Featherweight Fanatics Archives


Featherweight Fanatics A Service of Sue Traudt's Valley Brook Botanicals

Digest of postings from Monday, January 18, 2004 

Welcome to all our new members!
To post a message - send it to: FWFanatics@ttsw.com
To post a message to the For sale list - sent it to: FWForSale@ttsw.com
To pay dues  http://ttsw.com/JoinLists.html
From: "Woodstock Sewing Centre" 
Subject: mikeh two cents worth.
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 00:02:03 -0500

Dear fws; this is mikeh, back from the dead so to speak, rebecca is now 
18 months old and getting a little easier to handle or be handled. The 
lasted news from here is our new reproduced 222k free arm fw manual. 
Anyone that purschased our 301a manual we had reproduced knows we found 
a genious to reproduce our manuals., we did it again and had to do in a 
mint 222k manual for a good cause . To reproduce the best quality 
reproduction ever made with a binding product not serlex. These are 
expensive to make and the printer hates us. We are looking at approx 
$25. retail but who else has ones that look this close to original. 
Colour copied covers, binding and the right size, there arent any others 
available, we will put this on our website asap, but can start sellling 
them anytime. ps why did we do this, we were told by experts that 9 of 
10- 222k are missing their inst manuals. We also reproduced exact copies 
of singer manuals for 301a, 99k 1950 style manual, 15-90 1930 and 1950 
style, 127, 128, 27k,28k, 221k fifties style, and elna grasshopper .=20

We found a few good 301 cases in the basement this weekend,  this was a 
purge weekend with the dumpster getting  half filled with all the stuff 
that i could stand to part with such as boxes that i might need, 
brochures from the 1980s, and vacuum bags from the 1960s. those singer 
vacuums are never coming back. well gotta go its late and the tyenol is 
starting to kick in mikeh

From: "camillenjack" 
Subject: BOBBINS FOR 221
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 18:39:38 -0800


i have been hearing a lot about bobbins for 221 . i have a white 221 
some bobbins came with the machine, and i also bought some singer 
bobbins at the fabric store.. my machine seems to be working fine, where 
should i be buying bobbins ? any information will be appreciated..=20

thank you,

camille in oregon

From: HMMQuilts@aol.com
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 21:21:25 EST
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics 1/16/2004

I just love having 'problems' like this one!  I have three black 
featherweights...one is an AM (newly purchased yesterday), then there is an AJ (Centennial 
badge) and an AD.  I need to sell one and have a friend who wants one, but I 
don't know which one I can live without.  

Is there a practical reason why I should choose one over another?  I just 
love the look of the AD, with the scrolly plate...the Centennial has a certain 
cachet...but is there any diffference in the mechanicals?  I would say that they 
are all in at least 7 condition (the newest came with a zigzagger which had 
obviously been used judging from the scratchs on the throat plate)  Am I better 
off selling the Centennial just because the AM is newer?  The AM came with a 
table that needs some TLC.  With a mahogany top and black-painted rim and 
legs.  I'm planning to use fine steel wool on the top.  Hopefully that will clean 
it up enough so that I can use a stain on it...there are some scratches but 
they don't seem to be terribly deep.  Anyone have a suggestion as to the color 
stain I need?  I usually use Minwax.  Is this appropriate?

BTW, I have had 8 FW's pass through my grubby paws, and this AM is the first 
one to have the bobbin thread all clogged up!  I finally soaked it in oil and 
used tweezers to pluck it out, bit by tiny bit.  It had been in there so long 
it was like fine wire!  Yuck!  It's all cleaned out now.  Tomorrow I will 
clean and polish the whole machine, now that it's been oiled and lubed.

Thanks for all your help!

in SE PA where we've had snow, sleet, and rain for the last 24 
hours...brrrrr...and now the Eagles aren't playing too well....and I was so looking forward 
to an Eagles/Pats game!!! 

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 18:00:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Raenie 
Subject: Raenie's Feather

Hello everyone,

I bought a 221 on eBay back in December.  What a cute
little thing, she is!  :-)

I found out about this list through the Featherweight
list at Yahoo groups.

I've oiled her and looked her over and she seems to
run fine.

She does a terrible job winding bobbins though.  I was
wondering if there is something that needs to be
adjusted, or if I'm doing something wrong.

I already learned, on the other list, that I have to
use a little spring to keep the spool of thread from
jumping off the thread pin.  So that's running better

The thread still jumps around a lot and doesn't seem
to be winding onto the bobbin smoothly.  I have to use
my hands to keep the tread from jumping out of the
little hook that it goes through.

The bobbin winder doesn't seem to run at an even
speed.  My Singer 404 has a rubber attachment where
the bobbin winder meets the "blank mind moment" wheel.

The Featherweight only has the metal hub.  Is that how
it's supposed to be?

"Am I making any sense at all?" 

^.* Raenie - in Massachusetts*.^

From: "Gerald" 
Subject: New color
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 18:47:50 -0600

I had some free time so I played a little, went to the paint store and
looked through the custom colors and came up with this one. You won't see
this color going down the road every day. Lots of metallic in it. For the
folks that like to look at the eye candy.
Rainbow of Colors

From: PATBERGMAN@aol.com
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 17:23:47 EST
Subject: Guidelines for Retirement.

For Men:

Work until you are 65, being sure to save a minimum 10% of your income over 
all your work years.

Enjoy all your retirement ceremonies.

Throw out all your business attire except for one suit to wear to weddings 
and funerals.

Buy leisure wear for lounging around the house.

Take up a hobby, pay attention to what is on TV, it is now your job to review 
what is on and decide if it is worth watching, renew your subscription to 
your favorite magazines.  Read the daily paper so you can keep your spouse 
informed of the latest happenings in the world, the whole world.  

Get a computer, if only to play solitaire and assorted games of skill and 
knowledge.  Always keep your wife company when she is on her computer.  If she 
reads something and laughs, be sure to ask her what is so funny, and insist she 
shares, and then explains it to you.

Be sure to compliment your wife on the nice, economical meals she shops 
carefully for and cooks with your health in mind. Three times a day, or more if you 

When you take one of your daily naps, be sure to let your wife know, so she 
won't come looking for you, calling your name and waking you up.

Once in a while, empty the dishwasher and take out the trash.

Be sure to share all your little aches and pains that occur, your trouble 
sleeping the whole night through, and especially how the latest drug the Doctor 
prescribed is not doing the job it was supposed to do.

Men, If you follow all these suggestions, you will have a great retirement.

For Women:

Shoot your husband, and do not get a replacement.

PatBergman, Frustrated, trying to get a rust frozen 306K Working, Paint a 
project for miniature club Tuesday, clean the kitchen, prepare dinner, get a load 
of clothes into the washer,  and who really does love her husband, honest. 
Other wise I would follow suggestion above.

Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 20:58:10 +0000
From: Graham Forsdyke 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics 1/16/2004

To Judith who wrote

>........med case with the machine inside and
>in the dome was the knee activator. My husband tryed to find some
>information on it and the only thing he could find out was that, it is
>probably a 1935, built in Elizabeth Port, NJ. I forgot to ask for 
>the manual for a AA937696. Does
>anyone know how it got that name? Featherweight? Judith Ksiez
>judithksiez@comcast.net. It curtainly isn't a featherweight.

A couple of problems here.. That number refers to 1926 not 1935  and 
you are right -- it's not a Featherweight but a Model 128. 
Featherweights are 221 and 222.

To Bob who wrote

>Does a clean house indicate that there is a broken sewing machine in it?

Nope --- it means you are about to interview a new cleaning lady.

Graham Forsdyke
Purveyor of fine Featherweights to the gentry


Bert's Vintage Repair Book Book: 


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