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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

May 22 - May 28, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 11:39 PM
Subject: Kay's Kids Quilt
E-mail Address: raeann@istmacon.net

I received a new quilting book today from Oxmoor Press "Relax and Quilt". While scanning thru it I came across a page titled
"Quilt Project Brings Helping Hands to Tornado Victims". In light of recent events here as well as in Oklahoma and Kansas it
caught my interest.

It described a 5th grade teacher, Kay Johnson and her class project, and I knew who it was about. Neat article on our BB
involvement in her class quilt as well as the 48 quilts BBs sent to her to distribute to the toronado victims in her town.

There is a colored picture of Kay and all the kids with the class quilt and close ups of the Arizona Chile Peppers, New
Hampshire Moose and Alaska's Wolf blocks.

It was a surprise to find this page among the patterns and pictures of quilts. I thought some of you might like to know your
blocks are still being appreciated and getting publicity. I have thought so many times about Kay and wondered how she is, etc.
Also wondered if her quilt ever got finished and on to her?

I posted this to the BB as well as on here. Probably upset those who don't like this kind of thing on there but its the first common bond so many of us have from this BB. Long may we live and "distribute blocks".

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. Raeann in Mo

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 11:31 PM
Subject: couple of thots
E-mail Address: wagners6@sunlink.com

Just a few thoughts as I caught up with all of you.
I would'a "bit her".
That's AWFUL. He actually threw the quilt away??? Maybe somehow it was found by some "trashpicker" we have those when it's yard sale and town clean-up. They go through things and take them to fix or use. I'd like to think this happened and someone is using that quilt.
Love the dental floss story. My DD#2 is 9 1/2 and she comes up with that type of thing too! She also has used much of my floss on bracelets and "projects" that only need a "little".
Love the angel story. I copied to send to a DF who will definitely understand. Now, if only she'd learn to quilt...
I'm gonna piece (peace)tomorrow, o happy day!!!
DD#1 is going away for the weekend, DD#2 is at girl scout camp, DS#1 is away for the formal and two parties, and DH and DS#2 are going fishing. Only me and the dog, and if I let her chew on my socks she'll let me sew in peace all morning!
I'll only have to stop to go coach the girl's softball for DD#2 s team. She's coming to the game then going back to camp. There are 4 players at the camp and one is the other coaches DGD.
Happy quilting and have a safe Memorial weekend

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 10:42 PM
Subject: An Angel Story (long)
E-mail Address: Halia4U@aol.com

A friend of mine at work gave me this. She got it from a friend who got it off the internet somewhere. Thought it was nice, and worth all the typing. (LOL)

Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansions guest room. Instead the angels were given a space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied "things aren't always what they seem."

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good nights rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel "how could you let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him" she accused. "The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let their cow die". "Things aren't always what they seem", the older angel replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it. Then last night as we slept the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem".

Sometimes this is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later. Think about this:

Should you find it hard to get to sleep tonight, just remember the homeless family who has no bed to lie in. Should you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't dispair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of priviledge. Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for the last three months. Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return. Should you notice a new grey hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient on chemo who wishes they had hair to examine. Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose, be thankful. there are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

And finally, should you find yourself the victim of others people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities remember, things could be worse. You could be them!

Nancy in N.Y.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 10:22 PM
Subject: More Blocks
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

More blocks today...

Mary P., Columbus, NE
Gail P., Columbus, NE
Alana B., Columbus, NE
Raeann L., Macon, MO
Hannelore H., Manassas, VA
Sheryl C., Mineral Wells, WV
Jeanne D., King of Prussia, PA
Annie S., Pasadena, TX

We're now up to 368 blocks!

Serial Quilters was lots of fun today, even though we did absolutely nothing in terms of sewing or quilting! We figured out who might go to Quilt America and what classes we wanted to take (watch out, four of us are coming, and we're all going to take the same classes!).

We also worked on the cookbook, categorized everything, and then we discussed Ohio 99 and the menu for the open house. By that time it was 2:30 and I needed to leave to take DD to get a haircut, so that was it!

Hard to believe Ohio 99 is getting so close! We're really excited about all of you coming!

Before I start responding to the requests for raffle tickets, someone is going to have to tell me if it's legal to accept money for them through the mail (and across state lines). I'm happy to have you send the money, I can keep everyone's ticket's in separate envelopes and then let you know if one of us is the winner....I just don't want to get into any trouble! Regina? You know anything about this through the postal service? Any attorneys out there?

Thanks for your help!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 10:04 PM
Subject: Summertime
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

Good evening. We are doing Snoopies here! the 2 burms are planted! Banana trees, perennials, and cedar pilings(although i don't suspect the pilings will grow many flowers), even got DH to agree to squash plants! Tomorrow morning will mulch and add some wave petunias and other annuals for color.

Going to dear granny's sunday morn to pick strawberries. I can't wait. DS has never done this, so it will be interesting, but good fun for granny!

Bertie: What a great one! My son had the pox in the spring, but i don't remember him coming up with anything as good as Joseph!

Can we send all our husbands to Vegas for 7 days? Maybe we can qualify for some type of group discount?

Have to go to cemetary this weekend. always depresses me. But DS#2 likes to take flowers to his baby brother.(stillborn) He would have been 7 in July.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 9:34 PM
Subject: Summer is here!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! Summer has officially arrived. I say this only because I went and picked up my yearly quota of strawberries from a local farm (26 quarts = jam, and more jam, and yet more jam, ha!) Can you tell we like strawberry jam? (LOL) Quick gals and go out and buy stock in sugar, ha! There is just something about locally grown berries that makes me think summer is here. Call me crazy, which I am already calling myself after wading through 15 of these quarts...ugh...have 11 more quarts to clean!!!

Well, better get going. Hope you all have a safe holiday weekend. Be extra careful if you have to travel this weekend! Brenda in Indiana >^..^< (who gets to drive to Bloomington - home of IU - and pick up my naughty Elvis from the repair shop. He was rude again and didn't want to wind bobbins...bad, bad boy, ha!)

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 9:32 PM
Subject: I Love Quilting Book Club
E-mail Address: dottiann@nh.ultranet.com

I have tried to belong to the 'I Love Quilting Book Club ' two times. I thought that the 1st request may have gotten lost in the mail, but my 2nd request has gone unanswered for 3 weeks now. Has anyone tried to join this club and what was the length of time from sending the form to when the books were 1st received?? This club seems too good to be true, which may be the case.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 9:19 PM
Subject: 5 yr old's chicken pox bounce
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Five yr old grandson came to visit with full blown chicken pox. He had been warned not to scratch the blisters. Not feeling well, he was lying on the couch, and he kept bouncin' his lil behind about a foot up in the air with a loudly uttered "Unh!" I said "Joe! Could you please lie still. I'm trying to hear the TV." He promptly replied "But, Gramma, my little balls ITCH!" and bouncin'em was the only way to relieve the itching short of actually scratching!

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 8:13 PM
Subject: Aide for Pox and other itchy things
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

The best thing we found for bug bites, burns, C.pox, sunburn, etc. is the sap from a blade of the Aloe Vera plant. It stinks to high heaven but works great. The worse it smells the better it works. Kids will accept it better if you make up a gory story about it. They usually go for stuff like that. DS called it "stinky snail snot". I keep 2 large pots on my patio. Get to it soon enough and burns will not blister. DS#2 had the c-pox at age 17. He was really sick. High fever and throwing up for several days. DS#1 had them in 1st grade. Hardly knew he had them excet for the blisters. He is brunette. I heard that blonds (DS#2 is) have a worse time with them. Anyone else notice this?

To my 'tomato advisers' I have lots of blossoms! Will holler when the fruit sets. Susan in NW,NJ....I will look for the watering gadget tomorrow. Should I go to a nursery or Target-type places?

Kitty-Kate...My roses are showing some new leaves and I think a tiny bud on one. Also found the aphids are enjoying a picnic there. (I thought I heard a crunching noise out there.) Gave them a good dusting of 'their' powder I found in the garage.

For you San Diego area BBers...Spent the greater part of the day at Rosie's Memorial Day sale. Check her web site, it's a good one. I wish all you gals could visit her shop.

Have a great, safe holiday weekend.
Barbara in sunny, warm, Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 7:57 PM
Subject: Catching up
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

School work at the end of a year is one long paper-grading ,report filling out, time consuming job. I swear we have to record the kid's grades in 5 different places and fill out a room inventory that duplicated the one I just filled out a month ago. Really cuts time for quilting since I do most of mine after school before DH comes in. I am working on the blocks for Ridgeley and David's family and hopefully will finish and post them tomorrow and then I can start on Andy and Kelly's.
Its furnature movig and fabric sorting time at my house. Sis is gifting me with stuff that won't fit in at Mom's where she and her family are temporarily sheltering. The man who bought the house wanted it within two weeks of the offer being accepted and they couldn't find an apartment that suited them.I would bet that having moved once this summer Sis will be reluctant to heft things again soon. Moving, I suspect, is much like childbirth. After the delivery you swear you will never do it again- at least until you see the next cute baby.

Robbie has been at thread again- he is one upset tummied kitty. All we van do is wait it out.

Did you know you can get chicken pox more than once? Carrie had just two little bumps and was sent home from school. She promptly gave it to her little brother and her best friend. The poxes dried up and we sent her back only to have her sick again two weeks later. This time she was full of them. Ice packs help some in the hot spots around the joints and between the legs. -Peg in Chicago

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 7:40 PM
Subject: looking for kindred quilters
E-mail Address: bellytk@nh.ultranet.com

Hi, recently retired nuclear chemist has watched his wife quilt for many years. Now has taken the challenge and begun himself. Fascinated with making doll quilts using vintage feedsack fabrics as they would have done in the depression years. Looking for other beginning guy quilters to share hobby with through email. Working on my fourth one now, a log cabin barn raising. I use sacking for the backs trying to employ the old logo from the sack such as one I just completed with a great eagle from Ellison Mills of South Carolina. Good pastime for our cold New Hampshire winters.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 7:29 PM
Subject: Quilt cleaning 'n' stuff
E-mail Address: veronicaw@calexico.k12.ca.us

Hi All!

Wheee; it's the weekend! I plan to get that comfort quilt top pieced and on it's way to be quilted. I hope to have pictures any time now, so we can gaze upon the beauty we have wrought! We should have enough blocks left over to make a petite comfort quilt, so everything comes out even.
I stumbled upon two different cleaning methods for quilts. The first is as follows:
Buttermilk Recipe
1 Gallon Water
1 Quart Buttermilk
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

Let the quilt soak in mixture and then wash either with Orvus or mild
detergent. The brilliance of the restored colors will amaze you.

The second method is really for small things, but you could use it on a whole quilt if you were determined. Just get yourself some Efferdent, dissolve it in a small basin, then let the fabric soak for a while. This method is especially good for very delicate items because there's no swishing or scrubbing and they're supposed to come out looking as though they were brand new and never washed. Anyone who has washed a fancy doll's outfit will know how floppy and bedraggled fabriccan get when washed using conventional methods.

I have to mention my family's chicken pox story. The year I turned four, my mother's side of the family decided upon a reunion to be held while taking an extended camping trip. Wonderful idea, except that someone brought chicken pox with them and it spread to all 16 kids and two uncles. Imagine the joy of grumpy children added to cooking over a camp fire, no running water, etc. You know, none of our neighbors stayed in their cabins very long that year. I wonder why that might have been?

Veronica in So Cal, where it's 105 degrees in the shade!

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 6:17 PM
Subject: Have a great Holiday Weekend
E-mail Address: lkw326@aol.com

I am looking forward to a great quilting weekend. Put the DH on a plane to Las Vegas for 7 days and now I can see alot of quilting time in my future. Went to 2 quilt shops today and bought way to much [like I didn't already have enough cloth]. Bought the Stack-N-Wack book and can't wait to try one. I hope I can do it without going to a class. Have all my Y2K squares done and ready to mail. My plans are to finish up all those projects that only have one more step till complete. I need to get on with bigger and better things, thats my problem I do to much jumping from one thing to another.
I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and that whatever your plans are that you have a wonderful time.
Lois in North Carolina

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 5:52 PM
Subject: Chicken Pox Update
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

Just thought I'd update you on Jonathan's chicken pox. He is doing much better. Some of the spots are starting to scab, and the itching has really settled down. This kid is ultra ticklish, and trying to dab Calamine lotion on all his spots was really a three ring circus! He also has a thing about the way things smell, and spent his time in his Aveeno baths with his nose plugged ! lol I think we are over the worst of it! Thanks to all who e-mailed me and who posted their stories of chicken pox. I related many of these to Jon, and he realized he could be a lot worse off. Also, thanks for the warnings about complications. I am well aware of these. A little boy from a nearby town died from chicken pox complications a few years ago. My oldest DS had the chicken pox when he was barely 1. At age 2 he was diagnosed with asthma. I have heard that chicken pox can be really dangerous for children with asthma, so I'm very thankful he's already had them. I had to chuckle today when I watched the news. There was a report urging parents to get their children immunized for chicken pox -- they didn't say it doesn't always work!!

Worked in my garden last night. Mulched my potato plants with straw. Was a lot of work, and I hope it pays off! Need to put some around my tomatoes and peppers tonight, and maybe play in my flower gardens a little. I bought 2 Hibiscus plants this year, and am enjoying their beautiful flowers. I also bought one that is supposed to have 12" flowers, and I need to get it planted. I have enjoyed reading everyone's gardening stories.

Karen in KS where it is a beautiful spring day!

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 5:35 PM
Subject: Hello everyone
E-mail Address: jodi73@juno.com

Not enough time now to catch up on everything, But will do so this weekend.

I'm doing my own Snoopy dance. I graduated last night from our local community college with an AAS Paralegal. I didn't get very excited until I met two friends there. I knew they had been taking classes also but didn't know they were graduating too. It was fun!

Then I got home and DH had gotten most of our friends together for a surprise party! We didn't get to bed till midnight.

DS graduates high school 6/24. That'll be another mile stone. Hope you all had great days. The sun is shining and another sabbath rest is nearly with us. Shabbat Shalom all.

Joanne in NY

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 4:53 PM
Subject: introduction
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl

Hi, everybody
I am showing my friend how to use the BB chat , so beware of JO she is coming soon.....

CMom i am sorry but when we wanted to get the c Card our comp.crashed :-(
We had to remove everything so now we missed the card.

we are going camping this weekend to trie out a new tent , let's see if it's waterproof( we live in Holland ;-))
Annelies from Zoetermeer

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 4:49 PM
Subject: introduction
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl

Hi, everybody

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 3:49 PM
Subject: Hello from Wyoming
E-mail Address: chaass@trib.com

Hi from Wyoming
Do you welcome newcomers? I was surfing and found this website, it looks cool! I love quilting, haven't been able to do any for a few years as we just built a new house in our spare time (and we are still together!!! LOL) Anyway, a warm hello to all of you.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 3:26 PM
Subject: Snoopy dance
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Goooood afternoon cyber buds!
I get to do the snoopy dance as I have finish the top of the Mariner's Medallion (from the book of the same name)
And, my kids are out of school for the year which also means I'm done teaching art. There will be more time for quilting after I quilt 6(of 8) small quilts that my 5,6th graders made over the year. I have 'til June 9th because they are in the MN quilt show. I have given up sleep.

Back to the quilt; I decided to embroider some flowers on the windows and I asked my DD to get my floss boxes and she said "mom, That will be Wierd". I told her that pink flowers with green leaves would really add something. She came back with the green (mint) dental floss and the pink (bubblegum) floss.
Moral of the story: always be specific!
She's 11 and has made many friendship bracelets out of MY embroidery floss.

Everyone have a really blessed weekend!
Sandi in MN

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 1:38 PM
Subject: a little of this, a little of that....
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Talking about getting childhood diseases when you are an adult....The strangest thing happened to me when I went to visit my Sis in San Francisco about 2yrs ago. 5 days after the return plane flight, I started to run a fever which lasted a few days. Then I broke out in a strange rash on my arms and belly.... and then some days later, I woke up with the backs of my hands and feet hurting *real* bad...they were even visibly swollen. Every joint in feet and hands hurt as if someone had crushed all of those little bones... I had no idea what it could be.
Went to the doctor at the HMO and they refered me to a rhuematologist. He was one of these guys that was know for zero bedside manner and no sense of humor, but was REALLY smart. Well he poked and prodded and wanted all sorts of bloodwork and peeing into cups, etc. I told him that the HMO would not let me pee in HIS cups...I had to pee in THEIR cups (all labwork had to be done by the HMO lab) I even got a smile out of him! Also, as a scientist, I find that doctors actually take me seriously and answer my questions. Too bad that they don't always do that with other women....hmmmmf! I asked what he was looking for as he inspected my fingertips with a magnifying glass, etc.
Turned out that what I had was "Fifth's disease", also known as "Slap Cheek" (really Parvovirus B-19)....one of those diseases that you get as a kid and hardly notice it. Well, if you are in the group of about 20% of adult females who did not get this as a child, and get it as an adult, you have all of the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. This doctor asked for the one blood test that looked for the "initial infection" antibodies that are only in your bloodstream for 14 days and found them!! What detective work! None of the other doctors even thought of Parvovirus. You have antibodies in your system later showing you were exposed to the virus, but they are different from (and in addition to)the ones from the initial infection.
Unfortunately, all of those symptoms are really your own immune system's reaction to the virus, and it takes a long time for the joint pain to go away (6 month for many. recurrence of symptoms for some people even after one year). Kids who get this rarely have joint pain...(sometimes their knees hurt them, but not always). I find that even after two years, if I am fighting some infection off, the backs of my hands and feet hurt again. Really wierd, huh? Bodies are really strange sometimes!

URSULA in S.Jersey: I'll bet you have little file fragments in your puter if your DH uses something like AutoCAD!!! Everytime a program like that crashes, it leaves debris everywhere! Very messy. Disk de-fragging is good.

PEGGY in Iowa: CHOMP! I would have said, OOOPS! sorry! Just had a reaction to what you said.... Promise I won't do it again....!!!!!

I am going to work in my yard this weekend and let DH go off Kayaking. We BOTH will have fun, and I will finally get over this cold/virus I picked up on my trip. Every time I travel on a plane, I come down with something. That episode of Parvovirus, I probably caught on the plane home from my Sis's place. It was exactly the right timing. Plane travel will(and does) cause the spread of all major epidemics now. No one in the world is really safe from disease anymore. It takes less than 24 hours and you (and your disease) can be anywhere in the world.

Ronna in Sunny, Warm, Happy Valley

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 1:24 PM
Subject: Chicken Pox, etc.
E-mail Address: RLgreene@worldnet.att.net

The year that I had chicken pox, I was in the first grade. It was 1964 and I had a new baby sister who was only about 6 weeks old. She got them, too...had about 6 spots and never got them again. Thing is, this was before there were vaccinations for everything. The day that I went back to school from the pox, my brother came home with the measles. We had chicken pox, then measles, then mumps, the flu, and then another type of measles one right after the other. At least we were all done with them! My mom says that between Good Friday and the Fourth of July, there were 13 days when someone WASN'T sick!! (There were 6 of us then...) I am glad that we don't have to go through that anymore!! Karen, hope that kiddo is doing better by now! Mybe the shot will work for little sis and she won't get them!

Shirley in Kansas

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 1:17 PM
Subject: Adult Chicken Pox
E-mail Address: helgesom@cadvision.com

Just wanted to echo Willi's concern about chicken pox but from an adult perspective. Once you have had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in your body and can resurface in adult years in the form of shingles. This is usually due to a low immune system and stress. I know, because I had them about 3 years ago IN MY EYE. This is a very serious place as you can suffer corneal abrasions and lose your eyesight. I was lucky as I went to my family doctor who diagnosed it right away and had me to the eye specialist that day. I had thought it was pink eye. Other symptoms are a pain pattern along nerves, which in my case affected my hair as well which was broken all along those nerve endings. The other good news is that there is now (about 10 years old) an anti-viral antibiotic available for this condition. It is very expensive, in my case the generic brand was $220.00 Canadian for the 10 days of treatment (5 per day for 10 days). The only lasting effects for me were the permanent loss (at one pock mark) of several eyelashes and a recurring flutter of the eyelashes/lid on that eye.
On a funny note about chicken pox, my next oldest sister and I had them at the same time when we were kids and she has two pock marks dead centre on her forehead. She always told people that she got shot by a BB gun!
Meredith in Alberta, Canada

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:39 PM
Subject: Chicken pox & other stuff
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi everyone, lots of chicken pox stories, and it brings back too many memories of my 5 kids, many years ago, coming down every 2 weeks with the dreaded thing. Before the days of vaccination !
The youngest brought it home and she hardly had a spot, but the older the child the worse it got. When the oldest son had it he was in such bad shape all he could do was lay in bed with only a sheet covering him. There was not one inch of the poor soul that wasn't covered with the ooze. Poor guy, we really had a hard time when he felt like getting out of bed and coming to the table for dinner. I love him dearly but we all had such a hard time eating with him there. You can just imagine what the youngest children were saying to him at the table! The poor principal(in his late 50's) at the youngest ones school came down with it and his wife was in fear of his life, he was absolutely deathly ill. Two months of chicken pox, Nov. and Dec. Katie; Love the Boob thing.
Kass; Will definitely try the cake recipe. I'll forget the diet,(which I'm always on).
Betty; Can relate to your chicken pox story.
NQR; This is definitely not quilt related but here goes. I am new computer user and still finding my way around all this "puter" stuff.
Has anyone out there seen the Email scrabble game?
It was mentioned on the Rosie O'Donnell show and I looked at it at Walmart, but the box doesn't give that much info. Do you play with someone, alone,yes I'm really a newby! If anyone has tried it, please send me info, would really appreciate it. Happy quilting day to all.
Linda in HOT California

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:24 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

A suprise came in the mail for me, just before the guests started arriving.

Susan G. from N.J. A cookbook on muffins and such.. And some tea fabric. Thank you Susan very much.

Annelies: So glad you enjoyed your BBQ, our new dgs must have some hobbies, what are they?

Berni: Hope that the weekend with dh was a blast, even though no quilting was brought along.

Have a enjoyable weekend all.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:05 PM
Subject: Joann's 800#
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Elaine from NC

The number for Joann's is 1-888-739-4120.

Hope that helps!

Katie Mac - Spring

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 11:51 AM
Subject: Boobs
E-mail Address: ktmccollum

Hey, ladies!!! I have been very busy dealing with a Y2K scammer and it has taken up all of my BB time.

I sent this to several people and Lynn in TX thought I should share with all of you. Hope you enjoy!
Katie - Spring

The Difference Between Small & Large Breasts
..can get a taxi on the worst days
..have a neat place to carry spare change
..make jogging a spectator sport
..can keep a magazine dry while laying in the tub ..have more negotiating power (with men shorter than them)
..usually can find leftover popcorn after a movie
..can always carry a little extra
..always float better
..know where to look first for lost earrings
..have a place to set their glasses when sitting in an armless recliner

..don't cause a traffic accident every time they bend over in public
..always look younger
..find that dribbled food makes it to the napkin on their lap
..can always see their toes and shoes
..can sleep on their stomachs
..have no trouble sliding behind the wheel of small cars
..know that people can read the entire message on their t-shirts
..know that everything more than a handful is wasted
..can come late to a theater and not disrupt an entire aisle
..can take aerobic class without running the risk of knocking themselves out.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 11:46 AM
Subject: chicken pox
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

now that I'm caught up, I also realize that chix pox was "in the news"... My two older kids (now 22 & 19), got it just after arriving at my mom's house (a two day from home trip) for a summer vacation, it was just the three of us, and Nana. In the end, even though they couldn't enjoy being in her wonderful little "summer resort" type town, in Northern Michigan until the day before we came home, it was more "fun" to be sick at Nana's house (and she had a bidet which was a useful "toy" to those poxy little bottoms!!) The kids were 5 & 8 then! DD#2, a bonus for good behaviour on my part!, got the chix pox when she was 4, in the middle of Christmas Eve night - mommy, I'm hot and my head itches..... this time we were out of town at my MIL's and all the cousins came the next day!!! (yes all were infected, the worst my dear sister in law's 4 each got them one at a time, every three weeks for the next 2 months....)
A wonderful discovery the second time around is the product "Aveno", a very fine oatmeal bath soak product, which really does relieve the itching and can be used as frequently as you want. It is at the drugstore, or ask the pharmacist. It IS NOT a prescription.

And I could wax for hours about unappriciated gifts..... my HD is one that falls into that category, took me a lot of hurt to figure it out...by now I can read the signs of those who do appreciate, and I steer projects their way!!! Had to LOL about the quilt not matching... reminded me of a dear friend who is a first class watercolor painter and who had to grit her teeth when people asked her to paint to match the sofa!!! Art just IS, as someone already said. Art doesn't have to match!!

Wishes for a safe and great weekend to all!

Lynn in TX

doing a snoopy dance because dear son is graduating from HS tomorrow!!

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 11:16 AM
Subject: had to LOL about cake
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

I haven't read too far down yet, but heard about the cake and then read the recipe. I had this from years ago, and I can't even remember what my friend called it, the one who originally gave me the recipe, but right after we moved to Houston, this cake was in a favorites column in the food section and the name given there is what I always remember it by now. It is not pig pickling, but equally thought provoking: "better than sex, cake" - of course, I cut out the recipe and accompanying article and mailed it to my friend at the time ! : )

Lynn in TX

just want to say again, thanks to all who have contacted me about the care square for Adriana.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 11:14 AM
E-mail Address: bvogt@powerlink.net

I can tell you a good one. I made a dbl/queen size Irish chain quilt for my dogs Vet as a thank you for the good care he had given her following a serious operation for hip dysplasia. He was not at home so I left it in front of his mailbox on his porch. It was all sealed up with a mailing address and return address on it. We later found out he mistook it for old moving boxes and tossed it out when he was cleaning off his porch. Never apologized or anything.
M. L. in Maine

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 10:44 AM
Subject: Good Friday Morning
E-mail Address: jrktex@aol.com

Peggy you should have bitten the digit and educated her in the ways of quilts. They don't have to match - they just ARE. Some of my favorites are those that have scraps of DGGM, DGM, aunts and cousins dress scraps. Think I care if they don't match my carpet? My DGD's all wanted the Sunbonnet Sue made with their dress scraps. Gave it to the first one married so now I have to make 3 more. I really think those are much more special than the planned decorator ones.
I always recommend saving clothing scraps of DGK for a quilt when they grow up.

Wish you all could see the wildflowers here in Texas. They are spectacular this year. The bluebonnets are gone but we have fields of solid yellow orange black-eyed susans. Roadsides are full of red, orchid, yellow, pink, white, etc.
Just beautiful. My purple wave petunias are doing a good job hiding DH's BBQ smoker too. If you haven't tried them, one little plant fills a basket and runs all over.
Sandra in Texas

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 10:06 AM
Subject: Joann's Quilting
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Can anyone help ? I have been trying to get thru to Joann's by telephone for the past two days,concerning their big sale this weekend on batting !!I would appreciate a 800# if there is one or either just a number period !!I would love to order, but can't get in touch, I will be ordering from N.C. Thanks, Elaine

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 9:05 AM
Subject: Misc.
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Good morning everyone. Another beautiful day here. Time to go to my ABC meeting to make more quilts for babies that I know will be appreciated. Fridays have been quiet since a Certain Lady took a leave of absence. Chicken Pox..never had them..only one out of my four children had them..makes me itch just thinking about them. Our wild lady slipppers, "Nature's Orchids", are in bloom now. It is against the law here to cut or remove them. Celia..Miss You!!! Pig Pickling Cake..sounds great..don't know how it got its name. I had to laugh though as I could picture someone baking this cake, while doing the pickling and a pig running through the kitchen! LOL..No offense to anyone. Today is friend Peggys birthday..so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Peggy. Have a good day everyone and stay out of trouble while I'm gone for the day. Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 8:54 AM
Subject: CAROL from Wantage
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

I have outlook express too and had this problem beginning of the week. Have you ever defragmented your computer? It worked for mine. Here is what I do on mine, yours may be different.

1- go to start
2- go to programs
3- go to accesories
4- go to systems tools
5- go to disc defragmenter
6- MAKE SURE you are defragmenting your C drive
and start it.

My husband is a computer aided draftsmen/design engineer so our pc gets a lot of "junk" on it. It's kind of like getting rid of all the little fuzzies in your sewing machine. It runs cleaner.
Hope this helps!

Ursula in S.Jersey :o)

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 8:40 AM
Subject: Metric website
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Morning all, I had a few requests for the metric website I got from Sue in Germany so I thought I'd post it for you.


Hope this helps with any metric to English conversions.

Hope evryone has a safe and happy holiday weekend and I think I'll try the pig pickling cake too!

Ursula in S.Jersey :o)

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 8:38 AM
Subject: Carol - E-mail
E-mail Address: bevncarl@lynxus.com

Carol - contact your server by phone about the mail problems - they will help you! Bev in Cincy

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 8:09 AM
Subject: Pig Pickling Cake or Mandarin Orange
E-mail Address: mrkjpQqtm.net

I can't believe I didn't post the recipe. And I HAVE made it. In fact, just made it a week ago for a tailgaiting party, and I am working on the leftovers. . . I leave a fork in the pan.

Kass, who uses all the juice

Date: 09-Oct-97 11:54 PM
Author: Chocolate Chip

Hi all,
I don't know why this cake is called this. I am puzzled. Does anyone know? It sounds delicious.

Pig Pickling Cake
1 pkg. yellow cake mix
1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges
1/2 cup oil
4 eggs
1 cup walnuts
1 (3 oz.) pkg. instant vanilla pudding mix
1 (9 oz.) carton Cool Whip
1 large can crushed pineapple, drained

Mix cake mix, oranges with juice and oil. Add 1 egg at a time and then nuts. Pour into greased and floured cake pans. Bake at 325 for 30-45 mins.
Mix pudding with Cool Whip. Add pineapple but not all the juice. Frost cooled cake. Refrigerate. ENJOY!!!

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 8:00 AM
Subject: E-mail trouble
E-mail Address: Payne @ Telstra.easymail.com.au

Dear Sandi in MN. I tried to send you an e-mail but it didn't get through.I don't know what I did wrong.I will give it another go.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 7:49 AM
Subject: Pig Pickling Cake
E-mail Address: mrkjp@qtm.net

Holice: here is a recipe that I lifted from QVC's kitchen threads. They seemed to rave about it. I've never tried it. But, hope this is what you want.

By the way, what makes a quilter a professional?
Accepting a money prize, teaching classes? A question came up on QORC, Mary Graham's email newsletter, and I immediately thought of you. Thank you for any input. Kass in beautiful sunny sw MI. Everyone have a safe, long weekend.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 1:39 AM
Subject: email trouble
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

HELP! What does this mean? I can not receive or send mail but I can post. My kids use hotmail and they are fine. I use Outlook Express. My email has been like this for three days now. What should I do? I am getting an error message, but it doesn't mean anything to me.
Carol from Wantage

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 1:13 AM
Subject: 10 o'clock new...
E-mail Address: bruce@televar.com

Dental assistant's digets endangered! More at 11...

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:58 AM
Subject: Not so serious
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

Well, "Mr. Willi" left a message on the answering machine today that he would be home tomorrow. That was a surprise, since I thought he was due Sat. Having visions of all I have to do before homecoming and I have the House Tornado all day tomorrow, so we were going to have to do a lot of errands before picking up Papa at the airport. Like get his shirts out of hock at the cleaners and wash his new truck(Which he got the day before he left and has been missing in action until last night , courtesy of the DD and DS. Papa may be a little surprised to see over 600 miles on his brand new Yukon.)
Well, he called back and said he's really coming home Saturday. So, the 3 yr old and I still have to do errands, but we don't need to get it all done and meet the plane. We just might go to the playground. Of course, DH thinks I've been at the playground all week.
It's way past bedtime. Nighty night, Willi in MI

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:56 AM
Subject: ChickenPox
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Don't really know why, but my 4 children avoided Chicken Pox as children...
17 year old daughter traveled to Europe with a Choir. As we're on the way to the
airport, she reports that she has a zit behind her ear, I looked and agreed with
her. She also reported that she had a stomach ache, but I reminded her that she
got those on the first day of school. Yes, you guessed it, one of the adults with
the group was a nurse and she diagnosed ChixPx somewhere over the Pole. Got a collect
call to say that she had been confined to her room, but was going to see "Annie" in London
that night. She probably scattered Pox thru several time zones.
15 years later her twin sister spent two weeks at my house looking like she was trying
out for a part in a horror movie. She wouldn't leave the house so I convinced her that
rather than die from boredom, she should piece a quilt. She did and gave it to a
friend who was having a baby (yes it was well loved). But she says her introduction
to quilting was a far from happy memory. My sons finally got the
Does anyone remember when the health nurse would come and nail a quarrentined sign on
the front door? Three of my childhood Christmases were spent behind a door with a
big Pink sign on the door. Scarlet Fever once and Measles Twice.
All you gardeners are making me feel guilty. I planted a basket of Million Bells today
and they look so pretty that I might just do another one tomorrow. My plastic strawberry]
bag is going gangbusters. Betty in HAD TO WATER THE FLOWERS TODAY Oregon

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:32 AM
Subject: A serious note
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

I don't mean to be an alarmist, but I think our children and their health are too important not to mention this. Whenever I hear someone has chicken pox , I'm concerned. We have had some complications following chicken pox in our small community, even deaths. So please be on guard, especially after the pox seems to have run its course. look for fever, sore throat and get them checked. There seems to be something involving the weakened immune system. I realize the vast majority of cases are not serious, thankfully, but we can't be too careful. Hugs for our kids, Willi

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:25 AM
Subject: What Ever!!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
I think I must have really aged alot in the last year (the body parts)!! This yard work is killing me, very slowly, very surely. We are talking some major pain hear!!!! And no, I am not having any fun!!!!! Also - I got my tomatos planted today.... I planted the cherry maters in those hanging towers so that I can bring them into the sunroom come fall... My growing season is to short for them all to ripen out side before the first frost... So now I won't have to dig them up to bring them in....(Thanks to all those the cute little dears)!!!!

Doris W. in Tennessee - I didn't say big, I said Looooong (10 AAA)!!! It's the rest of me thats big, so in away you were right....ROFLOL!!!!!!!!

Well, looks like it is bed time again, so I am out of here,
Susan in (if it rained tomorow I could -----) Mt.

Date: 5/28/99 Time: 12:04 AM
Subject: Wildflowers and gifts
E-mail Address: denagene@juno.com

Every day I've been admiring the beautiful wildflowers in our garden. The red poppies are outdoing themselves, some of the larkspur are 5' tall-other blue, white, lavendar, purple and yellow flowers are all so pretty. My DH who is the "keeper of the yard" said he just raked in the seed when he planted them. Now they come up every year. We have purple martins nesting in their house nearby, they are so "chattery"-we like having them.
Over the years, I have made many, many gifts of all kinds-some of which were greatly appreciated, and some probably not. But I gave them with love because that's what I wanted to give. One of the
most appreciated was a Sunbonnet Sue baby quilt I made and gave to my great niece when she was born. She is now 10 and it is still her most loved possession. It's faded but still holding together.
I went to a Stack N Whack workshop this week, now I know why it's becoming a favorite! Dena in Ok.

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 11:50 PM
Subject: Unappreciated gifts
E-mail Address: jlmpam@netins.net

The posts about unappreciated gifts reminded me of the comment I heard when I was at the dentist's office. The dental assistant, (don't know what they call them - I know what I would have called HER) made the comment that she and her husband had received a quilt at a recent gift occastion from his mother - it was made from scraps from fabrics that she had saved when she sewed for him and other members of the family. But it didn't GO with anything in her house. She had no appreciation for the work or LOVE that went into that quilt.

I thought seriously about biting her when she had all her fingers stuck in my mouth.

Peggy in Iowa

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 11:19 PM
Subject: miscellaneous
E-mail Address: wagners6@sunlink.net

Hearing all your pox stories brings back a lot of memories. Not all good. My DS#1 brought them home from 1st grade in 1987 DS#2 got them exactly 2 weeks later, DD#1 got them exactly 2 weeks LATER and DH got them right behind her all total 8 WEEKS of CHIOCKEN POX!!! talk about misery! whew! My DD #2 just had them this past fall. I'm glad they're all done. it's true that you can get them 2X but not usually if you had lots of spots the first time.
Today was really busy, gearing up for a wild weekend. I sliced and diced 50 more squares for my DS#1 grad quilt. (mini Snoopy dance, I have 50 done already). I hope I can piece (peace?) Sat. Somewhere between the formal, pastor's 25th anniv., two baseball games and a parade. Oh and the phone ringing with RSVPs to the grad party.
When do you all get the time to quilt? Somedays it's enough just to breath! I do more small stuff now, until I get time.

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 9:51 PM
Subject: just stuff
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Evening everyone!!

I haven't been able to get to this board for a couple of days--goodness we all like to talk!!Hard to get caught up.

It was a beautiful day here in KS--no wind, the temperature was just right! We don't see too many perfect days around here!! We spent part of the afternoon at the park--I think 4 y/o DS could just swing for hours if Mom was up for it!

Yes, eating lunch at McDonald's with Karen(in KS)yesterday was the highlight of my day also! Much more fun than shopping with above-mentioned DS and a Jekyl/Hyde teenager!! I only wish we had lots of fabric stores to visit together.
Karen--hope your DS isn't suffering too much with the chicken pox!

I'm so glad to hear there are others who are not great gardeners. I've come close to giving up altogether, but ended up buying some annuals yesterday. Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.
I do have a question for the gardeners out there. We have a wildflower that grows abundantly here--called purple rocket. I would like to get some seeds after they bloom to grow some at my place. I'm guessing I get the seeds after the bloom is all dried up? And do I plant the seeds right away or next spring? And if I wait, how should I store them? Thanks for any help--told you I'm a real dummy about gardening!

Reg in KS--did you ever get your order from Hancock's? I have ordered 2 or 3 times and I got it pretty quickly--took about a week, I think.

Bye for now!

Susan in KS

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 8:51 PM
Subject: chicken pox
E-mail Address: jkjdesko@willex.com

Oh, yeah! 1988 & I'd just started a new job, my first "out of the house job" in 5 years...4 year old DS gets chicken pox! He was quite spotted. Fortunately his sitter wanted her kids to get it & kept him anyway. He about lived in the tub with the oatmeal bath stuff. I forget the national brand but Walmart has some too. Really helps soothe the itchies. Good for Poison ivy too.
I'll be planting the rest of the veggie garden this weekend. Cutting down this year. Only 18 tomato plants and a melon and a couple summer squash. Cuts into my quilting and genealogy too much.

Kathi in NNY

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 8:50 PM
Subject: Recipe wanted
E-mail Address: edwa@intrepid.net

Does anyone have the receipe for a cake called "Pig Picking Cake" Understand it is a North Carolina cake and served after BBQ - thus the name pig picking. It is aparantly made with two or three cake mixes or pudding mixes. has pecans in it and a frosting of white with lots of coconut. Would ppreciate it if you have it and will post on proper board.


Date: 5/27/99 Time: 8:02 PM
Subject: catching up
E-mail Address: kilshandar@excite.com

Hi all, it seems like forever since I have read this board and it sounds as if I have missed a ton.
My surgery went very well, thanks to all your prayers I'm sure, and I am now back to work. Not sure I am to happy about that, but hey better this than still recovering.

I saw a couple of references to projects and I was wondering if someone could let me in on the latest. I have just finished my blocks for Kevins family, but I saw someone mention Davids Family. There was also a reference to Carol for CO quilts. I would love it if someone could fill me in on the details on these and anyother that I may have missed. It's been almost three weeks since I have read the board and I am sure it would be tough to locate the actual postings. TIA.

I am also wondering if I could get the address for the Y2K raffel as well as Marilyn's quilt.

Doris - ROFL! I would have to agree, although I will admit that I haved always coveted the georgeous manicured yards around my house, but the thought of spending all that time in the HOT HOT sun planting, weeding and pruning just isnt my idea of fun. My gardening skills end right after I plant my 6 flats of annuals and then proceed to dole out the watering/weeding chores to the kids who wants the car most that night. lol hey, what ever works right?

Marilyn- I am so sorry to hear the news about Marilyn. I hope she feels better real soon. As always, she is in my prayers as are all of the wonderful BB people. I treasure each and everyone of you.

msdoniblue, Ohioccb, Sunbonnet, Nancy and all the rest of you IMer's. Hope to talk to all of you soon too.

Hugs to everyone
Kim aka berlysue in Michigan

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 7:29 PM
Subject: Chicken Pox and Unappreciated Gifts
E-mail Address: creinke@mindspring.com

I love the chicken pox stories - so I'll add my own. Being an early baby boomer, we of course, didn't have the vaccines for childhood measles, mumps & chicken pox. Every year at least one of these would sweep through first grade about Christmas time. Our teacher, a wonderful MAN (yes a male, first grade teacher in the 50s!!!) wrote a play to deal with the annual scourge. All he had to do was change the name of the disease - "The Year Santa Got ..." - of course Mrs. Claus took up the slack for him (eary women's lib).

Like the rest of you I have had my share of unappreciated handmade gifts, and now limit who I give the ones that take a lot of work. I like the idea of enclosing an explanatory note - I also suspect people don't always know what they are getting. Even though I have a DSis who weaves, wouldn't know a Swedish towel if I got one... As to the afghans/quilts in doghouses - remember that they are dear members of the family - and I'm sure THEY appreciate the gifts! LOL.

Cindy R. in AL

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 7:20 PM
Subject: hello
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

What a great time i have reading this bb. Everyone has such interesting things to discuss. it's nice to write about your daily events, and share things about life in general. Thanks for all the laughs, etc..

Gardening: the 2 burms in the front yard are almost ready to be planted now. i spent free time at work today looking at perennials for them. The Dh says he's planting some of his banana trees in them. oh well, i guess that means i'll be saving some money this year on perennials. Ordered 2 Dappled Willows from the nursery. these aren't trees like the weeping willows, they are a bush. they kind of have spotted leaves (green and white), then as they mature, they get a little bit of pink in them. we have one planted at work, and it's beautiful! If anyone has one, you know how gorgeuos they are.

I finally get to quilt tonight. stopped @ deli on my way home, have to water in the flowers, then i'm off to my favorite chair!

P.S. Can someone add to my intelligence level here and let me know about all this tea and toe talk! i'm fairly new to the bb, and i'm afraid i might be missing something by the way you all talk about it.

Have a great evening,
Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 5:45 PM
Subject: More Blocks!
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Ten more blocks arrived today, bringing our total for Ridgeley's quilt (and kids' quilts) to 341!

Nancy N., Schnectady, NY
Kyle W., Minneapolis, MN
Jennifer K., Minneapolis, MN
Terry C., Benicia, CA

TERTER: How on earth did you know my real name is Cathryn? I couldn't imagine who was sending me something from California with my real name on it - usually it's only on bills! LOL

Chickenpox - both my kids came down with it on Halloween day...three years apart! They struggled through trick or treating and then got to stay home for days enjoying the candy!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 4:11 PM
Subject: Y2K swap?
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

I was just going through the WWQP and was interested in this Y2K swap thing. Can anyone kind of fill me in on what it actually is? I really know nothing about it....DON'T LAUGH!! I'm probably the only one of us that doesn't, right?! Well if anyone would let me know I'd appriciate it!
Ursula in S. Jersey.....again! :o)

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 4:03 PM
Subject: Wendy in TX
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Sorry to post this but my email to Wendy DeWeese keeps bouncing back (boohoo). If you are lurking out there Wendy - email me so I can thankyou for the squishy. Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 3:58 PM
Subject: Annelies
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Annelies, thanks for the recipe, I will be making this bread for memorial day weekend! Sounds good and easy enough!
Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

PS- I know, I should have written all 3 thank you's on one message but I'm having one of those days!!!

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 3:54 PM
Subject: Sue in Germany
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Thanks for the metric website!! My mother was happy to hear she won't have to figure these things out for me anymore!
Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 3:52 PM
Subject: table runners
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Susan in HOT Fresno- Table runners....why didn't I think of that? I like that better then the wall hanging! Thanks a bunch!!!
Ursula in cool, breezy S. Jersey :o)

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 2:08 PM
Subject: The Pox
E-mail Address: dalodin*@earthlink.net

Chicken pox came to our house big time in Jan., 1971. It is all a vague memory now but you can imagine dealing with four boys....10 months old up to six years old. Fast forward to 1991. DS#5 is a senior in high school and has a part in the senior class musical “Carousel.” Yep, he gets the chicken pox, and his girlfriend gets it for the second time (mild case). Fortunately the spots were gone by the actual performance dates, so the show went on!! It is not only more painful physically as a teenager, but also causes some consternation among the friends. Is anybody else going to break out just in time for the play, or the prom, or graduation?
Angela in Santa Ana

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 1:36 PM
Subject: P.S.
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com


Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 1:35 PM
Subject: Chicken pox, gardening, misc
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

CHICKEN POX- reading everyone's posts about the chicken pox brought back a quilting memory for me. When our DS was in 2nd grade he finally got the chicken pox. While he was sick, I made him a Pillow Quilt (a/k/a "quillow") out of some Space Ship fabric. He loved it immediately and kept it on his bed for years. . . until he felt it was a little juvenile for his room. To this day, it's still his "comfy" when he's sick and comes out of the closet, and now he's in high school!!! That quilt was the only good thing to come out of our bout with the dreaded chicken pox.

SUSAN IN MONTANA---I'll bet my feet are bigger than yours. LOL!!!

GARDENING---I don't like to work in the yard, but it's a means to an end. I love the color that flowers give to the yard (50 continuous blooming rosebushes to back that up, too) Yard work is kind of like sewing clothing for myself. I don't enjoy it (as all my friends & acquaintances seem to think), it's just a means to an end---clothes that fit well!!!

Have a great day,

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 1:18 PM
Subject: Fraser Valley Quilt Show???
E-mail Address: julieg@microsoft.com

Are there going to be any yellow yo-yo's at the Fraser Valley Quilt show this weekend in British Columbia? I am driving up from Seattle with my three year old (maybe I should ask for prayers on the other page!) and will be at the quilt show on Saturday. I'll be wearing my yo-yo so if you see me, don't be shy.

Deanna, have fun at the wedding in Pullman. It's always nice to share in your friends' special days.

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:51 PM
Subject: Gifts
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

Ursula - When in doubt, make a table runner. I generally use 3-9" blocks of some
sort. Put a little border on it, pin baste with Warm and Natural, and quicky machine
quilt. Put the binding on and voila!! If you don't want to go that big, make a oversized
potholder/trivit thingy.

Nothing exciting going on here....auto racing has taken up most of my "quality" time
with DH :(....., needless to say, I've gotten a lot of sewing done!!

Susan in HOT Fresno, CA

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:19 PM
Subject: chicken pox
E-mail Address: quilticatatyahoodotcom

Have been reading about the chicken pox problems...just a word of warning ....you can get chicken pox more than once! It is the only childhood illness that I ever had and I had it twice ...in spades.....and if you are going to get it it is usually (but not always) less painful as a child. It is more of a nuisance to most kids but there is always the exception where a child does get quite ill. I wish you all fast recovery...epec. the poor suffering moms!

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:17 PM
Subject: No Gardening Today
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hello Everyone;
I spent yesterday in the hot sun trying to get the yard in shape. With the yardwork and the house cleaning I'm not getting my paper piecing quilt together very quick. I'm very slow anyway!
My oldest grand daughter is graduating from 8 th grade next week and my parents are coming from Idaho for the occassion. How wonderful that we can all get together. Of course this will mean lots of house cleaning to get ready for my mom. Still, at my age, I would not want my mom to dissaprove of my house keeping.
I have been reading about the experiences with giving handmade gifts. I have also learned over the years to only give them selectively. Some people just don't have an appreciation for the love and thought that goes with the handmade gift. I also oil paint and have been hinted to and out right asked for one of my paintings, and I can not give to one that would not appreciate it. I don't want a painting that I had put great effort into, to end up in the garage. Of course if it ended up in the garage, maybe that would show the quality it really was! HA HA Just a struggling, want to be artist.
I enjoy tremendously all the stories posted. You are all so caring and friendly, I so look forward to reading up on all that you are doing.
Happy quilting to you all.
Linda in Hot Ca.

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:07 PM
Subject: Cassi's Raffle Quilt
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Cassi...Let me know where to send some $$ for the raffle tickets on the quilt!! Can't pass up the chance! Marty be sure and let me know about Marilyns quilt also... a few dollars here and there don't hurt to much!! Besides, we helped make the quilt..should get the chance to win the quilt! Its for a good cause.....cause....what a happy if day if I finally win one!!
Hugs, Doni

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:02 PM
Subject: wall hangings, gift giving, and saucijzenbroodjes
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Well I am truly amazed that there are that many people out there that don't appreciate handmade gifts. The ones that got me were the woven towel and the crochet coverlet.....Eeeek!
Speaking of gifts, I'm looking for some fun and simple patterns for wall hangings to give as gifts to 3 VERY enthusiastic friends...they love hand made gifts and are not ashamed to burst into tears and fall all over you to show it. Anyone out there got any great ones?

Last but not least, Annelies, your bread sounds great...we love HOT! If you could would you please e-mail me the recipe? My mother is from Germany so if the recipe is in metric we can figure it out. TIA!

Have a great day everyone.....I'm washing kids, clothes, and dogs! :o( YUK!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 11:44 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Today the last two ladies of the 50 Toe Tea are having a retirement party at my home. House is cleanded dh helped (Mr. Terter is a new cyber dad and has a grandson,who is almost 12)

Floors are cleaned, tables dusted. Sandwich loaf made and decorated, currant scones done and some other sort of something I made, name? but tastes good. Sure I had followed the recipe right, but who knows. Cake ordered, ice tea icing, champagne on chill. Welcome Tea Pot Flag flying...Oh need to get ice, flowers and cute napkins...Always a last min. run to store.

I made one friend (non sewer) a quilt, my largest yet! Finished the legend yesterday. The other friend quilts, so she has a few gift certificates. Since we all met 15 years ago at the local Middle School where we worked a lot of old friends will be at the house today. I went on to another school 6 years ago (retired 2 now) so it will be nice to see some people..

A friends young daughter called and wants to make a quilt for a friend. Found the patch work with a plan pattern. Easy, 2 fabrics high contrast. Cut 8 81/2 inch squares of each. Cut 2 1/2 lenths of each (how many you need, I cut as I go) Use the sashing of one fabric around the other fabric..you now have 16 squares. Lay out border if you want and done Very easy.

Have a good day, mine will be busy busy but fun. Love having a new family havent told our son he has a ds,dbil and dn yet!


Susan N.J.: liked the tomato idea...will look into it.. Have your last message, just no time to talk this week.

Loon: Looking for burgandy this weekend..to go with the green.

Doni: in the mail tomorrow promise...

Kitty Kat: Well come on down and dip those toes.

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 11:43 AM
Subject: good morning all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

hi everyone,

love the stories of making gifts,,,,seems to be a sore subject for most,,,but having given my share of things homemade and not appreciated i agree,,,the thought does count but i don't make anything else if the receipient does not care for something,,,,too much work and love to just throw around for nothing,,,,to my way of thinking,,

chicken pox,,ugh!!! gathered up my neighbors child,,way back when,,,and gave him such hugs,,,not 10 days later i sprouted the wonderful pox,,at 27 i was quite a sight,,,,,but i damn near died from them,,,,,even inside,,,everyone i knew came over with their kids,,,i had children crawling up and all over me,,,,as it was apparent that noone wanted their kids to get them as adults,,,one mom told her child,,,''kiss her on the mouth'',,,,ugh,i was so embarrassed at the time,,and tried to wear a doily over my head,,horrible thing as an adult

sandra,,,from wa,,,,thanks so much for the squishie,,,wonderful fish fabric!!!!!!!!!!! haven't read the article about the loons,,,will do so later,,very sad to think about,,thanks so much for thinking of me,,

did i understand someone mentioned loon fabric,,,????

i have not been able to get back to all of the bb posting,,,sorry,,,seems i am days late and dollars short lately,,,by the time i read all the posts i forget everything,,,i do have to take notes...

hugs to all

loon/marie/maine,,,,did you know humming birds make their nests out of spiderwebs and lichen,,,,flower petals etc,,cup like nest that are so pretty and generally will re-vamp them again the next year,,,,,,or so i am to believe,,,,

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 11:41 AM
Subject: Chicken Pox and gratitude
E-mail Address: jrktex@aol.com

Got a frantic call from my twin DGD's Nana early one Saturday morning - come tell me if this is chicken pox or not. She didn't want to keep them off the bus going to girl scout camp without a second opinion. GM and Nana agreed - it was without a doubt so the girls stayed home. DIL was the leader and about had a come-apart when her DD's didn't get off the bus at camp.

Used to crochet a lot and have made DM a couple of afghans which seem to have made their way to the dog house a lot faster than I thought they should. She chooses to use her things, knowing that she will be getting more I guess. I started my 5 DGK's making a quilt block every time they visited when they were very little. Several years ago they spent a week and by helping each other they all got their quilts finished. Don't think I have to worry about them not appreciating quilts I give them. They all know first hand how much work it is. BTW one DGD refuses to let guests sleep under her quilts. LOL

Sandra, Proud Grandmother in Texas

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 11:12 AM
Subject: Canada Travels
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hello everyone,

My DH and I will be traveling thru Canada in another week and wondered if anyone from that area could recommend some sites to take in, that he and I both would enjoy seeing or shouldn't miss seeing ??? We will be in these areas, Montreal,Ottawa,Rideau Lakes and Toronto.We would appreciate anything that you have to offer.

Thanks, Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 10:38 AM
Subject: gift giving--chicken pox
E-mail Address: bozo@prairieweb.com

I haven't posted in awhile, but thought I'd jump in on a couple of subjects. First off, a suggestion when giving a gift that you put your hard work into: presentation can mean everything. I suggest making a tag with "An heirloom created by...." and a description of the process used to creat the item. "Hand-smocking is an old art..." for example. You can get some nice cardstock and print it up on the computer, use calligraphy, etc. Sometimes I think lack of enthusiasm is due to ignorance. I sometimes laugh at the notes in various manufactured items, "Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a wonderful timepiece..." etc. but some people might actually need that reassurance to think that they really got something.
Now on chickenpox. I was always dreading the time when my kids would bring them home from school, thinking I would have to keep them away from their daddy, who hadn't had them yet. Well, before we could get DH vaccinated, HE brought them home from work, and my babies got them about a week later. He had much more misery than they did by far! I'm just glad it is over with...
Julie in Nebraska (moving to Alaska soon)

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 9:53 AM
Subject: Gifts,travel,sacijcenbroodjes(DUTCH)
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl

Hi averybody,
Hi terter thanks for the E-mail i am answer it tonight.at this moment my DH husband is at home alone and he is also writing his DAD;-)

Sorry Greet,ik zal je schrijven vanavond .I hope you still understand Dutch.

Do you have all pounds in the US of A,when i take a pound there is no racoon coming but a Reiger (the english word is heron).

I just gave everybody on my work saucijzenbroodjes this is a kind of filled bread with meat ,garlic,tabasco,peppers etc.very hot .
it is almost the last day on my work i have to read the BB at home now.

we went to a travelagency to see how much it cost to go to california ......I have to save i guess for a whole year .

so bye for now,de groeten Greet.
Annelies from Zoetermeer

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 9:49 AM
Subject: Snoopy Dance Time!
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

I'm doing a NQR Snoopy Dance! I finished the final paper for my online class and sent it off as an attachment to the instructor about 10:30 last night. Then I went to bed for a much deserved rest!!! :-) Now I just need to do a student self-assessment and snail mail that in and life will be great! MORE TIME TO QUILT! YAY!
DH & I are off to Pullman, WA in the morning to attend the wedding of my quilting guru's oldest son. She and the other quilting ladies helped out in the kitchen at Rachel's wedding reception and Rachel and I helped out in the kitchen for her DS#2's wedding. When we received the invitation I told DH that I really, really wanted to go and he took the day off even though he's not big into weddings. He's a real sweey! :-)
Deanna, in Sequim, about to drive to Clallam Bay to celebrate the last day of school for one of our pre-schools. Hey! An excuse to go play! LOL!

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 9:39 AM
Subject: HOORAY!!!!
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Did you hear the sound of thunder? Did you feel the earth rumbling? That was me last night, doing 2,000 Snoopy Dances, one for each block on that Y2K quilt that IS NOW DONE!!!!

My thanks to all of you who sent squares for this raffle quilt! It is so much fun to look at, and everyone is ready to start buying raffle tickets for it. I'm hoping it will bring in a nice amount of $$....we'll see after June 11, which is when the raffle takes place!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 9:20 AM
Subject: Gardening and ..
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Barbara: you already have good responses about the jonquils - if you can, you might throw some 'bulb food' around the stalks now or in the fall (just do the whole slope with broadcast handfuls if in the fall, as the stalks will have died back).
Watering tomatoes - there is a nifty gadget I use on the deck when we're going to be away - it is a hollow spike that fastens into a 2 liter plastic bottle - connnect spike and bottle, punch hole in bottom of bottle, fill with water, and plunge spike into soil - drips out over extended period - even moisture is important for 'uncracked' tomatoes - you could also use a little mulch in containers to help retain moisture.

Janet - glad to hear DH is on the mend, happy to see you posting.

Got all my deck containers planted yesterday - so far, so good about creatures munching on the deck, but it is above grade, with a gate at the bottom of the stairs, so I think I'm ok for keeping deer off the deck - don't want to jinx my in-the-ground plantings, but do use a variety of repellant sprays, so far seem to work (or the creatures just have so much to choose from this time of year they are busy elsewhere).
Susan in NW New Jersey

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 7:36 AM
Subject: Bouncing email
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Is anyone else having lots of problems sending mail, or is it just me?

Lindy in Yakima, you're one I can't seem to reach, please email me.
Have a blessed day everyone!

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 1:15 AM
Subject: Update
E-mail Address: jbryan@iquest.net

This is a mix of all three pages so didn't know where to post. Thought most of you will be here from when I first posted so here goes.
I want to take this time to express my thanks to all of you for your prayers for Ed. He is now doing well and was able to return to work. As he has a desk job the doctors decided that he could try it and it seems to be going well so far. I have been so busy with helping him, yard work, etc that I have not been on here but want you all to know I have been thinking about all of you. One thing I did was spread two trucks loads of mulch in the flower beds and hope never to do that by myself again. BG But it looks like life will soon be back to normal ( whatever that is) and I will be able to read the bb and post again. I have missed all of you and hope I haven’t missed to much. I did get blocks made and sent for Kevin and David’s family quilts. I still need to do a block for Carol for the CO quilts but will get that done and in the mail this week. I have been working on an ABC flannel quilt and need to do the big stitch on it. If any of you have any helpful hints send them on as I will need them. I am using the buttonhole stitch on the appliques and found this to be the perfect project for sitting in doctor’s offices.
Again I want to say how much we both appreciated the cards, e-mails, and all the prayers from all of you. I do think it made a difference in Ed’s recovery. By all standards he should not have made it through this and while his recovery has been slow it has been steady and we can already tell a big difference in his health. We are thankful for each and every day we have. I just wanted to tell you that we think you are a special group of people and wish I could thank each of you in person and to say I am so sorry I won’t be at Ohio 99 to meet some of you in person.
Glenda - a special thank you to you and a surprise will be coming your way.
More later. Janet in IN where the flowers are beautiful this year. Go Pacers!!!!

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:50 AM
Subject: Me Too!!! and Me Too!!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Well, here's my sad story, both of them.

Many years ago she was to be my best friend. More or less got me in to quilting in the fist palce.... One year I make her a quilted tote bag, it just seemed like the thing to do for a fellow quilter!!!! The next time I saw it, it was in the trunk of her car, full of the kids gym stuff and covered in dog hair..... Needless to say, I haven't done that again...

As we speak, I HURT FROM THE TOP OF MY HEAD TO THE BOTTOM OF MY LONG FEET!!!!! (Being long, they of course hurt more than you ladies with short feet.) I have spent the last two days weed-eating, then rakeing the yard!!!! I have maybe one third of it done..$!#$^%@$ My garden can be found in pots up on the deck in hopes the dear will not venture that far... But I wouldn't want to bet on it!!!!!!!

Now for the good news, The Quiltting is done on my Whole Cloth Wallhanging.... When I get out of the yard, I will get the binding on and report back with a major dance in mind.

I will now take this very painful body off to bed, perhaps to dream of very, very short grass... LOL

Susan in (green and growing) Mt.

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:35 AM
Subject: Marge's DD, Karen & Susan & THE POX
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Marge - Tell DD I said Congratulations!!
Karen in KS - How great to meet Susan in KS. I love getting emails from both of you. 2 of my favorite people in KS, no I haven't forgotten the catloving Doni. Isn't it the most fun to meet fellow BBers?
Chicken Pox - 76 and DD#1 was in Kindergarten. Teacher said one of the kids had chicken pox but not to worry DD#1 wasn't around him. Whew! Next day in the commissary I ask friend to look at DDs eye. I think she has a sty. Friend says she has spots all over and it is probably chicken pox. Then I see all the spots. Can't see the forest for the trees. Two miserable weeks later and DD#2 pops out. DD#1 is having complications from the pox. Runs 104* fever for 6 nights in a row. DH isn't being very helpful and is complaining about being cold and hot. Too busy to notice him. Monday morning 2 kids still sick but DH is very sick. Fever and chills. Army says go to Sick Call. I say no, he is too sick. I call Flight Surgeon and tell him my DH is very sick and he is not to wait at Sick Call. I call DH's unit and tell them I have 2 sick kids and DH is sick and needs to go to Sick Call. They send one of the pilots out to pick him up. He has pneumonia. Every other day chest xrays. DD#1 every other day to Pediatrician's. DD#2 isn't too sick but pretty miserable. Living in TN and no family around. Ped. Doc. asks me what I do in my spare time. Funny! 6 weeks later after all are well again, I suffer exhaustion. I slept for a week. DH had to wake me to drink and eat, etc. He thought I was never going to wake up. I held up long enough to get them all well. We Army wives are made of tough stuff!

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:24 AM
Subject: California Poppy Quilt
E-mail Address: lsholer@sonnet.com

I am looking for a pattern for a California Poppy to use in a quilt.

Has anyone heard of one?

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:22 AM
Subject: And the winner is....
E-mail Address: megansmom@hotmail.com

the Yoda award, for wisdom above and beyond her years, goes to- drum roll please - Bertie
The Justification of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING award, -moment of silence, please- goes to... Pam! (Basting quilts = burning calories. Mom crying for joy, not agony over quilt quality. Outstanding!) More at 11....

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:13 AM
Subject: Unappreciated Gifts
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

Last year, as a surprise, I had made a lap quilt for my husband's brother and his family, as a thank you for some electrical work he had done for us. I felt bad when my SIL never even mentioned the quilt. But my efforts were rewarded when my BIL described how his 5 year old had fallen asleep with the quilt. He described what a warm feeling it gave him to see his little guy all wrapped up in the quilt. Hearing this made the time spent worth while.
Take Care,
Carol from Wantage

Date: 5/27/99 Time: 12:00 AM
Subject: Music !
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Thank You REG and KITTYKATE..Leaving the bulbs in the ground is music to my ears!
I have high banks on two sides of my proberty and another small one between between the house and driveway. This small bank is where the Jonquils are scattered. It was difficult to look at them at first. But they would not be ignored. They were popping up all over the place.

Thanks again,
Barbara in SV.(near San Diego)

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 11:59 PM
Subject: just had to post
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

I just had to post and tell someone my DD stopped over after her weight watchers meeting and she has lost 52 pounds and only has 5 more to reach her goal. She was so excited and happy.Looks good to.Cassie I'm with you on the garden work, DH likes planting and gardening so I let him enjoy his garden of flowers and veggies. Am starting my Dresden quilt have everything cut out , forgot to buy the background fabric,LOL can't believe I did that .DH said I did that so I have an excuse to go back to the fabric shop. Could be could be.
Marge from MI

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:32 PM
Subject: Jonquils
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Barbara in Spring Valley CA leave the bulbs in the ground. Only need dug evey few years to split them as they do mulitply.

Good luck
Reg in KS

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:31 PM
Subject: Bringing Chickens Home From School
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

I read the post the other day from the lady who's child wanted to bring a chicken home from school. Well, my 6 year old DS brought home another sort of chicken from Kindergarten -- Chicken POX!! I heard that they were going around in his class, but breathed a small sigh of relief because a few years ago I was a good mother and got him vaccinated for the chicken pox. Guess the shot IS NOT a sure thing! I half hoped the little red dots on his back this morning were bug bites, but by this afternoon, he'd sprouted many more and they looked for sure like chicken pox. Kind of had to chuckle at the little guy. I was talking about him "breaking out", and he got all concerned and wondered when he would break out. Don't know what he thought might happen to him, but he was relieved when I told him that getting the spots was breaking out. He has quite a few spots already -- wonder what he'll look like in the morning?

Now more fun will probably arrive in 2 weeks when DD will probably get them too. She had the shot also, but I guess I found out what that means! If anyone out there has any extra patience, please send it my way -- I have a feeling I'll be needing it in the next few days and weeks ! LOL

Took DS #1 to the dentist today to finish the work on his root canal. He's only 8 years old, but has been a real trooper through the whole ordeal! He found out the hard way that football isn't always fun -- especially when you fall and hit your mouth on a pipe and break one of your teeth.

The highlight of my day was meeting Susan in KS for lunch. Since we both had youngsters with us, we settled for McDonalds, but had a really nice visit while the kids played in the play area. We even got to exchange our Y2K and I Spy swaps in person -- much more fun than just opening an envelope! Later on, I ran into the yoyo (sorry Susan, I couldn't resist - and you were wearing some) at Walmart. We chatted a little there also.

Sorry this is soo long -- haven't posted for awhile, so I guess I felt I needed to catch up! lol

Karen in KS -- where the fun is just beginning!!

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:27 PM
Subject: Me too Cassie
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Cassie, You are not the only one here who does not like yard work. I am not nor do I care to be a gardner. I have to remind myself to water the tomatos regularly. I only planted them because I cannot stand to go without fresh tomatoes in the summer time. The garden was DH's other great love. He was the landscaper at the cemetery for 40 years. What that man could do with plants?!! Can someone tell me if I should dig up Jonquil bulbs or can I just leave them in the ground. DH planted them last year before he became ill and I don't know what to do with them. I should have been paying more attention and taking notes over the last 25 years. Who knew there would be a test? :-)
Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:26 PM
Subject: Me too Cassie
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Cassie, You are not the only one here who does not like yard work. I am not nor do I care to be a gardner. I have to remind myself to water the tomatos regularly. I only planted them because I cannot stand to go without fresh tomatoes in the summer time. The garden was DH's other great love. He was the landscaper at the cemetery for 40 years. What that man could do with plants?!! Can someone tell me if I should dig up Jonquil bulbs or can I just leave them in the ground. DH planted them last year before he became ill and I don't know what to do with them. I should have been paying more attention and taking notes over the last 25 years. Who knew there would be a test? :-)
Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:24 PM
Subject: Me too Cassie
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Cassie, You are not the only one here who does not like yard work. I am not nor do I care to be a gardner. I have to remind myself to water the tomatos regularly. I only planted them because I cannot stand to go without fresh tomatoes in the summer time. The garden was DH's other great love. He was the landscaper at the cemetery for 40 years. What that man could do with plants?!! Can someone tell me if I should dig up Jonquil bulbs or can I just leave them in the ground. DH planted them last year before he became ill and I don't know what to do with them. I should have been paying more attention and taking notes over the last 25 years. Who knew there would be a test? :-)
Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:14 PM
Subject: withdrawal
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

2 whole evenings w/o a stitch, i'm dying here. DH gone to STL to Cardinal baseball game, so i thought i'd get DS to watch tv and i'd quilt. but, the house was a mess, DH did some laundry that had to be folded, and introduced DS to Seussville on the net. It's a great sight if any of you have young kids.

Sandi in MN: I'm green with envy; 4 days in a quilt shop.

Helen: i think i'd put a stuffed cat in that robin's tree!

Patsy in MS: trip sounds simply wonderful

Waiting on more at 11...if it's as funny as earlier, we'll all be in the floor. Hey, while we're down here, let's pretend to baste a quilt!

Bertie: glad you and your DIL share quilting. My MIL says "that sounds like work"

Sondra: My heart breaks to hear of your DD's friend's passing. You didn't mention her age, but, it's important for kids to know about death. My DFIL passed away a year ago, when my DS was only 3. I wrenched and worried over what to do; take him to visitation or not. We finally decided to take him. We went early so we wouldn't "cause a scene" in front of anyone except family. I'm glad we took him. DH started to cry, then DS. Then i took DS home to a sitter(his other grandpa) for the remainder of the service. On the way home, I asked him if he was crying because his dad was. He told me "no, I was crying because Grandpa Bob died, Mom." My 1st child was stillborn, and we've always been honest with DS about this. He seems to understand, and goes to the cemetary with me to put flowers out. If we haven't been in a while, he asks when we're going. I hope your daughter's pain eases soon. She's on the right track by saying her prayers and being open about it. Good luck!

Sorry for rambling on ladies,
Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 9:42 PM
Subject: various
E-mail Address: gypsyj@mindspring.com

Pat.......I wish I were going to Gulf Shores too. I can't find Shalimar in my ancient Rand-McNally Atlas, but Pamela Doffek ia a quilter and q-teacher there. If I remember right, it is in the panhandle somewhere. She could certainly tell you about q-shops there. DH got me a new CPU but hasn't got my address book in, so I can't give you Pam's email addy. Snail mail addy is: 99 4th Ave. #127 Shalimar, FL 32579-1958. Phone listed on her patterns is 850-651-1204. Good luck. Share what you find. Who knows...someone of us may get to go this summer too.
Melodye...about the deer...have you heard of sprinkling human hair around the perimeter of your garden? The human scent is enough to keep most of them out. I suppose it has to be refreshed occasionally. Don't go get yourself a Kojak (I'm dating myself). Go to the beauty shop and offer to carry away all the hair from the floor. They'll think you're nuts, but I've heard folks say it works.
Now, tell me about the Snoopy Dance. I wouldn't want to do it at the wrong time, but neither would I want to miss an opportunity. LOL.

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 8:52 PM
Subject: Gardening & Gifts
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Cassi, I'm with you on gardening. Luckily my DH LOVES to plant anything and tends to it also. Both of his thumbs, all fingers & toes are green. He even feels real bad if something doesn't make it or heaven forbid if he as to cut something down. In 1986 he brought back two small (6" tall) pine tree sapplings from Camp Ripley MN (probably illegal). He planted them at his house and when we met & married in 1993 he dug them and planted them in our yard. Well we are currently working on our farm preparing to move there and he wanted to move the trees so they will be there when we move, says they are like part of the family. Problem is, the trees are about 7' tall. There wasn't any way I could talk him out of it, so he hired a service to dig them. We transported them and planted them about 3 weeks ago. He keeps telling them they have to survive or he is in the dog house for spending the $$$ he did to have them dug. But thanks to him our yard is very pretty. As long as he can play in the dirt he is happy. The kids and I keep teasing him about making a box in the corner of the family room that has dirt in it so during the winter he can play & keep happy!

I am very selective as to who I make something for. One of the most appreciative was my Dad. I had made him a log cabin for his bed. Then he asked if I could make something for his camper but he wanted it out of denim. I told him to get me the old jeans, and about a week later he had them to me. He was expecting just squares cut out & sewn together. I did a square in a square, using scraps for the outer triangles. It is one of my favorites and he was quite surprised & pleased. I don't think I could stand the disappointment of someone not appreciating a hand made item!

I've rattled on long enough. Hope you're all having the beautiful weather we are, mid 70's little wind!

Reg in KS

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 8:26 PM
Subject: one more ungrateful story
E-mail Address: wagners6@sunlink.com

I think most of us have had the same type of reaction at least once. i've stopped making quilts for babies too, because of the parents. IMHO if you wouldn't trust the person with one of your own children forever, you probably won't want to give them a quilt. Let me explain, we work so long and hard on a quilt, dreaming and adding in the love that when it is not appreciated, we take it personally. Too much effort and too little thanks. I usually knit a small baby sweater that i've used for about 20 years. It only takes three evenings and everyone loves it! I save my quilt skills for my own kids who beg for Mom's next quilt. I have four kids and can't quilt that fast! The current UFO is a "freedom" quilt for my DS#1 who graduates next week. We are going to sign it at the graduation party.
Happy quilting Dee in PA

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 6:43 PM
Subject: Hand made gifts
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

I sure did wince at the covelet in the dog house and the Swedish guest towel to scrub the floor. Geeeez! Some people are only impressed by things that they have seen in catalogs for lots of $$$$. It has to be a labor of love, doesn't it? When I finish the quilt for my niece (who is only about 17 months old), I know she won't know how long it took Auntie to make it. I will tell my Sis though, so she will know. She saw it basted but with not more than about 3" of quilting when I stopped by S.F. on my way back from visiting my parents, and said "That's nice" with a sincere but slightly distracted glaze to her eyes. I thought "Oh-ohh", but we'll talk about it again I'm sure. Takes me a bit of time to finish things (LOL!). Maybe Dana will be old enough by then......nawwww better get going on this!

For a wedding present, DH and I received from my MIL's good friend (who couldn't come to the wedding), a set of handwoven placemats. She was a weaver and so gave that of herself. Weaving is something I have done (although I don't think she knew that at the time) so I knew what was involved in the making of them. I made sure to write the T.Y. note, and when we went to visit my in-laws at Christmas, my MIL planned a party so I could meet all of their friends (only one couple could come to the wedding in Mass.) This gave me the opportunity to meet all of the people who had sent gifts and I made sure to tell her that I really liked the handmade placemats and use them especially when company comes. Before she made them, through my MIL, she asked what my china was like, what kind of decor in the house, etc, so her
gift was not just something she could make, but something she thought would be in keeping with our home. When my in-laws were visiting, I set the table using them and told her that I used them for our big Thanksgiving feast too. I'm sure that got reported to the giver (My MIL does that sort of thing)
Sometimes people give strange things.....another woman who knew us very well and knew that our decor is somewhat Danish-modern gave us two antique Victorian vases....saying that we needed something "old" in our house. Well....they are kind of ugly if you're not into Victorian stuff.... Still, I DO think of her when I see them (and wonder WHAT she could have been thinking!). My DH hated them and wanted to throw them out...but I can't bear to do that with a gift no matter how tacky it looks....especially if it was given sincerely. It just has meaning beyond the material object.
I hope that all of my hand made stuff goes to a "good home". But maybe that is part of the responsibility of the giver....

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 5:05 PM
Subject: Block Update
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

More blocks yesterday and today from....

Julie T., Mitchell, NE
Karen P., Cabot, AR
JoAnn E., Remsen, IA
Linda C., Allentown, PA
Brenda B., Hawthorne, NV (and her sisters Glenda P., Donna Joan C., Debra C., and Emily S.)
Lois M., Reva, SD
Cindy R., Auburn, AL
Gayle F., Gigo, Gu (Anderson Air Force Base - that's Guam, isn't it?)
"Peace", Brookpark, OH

This brings us to 331 blocks! Thanks again to those who have sent squishies for me or $$ for the expenses!

I must be the only quilter who does not enjoy gardening! My idea of gardening is to stick a couple of plants in a pot or in the ground and glance at them once in a while. Somebody else is in charge of weeding and watering. I'll go out and pick a tomato or a flower every so often, but I don't want any more responsibility than that!

Trying to keep up with all the end-of-the-year activities going on...plus still a full schedule of dance and baseball and scouts! DS actually requested a healthy meal, which means we have truly overloaded on fast food lately! So I have a reasonaby good meal planned for tonight - and tomorrow night if nothing screws up my plans!

I, too, have been the victim of giving an unappreciated gift. Not only did I make a lovely flying swallows baby quilt, handpieced and handquilted, I gave the baby shower for 60 people. I did get a note - one sentence "Thanks for everything you did" - this is someone I saw almost every day, and she never once after the event mentioned the shower or quilt ever again.

I agree with Brenda - test the waters with people. Some just don't care for quilts very much, some don't have a clue to the amount of effort and expense that go into making a quilt. Talking to people about it ahead of time in a subtle way can give you a clue whether a store-bought gift is the best route to take!

Of course, now that I've handed out that piece of advice, I have to confess that I have no clue how much or how well DD's dance teacher will appreciate the double sawtooth quilt I've made for her wedding next month, but knowing her, she'll at least remember to say thanks several times!

Cassi in Ohio, where it can't make up its mind what season it is

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 5:03 PM
Subject: The bear necessities of gift giving.
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

I alternately LOL and winced as I read the postings about reactions to, and uses of hand made gifts. The thing is Ladies, we make things because we enjoy making them. Unfortunately sometimes people have vastly differing tastes, standards and manners. The safest bet is to only make quilts if you know absolutely, that it will be enjoyed by the receiver. Don't feel guilty if you can't make something, it's your time, your money and your choice. Happy Quilting and a bear hug from Stripey Bear in s tarry Worcestershire, where it is now 2200 hrs. Goodnight.

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 4:55 PM
Subject: Blueberry Tea & Quilt show
E-mail Address: brad_lowe@msn.com

Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile as our guild's show is this weekend and I've been on the commitee end of things. It's been alot of work, but I've met some really neat ladies along the way so it's been worth it.
Colour: A Quilter's Odyssey is May 28, 29 & 30 at the Royal City Curling Club in New Westminster. I know there is just over 330 quilts in the show along with all of the regular other stuff.
I'm not yo-yo deprived anymore since Leah sent me one, so I should remember to take it with me.

Stripey Bear - I tried to send this to you but it bounced back so I'll put it here and hopefully you'll see it.

Blueberry Tea.

3/4 oz. Amaretto &
3/4 oz. Grand Marnier
added to regular tea, a cinnamon stick and a slice of orange.

Enjoy. It's really good. Cher in BC/Canada

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 4:26 PM
Subject: more receiver stuff
E-mail Address: mystyusa@aol.com

I can't believe that someone would use a swedish woven towel to scrub the floors. I made some hand towels for my husband and he just loves them. Sometime ago, I crocheted a full size bed coverlet for my parents for Christmas. They seemed to like it ok until one day I went to visit and it was in the dog house in the back yard. I was stunned. I used to make clothes for my daughter when she was small and she could care less. When she became a teenager she was a little more appreciative as she was able to choose what she wanted. Now she is all grown up and lives on the other side of the country. I saw an expensive beautiful beaded vest and bought it for her and sent it out. I didn't hear from her, so I called and asked her if she liked it. She said it really was not her style so she gave it to her son to wear when he plays cowboys and indians. I was stunned. There is just no accounting for taste. I made clothes also for my niece when she was young but she didn't seem to care one way or another. Now my niece's daughter is another story. She loves everything I make. Unfortunately, she is growing so fast, by the time she gets something from me,
it barely fits. ttfn :) Mary Ann

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 4:22 PM
Subject: musings
E-mail Address: nelsonst@charlotte.infi.net

Hi All! It seems to be a familiar experience to give a lovingly handmade gift and it's seemingly not appreciated. My mother made up for all this when I gave her the maple leaf sofa quilt that I made her for Mothers Day -- she buried her face in her hands and cried a minute, I'm sure it was out of happiness! (My quilts aren't THAT bad!)

Nancy in Ky is going to LOOOOOOVE Mary Jo's in Gastonia!

I'm pretty sure that crawling around on the floor basting a quilt is a recognized WeightWatchers activity. At least I hope it is, I gave myself credit for it.

The last time I machine washed fat and long quarters I ended up with them all wound into one stringy ball, it looked like one of those country rag balls you see in antique stores. Yes I knew I should have clipped the corners off, and I knew I shoulda put them in the mesh bag. It's a character flaw.

Oh, I forgot to say that there is a fairly good antique mall in the same shopping center as Mary Jo's, just across and down the hall a bit.

Pam in Charlotte

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 4:19 PM
Subject: No Thanks
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.

I'm glad I brought this up yesterday because now I know alot of people have experienced the same thing. Somehow makes me feel better. As I said yesterday (and as Hannalore said to me in an e-mail) , the quilt is for the BABY not the parent and I would probably get a case of the guilts if I didn't make one. Besides, I know my DMIL loves the quilts she has seen and would probably wonder why I didn't make one....family politics? I'm hoping my SIL has matured a little since she now has a 2 year old and the whole idea of parenting was a bit overwhelming for her then. She had never been around many children but her maternal instincts have definitely kicked in. That's been a pleasant surpirse.
Back to the garden.
Joleen in MN

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 4:05 PM
Subject: Third child out
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Jean in Az:

You're getting guilty feeling but really don't know why?" Because you're a nice person who gave a quilt to the girl's two older sisters and you haven't given a 3rd quilt (because the first two didn't get acknowledged to make you feel appreciated).

So, why not make the third girl a quilt from Aunty and give yourself peace of mind because you treated all three girls equitably.

The third girl may need it more and turn out to be the one who's really appreciative of Aunty's efforts.

Why let their lack of manners change the way you are: a loving, giving and kind person?

Just a thought : )

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 3:53 PM
Subject: Look What I Made Cont.
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! I guess we all have encountered a friend or family member who is not as excited about our handmade gifts as we'd like. Took me a while to get with the program on who to buy store bought and who to give handmade gifts to. A trick I do with prospective receivers is to show them something I've made that is similar to what I'm considering making them. If they don't jump up and down or show some other sign of true appreciation...I'm off to Penny's, ha! Seriously though, I know a gift is gift and for the receiver to do with as they please. You gave it to them without strings, right? But, it is very upsetting to spend many hours doing a handmade project only to have it shoved in a closet and never seen again, or used as a paint drop cloth. Whatareyagonnado?

Later Kids - Have a happy, Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 3:30 PM
Subject: Help please with woollen square patchwork
E-mail Address: fosters@wolfenet.com

I inherited several very lovely, memorable woollen scarves from various family members, I want to make a woollen blanket type patchwork quilt. Has anybody hints/experience with this?

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 3:16 PM
Subject: look what I made
E-mail Address: Handyquilt@aol.com

I guess we all have to learn the hard way about who to give our hard work to. I found out when I went to a neighbors and found her scrubbing her kitchen floor with the swedish woven guest towel I had given her for Christmas.(Thank goodness it was not a quilt!!!!!!!!!) laura from OhiO

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 2:19 PM
Subject: ?? receivers ??
E-mail Address: mystyusa@aol.com

I too made several quilts for others. I spent a lot of time, effort and dollars to make baby quilts for others in my office while my own projects sat waiting for my attention. Everytime someone in the office got pregnant everyone assumed that I would be the one to make a quilt. The receivers seemed to like the quilts at the time. I was just disappointed that after these ladies went off and had their babies, I never heard from them again. Not even a Christmas card! I liked all these ladies very much and thought the feeling mutual. Maybe I was just being too naive. oh well. I'm a little more selective about who gets one of my treasures. ttfn :) Mary Ann

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 12:51 PM
Subject: Great Big Thank You and other stuff
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for all the e-mails I received about the Hobby Lobby and this bridesmaid's dress. I got a phone call about 8:30 last night where the DIL of my friend gave me the pattern number. I found some light weight silky fabric that matches really good and plan to line the dress. I think I will be able to salvage this semi-disaster. How anyone can call themselves a seamstress with this type of work. I told Holly (the DIL of my friend) that at least her dress would be good. I just hope, as someone mentioned in an e-mail, that the bride didn't have her dress made by the same person. Anyway, again THANK YOU for all your help and terrific suggestions.

Ursula in NJ -- I can appreciate what you said about ungrateful in-laws. I have a passle of them. What's really sad is when a good friend doesn't bother sending a thank you note for a hand made quilt. Last year, I made a darling baby quilt for a friend who had struggled with infertility and finally had a baby after 13 years of trying. I found some Debbie Mumm fabric that has teddy bears and beehives on it. I fussy-cut the bears sitting with a pot of honey in their lap and used it as the center square of a log cabin. I alternated the center squares with the beehives. The bears had navy blue bows tied around their necks, so I found co-ordinating fabric of navy blue with bumble bees on it, as well as the mustard-like yellow with bumble bees and used those for the log cabin blocks. Not to sound boastful, but it turned out really cute. I was behind with my time, so ended up tying it. To this day, I have yet to get a thank you, or anything. Needless-to-say, that soured me on giving quilts as gifts. I have since done another quilt just like it, but this one is hand-quilted and I'm saving this for my first grandchild. Since my oldest is only 12, it will be a long time before it's used, but I'm ready!

I took yesterday off to attend a funeral with my DD. There seems to be an epidemic of leukemia in our county. We have just lost the third child in a year! When DD was bumped up a grade last year, she made friends with this young girl who passed away. The girl was a grade ahead of her, but always treated Robyn like she was an equal. Many of the kids made fun of her because she was moved up a grade. So, Robyn took it real hard. She had never been to a funeral before, so I felt I needed to go with her. I'm glad I did. Last night when she prayed, she asked God to have her Bampa make friends with Marissa. She said, "maybe my Bamba could teach Marissa how to fish". Talk about crying! That really affected me! My Dad was an avid fisherman and some of Robyn's fondest memories of him was sitting aside him at a lake with a pole in her hand! She was "his girl".

Plan to finish a dress for DD's chorus concert tonight, then can concentrate on the bridesmaid's dress this weekend! I'm REALLY not looking forward to this. I appreciate everyone's words of encouragement. Seems I'm not alone in this type of situation!

Hope everyone is having a great day. Sure hope Celia's puter is fixed soon! We miss you!


Date: 5/26/99 Time: 12:48 PM
Subject: Ponds,babies, old folks
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

Hi, my first time posting on the Chat, but wanted to add my 2 cents of fun about ponds. We put one in a few yrs ago, after DH dug arround the tree roots, we researched , etc. stocked it with 6 gold fish. After a few months the fish began to disapear. Soon they were all gone, we didn't know what was wrong. Finally we saw a racoon one night, he evidently ate them all and was looking for more. Later we learned that if a pond is less that 2 feet deep it is only a "racoon feeding station". Live and learn. DH did put in a small waterfall, which I love to watch and the birds like it also.
I decided my baby quilt for Brandon Paul will be very small, like he is. Only one block makes a premie size quilt, so I am almost finished! Picked up the invites. this AM with ducky theme, went to the post office for stamps and found Daffy Duck stamps!
Anyone out there live in South Carolina and know where I can find info. on nursing homes? Just got back from visiting 84 and 85 yr. old aunts who may have to be moved before the year is over. They live in western S.C. not much there in the way of services. They don't have $$ for private care, but too much for Medicade. Being in Fla. I don't know where to begin to seek help for them. Now they are in a retirement community but need more care. I know that God will provide, am not worried, but need to get the ball rolling on research. TIA
Sara in Fla. where the woods are burning

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 12:28 PM
Subject: Snoopy Dance and more
E-mail Address: rbrookner@gci-ney.com

The lurker is becoming more prolific! MY snoopy dance is for 2 baby quilts-one piece tops with the design in all HQing. I thought I would enjoy doing one, But 2 nearly killed my poor fingers! Not much of a hand quilter, but quickly got a little better.I still have to learn to make new paragraph on this dang thing! Anyway to continue--I made quilts for my nieces 2 older girls and not a word from any of them.There is now a third girl and I never made one for her. Getting a guilty feeling, but really dont know why. Jean in AZ

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 11:54 AM
Subject: NQR: Wildflower garden and other stuff
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

DONI and others interested in Wildflowers: I ordered seed from this company some years ago, and they had collections that were for particular parts of the country, rather than a "one size fits all" approach. Most of the seeds packets that you buy at K-mart and Walmart have seeds for all areas of the country in one pack and they just hope that some of them take in your particular soil. I think it is a better investment to get seeds that are suited to where you want to grow them. Just MHO. :)
This is what my web search turned up:
Vermont Wildflower Farm, (066) Ferry Road Business Center Charlotte, VT 05445 Type of Company: Manufacturer Contact:
R.J. Towne Position: V.P. Horticulture Phone: 802-425-3500 Fax: 802-425-3504
Wildflower mixes, W.F. mix for partial shade,
I live in the woods, so there isn't enough sun to make a wildflower meadow. I do have lots of woodland wildflowers like: five different kinds of Trillium, two types of Spring Beauty, Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon media [sp?]), Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica), Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium acaule), Blue bead lillies, Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), etc. Sun is dappled in my yard at best! So ask me about shade plants!!!

MELODYE: Just remember that math is like quilting; it gets easier with practice! If you practice math the same way you quilt (maybe a little every day), then your brain, like your underfinger, gets a callous and it doesn't hurt as much!!! This is from someone who was (and still is to some extent) a "math-a-phobe". I studied math so I could learn the physics and astronomy....and the math turned out kind of interesting...how did they ever think up that stuff???! If you do all of your homework and then you start with the first problem again, you think...geeez this doesn't look familiar...did I do this one already??? When you can finally go back to the beginning of your math homework set and say....yeah...I remember how to do this... then you know that you have finally practiced it enough. I won't tell you how many times I had to go through my homework sets before that was the case for me....too embarassing!!!
Practice, Practice, Practice. Just like hand quilting. It does get easier. Don't pay attention to those "whiz-kids" that seem to be able to do it without any trouble. Some people come by it naturally (NOT ME!), but sometimes it's easy for them because they have had a lot more experience and practice than you have.

My DMIL (the one who broke her arm/shoulder in Venezuela, has finally been able to work on her quilting again (PTL). She is a really tough lady at 83! It was her and my DSIL who got me into quilting. She also told me that she was sending me a belated birthday gift (it was in March) of a subscription to ummmm....ummmm...Quilter's Newletter (I think that is what it is called). I am a member of the AQS, and this isn't the newletter that comes with membership, it's the other publication that people seem to rave about. So I look forward to my first issue of that!
Also, a friend from work who recently got back into quilting (after hearing me go on and on about some of the projects I wanted to do)is just about to do a snoopy dance. She was able to finish the top of a "fish quilt" for her little 4 year old niece. We picked out some of the fabrics together, and I was trying to help her figure out some of the instructions for the blocks (talk about the blind leading the blind!) I get to see it maybe this friday. If you don't have quilting friends....convert someone!!

Gotta Go........

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:47 AM
Subject: fish ponds...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Deanna..we have 10 cats and countless number of racoons and critters around..for me part of the charm of the fish pond is watching the cats with the fish..the fish have the advantage....if the cats are around the go deep...except one..he's and daredevil..he splashes the cats and nips their tongues and toes! I have never lost a fish to a critter...
Words of advice..lets see..most important, make sure your level when you install it..and figure out ahead of time what kind of plants you want to use..some of the water lillies will not tolerate full sun, as the pond don't...if you don't have a real shady spot for your pond..use the water lillies and water flowers to shade the pond with..this keeps it from getting real green looking..It will turn a real thick green color at first but this should clear up in a few weeks or so, when you have everything all evened out with the fish and plants..you can get some bacteria stuff to add to your pond to help stop the allagie growth also if needed but I have never had to do that..you can see all the way to the bottom of my ponds..to keep the top of the water nice and clean buy a hand held pool scimmer from Wal-mart..they cost about $10 and that is the best investment I've ever made! Cut grass in the pond will turn it green in now time..
Waterfalls are pretty, but Lillies dont like the water movement..need to remember that also..I think that about covers it...Here is a web site that may help you some also..
they have alot of really good info.. Sorry to the rest of you for this being so long..just skip it if your not interested..I have gotten a few emails on the water gardens since I posted about having one...seems to be alot of interest.. And they are so fun!

Hugs to all, Doni

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:38 AM
Subject: swapping
E-mail Address: weer@skybest.com

Good morning, all,
I have a question about doing more Y2K swaps.
I have (almost) all 50 states and 31 international swaps for my Y2K quilt. I'm considering doing another, but it seems that the swap possiblilties being posted to the Y2K Forum are slowing down. Is that what anyone else sees or is it just my imagination. I only discovered the World Wide Quilting Page around March so I don't have much to base my observation on.

Can anyone email me to tell me what you think? I'd especially like to do the patriotic swap that some are doing for the Y2K quilts, but I've been wondering about getting enough and don't want to start if others about Y2K-ed out.

Cecelia in NC

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:19 AM
Subject: This old hen!
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

I cackled right out loud when I read JDB's question: 'Brenda, Dahling! How do you sort out a fish pond?' Thanks for the HUGE belly laugh.

I also withhold from people who don't respond properly to the "See what I made" looky test, Ursula. (Think it was Ursula who said that). Why cast your pearls before swine!

Snoopy dance time: Saw Gwen Marston on Simply Quilts building lil houses outta cloth as quilters are wont to do. Made the cutest (IMHO) lil houses wallhanging outta my scrap box and am going to donate it to a doctor's waiting room wall that is screaming for something cheerful! (or anything at all, ha!)

I put a snowman in a doorway, a crocodile in another, lil Amish boys, etc. Put bugs in the windows and frogs by the bushes and trees in the yards, etc. DIL wants it but told her she could make her own, ha! Showed her how to do bug jar and she made a really neat one. Just began quilting after she met MIL! She's doing great!

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:16 AM
Subject: Breast Cancer Stamp
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Just to update everyone on the Breast Cancer Semi-Postal 40cent stamp. I had thought the USPS had taken it off sale. Come to find out the Breast Cancer Awareness stamp, with the pink ribbon on it, is the one that was taken off sale. It was a 32cent stamp. Hope I didn't confuse anyone. Now everyone can run to their local PO & buy the semi postal stamp and know that part of the proceeds are going to a very worthy cause.
How long does it take to get an order from Hancocks/Paducah? I ordered on line Friday 5/14 and am still waiting. Am I being too anxious? Want the fabric so I can finish a quilt that I am making for myself!
Kids just have 3 1/2 days of school left! Although the aren't doing much this week, so I'm not sure why they are even going. DS#1 has a job for the summer working with a construction crew building houses. Should be good experience for him. We will have to transport him to & from the job sight, but it's the sacrafice I'm willing to make so he can find out what it's like to work.
Hope everyone has a great day. Our weather has been beautiful and promises to stay that way for a few more days! Makes it hard to concentrate at work.
Reg in KS

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:16 AM
Subject: Dot and the chicken...
E-mail Address: megansomom@hotmail.com

Chicken chases child. Male Parental croaks chicken for minor offense, or offending minor. Chicken coalition crys "Fowl Play". More at 11....

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 10:11 AM
Subject: quilt shops in Gulf Shores, Alabama area
E-mail Address: Patsy@netdoor.com

Laura in Alabama

I am leaving for Gulf Shores EARLY in the am for our annual 8 day summer trip to the beach. All of our family goes, as well as several quilting projects of mine. This year am taking dutch doll squares I am working on for DGD who is almost 5 and LOVES to help Nana quilt. There used to be a small quilt shop near Riviera Mall (Quilt Connection, maybe) but other than that, do you know of any more quilt shops in the area. Are you familiar with any in Pensacola, Fla. since that is nearby? The one I used to go to there has closed.

There is nothing better than sitting on the balcony overlooking the gulf, the wonderful gulf breeze blowing in your face, sipping coffee and piecing on a quilt. Have done this for 15 summers now. Can hardly wait!! Will think about all you poor working souls, wherever you are!!

Patsy, the retired florist, in MS

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 9:57 AM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

Good Morning Everyone!
So far, there are NO Albuquerque YYYs. Hmm....Is that city quilt impaired?
I loved the "looky what I made" test. So far I've only had one person who complaned about a quilt that I've given and that's my DM. Not that this is a problem...she enjoys complaining so much that it tells me she really likes it! LOL!
Brenda and Doni, I'm going to put a pond in at my house this summer (a friend of DS's gave me a small liner). Any suggestions? Do you have trouble with critters eating the goldfish? We have racoons here that think goldfish are their midnight snacks.
Someone posted about going back to college. Well, I took the plunge and just sent in my application. I've been taking some classes online for a while and did take a couple of classes at the local Community College. What I've discovered is that after 20 years I'm more focused and it isn't as hard as I thought it would be. This will bite into my quilting time, though. :-̃ Now I won't be able to call myself the world's longest-running college senior! I will keep you all updated if you'd like. Just think of the Snoopy Dance I'll be able to do when I finish! :-)
Deanna, in Sunny Again Sequim

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 9:24 AM
Subject: Just Stuff
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

I like the "looky what I made test." My oldest niece is getting married this Saturday and I have a pile for show and tell to take along (looky what I mades). My mom and both my sisters usually have a looky what I made pile that they bring along, too. Part of what makes quilting fun is the response from people when they are done.
Joleen in MN

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 9:02 AM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Hi All,
It has been so long since I have posted, I just thought I would say HI.!!! It has been incredibly busy lately, at work and at the scheduled family reunion that I am working on. Set for July 1st weekend. DH family will be in Canada for 50 years.
I do come here and read every day and some of the things you ladies are up to is so funny.
Brenda and the fish pond, Doni and the wild flower garden and then we get the swimming like a fish, (or trying too??). All the stories keep life sane. Thank you all
Annelies, sent you an e-mail. Where in Holland are you?? I was born there, maybe we can chat some.
Well I went and wanted to wash a bunch of (precut) squares so I put them in one of those little mesh bags with the string tie. Closed it properly .
Can you guess what happened ?? It opened and now in the washer and naturally in the dryer were 20 million , zillion (well it seemed like it) pieces of fabric.
Better go and see if I can straighten the mess out.
Have a good day all.
Grace in Ont. where we have had a good soak of beautiful rain , and life is pretty good.

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 8:36 AM
Subject: help, please
E-mail Address: cmathis@bgsm.edu

Good morning, all,
I need help with my new computer at the mountain home. I'm at work right now (about 8:30am Wednesday)

Is anyone EXTREMELY computer literate? I have a big problem with the computer. When I go to the World Wide Quilting Page and click on someone's email address to send them a message, my computer screams a rude "ouch" sound and flashes up a message saying that it's an illegal message.

What do I do to make it work?

Cecelia in North Carolina

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 8:34 AM
Subject: Good Morning!
E-mail Address: helniles@chorus.net

Good Morning to all, the sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing. I have a robin every morning that sings at to top of his lungs starting around 4:00a.m. , I love to hear him, but come on fella maybe a little later in the morning!!!! Does anyone have any great plans for the long holiday? We will be camping and fishing and I think maybe some garage sales. Enjoys your day everyone. Hugs, Helen

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 8:12 AM
Subject: Ungratefuls
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Morning all. I also have "ungratefuls". I showed a quilt that I busted my butt on to my MIL and she looked at it and said "Oh.....thats cute" cute? CUTE??? From then on I decided she is definatley NOT a recipient of Any of my quilted treasures. I showed the same one to a dear, family friend and she almost cried she loved it so much. Now SHE will get something from me. If they don't pass the "looky what I made" test, they get store bought gifts. Have a great day!
Ursula in S. Jersey where the sun is blazing today!

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 7:58 AM
Subject: Technology
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol.com

Goodmorning everyone!
Hope you are enjoying that fist cup of java with me.
To Sheree and Chris just keep telling yourself: modern technology is wonderful, modern technology is wonderful....... esspecially when it works!
There is a company here in the Twincities that inports Dutch fabs. and they are wonderful. The owner is very nice also, I had her for a guest speaker at my small group. Anyway there web addy is: www.quiltedjourney.com. They also have a catalog that you can email for and that addy is sales@quiltdjourney.com I got wonderful teacup fabric from them and they also have eggcups and teapots.
I must get going to work. Not to make you jealous or anything, but I get to work in a quilt shop 4 days a week.

Everyone have a blessed day!
Sandi in MN

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 7:14 AM
Subject: ungrateful relatives
E-mail Address: sci-fi-col@mindspring.com

I agree with many of you. I spent a full year cross stitiching a Christmas stocking for my first nephew (DH's sister's first child). This was shortly after I married my DH. She opened it, said thankyou, and tossed it aside. Fortunately, one of HER sister-in-laws came in and raved about it, so she has at least saved it for him, but now she doesn't get ANYTHING hand made. The other folks in the family seem to love my stuff.
Laura in Alabama

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 4:28 AM
Subject: plants
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl

Morning all,

I just read the stuff again on the BB, i noticed that the BB-ers all love to work in trhe garden but
watch out for the backs.

I watched my rose today, it´s so beautiful.

On saturday i have to go to the big city to buy some fabrics with Dutch prints on it, for a BB-ster.
Perhaps i will make also a dutch quilt ,never thought of it.

We gonna BBQ on friday the weather is good they say,it´s the first tim ethis year.
I only have to watch out with the dips because i just lost some weight so i have to take a yoghurtdip.

On Thursday i have a late shift so i can sit a little tanning.

bye for now,
Annelies from Holland

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 3:41 AM
Subject: chicks
E-mail Address: djp@madras.net

I loved the posting on how to care for the chicks. I felt like a little girl again and I could smell those little chicks smells. We had chicks on the farm. One Easter I had two baby chicks. When they grew up, one chased me. My Dad promptly killed it. Great memories, except for the being chased part, that scared me!

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 3:25 AM
Subject: Off line for a day or two more
E-mail Address: Chrisagher@msn.com

Hi everyone, Just a quickie to let y'all know I'm not ignoring you. The monitor on my desktop died yesterday and that is where all my email is. Bought a new one today (a 17 inch to replace a 14 inch) but it is in the van waiting til tomorrow to get hooked up. While the system is down I'm going to install my new rewritable CD drive. I'm doing THIS on a new laptop I bought about 3 weeks ago. DID NOT expect to need a new monitor or I wouldn't have bought this; but OH I DO like it. At the way I'm spending money on this computer stuff I'll have to eat dried bread and water for 6 months to pay for it.

See ya, Chris in C. KY

Date: 5/26/99 Time: 12:26 AM
Subject: DH had to do it!
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

What an evening. DH loaded Quicken on computer approx 4 weeks ago. checking account and all. so, i've only been updating the register total and not writing in all checks and deposits. Silly me! can you believe that right in the middle of me updating quicken this evening to reconcile with bank that the %&^#$ program froze up. Now it will do nothing. sooooo, i've spent the last 2 hours updating manually and balancing. the good news is i was only off a dime. thank goodness. the bad news is i lost a whole evening of quilting. Maybe i can throw the program into the fish pond with the boys, toys, and other ass'td stuff!! Indiana isn't really all that far from me, and as mad as i was, i probably could have thrown it to IN!

thanks for letting me vent!

Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 11:39 PM
Subject: just stuff...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Jdb...man that is the sweetest smellin tree I've smelled in a long, long time...Yes! I can smell it all the way up here in Kansas! Good job!!

Brenda...If you had my boys and Buford, mixed in with the pond scum would be toys...lost dishes...toy soldiers...bones....trucks...bones..cars..and bones...Hope it wasn't any one we knew! I have had a water garden for about 3 years now..about the same size as yours...and have 2 more liner I need to get set...I got all three of them at a garden center closing auction for $30..not a bad find! The goldfish is now 2 years old and made it thru another winter! Ta Dahh!! (these started out being fish bait! now DH just buys ugly fish!

Ronna..thank you for the details on the wildflower garden! I found a book today that goes into details how to build up the soil for one..and your were right on the money! Do you have one??

Better get...see you all later!
Hugs to you..Doni

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: julia's chick
E-mail Address: jeria@juno.com

Hi Julia, My first visit to this room. I have learned much as a beginning quilter from the many info pages. Please please, fo to a farm supply store and buy chicken feed geared for the age of your chick. Also invest in a jar top waterer, they fit on mason jars or others ie: most mayo jars. Chickens ar very partial to food, fresh water, and a clean home. I raised my chicks in a cardboard home. Cover loosly leaving space on each side for ventalation. They like 80-85 degrees. Too cold or hot they will die. Keep a thermomometer in it's box. A good heater is an electric bulb. You might experiment with different watts to come up with a consistant temp. I used 100 watts because I usually started with 100 chicks and maybe lost 2 to 5. Pretty good as most people figure on 20%. A good bet is to go to your library and read several books about raising chickens. Decide what fits your lifestyle and go frome there. Chickens like parrots will bond with a caretaker. If you want your son to be that person I would suggest haveing him be responsible for feedine. Sorry this is so long. jeria

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: How to sort out a fish pond.
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Okay, okay, jdb in AZ, you asked, ha! We have one of those large fish ponds - 4' x 7' and 3' deep, kidney shaped. It is surrounded by mega amounts of hostas, myrtle, other ivy stuff, and various other flowers in two tiers around the pond. The myrtle and ivy were bezerk and the hostas were desperate to be divided - hence you could hardly see the water in the pond. Poor fishies and froggies weren't getting very much sunlight. How can they get their summer tans? I also had to go wading to find the big stones we set on the pond ledge for the frogs to bask on - our big old Chocolate Lab thinks this is her personal watering hole and is always knocking the stones off. Naughty girl! Ha!

So, there you have it - how to sort out a fish pond (teeheehee). Later Kids, Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: julia's chick
E-mail Address: jeria@juno.com

Hi Julia, My first visit to this room. I have learned much as a beginning quilter from the many info pages. Please please, fo to a farm supply store and buy chicken feed geared for the age of your chick. Also invest in a jar top waterer, they fit on mason jars or others ie: most mayo jars. Chickens ar very partial to food, fresh water, and a clean home. I raised my chicks in a cardboard home. Cover loosly leaving space on each side for ventalation. They like 80-85 degrees. Too cold or hot they will die. Keep a thermomometer in it's box. A good heater is an electric bulb. You might experiment with different watts to come up with a consistant temp. I used 100 watts because I usually started with 100 chicks and maybe lost 2 to 5. Pretty good as most people figure on 20%. A good bet is to go to your library and read several books about raising chickens. Decide what fits your lifestyle and go frome there. Chickens like parrots will bond with a caretaker. If you want your son to be that person I would suggest haveing him be responsible for feedine. Sorry this is so long. jeria

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 10:21 PM
Subject: Responses and some QR
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Hi, all: didn't get to check in all day - had the electrician here doing the wiring for air conditioning - not that hot last summer, but very humid.

Brenda: be careful sitting on the floor to quilt - remember that you have to get back up again.

TerTer: you better get a life guard for that pool if you're going to use your flippers - truly a ROTFPIMP story!

Melodye: my machine does not care to MQ (she's only 42 years young), but I have had several quilts MQ by talented people - only so much time and I have more quilts I want to make than I could ever get HQ'd.

QR: Took a great workshop with Judi Warren at Lancaster, merrily made lots of changes to the star block I had brought to use and lo and behold, it has a gazillion Y-seams in it... all four blocks are cut and all the subunits are pieced - plan to finish the tomorrow if my patience holds out. Some of you know what lengths I go to to avoid handling bias edges and I NEVER choose a pattern with Y-seams! This quilt reminds me why not.
Susan in NW New Jersey, where it was sunny, chilly and windy today

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 9:46 PM
Subject: QR & NQR or "Just Stuff"
E-mail Address: mboyd54@juno.com

Just dropped in to say hi. I'm still basking in the glow of finally finishing that dratted quilt.
SUSNA in NJ - Thanks for the congrats, my husband had taken to calling it "Penolope's Tapestry". I didn't understand at first, so he reminded me of the myth with Penelope & Jason. Duh???
SONDRA - I don't have a Hobby Lobby near me, but please let us (me) know how your search turns out.
JDB - I have friend that doesn't appreciate hand made things either. I just buy her something inexpensive and she love's it. I get a kick out of knowing how little I spent and she enjoys it. One year for Christmas I went to Bombay Comapny. She collects elephants, they had a miniature pair of Jade (or Jade like) for less than $10. She loves them, thinks I spent a bunch more that I did. So who got the last laugh?? There's no accounting for tastes. Don't let it worry you.
Brenda in Indiana - Have I seen references to your being a college student? I've got to take the plunge myself and finally finish this degree. Have almost psyched myself up to go, but I'm math phobic. I can do enough to balance my checkbook and figure yardage for quilts, but that's it. I was responsible for every gray hair on my Geometry teacher's head. Me and formula's just don't mix.
Now to make this QR - You ladies get so much done. How do you do it? I'm employed full time outside of the home, have recently remarried and moved and I'm having a heck of time finding time. We've been busy the past three weekends, so I'm taking off Friday to have an extra long weekend so that I can clean. There's never any time. For Mother's Day, I asked for and got a day to absolutely nothing but quilt. I've got at least three quilts in the next year and I'm already stressing myself out over it. I'm actually considering having at least one of them MQ'd. Me the last of the HQing only holdouts. Any adivce will be most appreciated.
The above is not a slam against MQing, it's just that I never thought that I would, so the fact that I'm even considering it, is quite ironic. Never say never huh?


Melodye in Randallstown

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 8:45 PM
Subject: gardens
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

good evening to all! What an absolutely beautiful day we had here in So Il. Magnificent doesn't even come close.

Got home, fixed supper and helped DH move top soil (16 ton) to make burms in the front yard. i have discovered perennials this year, and can't wait to get these burms planted. since i work in a greenhouse, i have access to lots of material and reference guides to make them really stand out.

now back to quilting. full size to be done by june 18, and i've not got all of the applique done yet. why oh why do we volunteer for such things? it must be an addiction!

enjoy your eve's.

Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 7:55 PM
Subject: My son want to have a chicken
E-mail Address: Jyang@viamedical.com

My son's school will have a drawing for the chick. Does any one
know how to raise it? Can I leave them out door for now?
or they are still too young to be outdoor. Someone told me
that I have to heat the box. What do I feed the chicken?
raw rice?

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 7:44 PM
Subject: ingratitude
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

I too have an ungrateful relative, and I've decided she just doesn't appreciate hand made gifts. The first time I was so hurt I decided "never again," then later decided to be forgiving, charitable, etc. and made a little outfit for her two-year-old's birthday. I'm an award-winning smocker, so we're talking class-stuff here, that people have been known to fight for the hand-me-downs. This time, the little girl's mother who was helping unwrap the presents didn't even look at me, just set the gift aside, and reached for the next gift. That was months ago, and haven't seen the kid wear it once. Since then the child has been receiving store-bought gifts. Giving unappreciated hand-made ones is just too damaging to an already-fragile relationship. Hope someday the mother will learn the value of another person's artistic time and effort (she's young, so there's always hope.) Meanwhile, the hand-made stuff goes to people who enjoy it.

jdb in Az

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 7:15 PM
Subject: Totally NQR related
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

I've been playing in the dirt the last several days and yesterday got to spend a bunch of somebody's elses money buying plants - fun! This morning it all got planted. I designed a Victorian garden for a historical site in town - curved and about 80 x 8 or so. Perennials in the middle and 8 flats of annuals around the whole outside in "Victorian" colors of blue, yellow, red and white. I'm on the Board at the house so helped plant too. Tonight I am going to help three guys at a group home plant their garden (part of both of these projects are Master Gardener related) and then I might have time to get back to my yard and get back to quilting.

Started a new baby quilt this week using my machine embroidery. 15 blocks embroidered and 15 plain. It is for my SIL due in June and I have been debating with myself on whether or not to make a quilt. Ever have one of those people who don't even say thank-you? That's what happened with the first baby two years ago but I really wanted to make a quilt for the BABY so decided to do it.
Gotta go plant.
Joleen in MN

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 6:32 PM
Subject: Comfort Quilt 'n' Stuff
E-mail Address: veronicaw@calexico.k12.ca.us

Hi All!

It's so good to be back on the BB! I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for so long, I barely remembered my way back to the board. Here I is; ready to report that our comfort quilt is laid out and about to be pieced together. I've included nearly every block that's been sent thus far. It was much easier than I thought it would be, considering how many different people contributed blocks. I'm also excited about the small comfort quilt I'll be able to make with the blocks I couldn't fit into the original. Some people sent such wonderful springtime blocks that just begged to be made into their own quilt.
I have to crow about my current personal quilt here where I'll be understood. I'm making my mom a largish lap quilt of four Colonial Ladies and I'm half way through. I'm inordinately proud of the tiny slippers, which measure just over half an inch long and actually look like slippers! I was afraid they'd just look like little wads of fabric by the time I'd appliqued them, but they actually look like slippers.
I'm looking for a paper foundation pieced pattern of POPPIES. I saw a finished block of very realistic red poppies in front of some greenery. The lady running the booth couldn't tell me anything about the block, but it was so fantastic I just have to try and find a pattern or book for it. Does it sound familiar to anyone? There were other flower blocks, but the poppies were what really have stuck in my mind.

Veronica in So Cal, where it's already 102 in the shade!

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 5:57 PM
Subject: fish pond
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Brenda, Dahling! Please tell us how you sort out a fish pond. Carp to the left and frogs to the right?

jdb in AZ, where we have to plant all those plants by Halloween. (They'll all be fried by the sun any day now.) Last year my gardenia tree nearly died so I gave it mega doses of iron and plant acid, so now it's blooming like crazy. Can everybody smell it?

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 4:44 PM
Subject: I think I broke myself!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! Hope the weather was kind every where else in the states. I got carried away today and planted 16 tomato plants, 4 peppers, 4 zucchini, 2 yellow squash, 2 more rows of beans, transplanted 12 hostas, set out 9 marigolds, misc. petunias etc., and finally found our fish pond and sorted out that whole mess...and now I think a turtle and a snail could beat me in a race, ha! Why is it that one thing leads to another - well I ought to do this, but before I can do that, this needs to get done, and on and on and on. Good thing the DH won't be home for supper - don't believe I could make it down the stairs to the kitchen. Well, I guess I could slide down them on my butt like I did as a kid when I had a cast on my leg (LOL) No one would be around to point and laugh!

Have a Happy! Think I'll crawl around in my sewing room - there's surely something one can do while sitting on the floor (LOL). Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 3:11 PM
Subject: Important note..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

I just got an email from Celia..she wants me to let you know that she is unable to post and she will answer email as soon as she figures out what her puter is sick with...Looks like right now she may need yet another hard drive..hope she get up and running soon! I miss the Brit!

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 2:34 PM
Subject: you made my day this morning!
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

Hello to all! This morning when I checked my e-mail I felt the feeling!! The one that makes you know that life IS good, that people love and care for each other.... I don't know why I didn't see it coming, and just expect it, but that is the joy of it!! If we could bottle this STUFF that we all have on this bb, I think we could make world peace!! I am talking about all of you who wrote to say you would send a "messge of care block" to me so I can make a quilt for a cyber friend. I should have known that all of YOU cyber friends would care too!! Thanks so much. Lynn in TX

anyone else who wants "in", email me please.

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 1:53 PM
Subject: bloodshot eyeballs
E-mail Address: bvase@sweetwater.net

the library had "stitches in time" yesterday so instead of sewing i sat up all night reading. loved it. now i just have to find the others that have been mentioned.
nancy in wyoming

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 1:06 PM
Subject: Quilters Hope Chest
E-mail Address: raeann@istmacon.net

Just wanted to thank the following people for their contributions to my cousin's "hope chest". This is amazing. A big thank you to Joanne Bockus, Becky Feazel, Mayme Wyns, Barbara Klaver and Kay Denny.

So far, I have 40 packages to deliver to her. You gals are so special.

Thanks and much love. Raeann in Mo.

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 10:29 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

If you all could have been a fly on the deck looking down at me you would have rolapimp or what ever...

I am up to 20 laps at about 80 feet each in the pool, sun or no sun, as long as the pool is 70*or above. Well smart me thought if I had my fins on I would be able to get through the laps quicker!

Dh, locates the fins, I'm on lap 5 now and I stop to get them on. Has been a long time 6 years since I snorkled. Took off with a push and my feet floated up behind me and my head sunk down into the pool. I kick some and shoot across the pool. Come up sputtering!!! Roll over onto my back, so I could breath. Tried this for 5 laps, now up to 10 and still can't control the feetup head down and floppy arma all around...

Did get the 20 laps in but not with the fins.

Love having a new daughter, good morning Annelies

Doni: Its, finished and in the mail by this fri...
Now you'll have to set the young boys down, (collar on the shirt) and serve them cookies and tea...teach them to put that little finger up in the air...the boys love to do that. It will be a nice time to visit you'll be suprised how often they will ask for this time with you..haha might be worth a try though. Now my son 26, says when I visit, make some of that nice tea Mom...!!

Kitty Kat thanks

Loon oh Loon I think of you when I look at the moon.


Date: 5/25/99 Time: 9:51 AM
Subject: Five weeks left!"!!!!!!
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl


Hi ,everybody so now youknow i am the cyber daughter it´s really great.

My mom is very nice and i read that i also am addopted by a dad so i can do a snoopy dance!!!!!!

How is everybody ? well as you read i am doing very well,this is also the last week on this job so YEAAHHHHH.

And the summer holiday is in about 5 weeks!!!

I hope all of you have a nice summertime,and watch out for to much sun.

bye ,
Annelies from Holland

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 9:49 AM
Subject: Recipe please.
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Hello there BB friends, can anyone help me out with a drink I had in a restaurant in Vancouver? The DH and I were on holiday there in the summer of 92, and after dinner the DH often had a liquer coffee. Never seen it before but they had liquer tea!! It was called Blueberry tea, but had nothing to do with blueberries, I seem to remember Grand Marnier and an almond one , but not quantities etc. Can any of you lassies across the pond help me out on this one. TIA. Stripey Bear in sunny Worcestershire ,where it is about to become warm at last.

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 9:31 AM
Subject: Buford and stuff....
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Hey Nancy...long time no hear from! I would take little Doni cow...I love calfs..I think they are the sweetest little critters..and good for the soil also! I just about bet you Buford and the calf is the same size...think I would get them confused...?

Buford is in the dog house again..he chewed daddys angle piece for working on the railing...he had no idea that daddy needed it! He thought it was just another piece of scrap wood laying around....poor, poor baby! I havn't posted on Buford for awhile..just in case your wondering..he still sleeps with Nick, spend the day outside in his pen..or lose if Mark and I are out to keep a eye on him..but comes in for dinner and snoozing...most of the time now he just goes straight to the pen when we take him out..no problems at all..at first it was a drag him to the pen type thing, but I don't think he minds it to bad now....Hes not as fat as he was...he's losing that puppy look and getting more like a lean mean love machine! I had to run him up to school last week so the kids could measure him...he has been their science project..and math also..they have charted Bufords growth in the last year..kinda neat...not all dogs get that honor! The first grade kids just love Buford and his long ears and droopy eyes..and if he barks..Man do the have fits of giggles!!

Headed for the lake again this weekend..Lynn I'll do your block while I'm there..I love the block showers!! We usually go about every weekend..why I have no idea..just habit I guess...

Porch deck is almost finished..just have to finish the railing..and another set of stairs..looks so good!

We have an area that is fenced in for my Pidgeons and rabbits....to keep the neighbors dog from killing them again..and this is where I want the wildflower garden..Mark is sort of confused....its a weed patch now...so he wanted to know what the difference was between a wildflower garden and a weed patch...lets see...nothing?? Just make sure all the weeds bloom!!!

Well better get...see you all a little later...
Hugs, Doni

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 7:46 AM
Subject: Where?
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol.com

Welcome Rhonda! From wence do you hail? Or, in commoners english, where do you live? We must know things so we can meet to go fabric shopping!

My garden is doing great. Now, I just need to control those deer.

Everyone have a blessed day!
Sandi in sunny (FINALLY!) MN

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 6:35 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: kitchen@searnet.com

Yippeee.....Only 3 more days and I get to leave for the Outer Banks of N.C. for 6 days of sun and sea. Pure fun. I haven't had a vacation like this in about 25 years, I am sooooo READY!!! Going to take my bicycle, a couple of kites and plenty of sunblock.
DONI, here's an idea for your wildflower garden. I'll just send you little DONI cow and he can eat your flowers away at the end of the season. Trust me, little DONI will eat anything. Then she can "naturally" compost the flowers and deposit them back in the ground. LOL>....
I plan on making a side trip to Gastonia per BBers advice to visit Mary Jo's Fabrics there. I hope to be there when they open Saturday morning. Being an "early riser" I plan to leave home about 4 or 5 a.m.
I made my friend who invited me on this vacation a stack & whack out of marine related fabric, and it is really cute. I call it "By the Sea".
Well, it's time to go milk those cows. Love to all, Nancy in Ky

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 6:06 AM
Subject: First timer
E-mail Address: Payne@Telstra.easymail.com.au

This is the first time I have found this web site. My daughter has been teaching me how to us the internet.I am a beginner at the internet (1week) and a beginner at quilting.I have made three quilt tops so far and haven't put them together as yet.That is my next goal.Two months ago I joined my first quilting group and I look forward to each meeting and I will be doing my first workshop in a couple of months.I like to do all forms of needlework but I enjoy quilting the most.I don't get a lot of time as I have a family and work partime and have to look after all the family animals.Hope I post this O.K. Goodnight to you all. Love from Rhonda

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 1:51 AM
Subject: Wildflower garden
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Some sweet child gave me one of those buckets of wildflower seeds
--the kind which are supposed to be for our area. I was really excited
until I read the instructions about preparing the soil and raking the seeds
in and all that stuff, so I gave the bucket of seeds to the master gardeners
class and now dig up wildflowers that grow on the sides of the road. Heck
if they can grow there with exhaust fumes and everything, they can survive
my gardening ability and the slugs. By golly they are so happy with a dab
of Miracle Grow every once in a while that they have filled up the spaces
I wanted covered and they come back every year happy and healthy--Oh yes, I
wait for the buttercups to bloom and then go pull them up--that way I get
to enjoy the yellow flowers while I weed and they're big enough to take the
pry bar to--yup, that's my weeder. I do read the Sunset Garden Book so I'll
know the names of the cut flowers the family buys me. Betty in drizzling

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 12:21 AM
Subject: make someone happy!!! extremely quilt related!!
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

Fellow quilt bb readers!!! Hear ye, hear ye. I know what nice things we do for one another a lot of the time, so after some thought and a few well placed questions, I have a request.

Earlier this year I responded to a post, that was made only once, and I was the only one to respond. A lovely woman in Oregon was looking for someone to help her put together a quilt that she could give to her daughter (who was adopted at birth, but she keeps in touch with), age 12, because she was/is quite ill and at the time doctors believed that it was termninal. We have become friends over the internet, and I am working on the wonderful quilt she designed to give her daughter a piece of herself. Now here is where I hope you come in!!! Recently we have heard some good news and some bad news. The good news is that she is not terminal, but the bad news is that many early life experiences have culminated in permanent physical disabilities. The confusion of this time has really thrown her and has been tough to deal with as it reopens areas of her life she thought she did not have to "visit" again. The good news continues in that over the last two weeks she is making wonderful progress... NOW, FINALLY QUILT RELATED!!! I am wondering if there would be interest on this board to send a word of care in the form of a split rail block, with the center stripe having a brief message of care written on muslin, and the two outer stripes being anything in 100% cotton - 6.5"x6.5" total outside measurement. Even enough for a small throw would be wonderful and I know that the caring behind these kind of projects would be something that would give her a sense of people who care just because someone who knows her, cares. And I care very much.

If you are interested, please email me privately and I will give you her name and my snail addy.

Thanks for reading this! Lynn in TX

Date: 5/25/99 Time: 12:13 AM
Subject: Monday's blocks for David's family
E-mail Address: blaylock@barn.hawthorne.nv.us

Each Day I do not think I will see a different block and then you Ladies surprise me. This is my special joy to work on these quilts for David's family.
Thank you to those who sent material to me. Florence Stedner and Elizabeth Ladd thank you for sending $$ with your blocks,it will be used for batting.

Marge Harrington
Peace (no name) Brook Park Ohio.
Monica MacDonald
Judith Shuttleworth
Florence Stedner
Linda Bridges
Sandra Keahey
Janet Bryan
Grace Kuiken
Maggie Hickle
Elizabeth A. Ladd
Jo Ann Erickson
Caroyln Brooke(Sissy)
Brenda Clegg
Barbara Pailloz
Evelyn (chris) Gallager
Gayle Fairy

Tallied all the names, now I am going to go and count blocks.

Brenda in Nevada

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 11:21 PM
Subject: Looking for YYYs in Albuquerque
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

I just found out today that I will be going to a conference in Albuquerque NM the 2nd through the 4th. One week's notice...how's that for planning? LOL! Are there any YYYs in Albuquerque? How about quilt shops?
Deanna, in SUNNY, warm Sequim, WA

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 11:18 PM
Subject: Just Hello
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nk.us

Have been so busy haven't had a chance to post. Have been reading though. This is the time of year school gets so busy, so much to do and so little time to do it.

Am so impressed with everyone that has sent in blocks for Ridgeley and David's quilts. It must be very inspiring opening all of that mail.

Have a good week,
Carol of Wantage

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 8:26 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

I have a daughter, cyber of course. Annelies and I have been e-mailing each other and over the past few days, she found out my age and now calls me mom...I'm mom #2. Told Mr. Terter about this and he decided to have her be our cyber daughter. We only have one son and one soon to be ddil and dgd. So now I have my own daughter and she lives far away in Holland. But maybe she and her family will come to visit "Mom".

Doni: I used to have a hill in wild flowers and it kept reseeding itself for 4 years.. I still have the pretty red ones coming up. I collected the seeds and waited until spring and threw them out again. If the area had been level, I could have mowed them down and put some sort of manure or compost on for winter. Have fun the colors are beautiful and there is always something in bloom. I'll send you some of the red seeds when I collect them..everyone drives by and just loves the glow they give.


Date: 5/24/99 Time: 8:03 PM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

I just received a long email from Ridgeley. She gave me an address in WI. It is a post office box. I don't know when she will be getting the mail, but at least it will be there when she can. If anyone wants the address, please email me. I don't want to put it on the board for just anyone to see. If I don't know you from the board, I probably won't send it to you. If there are people on the board (on a regular basis) that you know, ask them to get it from me. I am just trying to protect Ridgeley. She is still in Germany. She packed up Kevin's things today and it was very hard. She said she will tell me when she leaves Germany.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 8:00 PM
Subject: Wedding Bells
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

Back from the wedding this weekend. It took place in Greenville which is about 50 miles east of St. Louis. The grrom and bride are a young couple just starting out on the pastorial path. The ceremony took place in a small church they have been restoring in town. It was a bit of a nightmare as they hadn't finished painting and the carpet wasn't laid ( the groom, father of the groom and father of the bride installed the carpeting after the rehersal while the ladies of the family tried to gussie up the restaurant for the reception with 45 yards of periwrinkle netting and two bottles of cinnamon oil to dampen the musty smell) This celebration was definately on the low budget end of weddings. The couple were glowing, the strawberry gingerale flowed freely and the wedding cake got cut by me without falling to crumbs. What more could you ask! Now all we have to do is move my sis out of her house by tomorrow and into Mom's basement until they find an apartment. It mever rains but it pours in our family. One of the two quilts got finished. Thge blocks for Ridgely I took with me but got no chance to work and. I stopped for supper on the way down at Tuscola and at the Wal-Mart in Arcola which is Amish country, but not a sign of a quality quilt shop near the interestate did I find. I wanted to show the kids the coke bottle house, but one of the worst thuderstorms I have ever run into was going on. Another trip this summer needs to be made. Peg In Chicago

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 7:49 PM
Subject: Repairing Dolls
E-mail Address: sjcassarino@snet.com

During a recent discussion about collections, many of you mentioned dolls. I need to replace several rubber bands which hold the doll joints together. Has anyone had experience doing this type of repair? By the way, if you are a beginning collector, check out www.dollinfo.com. Thanks in advance. Carol in CT

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 7:22 PM
Subject: moles
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

Linda in CA: The first thing to do in order to get rid of the moles is to get rid of their food source which is grubs. Most lawn and garden centers carry things for this. You can also spray castor oil on the lawn. Don't ask me how it works, but i work in a greenhouse, and the main ingredient in mole spray is castor oil. Who'd a thunk it?

Sheree in So IL

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 6:54 PM
Subject: cooking as a hobby and tea cozys
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

Ter Ter - THANK YOU for posting info on the tea cozy (I have to admit, I was beginning to think it was a deep secret!) :) I love using household "things" as pattern shapes. I'm always using plates and bowls for circle shapes for projects and circular quilting lines!!

Regarding an earlier today remark about cooking being a hobby, all I can say is that I wish that cooking could be as calorie-less as quilting!! But then again, if I gained weight while sewing/quilting, I'd really be in trouble!!

Doni, I think you already got some great advice about the widlflower garden!!! but here are a few more ideas. Can you "legally" dig up some local wild flowers near your home??? When I was a kid, my did and I used to dig up wildflowers near where new houses were being built and they would be destroyed anyway. (that was in a 4 seasons clime). This year, I did some of that, and some of them are still blooming beautifully in my garden, but the heat and lack of water have killed off the ones just like it in the wild (interesting, eh?) Don't forget about wild green stuff that looks pretty too. Do you have forget me nots in KY?? I miss those so much down here in TX. One thing about wild flowers, they are usually so abundant once they "take", do you have any friends you can get "sharings" from?? It is fun and special to share garden flowers and plants.

Wishes for a wonderful week to all!!!

Lynn in TX

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 6:50 PM
E-mail Address: rbrookner@gci-net.com

Help! I dont know when, but I think, it was Kate in Spring Valley TX, who had a list of Motels near Houston on the shuttle route for the quilt festival in Oct. At the time my DH said he would do it on his own. Big mistake! Can anyone help me on this? TIA Jean in AZ

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 5:19 PM
Subject: Monday's Mail Delivery
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

More blocks in today's delivery!

Doni R., Augusta, KS
Brenda C., Seymour, IN
Carol Anne G., Rochester, NH
Judy S., Georgetown, ON, Canada
Mayme W., Shelby, MI
DeeDee C., SHAPE, Belgium
Sandra K., Kemp, TX
Brenda C., Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, UK

Now our total is at 293...and all the blocks are truly wonderful!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 5:06 PM
Subject: Just to say hello,
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

SHERRY in Texas City, Tx. Please e-mail me. TC is my home town and I would like to 'meet' you.

Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca. where it sunny and warm and I am almost finished with the memorial squares.

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 4:08 PM
Subject: Yippeeeeeeee!
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Yippppeeeee! I finally got to read the archives from all of the days when I was gone! Glad all of you new "toes" had such a good time at your get together. Anyone want to plan a fall get together for east coast people??? Summer is out of the question....but maybe in October???
Cassi: I really enjoyed your Toga party stuff! The kids as slaves...huh? I LOL when I thought of your DH bringing out his college toga.
Capes....I made a cape of deep blue with a siver-satin lining. It was a Butterick pattern which I altered to include an overlap at the neck for really cold weather. The Butterick pattern wasn't meant to be lined, but I made the lining, designed pockets for my gloves in the lining, and added a layer of batting for extra warmth between the top and lining.
Not satisfied with just a plain blue cape, I designed a border for the bottom. I machine appliqued shapes of felt and "shaded" them with the same material as the lining. It took a reeeeaaallly long time. At that time, I was using the coffee table in the living room to sew this project, and that was when (as the weighty cape would keep sliding off)I suggested to my DH, Neal that a sewing table
was what I wanted for my birthday..... He was so sweet as I worked on that project...made dinner nearly every night so I could finish it. He convinced me to only put the appliqued border design around the bottom and not up the front as well!!! He feared for my sanity! Well, I did finish it and get a lot of compliments when I wear it. I paid DH back by making dinner all of the time while he
was in the basement working on making a folding wooden dingy. That took a reeeeaallly long time too! (He gets so many comments on that boat, that he wrote an article about it for Wooden Boat magazine (March 95, I think). So I think we are even now! And I just LUUUUUVVV that sewing table. It was what made sewing a real joy for me. I am always "ready to go" now and don't have to clear everything off of
some table to work on a project.

I'm still home sick...(couldn't you guess??? LOL) It is pouring rain and I have my voice back mostly, but boy do my sinuses hurt. Some virus I got on that trip. At least I got to sleep last night after swilling more cough syrup. Almost time for another dose....

I'll live I'm sure!

At least I can lie about the house and think quilty thoughts!

Ronna in Soggy Happy Valley with lots of Happy Frogs and Salamanders

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 3:37 PM
Subject: Hello Everyone
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi everyone! BERTIE in ILL. I loved your advice to Doni about the wild flowers. I have been working outside all morning,( before it gets to be 100 degrees again),in those darn weeds. I have waged a war with the moles that are tunneling in my yard and destroying everything in their path.
I'm taking my time with my paper piecing project.
I tried to work on it this weekend but the DH was on pain medication for a broken finger and everytime I would get going on it, he would need something, so gave up. He finally decided he would play a new computer game a friend gave him. THE DEER HUNTER, I figured that would keep him busy, no way, I was called in to see how many deer he had shot constantly. I'm alone today so paper piecing here I come.
Happy quilting to all. I love to read all your posts.
Linda in Ca.

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 1:52 PM
Subject: WILD flower garden
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Doni, the way you get a good wild flower garden going is: don't tame it by keeping the weeds pulled! It'll look pretty wild in no time!

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 1:23 PM
Subject: Ridgeley's Blocks
E-mail Address: Ohioccv@cwix.com

DS is getting into this project - I got home from dance competition Saturday and he had already opened the envelopes and written down the names and number of blocks for me!

Janet B., Camby, IN
Linda B., Kemp, TX
Monica M., New Gloucester, ME
Sherry Martin, Texas City, TX
Barbara P., Dillard, GA
Kay B., Overland Park, KS

This brings our total to 266 for the four quilts!

Cassi in Ohio, where it's positively chilly today!

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 1:15 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

You won't believe how easy, just time consuming. My pattern from long long long ago is 1/2 of an oval place mat. It seems to fit most tea pots, once in awhile I need to lengthen, but not often.

Take main fabric, and lining lay right sides together and cut. Then cut two batting shapes.

This is important, so listen up!

1. lay bat

2. lay focus(main) fabric right sides together

3. lay 2nd bat

4. lay lining right sides together.

5. pin (about 3)

6. sew all around curved edge

7. trim

8. check to make sure you caught all seams

9. trim

10. Have fun figuring out how to turn correctly, but it does...

11. Make a 2 1/2 strip of binding, sew around bottom edge and hand finish.

Any questions e-mail me. Can use an oval place mat you have for the pattern...

Have fun sewing...the wilder the fabric on one side the more fun... KittyKat can use hers as a hat...Out of fleece and the edges turned up and a cute flower...why not...two for the price of one.


Date: 5/24/99 Time: 10:59 AM
Subject: NEED HELP!!!!!!
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Okay, those of you who aren't interested in helping, just scroll down. I need someone's help and this is the ONLY forum I could think of. This is not quilting related, but is worth posting. Especially when I know you lovely ladies (and lurking gents) have helped others in the past. I just don't want to stir anything up. So if you're not happy with this post, don't post more and complain, okay? Here goes!

A very close childhood friend called me last week. Her SIL is getting married and her DIL is in the wedding. Could I help finish the dress? Since I've been a seamstress much longer than a quilter and I think it's safe to say I know what I'm doing, I couldn't turn her down. Next time I'll learn.

Seems there was a woman in Oklahoma (where the bride is) who started these dresses. They're a simple sleeveless shift type dress. No zipper, etc. But, this woman got sick and now can't finish them. She sent the dress "as is" to the DIL and both my friend and DIL are in tears. There is no yolk or sleeve facings and the seams are puckered terribly (even DH noticed it and he's not in-tune to sewing). Honestly, I have my work cut out for me. Ugh!!!!

Here's where I need your help. Do any of you live close to a store called "Hobby Lobby"? If so, the fabric is a crepe satin (I think), and is a "sea foam" green. It's a lovely fabric, but if you happen to be in the area and see a store like this, would you mind letting me know. I can send a swatch of the fabric for matching and whatever it takes to buy 2-1/2 yards of the fabric and postage. When my friend was at my house, she called the bride and let me talk with her. I asked about the yolk and her answer was "we're just turning the fabric under 1/8" and putting a seam binding on it". This is very scary. I have assured my friend (we're talking best friends for over 40 years here)that I had "connections" with people who rallied for various reasons and that I could probably find out something and we would make the dress correctly. To look at the dress, it looks almost like it wasn't cut straight of the grain. I think that's why it's puckered so bad. Also, since there are darts in the front and back, if you alter it to raise the neckline (by raising the shoulder seams), the darts fit funny. A real nightmare, but I know I can count on some of you to help.

Thanks in advance for your help. Just e-mail me privately and please remember this situation when you're saying any quilting or sewing prayers! This one will really take a miracle! If nothing else, I'll see what JoAnne's has and maybe I'll get lucky!

Bless you all!

Sondra (where it's overcast in No. Calif)

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 10:52 AM
Subject: Good morning...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Man am I sore today! I have muscle where I didn't think I had muscles, cause they are all sore!

Ronna, I loved hearing about your trip..there is s gizmo out now, that you really need..its a notebook made of flannel pages...hold finished blocks and blocks in the making...BlockMinder also works as an easle at your sewing machine.
Can't find the url, maybe someone else has it? If anyone has made one or has one would like to hear from you..

Reg...Thats another hobby probably..prowling in old house's...I know it illegal...but hey it is so fun! Just to see what, at one time they looked like..wondering about the family that lived there..We have alot of old house's in this area and some of them really needs to be tore down, to keep idiots like me from getting hurt in them...

Sis dropped off a set of quilt blocks for me to set up..really pretty block..but its round and has to be appliqued..so she wants me to do it instead of learning it herself right now...my sewing machine has the blind stitch on it, so I guess that gets me drafted into doing it...don't you just love sisters! I always tell her she is a half quilter...just needs to work on the finishing part of it!

Welp better go catch up on the house work from the weekend...that will take all day long! Will lurk around today!!

Oh yeah...anyone have a wild flower garden??Know any tips for getting one going good??


Date: 5/24/99 Time: 9:42 AM
Subject: Quilt Pattern
E-mail Address: AB-Kb@worldnet.att.net

Please e-mail me if you have any information concerning two quilts blocks, Simply Sisters and Simply Friends. TIA
Kathy in sunny AZ

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 9:31 AM
Subject: Good Morning
E-mail Address: helniles@chorus.net

Good Morning all! how was your weekend. It was rainy and cool here in WI. If fact had to turn the heat on this morning to warm my tushy up.! Lynn in -VT had to chuckle at your cape and baby feeding tale! Terter- How I would love to see all those purple flowers! It must smell wonderful! Had my sewing machine in for a check-up and just got it back so now I can finish up a couple of on going projects. Well i best get in the groove. Hope you all enjoy you day. Hugs Helen

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 9:01 AM
Subject: Misc
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

I haven't posted for quite awhile, but have been lurking. Got to do a snoopy dance this last week. Finished a baby quilt for DD#1. She is due late July. They live several hours away and will be here over Memorial Day weekend, so I wanted to give her then quilt. Now I am waiting for some fabric I ordered from Hancocks so I can finish my Bears Paw.

SHEREE in So IL- I can relate to "sick males". I live with 3 (DH & 2 DS) and they can sure make a little boo boo seem like it's life threatening! But I still love them.

DONI-I am sympathizing with you & manly labor. We are tearing down an old house that is on our farm. That's how I spent this past weekend. I actually enjoyed tearing the boards off! But I do hurt today! DH was throwing stuff out of the second floor window into the back of our pick up and shattered the back window. Sure am glad he was the one that threw the board and not me! Found two old sewing machines in the house. One in an older singer (not FW) and one is made in W Germany (ANKER). Will have to get more infomation on them to see what I actually have.

Other hobbies that I enjoy are cooking adn baking. Sometimes I wonder if I like sewing or cooking better!

Better get some work done. Hope everyone has a great week. Looking forward to a 3 day weekend and the last full week of school for the kids.

Reg in KS

Date: 5/24/99 Time: 1:44 AM
Subject: Julie, Ter Ter and tea cozies
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

JULIE in Redmond, WA gave a luncheon for a visiting Aussie today. She had met her and several others on a sewing bb. Some ladies from her sewing circle and her sister and I were there. It was so much fun. The food was just delicious. The show and tell was great. I stayed late and got to visit for quite a while. Julie makes beautiful quilts and she is so good. Met Julie for the first time at our NWYYYReTreat last weekend. Just call me Lucky!
TER TER, I would love it if you could come to one of our get togethers. I know we would hit it off. Better yet, let me come down there and put my toes in the pool. I am an Aquarius or an Aquarium, all I know is I love water. Do you guys just throw your teabags into the hot tub to make enough tea for the 50 toes? Did you make a giant tea cozy for it? When Ter Ter sent me a tea cozy, my DGS asked what it was. I put it on my head and told him it was a hat. He believed me. I wore it around my DD and she asked what it was. I told her a hat. She didn't believe me. She said,"it's a tea cozy, you strange old lady". Well, I am offended. Kids, what can I say?
Left the house at 9 am for the early service and then went straight to Julie's. Got home at 9:15 pm and DH said I should check in every so often when I go away so long. Was I missed? Wouldn't have missed going to Julie's. Sorry guys, you lose!
Tomorrow I will attend the four year old preschool graduation of my DGS, Nathan. Can life get anymore exciting than this? Friday I went to the 2 year old preschool graduation. I better rest up for tomorrow.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 11:53 PM
Subject: tea cozys
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

Ter Ter, can you tell us on the bb what your "famous" tea cozys look like and how you make them?? Shape, stuffing ect??? I would appreciate it, and I'll bet others would too!!

Thanks!! Lynn in TX

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 11:36 PM
Subject: addicted
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

I'm back to the bb again. this is at least the 3rd time i've checked it today to see what everyone is doing. does this mean i'm addicted?

i didn't do any bio on prev postings. i'm soon to be 35. have a wonderful husband. 5 year old son(my second). my first child was stillborn @ 7 1/2 months. we like camping, planting flowers, and i am somewhat of a wrestling fan. i know it's all fake, but since i work full time, it's my form of a soap opera. DH travels every feb to Negril Jamaica. i have been 7 times now. it's okay, but i'm a home body and ready to come home after about 2 or 3 days. i'm so much a homebody, that DH has been several times without me.

another monday on the horizon. hope everyone has a great week.

Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 10:11 PM
Subject: Capes and shorts and swaps
E-mail Address: lhwvt@together.net

When I think of capes I recall the gorgeous royal blue cape with the white satin lining that my made me for a high school winter prom. It might still be up in the attic somewhere, and I think one or two of my DDs wore it occasionally. And then there were the capes I made to wear to church so I could nurse my youngest who was a voracious breastfeeder. On Christmas I had her under there slurping away and all I could think of was Joseph saying, "Mary, stop nursing that baby, the shepards are coming!" Some people had a problem with nursing even when they couldn't see a thing. Guess some still do. That's the DD who is now learning to discreetly nurse my little DGD at LaLeche League meetings. Wow, time passes fast! A few weeks ago I told you about my batik vest made at a workshop. Well, I had bought a few yards of the fabric for a quilt, so Friday night I made a pair of matching shorts to wear to a big family get-together in Connecticut to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday. They came out ok, but looking in the mirror at those lumpy thighs, I decided I should stick to sewing for nice flat beds! Sure wish we could all swap perennials as easily as we can swap fatquarters! I've got an excess of catnip and artemisia and sure would love some shasta daisies for the new bed I've been digging up! The squishies would be a bit too smushie, though! Darn, weekend is over. Next week it will last an extra day with the Memorial Day holiday, so I can look forward to that! Viva la spring!! Lynn in VT exhausted but happy.

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 5:04 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Pretty soon purple will surround the yard. Purple petunias and Lobelia. Of course me favorite color for out side things.

Annelise: Mr. Terter says he loves your name

Kathi ID: Hang in there

Rene: Left yet?

MeToo: Home yet?

KittyKat and SandyToes: I want to tag along on the next quilt weekend...

Loon: Drunkards Path in your garden. A Contrary Wife in the Home, Flying Geese over the pond, with a Loon floating. Here you sit with your Sun Bonnet Sue on, and a beautiful Dresden Plate to eat off of...lets keep this going.

Have a good day, oh made 8 tea cozys to be sold at the Petaluma Quilt show, there last one sorry to say.


Date: 5/23/99 Time: 4:54 PM
Subject: Dining Out (Way Out)
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

When I was growing up we did occasionally have 'possum and 'coon and various other animals more commonly regarded as road kill. Snapping turtle and fried squirrel. Also brains and eggs. Sorry I can't give you a culinary review, but none of us four girls would touch the stuff! My Daddy called us sissies. It's enough to make a person a vegetarian (which I think I could do if DH would go along.)Bye again, Willi

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 4:34 PM
Subject: The Willi Chronicles Day 2
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

Finally got to bed about 2:30 am. Can't sleep well the first night DH is away. Got up in time to watch Act 2 of Giselle on Breakfast with the Arts on A&E. As you Culture Vultures recall, act 2 is where the maids who were diappointed in love in life in the afterlife become demons(called the willies, I believe)who make men dance until their deaths. Hmmm...
Then to church. It was wonderful to have Communion on Pentecost Sunday. Our Pastor and a contingent of members presented our partner church in Romania our quilt we had made them earlier today. Last week we had the blessing of the quilt and the local paper took a picture. It came out today along with a nice article.
And then home to do the planting. I worked for 3 straight hours and just as I was finishing the last window box, as promised, it started to rain a nice light drizzle. The weather people said rain after 3:00 and it was 3:08. Also listened to public radio the entire time. A Garrison Keillor reprise.
Went out and got food (did you think I would cook?)and then checked my email. Sweetie DH sent me a nice note from San Francisco. Now I'm resting up. The 3 yr old DGS, aka House Tornado will be here to spend the night with Jamwey(that's me, the other Grandma is called Grandma but he gave me this special title. I'm not sure what it means, but possibly "The Keeper of the Oreo Cookies.") He went to see Star Wars with Mommy and Daddy yesterday and to a party for Lady Jessica(She's 3 too) today. The invitation was sent to Knight Harrison, and they were going to make shields as part of the doings today. That child has a more active social life than I-not that I'm complaining! I can hardly wait to see him, he is a delight.
Signing off for now, Quilty Willi in MICHIGAN(that's for you, Doris!)

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 4:14 PM
Subject: I'm baaaaaack..........
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

I have finally returned from my five days of out-of-town business......and guess what??? I can't access the archives because the page won't load all of the way to the bottom......aaaarrrrrrgggggg! Now I can't find out if Cassi and Brenda got my blocks....I sent them before I left on the 16th. If anyone knows...send me a message.
What follows is a short report on my trip....so scroll on by if not interested. I have enjoyed reading of all of the things going on with your kids and grandkids....I don't have any so I get to experience this vicariously with all of you ladies. I thought maybe you would enjoy hearing about the activities of someone who doesn't get to stay home. It may sound exotic or exciting, but really, sometimes (many times) I wish I could just stay home and quilt.

Well, all things considered, I had a better time than most trips. Usually I am there for only one day and spend more time on the plane than I do at the meeting. (Up at 4:30 am to get plane leaving at 7am, arrive at 2:30pm, have meeting until 8:30...no break, throw bag in hotel room and go to dinner with Mexican colleagues until 10:30pm,go to bed, get up for 9am flight back to Mass., arrive at 8:30 in evening). This time there was a scientific meeting for the first two days. That was fun! We all gave our presentations and laughed a lot in between. The next two days was the formal review of a design, given by the contractor building the telescope in Mexico that we are all working on. I took some time, played hookey during one of the meetings and went shopping and site seeing. The meeting was in Puebla, Mexico. This is right next to Popocatepetl, called "Popo" for short. Popo is an active volcano. Real active. Smoking as we speak. Puebla is a city of about 1.2 million people. We were in a small town nearby called Cholula, in an even smaller section called Tonanzintla. The town of Cholula has about 100,000 people. The residents of Cholula are desended from the Indians in the region, Cholulateckas. I climbed one of the pyramids that they have in Tonanzintla. It is very old and was covered with dirt. The Spaniards built a church on the top. They are just starting to excavate some of the pyramid. The climb is not far, but you are at 6000 feet to start with, so you find yourself breathing harder than you think you should for that amount of effort. I went shopping in Puebla at the artisan's market and got a really cute embroidered dress for my niece Dana, and some pieces of pottery for myself and my DMIL. I got a t-shirt with a picture of Popo on it for DH, Neal.
I did manage to come down with a thing that was "going around" amongst the Astronomers in Mexico. Ran a fever the evening of day 2 and got even less sleep than one usually gets on these trips. Long days of meetings, long dinners (egads! until 11:45 one night) and then up again at 6:15 am. Geez....that's why they call it work, I guess. Now I have no voice and I still feel pretty crummy. I coughed so much last night that even swilling cough syrup didn't help; I woke up every three hours. At one point, I actually took another half dose of the syrup, not caring at that point if I O.D'ed on the stuff!
I managed to garden yesterday....It was GORGEOUS out! Today I have only the energy to putter around the house....maybe since it is raining today I will even quilt! What a novel idea, huh?(LOL)

I did get some frog blocks done on the plane ride. I made myself a "frog kit" of pre-cut pieces, and pinned them all to a piece of felt. Took a zip-lock bag of all of my supplies and pieced two froggie blocks. This is the first time I tried hand piecing, so it was pretty interesting. The hardest thing was identifying what orientation my teeny pieces should be in. But I had my templates and the assembly drawing to check the orientation....so it wasn't too bad.
I think I will keep this kit handy for those times when I have long plane rides. It's like carrying around your own puzzle! More amusing and useful than watching the movie.

Hope you all enjoyed the report....if not, I guess I can sheepishly go back to lurking......

Loon: you wait for your loon to return....I wait for my beautiful wood thrush to return. He's back! Matter of fact, there are two! I get to listen to their beautiful song in stereo....one on each side of the yard!

Ronna in Moist Happy Valley

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 10:07 AM
Subject: wild animals
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

good morning all!

I've enjoyed reading about cooking oposum. When i was a little girl, my father and some of his buddies would go racoon hunting. Believe it or not, we ate bbq'd racoon a couple of times. i don't remember how it tasted, but i remember that it was different.

must get all my posting done before DH gets home from camping. he'll need his chat fix on Jamaica.

DS finally is feeling better, but a trip to the dr will be in order tomorrow. I can hardly wait for that. Ugh!

Made alot of progress on quilt last night. The deadline is drawing near.

I think i will go plant my Granny's flower bed for her today. She enjoys it so much. She can look out her window while she quilts and see it.

Have a good Sunday!

Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 12:45 AM
Subject: Musty Smell in just about anything
E-mail Address: gofor@mosquitonet.com

Try putting those old musty books or whatever in a plastic bag for a week or so with dryer sheets. More or less wrap the books in them, stick them between some pages, in fact I took dryer sheets and cut them up into about 4 ich square pieces and put them in between pages. This will take the smell out of just about anything. I even put them in the vaccume cleaner under the bag. Make the exhaust smell better.

Good Luck, Susan in North Pole

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 12:32 AM
Subject: That's O'Possum, please
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Am I going to be the only person on this board who will admit that
she has actually tasted possum--someone told my mother that "possum and
sweet potatoes" was really good, so she did it. I don't remember actually
eating any of it, but I do remember her description as "too greasy to eat"
My family tells me I will try anything that anybody says is edible and I
guess they're about right.
CHRIS: DH decided I was a keeper after I made him eggs benedict over an open
fire before we were married. He probably thinks it was a fluke because I have
never made them again. Keep telling him if he would go camping again, I would,
but he likes camping at Best Westerns. Betty in Sunny (almost 80 degrees)

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 12:29 AM
Subject: Tjis and That
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

Went to a new JoAnns fabric store with DD"S and we shopped for 3 hours looking at all the fabric the place is huge. When we came home DH said he thinks I should put my sewing room on a diet it is getting to full. Will be making 10 costumes for the Renaisance Festival all the family wants one even the DGC. Now all I have to do is find fabric suitable for that time period. A question, I found some old books in a basement and they have a musty smell how can I get rid of smell.He said the books were down there about 20 years.
Marge from MI

Date: 5/23/99 Time: 12:28 AM
Subject: cinnamon rolls, etc.
E-mail Address: jmg6146@is.nyu.edu

Thank you to everyone who emailed me with the Bisquick cinnamon roll recipe. There are actually different versions of the recipe--something we never knew. We're intrigued...DH should be making me cinnamon rolls every weekend!

DH and I spent some time this evening writing out our Star Wars experience for our website. Brenda, I was going to put some more wedding pictures up (just for you!), but I'm too tired to deal with that cursed scanner right now. Short version of the review: we loved it--then again we're 23 and 29 and the movie was kind of made for our age group. We had so much fun though, couldn't get into an opening day show, but we made it in on Thursday.

So sleepy now, thanks again for all the cinnamon roll help,
Jenny in NYC--who's going to try to meet up with Susan at the Empire Quilter's Show!

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 11:46 PM
Subject: The BEST entertainment going!
E-mail Address: Ipelletier@sprint.ca

Phew!!- It has taken me 2 hours to catch up on two days chat- I did start to make notes, but I would never get them all addressed here, so just want to thanks to each and every contributor- this is a fabulous way to meet everyone each day, and a warm "hello" to all the new names appearing.

Willi- as always you make me laugh- and I envy your free weekend!! I am on the opposite end of the spectrum as DH is winding up the school year and will soon be home for 10 straight weeks!! You would think after almost 30 years that I would be accustomed to it, but I really like being on my own in the day. That sounds awful, and I don't mean I don't like him- LOL, but even though he moved in this house the exact same day that I did, he never knows where anything is. I think I will have to stick labels on every cupboard door and drawer for some peace and quiet!!!
Doni, you nut!!! I thought I was going crazy with your Alt+171(I did that real quick and hope I don't get cut off)!! I was beginning to think it was Buford typing!!! BTW Lynn has finished the quilt and Sue in Fresno has it and she says it is just beautiful- Thanks Lynn - I hear that you have done a spectacular job of machine quilting and binding it- Sue is going to take a picture of it for us.

Annelies- I E-mailed you -Bedankt!!

Con4quilts:- Congratulations on the expected first granchild- I loved your vibrant enthusiasm- bet you will be a super Gran/Granny/Nanna- (???)

Loon- Oh Loon- you are so funny- how do you think all this up??- LOL
Well, I spent the day in Calais ME(Just a little border town 80km from here) but I got some fabric at US prices(a quarter of what we pay here for the exact same stuff)!! Not only that, the stores are more friendly, and the service is superior- I always enjoy a day trip over the lines!!!
Raye-Jean- You can get on your soapbox anytime to remind us all about self examinations. I know we have some board members who are survivors, and that makes them all so very much more special,- I won't mention names,because I would would not like to miss anyone out, but you all know who you are!!!
I also have some perennials for my new rock garden, so we will put those in tomorrow- I think I am going to like this "other" form of quilting!! Still new at this, but enthusiastic for now!!

It's a holiday weekend here in Canada for Queen Victoria Day, so all you other Maple Leafers enjoy yourselves!! To the two new Aussie girls in Canada, where abouts are you both??
Hugs to all,

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: Faith Needs our Help
E-mail Address: gofor@mosquitonet.com

First off, does anyone else have trouble posting on the PP page. This is the 2nd time that I have tried, without luck. I would n't post this her, as it does belong on the PP, but seeing that I can not get it to load my message I am posting it here, as this is important.

I just recieved news from Faith in Ca. that her DH has been diagnoised with lung cancer and he will be going to surgery on Monday. I know Faith has many friends her on the BB, PP Chat. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks so much, I will keep you posted.

Susan in North Pole

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 11:03 PM
Subject: Hey....
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

If this thing cuts me off in mid post again..I will no longer be posting for awhile...I plan on throwing the puter as far as I can throw it out the back door...we'll see...if its the puter..or what I was trying to share you gals...Maybe them "numbers" is bad words in computer language? No Teacup..I was not playing..just for some reason couldn't go any further in the post than everytime...to bad to..I was going to share the chicken coop, story...but couldn't post it!

I got my flower bed moved..put most of the plants around the fish pond..looks really good! That bed has been there for about 6 years without moving anything...and it was time! some of them plants where huge! most all of them got cut into at least 4 and was still bigger than the 1 gallons sized plants you buy..after messing with these..I sort of wonder if I need go check the other beds! Every year since we've moved out here I have put in another bed...so they are some old and some new, but they are really coming together this year!

We got the porch tore off..and adding a new deck out front..(Makes the beds and fish pond look so good!) Lots of work...but we had a good time doing it..my boys even helped..they ran off with the hammers and tape measure every time you laid them down..Buford was the only injury so far...he jumped up on the boards that were'nt screwed down yet and they flipped him right out in the yard..he was so funny looking! Had no idea who had pushed him off the porch..but he was going to get even with someone! He was so cute!

Well gona go rest my bones..I'm getting way to old for manly labor! See you all in the AM!!

Hugs Doni...Teacup..nice hearing from you..it's been awhile!

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 11:01 PM
Subject: Opossum recipes (not really, well kinda!)
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Sandra, glad to see I'm not the only one who collects really old recipes! We do Civil War reenacting...know one web site that actually has two 'possum recipes, one stuffed with apples which sounds good if you don't have to start with an opossum! (Don't make any recipes that start with "Remove the scent glands..."! I do enjoy cooking over a fire, though. When we do this at festivals, people seem amazed that it's something we'll really eat! I really enjoyed learning Native American cooking from the book Spirit of the Harvest...got a lot of history with the great food!

Quilting Granny...from your earlier description of your son, sounds like you may be a candidate for Al-Anon (or Nar-Anon, if that was the nature of your son's problems and your area is so blessed to have such a group...ours doesn't and Al-Anon is quite welcoming to those who need it, regardless. This doesn't sound so much like its about the grandchildren as it is the parents. Good luck...

Paper piecing is going a little better...am using it for David's block...I'm getting good at the Holice method of cutting what doesn't fit!

While summer and vacation will be nice, I'm looking forward to the fall when our church (my new one) will start its quilting projects. I really haven't had anyone to quilt with on a regular basis....Chris in PA

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 10:27 PM
Subject: Minnesotans & Big "Thank you"
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

SANDI & QUILTY WILLI IN MN (the "other" Scandinavian country)-----Love that Minnesota humor. I have listened to "The News from Lake Wobegon" for YEARS and have all of the "best of" tapes & CDs, that I feel like an honorary resident. We even went to see Garrison Keillor the last time he came to town!!!
My DH was in Chicago last week and rode in a taxi with a woman from Minnesota who was talking to her DH by cellphone, and he said she sounded just like the people in "FARGO"...saying "okeydokey" and all. He loved it! LOL!!!

MY POST RE: HEADACHES---thanks you to all who responded about my question I posted. I think I've got it figured out, as you know by now, and already am feeling better. (It's all in my head anyway---no "pun" intended...LOL!!!! :)) I am so grateful for the "Chat Page" BB and to our CyberGuild friends.

JENNY IN NYC---I loved your post about DH and cinnamon rolls. I don't have the recipe, because I buy the Pillsbury Poppin'Fresh kind. I've been addicted to the Pillsbury ones for 30 years now!!!
Thank goodness he didn't get the urge to make bread, or something more complicated!!!

Doris W. in Tennesee

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 9:32 PM
Subject: cat's away
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

What a perfect day you've had! I'm envious. DH is away camping, but DS is sick with fever and sinus infection. nothing worse than a sick male! oh well, i have been able to do some quilting and sprayed roses for black spot. (after the hose came out of sprayer that had full pressure) believe me, there won't be any black spot on my feet and legs after that mess!

Sheree in So Il

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 9:25 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol.com

So you're wondering what our hobbies are. Those things we do in our spare time. Spare time; what a concept! That's when I plan to do all of those quilts I haven't gotten to yet. Actually, I garden like a lot of quilters. I think it's that need for color and texture and creatvity. I used to cook, before quilting.

I was wondering if anyone was coming to the Minnesota quilt show. It's June 10,11,12, and 13th. It's downtown St.Paul at the Radison hotel and Landmark center. I think we will have more than 600 quilts. I teach art at my kids school. We spent this year working on quilt tops in my daughters class (5th & 6th graders). We have 8 quilts to put in the childrens' division at the show. A friend is quilting 2 of them for me and that leaves me with 6. Fortunately they are not too big. But, talk about doing the Snoopy dance! If anyone wants to help, give an email.
Let me know if you're coming to the show, I'll wear a YY (which I've yet to make). I'll be in the booth for the Country Peddler Quilt Shop where I work.
Hope to see some of you there!

Sandi in MN. Where you know you're a Minesotan if you think GRUMPY OLD MEN was a documentary

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 8:13 PM
Subject: While the Cat's Away...
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

So what does the DW do when the DH goes away on business for a week?
Well, after dropping DH(aka Mr. Willi)off at the airport, took his new Yukon Denali and got DD and went to the gardening centers. That baby can hold a LOT of stuff. Now I have a lot of planting to do tomorrow. They are so beautiful I can hardly wait. After reviewing today's bills, DH may decide quilting is a relatively inexpensive hobby....NOT!
While out, dropped off 16 of DH's work shirts at the laundry. I usually do them myself but what the heck, I'll just tell DH I contracted that job out.
Unloaded my gardening bounty and DD took the Denali for a test drive for the rest of the weekend. Well, chances are she won't drive the whole weekend. So, left alone, what to do? Eating is always good. Made a plate of bruschetta(scrabble spelling?) and listened to Prairie Home Companion and read the Home section of the paper, mostly about gardening. That's almost as good as reading about quilting.
And now I have caught up with my email and boards and have the rest of the evening or all night for that matter to play with quilt stuff. Not a bad start to a week I have been semi dreading. Life is pretty good.
Later, Quilty Willi in MI

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 5:47 PM
Subject: Hi!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Hello everyone!! Yes, I am still alive!! I have been so busy!! Even though I haven't been posting much, I still love to read the posts with my morning coffee!!
I just finished cutting out 40 turbans for cancer patients, so I am doing a little dance.
Hey, Loon, I loved your post, you nut!! You get drunks in your bushes? LOL I know a few nick names- Locky and Lumpy!!
Celia - I found that lovley cloud fabric! Thanks for the information!
Let's see, Loon wants to know our 'other' hobbies...I do all crafts! I think the only one I have not done is tatting and memory books. I love to cook, that's why I am 'fluffy'!
Doni, you had me laughing so hard with the Alt sign, I thought you were just being a tease!! LOL
Off to make dinner!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 3:14 PM
Subject: What's up?
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Is it me or is something wrong with the board right now? When I checked my post this AM it was fine..now when I scroll down..it stops in the middle of my post. Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 1:35 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi all,

I have been reading about the capes and I don't know why
the one posted by Donna in NJ jogged my memory, but
all of a sudden, an image of my glen plaid cape with the
shiny lining came to mind!!! It was my Sunday best and since
I made it myself, was very proud of it. I really got a chuckle
out of that memory!

Speaking of chuckles, Loon/Marie, you give me one every time
I read your posts. Today, the drunk in the bushes was a good

Right now, I guess I collect fabric. Sinfully collect it. And
I don't use that much of it in the summer time, because of all the
gardening I do. But hopefully, the middle of July when I stop working
(Oh, hurry up July!!) I will get to use much more of it. I just can't pass
up a sale and Joann & The Fabric Place have great ones all the time.
Their last one had $8-10/yd. quilting material on sale at 60% off. Who could
ignore that??!!! Used to collect sheep (not real ones) and tea cups which I
loved, but used them too much and broke most of them. Still have a couple for

Hobbies used to include ceramics, calligraphy, needlepoint, counted cross-stitch,
jewelry making, crafts, dried flowers, pressed flowers, etc., etc. Now, of course,
it is quilting and gardening with a strong interest in the stock market. Was fortunate
to be able to join an investment club this year and love every meeting. It is so

And lastly, my Mother's Day present was the news that I am going to be a grammy Jan. 1st.
My first. Just busting I am so happy. But after the excitement, a little anxiety
about it being a good pregnancy and the baby being healthy. I'll feel better when
my DD is a couple of months more along. Now I have to really get going on baby quilts
for the police station, church and for the twins of my sweet co-worker and then I
can concentrate on making the most special one of all!!!!!

Guess I've rambled on enough. Don't miss a day on this BB as it is so wonderful!

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 1:29 PM
Subject: Back home and catching up
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Hello to all, welcome to all the newbies who have posted since I last was here.
Had a GREAT trip to San Francisco, visited/stayed with DD, 'Wine and Food' weekend trip to Healdsburg AND meetings with Sondra and TerTer. (Also met another of her '50 Toe' buddies, Pat, at the Cotton Patch in Lafayette.
Great ladies and a lot of fun - hope we can get together again.

There are sure a lot of quilt shops in the Bay area - I know, since I went to about 10 of them! Bought enough fabric to fill my carry-on bag - just stuffed the clothes in the other bag and hoped for the best. The last load of fabric is in the dryer and I'm itching to start a new project - so many ideas, not enough time.
Also got to visit Filoli, a historic mansion with wonderful gardens on the Peninsula - will visit again, with a camera, next time. Would recommend for any flower-lovers.

Veronica - saw some wonderful ribbons at a shop in San Anselmo called 'Buttons and Bows', but couldn't locate the trim store in SF you mentioned.

Melodye - congrats on finishing your long-time project - it is SO nice when a quilt that has been hanging around finally is wrapped up.

The garden has really popped while I was away - will spend the afternoon catching up outside and then get back to quilting.
Plan to attend the Empire Quilter's show in NYC Sunday, with YYY on - will check in at Holice's booth around noon, hope to see other YYY's at the show.
Susan in NW New Jersey

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 1:02 PM
E-mail Address: roshedan@mvn.net

Hi to all. just got home from camping. left work at noon ystdy for a nice weekend at the lake. was up half the night with DS and his fever. so, now we're home. DH went back to lake to go fishing and relax. so, i guess i'll work on my American Cancer Society Relay For Life donation quilt. Can any of you imagine how bad i feel about this? Ha! Ha! Since i have a June 18 deadline, and it's not even completely appq'd, let alone in the frame, i'm glad to have the free time.

Weather here is great. Spring in the air and i cut 2 of the prettiest roses from my yard ystdy. They smell heavenly. I work in a greenhouse, and it is almost as relaxing as quilting. have alot of people tell me how envious they are. But, nothing beats working in my own yard. If you have any desire to work outside, and can find the time, it's great to see the flowers bloom!

Gotta' go quilt!

Sheree in So Illinois.

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 12:29 PM
Subject: Hi & how are ya?
E-mail Address: rdenny@zianet.com

I've been lurking about---had a bone density scan yesterday and the good news is--I have bones under all that flab!!! Have a binding to put on a friendship/baby quilt and you can better believe I'll be doing the Snoopy Dance---don't get to do that much---work has been driving me nuts---insomnia, et al.

I have a question. I'm headed to Moses Lake, Washington for my nephew's HS graduation---I read an article about Pieceable Dry Goods in Kennewick, about an hour's drive away. Is it as good as it looks? Could someone provide directions on getting there from Moses Lake? Are there other great quilt shops in the Tri-Cities???

TIA, Kay in La Luz, NM---where it's been blowing dust for months on end (can one have SAD from this????---I think I have it)

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 12:26 PM
Subject: Error
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl

Here I am again , Celia I hope you read this thanks, I am trying to send you a E-mail but i am getting a error on the adress Would you be so kind to E-mail me

Hello it's weekend does everyone know that!!!!!
I am alone for a whole weekend yyyeeehhh
Gonna quilt today to finisch the blocks ,i still hope that i am in time, so wait for me please.

I wish everybody a nice weekend and look at the birds and the flowers even the little bugs,because it is GOD's creation and we are his creation also, everybody is unique in His eyes. If your loney/sad /happy look at those small things.

Bye, Doei
Annelies from Holland

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 11:29 AM
Subject: cinnamon rolls
E-mail Address: jmg6146@is.nyu.edu

Okay, here's hoping you all can help my poor befuddled husband. He wanted to make me cinnamon rolls this morning (no, he doesn't do this every weekend, apparently just when he has made me extraordinarily angry all week...making me food is a good thought, one point for DH) Anyway, he couldn't find the Bisquick cinnamon roll recipe. (what you thought he'd do it from scratch?!? HA!) It used to be on the box, but not anymore. He tried their website and the recipe hotline to no avail. I told him to just make it up as he goes--they're cinnamon rolls not nuclear warheads.... But NO, he wants the EXACT Bisquick recipe...He's resorted to coffee cake which is on the box, but he is still puzzled and mumbling over the lost cinnamon roll recipe. Please help my poor DH! (and me) Does anyone have the Bisquick cinnamon roll recipe? Please?

Jenny in NYC off to watch DH with amusement

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 9:59 AM
Subject: Oh, no
E-mail Address: KLINDATX@aol.com

Well, I did just what Doni did, trying to show what the "one-half" sign looked like!!! It sends your message immediately!! Feel so silly. Where was I? Oh, yes, youngest grandson is two and one-half months old!! We live in very small town (pop. 1200) and I work as a bank internal auditor.
I belong to the world's smallest quilt guild (just Sandra and me) and probably have the world's largest collection of UFO's. I'm not counting. However, I'm never bored. Enjoy sitting outside in the morning, watching the birds and squirrels. Love to read, tole paint, and of course, sew, but only quilts now. LOVE to travel -- must be part gypsy. We have a travel trailer and enjoy camping --planning our next vacation now. Like to shop for fabric and antiques, but have run out of room to put stuff, so DD#2 and I are planning a yard sale.
Enough about me. I really enjoy the Chat Board -- feel that I know so many of you. Have a wonderful day -- quilting, or whatever you do.
Linda B in Tx

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 9:46 AM
Subject: Wish for flowers and jam
E-mail Address: KLINDATX@aol.com

Mary on Cape Cod, just read your posting about smelling the flowers on your morning walk, and TerTer, your house must smell so wonderful from making jam. I'm very envious here. DH decided to plant beets in the garden this year, and TODAY is the day chosen to make Pickled Beets!! Horrible smell, terrible mess. New kitchen counters/sink will never be the same, I'm afraid.
OK, Doni, if you hold down Alt and type 171 you get the "one-half" sign, don't you? There are bunches of signs hidden on the number pad. Try them all.
I never got around to posting my bio (was waiting for Sandra to take the plunge), so guess I will now -- feel free to scroll on down.
Had my 59th birthday this week (boy, that sounds so old!!! Don't feel it, at least this morning!) Married (40 years in 2 weeks), 2 DD and SILs, 5 grandsons, ages 15, 11, twins (two in Aug.) and 2

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 9:17 AM
Subject: cape
E-mail Address: dltquilt@juno.com

I really have to start taking notes. I knew I forgot something the last time I posted.
I wanted to tell you about the cape I made many, many, many years ago. I don't even remember why I made it. Maybe just because I wanted a cape. It is deep green, with a hood. The fabric was given to me by my Dad. He worked in NY back then, doing air conditioning. He did a job in the office of Sammy Davis, Jr. and he was re-decorating. This green fabric was his CURTINS. Dad can not see anything go to waste either. That is probably were I got it from. This cape has a satin-like lining and is still here. I just can not throw it out. We always find a custom to use it for, and I got the fabric from a star.

I also have been doing the Snoopy Dance. I finished the bottle quilt for my grandson. His birthday was Thursday, but the party is today. Each bottle has cars, trucks, or plains in it. He watched me start sewing them together, but has not seen it since. He helped pick out the backing fabric. A road with cars and building all around. He will love it on his new bed. Did I tell you he was just three? So he now has a "Grown-up" bed. Now, on to the next quilt. I will start a basket quilt for my neice who will be 16 this summer. I don't know if I will have it done in time, but I will at least start it. There will be different color baskets on a white background. I bought all my fat quarters in Lancaster this year. I have made sure I didn't start it until I got the other quilt finished. Now if I could only get the DWR quilted that I started over 18 years ago.... WOW has it been that long......

Always quilting One stitch at a time
Donna in NJ

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 8:49 AM
Subject: Saturday AM Walk
E-mail Address: MLSKI@ewebtv.net

Good Morning All, Beautiful here on the Cape and went for an early morning walk..the smell of fragrant lilacs in the air, pink and white dogwoods in bloom, red bud trees with their lovely pink blossoms now beginning to fall and flutter about making a soft pink quilt on the ground, passing the pond with geese flying over head, birds singing, squirrels playing tag, and white swans just sitting there looking beautiful..when I get home I notice my yellow iris are blooming and also the beach plum is flowering..Planet Earth at its best! I go inside and cat comes to greet me..I trip on him and go flying across the kitchen and hit the floor..needless to say it took my breath away and took a couple minutes to gain my composure to make sure everything is in tact and still working..knee will be sore for awhile, just wounded my pride a bit! Well, have a nice day everyone and watch out for the unexpected!!! Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 8:18 AM
Subject: worth the wait??
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Hope this works or I'm going to scream!! Look down..find the Alt button...hold it down..then on the number pad hit 171 when you release the Alt button you should get a

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 4:59 AM
Subject: Hi everyone
E-mail Address: jodi73@juno.com

Couldn't sleep. Unusual for me. I think it must be the burrito for supper last night.

Talked DH into taking me to the mall for dinner and shopping at JoAnn's. I had a 15% coupon and $ 25.00 gift certificate burining a whole in my pocket. Got $75.00 worth of fabric and accessories for $ 30.00. He was actually impressed.

I am working on Renaisance costumes for the Renaisance festival this summer. We go every year and decided it's time to dress the part.

There's a bird chirping. Anyone know if there are nitingales in upstate NY?

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 4:23 AM
Subject: Breast Cancer
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

This is my first posting to the bb, though I feel like I almost know most of you through my friends Susan (in North Pole), and Martha. This evening when I got home after being at Sue's, and talking about the bb happenings, I decided to do some reading. I read back until May 19th, and felt I needed to stop and respond to the posting by ktmccollum regarding the breast cancer stamps. She urged each of us to buy the stamps, and e-mail our friends to pass on the cause. I would like to urge each of you to do monthly self breast exams, and encourage all your friends, mothers, sisters, etc. to do the same. I am a nurse, I work with a surgeon whose practice consists mostly of women with breast diseases. I see way more breast cancer than I care to. If every woman would do self exams, and get mammograms when recommended, there would be more cancer caught in earlier, curable stages!! Enough lecture... I also quilt. I prefer handwork, but my more experienced friends have inspired me to want to do more machine piecing... currently am working on a foundation pieced "crazy" log cabin. May take me all summer, but I have a deadline of September, so it will be done!! It's nice to meet you all...don't mind my soapbox!!! raye-jean in fairbanks.

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 2:13 AM
Subject: quilt show
E-mail Address: fhm@wf.net

My quilting club will be hosting a quilt show in
October, 1999. This will not be a sanctioned show
but in conjunction with our local historical
society's craft bazaar. I have never helped put
on a quilt show before and would like to know if
anyone could give me any suggestions. Such as how
to hang or display quilts; what do you do to keep
from having too many quilts for the size of building
you have available. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 1:06 AM
Subject: Yakima Yakker meets Sandytoes... :?}
E-mail Address: megansmom@hotmail.com

Well! We did it! We met at the local quilt shop here in Yakima. Sandra is a lovely lady, inside and out. Gracious, that's the word for her. Spotted me and made me rise from my chair so she could give me a hug! She wore a nice BIG YYY like a good BBer should. I couldn't find my fancy cluster of YYY's with the butterfly flourish, so settled for a single YY with a tiny pair of scissors and a safety pin to hold it all together.
And we talked about.... YOU GUYS! HA! And, Miss Kitty Kate, we need to have a talk, you and I! I took everything you posted about your weekend as TRUE! Gullible me! I thought you really DID rough it. Outhouse, no electricity! No food, no talk... you even put out a plea for the Yakima Yakker so there would be some conversation! I fell for it, but Sandra straightened me out. Hmmmmmmm.... now for revenge..... you ARE still coming to stay with me for the June 11, 12 quilt show here aren't you? (Be afraid, very afraid! LOL!!!!!)

Lindy the Yakima Yakker

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 12:31 AM
Subject: David's blocks
E-mail Address: blaylock@barn.hawthorne.nv.us

Turn page over will find more names that needed to be posted.
Jayne Jacobson Santaquin UT. Sandra Johnson, Seattle Wa., Kathy Braswells,Marie Pees Suitland MD. and Jill Finger. Marie I would treasure your blocks forever. Marie hand stiched each block she sent and they are excellent.

Brenda Blaylock Hawthorne, Nevada

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 12:11 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Well I did it today, finished the 16 block 1" log cabin table runner, quilted, and binded down and mom and dads, while they fed me dinner..
Looks real good and now I know what all I'm doing for xmas this year.

Loon is smelling gooooood...I hear the water is flowing at her place.

Susan G. fm N.J. is home and sassy...so pleased you liked the jam..did make another batch yesterday..house smell so sweet.

Sondra/Susan Joy & Kathleen we need to wear our YYY's and meet some place..

Have a good evening all

Date: 5/22/99 Time: 12:02 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: Chrisagher@msn.com

Hi all,

With all the talk about Sunbonnet Sue lately when I saw a new (to me) book I bought it (is anyone surprised?) It's called SS Neighborhood and has patterns for Windblown girl, Fisherman Fred, Umbrella girl and southwest Indian girls. Full size patterns for all. Very cute.

Lindy: My favorite holiday was always Halloween. It was playing dress-up all over again. I say was because I live alone away from Trick or
Treaters. I have been, at various times, a really scary witch down to the red wart on my green face; a belly dancer (although I didn't) got a first prize for that one; a gypsy; a woman from India complete with a sari and veil; a fairy godmother. I can't even imagine trying to bowl while being a ladybug!!!!! Fantastic.

Susan Joy: Where in CA are you? I lived in S CA for 35 years, most of it in Chino where my husband Joe was fireman.

I did make 2 of my 4 daughters black wool capes with white satin-like material. It was so long ago I've forgotten what the material was. I don't know for sure but they better still have them!!!!!

Comfort, love and peace to all who need them. I guess that means all of us!

See ya, Chris in C. KY

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