makes me think of the innocence of childhood days
gone by.  I don't mean to sound corny, but it was somewhat of a "spiritual
refreshness".  I can't wait to get home tonight to "get refreshed".

Question?????  Three of my FWs have serial numbers starting with "A", the
other one starts with an "E".  What does the "E" serial number mean?

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 19:53:48 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: FW Fanatics Digest 9/17/95


I have 2 FW's. One I paid top dollar in CA for ($325) but it was in great
shape (a 1952) and one my brother found in Oklahoma for $125. (runs fine). 

But one case (the more expensive one) had one broken clasp and now the
2nd one has broken. I'm using bungie cord to close it! 

Anyone have any good tips on how to get new clasps that look at all as if
they belong? Go to a luggage repair?

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 21:38:08 EDT 
Subject: WANTED:Unusual Featherweights

Hello- I am a serious collector of featherweights, looking
for the following: A "world's fair" FW, a tan FW, a black
221K from England, a 222K free-arm, etc. Also looking for
any other unusual featherweights or accessories.

Thanks, Joe
Subject: Little foot
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 21:49:08 -0400

Anne wrote:

> Also, I tried using a "little foot" (one of those clear quarter-inch foots),
> and my machine did not like it at all.  Has anyone else had this problem?
My Featherweight works fine with my little foot. In fact, the LF
wouldn't work at all well on my other machine, because of the location
of the feed dogs.

Lois F
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 07:13:39 -0700 (PDT) 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/18/95

     After reading everyone's enthusiasm and stories about the FW I just 
must have one of my own. I'm working for a dealer now that carries them 
and the stories this morning make me want to drive downtown and go 
through each and everyone and see what year, what price what, what 
condition. I also am wondering if someone has a treadle singer and if so 
how much those run for. I have four sewing machines but none are 
antiques. So now I've built the front end and need to get some historical 
proscpective. The prices some of the members of this board have mentioned 
seem very reasonable. Thanks all, for sharing! Zsux
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 08:37:52 -0800 
Subject: Old Deluxe

I purchased an old machine at an auction this past summer.  It looks just
like an old singer, but must weigh 100#.  It is called a Deluxe.  Has
anyone heard of these machines?  It has the original manuel, however, it
doesn't list a publishing date or anything.  I have been meaning to get
to the library and look up old sewing machine books and see if I can find
it, but I just haven't gotten there.

If anyone knows about this machine I would like to hear about it.

BTW, still haven't gotten my featherweight from my daughter, she is
moving soon, so I guess I will just have her pack it up good and UPS
it to me.

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 13:05:44 -0400 
Subject: Mailing address errors

Greetings, FWFans!
     I tried to e-mail responses to 2 of the requests from today's FWF
digest.  Both were bounced back to me as undeliverable.  I double checked the
addresses I had copied down, had them both correct.  I wonder if this is
because I am on AOL and they were not?  Anyway- I will post the info on the
list, it gets expensive when I have to send twice.  
      Phone number to find out your FW's birthdate:  1-800-877-7762, have the
serial number ready to give them. 
      One source for Nancy Johnson-Srebro's book "Featherweight 221: The
Perfect Portable" is the Quilter's Bookshelf  ph 1-800-332-6095  item #1802
 $6.95 plus postage
Ask for a catalog, too- great resource.   I have no connection to either of
these- just passing along information that might be useful to other
       Another tip from Betty- one of my Senior Citizen quilting students
(who passed away, and is sorely missed):  cut a small circle of (black) felt,
a little larger than your spool, with a hole in the center for the spool pin.
 Slide this over the spool pin, so the felt is between the top of your FW and
the spool of thread.  Betty insisted this was very important.  She also
blamed some thread/tension problems on the new "lightweight" plastic spools-
said the old wooden spools were heavier, and this affected the operation of
the machine.  I didn't question her, always keep my circle of felt on my FWs.
       I used one of those plastic label makers to stamp out my FW's name and
birthdate, and attached to the bottom of the machine.  Also, have one of my
business cards attached.  Would probably be safer to have them engraved, but
don't know how to go about this.  This way, if I was at a class, and their
was any confusion about machines, I have mine marked. 
      I also have a business card attached inside the case, for the same
reason, and have tied  teal satin ribbon (1/8" or 1/4") to the handle.  Makes
it easy to identify my case from a distance.  I also have teal ribbon
attached to my scissors, rotary cutter, etc. for the same reason.  Choose an
unusual color: everyone might pick red, for example, which would defeat the
      Love the FWFanatics list!   Happy stitching to everyone!      Karan
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 15:37:46 -0400 
Subject: Zig zag attachment

I'd like to get a zig zag attachment for my FW. I found one in a store,
another owned by an individual. What should I expect to pay for one? What
would be an appropriate offer if I want the one owned by the individual?

Thanks . . .

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 20:37:44 -0400 
Subject: Walking foot for FW

Hi fellow fanatics,
As the proud mama of a new (1934) FW, I have a question.
Can a walking for attatchment be used on a FW?

Also, it did not come with a case, just a bowling bag. 
You should have seen the looks I got at the quilt show with that bowling bag.
(Get any strikes in the aisles, lady?)
Anyhow, the bag 's zipper was broken so baby went into a serger machine bag
which I got on sale at Cloth World a while back. It fits perfectly.
Love the Nancy Seebro-Johnson book. I learned a lot.
Best wishes for small stitches,
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 00:13:23 -0400 

 from the Atlanta area that knows of a quiet out
of the way cabins or inn where a small group of quilter could get together
for a weekend.  If it is near some quilt shops that would be even better.  If
you have information, please send me a personal message

Thank you.

Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 01:03:56 -0400 
Subject: Featherweight fragrance

Last year, I tried washing out the inside of the case and then airing it
outside in full sun and it did help with the smell for a while.  Yesterday, I
had a brainstorm,  first i cleaned the inside with a dilute bleach solution
paying special attention to the corners and crevices and then I baked the
open case in the hottest place I could think of, my car.  We are just
starting indian summer here it was 90 outside and probably 120 or so in the
car.  I did the case in early morning, and didnot have to use the car all
day.  when I took it out this evening,  it smelled pretty good.  I think i'll
try keeping an open bag of kitty litter in there this winter.  
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 18:07:34 +1200 
Subject: Birthdays!

Dear All,

I do love reading this everyday!  Gee, there are a lot of neat people in
this world!  I'm so pleased I have met you all!!  A very special big thanks
to Marilyn who rang Singer for me and found out that my black FW was born
Aug 17, 1949 and my treadle April 1, 1927!

I wish my DH would meet you all because then he would know it's quite normal
to have many sewing machines!!!

Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 08:53:49 -0400 
Subject: Notes from a fellow fanatic!

Hi all,
     Yes, I am the one who had the toys for sale, but it looks like they are
all sold.  The only one I kept is the black Sewhandy which looks like a
little featherweight and which I have kept.  It is however missing the table
clamp and I would like to find one of those.
     I am curious to know about the #221K designation that someone mentioned.
 I think one of my machines (black) is marked that way.  I didn't know it was
made in England.  Maybe when Nancy S.J. gets her new book out, it will have
more details like that. 
     Also I didn't realize that different machines have different gold leaf
designs.  Did I read that correctly?
     I have heard that there is a type of featherweight which has no gold
leaf or decorations at all.  It was related to me that these were
featherweights made for the Amish/Mennonite  community.  I am told that these
are very desireable.  Someone on this list mentioned the other day that they
had one with no designs on it.  It could be one of those kind.  
      Also I didn't realize that some people have a chrome flywheel.  Boy,
wouldn't it be nice to have a color catalog of all of these machines so we
could see all the differences and know which ones we had.  It seems very
confusing sometimes.  
      Someone mentioned fw's being made during the war years.  The one
machine I have sold recently is a 1941, with the fancy scroll plate.  It
doesn't say 221 on it anywhere and it looks like the gold label is different.
 It has a picture of a  sewing shuttle type bobbin and says The Singer Mfg.
Co. on top and Trademark on the bottom.  My other machines have a little
metal tab type label under the other one, that say 221 or 221 K (I"ll have to
check at home).  This one has a manual written in French.  The cover of the
manual says it is a No. 221K1.  If I read my French correctly, the booklet
was printed in Great Britain.  I still have the machine, as I am delivering
it to the lady that bought it in Rutland Vt when I visit there in a few
weeks.  When I looked through the manual I found a page ripped out of a
Singer advertisement which has pictures and is written in English.  It
advertises "Singer Fashion Aids"  It shows pictures of a zigzagger, a
singercraft guide (makes rugs, fringes and trimmings) a hemstitcher, and also
it lists the following as "other Singer fashion aides, not illustrated:
quilter, braider, fagoter, edge-stitcher, hemmer, corder, gatherer, etc"
 Looks like some of these extra attachments for the featherweights were
purchased seperately and did not come with the machines.  The other side of
the paper advertises Singer's service shops for the sale of machine parts and
repairs.  In the back of the manual there is a guide to needle and thread
types to use for different kinds of sewing - however, again it is in French.
 But I do know someone who might be able to read this for me.  Seems like
there are a lot more pictures in this one too.  I guess I'll have to make
myself a xerox of this manual too.
Sorry to go on for so long - but you know how it is.
Shelley in Plattsburgh NY where the heavy equipment working on the street in
front of my office is driving me nuts!!!! 
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 10:44:59 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: Free-arm 222's

	For anyone interested there is an ad in the back of this month's 
Quilter's Newsletter Magazine for a freearm machine. The young man who 
has them is apparently helping to pay for college by reselling 
Featherweights. He has two freearms, and was told by Mr. Smith in Texas 
to ask $1500 and $1800 for them. It will be really interesting to see if 
he is actually able to get these prices. 
	If you don't get the magazine and would like his name and number, 
please e-mail me privately.

Krisi S
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 11:29:22 -0400 
Subject: Little Foot

What kind of trouble are people having with the little foot?  I have had my
FW for over 6 months.  I use it only for quilting, So far, I haven't had any
problem holding a scant quarter inch seam..  I paid 315 for mine and drove to
the big Spring Extravaganza in Kutztown, Pa (200 miles roundtrip)on spec to
find it.  Sure enough, they had exactly one there-made on Feb 19, 1947.
 Price may seem high, but Johnson-Sebro is from PA and FW's are a hot item
around here.  The original presser foot was broken-but I intended to use the
Little Foot, so that didn't bother me.  The only other thing I had to do was
replace the needle.  Sews like a dream.  I am guessing that the original
owner had died, since her pincushion was thrown in with the purchase.  Other
than that presser foot, the FW and case are in really great shape.  Whoever
the previous owner was, she took very good care of it.  I seem to have 6
additional feet-no idea what most of them are for.  by the way, I donated my
top-of-the line Pfaff to my daughter-who does other things besides quilting!.
 My backup is now an old White zig-zag model 162 which belonged to my
grandmother(the real quilter in our family).  If anyone knows anything about
the 162-I'd love the info.  Glad to know that I'm not the only nut in the
world when it comes to the FW.
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 17:15:09 -1000 (HST) 
Subject: Foot Control Sack

Hi Everybody!  Isn't this the best list every?  I'm thoroughly enjoying 
the FW chats.  

About the foot control...Mr. Pickens (who goes on FW safaris) made me
promise to sew a sack to store the foot control especially if the foot
control is stored on the bed of your FW.  These machines are old so we
gotta do everything to keep the cosmetics from getting scratched or
marred.  I also wax my FW every so often. 

Date:         Thu, 21 Sep 95 08:44:04 EDT
Subject:      Wanted

Does anyone have a zig-zag attachment for the featherweight that they are
interested in selling.  Actually, I have no attachments for my
featherweight so am interested in buying any that might be available (but,
am really longing for a zig-zag attachment).  Also, has anyone ever heard
of a "Spatan".  It looks just like a featherweight but weighs a ton.  It
sews really good and has very straight stiches.  My sister has one and
was interested in knowing if it is worth anything (her husband bought
it for her thinking it was a featherweight.)
Donna E
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 06:16:24 -0700 (PDT) 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/20/95

   I too am enjoying the FW Digenst what a great idea. Luffed the story 
about baking the case in the car after bleaching. The only other thing I 
can thing of is bakeing soda, and have rethought the case purchase 
because my daughter is allergic to dust mites and mold, and that may be a 
prob. Will check with the dealer I work for and see what he has and also 
in treadle too. My grandmother had a treadle and I really want one. Does 
anyone know what they cost, and other tidbits. Thanks Zsux
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 10:11:36 EDT 
Subject: Hodgepodge

I have two featherweights.  One is a 1935-221 and the other is a 1960-
221K.  Besides the commonly known variances between Pre/Post War, 
American/British models, the spool pin on the 221K is covered by a 
fairly tightly wound spring.  This spring is NOT removeable.  It is 
permanently attached which leads me to believe that this is not 
simply some prior owner's ingenuity in adding stability as the thread 
comes off the spool.  I have never seen any reference to this before. 
 Are there any other subscribers with machines with this feature?

Also, I recently grabbed an old Singer at a garage sale that had not 
been well tended.  It probably was removed from its cabinet and cast 
aside (well, maybe not literally...it's really heavy) when a new 
machine took its place.  At any rate, I took it because it has the 
Blue Seal from the anniversary year, manufactured in Great Britain.  
Did SINGER stamp all of their models manufactured in 1951 that way?  
For some reason, I thought the FW's were given that distinction, but 
it apparently isn't so.  I cleaned this machine up and it now 
displays quite handsomely over a lace tabletop in my dining room on 
an old machine cabinet, nestled in a corner.  I use some buttons for 
leg rests to protect the cabinet surface and to stabilize the 
position of the machine.

' enjoying spending time here.

Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 11:31:38 -0400 
Subject: dating your machine

Two years ago, I took a class on Featherweight maintainance, called Tame That
Featheweight"  taught by a great teacher named Mimi Veath (sp?) She lives in
the San Francisco Bay area.  I highly reccomend this workshop.  Its very
informative, and you will save tons of money because you'll learn to be your
own Featherweight service.  I had just spent $70 to "completely go over,
clean and tune up" my 11 year olds legacy from her grandmother.  I took my
oldest machine to class which, by the way, was Featherweight Fondlers heaven
12 Featherweights in one room at one time, because I knew it needed to be
tuned up.  I learned a lot and felt very confident.  When I got home and
started to oil my kids machine, imagine my surprise when I opened it up and
discovered that yes the shop had greased it, but they certainly had not
cleaned it at all.
Mimi gave us a list to date the machines with, that is more comprehensive
than the one that is commonly available;    SINGER DATES>>
  N....1900       L....1901           K....1902          B.....1904
H......1906   D....1908           G--999,999....1909
G--2,500,000....1910                G--4,400,000....1913
G--6,500,000...1916            G--8,500,000....1919
G--9,999,999....1921           G--0,998,000...1924
F....1924          Y....1925        AA....1924
AB....1926          AC....1928         AD....1930-34
AF....1938          AG....1941         AH....1947-48
AI......1948[yes that is i]
AJ....1950          AK....1951          AL....1953-55
NA....1951-52     JB.....1945         JC....1948
The following machines were manufactured in Clydebank, Scotland....
ED....1941         EE....1947       EF.....1949
EH....1951         EJ.....1953       ES.....1962

White featherweights were made in 1968-70

Mimi also suggests using Turtle Wax or Goddard Metal polish for cleaning
surface of machine.  (be gentle)
Every time I travel to go out of the area to attend "quilt camp" I try to
suggest to the workshop organizers that Mimi's class would be a "natural"
 just look at all the featherweights that show up.  So far I haven't noticed
any success.  If you have the chance to take her class,  you will in the long
run,  save enough money on servicing to buy yourself another Featherweight.
 (Do I sound like a fan?)
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 12:45:57 -0400 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/20/95

Not sure what happened to my other reply so I thought I'd try again.  

I use my Little Foot on my FW with no difficulty.  I bought a generic walking
foot at House of Fabrics for about $20 and it also works fine on my FW.  

I am interested in buying the buttonholer esp. because I want to be able to
cover the feeddogs.  Anyone have this for sale?

I am selling my 1950 FW for $300.  Please e-mail if you're interested.
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 09:13:09 PDT 
Subject: taking a break(?)

Two weeks ago I had to buy a couple new pairs of pants and, as always, both
needed a little alteration.  Since I didn't want to mess with the fabric 
guide on my FW, and I don't have the space to have 2 machines up and avail-
able at the same time, I pushed the FW to the back of the sewing desk and set 
up my newly cleaned and tuned Kenmore to sew the hems etc.  Well!  On this 
cleaned up, tuned, oiled, readjusted machine, the bobbin thread broke, it and 
the top thread knotted together, the top thread tripled itself, it knotted 
itself around the needle, and the machine just generally ran very hard and 
tight.  X-P  So last night I finished up the pants (it took awhile because 
one pair was stirrup pants and I converted the stirrups into gussets because 
the calves were too tight if I didn't wear the stirrups to stretch the pants 
legs out) and packed up the Kenmore and put it in the closet.  Then I pulled 
my FW back to the front again and mitred some corners.  Lovely!  Wonderful!  
So easy to sew, so much more quiet than the Kenmore!

Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 19:39 EDT 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/20/95

The problem I had with a little foot on the fw was that it didn't seem to 
make good contact with the feed dogs.  When I would try to backtack at 
the ends of seams (near the edge of the fabric) the fabric would not 
travel with the feed dogs' movement, and I would end up sewing over and 
over in one spot.  Even when I figured out what the problem was and tried 
to "coax" the fabric past these trouble areas, I would still have the 
problem.  My fw is a 1952.  I think there just was not a good contact 
between the little foot and the feed dogs of the machine, particularly on 
the right side.  I never had this type of trouble when using the regular 
pressure foot that came with the machine.  I have now purchased 
generic pressure foot with a little over 1/4" on each side of the needle 
opening; it's working fine, made of metal, and I am eyeballing the 1/4".  
It is a temporary solution.  I haven't pieced with it yet for quilting.

Marti K
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 20:00:35 -0400 
Subject: My Mother's Featherweight

My mother bought her Featherweight in 1946 with the severance pay my father
received when he got out of the service. It was made in 1941 - so to all of
you looking for one made between 1942 and 1945 - I think you are out of luck.
Most all manufacturing businesses were making war things during those years.
At any rate, Mom never sewed much, mostly using her FW for mending! I used it
in high school and then forgot about it until three years ago when I took up
quilting. I didn't have a portable to take to class, so I asked Mom if I
could borrow her machine. She said yes - and I didn't know at the time that
the FW was such a "thing". So - I have a practically new 1946 machine that I
know the whole history of!
(They sold the table at a garage sale a long time ago.)
Now that my father knows the FW and etc. are more valuable, he has asked me
if I want to buy it. ;-) He tells me that the oil can will be an additional
charge. (LOL)
Re: Little Foot - I use mine all the time on the FW and my big old Kenmore.
This way I can switch machines if I want to and still have the same quarter
inch seam.
Re: Walking Foot - I use the long one. The local sewing machine repair store
ordered it for me - I don't know the brand, but it works fine.
Keep the FW stories coming!
Nancy C
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 23:25:07 -0400 
Subject: Musty Odors

Hi Gang!

My FW also had an awful mildewy/musty odor when I first purchased it.  I took
the advice of several people and wiped down my case with a mild clorox
solution.  I then put the case on my deck for several days on the really hot
days during summer and it did a great job on most of the odor.  When I
brought my case inside, I just couldn't make myself put kitty litter or any
of the other remedies in my case.  Instead, I stuffed about 5 scented dryer
sheets in the case and when I open it.......  ummmm.... it smells sooooo
good.  You might want to give it a try and see if it works for you.  

I also think that putting your case in a HOT &DRY area for awhile as I've
seen some of you have posted is a good idea.  I know that the airing on the
deck sure helped mine.  I wish I had had this list earlier when I got my
machine.  I felt like I was stumbling around in the dark trying to fix my
problem.  Ain't life grand now?!!!!!!!

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 07:23:18 -0400
From: Yenved@aol.com
Subject: Featherweight Cleaning?


How does everyone clean their machine?  Is there a recommended product?  I
want to keep the enamel shiny and don't want to risk scratching it or


Tracy D
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 06:44:35 -0500 (CDT) 
Subject: Re: Quilter's Dream

I appreciated the listing which gave dates to FW serial numbers.  Now I 
know that mine is a 1951 model. No problem with using the Little Foot.

Reading all of the FW stories reminds me of a friend that found a sewing 
machine at the dump.  She took it home, cleaned it up, and used 
it for many years!  Unfortunately, it wasn't a Featherweight!  Now that 
would have been the *perfect* quilter's dream!

Mary Jane 
Date:         Fri, 22 Sep 95 09:33:19 EDT 
Subject:      Dating FWs

Thanks to the person who posted the additional serial numbers for
identifying the year the FWs were made. Mine has an EV prefix so it
appears that it was made in 1964. I had determined it was made in
Great Britian but was hoping it was older than it actually is. So I'm
a little disappointed. I hope it is as good as the others.
   Madeline H 

PS- I'm enjoying this list and learning, too.
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 10:16:11 -0400 
Subject: The Victorian

     "Well, it's old and it's black, but it's definitely not
lightweight...and its yours for free,  if you want it."
     "Send it," I said with a smile.
     The UPS truck arrived just as I was leaving for a class at my local
sewing center.  I had enough time to unpack it in the kitchen, be deighted
with the paint job, disgusted with the filth and bewildered by the pieces
that were there and the ones that weren't.  As I sat in front of a shiny
high-powered Bernina for the next two hours my mind kept going back to the
humble, heavy victorian at home.
     My "new" old machine is a Singer.  It has an electric motor, but looks
like it's not too far removed from it's treadle-powered predecessors.  The
"missing piece" was the foot control and the "extra piece" as it turns out,
is a knee bar that served the same purpose!  The face plate is adorned with
grapes and leaves.  The patent dates are 1910 and 1911.  The bobbin case is a
"Bullet Case" that shuttles back and forth.  The tension knob is the same as
on my 1934 Featherweight, the primitive type. and the paint job is an
elaborate canthus leaf design.  I figure it's from the 20's.
     It took me 20 minutes to make it stitch and another two hours to clean
it and figure out how to adjust it.  But now, it's making perfect stitches
and it's running beautifully.  (Without a class on Featherweight maintenance,
I would never have been able to solve all of this machine's mysteries.)  This
weekend I will try a little rubbing compound and car wax to make the head
     Now, who can tell me more about my "new" old machine?  Where can I find
bobbins?  Can I get a copy of the owner's manual?  Does anyone know the model
number of this missing link?

Ricki  <---Who thinks you can never have too many sewing machines!!
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 11:12:03 -0400 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/19/95

In a message dated 95-09-21 07:36:22 EDT, you write:

>. I also am wondering if someone has a treadle singer and if so 
>how much those run for. I have four sewing machines but none are 

Zsuxxa:  I have a treadle singer it still has is instruction booklet.  I
heard that they were going for $150 last time I asked - mine was my great
aunts.  I've sewn with it but usually  only in case of emergency.  Also have
a 65 year old white that I am rather fond of.
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 11:22:36 -0500 

I recently saw a NEW Singer Featherweight in a Spiegel catalog.  Do you  
have any information on these?
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 08:49:39 -0700 
Subject: covering feed dogs

While I don't yet own a featherweight, I do have a alternative to
covering the feed dogs.  My new Kenmore, made by Janome, needs
the feed dogs covered and the plate to do it rattles and hangs up
in the fabric.  I set my stitch length to 0 and instantly I have
total control of the fabric for free motion stitching.  The feed
dogs still move up and down but there is no forward or backward
motion.  I had so much fun machine quilting the last wall hanging
I did that I was looking for more places to do it.  Much much
nicer than the cover plate.
Kathy M
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 12:53:55 -0400 
Subject: Musty Odor and ZigZag/Buttonholers

hello!  Thought I might be able to help some people!

First-  on the buttonholer (which allows you to zigzag),  I ordered one from
a man named Dale Pickens.  I lost his number, but his address is 538 Virginia
Ave, Poncacity, OK  74601.  Perhaps his number is listed.  His price was $25.

For the must odor-  I first cleaned the case really good.  Then I had some
scented paper (I line my dresser drawers with it).  I folded the paper and
put it in the bottom of the box.  No odor!

Hope that helps anyone!

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 15:58:55 -0400 
Subject: GOT MY 222K!!!!

Hi All!

I just got back home with my brand new (VBG) 222k and I'm in the state of
shock!  I went to see it with the intention of just oohing and ahhing,
because the owner had given me the impression that he didn't really want
to sell.  Well, it turns out that he has had it for over twenty years, and
has had lots of offers but was waiting for the right person to come
along...and he picked me!

It is in wonderful shape, has lots of attachments (haven't really come
down to earth enough to analyse things yet!) and the feed dogs go
down!!!!  I am really over the top on this one, as you can no doubt tell,
and will post more coherently later!  

Thanks for listening!
Date: 22 Sep 95 18:20:47 EDT 
Subject: FW search

  I don't own my own FW yet, but love the stories!
  I talked to a dealer today who suggested that I look at a Singer 301a(the FW
replacement). Does anyone know anything about these machines?

Julie,whose DH is just beginning to realize that I'm on a new quest!
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 00:01:10 -0400 
Subject: Featherweight Fondlers Annonymous.

(I sent this off once, but who knows where it went, so if I'm repeating
myself, what else is new?)   I had been toying with the idea of starting a
quilting bee named Fabric Fondlers Annonymous,     "Hello, my name is Lynda
and I fondle fabrics.  Today I fondled fabric at New York fabrics and at
Walmart."    But now I think Featherweight Fondlers Annonymous woild be more
approiate.  I was at a regional sewing and crafts show today.  There was at
least 5 sewing machine dealers there.  I was hoping to see lots of
Featherweights but was disappointed to only see one.  
In answer to Calypsews question about road trips,   I never leave home
without mine, even if the trip involves flying.  My 1941 beauty has traveled
around the country several times since I found it at a quilt show in Kansas
City.  You never know when you will have a few minsutes to piece.  In the
late 60's and early 70's I owned an old VW bus, (' 58    36 horsepower motor,
gas gauge optional and the original owner did not opt for one)  and while
they all look the same to most people, to bus owners, the subtle differences
in headlights, turnsignals and windows  were instantly obvious.  I'm finding
Featherweights roughly similar.  I don't have the bus any longer,  but I'll
always have my Featherweight, and there is always room for one more....
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 21:54:45 EDT 
Subject: Musty Odor

Hi- There has been much talk about removing the musty odor
from featherweight cases. Somebody on Prodigy once suggested 
the following: Call the U.S.Dept. of Agriculture, Pocatello 
Supply Depot in Pocatello, Idaho, and buy some stuff called 
"Neutroleum Alpha". It is a highly concentrated odor
remover. You will only need a small bottle, it will go a
long way. It comes with instructions and cautions, etc.
They will send it out to you with a bill, mine took about 3 
weeks to arrive. I took the FW out of the case, put some of 
this stuff on a cotton ball and dropped it in the case,
which I left closed up for several days. Sure does smell
better now. The phone number for the Pocatello Supply Depot 
is (208)236-6920.
Let us all know if it works for you.

Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 10:11:13 -0400 
Subject: Re: FW "grease"

Yes I did type grease, what I actually meant was the singer lubricant, and a
really small dab of it goes on large gears when you open up the bottom of the
machine.  You may notice black or dark brown thick "grease" build-up,  That
stuff gets gently scraped off (its usually migrated from the gears onto the
shafts and you will even find it on the bottom cover) and about 3/4 inch long
dab of lubricant gets worked into each gear mechanism.  Its easy but just
sounds somewhat complicated.  You squeeze it out on top of the gear wheel
mechaniism on one side and just work the fly wheel back and forth to lube the
gears.  When I say that they had not cleaned it, the build up was encrusted
and incredible.  The machine I took in to be serviced was a 1954 and it had
been hardly used by my non handy mother-in -law.  Compared to the 1941
machine I took to class, that I knew had not been serviced, the difference
was incredible.  The serviced for $ 70 machine was filthy when I opened it up
to check it out.  
As far as cleaning the machine, Mimi basically had us gently scrape off the
old crud and replace it with new.  Some  of the things we had to bring to
class  were newspapers to open the machine on,  a Hat Pin so that we could
clean some of the really hard to reach areas and clean lint free cotton
fabric to gently rub off the old grease.  And Yes she did show us how to
change the belts.  The motor is held on with a screw that is directly under
the belt on the base of the machine, kind of straight back from where the
light switch is.  That screw is lossened, not taken out, and the motor will
then slide and loosen up the tension on the belt.  the old belt is taken off
and a new belt put back on.  the motor is then adjusted so that there is
about 1/2 to 3/4 inch of play in the belt.  Kind of not too tight and not too
loose.  this part takes a few trys to get right.  if the belt is too tight
the motor has to work too hard and if it is too loose,  you dont get the full
power from the motor.  Mimi also has all of us carrying around a 3/16
screwdriver that has a 9" blade, I got mine from Sears.  this makes it simple
to remove the throat plate so that you can clean the lint.  because the
screwdriver is soooo long, the handle doesn't get hung up in the machine.
  Sorry for the bad nomenclature re the lubricant,  Hope this helps and I
guess I better sent it off to the digest as well.             Lynda
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 12:57:17 -0400 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics Digest 9/21/95

I bought Spartan for $50.00 in 1959.  Persuaded my husband that I needed a
machine after I painfully made a dress by hand.  Alas, I stupidly gave it to
the daughter of a friend when I got a new Kenmore.  It did not come with a
case and it sure was heavy, but it worked pretty well-although nothing like a
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 14:05:36 -0500 
Subject: FS::Zig Zag &Button Hole accessories

Hello all!
Read some comments on someone asking for the Zig Zag accessory.  I talked
to my Dad, Dale Pickens, and he said he has 2-3 of the Zig Zag accessories
for the featherweights.  He did comment though, that those particular
accessories do not work well with the featherweight, like other zigzags
work with other types of sewing machines.

He also commented that he had quite a few button hole accessories! They
work very good with the featherweights.

Cleaning a featherweight.  My Dad says, take the needle plate off...and
that is about the only place that needs to be cleaned.  Look around the
shaft, too see if any thread is wrapped around the shaft. Once a year, you
should do this.  Use a tooth brush, or any kind of a brush...brush the lint
from under the needle plate.  On the whole machine, you can run Baby oil.
It makes the featherweight shine, then take a dry rag to wipe most of the
Baby oil.  This will not hurt your fabrics.

My Dad's particulars are Dale Pickens, 538 Virginia Avenue, Ponca City, Ok
77601,Phone number (405) 765-6125.  Those of you who have called in the
past week, know that he has been on the road, doing a little bit a
featherweight Safari-ing!

Mom and Dad are going to Wagner, Ok, 29-30th and Oct 1st at Western Hills
Lodge to the Oklahoma State Quilt show. Dad will be servicing
featherweights at the Quilt Show, come by and see him.  He will also have
his featherweights for sale (About 10 or so).  Mom is teaching a class on
"Hand Embroidery" at the Oklahoma State Quilt show.

The next weekend (the 6th of October), Mom and Dad are doing a quilt show
in Eureka Springs, Ark at the Inn of the Ozarks. (A three day event!) Mom
and Dad will be selling and servicing featherweights at this quilt show
too!  Come on by and have a nice little chat about featherweights with my
Mom and Dad!

Take Care!  Gail P
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 09:58:31 -1000 (HST) 
Subject: Old Singers &Lubing

Hi all..Have you smiled at your FW today? ^_^

Thanks Lynda for your detailed info on caring for our machines.  You
answered my thoughts with info on using Turtle Wax or Goddard Metal Polish.

Julie Gardner: I've seen the Singer 301 (FW replacement).  The one I saw
was a slant needle.  I've heard Singer manufactured that model both in the
straight and slant styles.  The 301 introduced Singer's slant technology
(IMHO much to their demise).  I've only seen 2 of these, and both were
slant.  On this model, they did away with the belt and gave it a bigger
and stronger motor.  My preference is the straight needle.  If a 301
straight crossed my path, I'd snatch it up.  But the slant?  That's a
matter of choice.  Hope this helps! 

About lubing and adding to Lynda's input:

I learned another important area of lubing from my little Japanese man. 

The thread spool is on a flap.  Loosen the screw to release it.  When you
move that aside, you see that little black hole sticking up?  Give it a
drop of SINGER LUBRICANT.  For most of these old black Singers, look for
these little black holes or wells.  Singer made it very easy for us to
lube our machines.  It's very important to get N. Johnson-Srebro's FW
handbook.  A copy of the 221 documentation is included towards the end of
the book.  Heed her advice on using only SINGER LUBRICANT.  ;-) Ladies, 
Over-kill is not good.  SMALL drop is sufficient. 

In talking story with my little old Japanese man who only services old
black Singers, I found out he's 80 years old, and he has spent most of his
life servicing these Singers. Too bad he doesn't have attachments; just

On a moving garage sale, I chanced upon a Singer Model 15 (1955) for $50, 
and the lady threw in this very sad looking and rusted FW.  It was her 
daughter's and she didn't know this treasure was in the basement and 
exposed to rust attack.  At least the Model 15 was covered and stored in 
her closet and in excellent condition.  

On to FW.  I was delighted to have it for display.  Well, ladies, on
closer inspection, what I assumed as ruined was only cosmetic.  
Electrically, the light turned on and nothing smoked after a few minutes. 
A plus!  For the most part, the machine itself was perfect.  The platform
however was a mess.  So was the bobbin and shuttle (I thought). 

Joy of joys!  I carefully 'marinated' the bobbin in Naval Jelly Rust
Remover for 5 minutes.  >VBG< Lightly brushing it removed lots of rust. 
My DH gave me some very fine sandpaper for metal..yep!  I cleaned me a
working bobbin.  Then following N. J-S's instructions in removing the
shuttle, I removed some old tangled thread out of it and discovered the
rust was once again only surface rust.  

Hah!  Tingling with delight and hope!  The final check--Unscrewed the
rusted base plate to view the gears and innards.  How I *luv* these
machines.  Sheer happiness!  No rust but everything needed lubing, and
wiring looked good. 

With my dremel tool, I very carefully sanded the areas that were peeling
on the platform and manually sanded around the base.  Zynolyte Epoxy Ebony
Black paint turned out to be the closest match.  FW's perking up!  Now for
the final test! 

Larry, my Singer man, laughed when he saw the results.  The motor was very
dry, but it ran.  In his box of parts, he had a replacement for the pitted
plate.  He promises that my FW will sew as good as new when he's done. 
It's a 1954 model.  By comparison, my 1938 is cosmetically beautiful. But
I have a veteran.  Crazy but I feel more sentiment towards this one.  It's
come home from the war.  Pounding on chest; pats on back---I saved it! 

This was a long one, but the story deserved telling.  What do you expect 
from a FWFanatic?!!

Thanks for listening.

Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 17:02:53 -0400 
Subject: New Addition (Not a FW - close)

Hi All,

I just have a new addition to the family.  I currently have a FW with a 1948
birthdate. That one I bought from a dealer but it has everything &is in
wonderful shape -so is the box. Anyway, I just picked up at a yard sale- a
model 99 machine. It has it's original book, all the accessories but in a tin
as opposeed to the green box. I paid $75 for it - it does work. I probably
could have asked for less since it has been "up-dated". The light box &back
motor were replaced (they are white!) and the knee control has been rewired
for a foot control. It is dusty, the thread on the top is a dual duty wooden
spool with a price tag of 15 cents. The case is in nice condition &it has
the original key attached on a fabric cord (probably the origianal fabric). I
tried it &it sews, is in balance &sounds very nice. All in all, I am quite
please. I now have to go thru the tin &see what I have other than thread
knots. There are several bobbins &looks like the weird feet that these
machines have.

Oh- it's serial # begins with AA which gives it a 1924 BD - the booklet with
it is date 7/24.

My other old machine is a model 101 in it's original cabinet, I haven't got
this one to work correctly yet. (It also has it's origianl electrc cord!)
That  machine's birthday is February 29, 1928. It too has a mess of
accessories &they are in the green box. I am missing the owner's manual but
I did send away to Singer for the $5 copy.

I like this list &am learning a great deal about FWs and their families. As
of yet my FW has been sitting in it's box waiting for me to work with it some

Thanks for the list Sue!

Gabriele F
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 22:44:37 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: For Trade / FW Database

I have for trade two beautiful black Featherweights. One is an AH and the 
other is an Anniversary Edition. I am looking for a tan or a green 
machine (not white). I will also purchase outright either color.

Also, I have been tossing about the idea of starting a Featherweight 
database. I am fascinated by the slight differences in the machines and if 
information from many owners could be compiled, it might be interesting 
to be able to do statistics and figure out when different changes were 
made. I would like some input. Does this seem too monumental? Too stupid? 
Both? I wonder how many machines we have just between the readers of 
FWFanatics? Please let me know what you think.

Krisi S

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