Featherweight Fanatics Archives


Featherweight Fanatics A Service of Sue Traudt's Valley Brook Botanicals

Digest of postings from Saturday, January 10, 2004 

Welcome to all our new members!
To post a message - send it to: FWFanatics@ttsw.com
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From: ameminger@mchsi.com
Subject: off-topic****Need Quilt Book****
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 23:41:14 +0000

Hi, sorry for the off-topic post...
I am searching for a used copy of Charlotte Warr Anderson's book, Faces and 
Places. Please let me know if you have a copy of this book and would like to 
sell it. I will pay a reasonable price and postage.
Ann in Illinois

From: "Kenneth W. Barney" 
Subject: PARTS
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 17:54:20 -0500

I have a domed top Singer Sewing Machine
made in Canada.  The label indicates "A
Century of Sewing Services 1851-1951."
Based on this, the electric machine must have
been made in 1951.  The serial number is=20
JG449069.  It has a Singer Motor Controller,
95-145 volts, 0.7 amps, Part 194584.

The wooden case fastners are broken on each
end and I need replacements.  Any idea where
I could purchase same.

Ken Barney, Sr.

Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 11:52:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Mary Gall 
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics 1/5/2003

Hot sewing machine lights.  The FW light has no cover.  A friend with MS, who has
some erratic hand movements, was sewing on her FW when her hand flew up into the
light.  She received a nasty burn.  Some handy inventor needs to come up with a
clear cover for the light.  It's always a good idea to disconnect your sewing
machine, and particularly your iron, when you leave them for a break.  Even when
your iron automatically shuts itself off, it's still drawing power.  KS Mary

From: "Carol Garnaat" 
Subject: Replacement electrical wire for FW?
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 14:22:33 -0500

Can anyone tell me what size wire is correctly to be used to replace the
wiring for a FW, and where I may purchase this wire?  My dh just came in
with a foot control (with the machine plug and wall plug) that has been
giving him fits.  The replacement wire recommended by our electrical shop
was too large and he could not get the plastic cover back on the part that
plugs into the machine.  The sheathing on the newer wire he then bought
(size 18/2) is single layered he said as opposed to the original wiring that
was double sheathed, and the wire with sheath is much thinner than the

Am I going to run into trouble with this newer wire?

We're wondering what do other folks use?   Graham?  Glenn?  Our gentleman in
Chico, CA?  Arnold?   Anyone?

From: LUVCRFTN@aol.com
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 12:19:55 EST
Subject: Re: FW Fanatics 1/8/2004

In a message dated 1/8/04 11:07:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
FWFanatics@ttsw.com writes:

> Virgie, 
> I am completely unfamiliar the concept of "urgent housekeeping chores" 
> :-)!!!
> Ann 

I am with you Virgie,
       I would love to have my house in order all the time but if I waited to 
get that done I would not have any sew time left & I would be soooo 
discouraged I would stop looking forward to it as I do now. Yes we are all so 
Karen in Turlock

From: "Mary C. Lehrhoff" 
Subject: Sewing & a Clean House
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 11:38:32 -0500

Dear Feathers:

If I waited til my house was in perfect order, I would never sew, quilt,
read, or do anything.  I try to keep it looking good, but when I want to
sew/quilt/read (my most favorite things, and oh:  yes, my computer
activities), I manage to procrastinate with the cleaning.  After all,
how bad could it be?  Since we moved to Florida, we have a MUCH smaller
living space than in New Jersey (where I had an enormous attic that took
me 8 days, 12/14 hours a day to clean out), a huge basement (worse than
the attic), and 4 bedrooms (3 of which were 'stuffed.')  Moving/packing
was the worse thing I have done that I can remember.  When we bought our
house here, it became a challenge to try and integrate my good stuff
(sewing, etc.) in the small space..I'm still working on it, and it's not
as horrible as I first thought.  (There is NO basement, and the small
attic is too hot for anything other than the Christmas tree, etc.)...


Life is short; my brother in law dropped dead 12/23/03; it makes me
revisit my priorities..sewing & quilting are up there high on the list.
I have no intention of waiting til I go to the "Other" place where ever
that might be..


Have fun, Feathers!!  Sew, Quilt, buy FW's and others, and fabric!


Mary in Sunny Florida 


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