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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

May 29 - May 31, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 10:33 PM
E-mail Address: JHUUS@AOL.COM

I'm a 69 year old mother of 10 and grandmother of ....hmmm....who can keep count nowadays. Enjoy quilting, embroidering, and crafts. To date have made a quilt for all 10 of the children and many of the grandchildren. Thought I'd say hello and share some of my interests. cozy in North Dakota.

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 9:55 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hi everyone!
Hope you've all enjoyed a nice long weekend. We had warm windy weather in northern MN until this morning when it turned cold windy and damp. Which brings me to this:
Whether the weather be cold or, whether the weather be hot; we'll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.
That is as hard to type as it is to say!
Terter, I too, have a free cell addiction! The problem with these things is that you can plan to play "just one more game" and 45 minutes later....well, you know!

My DH thought that we should get on of those antique pantry cupboards that matches our old hoosier cabinet. I asked him what for and he replied "It would be a good place to store fabric in the sewing room" !!! Doesn't that sound like "Honey, buy all the fabric you want"?? Well this weekend he found a childs wardrobe,,I'm hoping! He really enjoys refinishing furniture so I'm sure I'll eventually have one or the other! I think I'll hang on to him!

Everyone have a really Blessed week!!!
Sandi in MN

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 9:36 PM
Subject: Alaska 2000
E-mail Address: djcassidy@hotmail.com

Good evening all,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I was wondering what is Alaska 2000? Is it like Ohio 99? If so, when and where is going to be?

Also, what patterns can be used for an I spy quilt? I have seen attic window but what else has been used?

Kelly in WA

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 9:03 PM
Subject: Memorial Day
E-mail Address: marciac@mediaone.net

KittyKate - We had that home town parade you spoke about today here in Massachusetts. If you blinked, you missed it, but 4 year old DGD thought it was great. A few veterans, police, high school band and all the boy scouts, girl scouts, a couple of military jeeps and two fire engines. Biggest part of the parade is the scouts and we did sit on the curb waving our little flags. Weather was great this weekend, in the 80's and sunny.

Marcia in Massachusetts

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 8:28 PM
Subject: Just checking in
E-mail Address: rdenny@zianet.com

Doing the Snoopy Dance am I!!!---Put the binding on the friendship/baby quilt while watching "You've Got Mail"---unfortunately, I'll be out of town for the baby shower---this baby was a gift from God---and I do wish I could be there for the shower, but I'm headed off to my nephew's HS graduation and will be coming back the day of the shower. I've received several helpful hints on quilt shops in Cent. Washington and hope to scope them out.

Would feel really smug about finishing the baby quilt, but decided I'd make a quilted potholder for a friend---now, just how hard can that be??? Well, just to show how stupid one can be, I decided to sew the 3 layers together and turn it inside out rather than bind it---and when I turned it inside out, I discovered the batting on the outside---gads---and I call myself a quilter!!!

Over the 50's hill or call it a bleached blonde moment---Kay in La Luz, New Mexico---sunny and windy

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 8:08 PM
Subject: Just chatting, I guess...
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I do have one request for anyone who also does cross-stitch. I have mentioned that I am designing some cross-stitch patterns for my mom to send out in her newsletters and I just wanted to ask if any cross-stitchers out there have suggestions on designs they'd like to see. Keep in mind that I try to keep them fairly simple so any skill level can try them. Most of my designs so far are very quilt pattern inspired! 8^) Drop me a line if you have any thoughts...
We had a terrific day at the beach and even saw a couple of seals playing in the water just off of some rocks. I have to put in a little plug here for Avon's sunscreen/bug repellent for kids (no affiliation...). The kids' skin was super protected and they sure don't look like they spent the day in the sun.
Hi, to you, too, Laura, from the introvert in Maine (yes, folks, believe it or not, I am an introvert!)
I just want to mention again if anyone wants Faith's address to send her a squishie (we are sending FQs?) please let me know. Faith has become a very special, dear friend to me and she is grateful for the support of all her cyber-friends and this is such a nice way to show her our support since I know she will put it to such good use...

Monica in Maine (who can't get Faith Hill's song "The Secret of Life" out of my head - I just love it! Boy, I wish I had her voice!)

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 7:39 PM
Subject: Hello again...
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Just got home from a wonderul visit with Kathy and Jack. NPSue and I met Kathy at Snow Goose, opened the shop just for Kathy... she did a little melting of the old visa card, not too bad, just a little melted around the edges. We took pictures and saw pictures.. NPSue showed Kathy the quilt we all made for NPSue last Jan. After we fondled all the bolts of fabric, we went down the road and saw the quilt and garment show that's in the process of being hung for this weekends art gallery opening. Kathy gave NPSue and I the backing for the quilts for Ridgely's children, and Bev... the batting sample looks just fine, send it our way.. : ) It was so much fun for NPSue and I to meet our first internet quilting friend.. it was like having a preview to next years fun with Alaska 2000... we can't wait!!! Kathy and Jack will head down the highway in the morning and spend another day in Anchorage then they'll be home again.. and Kathy will be at Serial Quilting on friday... with stories to tell!! Martha @[_] in Alaska..

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 7:12 PM
Subject: big feet
E-mail Address: bthompso@msmisp.com

Cassi and friends, you have nothing on me! I wear a 5 extra wide. OK, I usually have to settle for a 7 so they are wide enough. My favorite shoes are my 6 pair of Esprit flip flops with flowers on top. My feet just fall off the sides!

School's out in 3 days and I still have to finish end of the year teacher gifts. My DDs designed wall hangings for their teachers and I get to execute the designs! Suppose I shouldn't wait until Memorial Day to start.
Beth in Ohio, who got lucky and got her husband to do the mulching today!

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 6:59 PM
Subject: This could be interesting...
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

Hi again, I remember the Cabbage Patch Christmas when they were nowhere to be found. Sharper Image had them advertised in their catalog, so we called and had a comfirmed order!! The doll arrived on the very last shipping day possible before Christmas. Talk about lucky! My happy little girl is now 21 years old!
I have to tell you what my other DD is doing today. She is a jr in high school and for physics she and a partner must construct a boat entirely out of cardboard, duct tape and parafin wax. Not a scale modell--this project must carry her and her friend across the high school pool!! I will update as it develops...........
Susan Joy, CA

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 6:26 PM
Subject: Darrell
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

So that's where my DH is....doing Teacup's driveway....funny thing is, he doesn't
know one thing about that!! LOL...now if he was fixing her car, I could understand

Just about doing a Woodstock dance. I just have to put the binding on my pretty newly
made sewing machine cover. Finally!!

Beautiful day today...just kicking back and doing some little chores around the house.
Got the spa cleaned up, fresh water and I'll be spaing tonight!!

Hmmmm....I do need to go to Joann's again tho...Of course when I was there earlier I forgot
about the 50% off all needles and I could use some more. Gee...oh well...

Have a safe and happy holiday!! Susan in Fresno

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 6:21 PM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

CASSI I remember those kinds of Memorial Days. In Germany we decorated the kids bikes and all the scouts, etc. were in a little parade. It was on our Base. Back in my childhood and the early years of my kids, we had the local fire trucks, scouts, etc. for a parade. We would sit on the curb and watch the parade. Those days are gone. Even the Thanksgiving parades are too theatric. I am from Phila. and we had the Mummers Parade. Now everything is garbaged up by Hollywood. No more home town parades.
MEMORIAL DAY - It is to honor those that gave their lives, but it is also for the survivors. Let's not forget those that waited for their return. The hardest job in the military is being the waiting family.
WEATHER - Today is chilly and partly cloudy and windy. Glad yesterday was the family picnic. It WAS beautiful saturday and sunday. Wait a few minutes and the weather will change. That's the NW.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 5:49 PM
Subject: I FINISHED!!!!
E-mail Address: raebob@adelphia.net

I have never been on this board before, but am looking for a place to share with people who share my interests. I just had to tell someone that I finished the quilt I was working on!!! Right before Christmas, I agreed to "fix" a quilt of one of the teachers where I also teach. It was her grandmother's pretty little pink & white basket quilt. The poor thing just went berzerk when she washed it. All of the batting clumped up and she was ready to throw it away. Fortunately, it was tied. I have been working on it on and off since then. There were thousands of ties to take out. Then I had to repair the tears and open seams. Some of the fabric looks like shirting from the turn of the century. It was really a nice experience working on it; I almost feel that I "know" her grandmother. I deliver it tomorrow and can't wait to see my co-worker's face when she sees it. I hope she is pleased. Enjoyed reading the other posts on this board. Jeane Rae

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 5:21 PM
Subject: Whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Just returned from campin in pine country to the Valley of the Sun, where the temp is over 100 and my air conditioning decided to take a holiday. We are not amused.

To the newbie -- glad you finished your tops; wouldn't want you to go around topless.

Montana and IdyHo people, puhleeze send us some of your cold weather!

jdb in AZ

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 5:15 PM
Subject: Clean Windows!!!!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

OK, so Celia spilled the beans...
It was very hot up here today and my Darrell's took off their shirts!!!
I even put ice water out so they would have to come closer to the house to get a drink, so I could see better!! LOL
Hunka, hunka, burning love.....
Loon, do you know that song??
I have a very nice, new drive way, by the way!!

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 5:11 PM
Subject: Sorry
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

SORRY: About the double post. I got the Too Busy signal so did it all over...I guess it meant it was Too Busy to take me back to the whole BB page.

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 5:01 PM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

I had sent this message to Celia after hearing her Cabbage Patch Doll story yesterday.
She said I HAD to post it here too. So this is my recollection about the Cabbage Patch
Doll Craze...

Remember when they first came out they were so popular that you had to stand in line
just to get your name put on a waiting list. Well, I finally got mine on a list at TOYS R
(flip it) US in February. They said it would be several weeks so I had an idea....I was
always thinking up ideas to really catch my older son on April Fools day. John and I had
just gotten married, and when the family were all together one day I mentioned to Rick
that we were planning on adopting a child. "Why on earth do you want to do a fool thing
like that?" he asked me. So I explained that though we both had children by previous
marriages we wanted to have a child that we could call our own. After that I kept
"bringing him up-to-date" on how the adoption was progressing. I figured the more we
talked about it the more believable it would be. I hoped that the CP Doll would come in
before April 1st. Well, it came about a week before, so the day before I phoned Rick,
all excited because we were going to pick up little Allison, a 2 1/2 year old, the next
morning. Then just after noon on April 1st, I phoned Rick and said we had just arrived
home with Allison and she was so sweet and had already captured our hearts. Rick
wanted to know if they could come over to see her that afternoon. So I laid out a few
Golden Books of Children's Stories on the sofa and a stuffed animal that I had for the
Grandchildren when they came to Gramma's House so that it would look like I had been
reading to her. When Rick, his wife and little boy arrived I met them at the door and told
them to be quiet as she was taking a nap in her bedroom but that they could peek in at
her anyway. So as they tip-toed down the hall I followed behind. When Rick got inside
the room and looked around...."Where is she"? he asked. "APRIL FOOL"!!! John &
I howled as we watched his back stiffen. Then he said, "You know, my neighbor was
out in his yard when we left to come here and I called over to him and said we were on
our way to see my new Step-Sister" and we were so excited. "Mom, I'm going to get
back at you someday"! Now whenever we see or hear anything about a Cabbbage
Patch Doll and on April 1st we remember the fun we had with that one.

Marty in Vermont

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 4:59 PM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

I had sent this message to Celia after hearing her Cabbage Patch Doll story yesterday.
She said I HAD to post it here too. So this is my recollection about the Cabbage Patch
Doll Craze...

Remember when they first came out they were so popular that you had to stand in line
just to get your name put on a waiting list. Well, I finally got mine on a list at TOYS R
(flip it) US in February. They said it would be several weeks so I had an idea....I was
always thinking up ideas to really catch my older son on April Fools day. John and I had
just gotten married, and when the family were all together one day I mentioned to Rick
that we were planning on adopting a child. "Why on earth do you want to do a fool thing
like that?" he asked me. So I explained that though we both had children by previous
marriages we wanted to have a child that we could call our own. After that I kept
"bringing him up-to-date" on how the adoption was progressing. I figured the more we
talked about it the more believable it would be. I hoped that the CP Doll would come in
before April 1st. Well, it came about a week before, so the day before I phoned Rick,
all excited because we were going to pick up little Allison, a 2 1/2 year old, the next
morning. Then just after noon on April 1st, I phoned Rick and said we had just arrived
home with Allison and she was so sweet and had already captured our hearts. Rick
wanted to know if they could come over to see her that afternoon. So I laid out a few
Golden Books of Children's Stories on the sofa and a stuffed animal that I had for the
Grandchildren when they came to Gramma's House so that it would look like I had been
reading to her. When Rick, his wife and little boy arrived I met them at the door and told
them to be quiet as she was taking a nap in her bedroom but that they could peek in at
her anyway. So as they tip-toed down the hall I followed behind. When Rick got inside
the room and looked around...."Where is she"? he asked. "APRIL FOOL"!!! John &
I howled as we watched his back stiffen. Then he said, "You know, my neighbor was
out in his yard when we left to come here and I called over to him and said we were on
our way to see my new Step-Sister" and we were so excited. "Mom, I'm going to get
back at you someday"! Now whenever we see or hear anything about a Cabbbage
Patch Doll and on April 1st we remember the fun we had with that one.

Marty in Vermont

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 3:36 PM
Subject: Checking in
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Good afternoon everyone- thought I had better check in, because behind the scenes "Mom" Marie Loon has been chiding us for not providing her with enough reading material with her coffee!!!

Glad to see Mary posting again- I was wondering where you were hiding- but I have a question Mary- the quilt frames that your DH is building - is that "with legs better than your quilt frame legs"? or "with legs better than your legs"?- kind of confused here- LOL!!!

I think Susan in MT and I had better start up some kind of "time share" arangement with each other's houses, so that she can exchange her snowman making to come here and "mosquito bash" for a week!!

I have it on good authority(like her own statement) that Marcie Teacup is not behaving up there in Ontario today. She has a workcrew of "hunks" working on her driveway, and she has cleaned her living room windows fifteen times already!!! It's not that I am jealous or anything!!!

To "newbie"- welcome to the chat page, come on in and stay a while- you must post again and tell us your name. You will have a lot of fun here- great group of ladies.

It's really,really hot here today(not complaining mind you), but I think my brain has gone sunbathing, I can't think of anything else to say.

Be back later,
Hugs to all,

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 3:10 PM
Subject: I've Been a Lurker
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

Hi! Hope everyone is having a good holiday! I have been quilting my little heart out lately, but have been reading the BB too. I just thought it was time to say HI! Made a baby quilt for a frient of my DH. They seemed to like it, it was from the cover quilt of McCalls Quick Quilts--stars and alternating blocks of blue. It turned out so cute! I did the Snoopy! MQ with warm and natural. Also have been making a Star of Bethleham from Quilts, Quilts, Quilts with a Drunkard's path border. This is tricky! As my QB Martha says, Drunkard's path is like sewing thousands of little sleeves! Would you know I ran out of my wonderful fabric when I only need five more little blocks? I am HOPING my quilt shop has a remmant of this somewhere.
This quilt is the result of a class I have been taking and I have learned so much these last few weeks.
TerTer, Pleasanton sounds great, name the time. I also had Alex Anderson's star class last fall and I ran into her at ThimbleCreek last week--she was shopping for fabric! Had a cute, colorfull quilt top with her looking for a backing.
Sondra, how is the wedding dress coming along? My sister is sewing a wedding dress and is wondering how to do off the shoulder sleeves that allow the bride to still raise her arms. Any ideas? Anybody have this problem?
Happy Birthday, Carol!! Well, back to the machine and the garden and the kids, etc...
Susan Joy in SanRamon, CA, sun shining, pool beckens

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 2:58 PM
Subject: phone # found!
E-mail Address: froeschle@t-online.de

Thanks a lot, I have already found the number! A good friend of mine called the information in the US and sure she was listed. But not on the internet lists :(

Sue in hot and sunny Germany

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 2:46 PM
Subject: Catching up
E-mail Address: jkolts@pdt.net

It's been a while since I posted, haven't done a very good job of keeping up reading either, really have been too busy quilting, trying to get wall hangings done for the craft show over the July 4th weekend

It's been a good weekend for quilting, raining most of the time except for this morning when it snowed instead, did you send that our way, Susan in Montana!

On the subject of shoes, Born shoes are the most comfortable I've ever worn. I have two pair and the rest of my shoes stay in the closet, even my tennies. They're kind of expensive, but wear like iron so they're worth it.

We had planned to canoe over in Grand Teton park today, the snow would have kept the tourists away, but we decided we weren't quite that tough either. Actually, we hardly ever use our canoe anymore. A couple of years ago we got a plastic kayak made for two, called a Keeowee II (sp?). I love it, you get to take turns just lounging and enjoying the scenery, and it's next to impossible to overturn. In the canoe, DH would occasionally get distracted and run into a tree, rock or other object and over we'd go. Since the water around here is COLD year round, that was never my favorite thing. Lost a lot of good sunglasses too.

I guess I shouldn't badmouth DH. I asked him to build me a doll cradle to display little quilts in. He built two! One is oak, the other alder, really pretty. Then, he asked if I wanted him to make some quilt frames to sell, with nicer legs than mine. It's the old-fashioned 1 x 2 and c-clamps frame. When I told him nobody wanted that kind anymore, the latest thing is 3 rollers, non-baste frames, he looked at pictures in my quilt magazines, adds on the net and then went down in the basement and made one! I'm also quilting madly to finish the row I'm on quilting my DWR, then I'm going to transfer it to the new frame to do the other half and make sure the frame works right. It better, he made three more of them. Then he built two quilt racks, I asked him to make them taller than is traditional, I don't like to fold my quilts that small, and don't want them hitting the floor. One is the traditional style, the other has three rods, but each is higher than the one in front instead of the outside rods low and the center one high. His latest was to surprise me with a rocking horse. It's gorgeous, made of oak with an inlaid walnut halter and cherry mane and tail.

Well, I've written a book, better get back to the quilting, it's back to work tomorrow. Hope you are all having a good holiday weekend.

Mary in Teton Valley, ID

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 2:20 PM
Subject: HELP!
E-mail Address: froeschle@t-online.de

Can someone out there help me? I need to find a phone number for a friend in CO - a quilter who celebrates her 50th BD today.... can anyone out there tell me how to find her??? She is not online....

Sue in Germany

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 12:47 PM
Subject: Saddle Shoes and Tulips
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

Good morning everyone. It's been a week since I checked in, at a conference in Calgary. All is going well. Well, except for the rain. I fear my garden will never get started properly because we have had too much rain for me to get any work done (up here we move later - rather short growing season. Hopefully things will be done on the weekend.

Loon. I bought a pair of saddle shoes from J-Crew a few years back. I hardly wear them, but I love the looks I get when I do, they are so much fun!

Okay, I need some help. One of my best friends is getting married this summer. Her fiance is Dutch and so for their favours they were going to give out Tulip bulbs. Do you know how hard it is to find them in the summer?!! She has given up, but I thought I could try some more for her and find some. Not sure which will be harder - getting the quilt I have planned done, or finding the bulbs. Does anyone know of any good sources that might sell them in the summer? TIA.

Have a good holiday all you Americans! I enjoyed mine last week! Oh boy, a week already? When is the next one?!!

Cheers! Cheryl in Edmonton/Mama

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 12:07 PM
Subject: good day to all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.....i know i am thinking about our veterans,,,and those active in military,,db and dn,,,

sandra i don't have your email to thank you properly!!!! sorry

remember earth shoes?? i loved them back in the 70's,,,wish i had some now,,,,and honestly looking for saddle shoes right now,,,,,black and white and brown and white,,,with nice soles,,,,anyone see any?? and at what shoe stores??

i am in a panic over the amount of boats on our pond,,,,all the summer people are here,,,,,$%^#& (love to swear in cybertalk..lol),,and the funny thing is at dusk the loons just swim calmly round the pond and eat,,,as if they could care less about the racket during the day
still have not seen the egrets tiptoeing round in the reeds yet,,,
very hot here yesterday and today,,,,which is unusual for this area,,,,,hope it is not indication of what the summer will be like,,,yikes,,,i do not do warm weather well,,

thanks for posting about faith,,,will send off something soon!!

when i think what we can do for each other with a simple fat quarter,,,,makes me feel so useful sometimes,,,here i go getting all mushed up again,,,,%^&*$#%

loon/marie/maine---summer is here this weekend,,,,early arrival and all are taking advantage of it,,boy those grills smell good,,,,and it is not road kill either,,,,lol

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 11:54 AM
Subject: newbie/ Cabbage Patch doll(Celia)
E-mail Address: wsthm@hotmail.com

Hello everyone! I have been reading these posts for about a week now and have come to enjoy this site very much. You all sound like such friendly, down-to-earth ladies...
Anyway, what finally prompted me to post was reading Celia's post this morning about her daughter seeing her old Cabbage Patch doll, Mikey, in the arms of a little refugee girl. That is an amazing story! No wonder it gave you such a boost, Celia! I would be walking on air, too, if I was you.
I feel like somewhat of an imposter on this board, since I haven't done any quilting in so long! I have several tops done and several more partially done, but am resisting giving my living room over to the quilting frame for several months at a time! LOL

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 10:59 AM
Subject: Snoopy Dance
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

We're doing the Snoopy Dance in Kansas! The quilt for my brother's wedding gift is finished. The wedding is in July, so we finished in plenty of time. This was a cooperative effort between my sister and I. She e-mailed me last night that she just finished hand-stitching the binding. We live in different parts of KS, so if you felt the whole state shake, you know why!!

Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day. As I sang America the Beautiful in church yesterday, I couldn't help thinking of Ridgeley's DH and her family. Isn't it great that this computer can tie all parts of the world together?

Karen in KS

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 10:24 AM
Subject: Misc
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

CASSIE IN OHIO---I've looked at the Bjorn shoes, but they don't make it in my size (I am "size-challenged" with an AA narrow foot to add to the "fun".

KITTE KATE---you are tooo funny. BTW, I have seen a cute Rockport sandal in the summer styles. They don't make 'em in my size, either. Bummer. I have considered chopping off my toes.

LAURA IN NC---I'll "second" the advice on poison ivy===don't ever burn it. The Smoke will be inhaled and cause a poison ivy attack on the inside of the lungs. Deadly. I find that "Roundup" works very nicely to kill poison ivy. No muss, no fuss, just spray and watch it die. I'll be e-mailing you soon w/info on exchange student experiences. I've just been waiting for your DS's graduation to be behind you. We have lots of DS's friends graduating this weekend and our own DS graduates next year. I know how busy you are right now.

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 9:50 AM
Subject: Memorial Day Memories
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

Memorial Day greetings to all the BBers!
My memories of this day as a child was picking flowers and taking them to the cemetary. Where I grew up was close to where most of my relatives were buried, so that was a long process. The only relative that we lost in any of the wars was my DDad's cousin who was killed on Okinawa. My DD was too young until the end of WWII and then enlisted, marched around for a day until the results of his physical came back. The Army thought it would be a good idea to have someone who could HEAR and sent him home! He was really upset! His brother was in Italy and he wanted to do his part.
DFIL was a Hump Pilot--the only one from his flight school to survive the war. He was shot down in China.
The desire to serve our country skipped a generation--DS is now a Sea Cadet and is planning on going into the Marines. I am both very proud and very worried! Moms have the right to be both, IMHO.
It is really too bad that our country needs a holiday to remind us of what we owe to those who serve.
Deanna, In Sequim, WA

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 9:04 AM
Subject: QB's
E-mail Address: lwalters@ioa.com

Well, my local involvement has paid off. Lived here less than a year and now find myself in on the beginning of a quilting bee! Hooray! Went to a meeting of a few members of the quilt guild to discuss some membership issues and one of the attendants commented that wouldn't this group make a fun bee? So (Monica, you'll appreciate this) the Extravert of the group started calling and e-mailing everyone and we've got 5 of us to get started! We're going to meet a couple of times a month, I think, and work on a BOM too. I can hardly wait!!! Hang in there and blab a little bit and volunteer and eventually you find quilting buddies!

DS#1 graduating from high school tonight. Wearing one of my new dresses! Whoopee!

Thanks to all who e-mailed me with poison ivy advice. Even have an Ohian mailing me a weed! Now THERE'S a special squishy!!! Ha!

Hi, Celia! Hi, Monica!!!

Laura in NC

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 8:07 AM
Subject: Miscellaneous
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwic.com

Well, as usual, life is full of ironies. Back in February we switched servers because it seems I was having to call Prodigy almost every week over a problem. So we changed to Cable & Wireless, have had great service and have to call them only rarely. Now this week we get an e-mail from C&W saying they are selling off their residential internet business to - you guessed it - Prodigy! This is the story of my life folks, and you'd think I'd be used to it by now! LOL

SHOES: Doris, there's another new brand out that's really great. A friend of mine who sells shoes (he sells to the stores, actually) recommended Born (might be Bjorn) with an accent over the "o." I bought a pair of slip ons before Paducah and they are incredibly comfortable - like wearing slippers. My friend said they are the hottest new shoe for women because they are so comfortable. I gave up style for comfort in my early 30s....no more heels for me! It's nice to see that some comfortable shoes are finally being made that actually look good too!

DS is walking in the Memorail Day Parade today...one of the perks of being a full-fledged Boy Scout, I guess. Can't help thinking how much my dad would have loved to know about DS participating in something like this. My dad was a navigator on a bomber in WWII, shot down over Germany and a POW till Patton marched in. Dad died in 1986 and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Does anyone have the same Memorial Day memories I have? Just the families on our street made a parade - crepe paper on all our bicycles - but the parents were there to cheer us on and everyone had their flags flying.

Making progress on some of my UFOs.....did receive blocks for Ridgeley Saturday and I know I haven't posted the names yet....will get to that later today, I hope!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/31/99 Time: 7:38 AM
Subject: Hi
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Good Morning! Hope everyone south of the border is having a great holiday!
I have been so busy! Finally have all my veggies planted. I am trying those new yellow and pink tomatoes this year. I really don't like this gardening thing, but do like my fresh vegies!! Darel and all his other brother's named Darel are here to put in the new driveway this morning, so I don't know if I will have access to the net later. They cut the cord that runs under the driveway when they dug up the old driveway last month.
I think I have finished all the blocks I am suppose to do except Columbine. Going to start those today. Could someone give me Faith's address?
Mamie - your stamps are in the mail!! LOL
I got the most beautiful RAOK (Random Act of Kindness) from Mayme in MI last week (A big thank you, again, Mayme!!) A beautiful little wall hanging with 2 tea cups on it, complete with the little hanger and tiny clothes pins!! Also a book mark with tea cups on it and 2 tea bags. The English Toffee tea was just about the best tea I have every tasted!! I am going up to the store today to see if they have it up here. I HAVE to get more!!
I heard that Preparation H is good for making those little wrinkles around your eyes disappear!! I really did read that somewhere!! LOL
Well, have to go check out the Darel brothers and see if they are paving someone else's drive way!!
Have a great day!!

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 11:45 PM
Subject: Stuff!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROL WILSON!! Sorry I didn't get this posted sooner, it has been a hectic weekend.
SHOES-Dec. 96 I had a ruptured disk that the Army docs didn't diagnose until 5 days later. I have a partially crippled left foot and leg. I have to wear a plastic AFO. I had to give away all my shoes and boots. I normally wear a 9B but now I have to buy 9 1/2 or 10 wide. I put many insoles in the right shoe to keep it from falling off. This has been a pain and expensive. Last Nov. I was back East and went to a shoe outlet with my SIS. I found Rockport shoes with straps crossed over the top. I really needed something dressy. I don't want to wear lace up shoes all the time. I got them in black suede. I recently got 2 more pairs from JCP. I got the linen and the taupe. The newer pairs have elastic in the straps that cross over the foot. Since I don't have much feeling in my foot and leg, I don't know when my shoe slides off. I can't wear any slip on shoes. The Rockports that I have are $65 a pair. I want them to make them in Navy in a big way. My base colors in my wardrobe are, navy, black and off white. Now I am in pursuit of sandals. Forgot to mention, I have to wear compression stockings that go up to the knee. I am a real sight in shorts. I have fat legs too. I sound totally unappetizing at this point. I quit.
LAURA don't burn your poison ivy. It is carried in the air and can get into your eyes and lungs. Don't know if you already knew this or not.
BLOCKS-I finished the Reichert and Gibbs blocks and mailed them thursday. I am now working on the Columbine HS block. Chose an applique block and I really need to learn a different method of applique. I know I could like it, if I could just find a way to do it. Make sense?
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<
We have "Eat your heart out weather". Wish I could box it up and save it for a rainy day. Just too beautiful to imagine. We don't get overly hot and very little humidity. The NW is heaven on earth.

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 11:24 PM
Subject: sheesh....
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Denali Park

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 11:23 PM
Subject: Hello!!
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Hi All!! I wanted to let the Serial Quilting Nuts know that Kathy and hubby made it safe and sound to Fairbanks. I had a wonderful visit on the phone with her this evening. They had a nice drive up from Anchorage stopped off at Denail Park and did the park tour... long day.. tonight (sunday) they were going to see Mary Sheilds the musher and tour her dog mushing thingy... Tomorrow Kathy and NPSue and I are meeting at Snow Goose, the shop where I work .. I'm going to open the shop for Kathy so she can get a little fabric fix.. it has been days you know. I'll let you all know how our day went! Until tomorrow... take care!! Martha/Arty @[_] empty latte cup... in Alaska

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 10:18 PM
Subject: Shoes
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

CASSIE IN OHIO----Three years ago I discovered that little Ferragamo pump (the "Lillaz") you posted about and love it, too. Hate the price but love the fit!!!! No more pinched toes due to great toebox room (I don't do pointy toe shoes). Bought a pair in black, navy & bone each and never told DH how much they cost.

Now I'm totally addicted to sensible European shoes. They're horribly expensive and wonderfully comfortable. Just bought my first pair of Birkenstocks and LOVE them!!!! Now I have DH hooked on sensible European brand/made shoes, too. These tired old feet of ours are happy again.

KITTYKATE---I loved your "kitchen" posting. I've e-mailed it to all my friends. Thanks for sharing it!!!

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 10:11 PM
Subject: NOT a featherweight
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Well, I thought I got a good deal on a featherweight but when my sister came to visit this weekend she said "NOT"!!! She has 2 FW's. Oh well! It is a Singer and she thinks it is a treddle type. It has a picture of an Egyptian with wings behind it. Kind of like a sphinx with wings.....anybody have a clue? It's really old. I am going to call Singer on Tuesday so I'll keep you all updated and maybe some of you will have answers for me too!!! Hey, for a buck it's still a bargain and I love it!!

Ursula in S.Jersey :o)

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 9:34 PM
Subject: WHITE STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
Are you ready for this???????????? I awoke this morning to SNOW, thats right, I said SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember all that stuff I told you I had planted? Well, out I go in all my glory grabing first one pot and then another. To make a long story short, my back is killing me, but I have the most gorgeous bedroom in the valley!!! ROFLOL

Celia, where are you? I am packing NOW!!!!!

Loved the Kitchen Signs...

I think I'll go snuggle under a quilt, later.
Susan in (throw another log on the fire) Mt.

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 8:38 PM
Subject: hand quilting
E-mail Address: malber1@nycap.rr.com

I'm hand quilting for the first time. My first quilt top is a stack and wack pattern. I was thinking about using the running stitch. Any suggestions for me?


Date: 5/30/99 Time: 5:11 PM
Subject: Hello!
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

No, I didn't fall into any cyber-holes - it has just been a crazy month. DH was gone for 3 weeks this month and being a single mom of two preschoolers is a tough job! My first Lupron injection at the beginning of the month actually made me feel worse (they warned me that might happen) and I have been trying to get the gardens put in. Well, DH came home Friday night, my usual pain has been getting much better over this past week and the gardens are all planted (except for my morning glory seeds which I will do soon). I got all the perennials and flower beds mulched today and the yard and gardens look fantastic. The kids got to play in their little pool (it's about 83 degrees today) and we are planning on going to the ocean tomorrow. We couldn't have asked for a more picture perfect long weekend! The people who depend on the tourists are probably thrilled to bits! Anyway, now that DH is home and things are getting back to normal maybe I can actually make some time for the BBs again! I know I will never catch up on a month's worth of postings on 3 BBs but will just pick it up from here. Glanced back through some of today's postings and was glad to see about the squishie shower for Faith. I think Nancy mentioned that Faith does a lot of charity quilts and she loves to do bright, sweet quilts for kids, too. My DDs love the pictures that Faith sends to them of her quilts. I also have her snail mail address if anyone needs it.
By the way, Marilyn's quilt top is at Trudy's in IA being MQed and I am getting the raffle top together and should have it in the mail to Trudy by the end of the week. Hope I haven't missed too many special projects or requests.

Monica in Maine (by the way, my DH brought me back a thimble from Washington, DC so I no longer have just a pair of thimbles - that makes three so now I guess I can officially call it a collection!)

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 4:10 PM
Subject: I can't believe this!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Well!! I just had to come back to tell you all this- I am just shaking my head in awe. Our daughter Stacie just came back from the wildlife park we have in Town, and told me.

To back track a little, 12 years ago for her 9th birthday, Ivon built her a large A-frame play house in our back yard(we don't live there now), because we lived in the City and we did not like her wandering around the streets not knowing where she was. As a result,we always had her 9 little friends everyday playing in the yard. At that time, some of you may remember that there was the Cabbage Patch Doll "hype"- and it was very difficult to get them for a long time. As a result, I bought 10- one for each child, but they had to stay in the playhouse as "communial" toys.

Now to the present, and the 10 Cabbage Patch Dolls were long packed away and forgotten.
A month ago, the military base just 5 minutes away from us received 1000 Kosovan refugees. As part of a local request for toys for the children, we sent the Cabbage Patch Dolls. Today, a bus load of the refugees were taken to the park. Stacie said they were smiling and happy and waving to everyone, - then all of a sudden she spied a little girl(maybe 7 or 8 years old) carrying "Mikey" Stacie's little black Cabbage Patch boy(she knew it was him, because I had painted a tooth on him with "white out")

She came home absolutely delighted,- she didn't get a chance to go to the little girl, because they are being very protected right now, but I just thought it was so remarkable that she would actually see who got her donation.

Maybe it is just me, but it has made my day!!!!!

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 2:44 PM
Subject: Motorcycle, Featherweight
E-mail Address: HGHansen@aol.com

Every Memorial weekend we have tausends of them here in washington, all Veterans who go downtown for a service. Have been seeing them since last Friday. They stay at the Hotels even here in Manassas.They come from all over the USA. Quite impressive.
Thanks to all who Email me about the green Featherweight, seems the machine was made in Scotland in 1964. Its a gem, in perfect condition. I know I am going to enjoy it.
Are there any Veterans on the BB like myself?
Anyway have a nice Holiday.
Happy Quilting Hannelore

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 2:27 PM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

I forgot...when I first got on the BB I heard a loud ROAR outside...went to the window and counted 164 motorcyles (may have missed counting some) all in one long line going by and entering our town. Wish I had known they were coming to get out the video camera. It was very impressive. Yesterday there were 12 (all shiny black and the riders were all wearing black and black leather helmets) and each of them had a American Flag attached to the back end. Now (what reminded me to say something about it...38 more just went by. We live on a secondary State Road and get lots of motorcycles and bikers during the summer but never this many at one time. Hope they stopped at our little "Quick Stop" for gas, something cool to drink, etc.
I know a couple of you BBers like to ride motorcycles, so that is why I posted this.
Please remember Kevin Reichert and David Gibbs along with all the others this Memorial Day!!!
Marty in Vermont

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 2:19 PM
Subject: Faith & Bill, Celia and stuff
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

Faith & Bill: I received the bad news from Faith too and I don't know how much more that poor lady can take and keep her sanity. Thanks Susan for the Squishie Shower for her. Seems like any type fabric and color she can use. She makes so many of those cute baby quilts. I am sure if you have any cute patterns she could use them too. My prayers are with you and Bill and the Kids, Faith. Take care of yourself!!!
Celia: I just sent you an e-mail before I came to the BB to read. So happy to see that you are back with us!!! Will be sending the letter to your Dad in UK on Tuesday.
I spent the better part of the last two days reorganizing my Fabric Stash and refolded everything and into piles of all the same color, etc. Looks so nice and neat now...and all prewashed. However, my other cabinet (the one we won this winter for $1000 shopping spree) is full of fabric that needs to be prewashed and pressed. UGH and the weather is getting so muggy already. I have a good ceiling fan in the sewing room though so I will use that. Just LOVE looking at all that fabric, over and over again. WHY do I have such a terrible time deciding on which fabrics to use in a project????
SNOOPY DANCE: My Guild put our Maple Leaf blocks together into the quilt top at our meeting last Wed., layered it and pinned it. I brought it home and finished it. Put the binding on and label...all done at 3:00 p.m. yesterday. Did you feel the quake when I did the SNOOPY DANCE? I hope it was legal, since I did make 5 of the blocks that went into the top and did the finishing of it. Now we will present it to the Volunteer Fire Dept and they will Raffle it for themselves.
INDY 500: My DSIL from CA is working in the pits for his friend, Mark who will be racing again this year...second year in a row he has left my DD and two children at 'HOME ALONE' while he has fun at the INDY 500! In the Fall he also leaves them for a week of Playing "COWBOY" in Phoenix. How come MEN always seem to have the FUN and leave the women to "ten the farm and kids"?
Have a Nice Memorial Day.
61 days 'til OHIO 99!!!! See you all there!
Marty in Vermont

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 2:14 PM
Subject: Been Busy
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Sorry I haven't been posting but I have been righting a wrong and it takes a lot of time!! LOL! 41 of us were scammed by a swapper and we caught her and now she is honoring her swap! I have been coming home to about 30 e-mails every night about it!

My oldest DS is coming home for a week today and I am so excited! Haven't seen him since October 12, 1997.

Doni - I didn't get an answer from you. Are you out camping again!!

Lumpy, Loon & Teacup - Sure has been quite lately!!

If anyone knows how to reach Kirsten Gratton and Karen Sawyer please let me know. A BBer gave me their names but no e-mail addy's.

Well, back to sew on the Irish Chain before heading off to the airport!

Have a great weekend!

Katie Mac -Spring, TX

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:28 PM
Subject: FAITH & BILL
E-mail Address: SEWBIRD@win.bright.net

Someone asked if Faith has any favorites in fabric, color, etc. I feel anything would be appreciated, not only for the squishy but for the thought. She has a difficult time ahead that will parellel the difficulties Bill is/will have.

Most of Faith's quilting projects are made for others. Just last winter she made some impressive number of childrens quilts (I think around 30) in twice as many days. Her DD knew of the need and Faith came through. She often used scraps from scrubs. With this in mind, any squishy in any color or style will be special for her own personal stash.

Thanks Susan for posting the squishy idea and guess what BBer's? We just discovered her parents live within 15 miles from me. What a small world. Unfortunately Susan says she visits here in the winter and I'm long gone to warmer climates.

My holiday weekend crowd arrived early and left early - left me with no time for the BB. I hope this finds all the rest of you surrounded by family or friends this weekend,
Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in WI on a beautiful sunny warm day.

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:05 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

I remember Gigi's story of am I a quilter yet? Well dh Mr. terter found a quilting needle and thread hanging from the teapot, yesterday a.m.

Does that mean I qualify?


Date: 5/30/99 Time: 12:19 PM
Subject: Hello!!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Well Hello again. I think I am back in business with yet another new hard drive, after a total "crash" a week ago. Withdrawal symptons would be putting it mildly!!! Sincere thanks to Sue in Fresno,and Katie Mac for helping me out by forwarding all the web sites I lost. Ivon has spent all week installing and downloading, so I think we are now okay! I will try at some time to catch up on all the posts, because I have missed you guys- (a lot)!!

For anyone who E-mailed me before last Sunday, I think I can remember you all, and I will catch up with you very soon, please bear with me. I did however receive a letter from Faith yesterday, and suffice to say at this point, that they need our support. I have replied to her, but not heard anything since. Bill was supposed to be released from Hospital yesterday, but I am not sure if this has taken place in light of their recent news.

I was in the Walmart yesterday afternoon looking for some applique needles. All of a sudden I felt this arm around my shoulder and a quick cuddly hug. I turned round and came face to face with a man I have never seen in my life!!! His face was an absolute picture, once he realized that I was not his wife who he was supposed to meet in the fabric department- LOL

The whole thing was hilarious, as he was stuttering and stammering his apologies and saying that I looked so much like his wife and was dressed exactly the same(he thought) and we were laughing about it, when his wife came around the corner!! They really were very nice people and we chatted for a few minutes, - the thing that struck me the funniest was that she did have the same hair color and style as me, and was the same height, but I was wearing blue plaid shorts and white top and sandals, and she was wearing red slacks and red/white top and sneakers- ROFLOLPIMP

As we parted company and they walked away, I heard her say- "You foolish thing- NEXT time I will meet YOU in the automotive department"!!!

I hope all of you in the States are enjoying a nice Memorial long weekend. It is REALLY hot here, but anything is better than snow!!!

Hugs to all,

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 12:08 PM
Subject: color of thread
E-mail Address: linhawk@access1.net

Hello All,
As a brand new learn by myself quilter, I have
a question. I have made from old sheets a
Streak of Lightning quilt top. It is lime green
print, cream and maroon. I am really happy with
it. It squared up really nice. I am using a cream
colored sheet for the back and Fairfield cotton
polyester batting. I pinned it together this
morning. My question is what color thread to use?
Cream for the bobbin but what color for the top????
Many Thanks, Linda

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 11:51 AM
Subject: Question??
E-mail Address: chaass@trib.com

Can anyone tell me what a squishy is? Also a snoopy dance? You can tell I am new at this site! LOL
Many Thanks!

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 11:10 AM
Subject: Faith and Bill
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Are there any specifics for this shower? Does anyone know Faith's favorite color or type of fabric? Or, is everyone just doing their own thing?
Barbara in Spring Valley

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 9:25 AM
Subject: High School Graduation
E-mail Address: lwalters@ioa.com

Hi, all! Just posting stuff! My DS#1 is graduating from high school tomorrow evening. Went shopping yesterday--bought two dresses!!! Can you believe it? Also bought shoes! Glad you all brought that up. I wear 7 1/2 double wides--and you can't find them anywhere! My mom and I bought dresses then wandered over the Shoe Carnival because Mom needed shoes to go with hers. I looked just for fun because I knew they wouldnt' have anything to fit me. Found a darling pair of sandals -- got out a size 9 since that's what I have to get to accommodate the width of my foot--and lo and behold the straps on the sandal were ELASTIC!!! I went down to an 8 1/2, and while they didn't fit perfectly, they fit pretty well (the straps went right around my bunion!). I was pleased. And besides that we got the second pair for 1/2 price, so we both got a deal on our shoes!!!

As for quilting, I'm with Cassi, having to do all my obligations first, so probably will be doing nothing but those until after Ohio 99.

Would Preparation H work on poison ivy? I've been covered for 3 months now. Get one bout cleared up and then get a new wave. We have it all over our yard--which former owners had let grow kind of jungle-like for the last year or so. Trying to clean it up, but I'm paying for it!!!

Laura in NC

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 8:25 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Morning everyone! Just checking in....

JANET: I thought scarlet fever wasn't around anymore too, until DD came down with it in third grade (6 years ago). It's one of the few things I've misdiagnosed from my handy dandy family medical guide! But I was close, as I was sure it was the measles even though I knew she had been vacinated.

SHOPPING: Headed to the book store yesterday with my Mother's Day gift certificate and came home with, among other things, The Fragile Thread, some quilting magazines and another book called Sabbathday River (I think). Fragile Thread is by Aliske Webb, who wrote Murder at the Quilt Show, which is lots of fun, so I'm looking forward to this book. I grabbed Sabbathday River because the front flyleaf said something about one of the characters being in a quilting co-op. I have no idea if quilting is in much of the story, but hoping to enjoy it regardless!

Fell in love with a blue and white quilt on the cover of one of the mags - part of the Quilting for a Cure fabrics. This one has been to my "must do" list for the future. I'm still trying to get through my obligations before I start something new, which means I'll probably not be able to start anything until after Ohio 99 (sigh). Handquilted on the double sawtooth last night - turned the oscillating fan on me so I didn't get too hot - I always forget that lap quilting in the warmer months is NOT a good idea, and since we haven't turned the AC on yet, it's definitely a hot undertaking! All the more reason for me to get a floor frame....I'm eyeing the Hinterberg three-rail system with the king size extension poles. Anyone have one? How do you like it?

Also trying to finish up my row for our row robin....the best part is driving Bev nuts about what I'm doing and keeping it a secret! I know she'll do the same to me when she gets my row, so I'm anticipating revenge!

All for now....time to get cleaned up and put on my Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes. Our church isn't a very dressy one, but I really would look forward to going a little bit more if I could just throw on shorts and a t-shirt and go barefoot! (Now you have an idea what I look like 98% of the time). My sympathies to the long-footed women....my feet aren't unusually long, but they are wide, and not many stores carry wide sizes. And if they do carry wide, it's only in a limited amount of styles - and never in what I want! About ten years ago, while still living in California, I discovered Feragamo (sp?) offered low-heeled dress shoes in wide sizes. They were tremendously expensive - about $150 a pair - but I bought a pair of navy, a pair of cream and a pair of black. Those shoes have held up extremely well over the years, still have that classic low-heeled pump look that doesn't go out of style, and by now the law of averages has made their cost seem reasonable. Since I don't have to wear them very often, I'm sure I'll get another 10 years out of them!

Well...gotta go. Have a great day everyone!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 3:53 AM
Subject: Faith and Bill
E-mail Address: gofor@mosquitonet.com

Some of us regulars on the BB, have been chatting and we feel that it would be very nice if all of us on the BB could send a conforting squishie or maybe a card for Faith and Bill. For those of you who missed my post for thoughts and prayers, Faith's DH Bill had surgery last monday for Lung cancer. Faith's message sence surgery, says that the surgery went well, but there is some other problem that is also causeing extreme pain. Please keep all of our people in your thoughts and prayers this long fun weekend. Kitty K Thanks for keeing us up to date with the list. Anyone who would like to send her a squishie, I have her snails addy.

Have a fun and safe weekend everyone. But don't forget those in need.

Susan in North Pole

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:45 AM
Subject: Preparation H
E-mail Address: hdew@cwix.com

Hi, friends,
Please don't laugh, but Preparation H really does work for the "pain and itch"...of chicken pox, also for mosquito bites. When my boys got the pox, I just gave them a tube of the stuff and told them to dab some of the ointment on the itch instead of scratching--of course they broke out while we were vacationing--DS#1 only has one scar on his chest, he couldn't help scratching while we were looking for a drug store to buy a tube.
Please be careful, the complications can be bad. One of my best friends has permanent brain damage from a shingles infection that wasn't treated soon enough--this just happened a couple years ago, right after she retired and was planning the rest of her life. A week after the worst of her infection, she didn't remember anyone, even her children. The virus normally will migrate to the very end of the tail-bone nerves and stay dormant there until the next stress or lowered immunity episode, in her case it migrated to the brain and scarred the memory portion. She has no idea who I am, I sure miss her, she was so much fun!! Her daughter told me that her mentation now is at about the level of a 4th grader. Sorry for taking off on this bummer tangent. She must need some prayers, been on my mind alot lately. Loved the angels story, how heart-warming.
Tomarrow is my dad's 79th birthday, I'm having the family over for a cook-out (weather permitting, it might rain), and of course cake and ice cream.
Happy rest of the weekend to everyone.
hdew in WY

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:44 AM
Subject: Preparation H
E-mail Address: hdew@cwix.com

Hi, friends,
Please don't laugh, but Preparation H really does work for the "pain and itch"...of chicken pox, also for mosquito bites. When my boys got the pox, I just gave them a tube of the stuff and told them to dab some of the ointment on the itch instead of scratching--of course they broke out while we were vacationing--DS#1 only has one scar on his chest, he couldn't help scratching while we were looking for a drug store to buy a tube.
Please be careful, the complications can be bad. One of my best friends has permanent brain damage from a shingles infection that wasn't treated soon enough--this just happened a couple years ago, right after she retired and was planning the rest of her life. A week after the worst of her infection, she didn't remember anyone, even her children. The virus normally will migrate to the very end of the tail-bone nerves and stay dormant there until the next stress or lowered immunity episode, in her case it migrated to the brain and scarred the memory portion. She has no idea who I am, I sure miss her, she was so much fun!! Her daughter told me that her mentation now is at about the level of a 4th grader. Sorry for taking off on this bummer tangent. She must need some prayers, been on my mind alot lately. Loved the angels story, how heart-warming.
Tomarrow is my dad's 79th birthday, I'm having the family over for a cook-out (weather permitting, it might rain), and of course cake and ice cream.
Happy rest of the weekend to everyone.
hdew in WY

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:41 AM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net


A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen and this kitchen is delirious.

No husband has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

A husband is someone who takes out the trash and gives the impression he just
cleaned the whole house.

If we are what we eat, then I'm fast, cheap and easy.

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be

A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.

Help keep the kitchen clean - eat out.

Housework done properly can kill you.

Countless number of people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to lead
normal lives.
My next house will have no kitchen - just vending machines.

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:25 AM
Subject: hello- can anyone help a newcomer?
E-mail Address: lisagclark@hotmail.com

Hi! I have just discovered this excellent website for the very first time. I particularly enjoyed the BB. I will definitely visit often! Could anyone please help a clueless newcomer - what is a snoopy dance exactly, and what is a squishy? I am looking forward to a lot of quilting soon - winter is about to begin, and I am too broke to head south to the ski slopes at all this year!
Lisa, in Sydney, Australia.

Date: 5/30/99 Time: 1:24 AM
Subject: hello- can anyone help a newcomer?
E-mail Address: lisagclark@hotmail.com

Hi! I have just discovered this excellent website for the very first time. I particularly enjoyed the BB. I will definitely visit often! Could anyone please help a clueless newcomer - what is a snoopy dance exactly, and what is a squishy? I am looking forward to a lot of quilting soon - winter is about to begin, and I am too broke to head south to the ski slopes at all this year!
Lisa, in Sydney, Australia.

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 10:56 PM
Subject: Won't read first
E-mail Address: yankdots@dcci.com

I haven't read anything in 2 or 3 days. I'm posting first because I want everyone I owe e-mail answers to 'please don't get mad at me'!! I went to my nephew graduation (4 hours from here and am now back). My son graduated on Weds and nephew on Fri!!!! I was so proud of these guys! Anyway I'm here now but it's late and I still won't answer before tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be here and nobody will bother me tomorrow!!!!!
Leen in TX

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 10:13 PM
Subject: goof!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Sorry about the Goooooooofffffff......

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 10:11 PM
Subject: It's RAINING!!!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
It started raining last night about midnight and is still at it......Sooooo, guess what I spent the day doing?????? It has been overcast all day, but it is really wonderful, you look out and the green is so bright!!! The only bad part is that I can see the grass GROWING!!! LOL Thats OK, I fixed is't little red wagon today.......I ordered a Trim and Mow, so when it gets here in a week or so, ya best stand back, cause it's gona fly around this place!!!! <BG>

Thanks Bertie, I can't think of a better place to be...

Doris W. in Tenn. (got your e-mail).... (I'm only 5.6) You Win and my heart goes out to you!!! Reminds me of when I was in my late teens. Ran with a girl who wore size 5.... We would go shoping together, go into a store and the sales people would just shake there heads.... Then, when I lived in Tulsa the outlet store would call me when there new stock would come in, I would go down and put what ever fit me (1 to 2 pr.) in lay-a-way. They would let me take one shoe from each pr. so I could go buy stuff to match or go with. Needless to say I do not like to shop.... THAT DOESN'T GO FOR QUILT SHOPS!!!!!!! I'm sure ya'll understand that.......

Got to go press a shirt for Church in the morning, talk at ya later...
Susan in (The Lord is Good) Mt.

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 9:58 PM
Subject: featherweight
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Oh dear ladies (and gents), I need all you featherweight experts out there to come to my rescue. I went yard sale-ing and found a featherweight for.....(drumroll please)....$1.00 YES you read it right, $1.00 ! Now don't get to excited yet. It is pretty rusty and covered in cob webs. It was an old antique store that was sold and the new people just sold everything CHEAP! I don't know the first thing about them but I think it might be a treddle (sp?) kind. Lets just say there was no cord! lol! I don't care if it doesn't work, I have an old treddle table and it will look nice there. Where do you find serial numbers and is there a place on the net to get info on it? I also got a great antique sewing "box" it is shaped like a short barrel on 3 legs and the lid opens to a deep box with pin cushion and thread holders. I got that for $3.00. All in all a great "sale-ing" day! Got lots of other stuff too. If anyone can help me out with the featherweight info I would really appriciate it. TIA!!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 9:50 PM
Subject: It's RAINING!!!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
It started raining last night about midnight and is still at it......Sooooo, guess what I spent the day doing?????? It has been overcast all day, but it is really wonderful, you look out and the green is so bright!!! The only bad part is that I can see the grass

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 5:51 PM
Subject: Chicken pox; garden spikes
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Forgot my Chicken pox story. Fifteen years ago,
on 3rd of July, our family walked through most of
the town watching our big annual parade for the 4th.
When we got back home to the pizza party we held,
my youngest had very suspicious red dots on his
face. Sure enough, chicken pox. I always wondered
how many families suffered the same fate thanks to
my kids who all eventually came down with them!!!!
And my blonde daughter was the sickest of the three.

For the one who asked about watering spikes, Home
Depot (which I understand is everywhere now) has the
spikes. The price range is $6.95 - $20. My DH bought
two last week. Now ask me why as our town has a
watering ban!!!!!

Ann in MA

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 5:11 PM
Subject: Featherweight
E-mail Address: HGHansen@aol.com

I found a green Featherweight sewing machine at a church today. I guess it was made in the 1960. Cannot find it on the list. But I do not care for 10 dollars,it was well worth it. Will call Singer on Tuesday and find out the exact date and year. the number start with EV. does anyony know the year before then? Hannelore

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 4:56 PM
Subject: Beary Itchy Spots
E-mail Address: redmil@email.msn.com

Just reading about the chicken pox, and remember my DH coming home from work, saying he felt awful. A little later his headache was so bad he asked me to call the Dr! This is a man who never goes to see a Doctor. He thought he had meningitis, it felt so bad. The doc took a while coming, and DH says hey, what are these spots? I say, well IMHO it looks like Chickenpox. He says it can't be , he's already had them. To cut a long story short, he hadn't, and it was. He was ill for 3 weeks!!! We lost people on the ICU, where I worked as a nurse who got it inside their lungs!!!No ,I didn't know you could get it in there until I nursed them. The DD got it 2 years later and sailed through it with no problems. Thank the Lord. Love the Angel story. Best wishes from Stripey Bear in thundery Worcestershire.

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 4:52 PM
Subject: Stuff!
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi all,

Can't believe how much I don't understand when I miss one
day of lurking!!!

Have been planning a perennial garden sale for this week, but
was late getting ad in so it is next week, but told a few friends
and told them they could come by today. They wiped out half my
stuff, so it's dig, dig, dig again for next weeks advertised sale!
For some reason, this year's gardens have exploded (warm winter?)
and everything needs to be divided. But it does look bee-u-t-full!!
Peonies are just popping open today and smell so wonderful. Love this

I was so upset for the BB'er who had vet's quilt thrown out. Heartbreaking
when so much work goes into them.

For those on East Coast - Heartbeat Quilts in Hyannis is having 20% off
their Ott lights. Think I'll give myself a retirement present as I
really could use one.

Happy Memorial Weekend to all. It is so gorgeous in MA today and
projected for rest of weekend, that I am in heaven (should I have posted
that on prayer BB??!) :):)

Peace to all, good health, prayers for all who need them and thanks
for all you wonderful BB'ers.

Ann in MA

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 2:28 PM
Subject: Pig Picking Cake
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Humm Good !!

Don't remember who posted the recipe for this cake,but Boy! was it delicious !! Made it yesterday and my DH raved over it and it tastes even better today !! So, thanks from our household for this different tasting dessert !!!!


Date: 5/29/99 Time: 1:31 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

You all warmed my heart with the angel story. I loved the chemo part, I hated being bald for 8 months, hated the wig, but love the curls now! I know ya all tell me that the curls will leave, so I'm not cutting my hair until they do.

Chicken pox hit my son in his Senior year of College, he up at Humboldt State, and me off on vacation with dh....well he survived!

I do have an addiction, Free Cell on the computer, out of 32,500 games I am on game 11,416! Yes, I quilt, clean the house, do the yard, knit the dish cloths, bake and do the 50 tea each week, but I still am a free cell junkie!!

Have a good weekend
TerTer xxoo(((((((((0)))))))))s

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 1:25 PM
Subject: Happy Holiday Weekend to all
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

I love Memorial Day weekend...it's when our pool opens! Saturdays from 10:00 to noon are "adult swim", and I have been enjoying this with my father-in-law for the past 11 years. The weather today is beautiful, although the water was positively icy! I managed to swim a quarter mile before my hands got too numb. Looking forward to going to mom and dad's on Monday for a get together.

I'm hoping to make it to JoAnn's today, and then get started on my blocks for Ohio 99. Time is running out!

Wishing all of you a safe and happy weekend.

Mary in Ohio

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 1:14 PM
Subject: chicken pox
E-mail Address: cats173@hotmail.com

Hi everyone, way back in the early 60's when I was a freshman in HS my little brother got chicken pox. Of course I got them. I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in my older brothers wedding the end of Dec. This was back when they had the draft for the military and the brother getting married was called to take his physical. When he got there he had chicken pox. They sent him home on a grey hound bus. The wedding had to be postponed for two weeks. Then my oldest brother got them and a new best man had to be recuited.All of my kids had them in the summer when they were age 3mo. to 5 yrs.seems like it took a couple of months or more for everyone to get over them. Mumps, that is another story. I had them right along woth my kids. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We are having wonderful weather. Kim in MI. I'm glad your surgery went well, I was wondering about you. Mayme in MI

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 11:43 AM
Subject: chicken pox
E-mail Address: jwigg@homenet.lm.com

Don't know about blondes having it worse-I have two ds's , one got the pox first, didn't realize what it was, since he had scratched them all open. My neighbor shared her tube of mosquito bite cream with us, then all the other kids-yep, two weeks later, all the neighborhood had it! It wasn't till then that we realized he'd had the pox, not skeeter bites. Only had them in the warm moist areas. Our youngest, blonde also, got them very bad, infected, down his throat, high temp. the first ds scratched like crazy, not a mark. Second ds too sick to scratch, on medications, ointments, etc.- he has scars. It was nice that they all had it at once, and could all play together. I do know that you shouldn't give them aspirin to avoid Reye's syndrome , a complication of pox.

I had the pox in college, roommate's boyfriend brought them from home. Went to the infirmary with the flu, I thought, and they quarantined me, and wouldn't let me go back. Was really sick. A neighbor's boyfriend had them six times by graduation, very mild each time.

One of my ds also had scarlet fever-thought that was gone! My mom was a wreck, back then kids got heart problems,etc.

Janet in western PA

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 10:39 AM
Subject: Thanks!
E-mail Address: chaass@trib.com

Good Morning, Thanks for the nice warm welcomes! i appreciate people taking the time to do that. I am starting to get "motivated" to start a new project, Lord knows I have plenty of fabric!!! I have two sons, 15 and 17 they keep me pretty busy, but a mom needs something of her own, right? And our winters tend to be a bit longers than others (we had snow two weeks ago!) , so quilting wins hands down.

I hope to work in my little flower garden today and then this afternoon I can come back and read all the messages on the bulletin board. I loved the angel story, gave me goose bumps.

Anyway, y'all have a great day, I look forward to having a cup of coffee with you soon. Be well!

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 10:19 AM
Subject: Snoopy Dances because of the "F" word (Finished!)
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Didja all feel it? The earth shaking and moving as I tried to do my Snoopy dances for the two quilts I actually Finished?

Forgot to tell you guys! I finished the 50" square wallhanging I was working on for a coworker who retired last December. Turned out really well considering all the !@#$%^&*( half-rectangle triangles around the outside edge I'd never done before!

I pieced the middle and asked everyone attending her retirement party to sign it then took it home and did the rest. Had it MQ though as I haven't been brave enough to tackle that yet and didn't wanta mess up her gift.

Also, I donated the scrappy quilt with the silly houses and occupants to the doctor's office yesterday. They loved it! (Now, I have to start one for my little 2 yr old GD as she kept crawling over the other one, pointing and saying 'kitty' 'frog' 'kitty')

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 9:53 AM
Subject: LONG Angel Story
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

LUVED, LUVED, LUVED it! Thanks, Nancy in NY, for posting it. I have been reminded all my life that "there but for the Grace of God, go I" and I hope I never forget to be thankful for each and everything I have and what others do for me. May I never be accused of being ungrateful!

And right up there, next to the Lord, are all of you wonderful BB friends! (Doesn't that make you feel speshul!)

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 9:40 AM
Subject: Misc, & Kellie's "heartfelt" quilt
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

SUSAN IN MONTANTA---okay, okay, so they're "long" and not "big"!!! But I still win. My feet are LONGER than yours. I'll e-mail you the size because we don't want to scare any of these nice quilting friends here on the BB!!! And at 5'11", I'm probably still bigger than you, too. So there. LOLROF!!!!!!

KIM a/k/a berlysue IN MICHIGAN---Oh, girl!!! I have gobs of flowers and color, but who said anything about "manicured"??????? I leave that to my neighbors who hire the lawn service. LOL!!! The flowers are there to distract the eye from the total lack of manicure---kind of like one of those little quilters' tricks.

URSULA--thanks for posting the metric conversion website. Have already printed it out. It will come in very handy.

TODAY -- It's 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, been up since dawn and I've already put the sealer on the (kind of big) deck, arbor & stairs while DS is asleep in bed and DH is on the golf course. Yesterday DH explained to me what "holiday" weekend means and that he was NOT cancelling his tee time. LOL!!!.) I used a garden type pump sprayer and boy-oh-boy, does that save time (clear sealer w/no color so don't worry, it's okay).
Now my work is done and I can play in the sewing room (my "holiday" weekeend!) I saw several posts to the quilting Bb about JoAnn's sales, so I'm going to wander over to my local JoAnn's and see what they're doing here for Memorial Day.

KELLIE & ANDY'S QUILT---I haven't seen anything posted lately about the progress of Kellie & Andy's "heartfelt" quilt. Back in March I sent a block w/ the check for $2(?). The check has not cleared the bank yet. Can anyone let me know if my block & check got lost in the mail or if they did arrive? I think I mailed it to Nancy in Loveland Ohio, but I really can't remember and don't have her e-mail address even if I could remember ( the way time flies around here, 2 months is a LLOONNNGGG time, you know----old age and related disorders!!!)

We're having another weekend of beautiful weather here. Won't get any housework done when it's this nice outside!

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 9:27 AM
Subject: Bits and Pieces
E-mail Address: chambers@capecod.net

Hi everyone, I have been lurking lately and haven't posted for ages. Mary on Cape Cod thank you for your birthday wishes. I had a nice birthday. I got new pictures of my first, new grandaughter and my first NANA birthday card. My daughter-in-law said Kayla (DGD) insisted that Mom buy it for me and send it. I loved it. I got to see DGD when I went to NC a month ago and will not see her until they come up for DD's wedding in Feb. I sure wish they lived closer but I'm thankful for puters, scanners and e-mail. I like working out in the yard but it sure cuts into the quilting time. My neighbor said she was watching me mow the lawn and she noticed after awhile I must have gotten tired of going back and forth because I started making pattern in the lawn as I mowed. (I have a good size yard) She said from her upstairs window she could see flying geese patterns and what she described as nine patches. I must have been thinking I'ed rather be quilting. Our weather has been so beautiful that what little quilting I have been doing has been out on my deck, where I am heading now. Everyone enjoy. Peggy from Cape Cod

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 8:35 AM
Subject: hello, garden gadget and ..
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Welcome to newbies - Colleen in WY and NucChem in NH (give us a nickname to call you).

Joanne in NY - congrats on finishing your diploma

Barbara in SoCA - you might find the watering spikes at a large garden center. I ordered from the Gardener's Supply Co catalogue - 6/$12.50 + s/h, 1 800 863-1700 (no affiliation, but lots of good garden stuff).

Have a bit more planting to do, a trip to a great herb farm and then I plan to do lots of quilting this w/e. Happy and safe Memorial Day w/e to all.
Susan in NW New Jersey

Date: 5/29/99 Time: 8:18 AM
Subject: thanks
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

Morning coffee with the BB crew. Sun is shining, and a beautiful day has started.

The angel story will definitely change how i go about my day today. Thank you for reminding me that i am very lucky to have a healthy family with a roof over our heads and food to eat. An lots of love for each other.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Sheree in So Il

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