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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

April 30th - May 7th, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 11:39 PM
Subject: B-Vitamins and Mosquitos
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

I really have to second Doris on the B-Vitamins for mosquito repellent. An entomologist professor ("bug professor") I had years ago at the University of Utah told my class about this trick. He also specializes in mosquitos. He said that the B-vitamin is secreted out the sweat glands and that mosquitos don't like it. Take it from someone who USED to be eaten alive that it really works.

Now that I posted again, it's good bye for tonight.
Nana Sarah in Alabama

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 11:39 PM
Subject: Ridgeleys Blocks
E-mail Address: raeann@istmacon.net

If you are making extra blocks for Ridgeleys children, what are you using? The same red/white/blue combo as in hers or what? I want to send what the rest of you are sending.

Thanks, Raeann in Mo

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 11:33 PM
Subject: babies, pets, labels, etc.
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Evenin' all. It sure has been a long time since I last posted. DH is sore that I beat him to the net, so he has to wait a while to read his Egyptian newspaper. (The Friday edition is like our Sunday editions.)
Liz in Kansas....for pet accidents try a 50% white vinegar and water solution. Sop up the accident then spray it down with the vinegar solution and let it sit for a while. Then sop it up, too. My carpet man told me about it and I can say that it really works even on kid accidents, but especially with kitty puddles. Buster(my kitty) became a housecat after he did on a quilt in progress. I broke down then and bought him a litter box.

I got to play "Grandma-for-a-day" yesterday and it took me all day today to recuperate. Is this what it is going to be like when it is for real? LOL!!! No kidding I was pooped and it was a 4-month old and a 5 year old and I only had the 5 year old for half a day. I did it for a friend who is young enough to be my daughter and who gives me Mother's Day presents. Mind you I'm a very young 42 this summer. Guess you can call me "Nana Sarah". LOL.

LABELS: Cassie,FOUR labels? No sweat! I'll talk to you more about details later.

If anyone has any ideas for something inspirational that they think should be included on a label, email me with your ideas. My mailbox is always open.

Been spending the past few weeks quilting up a storm....working on a commission quilt. Found out that when the caluses on my fingers get rough from pricking that I could use a soft, spongy nail file and file them away and then put on the udder cream. I'll post this on the QR page, too. Also have been planting my "garden". LOL. I live in a ground floor apartment and have flower boxes all around the railing on my patio full of flowers and herbs. Got several pots full of tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet banana peppers. Makings for salsa right? I even have the oak tree DS planted in the first grade (he'll be in fifth next year) in a pot on my patio. It is taller than me. Just have to find a house so that I can get it planted in the ground someday.

Well this post is getting very long so I better end it for now. Will post a bio later with the reasons why I quilt. I've loved reading all those stories.

S'long, Nana Sarah in Alabama

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 11:32 PM
Subject: Quilters Hope Chest
E-mail Address: raeann@istmacon.net

Donations for my cousins quilting stash have really been coming in. Everyone has been so generous. Latest additions are from Bertie Durham, Glenda in Korea, JoJo in Okla. Julie Girone, Lois Walser, Marie Pees, Susan Giancio, Florence Stedner and Carol Wilson.

Lou Emma is still having heart problems. She doesn't look good and I am worried about her.

Thank to all of you who have contributed to this project.

Raeann in Mo

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 11:17 PM
Subject: unappreciative males
E-mail Address: jillf@ulster.net

Grace, I just had to tell about the men I also feed and do laundry for.I had snapped a photograph of some daisies in a field. The color effect was very pretty, fading from intense dark green to pale. I drafted a pattern and searched my stash for greens to make this wallhanging. It took a long time and the piecing was very tedious but I finished it and hung the top up for the family to see and admire. DS# 2 (age 12 at the time) stood and looked at it and then said, "It looks like fried eggs." To this day whenever I hang it up,(I change my wallhangings with the seasons) the whole family notices the "fried eggs". I did hang it a small show my church was having and it got a really nice compliment from an artist that attended, so I felt better. Men!!

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 11:17 PM
Subject: misc
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

CELIA---Someone told me that one of the "B" vitamins (either B6 or B12) keeps the bugs off. Since I take a B-50mg Complex daily, I can't remember which B vit. it is. But ever since I started taking them years ago, the bugs don't bother me. And I used to be BIG TIME bug bait!!!

LAURA IN NC---have you ever considered hosting a foreign exchange student? We're having a wonderful experience this year. We most likely won't host next year because it'll be DS's "Senior" & last yearat home, but I plan on hosting again when DS leaves for college. That'll keep me young, take care of "empty next syndrome", and I get to be a Mom to one that's already housebroken!!LOL!!! Plus, it's like going to Europe without having to leave home. Give it some thought. E-mail me if you want to know more about it. It's a neat experience.

GRACE IN ONT.---LOL!!! I loved your story about the "mystery block" and your two men!!!! I really did LOL!!! Especially your SUBJECT TITLE: "That's it, I've had it!" Best laugh all day. Quilters rule, men drool!
By the way, I will be travelling to Canada with my DH in mid-July, not terribly far from you. We're headed to Chateau Mont Tremblant in Quebec for a convention. What do you know about it? (weather temps, shopping, quilt shops, etc.)I think we'll be flying into Montreal. And do you Canadians drive on the same side of the road that we do??? (we'll be renting a car to get there - YIKES!!!)

ANY QUILT SHOPS NEAR KOHLER, WISCONSIN???? DH and I are going there the first week of June on (let's be honest here) a boondoggle. Any BB'ers live near there who can advise me? Thanks in advance,

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:42 PM
Subject: new to this
E-mail Address: efirmstone@aol.com

I am new to quilting and just found this site. I've taken a few classes, made a few stars, have a brick road quilt top almost finished. I don't know how to finish a quilt, will just have to read the book and proceed. I'd love to have a pen pal who is a beginner.

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:41 PM
Subject: Blocks for Ridgeley Update
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

The response has been incredible....and so many of you have shared your thoughts with me in your e-mails that I have felt so inspired and blessed to be a part of this.

Here are a few updates:

For those looking for the original block instructions, see my posting on May 5 just before midnight on this page.

Many people have said they will be making extra blocks so the kids can have their own quilts too. This is terrific and more than welcome! I can say by the response I've gotten that there will be plenty to work with so Ridgeley and each of the children will have a quilt. For those who want to make a block more "child oriented," I can tell you that the daughter is 9 and two sons are 7 and 4. If you make specific ones for each child, be sure to label them when you mail them to me so I don't get them mixed up.

Someone said she had selected a pattern that called for four colors and asked if it was okay to add a fourth color to the red, white and blue color scheme. The answer is yes, it's absolutely fine. We're just going for an overall effect of red, white and blue, and the occasional extra color will add some sparkle, so go for it!

Think I mentioned before Sarah in Alabama is doing a label (maybe four labels, Sarah?) and Susan in North Pole and Martha in Fairbanks have each offered to quilt one of the quilts.

People have also asked for Ridgeley's address here in the states, which I do not have. I'm not sure she's made a decision on exactly where she will be yet.

A number of people have also offered to send money for batting, etc. and that really isn't necessary. Anything I do receive, of course, will go towards appropriate expenses such as batting, backing, mailing.

Don't forget I will keep a scrapbook of any cards or notes you wish to include when you send your block. I am not printing out the e-mails you have sent me....I know these were written without the intention of anyone but me seeing them.

June 12 is the date I'd like to have the blocks in by. My Y2K raffle quilt will have been raffled by then and the double sawtooth wedding gift for the dance teacher will (I hope) be all wrapped up for the June 26 wedding and I will have reduced my current number of works in progress.

I can't begin to express how deeply I am touched by the outpouring of support you have all shown for this project....it is so wonderful to be a part of such a caring group.

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:41 PM
Subject: BB Chat
E-mail Address: EandW@csi.com

Wow! Great place, this bb chat page. I left the quilt bb page a couple of months ago when there was so much conflict about talking about life, in general. Now there are the best of both worlds. Quilting and life. I have really enjoyed reading back on the page. So many interesting people here. I'll have to check out the prayer line if I can get the URL.
Beth in INDY

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:15 PM
Subject: Hi Again!
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Hi again, everyone. Well, that "Certain Lady" did not show up at the meeting today, or our luncheon. Guess she is still licking her wounds, so to speak..but she is not a quiter, so I don't think I have seen the last of her. Maybe she will return a little bit more mellow..I can dream can't I? We had our Spring Fling luncheon for the ABC group today, and food was great! Our area co-ordinator was there today, and told us that some one from a group called Americares, (not quite sure of the sp) would like us to donate quilts for the babies and children in Kosovo...so, 50 of our ABC baby quilts will be going overseas very shortly. Celia: regarding those mosquitoes..on TV have you seen the Tabasco commercial..where the fellow is using Tabasco on his food, the mosquito bites him, flies away and explodes!! Maybe you should get yourself a couple cases of the stuff..LOL..Hen and chicks are good in rock gardens, or has someone already told you about them..Doni: Thanks to you and Celia I was prepared today. It's always a good Mommie's day when you can spend private time with young ones, no matter what you are doing..know what I mean? They grow up so fast, and then we look back and always wish we had spent even more time with them..About prewashed fabric..in the dryer or on the line is fine as far as I am concerned, depending on the time of year, also. Gotta watch those dive bombers outside, though..they sometimes hit the target! Enough out of me tonight..Mary on Cape Cod (too tired to proof read this tonight)

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:02 PM
Subject: Hi Again!
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Hi again, everyone. Well, that "Certain Lady" did not show up at the meeting today, or our luncheon. Guess she is still licking her wounds, so to speak..but she is not a quiter, so I don't think I have seen the last of her. Maybe she will return a little bit more mellow..I can dream can't I? We had our Spring Fling luncheon for the ABC group today, and food was great! Our area co-ordinator was there today, and told us that some one from a group called Americares, (not quite sure of the sp) would like us to donate quilts for the babies and children in Kosovo...so, 50 of our ABC baby quilts will be going overseas very shortly. Celia: regarding those mosquitoes..on TV have you seen the Tabasco commercial..where the fellow is using Tabasco on his food, the mosquito bites him, flies away and explodes!! Maybe you should get yourself a couple cases of the stuff..LOL..Hen and chicks are good in rock gardens, or has someone already told you about them..Doni: Thanks to you and Celia I was prepared today. It's always a good Mommie's day when you can spend private time with young ones, no matter what you are doing..know what I mean? They grow up so fast, and then we look back and always wish we had spent even more time with them..About prewashed fabric..in the dryer or on the line is fine as far as I am concerned, depending on the time of year, also. Gotta watch those dive bombers outside, though..they sometimes hit the target! Enough out of me tonight..Mary on Cape Cod (too tired to proof read this tonight)

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 9:57 PM
Subject: That's it , I've had it
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Hi all,
Well I've had it. I've two men that just have to go. Never mind that I am not Picasso or even a great talent in the art dept. but I sure do try.I even feed these guys. You would think that saying something nice about what I am doing should just come naturally to them. I really don't think that 's too much to ask. AM I RIGHT???????
Tell you what I did. One of our trailer park guest had their trailer broken into during the winter so I thought I would make them a little square and I would quilt it. Well they love birds so I go through my books and come up with what I thought would make a cute little Blue Bird. Well I paper pieced it and MQ. I thought it looked like a bird, but then the book told me right.
All I had to do was put the binding on. Here comes the first mistake. Showed it to DH." What is it??", he dares to ask. Well look at it . IT IS A BIRD. See there are the wings and I am going to put a bead there for its eye. " Oh well if you like it DEAR. It's nice", he mumbles as he walks away.
Well along comes DS#1. Now this guy lives with us. .You would think that some thought would be put in a comment before he opened his mouth. See what I made, I ask sweetly??.
"Yea Mom, Nice rocket ship. Who is that for???"
Like I said-- I feed these guys--How dare they. ???
Now,you did not hear these words from me, ( but it does look like a rocket ship) I've whispered this SHHHHH SHHHHH.
Happy trying for my second project It took me years to get good at all the other stuff I used to make. I am still going to give it to her ( my friend) She'll appreciate it and she can always use it to put the Teapot on it when it is hot.
Guess you got to love the guys anyway, They just do not appreciate art when it is GOOD.
Grace in Ont.
who is still shaking her head and wondering what to do next.Life around here is never dull

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 8:43 PM
Subject: Pin pal
E-mail Address: islandoaks@hotmail.com

Looking for a pin pal...Of course that's a quilters pen pal....met a lovely lady,but she had to give up her com....so looking for some new friends...am a quilter,mother of 6,Nana to 11,married to a great Norwegian....quilting and Antiques my favorite past times...Waiting to hear from you Barbara

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 7:59 PM
Subject: good evening all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

hope everyone is doing well

i just haven't seen it clear to do much of anything since finding about rideley,,,,and know i am not alone with those feelings,,,,,,the prayer page is something,,,the show of support was incredible,,,i also thank sue and eric again,,,times like these it sure feels good to have a group,,,

now to come clean about what i sent raeann,,,,,it's okay raeann,,,don't try to cover up for me anymore,,,tho i appreciated you thinking i wear teeny tiny bikinis...
i was cutting out some 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 swatches to send some friends,,,,,well maybe 4 or 5 envelopes,,,so had all out on my desk near where i was cutting,,,,,,and humming along,,,,doing my ''good deeds'',,,,thinking to myself,,,,''hope everyone likes these'',,,,,kinda thing,,,,well raeanns' envelope must of been among the group,,,
as i cut away i saved all the snippets,,,small or whatever for doll quilts,,,,and to drape over my growing collection of miniature chairs,,,so all goes into a tin of some sort for me to happen upon when i get a chance,,,,,,so,,,,you got it,,,,,,,i mailed raeann the whole business,,,,,,,all the ''scraps'',,,,,,,ugh!!!!
but,,,,,,to my credit i WAS thinking i wanted to assemble some nice squares,,,some large,,,,some varied sizes,,,well it was for her cousin to restore a fabric stash,,,so i thought ,,,i had once received a nice selection that way,,,,and ,,,,,i had also had some fat quarters already,,,,but alas,,,,they were found under the towels....much to my embarrassement,,,so off to the mail i have to go for poor raeann,,who got basically my trash,,,,

loon/marie/maine---this is not as embarrassing as the moring a pine branch stuck itself to the back of my head,,,,,while my nightie flew up in the air,,,,,oh for those teeny tiny bikinis then!!!!!

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 4:50 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Good day all!!!!! The sun is so bright today. I think Spring has FINALLY arrived.

Liz in KS -- Sorry to hear about your dog losing hair. Has anyone ever heard of a cat licking their hair off? How do you stop it? Our R.C. (Reclusive Cat) has a bare belly and I can't seem to stop him.

As for your babysitting, think of it as an extension of the mother. My Mom, who is 82, took care of over 700 different children in her home in 45 y

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 3:33 PM
Subject: Searching for Henry Glass Fabric
E-mail Address: adrienne_m@yahoo.com

Can anyone can assist me in finding a vendor of
Henry Glass fabric? I began a quilt about
a year and a half ago and ran out of two of the
fabric(s) that I need to complete the quilt.
Please contact me immediately. God Bless.

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 3:33 PM
Subject: Searching for Henry Glass Fabric
E-mail Address: adrienne_m@yahoo.com

Can anyone can assist me in finding a vendor of
Henry Glass fabric? I began a quilt about
a year and a half ago and ran out of two of the
fabric(s) that I need to complete the quilt.
Please contact me immediately. God Bless.

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 3:17 PM
Subject: Hello, everyone
E-mail Address: lwalters@ioa.com

Haven't read/posted in months, then come back to find us divided up! Ack! I wondered why I could read a day's worth of BB so quickly! All the yakkers are here! Cassi, will send a block for Ridgeley, even though I don't know her. that's what I get for being gone.

In the meantime, eldest DS is accepted to U.of North Carolina in Greensboro School of Music, Vocal Performance. He wants to continue in musical theatre. He plays Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof next weekend. Youngest DS applied to the N.C. School of Science and Math--will hear whether he's accepted by the end of this month. So, I may have my empty nest all of a sudden this August. I will NOT be OK with that. I.e., I'LL not be OK--but it's the best thing for the boys. Expect tears. Am looking into a full-time job--mornings off has been nice, but the pay is awful and I need to work full-time with college looming.

My dad had emergency gall bladder surgery 3 weeks ago--scared us, but he's doing great. Thank God I live here now and am not still in Illinois. We were able to go up and help. (They're in VA.)

Lots of other things going on. Will try to keep in touch.

--Laura in NC

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 3:06 PM
Subject: Quilts for Kosovo
E-mail Address: camkal@hotmail.com

Please give as info on shipping quilts. our quild has done quilts
has done quilts and don't know what organizations a
are taking them besides Global Development. Thanks
for your help

Carol in Ohio

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 2:36 PM
Subject: hare, hair
E-mail Address: fly552@juno.com

Good afternoon everyone! Cloudy, and cool. Kinda windy too, tho, this
is expected in Kansas!
Babysitting the 5 mos. old today, the Mommy called, and is working OT. The
baby was screaming while I was talking to her on the phone. Now, if it was me,
I'd be off the phone and over here immediately! I don't think the money is worth
THAT much to me. Oh well. Will have to put some chocolate or something in my mouth
so I don't say something thats none-of-my-business.
My question today is: The hypermutt is losing hair like crazy. Had her in for 2 ear
infections recently, and I don't think that's the problem. I changed her food about 3 weeks
ago, and I must admit, she's pretty jealous of the baby. Yes, I'm watching her. She hasn't
done anything to the baby other than try to lick her, but I ain't takin' any chances! She just doesn't
like the way I 'talk' to the baby. She knows she's my baby, and she don't want anyone else in her
territory. She comes up and whines, or barks...(talks)at me.
The mutt wet the floor about 4 days ago...anyway, what do ya think? I mean, she's only
23#, and I've gotten more hair off of her in the last couple weeks, than I have in her 6 years of life!
Do you think its all the changes in 'atmosphere' around here? The food? The vet thought she
may have allergies...would that do it?
Please, somebody help! I can't stand vacuuming and sweeping any more! And, its starting
to smell in here. She's only allowed in the kitchen and LR. I figure you ladies could
help me out.
Liz in Kansas
ps. have another bambino coming half an hour after this one is gone. And they wonder why I have
gray hair! I need to learn to say "NO!" Oh, and I decided last night to have a garage sale
tomorrow. Why do we do this to ourselves? Course, bambino #1 was supposed to be gone at noon, and
I was going to get it all done before bambino #2 got here at 5. The best laid plans......

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 12:23 PM
Subject: Shady Garden Plants
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

All you gardeners with beds of Hostas--love them for me--you obviously
don't have the dreaded SLUGS lurking in your neighborhood. They will dine
on Hostas from the bottom up and there really isn't anything that will
totally eliminate Slugs. (I personally think it rains them).
They don't eat daisies except to climb the stems and chew on the flowers.
DONI: you picked a bad week to mommie-mess-up---just wait until you see what
Chris brings you from school today for Mother's Day. The poems and cards
from the kids during their first few years of school are some of the things
I would try to save if we have the earthquake they're predicting. Yup, there's
always somebody telling us that we're going to get it from Mother Nature.
Have a Piece-full day everyone, and remember to tell someone how much you
like/love them. Betty in Oregon (semi-dry)

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 12:09 PM
Subject: good news!
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Good news! I didn't blow it as a mommie! Well not twice..just once! The main water line into Augusta broke...so they closed all business and schools in town this morning..ta dahhh!

Marcie..I always heard the dryer is what done the shrinking...so you still dont know for sure!

Celia, Buf said he did not eat mommies hat! Thats his story and he's stickin to it! He did chew the handle out of mommies little shovel but not the hat!

Gotta go..Hugs to all! Special hugs to Susan in Fresno..thanks Buddy!

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:49 AM
Subject: Good morning!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Hi everyone!
Welcome to Monica!! Missed you!!
Celia..I don't know about that mosquitos over snow thing...I hate bugs!!

Question: When you pre-wash your fabrics, do they have to go in the dryer or is it OK to hang them out on the line?
Someone told me you have to put them in the dryer so they pre-shrink. I thought if you washed them in warm water it does the same thing.
Has anyone had a problem with hanging them outside? (beside the bird poop, that is!!)
Hope everyone has a good day!!

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 10:15 AM
Subject: Good Morning Everyone
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

After yesterday's sadness, I am trying to pull myself together today and keep busy. My thanks to everyone who helped me with my rock garden suggestions,I have them printed out and will go to the garden centre armed like the consumate, professional gardener I am not- LOL

Glad to see Monica has joined us- we missed you.

Good Luck Mary.

Doni,- lost your hat ? - Maybe Buford ate it!!!- check for straw crumbs!!

It is so muggy here and the dreaded mosquitos are swarming in droves- have got my trusty swatter on hand, but is not of much use I am afraid, they seem to bite me and no one else!! Shouldn't complain, anything is better than snow!

Just want to say how heartwarming it was to see how everyone came together for Ridgeley, and I hope that we can produce enough blocks for the children too. I can't think of a more tender gesture from us all. It still breaks my heart.
Have a nice day everyone,

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 9:33 AM
Subject: Hey..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Mary on Cape Cod...good luck! Let me know how it goes.. Some people are sort of naturally rude, I think, and sometimes don't even know it..sometimes just explaining how you feel, like you did, helps wonders...

Monica..glad to see you! I missed you young'un! Give the little screamers huggles and loves...

Some of the gardening tips have been wonderful..I really liked the shade garden tips..I have a couple of areas that are shady and had never considered doing flowers in them..I know grass won't grow there! I can finally sort of walk and sit now..pulled muscles from bending to do gardening is a bummer! I had this stupid looking shuffle going all week, walked like a dork! Can't find my straw hat this year..think maybe someone is trying to tell me something?? Everything else is there but not my wonderful, faithful, dorky looking hat!

Thank you for all the updates on Ridgeley...wish there was more we could do for her..but giving our love and support is about as far as we can go right now..she has done such wonderful things and been such a good friend since finding us..

Took Chris to school this morning just to find out he had no school today! Bummer! thats twice this week I've messed up the ole mommie thing! Last time was early dismissal and I forgot to pick him up! Man maybe next year, I'll do better!

Gotta go..see you all later!
Hugs Doni

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 8:48 AM
Subject: Just Hi!
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

I am on the run today and off to my ABC group and to see how things go with a "certain Lady". Monica...It's about time we saw you on the Chat Page..we have missed your input. Future project for children's quilts sounds great to me. Wish me luck Doni and Celia, I'm going to need it! Will check in later this afternoon, IF I can get on..Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 5/7/99 Time: 1:44 AM
Subject: Ridgely
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

Although I am new to the BB I feel like I have made some new friends and my heart and prayers go out to you for your loss. I have thought about you all day with much sadness.
Marge from Mi

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 11:56 PM
Subject: Appreciation of the BB
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

I hope everyone knows what a special place our Bulletin Board is. I was trying to explain to some people at school about the sadness everyone on the BB was sharing over Ridgeley's loss. They could not understand how people that had never met could have such feelings. I couldn't really explain this to them. It is something one has to experience, our joys, our saddnesses. I guess you could you could compare us to an extended family. I am very greatful for the opportunity to share in the lives of all of those on the BB. Thank you Sue and Eric for creating this special place.

Carol of Wantage

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 11:21 PM
Subject: "evil scissors"
E-mail Address: hnernst@aol

I just found the tip from mid-March about the "evil" scissors and had to giggle, which was a good thing - had been crying far Ridgley. Anyway, I have bought diffrent colored scissors (blue for non-fabric) and even my 5 year old knows not to touch the orange ones!

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 11:20 PM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: yankdots@dcci.com

I too will be sending a block for Ridgeley and also hope there will be enough for the children. I would be willing to send more then one (and some cash for backing and such). What's the word on this? I can't volunteer to quilt anything so I don't know if it could be done.

My e-mail has been giving me fits, so the computer is going to the shop tomorrow. I probably won't get it back before Mon. If you have mailed me recently and haven't heard back, please know I always try to answer, and may have. Sometimes it just goes to the 'black hole' somewhere out in cyber-space! This problem is beyond me, and when it's beyond DH it's a really BIG problem. I'm seeing a new computer in the very near future!!!! Yikes....$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!

My Prayers are for all who need and thank you for all who are praying for my Uncle.

Leen in TX

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 9:32 PM
Subject: 6" blocks
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

SUSAN IN TX (and anyone else looking for 6" block patterns): We have a great resource right here at the WWQP for 6" patterns (remember you are looking for patterns for 6" blocks so they will be 6 1/2" unfinished - the 1/2" is the seam allowance around the block for joining it to other blocks) If you go back to the World Wide Quilting Page (I think there is a link you can click on at the top of each BB page) and go down to Quilt Blocks there are lots of patterns for 6" blocks.

All right, I give in! I will just have to start putting up all 3 boards so I can check them daily. What's another half hour of sleep??

When I met a BBer who lives near me today (you'll have to check the other BB for the whole story - LOL!!), I wish you could have seen how proudly the kids showed her the jar blocks they have made for their quilts. Maybe when we have a lull in BB projects we should have one made by our kids to be donated to some children's cause. Just a thought for another time...

Monica in Maine (can you all stand seeing me in three places??)

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 8:53 PM
Subject: Blocks for Ridgeley
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

The response for making blocks for Ridgeley has been overwhelming! I have responded to every request for my snail mail that I have received to this point. So far, none of my responses have bounced back to me, so I am hoping we won't have any cyber problems with the e-mail.

Several people have asked about a due date, so I have picked June 12 as the deadline. For those who haven't seen the details about the block for Ridgeley, go to May 5 just before midnight on this board.

Sarah in Alabama has offered to do a label, and Susan in North Pole and Martha in Fairbanks have both offered to do the quilting, so things are pulling together quickly and so nicely....it is so kind of you all to think of all those details!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 7:25 PM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: ssoape@sat.net

It is at times like this that you feel so inept at comforting friends - especially if they are BB friends and and half the world away. I would love to make a block to add to the quilt for Ridgeley but don't have as many quilting resources as some of you girls. Does any one know where on the web I might find a block pattern that is 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" or could be sized up or down? I know of several blocks of the months but thought someone might have already figured this one out for me. The quilt will surely bring comfort to Ridgeley and her children but will also bond the BB quilters even more.
Thanks, Susan in TX

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 4:58 PM
Subject: Are the BB's down?
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

I have been trying to read the quilt BB and chat BB for 2 days, and there are no postings. Is it just me, my state, or is it down all over? Please someone E mail me and let me know.

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 1:57 PM
Subject: Ridgeley and Children
E-mail Address: jacknox@earthlink.com

My deepest sympathy goes to Ridgeley and her children. America lost one of its finest in that crash. It would be wonderful if Cassi receives such a large number of blocks that it will be possible to make quilts for the children as well.

Judy in Ohio

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 12:40 PM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: peeperscat@webtv.net

Today's edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has a personal article on Ridgeley's husband. They are from Wisconsin. You can read it on line at www.jsonline.com From the main page, click on "Apache crash..." then click on "Fallen pilot was man you'll never forget"
God Bless Ridgeley and her family.

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 10:18 AM
Subject: ott lights
E-mail Address: cknapp1@earthlink.net

BNEAL: I tried to email you, but said address wasn't right. I have talked to the company about these lights to find out the truth. Please email me for more info.

RIDGLEY: I am so glad Cassie is heading up not just a quilt but also scrapbook. WE all feel so helpless. As I told Cassie, maybe we should let Ridgley finish her own quilt for Kevin in her own time when she is ready. It may be something she NEEDS to do rather than have us jump in. This other one will be our wonderful gift to her.

Kitty Kate: It is so wonderful that you could call and talk to Ridgley. I am sure you spoke for most of us. You are such a bless to so many.
Thank you.

And last, but not least Sue & Eric: Thank you for the prayer board. God works in mysterious ways, and we didn't have this board a week ago. Now it is our best outlet to reach someone truly hurting. THANK YOU.

Judy in ARk

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 9:04 AM
Subject: Blocks for Ridgeley
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Already I've received quite a few e-mails requesting my snail mail to send blocks for Ridgeley. For those who missed the information, it's posted on May 5 just before midnight. Dorrie has offered to keep track of where Ridgeley and her family is or will be. Kitty Kate is collecting the postings from the board. As I said before, anyone who wants to send cards or notes with their block, I'll make up a scrapbook of those to include with the quilt.

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 8:53 AM
Subject: ridgeley's address
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Could someone please post Ridgeley's snail mail address or e-mail it to me, I seem to have misplaced it. Chris in PA

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 8:40 AM
Subject: Apache Crash
E-mail Address: giampetr@foryou.net

This is another article you might be interested in reading from a Wisconsin newspaper



Date: 5/6/99 Time: 7:42 AM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: marciac@mediaone.net

Just thought some of you would like to see the following article posted on CNN website:


Marcia in Massachusetts

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 7:36 AM
Subject: QR
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Can we PLEASE post QR on the main page? I don't get to check this page very often and if someone hadn't mentioned something about 6 1/2" blocks and Cassi on the prayer page, I wouldn't have known about the project for Ridgeley. Making a quilt is about as QR as it gets. Could you put the info on the main page, too? Thank you!! I think it is a wonderful idea - anything to make me feel a little less helpless.

Monica in Maine

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 3:00 AM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: froeschle@t-online.de

My heart goes out to you, Ridgeley! I was thinking of you all night, and will keep you in my prayers!

Sue in Germany

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 2:47 AM
E-mail Address: BNEAL63829@EMAIL.



Date: 5/6/99 Time: 1:06 AM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

Just learned the sad news and am having a hard time believing that it could be true.

My thoughts are with Ridgeley and her family tonight.

Carol of Wantage

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 12:48 AM
Subject: Ridgely
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

I had to leave for a bit to say goodbye to a close friends of ours (best man at our
wedding) who is moving to Virginia for ALL of the wrong reasons.

When I returned I had a message from Janet: Confirmed

I also had many other emails, thank you to those of you who let me know.

I am too sad right now to continue. I am glad tho, to see that we will once again rally
together to help another quilter in times of need. Maybe we can now go back to one page,
one group as quilters should be to be together....

Goodnight with a heavy heart, Susan in Fresno

Date: 5/6/99 Time: 12:47 AM
Subject: Doni
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

Thank heaven your children were not hurt by this poor excuse of a neighbor.Some people have nothing better to do so they become bullies of the neighborhood we had one until he received a huge fine and all of a sudden he just leaves everyone alone maybe this person needs the same punishment. when they have to pay that seems to make them think before they act.

Marge from Mi

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 11:56 PM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

So many hearts are heavy with grief for you and your family tonight. Although our sadness cannot compare to the depth of yours, I hope you can be comforted at least a little by knowing how many friends - though you may not know us face to face - are grieving with you.

I'm always at a loss to know what to say at times like this...I always seem more inspired by action, and since we know and care about Ridgeley and each other because of our common bond - quilting - the obvious answer is to quilt. I will be happy to serve as the collection point for blocks and put them together for a quilt(s) for Ridgeley and her family. I chatted on IM with Marty, Marlene, Sunbonnet Sue and others and here's what we're suggesting:

1. 6-1/2 inch block (that's 6-1/2 inches UNfinished) - pattern of your choice
2. Red, white and blue - that's not a call for patriotic fabric, just a block using that color scheme. You may make your block with two of the three colors or you may use all three colors, your choice.
3. The white is to be a true white, not unbleached muslin
4. Any shades of reds and blues are fine
5. Use a permanent FINE POINT black marker (Pigma Pen is highly recommended) and sign your name, city, state or country on the block
6. If you wish to include a card or note, I will collect them in a scrapbook....just remember it will be a while before it's delivered
7. If you wish to make more than one block, that's wonderful!

E-mail me for my address as I would prefer not to put it out in cyberspace. What I do need is someone to volunteer to keep in contact with Ridgeley so when this is done in a few months' time we will know where she is.

Hopefully I've covered all the details so there won't be any questions...and I'm hoping no one will be put off by our choices for the blocks. I'm sure there are many out there like me....anxious to do something because words are failing us.

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 10:24 PM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

REICHERTS: I believe Cassi Bauman will be posting something tonight or early in the morning about starting something for Ridgeley and the children. Was just talking with her on the IM.

Marty in VT

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 10:19 PM
Subject: Sorrow
E-mail Address: jbryan@iquest.net

I was going to take time to post tonight and get caught up witlh all of you but after reading about Kevin I am stunned and to sad. What a loss. I would like to do something so Susan if you get something going let me know. My prayers go out to Redgely and their families. If someone has her address please send it to me. Thanks Janet in IN

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 9:39 PM
Subject: Kevin
E-mail Address: ddede@InfoAve.net

I am so devastated. MSNBC announced about 30 minutes that Kevin Reichert ,age 28, was killed in the Apache helicoptor crash in Albania. I can hardly believe this dreadful news. I immediatetly called my preacher because we had prayed for Kevin by name at our church in North Carolina. My minister is two years out of the Army as a chaplain so he has special feelings for military people.

Does anybody have an address here in the US? Our poor dear Ridgeley. Please email me if you have any means of contacting the family here.

Cecelia Mathis in North Carolina

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 8:55 PM
Subject: Sad news
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

I have been in contact with Janet in Germany for a confirmation of this sad news.
Before we do anything I just wanted to make absolutely sure that it was Ridgely's
husband. I will be online all evening to hear from her.

Let's make sure and then we'll get something going OK???

Susan in Fresno

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 8:31 PM
Subject: Gardening, moths, etc.
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi all,

Its almost 8:00p.m. and I still haven't finished these
chat postings! Hurry up, retirement!!!

Kathi - Wow, you have tough growing conditions. Would you
consider cactus??!!LOL. I would love to come and help you, because
next to quilting, I love to help with gardening. Let me know if you
can use some help. I will look up plants that would do well in your
situation, but it will have to wait til next week.

Doni - I am so furious that your neighbor is so vicious. I hope you
stand your ground and make this nut pay the consequences of his unbelievable
actions. He certainly needs to be prosecuted. If people don't smile at my
"Tubs", I am heartbroken. Never mind if they shot him!!!! Thank God no one else
was hurt or worse. Prayers for all, even your neighbor, although I will have
to swallow hard when doing that!!

Jenny - I have read that bags of dried herbs will keep the moths away. Ones that
have a pungent odor such as chamomile, artemisias, mints, sage, tansy and thyme to name
a few.

Ann in MA where I had my first pedicure so I will look great in
Atlanta with all my fluffiness and painted toes!!!!!

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 7:45 PM
Subject: Sad news
E-mail Address: dorriel@uswest.net

Those of you who know Ridgeley will be very sad to hear that the
Apache pilot that suffered a fatal crash, was Kevin,Ridgeley's husband.
This comes from the 6 o'clock news,in Minneapolis.
Maybe you'll want to go to the prayer page.
Dorrie in Minnesota

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 7:34 PM
Subject: I be happy!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

YAHOO!!!!!!! My finals are done! My finals are done! My finals are DONE!!! Sorry guys, but I'm so sick of reading textbooks, writing term papers, and taking tests. My poor little brain is fried pretty crispy, ha!

The first thing I'm going to do tomorrow, providing it is not raining, is take a running leap into the freshly tilled dirt in my garden, roll around for awhile and then get to planting beans and tomatoes (LOL). Aaaahhhhhh! Later Kids from Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 6:34 PM
Subject: Quiting board
E-mail Address: fly552@juno.com

Has anybody noticed, or is it just me....But the WW Quiting board
should have an 'L' in it? Just on this page tho.
Going out to the in-laws for supper. I guess we're having beef brisket.
Actually, I don't care what we have...as long as I don't have to cook it!
Spent only a couple hours in the hell-hole. Will write someday on what
stabilizers I liked best after my 'experiment'.
Celia...try some basket of gold allysum. Thats a nice perennial. Easy to
grow. Creeping Phlox are simple to grow and come in pink, lavendar and white. Of course,
their are tons of sedums out there...they take a lot of sun, and poor soil.
You can try ajuga. That's a low ground cover that has purple flowers in the spring.
They can have green or 'purple' leaves. Purple rock cress is nice.
Oh, just go out and buy something low growing, that goes in the sun (which is what I
assume you have) and that you like. Marigolds are nice...HATE petunias. I've got
lots of peonies and clematis. Bought a butterfly bush myself yesterday. Geraniums and
coleus today. Oh, and a silver princess dwarf daisy.
Gotta go. DH is in from mowing the north forty. LOL
Liz in Kansas

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 6:01 PM
Subject: Hostas
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

Peggy--Me too on the hostas. We have lots of shade areas in our yard so had to learn what works best in shade. I have about 30+ different kinds of hostas but probably have a couple hundred total-we have a big yard but then we are in the country. You might look at heucheras (coral bells) also--there are many different ones that have gorgeous coloration and Luxuriant Bleeding Heart (they "bleed" all summer, have ferm-like foliage resembling astiles, which of course, are also another good shade plant). My DH doesn't get the whole hosta thing - they look the same to him. Whoops, I get carried away with gardening stuff...
Joleen in MN

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 5:01 PM
Subject: Just checking in
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Hi everyone, - just found a few spare minutes to check in and see how everyone is. I could do with another 24 hours in my days, there seems to be so much more to do now that Spring and Summer are finally here. Actually, I don't think we really had any Spring- it went from freezing cold to sweltering hot in less than a week. Lovely to be able to be outside though and see all the new buds coming on the trees, and like Loon says, to see the emergence of new life.
Ivon has made me two new rock gardens, - I have been waitng for them for 7 years since we moved here. I do not have green fingers, but want them to look as nice as I can- anyone any ideas what I can put in them? I would like some little plants but don't really know what to get. I would appreciate any suggestions, since if left to my own designs I will plant all marigolds, 'cos that is about all I know!!!! At least if I have a list to take to the garden centre, I won't feel so much of an amateur. TIA
The first plane load of Kosovo refugees arrived in Canada last night. They looked totally weary, but seemed to be happy that they were at last safe. Couldn't help noticing that one little baby was wrapped in what seemed to be a new quilt- I wondered if per chance it came from one of our very own?
I am so glad that everyone we know is safe from the terrible tornado devestation, - I could hardly believe what I saw on the news.
Hugs to all, will try to post as often as I can, but time is not on my side right now.

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 4:54 PM
Subject: Garden related
E-mail Address: jlmpam@netins.net

I like hostas - in fact I guess you could say I love hostas and every year for the past several years a couple of them come home and get planted somewhere. My dream is to have a nice hosta bed behind the house that I can see from my kitchen window, and from the maybe to be closed in patio. But that is in the future. I do have a bed that I have been planting hostas in for a couple of years - a work in progress as it were. Today I went out there and really worked on it. In order to have the maybe closed in patio several hostas had to be moved, not very big ones, just ones that had been placed there as a nursery, but now they need to be moved. Also went to the Willowglen Nursery yesterday at Decorah to get a Joe Pie Weed and came home with four more hostas. Two of them are only about three inches tall - but they will grow to about 2-3 feet across. So I have spent the day planting, and moving hostas, and I am really pleased with my project. I have decided my current bed is turning out very nice.

Just had to share

Peggy in Iowa

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 4:49 PM
Subject: Loon Talk
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Marie, do you talk to your springtime friend? I found that they answer my
laugh, much to everyone's delight but mine. We spent many summers cruising in
the Canadian San Juans and one of the pleasures was anchoring, taking the dinghy
ashore and hiking to any available lake or stream with towels and soap to take our
daily baths (lots of excitement, huh?). Anyway most of the lakes had loons and
whenever I laughed, they always returned my greetings. So everyone always tried
hard to make me laugh to see if the lakes had loons.
Gardening: Well number one the ground is too cold to plant petunias and such anyway,
and number two my garden looks great because I only pull ugly weeds. I cherish all
those buttercups, they are pretty yellow, my favorite color, and they make a lush
ground cover when I feed them a little miracle grow. Cuts down on gardening time a
bunch--more time to quilt. Betty

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 4:07 PM
Subject: Loons
E-mail Address: milljohn@ix.netcom.com

Thank you, loon marie, for sharing the loon sighting with all of us. Makes you put some things in perspective, doesn't it? The renewal of life is all around us, even in the midst of destruction. The birds are uplifting to the heart and when we feel that, we can send blessings and hugs on to others that need them. Now that he's seen you, loon, time to get out in the canoe and take him for a ride.

Sandra in Seattle
aka Sandy Toes

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 3:28 PM
E-mail Address: taxmax@promedia.infi.net

I was also wondering what happened to Kaffee-Klatsch. About a month ago I emailed Sue and asked her. I have not received any answers, yet new lists are being created here, and there are still things saying join Kaffee-Klatsch. What's going on????

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 2:55 PM
Subject: Gardening?and Singer thing
E-mail Address: mpmg@garlic.com

I have a sort of gargeding question. I bought a new watering can,but it's toooo new looking. Does anyone know how I can make it look old fast. I don't want to wait 20 years for it to look good.
About that Singer thing, I think I saw one the other day. They wanted $5 or $6, is that to much?
I find this page very enjoyable. Thanks for any help,Pam in Ca.

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 1:28 PM
Subject: Thank you to Mrs. Frati!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

I received a beautiful squishie today from Mrs. Frati (so sorry I can't remember your first name)
and do not have your email addy!!!! You did not have to do that!!
Thank you so much!!

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 1:07 PM
Subject: good day everyone
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

it is balmy and rainy here,,,,,thank goodness we so needed the rain,,,all fire stations had there warnings on 5 for danger of fires starting,,so with yesterdays rain and today,,we look to be in good shape
out raking,,,,favorite gardening in the rain,,,,i happened to be squatted down among my shrubs,,,and i heard him,,,,,,
the baleful call of my loon,,,,,wonderful,,,,sorry sad almost mournful if i hadn't known it was him...
i looked at the pond,,out the corner of my eye,,,,fearful if i raised my head,,,he might not be there,,,,,my imagination playing loon-tricks again,,,,,but no,,,,he was looking at me,,,,saying ,,''hello,,,,welcome spring''',,,,and off he swam towards the middle of the pond,,
he dove once and then twice as if to show there was still good fishing in front of my house,,,,and then swam off towards what i hope is his nest,,,,
i held my breath the whole time
and to see him look at me,,,,well made me feel whole reason God has me living still,,,,,
i did not see his lady,,,,,so hope she sits on a nest somewhere,,,,,maybe warming the eggs from their coupling,,,,,,,i think or hope to believe they mate for life,,,,nice thought at least,,
but i fear she may not be with him,,,,,,,,can't tell yet,,,
i lifted my pant leg,,,,,,,to show i too am interested,,,,lol,,,but he didn't seem to notice,,,,too bad,,,i'd swim off with him in a heart beat,,,

well,,,,,,,,gotta go eat dh,,,is cooking up a storm,,,,
loon/marie,,,maine,,,,,am i happy today,,,in spite of our news from all in great need,,,,,,yes,,,selfishly so i am afraid,,,,,but again,,there is hopeful feeling round me so ,,,maybe sign all may be right with the world soon!!! we can still hope can't we??,,,,

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 11:38 AM
Subject: This and that!
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Good morning all! It is so nice to read all the postings and see that we haven't lost our humor or love for each other!

Doni -- I'm so glad to hear Buford is okay. I don't blame you for pursuing this with your Sheriff. I'd take if further, but that's just me. I find a "cause", regardless of whether it benefits me or someone else, and I stick with it until I can't go any further. Remember...the squeaky wheel gets the oil!!!!! Also, your sons and dog were endangered and that's the most important thing. Especially since it was on YOUR property.

Sewing Machine Cabinet Restoration-- I have my Nana's treddle machine that I had restored. The cabinet was fine, but my grandfather had converted it to electric and I wanted it back to the way it should be. There was a local man in the town where we lived who sent to Sturbridge Village for the parts. I noticed by your e-mail address where you're located, and you're not that far away. Perhaps someone there would restore the cabinet work for you. One thing you might consider though. DH and I are big time fans of "Antiques Roadshow". When people take in antiques, and they have been refinished, it seems to take the value of the item down. So, I don't know what to tell you. My machine has a couple of spots and I'd love to have my husband refinish it for me (he did cabinet work for years), but I don't want the value to decrease just for the look. But, that's just my humble opinion. Hope this helps.

I started a "Trip Around the World" quilt for my DS's 5th grade baby shower. Got several nice pieces by Eleanor Burns. They are so pretty. The web sites showing them don't do them justice.

Hope everyone is having sunshine and a great quilting day! The sun is FINALLY shining here and we're supposed to have warm weather today. Horray!

Happy quilting!


Date: 5/5/99 Time: 10:59 AM
Subject: Buford
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Doni, so sorry about Buford. I'm sure your kids
had a scare too! Maybe it's time to get out the ol'
camera and make a few Kodac moments of your neighbors
animals misbehaving and running loose. Hope Buford
gets better quickly
Kathy in Pa.

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 10:46 AM
Subject: Our Buford
E-mail Address: judav@netcom.ca

DONI: Thanks for letting us know about Buford.I couldn't get over someone being so cruel.This man is obviously a heartless person and I hope he gets charged with cruelty to animals as well as endangering the life of your children. Thank God they were not hurt. Give Buford and your kids a great big hug from me.
Judy in Ontario

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 9:45 AM
Subject: Bufords story..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

okay about 6 weeks or so, our stupid neighbor came over and was complaining to Mark about Buford being such a big dog..that he could easily kill calves..not that he had, just that he could..and was complaining about all dogs in general....We have had so many problems with this guy thru the years, that there is just a general dislike going on here...His sheep come over across the road and eat my flowers, his goats peel the bark off of my trees, killing them and his dog chases my peacock every chance he gets...but that don't matter to him..what matters to him is that my dog is not kept in a pen or on a chain...and might kill something someday...We have 40 acres..and Buford was not being penned if he was out with the boys..Buford love to play with the kids..I seen no harm in that...he never leaves my property that I know of. The boys have a "fort" made out of hay bails..next to the road..and they were in there hiding from Buford..Buford was in our field looking for them and the neighbor drove down the road and blasted him! Chris my oldest boy saw Buford get shot and jumped up out of the hay and seen the neighbor! He came running to the house, the neighbor took off, and we ran out to see about Buford. I honostly thought the man had killed Buf..he's done it before..we got Buf ran him into the vet and had Buford treated...just a flesh wound but Buford was so freaked out! We called the Sherriff and he went and talked to the neighbor that said he had caught Buford chasing his cows..My boys stand there ground about Buford being in our field and thats what the facts show..We found Buford right where he dropped..he couldnt walk for the first couple of day but is just fine now....The neighbor had to have shot Buford right over the boys head....we have been thru this time and again with this man over the years, and we knew when I brought Buford home we would run into the problem..thats why Mark bought the electric dog fence and why we spent so much time trying to get the Kennel so Buford couldnt get out.. I dont agree with letting dogs run wild..not at all! I love my dog and want him to be protected..if running lose so many things can happen to them, getting hit by cars..or getting injured someway..but I do feel like I have the right to let my dog run on my property..So many people let there dogs run lose all over the county, and dogs do hurt calves I know this, and can understand both sides of the issue..I really can! I have lost critters to dogs running wild also..so as it stands right now..the Sherriff is looking into charges of child endangerment for dicharging a gun so close to the boys, and the fact that Buf was on our land, but I really dont see nothing coming of it..it never happened before..we just keep Buford in the Kennel now all the time if were not with him, BUT!! he still comes in at night to sleep and spends most of the day in the house with mommie!
Sorry this is so long but so many ladies has asked about what happened so the easiest way is just to explain it here..Buford is fine just a little whiz scare across his back..but thats going away now..I do worry now that he will be gun shy..but that dont really matter, its not like we got him for hunting..we just got him for loving and hes just fine with that!

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 9:03 AM
Subject: re I'M HOOKED
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

To the quilter of "Candy Land" who posted I"M HOOKED - I tried to email you but the address has a problem and it wouldn't send. Please email me.
Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird now in WI

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 7:51 AM
Subject: Roxanne's Thimble pricing
E-mail Address: scholtpd***@muohio.edu

First, remove the *** to reply. Teacup, the reason your Roxanne's thimble was $65. was because you probably bought it in Canada. I paid $40. US for it, and it would probably work out to $65 Canadian. You were not overcharged if you bought it in Canada.

Yes, even $40 is steep, but it's worth it. I love mine!

Thanks to everyone for the information about San Antonio, TX. I leave tomorrow, and can't wait to see the city, and find some fabrics!
Hugs and prayers to all in danger zones, whatever and wherever they may be.

Linda, the Serial Quilter from Oxford, OH

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 6:54 AM
Subject: LTraill@aol.com
E-mail Address: Lurker turned Poster

Hello everyone. I think I may win the Longest Lurker Award (I'm too embarrassed to actually put in writing how long I've been exhibiting
this behavior, the guilt is overwhelming). However, I really enjoy hearing about everyone's lives and experiences - both quilting and otherwise;
maybe I'm just nosy - I don't know. However, I've decided to come out of the computer and introduce myself. My name is Lorraine and I am 36 or
37 (don't honestly know without checking). I've been quilting just a short time. Married, no kids yet - working on it though. I have always
been fascinated with guilts and since I was young always said, "one day I am going to make a quilt." It took thirtysome years to finally get
around to it. (Perhaps a Procrastinator's Award also?) I have been sewing most of my life - but mostly clothing. Needless to say, that has gone
by the wayside since this whole quilting thing came along. My first quilt was a sampler bed size quilt class last Fall which I am in the process
of quilting

My first quilt show was the Lancaster show in April. It's about 1 1/2 hours away. I left my house at 6:00am on Friday, got home at 12:00
midnight. That day ranked right up there in my top five. It took until Tuesday when I could strategically unload my trunk without DH noticing
the large influx of bags. I worried for four days about all my new fabrics getting new wrinkles! Monday, on my lunch hour, I went out to my
trunk and refolded and petted my new material. (I think I need help?!?!)

I saw a gorgeous Double Wedding ring quilt and decided that would be my next quilt. I've heard since that it's a difficult pattern, but I am
using John Flynn's method and it is amazingly simple. The difficult part is choosing fabrics - I'm not good at that. It's almost done and I'm
not crazy about the fabrics together. (They all looked nice on the bolts - don't know what happened??) It is 89x100 inches. I can see how
the quilting of these things will definitely be the bottleneck. But I couldn't imagine trying to machine quilt such a large quilt. I don't
think I have that much patience.

This sure got real long, real quick - sorry! Anyway, I feel so much better having shared - it's like a great burden has been lifted from my
shoulders. Ahhhhhhh, I'll sleep good tonight. LOL

Lorraine in PA

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 4:03 AM
Subject: Hide & Seek
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Gosh was it something I said, I go away from the BB for a few days, well about a week in fact, and come back to see everyone has run off to different places to hide.

cngrats to who ever came up with it. and thanks to whoever organised it, is that you Sue? I think this is a brilliant idea, different areas for different needs, but I will have to catch up on who's where, when & why. LOL

off to Birmingham today working back late (ish) so will play catch up tomorrow.

Linda UK

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 3:26 AM
Subject: Treadle machine cabinet restoration
E-mail Address: facev@neu.edu

My 87 yr old aunt has sold her house and I'm
getting HER mother's Singer treadle machine in
original oak cabinet. Cabinet isn't in very good shape
It's been in a basement for 40 yrs. Any suggestions
of where to look for advice on what to do??? I
plan to use it as a conversation piece/occasional
table in my dining room. I guess if the machine
works, I would be able to sew in the event of a
power failure!!!!

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 1:33 AM
Subject: lost posting
E-mail Address: bequiltn8@yahoo.com

with the 2 new boards and trying to play catch up I forgot where I saw this--someone posted a long poem? called "I have learned"-- I tried unsuccessfully to print it out several times-- now that my DD told me how HER computer works, I can't find the posting to try again--are there not archives on all the boards?? If anyone else printed it out , I would love to get a copy. you can email it to me or snail mail--let me know Thanks in advance barb in OK

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 1:29 AM
Subject: gardening
E-mail Address: bequiltn8@yahoo.com

been reading all about gardening here and have a favor to ask-- i saw in a magazine a wonderful looking flower-- i think they called it angels trumpet--said it was real popular in Arkansas--but I cannot locate a source for either seed or bulbs or however it grows. I would love to have it in my garden-- can any one provide a source or idea--my local nursery says they haven't heard of it. Thanks --don't want to shell out bucks for catalogs that might not have it in there. barb in OK

Date: 5/5/99 Time: 1:27 AM
Subject: gardening
E-mail Address: bequiltn8@yahoo.com

been reading all about gardening here and have a favor to ask-- i saw in a magazine a wonderful looking flower-- i think they called it angels trumpet--said it was real popular in Arkansas--but I cannot locate a source for either seed or bulbs or however it grows. I would love to have it in my garden-- can any one provide a source or idea--my local nursery says they haven't heard of it. Thanks --don't want to shell out bucks for catalogs that might not have it tin there. barb in OK

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 11:51 PM
Subject: Garden, etc
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

ANN: Want to come over and figure out what to do with my yard? Anything would help. I think I have a brown thumb. We are in a high, cold desert area. The wind blows a LOT and dries everything out. Very little rain. Have to run the sprinkler all day, every day. Would love to have a yard that like yours sounds. Maybe I can make a patchwork quilt look to it. What do you think?

Please note the new email addy. My server in its infinite wisdom decided that it needed to be .net instead of .com like it's been ever since we got on the 'net. They tried to tell me that they didn't change it. Funny how the email just started bouncing last Friday, isn't it?

Has anyone tried HQ on Warm and Natural? Seems like I can't make very small stitches, although the batt is really nice and smooth. Does Quilter's Dream needle better? OOPS!! I guess this was QR. Should I have posted it somewhere else?
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 11:50 PM
Subject: Sewing Accessory Mystery Solved
E-mail Address: jacknox@earthlink.net

Thanks to Brenda in Indiana and Peggy in Iowa I now know that the contraption I described in an earlier posting today is a fringe maker. I think I will make one row of fringe and decorate my computer monitor. My DH would flip if I decorated anything else with fringe. There's a website of sewing collectibles at http://users.erols.com/santilla/collect/craftgui.htm if you want to see if my verbal description matched this gizmo.

Had to go to the big city of Columbus this evening and found (by chance) a new store called JoAnn ETC. Had to check it out because the exterior was quite classy looking ... and my jaw dropped when I walked in. Lots and lots of fabrics, of course, but most of the floor space was devoted to craft things like silk flowers, candles, yard decorating stuff and so on. I asked a clerk about what was going on with JoAnn Et Cetera and she informed me that it is JoAnn Experience The Craft, a new type of store from the company.

I had never seen so many pairs of scissors in one place. Didn't really have time to explore every aisle but if you are a silk flower fanatic this would be the place to go. Think of it as the craft equivalent of a Lowe's or Home Depot.... big store full of temptations.

Judy in Ohio who only bought one Omnigrid ruler on this first trip to that store.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 11:37 PM
Subject: moths!
E-mail Address: jmg6146@is.nyu.edu

Okay, what can I do to keep the moths out of my closet! Last year they munched two of my favorite sweaters so I attacked the closet, cleaned everything in it, and threw in some cedar blocks. This weekend I found little moth larvae in there! So everything has been pulled out and I'm cleaning furiously. What can I do? I can't stand the smell of moth balls and anyway our apartment is so small that they would stink up the whole place. I didn't even know you could get moths in New York City--I've never seen them flying around here. It's one of the things I like about the city; I can lie in bed reading late at night with the windows open and no moths come in to flutter around my beside lamp (I always hated that)!

I'm glad that our friends in Oklahoma and Kansas are okay. I worried about you all. Doni please tell us what happens with your bad neighbor and Buford. I read KittyKate's post on the prayer page and I just can't believe that.

Jenny in NYC

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 11:28 PM
Subject: DID YA MISS ME??????
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,

Go off and leave you for a few weeks and look what you've gone and done!!!! Tryed to look in once and awhile, but the time just kept running away with me!!!

If I missed anything great, or other wise, hope someone will fill me in.

Time again, got to run, will stop by again tomorrow.....

Susan in (is that rain, ice, snow? Oh well, what ever.)Mt.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 10:55 PM
Subject: Tornados
E-mail Address: Halia4U@aol.com

Doni, JoJo and others: So glad to hear that you're safe. The news coverage looked horrible. Mother Nature sure can be terrifying at times.

Prayers go out to all who need them.

Nancy in N.Y.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 9:36 PM
Subject: I'm hooked
E-mail Address: fischd.mnic.net

I can't believe this. I've been quilting for 23 years and never knew of this wonderful BB. Well, we just got a computer last saturday and my DH wonders if anyone else will ever get a chance to use it other than me. Well, when I discovered you could find all sorts of quilting info and now this BB, they can only use the pc when I'm qulting. I'm not really that stingy. I was to be at quilt group tonight and my brakes are out so I decided to talk with hopefully some new quilting friends. I'm 46, married 25 years. Have 4 wonderful children, 2 girls in their early 20's and two boys, One 14, one 11. They all own multiple quilts. I belong to 3 local quilt groups. My gardening also keeps me very busy. I would love to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to check the MN Quilters website come June first. There is a silent quilt auction at the Mall of America from June 1 through the 13. All quilts can be viewed and bid on either at the mall or on your pc. This auction has drawn interest from all 50 states and over 13 countries. All proceeds go to the Childrens Hospital, University of MN, for research and therapy. The auction is sponsored by AQS, MN Quilters, and THe Childrens Hospital. What a wonderful cause. You'll also be able to see alot of wonderful quilts. Check out www.mnquilt.org/ or www.peds.umn.edu/ucf after June 1. If the qults are to be viewed at a different number they will have the information on both of those lines. If I find out more info before then, I'll let you know. Look for my quilt. It's titled Candy Land.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 9:19 PM
E-mail Address: LKW326@aol.com.

You know I'm beginning to feel like an unwanted child, because everytime I come out to play you all have moved to a new playground.LOL.
Sure am glad to hear all our friends out west are safe. I have been watching the TV and its hard to believe the damage.
Just wanted to check in and say hello so I will get back to reading all these different sites. The trouble is I like them all. I'm never going to get anything done again.
Take care all and happy quilting.

Lois in NC Where my rose bush is diplaying the most beautiful pink roses.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 8:24 PM
Subject: kaffee-klatsch
E-mail Address: quilter@worldchat.com

Hi Quilters: For the past month or so, I have not rec'd anything from the KKer's.
Are they off-line? Does anyoone know of another communication like them? What happened to them?
Love to know..........

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 8:24 PM
Subject: kaffee-klatsch
E-mail Address: quilter@worldchat.com

Hi Quilters: For the past month or so, I have not rec'd anything from the KKer's.
Are they off-line? Does anyoone know of another communication like them? What happened to them?
Love to know..........

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 7:59 PM
Subject: Friends
E-mail Address: rlwofford

I received this today from a very good friend. I have shared it with many at work and home, wanted to share it will all of you.

How many nails have we each pounded?

There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

he father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like
this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. But it won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed.
They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us.

Please share with your friends.

Reg in KS safe & sound

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 7:44 PM
Subject: Storm in Oklahoma
E-mail Address: raeann@istmacon.net

Just got the following from JoJoQuilter in Oklahoma.

"Our internet is down please tell everyone i am fine, the city is a nightmare
more dead being found, very devastating tornado was so scary. lots of friends
and co-workers lost everything so sad. Oklahoma is tough and they will recover,
but so so sad. It looks like its going to be one of those springs, where we
live in the cellar."

My thoughts and prayers for everyone affected.
Raeann in Mo.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 7:42 PM
Subject: Gardening, remodeling, etc.
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi All,

Where have I been? I just found this chat board tonight
and I lurk every day on BB & PP. I didn't finish reading
the archives, but thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in
re a couple of posts.

Teacup - Yes, $65 is way overpriced for Roxann's
thimble. I paid $40. last fall. That was bad enough!!!
But I just love it. Never could use one until I got this

Coramay - Are you ready to spend hours of your life playing
in the dirt? I have been gardening since we bought our home
29 years ago. I started small, but every Spring, I would get
enthusiastic and dig up another part of the yard and plant,
plant, plant. Of course, by August, I would wonder what possessed
me as it was getting harder & harder to keep up.

My last year's project was cutting a swath right in the middle of
our side yard. I didn't tell my DH I was going to do it, just edged it
out one Saturday morning and started digging. As my DH came around the corner, my DS said, Oh-oh, I'm
leaving. My neighbor said "I'm staying"!! What the -----are you doing DH said?
My neighbor said - Tell him the grubs did it!!! He wasn't too happy but
told me he figured it would come out all right because it always did. And it did. Has a weeping cherry
in the middle, slate walkway, herbs, perennials and soon annuals. So, Coramay, enjoy. It will give you
hours of enjoyment.

Re: Remodeling - Try hanging a dampened sheet in each doorway of room being
remodeled. Keeps dust down and from moving throughout house. We remodelled
our home for the first 13 years!!!! Then added to our garage which was
dynamite because it gave me a craft room, dried flower room, junk stop!!!
Amazing how such a big space can get so cluttered so fast!!

I will be lurking the rest of the week as we're leaving Saturday for
Atlanta. I usually have Wednesday's off, but wouldn't you know it, just
because I really need it this week, my boss asked if I would come in as
we are so short staffed this week. G-r-r-r-r-r-r-r. I told him I had two
appointments, so he said just come in before and after. Double G-r-r-r-r!!!
I'll be thinking of all of you while I scout out some great quilting stores.
Have to be careful, though, because I want to give my notice middle of June
and if I run up the Visa bill again, it will be July! No - No - No

Take care

Ann in MA
the rest

I watched the next day as he and my oldest were surveying it again. DH
said "I guess I left your mother alone too long yesterday!!!

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 7:33 PM
Subject: Gardening, remodeling, etc.
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi All,

Where have I been? I just found this chat board tonight
and I lurk every day on BB & PP. I didn't finish reading
the archives, but thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in
re a couple of posts.

Teacup - Yes, $65 is way overpriced for Roxann's
thimble. I paid $40. last fall. That was bad enough!!!
But I just love it. Never could use one until I got this

Coramay - Are you ready to spend hours of your life playing
in the dirt? I have been gardening since we bought our home
29 years ago. I started small, but every Spring, I would get
enthusiastic and dig up another part of the yard and plant,
plant, plant. Of course, by August, I would wonder what possessed
me as it was getting harder & harder to keep up.

My last year's project was cutting a swath right in the middle of
our side yard. I didn't tell my DH I was going to do it, just edged it
out one Saturday morning and started digging. As my DH came around the corner, my DS said, Oh-oh, I'm
leaving. My neighbor said "I'm staying"!! What the -----are you doing DH said?
My neighbor said - Tell him the grubs did it!!! He wasn't too happy but
told me he figured it would come out all right because it always did. And it did. Has a weeping cherry
in the middle, slate walkway, herbs, perennials and soon annuals. So, Coramay, enjoy. It will give you
hours of enjoyment.

Re: Remodeling - Try hanging a dampened sheet in each doorway of room being
remodeled. Keeps dust down and from moving throughout house. We remodelled
our home for the first 13 years!!!! Then added to our garage which was
dynamite because it gave me a craft room, dried flower room, junk stop!!!
Amazing how such a big space can get so cluttered so fast!!

I will be lurking the rest of the week as we're leaving Saturday for
Atlanta. I usually have Wednesday's off, but wouldn't you know it, just
because I really need it this week, my boss asked if I would come in as
we are so short staffed this week. G-r-r-r-r-r-r-r. I told him I had two
appointments, so he said just come in before and after. Double G-r-r-r-r!!!
I'll be thinking of all of you while I scout out some great quilting stores.
Have to be careful, though, because I want to give my notice middle of June
and if I run up the Visa bill again, it will be July! No - No - No

Take care

Ann in MA
the rest

I watched the next day as he and my oldest were surveying it again. DH
said "I guess I left your mother alone too long yesterday!!!

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 7:27 PM
Subject: Bombscare!
E-mail Address: quilticat***@yahoo.com****

Reading about the breat pump reminded me of "my" bomb scare. About 20 years ago Fisher-Price put out a large toy in the shape of an egg-timer. Well at the time I worked in the mail sorting plant and one of my co-workers wanted to give my young daughter this toy. Unfortunately she had left it at home so called her b-i-l to bring it to the plant. Well this fellow was a rather scruffy looking, long haired guy. He showed up with the package and told the guard that it was for one of the employees upstairs. Of course the moment the guard picked up the package it started to make a noise. He panicked and in came the bomb squad! Luckily my friend came down about this time, overheard the conversation and tried to explain what was in it. Luckily the squad agreed to open it and of course found the baby toy!

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 5:02 PM
Subject: Sewing Collectibles
E-mail Address: jacknox@earthlink.net

During a recent trip to an antique show I bought a gadget that is a mystery to me. I use vintage Singer sewing machines for my quilting and this is a Singer marked item that appears to be a souvenir from the 1934 Chicago World's Fair.

It is about 9 inches long ... has a flattened area at one end that says "Singercraft Guide" along with the 1934 Chicago World's Fair logo over a large Singer "S". It has two flattened "prongs" (for lack of a better word) sticking out parallel to each other from the handle; one prong is 3/8" wide then there's an 1/8" space and then an 1/8th inch wide prong. At the end of the fatter of the two prongs there is a scalpel blade under a metal guard. Oh, and there's a small metal loop that holds the skinny prong a set distance from the fatter prong.

What have I bought?!! Does anyone know where I can find information on old timey sewing gadgets?
Or "Singercraft"? My best guess is that maybe it was used in some handiwork that has become obsolete ... some "fad" in the 1930s that has been forgotten.

Judy in Ohio who didn't spend much money on this gadget but who would like to be educated on what it is.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 4:24 PM
Subject: Bio...sort of.
E-mail Address: neil.harrison@diamond.co.uk

Hi, My name is Sue. I am 37 and have been married to Neil for 17 years,
we have 3 children Katie 14, David 11 and Jayne 7. David has Aspergers,
but goes to mainstream school. I'm a stay at home mum, translate that
into a school volunteer. We have 3 cats Smokie a 17 year old Manx, and
Jess and Charlie who both adopted us.
My mums friend taught me to piece hexagons while I was still at school,
although I do all other crafts I've only decided to get back into
quilting since reading the B.B. I have mostly lurked and posted
occasionally. Has a Snoopy dancer wanna be. I am relying on you all to
keep all the information and tips coming! Patchwork and quilting doesn't
seem that popular in England.
I am so addicted to reading these pages, makes my eyes feel like there
bonging out on springs, and I feel that I know you all as family.
A quick hello to Celia
Reg in KS Congratulations on your Snoopy dance and I thought I was the
only mum that counted down the days to the kids being off school. What
luxury to munch toast, sitting in our PJ's.
Take care and Best Wishes from
Sue in Nottingham U.K.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 3:54 PM
Subject: Tonight's Dinner
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO everyone. We usually celebrate by going to Azteca. I am in love with the fajitas. I usually get the shrimp fajitas and I have enough leftover for another meal. $10.95 for two meals for me is good. Have a happy!
>^..^< Kitty Kate

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 2:50 PM
Subject: Antique quilting pieces
E-mail Address: abright@u.washington.edu

Hi There! I have a collection of quilting pieces
that my husband's great grandmother made. There
are beautiful old 1920's fabrics and I would like
to piece them together for a baby quilt that will
stay in the family. There are not enough pieces
to make a whole quilt and when I have looked for
"filler" fabric, I have found that the new fabric
looks a little too bright and new.
Has anyone had any success blending old with new?
Any suggestions on how I can best handle the
I appreciate any help or advice.
Piece and goodwill, A

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 1:41 PM
Subject: TerTer
E-mail Address: fredgigi@humboldt1.com

TerTer arrived save and sound. Our visit was way to short. Might meet up again as she'll be around here for a week or so. She brought me a lovely blue and white tea cosy. I was hoping she would forget to take her blue and white quilt, but she didn't. Think I will do up a notebook like she has with a picture and notes of each of her quilts. Any messages for her can come through me.
Gigi in Fortuna, CA where it is not rainy at the moment. Hugs and prayers.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 1:35 PM
Subject: I am now online... WHEW!
E-mail Address: megansmom@hotmail.com

I am now in my small but adequate house with the wood floors. Almost half my boxes are unpacked and stuffed in appropriate places throughout the abode. Not bad since they dumped it all in the garage only Saturday! Just a short note to tell you I am one VERY happy woman, now that I am back ONLINE! Hallelujah! What an addiction this BB is, and all my friendships here... Lindy the Yakima Yakker, formerly Melinda in Omak, WA

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 11:44 AM
Subject: Storm Survivors
E-mail Address: dmg136937@webmail.dcccd.edu

My heart and prayers go out to all who have been devestated by the storms
My sons and I are survivors of the Lancaster,Texas tornado. I know our lives
will never be the same. I Hope and pray you are all well and that God will continue
to watch over you and your families. Please let us here know of anything that we might do.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 11:31 AM
Subject: hat pattern
E-mail Address: swwilson@primenet.com

I'm looking for a paper pieced pattern for a bonnet or hat or anything like this.Thank-you,will trade or whatever.Debbie.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 10:37 AM
Subject: Quilt Shops in San Fransisco
E-mail Address: quilternan@netscape.net

I am a regional teacher and will be traveling
to San Fransisco between May 22 and 29. I am
interested in teaching a class while I am out
there so I am looking for quilt shops to contact.
If you know of any shops in that area, please
email me and let me know the name. Thanks

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 9:50 AM
Subject: Shirley....
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Shirley called this morning and she is just fine..her family and home was spared last night from the storms..little roof damage and damages out side but her and her family are doing fine..Just thought I would let you know! More later...
Hugs Doni

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 8:29 AM
Subject: Bio
E-mail Address: OCEAN-WAVES@webtv.net

Hi! My good friend Mary, from "Ladies of the Evening" our quilt group, has finally posted her bio, so I thought I had better put mine in. I am 47 years old, married to Bob for 26 years. We have one son, 22,out of college, and living on his own. I stole his room for a sewing room. He will be in deep trouble if he decides to move back home, LOL. I have been quilting for about 12 years, sewing since age 10.I like to do photo quilts, and original landscape applique'.I started the "Ladies of the evening" group many years ago,by advertising in the newspaper! I loved to quilt, and didn't have any quilting friends. It has turned out to be a wonderful group of friends that meet every week.We all took a trip to Lancaster this year together!I really enjoy this page too, it has lent a more personal touch. Take care all, Barb on Cape Cod

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 8:16 AM
Subject: storm areas
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

I'm praying for all of you living in the devastated storm areas of Oklahoma and Kansas. PLEASE let us all know if you are ok.

I just returned from 5 days in Minneapolis visiting the grandkids, seeing a doctor re my broken toe, etc. I did get to go to my very favorite quilt shop but it was a "darkened experience". DH left me off while he ran errands and there I was with only my sunglasses. Sad to miss such a great shopping opportunity! LOL
Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird now in WI

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 8:11 AM
Subject: bio
E-mail Address: froeschleATt-onlineDOTde

I finally made it to this page! Thanks to Sandra for posting the photo of herself and me on Kellie's page. I had written a looooooong story about meeting Sandra before, but it never made it to the BB, just disappeared in cyber space :( I am glad here is a forum for friendly communication :D

My name is Susanne, but I'm called Sue for short. I've been married to Udo (pronounce Oodo) for 18 years. I am almost 38, he is 40 years old. We have two boys and one girl; Robert is 12, Thomas 7 years old, and Silvia is 6 years old. We live in a little village of 7000 inhabitants in Gäufelden, which is close to the Black Forest.
I've been quilting for 14 years, when I took a quilt class. I learnt hexagon piecing and hand quilting there. For all other techniques, I am self-taught. I like all kinds of quilts, traditional and contemporary, I admire the work that goes in every single quilt I see, no matter if it is my taste or not - quilts are beautiful!
I belong to two quilt groups, one meets on first Tuesday nights in a public room, and the other group meets every Friday morning in my house. This is great fun for me.
Out of necessity I opened a quilt shop in 1994, as I could never find the fabric or goodies I liked in the shop nearby. Sandra can tell you it is only a very tiny room, but crammed up to the ceiling, in the very sense of the words, LOL. I carry all the other things I can't find in the local shop in town. This is great fun, too, but, also a lot of work. I love browsing through the catalogs and surfing the web to find the newest gadgets - the local shop is rather
conservative and it took years to find a rotary cutter and ruler there! Sandra and I went in that shop and she was rather disappointed only to find US fabrics. Their selection of tools and books is fairly poor, so to speak. Anyway, I think she enjoyed her visit, as well as I enjoyed having her here. What a pity that time was so short! And, not to be forgotten - we actually met trough the BB!

Sue in Germany (desperately trying to finish machine quilting on a queen size purple log cabin, a UFO I started 8 years ago, for my brother's wedding, which is TOMORROW! Luckily enough I got a special bias binding foot in the mail today - will keep you posted if it works or not ;D)

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 5:55 AM
Subject: let me know
E-mail Address: hartfarm @ cit-tele.com

Hi everybody,
I'm pulling double duty this week so please somebody let me know what I'm missing. I'll be able to check my e-mail but working an extra 40 hours is going to cut into my BB,PP and CP time. Not to mention IM. Gotta go get the cows milked so I can get to my second job somewhat on time.
Marlene in NNY

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 2:41 AM
Subject: squishies and siggies.
E-mail Address: island@aljan.com.au

I received my first squishy today and I now know that the sore wrist and shoulder was worth it. It only took only 6 days to travel from the USA to Australia and that was with the weekend in the middle. Can anybody tell me how you decide where you are going to sign the siggie from? Is it where you were born, where you haved lived or where you are living now? If it is all the above I can sign for 6 places and that makes it hard to decide which one to use or do I use all.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 2:15 AM
Subject: Fee
E-mail Address: alan.bricknell@tip.nl

I found in our stationary shop something called a GEL-pen
It is primarily used to write on dark paper. It is permanet
and works wonderfully on dark (and light) fabric. No more
sweat and tears when drawing templates on your dark fabric.
Costs very little, works as easily as a ball pen.

Date: 5/4/99 Time: 2:12 AM
Subject: Suddenly sick DGD
E-mail Address: Chrisagher

Hi everyone, got a favor to ask; would you all ck my post on the PP, please.

Maarcia & Candace: I'll do the pics when I get back. Just don't know when. Sorry

see y, chris in C. KY

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 11:36 PM
Subject: A funny thing happened...
E-mail Address: rdenny@zianet.com

When I arrived on base this morning for work, I discovered the building I work had been evacuated by a bomb scare. It turned out that a young mother was taking a class upstairs in one of the Education Office's classrooms---and had asked the Ed Office if she could keep her expressed breast milk in our refrigerator. Unfortunately, she left the breast pump in its case in the ladies bathroom. It was viewed by some gals who came in later as a suspicious package and a bomb threat was called in. Even after the bomb squad was informed what the package really contained, they still continued their inspection (I, for one, am happy they do their job---this base happens to be the home of the Stealth Fighter). Anyway, all ended well---she was just lucky the bomb squad didn't take the case out to the desert and blow it up. Can you imagine explaining to your husband that you have to buy a new breast pump because it was exploded by a bomb squad??? Or try telling that to an insurance company!!!

LOL, Kay in NM

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 10:36 PM
Subject: Gardening then quilting
E-mail Address: CBBuck1@aol.com

Thank you all so much for the help with my garden project.All that will have to wait 'til next week. Tomorrow I'm leaving to open up our summer cottage. It's a 2 1/2 hour trip,but it takes me all day to get there-have to stop at all the fabric stores along the way. You ask why I have 2 places and I can't even take care of this one?Actually it's on a lake and my Father left it to me.It's my retreat-sewing,not having to cook,etc.I told you all before that I don't like the outdoors-haven't been in the water up there in years. Do walk thru the woods once in a while.We have a canoe but don't use it because I don't know what end your supposed to sit in.I'll be home on Saturday-see you all then. Coramay P.S. Just might look for sticks to build that tee-pee.

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 9:13 PM
Subject: Kellie's Bulletin Board
E-mail Address: RS4623@aol.com

Hi all -- I'm one of the lurkers. Don't say much but read the BB all the time and enjoy all your conversations. Just went to Kellie's page and WOW what nice work everyone does. So much fun to see who you all are also. My name is Barb Smith and I live in Canton, Ohio. I have been quilting for 22 years -- can't believe its been that long. I don't get much done because I work full-time although I just joined a quilt guild which I hope will help get me going again. This BB has really inspired me to quilt again "full speed ahead". Thanks to all so much. Barb

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 9:01 PM
Subject: Remodeling = Dust
E-mail Address: jacknox@erathlink.net

As a veteran of one remodeling, I would like to offer one word to the BBer who asked about what to expect. That word is "dust". Sawdust, plaster dust, open doors and windows letting yard dirt blow in. I would try to wrap my fabric stash in plastic for that doggoned dust will filter into everything. I didn't have a computer when we remodelled but I think I'd be tempted to wrap it plastic too. Dust will be your enemy unless a way has been perfected to seal off one part of the house from another. It also helps to focus on the end result .. when you are standing in the middle of chaos, tell yourself that in a year you will be able to look back and laugh at the diasters (wrong part delivered) and dilemmas (equipment broke). The end result of your remodeling will make you happy so focus on that when you think your world will never be normal again.

Don't mean to sound too dramatically pessimistic but I have seen many people go through the same thing when a supposedly simple job became too complicated. Just stay focused on how much you will enjoy your place once the last worker has left.

Judy in Ohio who survived one remodeling and one episode of building a new house.

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 8:54 PM
Subject: ?????
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

CHAT PAGE: What a surprise to get on tonight to give you up-dates on John and Marilyn. Don't know if it belongs here or on the prayer page???????
MARILYN: Marilyn continues to get better with each new day. She sat outside in sun/shade for a while on Saturday afternoon. I saw her Sunday afternoon again and color is really good now and she is even fixing her own lunch she told me. She took a shower by herself Saturday night, but her daughter was in the room close by. Her chest still hurts from the burns she received when they zapped her...don't know what else to call it. She puts vitamin E oil on it that helps a little. She goes to her heart doctor here in Burlington tomorrow for a check-up.
Praise God.
DH had his cardia catheterization today. Just as they were going to start the procedure an emergency case came in so he got bumped back until 10:30. Got there at 7:00 a.m. The procedure showed John's arteries are clear!!! So no further procedures there. Still don't know what causes the shortness of breath and extreem weakness every once in a while. Expect it is his lungs. He says he can live with that (???) as long as knows his heart is strong and no stoppage.
I haven't read my Mail yet, wanted to come for a report and have now discovered ANOTHER new BB? Something has to give. But at least now I know where to go when I need something. I am sure that I will be missing lots of sstuff now, since I can't spend a whole lot of time on-line.
Have 24 hours of postings to read on all areas now so will download and then read whenever I can.
Marty in Vermont

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 8:15 PM
Subject: Bio.......sort of
E-mail Address: milljohn@ix.netcom.com

Now that Kellie and Andy have posted the photos I sent, I don't have to do the physical discription of myself. Thank goodness!!! My original script had me much taller and better looking....can't lie now. I've been married to my first husband for 45 years this summer. We have two sons, both of whom live near us. Our only cat, Sasha, is a Ragdoll who doesn't like most anyone. (But we love her because she does love quilts) Quilting is my life, right after my family. I raise herbs and cook with them as often as possible. Just like eating vitamins. I teach a small quilt group every Wed. morning and that feeds my need for "quilty" talk and laughter--almost. My neighbor and I started a larger group two years ago. We've now had to close the membership because she doesn't have any more than 22 chairs to sit in. LOL I have met some of the nicest people in the world (Hi, Sue in Germany--for one) and more join the BB every day.

Sandra in Seattle
aka Sandy Toes

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 7:45 PM
Subject: Wallpaper
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

I know what you mean about wallpaper. Mom and Dad moved into a fix it up appartment that he acquired when someone defaulted on a loan he co-signed for. The place needed renovation instantly as Mom was due for bridge club in three days. Sis and I papered and painted in 100% humidity and 120 degree heat with no airconditioning. ( My mom at the time was not at her most rational as her bloodpressure medication was off). I think some of the paper stayed up just because it was afraid what Mom might do if it came down. Looked decent at the end although Dad would still have to Elmer corners down two years later when they moved into their present house and sis and I did the instant decorating once again. Bad times have the option of turning into good memories. I hate wallpaper because the ceilings always turn brown where the paper touched it even if you wash real good and the seams don't lay tight. Almost as bad as trying to make corners match on hexigon bias blocks.It can be done-- but at what cost?
Garden notes. - if your space looks like a desert add about 4 bales of peat moss- 8 cubic yards each and plant petunias, marigolds , and snapdragons. Salvia is good and hardy too. Zinnias are cheap seeds and bloom all summer as will cosmos. Run strings up your walls and plant morning glories and moon vine . Get some herbs- parsley in the border is great and you can eat it too. Add a small area covered with bark or cocoa hulls ( love the smell) and a swing . Add a bird bath. Instant garden with few weeds. My perennials are infested with creeping charlie. I read today that 5 tsp of borax in 1 qt water would kill it and leave the grass
The Persian P{ickle Club is a terrific book. Had trouble putting it down. The BB is much like those gals. We stick together. Wonder what OUR deep dark secret will be? Peg in Chicago

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 7:41 PM
Subject: Mary's Bio
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Hi everyone! I think I have the right board now..Anyway time for by Bio..I'll try and keep it short. I am 60 yrs. young, 5'1/2", blue eyes (most of the time), blonde hair that is, of course, turning grey. I was born in Key West, Fl. (people born there are called "conchs"). I was raised in Gulfport, Ms.(Mom's family is from there)I spent 2 yrs. in the WACS (Women's Army Corp) and was stationed at Arlington Hall Station, Va. Have been married to the same man for 39 great yrs. He was serving the U.S.C.G. when we met, and is now retired. I have 3 DD's and one DS and 7 GC, ages 2 to 19. I am 50 lbs. lighter than I was over a yr. ago, it wasn't easy believe me! But with High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol, I had no choice. I have been a quilter for about 15 yrs. and I really love it..am also, a gardener..sure is hard on the back and knees any more..I also like reading books, mainly mysteries and thrillers. I am probably the oldest Star Trek fan around. I belong to two quilt guilds and one group that makes ABC quilts for babies at risk. I am also a member of the Wed Night Ladies of the Evening..you have heard Barb on Cape Cod talk about that. What a good quilting buddy she is!!Brain is starting to fizzle out, so if I think of anything else, I'm sure I can post more later on. Kind of hard to sum up one's life if a few sentences!! Good Night, all and Happy Quilting, or whatever..Mary on Cape Cod ((((hugs)))) to both Doni and Celia for all the good advice and good cheer..

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 6:34 PM
Subject: Dance & Stuff
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

My first Snoopy Dance since jumping onto this board! I promised my DH that I would make a quilt to be raffled by his Marine Corps battery that he was with in Viet Nam. They have a reunion every two years (this year it is in June) and the proceeds from the raffle will help off set the cost of the reunion. Of course it's red, white & blue. I made the Blaze of Glory quilt in the Sew Many Quilts mag J|A 98. I finished putting on the binding over the weekend on a road trip to Omaha. Originally we were going to ride up on our Harley (I forgot to mention that in my bio), but the weather was not good for Sunday. I was disappointed that we weren't going to get to ride, but secretly joyed because it seems like my free time is less and less every day and I knew the couple of hours on the road would give me time to finish! Now I have to take a baby quilt top to be quilted for DD#1 so I can finish by late July. I made it from the left overs of her quilt.

DH has hurt his back and getting pain in his leg. Made him go to the Dr today & he has to go to orthopedic Dr for further diagnosis. DH sees everything in "worst case" scenerio, so I keep chewing him out for being doom & gloom! Say a little prayer for him, please, as when he gets like this I don't give him much sympathy. And he turns 51 this Friday. His biggest problem is that he "burned the candle at both ends and seveal spots in the middle" (his exact words) for too many years and now he gets mad when he can't do something the same way he did when he was 25!

Kids are asking what's for supper, so I better sign off and tell DH to put the burgers on the grill.

Reg in windy KS

Kids just have 18 1/2 days of school left! YEA. I'm tired of doing home work.

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 5:36 PM
Subject: Bio
E-mail Address: cats173@hotmail.com

Hi, Hope I'm not to late with this. Haven't been able to get on the net at the library for days. I'm mostly a lurker but I do post once in awhile. I'm like alot of you, 5'1'', I'm sure I used to be 5'2'', Must be shrinking with age. I'm 50, married almost 33 yrs to a great guy. Have 5 adult kids and 4GKS. I'd like to lose 20lbs. but that will only happen if I superglue my lips shut but that would mean I couldn't talk either. Horrors!!! I do alot of piecing and little quilting better to have the kids inherit quilt tops opposed to boxes of fabric which they will get too.I enjoy flower gardening, feeding and watching the birds. I collect snowmen. We have one old dog, 2 cats. I'm with you Kitty Kate. Cats rule and dogs drool. sorry Doni. Thanks for this page. I feel at home here and enjoy all the fun, sharing and caring. I went to work in a garden center today, 2nd year. Temp. is 81. Love hugs and prayers to all. Mayme in Michigan

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 5:04 PM
Subject: Thank you
E-mail Address: reicherts@odn.de

My mail box was full today! Thank you to everyone who sent a FQ.
Monica in Maine, Trudy in IA, Peggy in IA, and Kitty Kate.

Ridgeley in Germany

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 1:10 PM
Subject: Hope I am in the right place!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

This is like the subway!!! It's great though- I might not be saying that if I end up on the wrong station!!! Have had a very busy weekend, but since last Monday was only 2 degrees and a blizzard, and today is presently 84 degrees and hot, I don't seem to be the only one confused, Mother Nature is too!!

Loved all the posts, and thought what a quick and generous response to Coramay's request for gardening help came through. I try to be a gardener, but rely on sunflowers(that spring up from the migrated seed that I feed the birds and squirrells all winter) and Garden Centre employees' brains, to put something in that is presentable.!!
Jolene asked about remodelling: Ivon and I once rebuilt a house we bought- literally!! The first and last house we ever bought in the City. Should have had our lights on when the most favorable words the real estate lady said were "It has a sound structure and lots of potential"!! We thought it sounded good, but then we were worse home buyers than we were re-modellers!! We bought it and parted with our money. She went to the Bahamas on the commission earned!!
Moved in , and the next day started on the kitchen, had great ideas and lots of enthusiasm(at that point in time)!! Ivon did all the woodworking improvements, Great so far, then he changed some walls, Lovely!- we were totally uninhibitated in our enthusiasm for this superb bargain! Painted the new walls and then decided it looked too plain, so bought wallpaper- expensive vinyl wallpaper- first of many,many mistakes! Stayed up till 4AM putting it on(this was the first time in our marriage that I learned that Ivon could swear) It turned out terrible, stretched and didn't match. Got up the next day and took it off.
Went back to the store and bought new wallpaper, stayed up again till the early hours to finish it, beautiful job, we were decorators once again.!! Stood and admired it then went to bed feeling that our talent was unrelenting.
Two hours into an exhausted sleep, Stacie(who was 5 at the time, and an early riser who would think of ANY excuse to get everyone up at dawn) stood at the side of our bed and said "Dad, come and see, the wallpaper is all on the floor". Knowing her ruses, Ivon said sleepily, "Okay Stacie, it's very early, now go back to bed and read your books". "But Dad" she said "Come and see, it is only hanging on the walls where the light switches are".

Sure enough, there it was, all my lovely wallpaper on the floor except (as Stacie had observed- couldn't really miss it) the pieces that were being held up with the light switch plates.
We eventually had an experienced wallpaperer in to do it, and we always referred to the kitchen in that house as the one that was wallpaperd 3 times in 24 hours and cost as much as the first mortgage payment!!!
I have another story, but that will have to wait until my next post.

Have a great day everyone,

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 12:10 PM
Subject: All Organized
E-mail Address: jlmpam@netins.net

Well - hopefully I am all organized = got icons on my windows page for all three BB pages.

Gardens - have been working on my garden, such as it is. Haven't bought any annuals for a couple of places that we plant them, but did buy myself a hibiscus yesterday. Was onley $9.96 and I have wanted one for a couple of years. But wanted one that would be winter hardy - I think they have them. However, decided for less than $10 I could have one of the non-winter hardy ones and if I didn't feel like bringing it in the fall - I would have my enjoyment out of it this summer. So it is out on the patio (what we call it for want of a better word). So far the patio is open, but we are talking of closing it in, but probably not until next year, although we might get the roof and floor done this year. DH has to finish his garage project.

For the person talking about new garden that has a lot of shade - I love hostas, in fact need to more a few so we can maybe work on the floor on the patio.

Had email from DD2 - said she bought a new sewing machine this weekend, and she has been busy sewing. Got a Bernina 150 and seems to be really pleased with hit. I told her I hadn't gotten that bug and thought her Dad was happy with that.

Guess I had better get busy.

Peggy in Iowa

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 11:51 AM
Subject: so many boards, so little time!
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Morning everyone!

Wow!! Another board--Sue, you are really great to set up yet another board! But...would someone please tell me how to find the time for all of them? LOL. I've already given up my last soap opera to answer mail and read the BB and the late news sometimes to chat on IM. Guess I'll have to get up earlier or stay up later or give up housework entirely!

Joleen--please come down to KS and help me with my one and only flower garden. The cats, the wind, and the unpredictable KS weather have me about ready to turn it into a porch or patio!

I'm off to Hays on a orthodontist/shopping trip. One of my plastic rulers broke last night, so that is my most important item to buy today!

Have a great day!

Susan in KS

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 11:12 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Went on a quilt show binge and when I came back to tell ya all about it, no one was here!

So is a quilt show story something that is done here or there..and where is there.. Have you all gone out to a Cyber Quilting Bee somewhere else??

Am reading "Quilters Apprentice" and found out a small mini group is called the "Tangled Web", boy if this isn't us...who is...May we add it to our nick name..

I'm off to N.CA to visit son and Gigi a fellow bber meeting her for the first time...YYY here I come.


Date: 5/3/99 Time: 10:38 AM
Subject: Hi Everyone
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

I missed checking in over the weekend, and boy was I confused for a while this morning! Now I have all the new pages figured out and hopefully I'll post the right things on the right pages!

WHY I QUILT: This might not make sense to a lot of you, but one of the reasons I quilt is because I'm impatient. I can't sit at dance lessons, baseball games or in front of the TV without doing something. Most people remark that they don't have the patience to do something like quilting, but I say I don't have the patience NOT to do something. I usually have something portable to work on, so I'm able to accomplish things when I'm doing "kid stuff" and I can work on the machine with the TV on if I'm by myself, or I handquilt in front of the TV when I'm watching something with the rest of the family.

I also qualify as one of those non-sewing quilters. I do know how to sew, just hate doing it. Quilting is, in my mind, so completely different from sewing. I started out as a "by hand only" purist, but coverted to the machine about a year and a half ago because I wanted to get things done faster. I always have something that I'm handquilting, but machine quilting is great for those projects that just don't have to have that special touch. Now that I've mastered machine piecing, I don't think I'll ever go back to hand piecing.

I always have projects in different stages....always one being pieced, one ready for basting, one ready for machine quilting, one ready for handquilting, one ready for binding, and, of course, at least a dozen being thought about as the next project! Right now I am TRYING (not necessarily succeeding) to get some of the things done that have been hanging around for a while, but new things keep popping up.

All for now.....going to make a quick "clean up" run through the house and then work on something! Cassi in beautiful Ohio....blue skies, wispy clouds and sunshine

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 9:32 AM
Subject: Special Secret Project
E-mail Address: renegade@ppp.kornet21.net

OK ladies, and gentlemen. This is your last chance to participate in the special secret project. I don't want anyone to be left out. So if you have never mailed me a small squishie, then you probably aren't in on the secret. I have heard from about 350 of you, but if you are a lurker, or haven't been on the board very long, or tend to mistype your address, or perhaps have an address that my tired eyes and fingers like to enter incorrectly, then this is your chance. Please write to me to get in on this easy, no sewing required project. Will only cost you a few pennies worth of fabric, a minute or two of time, and an envelope with 33 cents postage. But time is running out. Please e-mail me today, and I'll let you in on the secret too.
Glenda in Korea

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 9:10 AM
Subject: Gardening and Quilt Studio
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Coramay: loved your gardening story - we moved 18 mo ago to a very hilly, rocky, wooded, shady site and I left my 20 year old perennial garden in MA to another flower lover. I've learned a new technique - take out a rock, plop in some bagged top soil and the plant, then wind a soaker hose around all. Worked ok last summer and most of the stuff seems to be showing new growth after the winter, so...
My suggestion for your spot, since you say you have a DGS - how about some sunflowers for hedging and a pole bean/vining plant teepee or two, using LONG bamboo stakes or other skinny wood supports - really neat to climb into - and DGS can pick the beans from inside and eat out of hand if no poisons were used.

Marylou: Great to hear that you have a quilt studio in your new house - moving can be pretty overwhelming, but that was the room I had the most plans for - took a while to pull it off, but putting up my design wall, hanging shelves from top to bottom in the closet and buying some bright lights were my first steps. While I like to straighten up my studio from time to time (LOL), I CAN sit down to piece or stand to cut even if there are piles all around, so got stitching even before everything was organized and put away. Enjoy.

Cloudy and windy this am, so will get out to do some dirty work in the garden before settling in for an afternoon of HQ.
Susan in NW New Jersey

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 9:04 AM
Subject: Garden
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

Coramay--If you give me more info I might be able to help you with your garden spot. Sun/part sun/shade? What kind of shrubs are there now. I've done garden designs for other people and might have some ideas - do you know what zone you are in?
You can post here or e=mail me direct.
I have a totally NQR item, too. Have any of you ever lived thru a MAJOR remodeling project? We are in the planning stages and wonder if there are any tips for survival.
Joleen in MN

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 8:59 AM
Subject: Like loon said
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

We had a FANTASTIC time!! Saw wonderful quilts, went to the quilting clinic a few times for workshops, spent money, spent money!!
Bought an Ott-Lite!! Love it!! Lots of little toys and to many FQ's to count! I tryed on a Roxanne Thimble, so now I know what size to ask for for Christmas!!
Wow, are they expensive. What is the prise everyone else found them for? They where $65.00 at the show and I want to know if that is overpriced! I did buy a John James Magnetop thimble. Nice, can't wait to try it out. It has a little magnet on the tip.
I got some straw needles, Roxanne glue, iron on bias tape, a thingy that holds your scissors to your quilt with a clip and a retackable cord, a 2.5" cutting square(perfect to size up all those Y2K and I Spy squares. I got this fusable powder that does invisable mending on quilts and cloths. A tephlon pressing sheet.
Oh, ya..2 Baltimore album patterns!! Now it is time to PLAY!!!!!
Can you tell I had fun????

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 6:26 AM
Subject: life is a quilt
E-mail Address: patchplt@alphalink.com.au

Hi everyone..
I have just found this page. It seems like I am sitting in my own local quilt guild. I would love to chat with you all and tell you a bit about my life down under in Australia. I went to visit a friend today and she was ready to leave her husband. He had been looking at her with less than loving eyes and was obviously holding his mouth the wrong way!!!!! After two hours of quilting she was laughing and had forgotton all about the fact that she had had an argument with him in the morning. These men really don't know how lucky they are to have partners that can cheer themselves up so easily do they? And all for the price of some fabric, needle and thread. My heart broke for some of the people on the prayers and hugs page. I hope that little boy with the brain tumor is feeling much better. I send him my love and pray that that tumor is shrinking with every passing moment. I would like to talk more.

Carolyn from beautiful Autumnal Melbourne

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 2:31 AM
Subject: OKAY, FESS UP!!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

SATURDAY I received a big envelope in the mail. No return address and no note inside. What it did have was a gorgeous cat fabric with all the cats in costumes. It is wonderful, but I don't know who to thank. I've never seen this fabric before and I know a lot of cat lovers who will drool over it. You know I will be showing it to all of them. Can't help myself. Now, who is the sneaky little bugger who sent it. It had an Arizona postmark. I have been trying to figure out who it was. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 1:19 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: trsmith@lucasco.net

I'm getting to do a little Snoopy dance and I'm going to do it on this page! Don't have time to jump back and forth.
Went to help my daughter move to another apartment yesterday. Afterwards, went to her boyfriends house. He had just finished refinishing an old coffee table. He wanted to know if I could whip him up a tablerunner to protect it. DD was coming home today to pick up the 10, (yes, I said 10!) loads of laundry I did for her so I just showed him I could do it. I made a runner last night, ran down to the quilt machine and quilted it and bond it this morning. And got all 10 loads of laundry done! The reason she had so much laundry is cuz her former apartment was next to a fast food joint. They opened over Xmas vacation when she was home for break. They didn't have it vented right. All the greasy smells went straight into her apartment through the heat vents! Everything she owns smells like grease. Even her curling iron cord! She has washed, febreezed, candled, incensed, sprayed, and a hundred other things trying to fix the problem. Nothing worked except to move. Hated to do that with only 2 weeks of school left, but she's had it. Can't say that I blame her. Everytime she'd come home I told her she smelled like a french fry. I brought the laundry home with me instead of making her go to the laundry mat.

Well, last night she called at 12:30 a.m. crying. Her boyfriend was driving her car, pulled into the driveway, thought he had it in park, got out, and it rolled into his motorcycle! She was on the passenger side and couldn't do anything quick enough to stop it. That car is her baby. A '97 Monte Carlo. When she came home today, it didn't look as bad as it did last night, of course. May have to have a new hood though. Almost didn't send the tablerunner back with her. His Mom and I are always telling him he must have blonde roots! Sometimes he does the dumbest things! One day, he was talking on his cell phone, pulled into our driveway and ran into an old sewing machine stand I have outside with a flower pot on top of it. Ran it into the new vinyl siding on our house and cracked it. A couple of pieces chipped off. He walked in the house holding two pieces of metal off the stand and said, "Trude, I had a little accident". I could have killed him! He is a 6'3" big football player with dark hair and brown eyes and I usually just love him. But here lately, I've been beginning to wonder what my DD is getting herself into!!!! We never did dumb stuff like that when we were young did we? ;o)

Well, chattered long enough. Glad to hear from Maggie Mouse. Sure hope all goes well with her and DH. My problems seem so minor when I come here and read how things COULD be. Just thankful, I've got a goofy husband, goofy kids, and a busy goofy life where all are healthy at this time. Had a bad year last year but so far so good with this one. Mom in nursing home is even doing better!

Have a good week, and sunshine to all!!

Trudy in Iowa - (sunshine for the last two days and couldn't even go camping. Drat!)

Date: 5/3/99 Time: 12:18 AM
Subject: goofd evening all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

hellllllllo,,,how is everyone???
hey doni,,,use the fish heads in your garden,,,they may sprout some nice eatings,,,,,,,but really are worth their weight in composting
i missed you guys this weekend,,,,,been busy trying to act busy,,,,,lol
so what and where am i???
dh now says,,,,do you know where you are today???and of course so goes my attempt at trying to have some believe in my zen abilities to always know where i am,,,,dh said lying would get me no where,,,,but i do have ocean front property along the mississippi!!,,,,really is do,,,,,,,lol
so,,,,,guess this is chat,,,and tother is for quilting,,,,,and i got some doozies for tips this time,,,,,will knock marcie's socks off,,,and then we will have to smell her smelly toes,,,,ugh!!!! horrors,,,,and she went shopping this weekend,,,so those dogs will be reallllllll ripe,,,,,,,,P>U>!!!!
later ,,,,,,but not gone for long,,,
loon/marie,,,maine,,,celia,,,monica,,,kittykate,,katie mac,,,,marcie,,,ter ter,,,,,mr ter ter,,,,,where are youoooo?? and of course i am leaving out all hundreds of hundreds of others,,,,but you know i don't mean to!!!,,,,we got the canoe all tagged legal like,,,so now when dh tries to dunk my head in the h2o,,,someone will at least see were are registered,,,,,,,annnd we got the min pin a live jacket,,,,ssoooooooooo cute it sooooo cute!!!!

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 11:08 PM
Subject: Who knows?
E-mail Address: kohlwesm@bunt.com

Y'know, everyone, we're fortunate that Sue puts up with us and keeps doing her darndest to make us happy. Now look what she's done for us! A whole new page, just for us to visit with each other.

Gosh. I'm so excited, I can't think of one darned thing to say right now. So everyone better enjoy it while it lasts because I'm sure it's a state that won't last for long.

Janet in Germany, whose monitor screen is strobing in different colors, an interesting and unexpected but highly annoying state of affairs.

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 10:43 PM
Subject: Hello
E-mail Address: mrupp@hevanet.com

Hello out there. I have just recently, as in today, signed up for
the digest and looking forward to see what comes. I was reading the post
from the post from CBBuck about her yard/garden.
I think all I can do is empathize for right now but I do
know how you feel. Sometimes it just seems so enormous
that it's really hard to break it up into bits. The idea of climbers and
that sort of thing is great. It will provide a little private
space. They do well with little or none encouragement and
give back a tremendous pleasure. I found a wonderful clematis called
Pink Perfection that bloomed profusely and grew incredibly well.
You could almost see it grow it was so vigorous and really lovely
pink blossoms. We have since moved to a home with a much smaller yard
and my DH has commented often that the house takes longer to vaccuum
now than the lawn mowing. :-D
I need some inspiration and uummmpphhfff to get my sewing room
into some sort of order. We've been in our new house for about 7 months
and the quilt studio seems to be the very last room to get
attention. I am feeling overwhelmed and really frustrated because I
want so much to sew and be creative but the space is very messy.

MaryLou - in rainy Portland Oregon

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 10:23 PM
Subject: wondered where you were
E-mail Address: yankdots@dcci.com

DANG!!!!! I am so confused! I thought we all were happy on the pray and such page. Now I find I'm in the wrong place again. Now we have 3 boards to check!!! I don't know where I'm supposed to be!
Leen in TX

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 10:09 PM
Subject: garden needs some attention before any more quilting
E-mail Address: CBBuck1@aol.com

I hate to pose a gardening question on a sort of quilt BB, but I need some feedback.A lot of you talk about your gardens,so I thought this would be the perfect place to post. I don't like working outside, but then I also don't like cleaning,cooking or any thing else that needs to be done inside-except for sewing or quilting.I have a 18x30 ft. piece of dirt surrounded on two sides by a barn/garage building.I'd like to hide the sides of the barn, and have planted 2 climbing rose bushes and have ivy starting to climb up the other wall.There are 2 small windows-I put the roses between the windows and got window boxes to put color up there.I tried a meadow effect a couple of years ago, and ended up with snakes.All that's in there now is 4 small shrubs-and of course WEEDS. I was out there today and it's like a desert. Does anyone have any ideas? Is less always better? But I'd still like to have some color,plus could I stick in a tomato plant or two and maybe a pumpkin or two for the DGS. Hope this makes sense. Oh yes,I even tried stenciling the walls with an ivy pattern. That did not turn out well at all.The walls are corragated and there was no way to make the stencil lay flat. TIA. Coramay in central PA.Boy do we need rain.

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 9:40 PM
Subject: Bio From a Lurker
E-mail Address: KBras01@aol.com

Sorry Mamie in Maryland but I get the age prize,
so far. I was 69 yrs. young last week. Age is something I never think about because there is so much more going on. My DH and I have been married 40 yrs., 5 children , 3DIL and 1SIL, 5 DGC with one on the way. All healthy , happy and a joy to be around. The new baby will live just a few blocks from us and I'm getting its room ready. My DIL will be working from home on my computer so the baby will be coming to visit every day.
We've moved around to a number of different states, company moves. Whenever they decided to send the paycheck to a different city we gladly moved. DH retired in 1992, we were in NC for 6 yr, now in Cincinnati, we wanted to be closer to children and DGC. My good luck because that is how I met the Serial Quilters, a wonderful,talented, fun group. I love everything about quilting, but the thing I love the most is buying fabric, there is just something about it and you all know what the feeling is.
Today was the most gorgeous day. Got all the flowers planted and am pleased with the result, just hope there is no more frosty weather.
I've learned a good deal from reading the BB, all 3. I know today and yesterday some of my fellow quilters are really hurting, the burdens are heavy and I have prayed for all who have expressed their concerns and for those who have not but are enduring pain. Peace to all, Kathy in Ohio

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 9:22 PM
Subject: okay.....
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Thank you Sue, for your time and help..

I finally got most of the gardens done...just in time to find out I have to move 2 of them..great! We want to redo the porch into more of a deck like porch....the 2 flower beds run along the side of the porch...that should be nice...gives me a whole lot more area to turn into flower beds!! Before long..no more mowing! All flower beds!! Works for me!

DH brought in tons of fish...so we spent the afternoon freezing fish! Yuck! I love fish but the smell is horrible!

Marcie..Celia...Loon,,,,where are you??


Date: 5/2/99 Time: 7:15 PM
Subject: I'm BACK
E-mail Address: reginac1@yahoo.com

Hello I'm back, I guess no one really noticed I was gone though. I have had a hectic week, that all started with my computer going down and everything literally having to be erased. So here I am starting from new. If any one had tried to contact me, I need for all of you to do so again. I wish I could bore you with the details, but needless to say included were a hurried up wedding(not a very happy one either) and a funeral(not for the same family members) I would appreciate any bookmarked sites any one would care to mention. HOPE everyone had a better WEEK.
Regina in VA

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 5:23 PM
Subject: Hi to all
E-mail Address: leel003@hawaii.rr.com

Rats, I wanted to print up some of the postings to reply to later, but once again my printer has gone on the blink...unfortunately only my husband can get it going again. I have to be at work in 50 min. so quickly:

Betty - I bet Kaneohe isn't all that different from when you were here. Other than the Windaward Mall ( where I work) most of its the same old same old.
Sara in Fla - I'm sure Baby Brandon will be fine. My youngest gradson, Kalel, was born at 28 weeks on New Years Eve 1997. He was 15 inches long and weighed 2 lbs. 15 oz, he's now 16 months and other than still being little (I try to tell him he's too short to have an attitude!) he's great. Walking and talking and definetly has a mind of his own. I will keep Brandon in my prayers. One of the quilts I'm working on is called Angels All Around because of the one's I know were watching over him and I'm sure are now watching over Brandon.
I know there were more of you I wanted to send messages too and if I can still pull todays stuff up when I get home for work I'll finish then if not, thanks to everyone. This BB is a great addition to my day!

Love Leilani in Hawaii

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 4:55 PM
Subject: BIO
E-mail Address: MamieFran@aol.com

Hi Gang, I've sort of been just lurking this past week here. Don't know if I really like having two separate sites. I do like that people feel free to speak a little more about themselves, guess I just don't like having to go back and forth to catch up. Anyway, here goes...have been putting this off because...
I guess I'm the "Grandma" of the whole bunch of you. I'm 68, can hardly get my fingers to punch the keys for that number. I sure don't feel that age. Guess it's because I have given birth to and raised 7 beautiful children. Four girls and three boys. All about 15 months apart, ages 42 down to 30 now (or is that 31). They keep me young. Have two gorgeous granddaughters ages one and a half and three and a half. Married 45 yrs. God's been very good to me and my family. We are all in good health, a very close family and I thank him everyday for it. My DH and I live near Ocean City, MD, retired for about 12 years now. We live in a small town, which I love, after living in Bethesda,MD for 30 yrs. Don't get me wrong, Bethesda is a beautiful place. You have to be young to live there the traffic is so horrific. Bethesda is just outside of Washington, D.C. Many of you know what I mean about the traffic.
I started quilting about 10 years ago. Mostly taught myself from quilt magazines and watching programs on TV. I now belong to a great guild. Lots of fun and we do exciting things. The first Wed. of the month we spend making quilts for Grant-a-Wish and other charities. We have Quilt-and-Chat in members homes twice a month and the general meeting the 3rd Wed of the month.
Guess I've gone on long enough. Have really enjoyed reading all the Bios, just wish I had thought of printing them out. My prayers for all who need them. Happy quilting to everyone. I'm waiting for this crazy wind to go away so I can work in my yard. I love gardening as well.
Mamie in Maryland

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 3:59 PM
E-mail Address: mwallis@dryden,net

Hi everyone. It is me, Maggie Meadowmouse, finally near a computer again (on borrowed one in T.Bay).

Wow, a new site! I think that this is the appropriate one for me to use for this letter.

We are still in Thunder Bay, 220 miles from home but Wayne, my DH, has now been moved near the Cancer Centre and begun treatment (36 radiation treatments to his head and some heavy chemo also)a couple of days ago. He is part of a study group run out of the Mayo Clinic and may have a better chance at servival with the experiment. He says if nothing else, this may help some one else who has the same type of brain tumor.

We are staying next door to the cancer centre in a place called Amethyst House which is for people from out of town to stay while receiving treatments. It is very home-like and can accomodate 16 people. I get to make meals for everyone this week so that should be fun. There is a common kitchen there and it is of course easier for someone who isn't doing treatment to do the cooking. I am also working on DH's fishing quilt in the spare hours.

He is doing quite well inspite of everything and we remain hopeful that he will get better. Right now, we are hoping that he will be well enough to travel back home to Dryden the weekend after next. We haven't been there for 5 weeks now and all has changed with spring. I do hear that my favorite chipmunk made it through the winter and is taking care of the yard for us. Can't wait to see him again.

A friend arrived yesterday from home and brought me a huge stack of mail (4 1/2 weeks worth)! Inside, to my shock, the bag was filled with envelopes containing fabric cards, fat quarters, get well cards and marvelous stamps from all over the place! I took them over to my DH's bed, sat there, opened them and read all those wonderful, prayers and get well wishes to him. I had to stop many times as the emotion was so great. We both cried lots but they were not tears of sadness. Instead we were in awe that so many of you took the time out of your busy lives and own troubles to do this
for us. We were looking for prayers but this was overwhelming!! My DH also loved all the wonderful stamps which he will be adding to his collection when he gets well enough.

We really don't know how to say a thank you to all of you that would express what we felt. I do know that I have something special that I will send those of you who put return addresses on your packages. This will have to wait until we are finished here and can go home for a few weeks, aprox. the last week in June I think. I will also have to make something truely special with all the fabrics to commemorate what you have done. Saying "Thank you" doesn't begin to express what we feel.

I have been away from the BB for so long that I don't know how everyone is doing anymore. I won't have access to a computer for a while again either so would like to say am still praying for Janet & DH, Kitty Kate, and Marilyn. Hope things are getting better for each of you. Will try and catch up after we are stationed at home again.

I would like to thank the following people for being so kind to us:

Grace, ON Linda, UK Marie, MD
Meredith, AB Peggy, IA Lois, NC
Amanda, CA Sue, CA Debbie, OR
Kitty Kate, WA Karen, KS Susan, KS
Janet, IN Ronna, MA Jenny, NY
Marge, MI Kim, TX Mayme, MI
Beth, OH Gay, OH Monica, Maine

Well, I think that I have written a book so will close for now. I would like to add my prayers to everyone in need and wish i was at home right now so I could continue with the card showers and block building for others. It seems like a long time has passed since we were home. Another 7 weeks to go. Then I will play catch up on the BB and get back at the y2k exchange.

Please continue the prayers as they are much appreciated and give us strenth to fight harder. I believe that if anyone can make it through this terrible brain cancer, my DH will!

Hugs and tears of gratitude to you all.

Maggie Meadow Mouse

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 2:37 PM
Subject: Hi to all!
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Hi to all! Have not had time to post here as yet..my bio will follow at a later date..when I have had time to think..takes a lot of effort to do that sometimes.LOL.as I was reading the BB, someone there stated it is and I quote "almost back to normal". I wonder what normal means nowadays. As I typed out a message I kept saying to myself, is this "normal"..hope anything I say will be acceptable here, if not, then scroll,baby, scroll...Has Kellie told us the name of her Kitty yet? He is a cutie...he will soon rule the house, you know! I have decide at the young age of 60, that things will have to change for me..At the last meeting for the ABC quilters, one of the Ladies said some thing that didn't sit well with me (she is always making little digs at me, you know the kind?) Well I finally told her to stop making remarks about me, and she promptly left the meeting for the day...I was really tired of turning the other cheek so to speak with this lady..so, what do you all think? Was I wrong or should I let her keep running her mouth..So far, friends have said I finally did the right thing. Well, finally got that out of my system..this is a good sounding board and lots of good listeners...Thanks Sue and Eric..Mary on Cape Cod where the garden is looking great!

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 1:05 PM
Subject: computer troubles
E-mail Address: dltquilt***@juno.com

Maybe someone out there is cyber space can help. I am running windows 3.1 and AT&T internet. My DH & DS installed Internet Explorer 4.01 the other day and now my printer will not print my e-mail from the internet or any pages from the internet itself. I have a fairly new HP 697C and I tried re-installing the printer, but no change. I can print from all other window programs, text and graphics. Just the internet printing is the problem. I am sure it is one small change that needs to be made. Any one out there know how to fix this problem? I know there are many computer wizards our there or someone who know a wizard.
I am so upset that I can not print patterns that I find on the internet. Can anyone help?
Always quilting
One stitch at a time
Donna in NJ
remove the *** to reply

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 11:22 AM
Subject: My solution
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Good morning All,
First : Prayers and best wishes and squishy, squashy HUUUUGSSSS to everyone. It is a beautiful morning , a morning to rejoice and be glad.
When we were all doing our bio's I neglected to say I was a little on the fluffly side and here is the reason.
My diet solution and it has kept me very happy.
" I never eat more than 500 calories per day, but I do borrow some from the next day, keeping a strict record, and by now have recorded the 29th of May in the year 2989. " So there, I'm having a good time and FFFFFFEEEEELLLIIIIIINGGGGGGGGG good.
Grace in Ont.

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 9:37 AM
Subject: Leaving a sick DH at home
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

Good Morning all!
Today DS & I will be going on a boat ride up to the San Juan Islands. I will be wearing my YYY in case I meet any island quilters. This was supposed to be my Mothers' Day get away and DH and Amy were also going, BUT Amy had to work at the last minute and DH is SICK! Please say a little prayer for DH as he was exposed to a really nasty virus that is putting people in the hospital. I HOPE that isn't what he is getting. It is too late to cancel our tickets (already paying for 4 for 2 to go) and I'm not too happy about leaving him home alone (will take cell phone though & that helps!). I'll let you know how he's doing when we get back tonight.
Deanna in Sequim about to head to the San Juans.

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 8:00 AM
Subject: Thanks!
E-mail Address: jkjdesko@willex.com

Good Morning to all!
Nancy in KY: Thanks again! I emailed you privately, but wanted everyone to know I really appreciate getting the rest of the chorus from you. Now at least I'll have more than those 2 lines ringing in my head! LOL!
I was on vacation a few weeks ago and while I was no where near Paducah I managed to come home with fabric bought in between Civil War battlefields. Got to go to my first Hancocks store (in Fredericksburg MD). Am green with envy at those of you who live near one. Here we are definitely fabric/quilting store challenged. Walmart & Joann's is all.
Any way I loved Hancocks there, much to DH's chagrin. Also went to Gettysburg (PA) Quilting store. Right across from my hotel, fancy that! Very friendly there and more nice fabrics too!
Well, my dogs are agitating for their morning walk and the first laundry load is ready to hang up.
Glad to hear Kathi in ID's Mom is doing better. Prayers for Shirley & her husband and everyone else.
If you would, please send a card to my QB, Elle, that I posted earlier. She's really depressed. Is a fantastic handquilter and can't do much of anything right now. Email me for the address if you want it.
Thanks, again Nancy! This BB is great!
Kathi in NNY

Thanks again, Nancy!

Date: 5/2/99 Time: 12:55 AM
Subject: Las Vegas
E-mail Address: brad_lowe@msn.com

Hi there everyone,
I've just booked my flight to Vegas!!! Yeah.
I'm going for my BIL's wedding on July 22nd. I'll have all day on Saturday the 24th to myself. If you know of a good quilt shop that I shouldn't miss, could you let me know the name. From that I should be able to find it.
Thanks alot. Cher in BC

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 11:38 PM
Subject: just stuff
E-mail Address: yankdots@dcci.com

First to SHIRLEY IN CA: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH. I know you need help now to get through this....you have it!!!

I love it here!!! Can I do a little dance?!? I know sooo many of you have heard about my DD's quilt, just a little lap quilt.....hand pieced...only 6 actual blocks. Each block has 60 pieces! Then the sashings and all, I thought it would never get this far. I would have started the quilting (yes, hand quilting) but when I went to get the fabric to back it and bind it...THEY DID"T HAVE ANYMORE!!! Geez, I finally got there and they stopped me big time!!! It will get finished!! DD just loves it, she says it's ok that she has to wait longer, she knows I'll get it done. I just hope it's in this lifetime! LOL

DS went to the prom tonight...he looked sooo handsome...brag, brag!! DD thought he was looking very good too. DH says he did good when he had his son. (Don't ask about his 'DD', he thinks she's 'Miss America', of course if you ask me I'd agree). We all like DS's new girlfriend....general comments were 'she's a keeper'. Unfortunately DS goes off to college in the fall and we know that could end it all. He'll only be about an hour away though...DD is at the same school and absolutely thrilled her brother is going there. Nice to have kids who love each other and don't care who knows it.

Quilt question......that is allowed right? Well, if not just skip this part. I know that you can get a flannel board (or something) and put your pieces on it to see how your quilt would look. I wonder if 'felt' works. I thought it would be less money to buy some felt and staple it to the wall and use it that way. Would that work???? I want to get my Y2K started. DD and I were sorting squares today.....lots of darks. I was really surprised at the doubles and triples I had, especially after so many of you commented about having NO repeats. Karen thinks I might have to start trading again if I don't want repeats. No sure I really care about that.

Do all you hand piecers mark 1/4" lines on every piece???

Anyone trying to e-mail me, please be patient with me...our e-maail is messed up and I have to go through so many things to get stuff out. I don't mind that but I DO SCREW IT UP!!!! Hopefully it will be back to normal soon.
Leen in TX

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 11:27 PM
Subject: No Subject
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

I finally "checked out" this "HUGS" page, and know now where many of you are lately. Curiosity got the better of me since I hadn't seen many posts on the BB from Kitty Kate or Doni, and a few others lately. Now. . I . . know. . . .

This page is a great idea. Thanks Sue & Eric.

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 11:02 PM
Subject: John Denver Song
E-mail Address: kitchen@searnet.com

Of Poems, Prayers and Promises
And things that we believe in,
How sweet it is to love someone,
How right it is to care,
How long it's been since yesterday
And what about tomorrow?
And what about our dreams
And all the memories we shared?

Kathi in NNY. One of my favorites too, can't you just hear his sweet voice? Quite appropriate, I think for the CQB. Nancy in Ky

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 10:35 PM
Subject: A song
E-mail Address: jkjdesko@willex.com

I've had this song (well, ok, only 2 lines or so of it...all my poor brain can remember so far. LOL!)
going thru my mind for a couple of days now. Couldn't figure out why until I came back here again just now & BAM! It's from the name Eric &
Sue gave this section.
And some how these lines seem appropriate to
the people who come here. It's an old John Denver song....
"To talk about Poems & Prayers & Promises,
And things that we believe in...."

The rest of it eludes me just now but maybe i'll dig out the album...or does anyone else remember it?

Well, time to take my gardening aches to bed. Got lots more to do tomorrow!

Kathi in NNY

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 10:22 PM
Subject: Hawaii-ne
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

I am watching it rain and thinking about all of you who have special
considerations--a warm, large (((HUG)))). I send a wish when I read your
posts and wish you comfort.
LEILANI in Kaneohe, your name makes me homesick, was married in Aina Haina
and lived on Kenela St in Kaneohe, been gone a long time--had a hard time
finding my way around the last time I was there. Have a poco loco for me.

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 8:28 PM
Subject: BRAG! BRAG! BRAG!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

DORRIE, brag, brag, brag! I know what I am missing. I lived there for 6 years. DH has a stein collection of almost 100. Recovering alcoholic so they are for decoration. DD#2 will be flying to Munich on the 12th. So I might be getting some of my own goodie packages. You are lucky, Ridgeley is a wonderfully, loving and generous lady. I am so glad she and my DD#2 will be able to meet.
Know what you mean KAREN! These DGKs are driving me round the bend today. Why can't they ever play nice? I guess I am too old and grouchy to listen to it 24/7.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 6:53 PM
Subject: Ridgeley's Box of Goodies
E-mail Address: dorriel@uswest.net

Remember that morning Ridgeley wrote,"AND THE WINNER IS..."? Well,when she said she was sending a box of "GOODIES", she wasn't kidding !!
The box arrived a few minutes ago and I'm shocked at how much is in it and how fast it got here !!
All you chocoholics would die for the contents, about a dozen or more different kinds of bars and boxes of chocolate candy and about six different kinds of packaged cookies and lots of them have chocolate on 'em, in 'em and around 'em!!

Ridge, the tablecloth,( white cutwork with embroidered floral designs in two shades of precious pink and two beautiful shades of green, for the leaves,) is absolutely gorgeous and I love it !!
The stein is precious too, but I hope it's for decoration, as I'm probably the only "Pedigreed Polack", that hates beer!

I don't mean to make you all jealous, but I knew you'd all want to know what you missed out,on!!
Thank you Ridgeley,for the wonderful gift from your heart,I certainly never expected to receive anything so sweet,for my small part in your monumental project.It was such a wonderful thing you did for
those unfortunate Bosnian,"Baby Angels", God will certainly bless you!!

Thanks again, with love,
Dorrie (aka)"Grandma Kissie"

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 6:50 PM
Subject: Milton Abbas
E-mail Address: Betty.Thompson@btinternet.com

Hello Veronica Wineinger and Ann Connors of Milton Mass
.Many thanks for your e-mails, I am checking to see if this is the link and will let you know asp. The work gathers pace and it is quite thrilling to see folk who have hardly ever sewn before and certainly never fabric painted in their lives producing quite exquisite pictures of our local birds which will be sewn onto the frontal. I'm only a 'grockle' having retired from London a mere 13 years ago and it's fun finding where the best ghosts are likely to turn up and when, or where the Ancients built cross- dikes to keep the Celts out (did they bring their quilts with them? I know they left some of their designs behind here in Dorset).
This weekend is our Spring Bank Holiday and tonight my daughter rang to say she would be popping in for a couple of days so I have a good excuse for not gardening even if the weather continues to be wonderful. Maybe I'll get the deckchairs out ! Mmmm....perhaps that will be too obvious to my husband.
Grateful thanks and kind regards across the water. Betty.

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 2:20 PM
Subject: Kids yesterday...flowers today
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! Lived through the great adventure yesterday with a three year old. Ya know, if no one else is around, you can have a pretty interesting as well as intelligent conversation with a small child. Cool!

Today's adventure involves Pansy's, Marigolds, and a whole list of things I picked up at a nursery yesterday. Everything looked soooo good! I'll have some of these, a couple of those, etc. Then, when you get home and go to unload the truck it's like, "You IDIOT!! Why the heck did you buy so many??? Now you have to find a place for all this stuff!!" Ha! Guess the same can be said about flowers as one would say about over eating. My eyes were bigger than my back and knees are willing to endure.

That's okay cuz when I'm done finding these flowers a home I'm going to go wrestle an old roto-tiller. Man, that baby can shake the stuffings out of you! You need limbered up - just let a roto-tiller drag you around a garden for a couple of hours...you'll be loose as a noodle! Later kids! Brenda in Indiana >^..^< (the DH will be racing tomorrow so I get a whole day to sew, sew, sew! teeheehee)

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 12:40 PM
Subject: Hi HI
E-mail Address: kilshandar@excite.com

HI all, I love this page! and all of you of course. Want to send hugs and prayers to all that have shared her and to all who need that dont post much.
It's been a frustrating couple of weeks for me. Both computers at home are down. ;( I miss IM every Wednesday morning and I cant read the board at home. I am trying very hard to keep up here at work, but you know how it is. They always seem to be a little perturbed when they find you surfing. I tried telling my boss that it was my community service project. lol He didnt buy it. Oh well, DH promises that he will work on the puters again this weekend. Hopefully he will get at least one of them running.

Marilyn - I am so happy that things seem to be going well for you. I think about you all the time and you are in my daily prayers.
Marty - You sure are one special sister, you have reminded me to tell my one and only sister howmuch I love her.
Kitty Kate - I love you, You are totally an inspiration to me. I pray every day the God will get sick of hearing us and will bring to you total and complete healing. I would love it if you could include me in your prayer chain and I would also love to hear more about the B-day squishies club.
Celia - Great to hear from you again. Where have you been girl? This place isnt the same without our Celia's stories. Wlecome back.

Last but not least..I want to do something that is very hard for me to do. I want to solicite your prayers for me this week. I am having surgery on Wednesday. With any luck it will be done laproscopicly (sp?) but could possibly require a full incision (sp?). I am really not looking forward to this andabsolutely cannot afford the extra four weeks off of work. For some reason I just dont feel comfortable with this one. Anyway you are all such a caring group, I hope you dont mind me adding my cares and woes here too.

On the upside, if DH does get a puter working, I will be able to spend more time reading and talking with all my cyber friends on IM. (staying on my knees and keeping my fingers crossed for that one) ;-)

Oh,on more thing. The Bio....I have been stalling and stalling on this. Kept thinking all through my Y2K swap that I should write one, now we are doing it here too. Guess maybe that's a sign..lol I will try to get one written this weekend...yadda yadda and the checks in the mail right?
Well, back to work. Love you guys!

Kim (aka)berlysue38 in Michigan where we are having the most incredible weather! 80 and sunny today..leaves bursting out everywhere and daffodils, tulips, hyestnth(sp? i know that ones wrong lol) flowering trees everywhere...what a wonderful world we live in.

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 12:39 PM
Subject: General stuff
E-mail Address: Williquilt@aol.com

Hi everybody, hope you're having a great day. I kept my 3yr old DGS overnight and we've been outside playing in the dirt, chalking sidewalks and trees, and marching around the outside of the house with a hammer slung over the shoulder singing "Hi-ho, hi-ho". Well, okay, maybe just one of us did that. If anyone asks me to chat this week and i don't respond, don't feel miffed. I'm keeping the DGS all week except for the time I'm at work for 2 days and so life will be pretty sporadic. I know I can't resist checking the board from time to time but sometimes I read one post and then run to see what he's doing. His Mommy is going away on business and his Daddy has a long commute and really early hours so we agreed it would be best to keep him here and for Daddy to visit. I have so much QR stuff to do (not to mention housework)that I don't know where to start. So naturally, I come hee! Avoidance behavior, anyone?
I was the one who went to dinner at Patti's and we were there on Sun night, so didn't see any prom cuties. I still haven't put away my Paducah purchases, so I guess I should go work on that. I think I will leave the fabric out though, I got a selection of the Folk Art Wedding/Summer cottage Moda fabrics that I am still drooling over. I would have bought the 45 FQs of the Sun Porch collection but guess I can't bring myself to spend the $130 in one place. Maybe I'll talk my sis into it. She has more moolah.
Now a dilemma, how to get everything ready for the week and at the same rest up to cope with it?
Life is good if these are the biggest problems to have. Later, Quilty Willi in Linden, Michigan

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 10:43 AM
Subject: DERBY 125
E-mail Address: kitchen@searnet.com

It's a beautiful Derby Day in Kentucky. I wish all of you could be here today. It is such a hoot. The TV coverage started last night where they go to a bunch of Derby parties and show you how the folks are partying. Then today it starts at 10 a.m. with complete coverage from Churchill Downs. We get to see the fools on the infield, the crazies with hats that have all sorts of paraphenelia hanging off them. Then it's on to Millionaires Row, where we get to see the celebrities. Of coarse, all the races are shown, and we learn more about the 19 horses running today than we ever wanted to know. My favorite piece is one that they run every year to "Run for the Roses" in which they show a young colt and his Mother running, nuzzling and generally being happy in a field. It's a great day here, I hope you all tune in for the race. The cows will have to wait till after the race to be milked tonight.
DONI is doing well, quieting down a little bit, has decided I am as good a Mom as her real Mom. Love to all, Nancy in Ky

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 10:19 AM
Subject: This place is GREAT...........
E-mail Address: lkw326@aol.com.

I get so much joy out of reading all the bio's and must say that although this is just the second time I posted that you all seem like family to me. I keep every prayer request on my mind till I hear otherwise. When you read some of the requests it sure makes you feel bad for complaining. For all you new quilters I just want to say stay with it and besure and label all you work. I was cleaning out some dresser drawers and found the quilt my mom had made for my DD who is now 30. Mom had written her message on a piece of paper and pined it to the quilt. My mom has been gone now for many years and this quilt is priceless to me. This would not be of great value to someone else because my mother was very thrifty and made do with what she had but to me its beautiful. I know that we make quilts to use but some are just meant to be kept to be handed down. I know you all have these same stories but wanted to share this with you all. It made me happy to find it but very sad in alot of ways. My mom certainly was my inspiration for much of what I do in life.
May God bless all of YOU and to those with special request may He bless in abundance.

Lois in cool and windy NC

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 9:33 AM
Subject: I don't KNOW?????????
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Good morning,
Just read all this pages (plural) and best wishes and HUGS, HUGS to all who need them and even the ones who would just like one.
Don't have too much time this morning. Could some one send me some extra time that you have left over. Sure could use it.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to RACHEL.
Happy birthday to you.
Gotta go now
Grace inOnt.

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 9:08 AM
Subject: Rachel's Birthday!!!
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

I believe Rachel must be the CQB Baby! But maybe not for long since TODAY'S HER 20th BIRTHDAY!!!
Deanna, in Sequim

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 8:37 AM
Subject: Bio & Serial Quilters
E-mail Address: bevncarl@lynxus.com

Where to start - A writer I'm not - should have conned Cassi into doing this for me!!! Ok, here goes. I'll be 56 this summer, gray hair (formerly blonde and act like it sometimes), 5'6"ish, pear-shaped, blue eyes with tri-focals (yuk-they get in the way). My DH and I've been married for 31 years and we have two DD's and one DSIL living in Denver and San Francisco. No pets that I'm required to feed but do love the birds and my neighbor's cat "Walter". I've been sewing since I was "abandoned" by my mom & dad moving away from Cincinnati when I was 20 years old! She made all my clothes so I had to learn through trial and error! Made stuff for family and home till they were old enough to want 'designer' jeans etc. Then got hooked on quilting after doing many other needlecrafts. A neighbor and I started a counted cross stitch and quilting shop in Aug. of '80 (on my birthday) which we co-owned for 16 years. Talk about living a dream! It was a lot of hard work but just like childbirth that fades and the pleasant memories linger. It was a wonderful experience and miss it at times but love being retired and able to have time to do a lot more quilting stuff. Found the BB a little over a year ago and have been fortunate to meet 'neighbors' that I probably wouldn't have otherwise by Cassi putting out the call to come together!! Serial Quilters has been such fun and an inspiration to make me keep going stronger. I really enjoy 'meeting' all of you in one way or another here or on the IM and feel we've known each other for a lot longer than we have.

Serial Quilters yesterday was full of Paducah talk and I'm working on talking them into a trip to Houston for Festival. It's an awesome place for quilters. The pictures that Cassi and backyard Susan had were wonderful and intimidating but I won't let that stop my Bernia!

Must go get my act together so Cassi's daughter can wash my van to raise money for her dance

Bev in beautiful Cincy

Date: 5/1/99 Time: 12:10 AM
Subject: Good Night everyone
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Just checking in to say Good night to everyone - it's been a great day of friendly funny posts. A bit sad about Doni calf missing her Mom, but I know that is farm life and I am soft hearted- I know, I know!!!!!
I can't access the BB Beauties or Marilyn's blocks either. I bet that Andy is too busy playing with the new KC kitty- Mmmm I too remember Doni, that he actually put his words in print for ALL to see- LOL Kellie rules, Andy drools!!
The blocks for Monica are absolutely beautiful, and I am anxious to see the completed quilt. By the way, Where is Monica? Are you out there? If you havcn't caught up with the unpacking and laundry by now, do what I do just close the door, it won't run away!! Hope that you are planning on joining us, we miss you.
Hurrah for Mr Ter Ter and Mr Gigi- nice to have you joining in the fun.
I too received the most beautiful tea cosy from Ter Ter today- it is priceless, and this lady is talented. I just love it, and you would swear she had been in my kitchen - it matches the border perfectly- I am so thrilled with it.

Kay in NM- don't feel bad saying you hate sewing- I can't even sew- my entire portfolio is forwards and backwards- just enough to piece a quilt top. I had never ever sat in front of a sewing machine until 21/2 years ago- Ivon had to show me how to thread it- LOL ( and No he didn't put the Buf quilt together, I did, on a wing and some prayers)and a couple of dates with Jack the Ripper.
Hugs and prayers for all those who are hurting.
God Bless, see you all tomorrow,

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 11:04 PM
Subject: Bio
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi All,

Love this new place and everyone's bios. Mine is:
I've been married 31 years (and they said it wouldn't last!) with
3 little blessings. The oldest son at 28 is a firefigher/EMT and still lives
at home. He is househunting vigorously because I told him in June his board
doubles!! It's not that I want to see him go, but I feel bad for his sweet
girlfriend who has hung in there for 8 years!!! My DD is 26 and is part owner
of two very successful coffee shops. She has been married for 4 years, but no
grandkids in the near future (boo-hoo). This is why I drool whenver my co-workers
bring in their kids. My youngest DS is living in Hollywood trying to make it as
a drummer. He is the one I worry about, but at 24, seems to know what he wants.
Rounding out the family is "Tubs" (was this a foreshadowing of what his master would
look like in the years to come!!!), our 11 yr. old white/beige poodle that we camouflage with a
Bichon haircut!! We love him to death and get so much enjoyment out of his actions.

I turned 55 this month, am 5'6" and 15 pounds fluffier that I can stand, have brown hair
with shocks of gray. Was a blonde out of a bottle from 19 to about 3 years ago.
I get the urge to go back to at least soft light brown, but something inside says,
"You should like you as you are"!!

Have been a "patchworker" for years, but started MQ about 5 years ago and
took a course in HQ last year. Am doing much more of that now. My favorite part is
the gorgeous material and what it does to the imagination as you handle it, see it
for the first time, what it can be. Wish I followed through with that more!!!

I plan to retire from my secretarial job by the end of July. I've been there for
11 years and so it will be a little hard, but I want to pursue my passions of quilting
and gardening. Really looking forward to that.

Well, I've babbled enough. Want to say I'm thrilled to hear about Marilyn's progesss
and everyone else's good news regarding health. Please keep a good friend of our in your
prayers as he just had colon cancer and needs further treatments as it wasn't 100% eradicated.

Brenda in Indiana - Your babysitting sounded like such a wonderful adventurous time, sharing it
with the sweet innocence of a 3 year old.

Dori - I know we're on cows now, but I laughed at your praying mantis story as I bought them one
year for my garden. When I mentioned that the directions said they get so big you can keep them
as pets, one of my friends roared at the idea of me walking the things down the street on a leash!!!

Have a great weekend, all. I get warm fuzzies each day I read either this one or the BB.
You're all great!!

Ann in MA

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 11:00 PM
Subject: DONI JR.
E-mail Address: kitchen@searnet.com

The first thing I heard this morning when I went out to milk was a loud MOOOOOO from Doni, the calf. She is a noisy little sucker, wonder why? LOL. She is doing well, getting used to my pesky Airedales who think calf poo is a gourmet delight.
Her Mom (DOS) is also doing pretty well, this being her first calf and first milkings. She's not kicking so that gets her a gold star, but she is still confused about that dang milker thing I put on her. DONI only got to stay with her Mom about two hours before I whisked her away to the calf area. This helps the seperation anxiety, the sooner you seperate, the better.
I can't remember now who's car broke down, but ditto here. My old reliable 1979 Ford PU truck wouldn't start, so I put the charger on it and still nothing, so I had to call some friends to come over and take me to town tonight. Aren't friends the greatest?? Then we went out to dinner. I bought paint to do my bathroom tomorrow, a job I am not looking forward to but want to have finished before DH gets home on Sunday, so I have to get moooooving.
I will take a picture of DONI and get it posted as soon as I buy more film. Let's see, maybe I'll have it by OHIO99, LOL. My best to you all, Nancy in Ky

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 10:54 PM
Subject: Hey Ladies and Gents, I guess!
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Hey had a good day...DH is fishing again...so someone remind me..why did I get married again?? LOL!! Nothing like being a fishing or hunting widow! LOL!!

Rosie in Kansas..when parents retire and get older, they go thru a terrible two stage...of this I am convinced! I think they pay you back for all the terrible years we gave them! Hugs to you! You sound like you need one! Things will look up in few days..your mother sounds like a very strong willed lady..and you really dont think your going to get her to change do you?? Or would you honostly want to??

Brenda in Indiana...Loved the sand box discription! I have its twin in my yard! I think the sand rots of the wheels and arms..I know my boys wouldnt pull off heads, arms, or wheels! LOL!! Loved the dish list to! Almost all of my big table spoons end up in the sand box! I just go by the resturant style from Sams every fall and get ready to lose them all again! Its funny! Socks, silverware, glasses, and bowls...all disapear around here,

Has anyone heard from Monica in Maine lately?? Are you lurking Monica?? We miss you...Hope your feeling better! Loved the blocks on Kelli and Andys page!

Big Maocho Andy!! "and NO! Kellie is not getting a cat!" Who was it that said that??

Gotta get see you all later!
Hugs Doni

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 10:47 PM
Subject: : )
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Hey all!! Well the contemplating is over.. I started work yesterday! I'm working at Snow Goose Fibers... only a couple days a week.. and I can see this is already putting a crimp in my IM time... sheesh.. but.. I get to see all that glorious fabric up close and personal as it comes in the door!!... and leaves with me... did I really think I'd be making money?? hah!! So... if any of you are in the vacinity.. : ) I'm at Snow Goose on wednesdays.. and probably tuesdays.. we're still working out the schedule.. I'll look for yellow yo-yos... tho I will be very surprised if I see one.. would love too.. but this is Fairbanks Alaska we're talking about... take care all!!! Ta! Martha... aka Arty... no latte.. too late for that..

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 10:24 PM
Subject: Houston
E-mail Address: yankdots@dcci.com

I missed the dates for the show in Houston but I WILL BE THERE!!!! My sister lives in Spring...wow, my other sister lives where Ohio99 is! I'm willing to be a driver if needed. I will be driving in from San Antonio, will stay with BS (baby sister). I can't wait...I can pick up anyone in the area and bring them to Houston also. Wow let me know the details again, this page is so busy I can't find the dates.
Leen in SA,TX

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 10:18 PM
Subject: Janice Kelley
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

JANICE KELLEY-I have her address in Spokane, WA. She will be there May 5th through the 31st. She had a car accident in Aug 97 and had back spasms for 4 1/2 months. She had a blockage in her heart. Then she had the brain tumor and now has to undergo radiation. We've had a lot of prayer requests for people in their suffering. I know most of you don't know about Janice because she doesn't post much. She is suffering greatly and I am suffering with her. You can email me and I will give you her addy. Please keep her in prayer.
COLUMBINE HS-Someone mentioned making a block for them. Have I missed something? If there is someone that I can mail a block or two to for a project for them, please email me. I want to help.
BILL my DB had his MRI today. They gave him Valium and Demerol to get him to be still. I talked to him and he sounds good. He hasn't had any improvement and they might have to do surgery. He has drawn closer to the Lord and that made me feel really great. I know God will bring good out of this too.
BERTIE-OOOH! I love the kitty pillow panels you sent me. I love them all. You are just too sweet! What a lovely card and the sentiments made me teary. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
TER TER-WOW! Do I love that tea cozy or what? I love cucumber kitty the most. Oh, I am so thrilled with this tea cozy, I'll probably drive everyone nuts with my showing it off. You are just too sweet. It was a wonderful thing to do. I am a tea lover, extradinaire! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in Lakewood, WA >^..^<

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 10:04 PM
Subject: Hello out there!
E-mail Address: rdenny@zianet.com

I truly like this new and kinder format, but find I'm having trouble remembering what I read where and to which board I should post a comment. But, what the hey, I'm over 50, so the mind is on the downhill slope. So starts my bio...I'm really 51, if you want accuracy. I'm 5'3-1/2" (that 1/2" in mighty important) and, yep, I'm also on the fluffier side. My 30th anniversary comes up in June; have a 27-yr-old DS (my finest achievement in life)---who is married, an engineer, and lives in San Diego. My DH and I are Oregonians at heart, but he joined the AF right after our college graduation and we've been gypsies ever since. He's now retired from the Air Force, but now works as a contractor for the AF. I am the Program Coordinator for New Mexico State University-Alamogordo at Holloman Air Force Base, NM (home of the Stealth Fighters)---many of my students have been deployed to Kosovo and Bosnia---please say a prayer for them!!! What else, oh, I have a rotten cat, Shoe Kitty, who hates my DH, but loves me (she bites, though---she thinks that's fun). We live out in the country---desert---which DH is trying to turn into an orchard.

I'm the odd-ball out, here--- I hate to sew!!! But, I love to quilt---cannot explain, other than I love the challenge of putting colors together and I'm a seriously demented fabric fondler. I keep buying patterns to make clothes---but never do it because I hate to sew! I have to admit I keep buying quilting books and fabrics too, because just as I've decided on something to make, I see something I like better and buy stuff for that. I have trouble getting things done for myself, but if it's for a relative or friend, there is generally a deadline, like a graduation or birthday or, gosh, just today Theresa had her baby 10 days early, so that friendship quilt must be worked on this weekend.

Had a bad week at work this week--a colleague made a mistake, and instead of admitting she had made an error, made it look like it was my fault. I've decided to just chill out about it, because some day her little lies will catch up with her. In the meantime, I shall watch my backside (AKA my fat quarters---thanks, Cassi, for the little things (FQ's) which make me chuckle and get over the crummy things in life)

Hugs to you all,
Kay the Oregonian who lives in New Mexico

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 9:50 PM
Subject: Snoopy Dancers
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

SAME WITH ME: I get the AOL Logo with message "Not found on this server" on the new BB Beauties page. On Marilyn's Blocks 2 I get the heading with several thumnails but when I click on them nothing happens. However, Monica's Quilt Blocks all come in great. Very nice assortment Ladies of the BB. Also the article about Marilyn came out very readable. Wonder what we do now?????
loon/marie/maine: You have such a unique way of writing and keep me in stitches all the time. Your DH must have fun living with a lady like you! You forgot to mention that you pp when you open the refrigerator door and the cold air hits you in the face...8^) Keep on keeping us laughing!!!
DONI: Congratulations on your new claim to fame. When I was a young girl on the farm, my Dad had named his cows (all Jersey ladies) were named after various women in town? About 60 of them and I could name them all even while they were in the pasture!
LOVE THIS PAGE...but still read the QR BB also. Most questions are answered by the time I read them at night however.
Enjoying seeing all the old names again...and my goodness...SO MANY new ones. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.
TerTEr & GIGI: You better hurry home...your DH's seem to be getting a lot of attention and posting too. You may not get a chance to use the puter again when you get back! (((OXOXOX))) to the guys...Mr TerTer and Mr GIGI.
Can't let DH see this tonight. 8^)

Marty in Vermont

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 9:30 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

I appriciate all the micro brew information I received today from your quilters.

It is most encouraging and makes a guy feel at home on your CBQ board.

Just a short message since I helped TerTer at the quilt show in Benicia, CA.(setting up) Prior to her leaving for N CA.

Keep the cards and letters coming, so I don't get to lonely. Need (((((((((0)))))))))) & xxx and microwave recipes.....5 min or less.

Mr. TerTer

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 9:19 PM
Subject: nothing earthshaking
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Bio: Not yet, I refuse to be the CQB Granny, but love reading about all you sweet
young things...so keep talking GranB is listening.
DONI: Your namesake reminded me of a family tradition. My grandfather named all his
cows for the wives of the men he brought them from--then went to sisters and daughters
if he bought more than one. My father carried on the tradition which I found embarrassing
when naming the cows to friends. Yes, in the dim dark days of old on the farm we even
resorted to discussing which was the prettiest cow in the pasture.
Betty in OR--flowers are blooming, but the ground is still too cold to take the pretty
stuff out of the greenhouse.

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 8:27 PM
Subject: Mr. TERTER & Microbrewers
E-mail Address: fredgigi@humboldt1.com

You are missing out by not coming with your DW to the north coast. We have an excellent MB with a brew called California Climax - Have you had your climax today? They also make a great porter called Ravensbrau. Incidently the Climax was an old steam railroad engine. All of this typing made me thirsty so I'm now kissing a California Blonde - ale of course. Hope you can make it next time the DW comes north. In the meantime I'll enjoy kissing the Blonde to your good health. Gigi's DH.

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 8:03 PM
Subject: What to do?
E-mail Address: veronicaw@calexico.k12.ca.us

Hi All!

Thank goodness for the BB or I'd have no place to really write about this. One of my co-workers, and friend of the family, is having the worst year of which I've ever heard. First of the school year he was diagnosed with cancer and fought it. Then it was heart trouble, but he got it under control. A little over a month ago his daughter was murdered and he found out his cancer is back and more agressive than ever. To add to all this, his wife died suddenly last saturday! With all that has happened to him I'm afraid he's just not going to have the strength to keep waking up every morning. I want to let him know I care, to let him know he's not alone (it's now just him and a college age son), and so I've started a quilt. I want to get this to him as soon as I can so I'm screwing up my courage and swallowing my pride and asking if anyone might be willing to send an extra block they might have to help fill out the quilt. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a 'test' block or left over from another project that I'll work together into a sampler. Please e-mail me over the weekend if you have any ideas or to get my snail addy. I'm going to go sew something because it's all I know what to do right now...

Thanks in advance,

Veronica in So. Cal

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 7:07 PM
Subject: I survived the day with a 3 yr. old
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

I lived through the experience, ha! Spent the afternoon with a friend's 3 year old daughter. I found it quite humorous getting to stand in line at the daycare waiting for my charge to appear. If you want to know what van, station wagon, or SUV is on the market...just go hang out at a daycare (LOL). I, too, was sporting a van - stole my mother's Pontiac Transport - figured it was safer than my little sports car should something bad happen - that's all I need was to have a wreck with little people in the car.

We had an interesting afternoon. It's a shame that all children can't grow up on a farm because they seem to go together. Lots of interesting stuff to be found on a farm. So, after I had her change into some play clothes (blue was the order of the day as I was told they had to match. A 3 yr. olds definition of "match" is not like an adults, or at least not my definition. They DID NOT MATCH, ha! But, the shirt, pants, and socks were all blue so what the heck...I went along with it.) I was then given the "tour" of all the barns. The white barn is where all the tractors/combines are parked. The grey barn is her daddy's shop, and the red barn is where all the kitties are. She neglected to mention that the red barn is where all the hay/straw bales are kept, but I guess kittens are more important than straw to a child, ha! (I actually remember this for when I was a child and we went to my aunts farm, I made a b-line for the barn too!)

Mind you - I was not really dressed for crawling around on bales of straw looking for kittens, but what the heck. I decided to go along with the program to keep her in a good mood. Mission accomplished - we found lots of kittens. Next stop was the sand box and swing set area. I had never really checked this place out on prior visits, but it was pretty cool. Lots of cool stuff in a sandbox - pails, buckets, small shovels, headless and armless GI Joe dolls, various Tonka toys...some with wheels and some without, old baking pans, cups and saucers (have to have that kind of thing to make mud pies and the like...or so I was informed by this child, ha!) The space under the slide was the oven and one of the swings was the stove...okay...I can deal with that, ha! The most curious thing was about a dozen or so green army men all buried in the sand up to their necks...I didn't even ask cuz I didn't want to know the answer (LOL). They must have done something diabolical to have deserved this fate.

So, that was my afternoon with a three year old. Forget buying kids toys - just get them a sand box filled with various cast off toys and dishes. A child with an imagination is a wonderful thing! Well, time to go rinse all the sand out of my hair and gawd knows where else! (LOL) Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 7:06 PM
Subject: My Bio
E-mail Address: sschmidt@primary.net

Well, I'm mostly a lurker and I have throughly enjoyed reading everyone's bios. So here is a very boring version on mine. I turned 39 in January. Married to Steve for almost 15 years. Have a 22 3/4 year old son Steve, 13 year old Daniel and 8 year old Caitlin. Also, I am owned by 15 year old Perky (queen of the house dog) and 1 1/2 year old Maverick (cockatiel). Have been quilting since 1992 when I took my first class. Boy was that scary!!! But I did O.K. I could never win any prizes for them, but that doesn't matter to me. I just enjoy what I do. I also work part-time making dog and cat toys. Wish I could go to Ohio 99 but finances at this time would let me. (pouting here). Thoughts and prayers for all of the schools in our country. Also glad to hear that everyone who has recently has surgeries, tests etc., are doing good. O.K. you guys can wake up now.

St. Charles, MO

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 6:44 PM
Subject: Loon Marie
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

Marie- I'm not sure- but it sounds as if with all the ppp's you have one of two problems
!. you have a urinary tract infection. If this is the case, chug water and cranberry juice like mad and go to the drugstore and pick up some Cystex- its next to the feminine needs section. If you don't feel better by tomorrow- run don't walk to the nearest doctor and get something for it!!! It is horrible to have.
2. If on the other hand your kepboard has a sticking p , do not use WD40. A professional is needed to remove the gunk- hopefully not chewing gum- from under the key.
In case you hadn't checked it IS the full moon . Big as life in the night sky last night which is why the kids resembled whackos and the cats all wanted out.
Doni- is as usual the "cream" of the bunch. The cow is such a moooooving idea.
Prayers for all those who are sick. Would love to go to the Houston show- but is it when? - Can't go if I'm still in school. Peg in Chicago

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 5:25 PM
Subject: Microbrew
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

Dear Mr. TerTer, Just for future reference, if you escort your lady to Paducah, there is a microbrewery withing walking distance of the Big Show. Jeremiah's on Broadway(just look for the frogs. ) I can't vouch for the brew, haven't tried it, but the food was good.
If you are ever in my area Linden, MI near Flint, there is a place called the Redwood Lodge that is popular, my DH likes it. Email us if you ever come this way.

I have to say I really like this new format. I think I might have gotten flak on the other board if I had alluded to Quiltaholism, but here, everyone pretty much expects that we might be a little "out there", No?
Quilty Willi , hangin' loose in Linden, Michigan.
PS Glad to hear you loved your Elly S. class, Penny. We expect to see spectacular applique on Kellie's Page.

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 5:22 PM
Subject: thank you's, bio later
E-mail Address: quilt.maker@***cwix.com


Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone who said a prayer for our school. Everyone is allright, but they said that 3 bombs were found and safely removed. There may have been half of the kids that didn't come to school on Thursday. Please continue to pray for all of our schools nationwide, it seems to be an epidemic everywhere. It used to be that toward the end of school, we were worried about the fights that would break out and now it has gone to this. It is appalling and very sad that our children have come to this way of dealing with their anger.

I haven't had time to read much but will get caught up tomorrow and will try to submit a BIO I guess.... maybe...etc.

Hope everyone has a safe week-end.Remove *** to reply.

Keep on quilting,
Cindy in Texas
P.S. Is it my imagination or are there more postings on this page than there ever was on the other page?Also, my vote is for the CQB. cyberquiltingbuddies---right? or was it board??

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 4:57 PM
Subject: CQBee
E-mail Address: JRKtex@aol.com

I definitely like CQB better. What do you bet we wind up shortening it to CB or QB?? I am keeping my yellow yoyo too. That little thingy works and I like it.
Susan - feel better. What if it had been your sewing machine?
Sandra in Texas

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 4:20 PM
Subject: Hugs again
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

DH has gone out for an evening with the "boys", so I have this baby(PC), all to myself!!

Happy Birthday to Nancy and Happy Anniversary to Jgb.

I think Doni's suggestion of CQB is excellent- anybody else agree?

Mr Ter Ter- Well- come on in- stay a while. You got in ahead of us really, as we were waiting for Ter Ter to leave, and then were going to write to you because she said we couldn't- Ha Ha - not a very obedient bunch are we? Maybe after 2 weeks we might have you blushing a little, but it's better than being lonely!!

I am reading every single word of every single post, and having a great time. Housework?- what's that? Dirty dishes? - don't have any- DH is out and I am eating off a paper plate!! Can't waste important time.
Doni I like that quilting tip, have you tried it yet? Sounds like something I could do with knowing- my fabric always gets tangled even on a gentle wash.

Loon, - be careful with those pins funny lady.

Have a great weekend everyone, - don't know why I said that, I am likely to be back here before it is over.

Loved the encouraging update on baby Brandon Paul- dear little fighter- won't be long now before he can go home at this rate.
Lovely to see the improvement with Marilyn- it had been a rough time, but recovery seems to be in place.

Hugs to all and have a good evening.

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 4:16 PM
Subject: Mr TERTER
E-mail Address: fredgigi@humboldt1.com

You'd better come with TerTer, we have a Microbrewery not 2 miles from the house. My DH would love a reason, not that he needs one, to take us out to dinner. They have "hot wings" to die for and DH almost does. LOL Tues. is "peanuts on the floor" night.
Gigi in Fortuna, CA, when Pine-sol doesn't work, try garlic, DH thinks I've been cooking.

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 3:11 PM
Subject: Great Big Thank You
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Good afternoon all! I've been swamped this morning, so didn't get a chance to post. So, I'll spend my lunch enjoying the antics of this great bunch!

Susan in Alameda -- A great big hug to you. Nothing worse than car problems. I hate them. My DH is a wonderful carpenter, just doesn't know squat about cars. Well, he can put gas in tank and air in tires, but that's about his limit. My dad was a mechanic, so I know more than he does. That's okay, I can't pound nails, so I guess we're even, right! Anyway, I hope it's nothing too serious or expensive.

Marty -- It was great hearing about Marilyn's progress. Please keep us posted.

I wanted to post a big thank you to those who remembered Robyn and her tests yesterday. Something obviously worked as she came home very happy and optimistic. She said that she finished all the questions, which she didn't do last year because she stressed out so much. Thanks also for the e-mails of encouragement. I have printed them off for her and will take them home tonight. Let's hope the rest of the testing goes well for her. I think she's a lot more calm now, which should help her. But, I wanted to say thanks again!

Lynn and Katie Mac - Please e-mail me with the info about your get-together.

Cassie -- Thanks for the info on Ohio99. I'll get back to you. I'd love to have a chance to get together with you all. It would be fun.

Hope everyone is having a great day and are looking forward to a wonderful weekend. I plan to get started on a quilt for my son's 5th grade teacher. We're having a baby shower for her on the last day of school. It's not that far away and weekends are my only time to quilt.

It's beautiful outside today -- hard to stay inside! Happy quilting.


Date: 4/30/99 Time: 2:33 PM
Subject: Microbreweries
E-mail Address: saldridge@wprlaw.com

Dear Mr. Ter Ter: Have you tried Buffalo Bill's in Hayward, CA. My DH likes it a lot. They have a mean "Alimony Ale" I can't drink it myself but Jim likes it.

Friends, I need a hug. My car went kabloohey last night on the way home from work (after we left due to a bomb threat). And I had to rent a car to get to work today. My DH will be home on Sunday to fix it so hopefully will be all better by Monday. Felt so bad last night that I cried myself to sleep around 8:00 p.m.

Today I feel much better though and will even try to get to the Benicia quilt show on Saturday. Hope everyone has a great day today - weather here sure couldn't be better. Talk to you soon! Susan in Alameda, CA

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 1:41 PM
Subject: Brewery
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

Mr. Ter Ter: You have to visit New Ulm, MN. It is a German community and there is wonderful brewery here called Schells. They distribute their own brand, of course, but also bottle several private labels - we have found beers bottled by Schells in Penn. and Conn. There is a mansion, gorgeous flower garden, peacocks and deer all on the grounds and they have a sampling room in the brewery. We also have a summer festival which is rated as one of the top 100 in the Country - Heritagefest. You can sample all of Schells products at the Fest while listening to local musicians and performers from Germany, Austria, etc., etc.

Joleen in MN.

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 1:05 PM
Subject: Microbreweries
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

Mr Ter Ter

If I am remembering correctly, you are Canadian. Next time you head out West check out the Big Rock brewery. They ahve been around for about 5 years now, am I am addicted (but not an alcoholic!) Their Traditional Ale is a wonderful dark ale. About halfway between a Guiness and that pale Molson Canadian. Alley kat is another good brewery here in Edmonton. One more suggestion, keep your eyes open for a festival called Brewtopia. I went last year in Calgary. A fundraiser for the Alberta Theatre Project, it was sampling festival of microbreweries all across Canada. You paid an admission price, got a glass, then paid a loonie (Hey loonie, our money is named after you!) for a 4 ounce sample. I recommend the apricot beer from Alley Kat, the Prairie Steam Ale from Brews Brothers, but stay away from any kind of Hemp beer.

Hope that inspires you.

Cheryl in Edmonton/Mama

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 12:45 PM
Subject: My story
E-mail Address: dalodin@earthlink.net

Looks like our theme should be “Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun!!” I figure I can have time to read everything if I give up something like showering every day. Maybe just every other day!! At Loon’s place I could just go jump in the lake. I found the BB last August, and it’s changed my life. Now I have rice bags to warm my toes and over 2,000 little squares waiting to be stitched together, a cute little FW, and Quilt Buddies all over the world.
BIO (scroll on by...) Just turned 60 and life is good! Have a wonderful DH (36 years), five wonderful DSs, two wonderful DILs and another one on May 22. Yo-yo makes me think of my lifelong weight..., found Fen/Phen, lost 75 pounds, stopped using it (on my own, not doctor’s orders) after reading about its disastrous side effects, gained the 75 back. Guess I would rather be alive, fluffy and healthy than the alternative. Yes, I did have the echocardiogram, and everything is working okay.
QR (Quilt Related, for newbies)..... First classes were back in the late 70’s, things like Seminole patchwork, strip piecing, cotton/poly fabric, scissors, cardboard templates and sandpaper. The “quilts” I made for our sons were actually comforters, with fluffy batting and tied, not quilted. Put all that aside to return to teaching and then copywriting for ad agency, had our first computer before we had a microwave oven, did desktop publishing as a home-based business.
NOW .... the kids are launched, the nest is roomier, and we are retired. Last fall I posted a request for fabric storage ideas for my new sewing room (ooops, design studio) and the rest is history. I have learned more and more every time I try something new. It is a challenge just keeping up with the projects, from blocks for Alia’s baby quilt to Marilyn’s raffle quilt. You all are my cyber quilt guild. Didn’t think I needed anything else, BUT did join a local guild last month. Perks include a discount at the quilt shop and a huge lending library of quilt books.
My motto is
“A Creative Mess is Better Than Idle Tidiness!”
Love you all,
Angela in Santa Ana

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 12:44 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Here's the deal:

My DW quilting wife Ter Ter is off for a two week trip to Northern Calif. and has left me in charge of the WWQP BB to monitor activities. Therefore, I am requesting the following info only from you dear ladies: send me info on the best micro-breweries in your area so that when we visit (for quilting activities, naturally) I will be able to sample the best beer.

many thanks :-) Mr. Ter Ter

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 12:02 PM
Subject: Hello Fellow Quilters
E-mail Address: dmg136937@webmail.dcccd.edu

Helloooo Ladies, this is such a wonderful place to just share and express feelings
I love to read all the posts. I am 37 and have been quilting since I was 10. My great grandmother taught me.
She was wonderful. Her stiches were the most beautiful things I ever saw. I lost her when I was 12.
I have 3 DS's 18, 14, and 11. We have a waonderful reletionship and the youngest JR is learning to quilt.
He is so funny. He said its okay for boys to quilt its not just for girls. He is the greatest. We live in Texas
but may be moving soon to Calif. I have met the most wonderful man. We have had a budding romance now for a long
time. But this long distance reletionship is starting to get old. He has two small children DD and DS. they are 5 and 4
If he moved to Texas he would not get to see them very often. My boys are bigger and are actually excited about the prospect
of a new state. (calif girls I think) If anyone knows of any internet job sights for hospital or Drs.
please let me know. Well I guess I will go for now. Happy Quilting to all and to all a wonderfully Happy Day.
Thaks In Texas

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 12:00 PM
Subject: Friday Morning
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

Good morning all!

Happy Birthday Marlene! And Happy Anniversary to jdb (did I get the right initials, there are just so many to remember).

Jenny in NYC - I guess we aren't the youngest anymore, Rachel in San Diego beat us by a couple of years. Do you like babysitting? I did that after I graduated with my first degree and I loved it! I did one 10 day stretch with 3 boys (5, 3, and 1), with two more kids (5 and 3) for half of the days. All were great kids - still are, I see them all the time. My boyfriend's bosses took me out for dinner on the last day and asked me what I thought about it. Summary conclusion: Best form of birth control I could think of! So, enjoy it while you do it, and good luck with the acting! I'm dying to visit a friend who also lives in NYC, a student at Columbia, maybe I'll see you sometime in the new year 2000 (when I am hoping to go).

Doni - congrats on the cow! And i love the CQB name for this site. We may not ahve the quilts in front of us, but it is certainly serving the same purpose.

Well, I guess I should get my day started, lots of work to do. Have a good weekend everyone! I have plenty of quilting planned. A square for the Columbine quilt, and getting squishies together so I can start my Y2K swap. My store - Earthly Goods in Edmonton (but I also love Freckles in Calgary) is having a big sale tomorrow morning. 40% off between 6 and 7! Great deals needed for the student I am.

Have a great day everyone!

Cheryl in Edmonton, you can also call me Mama (it's an old nickname from high school that I have never shaken)

Date: 4/30/99 Time: 11:54 AM
Subject: Saying goodmorning
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

Just stoping by to say hi. I tried to E mail Rhona in Happy Vally (what a great name of a town) but AOL says you can only have 16 characters in an address. Rejected me.
My Infant icu quilt is getting started this afternoon. Good news, praises, Baby Brandon Paul is now 3 lbs!! His mom hopes he will be able to come home in June. He must be up to 5 lbs. and breathing on his own before they will release him. We would appreciate all prayers.
I called the hospital they have no restrictions on quilts for infants.
Laugh for the day-- the same hospital did tests on me last Oct. brain waves, etc. when they released me must have punched the wrong button, and a computer generated letter came a few weeks later offering my husband condolences on the death of his wife. I had just turned 50 and was not very happy, but didn't know I was dead.
This week I called my regular Dr. to make an apt. for the 50,000 mile overhaul, and after a long wait on hold the lady said, uh- our computer has you listed as dead! I'm doing OK for someone who had been in the ground for 6 months. Supposedly it is all straightened out now. I'll know for sure next Tuesday when I go for my check up.
My Bio- don't know why anyone would want it, but am now 50, Blond hair, 5-7" not fluffy, but arth. in fingers and "very close veins" in legs , just coming out of the wonderful men-o-pause, which should be named brain-o-pause, cause my brain has been in deep freeze for 2 years.
Sara in Fla.

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