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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

June 23 - June 30, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 11:52 PM
Subject: Cats and stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hi everyone!
My DH works out 4-5 times a week, I like the jeans, tight T-shirt look (or no shirt). Looks good on him. He would kill me if he knew I wrote this! (Uniforms are great too.)

Moving right along, cats are either going to get along or just tolerate each other. In our case, the one here first was always the dominate one. Right now, the 15yo, 6lb. Miss. Ephers can give "the look" to the much younger, 10lb. Leo and he will shrink back! She really is a sweetie though.
Buford, you are also welcome to visit us. Even though we have some of those nasty kitties, they are both used to dogs and would stay out of your way. Doni your life is just too much!

I was emailed this list of fun things to do at WalMart, I won't write all of them at once but a couple of the better ones are: In the auto department, practice your "Madonna" look with various funnels; Hide in the clothing racks and when people browse through, say things like "pick me! pick me!"; Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals throughout the day; Redress the mannequins as you see fit; and nonchalantly "test" the brushes and combs in cosmetics.
Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 11:16 PM
Subject: Baby Ethan
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Okay one more thing then I'll give you a break on baby Ethan..You can view his picture..his daddy and most important..my daughter Toni....go to
click on web babies
then find Ethan Alexander click on it...and presto..you get to see gammas little darling!!
Toni is the pretty one with glasses..Chuck is the big one..and Ethan is the little darling in the middle...

Thanks for the fun of Bufords post..just had to tell you about last night, but thought since the most of it was Bufords fault, I'd let him tell his side...When we got home Mark spent the night getting kitties out of the boat..7 really wild one..I think 2 litters of them..Mark got scratched up pretty good..but got smart and put on a heavy coat and welders gloves..looked like a dork..but it worked! He would never hurt a kitten! He's the cat lover Kitty Kate...I love my dogs..he loves his cats!
Before we start on the spay thing..the female cats does not belong to us..We live in the country and go thru the dropping off of pregnant cats all summer long..but I think these two are our neighbors..we'll tame them down and find homes for them.

Hugs to all...

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 11:13 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Well the house is perfect for my son and his soon to be bride. House for her and the setting for him. I counted 10 redwood trees, loved sitting on the deck, after a very HARD days work. They both went off to work, we moved stuff, cleaned stuff, painted stuff, weed wacked stuff, slept...

We are very pleased for them.

I had to come home, will have my first Business meeting of the Benicia Guild Meeting Thursday, scared no, worried no, hope it works out ok for all.

Need to get caught up.

More later, need to get that housewarming quilt started and finished, now.


Date: 6/30/99 Time: 10:59 PM
Subject: cleaning/vacation
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

When you are the cleaning lady,you clean before the vacation,house sit And spring clean during the vacation,come home after 2 weeks and think maybe now you can get your own house clean.Then you get the phone call saying-help,can you come help unpack and clean up what I brought home from vacation? After you're done with that you feel you might need a vacation-but think twice-after all that for one vacation you decide that the daily grind is all the relief you need! the best to us all,Pat in Pa-big city-imagining a garden full of deer,loons gliding on ponds,worms swimming on hooks and anticipating time spent with the canner when DFs tomatoes begin to ripen-good night

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 10:32 PM
Subject: Bu...This is Woody
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

Hey dude! How's it goin'? Have any other sage words of advice for going on a boat. The humans
are taking me to the lake this weekend and have rented a party barge. Hmmmm...never been on one.
Can you jump off of them? How do you get back on? Oh shoot...here she comes....agggghhhhhh.

Susan here....has that darned Chessie been on here again??? Man with his big feet I can't figure
out how he can type!!

Brenda: 2 things, first bring all extra and unnecessary jams to Ohio for us Westerners!!! Second,
this bean attack you spoke of....for a minute there I thought your bowels were in an uproar!! LOL
Then you talked about plums too!! Don't they do the same to the guts as beans??? LOL

Too hot here to pack the trailer....whew...I'll have to wait a bit!

Here's the mutt again.....

Bye Ladies!! I'm going outside now before I get in REAL trouble!!! I have a tendency to shed enough
to cover my buddy Ellie too!!

Woody in Fresno (dog of Susan)

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 10:29 PM
Subject: crackle finish
E-mail Address: tammycarpenter@hotmail.com

Doni: I think the stuff your talking about is crackle medium. I think you can get it at walmart in the paint department. If not maybe at a craft store.
tammy in NE Texas

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 10:04 PM
Subject: Cookies
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Just got the recipe for Beth's cookies. Boy do they
sound good. Think they just resolved the what do I
take to the picnic this weekend issue. The kids should
love them.
To tired tonight to sew. Just catching up on the BB.
Have a good evening everyone.
Kathy in Pa.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 10:01 PM
Subject: BUFORD
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

BUFORD....buddy....you got framed!!! Those rotten felines had it all planned out!
We hounds gotta stick together so let us know if you need back-up and we'll be glad to watch your back next fishing trip!!!

Maggie and Zoe in South Jersey ()..()

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:57 PM
Subject: Buford...this is Nelly
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Hi Buford, nice to finally meet you. My mom (Teacup) tells me stories about you all the time. This is a really good idea, sneaking on the chat board when they're not looking! I think Mom is mad at me and I don't know why. I keep getting that NO NO BAD DOG thing every time I walk on her carpet in the living room. I worry about her lately! These past few weeks she is cleaning and vacuuming the carpet a lot. Then she sprinkles powder all over it and makes it dirty again, then she vacuums again. And the whole time I hear her mumbling something about some dumb animal. I think she is talking about the cat that lives here. I get holered at a lot because I chase him, too. I am just trying to help mommy with her carpet!! I see the cat peeing on the carpet and try to chase him off it! I can't figure out why the cat is aloud to pee on mommy's carpet and I am not even aloud to walk on it anymore!!!
Oh, well...I don't think we will ever figure out humans!!
Doggie kisses to ya, Buf!!

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:42 PM
Subject: No subject - just stuff
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Good Evening Ladies! Though I use that term loosely for Katie Mac and Stripey Bear, ha! Naughty girls with your fireman fantasies, tsk, tsk, tsk...for shame! However, should the DH swagger upstairs in the near future wearing a suit and tie I might have to sign off, ha! Golly, I love a man in a well made suit...oops...bad girl, bad girl!

Moving on - the attack of the beans is over for the moment, but the plight of the plums is beginning. Have a bushel and a half to do something with tomorrow...ugh! I feel a full-fledged tantrum coming on, oh dear. Hurry...hurry...run out and buy stock in sugar cuz I see plum jam in my future! LOL! [insert really big whine here]

Later kids - time to go play with Elvis and Gracie. Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:28 PM
Subject: Corn syrup, blonde joke
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

Stripey Bear -I see others have answered the corn syrup question, be sure to check whether it's light or dark corn syrup, also known as just "Karo" in the south. Am going to a neice's wedding in Va. Beach this Sat. so won't be able to chat till at least Monday. I will see some family members that haven't seen in ages and get a strong dose of "southern " talk. Virginia has its own accent, Tidewater English I think its called. I don't know if I can stand being called Sally for 3 days, why its a nickname for Sara is beyond my humble powers.
Sarah is Ala-. does your family call you Sarah?
Since I am blonde its fair to share this, from Reader' s Digest: A young blonde, on vacation in La. wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes, but was reluctant to pay high New Orleans prices, "I'll just catch my own alligator," she told one shopkeeper, "so I can get a pair of shoes for free." She stomped out of the store and headed for the swamp. Later, as the shopkeeper drove home, he spotted the blonde standing waist-deep in a bayou, shotgun in hand, with a huge alligator closing in. She took aim and shot the creature between the eyes. The shopkeepter watched in amazement as she struggled to haul the carcass onto an embankment where several other dead alligators were lined up. "Oh, no!" the blonde shouted in dismay. "This one isn't wearing any shoes either!"
Happy Canada day for all of you up there, and have a wonderful 4th of July, and a safe one for all those here in USA.
Sara in Fla.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 7:40 PM
Subject: Rainy Days and BB Friends
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Hey Julie in Atlanta, It's raining right now so you ought to expect it in couple of hours.

Hi Everyone, You have all been very busy today. I clean my house before I go on a vacation,too. I don't want to come home to a messy house.

Kitty Kate and Lindy don't have anything on us in Alabama. Cindy R from AL is in the same town with me and just came over and showed me how to use the QuiltPro 3 she just gave me. We didn't even have to have YYYs even though we did meet on the BB. We had a nice show and tell of my stuff. Now I have to go to her house soon and see all of her stuff. We had lots of fun.

Now I'm set to finish reading the CBB.
Until later, Sarah in RAINY Alabama

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 7:39 PM
Subject: stuff and nonsense
E-mail Address: nonobaddog@snet.net

Looks like I may need to give my email address to Buford!!!!!! I was ROTFLOL when I read his accounting of the situation........

Cleaning the house before vacation: NOT! As long as there are no dishes in the sink. It is quite effective to come in the back door, drop the suitcases on the floor and shout at the top of your lungs OH MY GOSH WE'VE BEEN ROBBED. This will explain to one and all the disarray you have discovered. I tend to put my car keys and a note to my attorney into an envelope and leave it in a prearranged place. If we don't come home as planned, Liz/CT gets my car and the attorney gets the headache!

YLI quilting thread: I used this to machine quilt the baby quilts I just finished. I used it only to SITD, NOT for the free-motion meandering I did. I liked it just fine.......the BIG spool makes it a plus.

Jeanne in CT whose bad dog is smaller than most cats

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 7:35 PM
Subject: QUESTION????
E-mail Address: OPO1004159@AOL.COM

wHY DO YOU QUILT/??? I was asked today, when I replied" For My Soul", They just gave me a look that said I had lost my mind. Soooooo, why do you quilt??? I know one can never have too many quilts,but why else? You do understand about quilting for my soul, Ithought so. Off this weekend for some time with YDand family. It's hard for me to realize that my "Baby"is 28 this year. Happy,Happy to everyone Gramma Carol

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 7:22 PM
Subject: YLiI thread
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

I use YLI thread for hand quilting except when I accidently pick up upholstery thread which is on the same type of spool right next to it on the shelf. I was wondering why I had so much trouble threading the needle because the thread kept on fraying! LOL. I was down to the last few borders when I checked the bottom of the spool . OOPS. That quilt was finished with upholstery thread and looks just fine. My cousin didn't know the difference when I gave her the quilt. I quilted teh next one with YLI thread - much easier to thread the needle and quilt too. I'm almost ready to put my Y2K quilt on the frame. You can be sure that I'll check which thread I have before starting.LOL By the way I really do like the YLI. The spools are expensive but there is a lot of thread on each one and it comes in several colours.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 7:06 PM
Subject: Happy Canada Day!!!!!
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

I know it's a day early, but I won't be able to check in tomorrow with the holiday. Or Friday. It has become an unofficial long weekend! Quilting time, gardening time, mountain biking time, rollerblading, farmer's market, all the fun stuff. I guess it is a holiday this weekend for all the American folks too. Enjoy.

Enjoy the weekend everyone! I'll have lots of checking up to do on Monday, guess I'll be taking my lunch break inside that day!

By the way, Buford, you can also come and live up here. We need to keep the kitties out of our yard too, and the people who keep stealing out bottles. We'll take you biking, you'll like that.

Take care everyone,
Cheryl in Edmonton

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 6:23 PM
Subject: Why I clean up the house before vacations
E-mail Address: scholtpd***@muohio.edu

Remove the *** to reply.

Marty, your bit about cleaning the house before leaving for vacation really hit home with me. I too clean the house before going on vacation. But it's for another reason. One friend said "Oh, you clean it in case something happens (actually said in case you get killed...) while you're on vacation? And NO, that's not why I do it. For goodness sakes, if I knew I'd die on vacation, I wouldn't wear myself out beforehand cleaning up. Let somebody else do it! The reason I clean up the house before vacation is that it's SO DEPRESSING to come home to a zillion things to do to catch up, and a house that needs to be cleaned too! That's the kind of vacation you almost have to have a vacation after it...

Looking forward to meeting you at Ohio 99! Have a safe trip to Ohio.
Linda, the Serial Quilter from Oxford, OH

P.S. Ohio 99 is a meeting of BB people in late July. Space was limited, so we cannot accept any more people. It is not a quilt show. Just some friends getting together for the first time.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 6:00 PM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

LOIS: NO, NO, NO!!!! Sorry for shouting, but you definitely do NOT want to rinse and tumble dry your quilt top before it's quilted. The only time I might consider doing this would be if I spilled something on it that I was afraid wouldn't come out - then I'd try washing to make sure the stain came out before going to the trouble of quilting it.

If you wash and dry the top now, you run the risk of all those 1/4-inch seams fraying....not a pretty sight! Plus all those seams you pressed will be going every which way! I can't even begin to think what a nightmare it would be to press them all! Just press the top as it is, which shouldn't be too tough a job if you've been pressing your blocks all along. Then baste your layers together and start quilting. Don't wash until after the binding is done.....laundering is actually the very last step.

MARTY: There's no rule that says you have to have the same thread top and bobbin. I tried using bobbin thread instead of regular thread in the bobbin, but didn't like the results. If you're using different colors then you need to keep a close eye on your tension, settings, etc., to make sure one color isn't coming through to the side you don't want it on.

I haven't tried YLI Quilting Thread....you aren't asking about that for machine quilting, are you? I don't use actual quilting thread for anything except the handquilting stage. I've read some books that tell you to handpiece with quilting thread, but I can't imagine why you'd want to use a stiffer thread for handpiecing. Ditto I can't imagine wanting to use it for anything to do with a sewing machine! For handquilting, I like Dual Duty or DMC. I tried some kind that was on a spool like Mettler thread comes on (the tall skinny spool) and absolutely hated it....can't remember the brand though. Dual Duty has been a great thread for handquilting for me. Can't use any of their threads in the sewing machine, though....too much lint for the computer!

Okay, so this really belonged on the BB page, but the questions were asked here, so I answered them.

Have been busy clearing out the house for an Independence Day party on Saturday....plus in anticipation of Ohio 99. Have collected a half-room of stuff for Bev's garage sale plus took a carload of books down to the half-price book store to sell. I've made it through the kids' rooms, the guest room, my closet and linen closet and the living room. Sigh....that leaves my bedroom, the family room, kitchen and dining room. By the time I get those rooms done, the first ones will be disaster areas again!

Time to fix dinner....Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 5:18 PM
Subject: LOL
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

jdb, Lindy & KityKate: You ladies (?) keep me in stitches all of the time. Lindy, so good
to see SOMEONE in this country of ours can keep a promise/secret info...that seems so
rare these days...especially if you are being BRIBED (be it chocolate or contributions).
And jdb, I admire your ability to think up such a harmless, yet tasteful prank. Poor
Lindy, mouth all salivating for that delicious chocolate. (((HUGS))) are needed???

MONICA: Will surely miss you while you are recuperating from your upcoming surgery.
Hope this one is successful and that you will be feeling wonderful when it is all over.

Had a couple of cloud bursts yesterday. We received 3" of rain here at our "Hyne
Site". It cooled things off quite well so that today is quite comfortable without AC or
ceiling fans. But, we still need some slow, steady rain. Farmers corn crops are turning
brown from the scortching.

One of the ladies in our Material Girls Quilting Guild has been quilting for 20 years now
and does such beautiful work. She is going to give a class on Hand Quilting at our next
meeting on July 14th. I ordered a 16" round wooden hoop from Quilting Shop
yesterday...didn't have it in stock so are going to mail it to me. QUESTION: When you
are MQ, do you use the same type of thread in needle and bobbin? Has anyone used
YLI 100% Quilting Thread? Like___ Dislike___?

CHURN DASH: I just finished making 3 more blocks for the OHIO 99 Exchange
Group. Mary, I hope that is the last up-date...I will not be making any more before I
head out of here...I hope...I have lots of other stuff around here to get done now. I
MUST clean house good (run all those growing dust bunnies out of here) before I leave.
Leaving a clean house is a lot like being sure to put on clean underwear in case you end
up in the hospital before you return home. Tee Hee In case anything happens to us on
our trip I want everything here to be Ship-Shape! How do I do that Ronna?

I always give my older sister a list of all our assets with Bank Account #s, Ins.Co's and
Policy #, any expected bills to come, list of all our children, addresses and phone #s and a
set of keys to everything and power of autorney so she can take care of everything for
us. I put it all in a large manila envelope and give it to her. She hasn't had to open the
envelope yet (in the ten years we have been doing this)!!! PTL

Well, I must go and roll up my Double Irish Chain Quilt...it's been taped to the floor in
Rec-Room for three days...just now getting over my sore knees, elbows and back!!!
Going to try MQ it.

Marty in Vermont

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 4:32 PM
Subject: Corn Oil, Bog Roll and Cookies.
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Soooooo, Celia, I take it that Delsey make Bog Roll, or to you ladies of more refined taste, toilet tissue, LOLLOLLOL. Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my question. You ladies are so helpful and funny, we can now make cookies safely.
BRENDA- thanks for the message, it was helpful. To let everyone in on a SECRET, Brenda finds firefighters sexy too!!!!!!!!!!! Don't we all.It's sad, but the DH is an accountant, no uniforms, HA.
You know wheb children ask awkward questions?? Stuff about babies etc. Well...... DD age 5, can't cope with the fact of life before Kitty Kate (this is Kitty Kate junior ). Sooooo, when she was a little younger, she would ask, " Mummy was I at your wedding??" So I would say," no darling, you were just a twinkle in your Daddies eye".In front of a few people the other day, it went, " well Mummy, how did I get out of Daddies eye??????!!!!!!??????. Luckily at this point, somrthing happened to distract her, did I breathe a sigh of relief or what?? Best Wishes from Stripey Bear in Britain.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 3:46 PM
Subject: Quilt top
E-mail Address: lodon24@uswest.net

Hi. Just finished my first ever quilt top (Log Cabin). My instinct tells
me to rinse it, tumble dry it, and iron it before I put it together.
Yes or no?????? Thanx for your help. I want to get going on the next quilt
as soon as I can. Lois

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 3:37 PM
Subject: Storms in GA
E-mail Address: jrunyan@synaps-inc.com

Sarah in AL--Did you get stormed on this morning? We are getting hit really hard in Atlanta right now and our weather usually comes from Alabama. Thank goodness I have a UPS on my computer here at work!

Julie in Rainy GA

P.S. Can someone send us some drier weather? We have to be caught up on our rainfall by now!

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 3:05 PM
Subject: corn syrup
E-mail Address: scholtpd***@muohio.edu

Remove the *** to reply.

Stripey Bear, I just came back from the supermarket, where I actually saw 2 different kinds of corn syrup, and saw a tin of Lyle's Golden Syrup!
There is a light, pale whitish colored "Karo light corn syrup" : in order of highest percentage, here are the ingredients-- light corn syrup with high fructose corn syrup, salt, vanilla (might I add that in my youth, the light corn syrup did NOT have vanilla added)

There is also a caramel-colored "Karo Pancake syrup": ingredients are corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, salt, artificial maple flavor, sodium benzoate (a preservative), caramel color.

The ingredient listed on the Lyle's Golden Syrup is: cane sugar syrup.

I saw Celia's suggestion and it sounds as though she's actually used it. I suggest you e-mail the person who posted the cookie recipe to see which corn syrup she uses for it--the light corn syrup, or the caramel-colored pancake syrup. Hope you can figure out what will work best!

Hugs to all,
Linda, the Serial Quilter from Oxford, OH

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 2:57 PM
Subject: cookies
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

Stripey Bear: I just made Beth's cookies the other day. They are Mmmmmonstrously good! One tip I can give you is to use the absolute LARGEST mixing bowl that you have, and even then, it may not be big enough! When I make them again, I will either have to buy a larger bowl, or use my roasting pan!

Mary in Ohio

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 2:34 PM
Subject: Bufford
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Hey Buf, buddy! Didn't your demented daddy realize those nasty kitties stowed away on the boat so they could steal the fish? Those lazy buggers didn't want to be bothered catching their own little fishies, you understand -- they hate getting their little paws and claws wet. So there you were, doing your barking best to defend the family's food supply, and what was your reward? Getting thrown overboard! The nerve!

We have a very empty back yard right now, and you're welcome to come live with us. Your old daddy could keep that electric collar and wear it all he wants, and turn your old home into a cat house, with striped kitties, fox urine on the heating vents, and all. How your mommy puts up with all that is beyond me!

I'm allergic to cats (except maybe Kitty Kate) and DH hates them critters, so we would LOOOVE to have you move here and keep the kitties (and birdies) out of the yard. Nice, private doggy house on the back patio; no psycho neighbors shooting at you. Free rent, lots of lovin and good food, including leftovers. (Sorry, the chocolate is for the hairless human types only.) Contact jdb for details!

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 1:42 PM
Subject: introducting cats
E-mail Address: charlesknapp@earthlink.net

We had 3 cats so went through this process a couple of times. At night, put them in two adjoining rooms with door closed. This lets them sniff each other out to their heart's content but they can't get at each other and you will get a good night's sleep. Do this whenever you leave the house for as many days/nights until they get acclimated. We used separate litter boxes.

The cats never acted like they liked each other until we traveled. Then they all cuddled in the backsseat like they were long lost lovers. We used to drive 13 hour trips from Ohio to Iowa and back with 3 cats and 3 kids. When it was time to leave my dh would tell the cats to use the litter box and they did. My mom said too bad our kids would never be that well trained. LOL

One cat insisted on riding on back of drivers seat as the navigator. One time dh missed exit around Chicago, stopped car making the air so blue you couldn't see. Cat was yowling at same time telling him he should have been paying attention. Who knew who was driving????

That was a lifetime ago. Favorite cat lived 21+ yrs. Told kids we had her longer than we had them.

Judy in Ark

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 1:37 PM
Subject: Alaska 2000
E-mail Address: gofor@mosquitonet.com

Soooooooo... Are we counting??? One year from yesterday and we will be gathered here in Fairbanks/ North Pole. Can't believe it is possible, only a year away.

I have talked to the travel agent this morning and all is a go. Now we can really set the planns in motion and get some conformations. I have talked to one of our shop owners and they would be willing to let us have our own quilt (wall hanging ) show displayed at their shop. So quilters, what that means is, we would like each of you to make a piece for the show. You now have less than one year to complete a piece. We are going to have you send it ahead, so it can be hung for everyone to see. When you leave Alaska you can take it home with you. Or.... You can leave them with Martha and I ....hehehe My first thought is we need a theme. Make something 2000, but then second thought says, naaaaaa by this time The 2000 theme will be dead., but then why not "Whatever your Heart desires?? This is the Golden Heart City you know!!!! We do have to but a size limit on the pieces because of space availability. We need to keep the pieces under 42 inches. Just as well, easier to pack home with you.

We have 364 days and counting.......

have a Great weekend everybody, but most of all be safe.

Monica in Me., hugs and prayers for your up coming surgery.

jdb.. can't wait to meet our 3rd BBer.

julie in Neb... she will be our 2nd, that is if there aren't any more delays in her move to Alaska. Hope all is well with you Julie.

Rita... The quilts are wonderful.. Thanks for sharing them with us.Miss you on the board..

Martha and RJ come out to the camp and see me... Bring Chocolate and Chart board printings...hint hint....

Be Happy and Be safe on this fun weekend.

Susan in North Pole, 364 days until fun, fun, fun........Georgie Where are you??? Also has anyone heard from jojo quilter????

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 1:18 PM
Subject: Bufords side of the story...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

well aunties..this is what happened..mom and dad let me go fishing last night with them and the other 2 pups they have...(really strange looking pups..NO FUR!! can you believe that??)Anyway.... I always sit in the front between mom and dad..in the little walkway of mine and dads boat...(we let mom sit in the other seat..my butt dont fit it very well)...well here we are, just trolling around have and nice quiet evening..and 3! count them 3! little cats come flying out from under the front part of the boat..whats a hound to do! I forgot we were in the boat..out on the water...deep water..I just see cats and my brain says Chase them little buggars! They were in mine and daddys boat! so I took off after them! Wouldnt you?? You know I just love to chase cats!! any how, the cats are yowling..im a houling..daddy yelling that "NO NO BAD DOG" thing..mommy is freaking out and screaming..and grabbing the hairless pups....all the time these little cats are running all over the boat! What a blast! well about the time I got all fired up real good...got the ole howl to really truely loud..Dad drops me off the boat! I had to swim all the way to the bank! Them little furballs didnt have to swim! then daddy come back to the dock..were im howling my head...to try and get the boat out of the water..and I go after the cats again..daddy holloring that NO NO BAD DOG thing!! Then mom gets into the action and drags me to the truck..I had to listen that all the way back to town! NO NO BAD DOG! NEVER GOING AGAIN IF YOU LIVE TO BE 100!! So do you think Dads made about something?? Well theres more to the story but here comes mom..be back later!

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 12:54 PM
Subject: McCalls & S.E.X.
E-mail Address: carroll@psghs.edu

Picked up the August issue of McCalls Quilting - the one with the Star of Glory on the front. Great magazine. I want to do all the quilts in it. But to my horror there is a story on a 4-Step Stash Reduction Program. Who in their right mind would want to reduce their stash. What a shock. DH and I off for two days to Maryland to visit dear friends and celebrate our anniversary. Eating lots of crabs, shopping for a new computer and lots of great s.e.x - I know there are atleast two quilt shops that will see me. Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July. Happy quilting. Fran in Central Pa where it truly is a beautiful day.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 12:01 PM
Subject: UK ADDYs
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Julie, just to confirm, I am not near Maia Vale. I am in the Midlands, near Birmingham
Linda UK

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 11:25 AM
Subject: Alaska '99
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Looking forward to meeting the fab four in Fairbanks August 10 or 11. Will bring chocolate. Anybody else want to join us?

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 11:14 AM
Subject: Corn Syrup
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Stripey dear- WHOA on the corn oil..... unless you have a good pair of running (literally) shoes(trainers) and shares in Delsey- if you haven't- you will!!!- LOL

Use treacle but adjust a little- it is slightly thicker in constituency than corn syrup.

Just trying to help you avoid being the Daily Mail's front page latest UK disaster- LOL!!!!

Be back later folks,

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:59 AM
Subject: Excuses and Thanks
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Dear Boss, Please excuse Betty for being late to work. She was saving my sanity and helping me with my cats.

Thanks everyone for helping me with my slug problem. Even had a few offers of a can of beer. One BBer even called me this morning. What can I say but that you all are absolutely, positively wonderful.

jdb, Kitty Kate, and Lindy, settle this quick or I might want some chocolate, too.

Love reading about all the antics going on out in the big world.

Sarah, in steaming Alabama (just had a monsoon the past week)

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:56 AM
Subject: Corn Syrup
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Hi, can anyone help? Last week the DD and I made Mary's cookies, great, this week we want to make Beth's cookies. Sooo, what is corn syrup???????
We have corn oil, and golden syrup in Britain, but I haven't seen corn syrup. I know one of you will have the answer. TIA. Stripey Bear in Cookie deprived Britain.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:25 AM
Subject: cloth diapers
E-mail Address: marj@execpc.com

When my 4 girls were in diapers (sometimes two at once), I used Dreft Laundry Soap and it was wonderful. I put it in the diaper pail, as well as used it for washing all of their clothes. It was the only thing I could use that didn't give the one daughter a terrible diaper rash. However, don't throw anything in diaper pail that is colored, because it will be somewhat lighter in color after 12-24 hours in Dreft. We now use it exclusively out at our Girl Scout Camp when washing crib sheets, etc. so we don't have any problems with little ones with allergies.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:16 AM
Subject: Cat Introductions
E-mail Address: creinke@mindspring.com

Sara - I've also used similar methods to introduce new cats. Make sure you give "your" cats lots of attention, but I disagree with the part about ignoring the new one, he/she needs lots of love & reassurance also. Hissing, spitting & growling are all ways of establishing territory & pecking order. Even the occasional batting and tussling are OK as long as neither new or old cats are being hurt or terrorized. I found it took 1-2 weeks for cats to accommodate new members to the family, and the power struggles go on long after that. My 14 yr. old 10 lb female "Gizmo" can dominate my 2 yr. old 14 lb. male with just her "evil kitty look", but Yoda keeps hoping... Cindy R. in AL where it's still "steaming" from all the rain.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:13 AM
Subject: Maida Vale London
E-mail Address: jrunyan@synaps-inc.com

Are any of you UK BBer's near Maida Vale (I am not sure if I am spelling this correctly)? My sister just moved there a week ago and is looking for somewhere to shop (regular shopping not quilting stuff). Any advice for her? TIA!

Julie in GA

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 9:03 AM
Subject: Teacups pup
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Hey teacup,
I had the same problem with my Sheepdog/Lab horse...I mean dog...lol! What a puddle she left! I was told to use a product called Natures Miracle on the spots where the little darlings like to "sissy and doody" and they won't go there again. Now me being a skeptic of course I tried it and it works! As for the stink, If you have a shop vac, try soaking the rug with a baking soda and water solution then shop vac out all the water. It will take a while to dry but point a fan at it and that should help it! Hope this helps!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 8:34 AM
Subject: Humour
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Happy Birthday Alia, hope you have a good one.

What's do you mean "dry" sense of Humour, gosh with all the rain we get during most of the year it's a wonder anything is dry, and when reading the BB even my eyes join in with time!!

Cats. I have used similar methods to introduce new cats / dogs to each other seems to work most times. mind you I had a budgie that used to bite the cat if it got the chance, after the first few times the cat stopped sitting n the bird cage.

Hope to final get Quilting this weekend, shame really but life keeps getting in the way. i am sure it would do me more good than cooking etc.

Linda UK

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 8:25 AM
Subject: stuff
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

Cindy--so sorry to hear about your accident. Might be a good time for you to read up on quilting techniques and tips and it will get you away from the tube. I can understand, I hate it myself.
Doni--you poor thing! Great story though.

Well, my computer is gone for the week (off being operated on in the name of upgrading) so I can only check the posts when I am at work. Thanks for all the great advice and tips. I have found a
really good book for newbies like myself out there. It is called the quilter's ultimate visual guide. It's a rodale quilt book and is really helpful for those people who, like me, learn better by watching.
Happy quilting all!
Michelle in PA

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 7:36 AM
Subject: All sorts
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Hi everyone.
jdb- you always make me laugh.
Gramma Carol- can you imagine all the deer with chesty coughs next winter saying, " hey, let's go to Gramma Carol's garden, it's a free cure"????
Monica-Good Luck with the surgery.
loon- I have this vision of you on the you know what with a boiled bum!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!
Doni- what a scream, what a ronk!!!!!
Cindy- hope the pain is gone, use the time for lots of S.E.X, and planning the next project.
Katie in Spring- what is it about firefighters that make them soooooo sexy????? Nearly all my friends find them so. Hmmmmmmmm.
What's this about Brits having a dry sense of humour??? Maybe we don't PIMP?????
Stripey Bear in Britain.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 6:58 AM
Subject: pet urine & new cat
E-mail Address: bcahalan@netsync.net

tried to post last night but couldn't get through. Gotta get to work soon, To the bb'er re pet urine in carpets. I have found grabbing a wad of paper towels and placing them on the floor and stepping on them wicks up most of the urine. Course it's best if you have shoes on when doing this.

For introducing a new cat to your household, found this in "The New Natural Cat" by Anitra Frazier (lots of advise about caring for pets with natural remedies, etc):
1. Have person you cat doesn't know bring new cat in pet carrier. While visitor is sitting down with carrier in lap have causal conversation.
2. All family members should be completely oblivious of new cat.
3. After 20 minutes have visitor set carier on floor where your cat can sniff and investigate. Ignore your cat, continue to chat with visitor.
4. To help your cat become familiar with new cat's scent, open carrier a crack and takes out several pieces of torn paper that are in carrier. The visitor then makes a trip to the bathroom accidently dropping paper strips along the way (accidently of course)
5. Vistor comes back and continues conversation, when your cat sits calmly in room without staring at carrying case, proceed
6. Invite cat to kitchen for a snack with all family members joining, leaving visitor and new cat alone. During this time the new cat should be let out of the carrier
7. When your cat finishes his snack and goes back to check on the new cat, the family should stay in the kitchen
8. As soon as your cat enters the livign room, visitor should announce her intent to join you in the kitchen
9. At no time should anyone offer any expressions of encouragement to the cats, continue to be disinterested and detached. If you cannot resist an impuse to peek, one person may do so but only if she can give the impression that she is reallying doing something else, like getting a magazine, then return to kitchen. Hissing is normal, disgruntled muttering is less desireable but to be ignored. As lon as there is no human around to be claimed as territory, the cat relationship should develop slowly and peacefully. Loud growling means serious troube. Distract the cat sint he living room from focusing on each other--accidently drop a metal pan and 2 lids onto kitchen floor. If the loud growling and screaming resume, you may need to separate cats. That usually indicates that one of the steps above wasn't carried out properly.
10 When 2 cats reach the stage where they are not pacing around but sitting down in the same room, you should demonstrate the attitude of blissful unconcern by going out for a walk. Leave cats alone for 30 minutes. Be sure to discuss anything but your concerns about cats (author feels cats can pick up your emotions even at long distances)
11. When you return, greet your cat casually then settle into LR for another 10 minute conversation. IOf there is still nothing worse than hissing, the visitor can leave, acciendently forgetting to take her cat
12 The final stage will contine at cats' own pace over the next few days or weeks. The slower the better. You &* family must contineu to ignore the new cat. Place food on floor for him but done call him or talk to him. Try not to get caught looking at him and DON'T TOUCH new can if you can avoid it. The cats will explore what it's like to be together in each room of the house. Territories will be identified and claimed.

Good luck, I hope this helped. I bet someone could come up with some very funny twists to this. LOL

Now, I'm gonna be late for work, would anyone write me an excuse?? Just kidding!

Betty, by the great lake, erie

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 6:20 AM
Subject: Chat Code..What does it mean??
E-mail Address: robynrob@netscape.net

When chatting on the B.B. a sigh becomes a star..**sigh**
A hug becomes a bracket...(((hug))),
and an "addy" is where you are.
You can L.O.L. ( or laugh out loud) and when that becomes a roar
You can P.O.T. and F. and L. ( means rolling on the floor).
Now D's before the H's to some may stand for "dreamboat"
But most mean Dear or Darling..cause H's stand for Ol'goat!
You can join R.P.L.O.T.N, be regal, just at night,
Or you can B.R.B. and feed the kids before there is a fight!.
No doubt the B.B. takes all kinds but language is amusing
To chat with all you D.F. is a passtime that's worth choosing..

Robyn.. Australia.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 6:17 AM
Subject: Mess!
E-mail Address: lhwvt@together.net

Hi everyone! I've been just lurking lately, and haven't quilted a stitch in weeks, so I feel very contrite. Thought I'd tell you about the mess - DD#1 and her partner and his assistant have come up to build us a new kitchen!! They bumped out the back wall for a 10' x 14' addition, plus connecting to a little back sunporch, so it's gonna be beautiful! Big French doors in the back so we can finally look out a window and see the green mountain behind us in summer, gorgeous maple foliage in fall and grey stone walls in winter - one scene becomes many. I have actually designed my own kitchen with a HUGE peninsula counter - oh, my, look at that - I'll bet I can cut out a quilt on there as well as bake a million cookies! We're holding our breath today to get the price of all those cabinets we picked out, so the order can go in. Last night we went to Sears and ordered a new (self-cleaning-yay!) stove and a quiet dishwasher. I can't believe it's all gonna be mine! Wood floor on work side, carpet on sitting area near the big doors. But for the next month, until cabinets arrive my whole house is a monstrous mess - cartons of cooking utensils and everything stacked up in dining room, living room, etc. Construction dust from the torn down walls everywhere...Thank goodness my folks live nearby so we can eat with them sometimes. And there are two good diners in our little town. Well, just thought I'd let you know I'm still around - laughing at Doni's amazing tales and checking all the doings. Oh, the damper on it all, though, is that our little calico cat Alice (Kelli's BBBeauties #8) has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. She's perked up some yesterday & this morning- wanders around aimlessly. Doesn't seem to be in pain, but definitely not herself. Doesn't seem to recall what the litter box is for, so I don't know what we'll do when the new floor & rug go in. She's confined in one room, but it's so sad. Vet isn't sure how long she has. She's about 14 years old, I think. Well, keep on stitchin'!! Lynn in VT

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 4:13 AM
Subject: Kat's out of the bag!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

LINDY I am sorry! I am a bad girl! I gave JDB your snail mail addy. I guess you'll just have to let the Kitty Kat out of the bag. HA!
Nah! Nah! There's nothing to tell you JDB! Do I get any chocolate for giving you the addy?
Meow! >^..^<

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 3:42 AM
Subject: Painting Saga, Archives where are you???
E-mail Address: gofor@mosquitonet.com

All right your guys.... what did you do with the Archives??? I have been trying since Friday to read what I have missed and can't go back. I am leaving tomorrow on holiday for a week, weather permitting and how can I take what I have already missed with me to read, if I can't load the Archives.Boy and I thought I was smart.. i know I am to busy to read, I will just copy and print.... have BB and Chat will travel. I do it all the time, but not this time unless the Archives decide to come out of hiding.. BooooHoooo, how will I survive with out all your crasiness??? i know Raye-Jean can bring it to me when and if she comes out to camp.. Yeah!!! Hint, Hint

Talking about Raye-Jean, I thought for sure she would let you guys know what we have been up to for the past couple days. Would you belive, peeling rubber paint off our hands. Yeah, you heard me right. Sunday after quilting, I had this painting project that DS and I had to do, while DH was working. I'll bet RJ thinks twice about offering to help around here ever again. We had that foam insulation sprayed in and on our new shop. Well anywhere it is exposed to the direct sun it has to be protected with this rubber paint. DH says to the contractor,"I forgot to tell the women to where gloves" need I say more??? Mine are bad, but poor RJ is a RN and had to see patients today. The only thing that would take this off was a pumus stone. Well needless to say my hands are still a mess. The wirdess feeling to have your hands covered with a rubber coating. Worked wonders on machine stippleing a quilt, but wouldn't want this feeling for longer than I had to.

Sure going to miss you goofs for the next week. You make my day everyday, other than XXXXXXXX, people like that just set me in a whirl.

jdb... can't wait for you to come to Alaska ...looking forward to you coming. Will e-mail you tomorrow if I find a monent during packing, if not will surely talk to you when I get home..

Bev in cincy...thanks for the invite, will be talking to travel agent tomorrow, will get back to you as soon as I know anything. Your a sweetheart..

Well, I better go to bed, long day and even bigger day tomorrow, but this is the high light of my summer a trip to camp. But one of these days I will have a motor home so I don't have to do so much packing and un packing. hehehe

Until I return, already miss you guys.... Susan in North Pole

I hope this posting is okay as I am to tired to proof read it.........

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 2:51 AM
Subject: Yakima Yakker
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Lindy, formerly known as the Yakima Yakker should change her name to Lindy the Tight Lipped.

Too bad the KittyKat got your tongue. You can bet we didn't let those imported Swiss Lindt, er, Lindy milk chocolate truffles go to waste (just to waist.)

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 1:04 AM
Subject: I just can't imagine it.
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! Just surfed through the postings and was floored when I read Doni's about the skunk incident. The dog collar deal was crazy enough and now the skunk story! Just who the heck did you marry? Ha! I hope you made him sweat for a LONG time before you forgave him.

My DH is pretty mild. Matter of fact I often refer to him as The Mild Mannered Engineer, ha! On top of being an engineer, he is English, and with that comes a dry, weird, warped, or whatever else you want to call it, sense of humour. My best friend says we're a pretty good comedy team - guess that means we provide hours of cheap entertainment when she's up visiting from Alabama, ha! Me with my ramblings and muttering to myself, and he with his snappy off the wall comments, one might think we were a little odd. Those that know us have come to accept that we're just CRAZY, ha!

Later kids! I'm heading off to bed to have nightmares about beans - I'm sure of it. I canned 14 quarts today(on top of baking 4 loaves of bread...was I stupid or what??), and have probably another 7 quarts to finish up tomorrow. Will pick again on Thursday and things will begin to repeat from then on every third day or so...help! Bye, from Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 1:03 AM
Subject: pimp
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

You girls sure have been funny today! Don's skunk story had me ROFLOL, and Cheryl's cat bath had me PIMP! Then Loon's computer mess, had TIME! I do so enjoy reading this BB!

Wen in CA- it is natural to feel like you are losing it after a stressful situation, especially when you have been the strong one holding everyone else together during it!

Cindy- I hope you have a full and quick recovery,

and Monica in Maine- best wishes to you for a speedy recovery after your upcoming surgery. You will be missedwhile you are offline!

Raye-Jean in Alaska, where today has been just perfectly sunny, and not too hot!

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 12:57 AM
Subject: several things
E-mail Address: charlesknapp@earthlink.net

I used cloth diapers for all 3 of my boys in the 70's. Used a product called Diaper Pure in the diaper pail and only washed when pail was full. Never used bleach, but rinsed twice (had to protect babies from any chemicals you know) and hung them outside whenever possible. The sun always made them white as could be and soft, too.

Kids Can Quilt is currently on ebay for $8.00.

The I Spy quilts are from the series of books out now that kids (and adults) just love. They are based on riddles naming objects pictured in wonderfully photographed pictures with things hidden in shadows, etc. We have several of the books and the pictures are wonderful. After each photo shoot, the photographer destroys each set which would be almost impossible to recreate exactly the same again. That's why some people make their quilt borders having riddles, or questions (imitating the book style) I think the crazy style would be great!

Judy in ARk

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 12:36 AM
Subject: Soaking Up History
E-mail Address: buck@getus.com

for Mary in Ohio -- try 20 Mule Team Borax for soaking the diapers in a pail (after rinsing, of course) or for adding to the washer for any laundry you want to come out especially soft and fresh. I used it when my babies were little, and use it now when I do my mom's laundry. She's 97, and bless her heart, "PIMP" isn't always limited to ROFLOL. (It isn't easy for her either, girls.)
from Martha in Houston where it's deja vu all over again.

Date: 6/30/99 Time: 12:11 AM
Subject: Deer, those nasty little pests!
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Good evening!
Gotta add my 2 cents worth! Deer do not like moth balls, you can put them around the perimiter of your garden. They also do not like cheap smelly soaps like Vel, Lux, or Cashmere Bouquet. I put them in mesh onion bags and hang on bushes or fences in the garden area. That usually does the trick for me.
Loved the skunk story! What an ordeal!
I had a strange thing happen at the shop today, a man called and asked for directions! weird.
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 11:36 PM
Subject: Paducah Here I Come
E-mail Address: cmluney@sesaline.com

DH is making a grand gesture. DS#2 lived in Nashville, Tenn. for almost 3 years and everytime we went through Paducah on the way to visit him, I would say can we stop next trip long enough to go to the Quilt Museum. He'd say okay. Never did. DS#2 moved back to Kansas about a month ago.
Dh has suggested we go to Paducah this weekend and go to the museum and I will even be allowed to go to Hancock's. He says he's doing it to shut me up.
Now and then he's a nice guy, just doesn't want everybody to know it.
Mary in Central KS where they're still trying to get the wheat cut.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 11:33 PM
Subject: Paducah Here I Come
E-mail Address: cmluney@sesaline.com

DH is making a grand gesture. DS#2 lived in Nashville, Tenn. for almost 3 years and everytime we went through Paducah on the way to visit him, I would say can we stop next trip long enough to go to the Quilt Museum. He'd say okay. Never did. DS#2 moved back to Kansas about a month ago.
Dh has suggested we go to Paducah this weekend and go to the museum and I will even be allowed to go to Hancock's. He says he's doing it to shut me up.
Now and then he's a nice guy, just doesn't want everybody to know it.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 11:03 PM
Subject: jdb is really a very
E-mail Address: yakimayakker@hotmail.com

Well, girls... there is NO CONTEST! jdb is the sneaky, creative, genious-queen, when it comes to 'revenge'! LOL!
I wouldn't divulge Kittykate's deepest secrets to jdb, even though she tried to lure me to tell all with wads of chocolate. I shook. I shivered. I quivered on the edge of divulging- but NO! I persevered! I was courageous, upright and true. Then yesterday chocolate arrived in my mail. I was surprised. I laughed. I thought, "Funny girl sent choc. anyway. How sweet!" (how WRONG!) Tonight after supper I felt like a nibble, opened the box of "Lindy's" truffle bar and found not a smidge of chocolate! Just a very adept note "chastising" me for being such a good friend to Kate and having such a tight lip. I WANTED CHOCOLATE!
Oh, Kate! Do I HAVE to be good?!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
Tip of my hat jdb... and the gloves are off now, Girl!!!! Lindy the Yakima Yakker, who will spend days trying to think of a way to top this one...

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:49 PM
Subject: Urine!!!
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Loon...no have not had a chance to check on Kurt V. as yet..will check Library soon. Celia...those worms will be good for fishing when you go visit Loon. Catch some big ones, but don't fall in!! Oh My..puppy urine, fox urine, garden bench with urine...something is starting to smell around here..gotta go now...Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:01 PM
Subject: Bouncing E-mail
E-mail Address: Blndstich@AOL.com

To anyone that got e-mail bounce back from me, it seems I left off the @AOL.com. I guess I just expect everyone to be a mindreader, huh? LOL

Sorry for the booboo

Jackie in Pittsburg

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 9:39 PM
Subject: Soapy Gardens
E-mail Address: opo1004159@aol.com

I probably won't have to wash anything. But with all the hair out there I may have to shampoo or shave some of it. Therefore, I don't beleive I'll try the suggestion from the movie.LOL.I may have to try the Vicks by tomorrow,tho, as cold as it's getting outside now. The potatoes will probably have runny eyes, the corn will have plugged up ears, and the cabbages will have stuffy heads.LOL I gottarun for now and watch poor Jimmy Smitts die again. See ya in the morning.. Gramma Carol

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:53 PM
Subject: School is out!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Well school is out, and for me it is not the kids at home- it is Ivon- for the next 10 weeks- Oh My- you would think after all these years I would be used to it, but already we have just had the first squabble over the PC- one guess who won?- LOL!!! So now he is pouting and eating ice cream, and we don't allow food around the computer(his rule-not mine(and I don't follow it),so I guess he just made his own time out- Tee Hee

I can see our Doni is back in true form- laughed my head off this morning about the fox urine and the skunk- way to go D!!!(we have missed you beaucoup)!! I was thinking the other day- it won't be long before we are hearing about the antics of the latest little member to the Reimer family- no truer words than those from who said there should be a TV program named after them- a laugh a minute!!

Mary:- I always used cloth diapers--for Steven in 1972 there was no choice- Ivon was still in University and we were too poor to afford disposables, then in 1977 Stacie was allergic to them, so it was the cloth diaper brigade again!! I never minded them, I used to soak them in a diaper pail in baking soda and hot water overnight, wash them in Ivory Snow and then put a cup of white vinegar in the rinse cycle. They came out snow white and very soft.

I got my new glasses today and I think I experienced a miracle- I can see again!!! This keyboard and monitor appear huge!! I think I have this "Freedom 55" thing down to a science now. It was the dentist yesterday, the optician today- golly, you HAVE to save and invest for the 30 years before you are 55 so that you can afford the heavy duty maintenance to keep on kicking!!! The TV commercials seem to make it all look so simple- well straight from the horse' mouth girls- it isn't!!! You can spend in one week what took you a year to save!
Jackie:- So glad you came back, and also to hear that you are being able to make some decisions on Kelly's memory quilt. I think once completed, it will provide you with a tremendous amount of comfort and closeness to her. Share your progress with us, we are all interested in your special project.

Well, must go, and see just how much ice-cream there is left- maybe "Sulky Sir" has eaten it all!!

Hugs to all,

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:49 PM
Subject: responses
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Hi to all - we had some thunderstorms and a bit of rain, supposed to be cooler tomorrow and then HHH again as w/e approaches.

Doni: check out the HGTV web site for crackle finish info - check on the show you want, if you can remember - I have found a number of projects by tracking back and the directions were very complete (Not usually the case for Simply Quilts, tho)

Jackie: "Kids can Quilt" by Barbara Eikmeier is listed at amazon.com for $14.95 + s/h. I love the book, have used it with several groups of 3-6 grade kids and have had good results ordering from amazon. Think it is also in cataloges from Quilts and Other Comforts,etc.

Diapers: many, many years ago, I used cloth diapers for my second child, now 24 - rinsed, put in pail with water and detergent, ran thru washer - probably washed them every two days - used liners (you throw them away) for a while. Used for 2+ yrs with no probs - I was working and my in-home childcare person and I both did the wash. (Used Pampers when he was a newborn and with my first, but $$ even back then)

Have one more 4th of July banner to finish and a sleeve to sew into my "Palmira Mitchell" flag to hang from the porch this w/e.
Susan in NW New Jersey

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:40 PM
Subject: A Little Bit of Everything
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Hi All.
Doni, your skunk story is much, much better than mine. I was working in NYC as a mother's helper back in '77 and DSis called me from Utah and asked what to do. DB cornered a skunk in the garage and it sprayed him. Mind you this is long, long distance and Mom was closer but they both were afraid to call her. I told her that DB should take a bath in tomato juice, so what does he do but go to Mom's food storage and open every can of tomato juice and pour it over his head. Mom was roaring when she got home and I was lucky I was clear across the country.

Thanks Lavinia for the use of your DWR templates.

Cindy in Kansas, sorry to hear about your arm. When I had carpal tunnel surgery (right hand) I tossed my good sewing scissors on top of the kitchen cabinets. Moved out of that apartment 5 years later and still didn't find them even when the apartment was empty. Guess some sewing gremlins got them. Good ones, too, from Nancy's Notions. Scissors and tweezers in one tool.

I think I'm going to be in de-nile soon. My Egyptian DH is in Tennessee for the summer and our anniversary is July 17 and my birthday is the 23rd. Guess where he is going to be and guess again where I'm going to be. If I had my rathers I'd be up there with him.

Two questions I need help with....1) How do you introduce a kitten to an older established cat? DBF is going to DC for an appointment at the Russian Embassy and needs someone to care for her new kitten. So far Buster and Kiska don't get along. If one isn't hissing the other is. Help??
Question #2: I've been growing cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet banana peppers in pots on my patio (apartment living does that for gardeners) and now I'm getting snails and slugs. I grew up in Utah and never had the experience of having them around. What do I do about it? Heard somewhere that beer in a pie plate works, but being Muslim can't go out and buy one. Any suggestions?

Diaper pail cleaning solution: a few tablespoons of laundry detergent and some bleach mixed in water in the pail. Use about a gallon of water. Just toss the whole mess in the washer and add more soap and bleach. Good luck my GF says.

Until later, Sarah in Alabama where it has been raining for the past week either half the day in the morning or half the day in the afternoon. Now it's too humid to even brave the outdoors.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:34 PM
Subject: Jackie
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Your email bounced!

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:28 PM
Subject: Question?? What are squishes?
E-mail Address: mmswagner@prodigy.net

I am very new at sewing and quilting. In fact I just finished my first top to my babies quilt. (he is due in Aug.) It's a Christmas quilt though because I figured it would take me that long to finish it. I want to hand quilt it together. I've been visiting this board hoping to find out about the many things I have no clue about :) What are squishes? I guess that would be my first question. Thanks

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:16 PM
Subject: POP
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

GOOOODD EVEENNINNGG (Alfred Hitchcock tee hee)
Losing it, nnaaahhh, lost it Yup that's it. POP was moved today to another hospital, did the angeogram(sp) 2 blocked auteries and put a stint in one, another goes in on Thursday. If all goes well he should be home on the weekend. Ok here's the kicker, if he's ok why am I starting to fall apart. I've been holding it together to tight that now I'm losing it????? Not to sure about this one.

Y2k get this...I sent out 82 (just in case of flakes) within about 10 days!!!!! Anybody need anything done???? Send me work girls, no fees just put me outta my head... Now watch I'll get all kindsa tops to quilt. Whosa yousa... mesa Jar Jar Binks. Man I love that guy.

gotta go hang in the closet and find Jesus. Gotta go fondle 3" squares. Really should do more than think of cooking supper.

I love you all, your all such a blessing and I really love having a place to dump with so many supportive wonderful women. Have a great night.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 7:18 PM
Subject: Oops - for Sarah/Alabama
E-mail Address: tnquiltr@icx.net

Sorry people I posted to the wrong board. Sarah I have lost your email addy. Sending your Double Wedding Ring Templates and book Friday morning. Lavinia/TN

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 7:01 PM
Subject: Kids Quilts
E-mail Address: Blndstitch

Oh I forgot to ask, can anyone tell me where I can find the book "Kids can Quilt". Someone referred me to this book for my niece's thrid grade class project. Since I am visually impaired and cannot get to the store, I would need a mail order outlet for it.

Thanks in advance.....

Jackie in Pittsburg, CA not PA

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 6:54 PM
Subject: Saving the puppy's life
E-mail Address: Blndstitch@AOL.com

Teacup, I asked my carpet cleaning relatives about the puppy accidents and I was told that you have to catch it quick, but to use ammonia first then vinegar. Actually that works for most stains, but you gotta get to the urine quick. Hope it helps.

Everyone: After numerous messages from you guys, I think I have decided to applique various designs onto the blue jean squares from Kelly's shirts. Maybe also adding and iron on or two from things that really represent her. (i.e. her FBI credentials or her graduation picture). I would still like other ideas if anyone else has any. My decision is not cut in stone until I start cutting on fabric.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 6:29 PM
Subject: Book
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

Almost forgot...Doni, did you ever find another copy of Frankie Silver? I have one if you still need it.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 6:27 PM
Subject: Fractured Landscapes, etc.
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

I posted this to the BB, but in the event that some of you haven't the time to read both, I'll take the chance of putting something QR here, too.

Has anyone done a Fractured Landscape quilt? I'm taking the class at Sisters, but I'm having a terrible time deciding on a photo to use for my pattern. Don't know whether there needs to be a lot of contrast, many different things (hills, water, trees, etc) or whether a simple picture is better. HELP!!! I need to be gathering my fabrics to take to class, but can't even decide on my design.

Pepper - I read Summer Sister, too. The ending was definitely not expected.
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 4:36 PM
Subject: forgot the dot
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

forgot the dot before the com!!

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 4:34 PM
Subject: Need some help, please!
E-mail Address: verycozy@homecom

HI Katie!!! You finaly got your computer back!!! Now I am really going to have a sore side from laughing too much!!!
Can someone PLEASE help me? I have found the puppy urine spots and have tryed and tryed to clean them but with all this humidity up here lately I can still smell it!! If this dog does not stop peeing on my carpet I am going to scream!!!!(not what I was going to say but didn't want any emails about animal cruelty!)
I have tryed vinegar and bought some of that pet odor powder and that did not work. I just had my carpets cleaned a little while ago and I can't afford to do it again right now!!
I am trying really hard right now to try and figure out why people think puppies are soooooo cute!!!
Thanks in advance for saving a puppy's life!!!

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 4:05 PM
Subject: OH MY!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Well, welcome back to Celia, Loon and Doni!! I seem to be getting that familiar stitch in the side from laughing too hard again!!!!

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:54 PM
Subject: Hot , Swap, Cat
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Hope this doesn't post twice! Server was too busy the first time.

Holy cow it's hot and muggy in Texas! Yesterday they said our heat index was 104! Whew! Makes me want to run through the sprinkler all the time. I'm not really a cold weather person but you can only take off so many things before you get arrested!

For all of you ladies in the ISMS swap, thanks for making things go so easy for me! I have already received two packets of swaps so it looks like things are starting off smoothly! The good thing about hosting it is I get to see all of the fantastic fabrics first!If you decide to send a bio, make sure you send enough for each packet. And thanks for the surprise squishies! That was really nice!

For those of you ladies that I sent exchanges out to, let me know if that kept going. So far I have two swaps from that.

I can't remember the name of the lady that was looking for photo transfer but if you will e-mail me I have the instructions written down and will send them to you.

Cat story - About 3:30 Monday morning we heard our cat meowing in a strange way so my DH went to check. Our cat was up on the roof and decided that going up was fun but coming down was not. DH had to get the ladder and play fireman. We play that sometimes minus the cat! ROFLOL

Katie - in Spring, TX

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:43 PM
Subject: Hi and Bye (for now...)
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I won't be checking in on the BB, CP and PP for a while - will be having major surgery sometime in July 8^(. I need to take advantage of the time before the surgery to get some quilt tops pieced and basted so I have a lot of handquilting all ready for my recovery time. I also want to spend some time at the beach and so on with the kids while I can since this will pretty much put a damper on the rest of my summer activities. If any special projects come up or anyone has any good news to share, feel free to drop me a line since I will still be checking my email every so often. I will be back when this is all over! I will miss you all!

Monica in Maine (as Tigger would say, Ta Ta For Now!)

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:22 PM
Subject: Cloth Didees
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

RACHEL in UT: Sheeesh! My mom used to do the same thing! Same thing with the dreaded "diaper pail". My Dad used to get apoplectic when he saw one of those Didees in the terlet! I can't remember what I did....think I went and used the other bathroom...Thank goodness the house had two!

Ronna in Happy Valley (where the thunder clouds are forming a menacing armada...)

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:17 PM
Subject: good afternoon all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

how is everyone doing today,,,,,,all that is cept doni,,,,,i have a bone to pick with her highness,,,

doni!!,,,,please inform me privately about what you intend to post,,,you see,,,,the colitis is acting up ,,and i am afraid even depends won't help,,,that compiled with readin your post and a mouth full of ice tea,,,,,well,,,to put it mildly,,,my whole puter area matches my stinky garden bench now!!! TIME when doni is around!!!

newcomers,,,,now you are in for a treat,,,it seems lots of our winter friends are on some sabaticals,,,,but doni has finally ''hatched'' her youngin's youngin,,,so pull up a seat one and all and read till you weep,,,,cuz doni is back in town!!! is it any wonder why she is mom to our mascot!! anddddd queen of comics!! and my bud!!! which i am so proud to admit to,,,,,
even if she does smell of foxy urine,,,,i mean skunk,,,,,,pimp!!! does calvin know of this new alluring scent ??

HELP,,,,moierder,,,help,,,,abuse,,,,my dh is trying to boil me alive,,,!!! HHHHHellllp!! in order to counter the effects of the hot hot hot weather,,,,he has installed a hot water thingy to our camode,,,nice,,,,only to stop sweating mind you,,,,but not in this heat,,,it is to say the very least warm when sitting,,,,i feel like a lobster once potted up!!!!!!lolol

mary,,,,down cape cod way,,,,did you find furt v. yet?? let me know if you don't,,,did i already say that?? now i am full of cape memories,,,everyone wallpapered their bathroom ceilings,,,had lobster pot furniture,,, and my favorite memories of sneeking away from work to swim,,,,only to get caught as we would come back to work with wet hair,,,drip,,drip,,,,,tee hee,,,,

hey,,,i think i got too long,,,so sorry,,
loon/marie/maine,,,,,,very hot today again ,,after much to do about storms ,,,lightening,,,thunder,,,,oh my,,,lions and tigers and bears,,,oh my,,,
hugs to all,,,,,and prayers for those in need,,,

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:15 PM
Subject: Cat lovers
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

Being that there are so many cat lovers on this site I thought I would post this here. Enjoy!!

Cat Bathing As A Martial Art

A. Know that although the cat has the advantage of
quickness and lack of concern for human life, you have
the advantage of strength.

Capitalize on that advantage by selecting the battlefield.
Don't try to bathe him in an open area where he can force
you to chase him. Pick a very small bathroom.

If your bathroom is more than four feet square, I recommend
that you get in the tub with the cat and close the sliding
-glass doors as if you were about to take a shower.
(A simple shower curtain will not do. A berserk
cat can shred a three-ply rubber shower curtain quicker than
a politician can shift positions.)

B. Know that a cat has claws and will not hesitate to
remove all the skin from your body. Your advantage here
is that you are smart and know how to dress to protect

I recommend canvas overalls tucked into high-top
construction boots, a pair of steel-mesh gloves, an army
helmet, a hockey face-mask, and a long-sleeved flak jacket.

C. Use the element of surprise. Pick up your cat
nonchalantly, as if to simply carry him to his supper dish.
(Cats will not usually notice your strange attire. They have
little or no interest in fashion as a rule.)

D. Once you are inside the bathroom, speed is essential to
survival. In a single liquid motion, shut the bathroom door,
step into the tub enclosure, slide the glass door shut, dip
the cat in the water and squirt him with shampoo.

You have begun one of the wildest 45 seconds of your life.

E. Cats have no handles. Add the fact that he now has
soapy fur, and the problem is radically compounded.

Do not expect to hold on to him for more than two or three
seconds at a time. When you have him, however, you must
remember to give him another squirt of shampoo and rub
like crazy.

He'll then spring free and fall back into the water, thereby
rinsing himself off. (The national record for cats is three
latherings, so don't expect too much.)

F. Next, the cat must be dried. Novice cat bathers always
assume this part will be the most difficult, for humans
generally are worn out at this point and the cat is just
getting really determined.

In fact, the drying is simple compared with what you have
just been through.

That's because by now the cat is semi-permanently affixed to
your right leg.

You simply pop the drain plug with your foot, reach for your
towel and wait. (Occasionally, however, the cat will end up
clinging to the top of your army helmet. If this happens,
the best thing you can do is to shake him loose and to
encourage him toward your leg.) After all the water is
drained from the tub, it is a simple matter to just reach
down and dry the cat.

In a few days the cat will relax enough to be removed from
your leg. He will usually have nothing to say for about
three weeks and will spend a lot of time sitting with his
back to you.

He might even become psychoceramic and develop the fixed
stare of a plaster figurine.

You will be tempted to assume he is angry.

This isn't usually the case.

As a rule he is simply plotting ways to get through your
defenses and injure you for life the next time you decide
to give him a bath.

But at least now he smells a lot better.

Have a great day everyone!
Cheryl in Edmonton

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:15 PM
Subject: howdy
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Pat in PA -- MAJOR bummer.
Cindy, hurry and get better. And your family too!
Doni, tv should have a sitcom about you and your family. Then Cindy would have something worthwhile to watch.
Mary, the best place to put dirty diapers is in the garbage.
Kathy, how did you potty-train that fox to urinate in your garden?
Gramma Carol, when you soap your garden does that mean you don't have to wash your veggies?
Michelle, that farmer who uses Vic's Vapo-rub on his fences -- I'll bet those fences don't have a single chest cold all season!
To everybody in the cooler climates, we covet you!

TTFN, jdb in AZ

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 3:08 PM
Subject: IM
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

I just want anyone who has been trying to get me on the IM during the day that it's NOT me being rude when you don't get an answer. DH (you know, the one who can't walk and chew gum at the same time when it comes to computers) is taking an internet literacy class!!! He hasn't figured out that you CAN do more than one thing at a time, and by the time he gets from one place to another, he's totally frustrated and calls me at work to cuss out the computer. LOL. Anyway, I'll be around the house during the day on Fridays, but if you run into someone on the computer on any other weekday, it's probably Garry.
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 2:53 PM
E-mail Address: heftmans@gte.net

Hey Y'all I'm Wendy's friend, who by the by is typing this note!!!!! HEHEHEHe Were not getting anything done... POP's is getting tested right now and Wen is in the ZONE...

Make Nikki feel welcome guys. Yes, her name is Nikki and new to quilting and nutso is the one typing this. WEN in CA

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 2:42 PM
Subject: Animals not so dumb
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Afternoon all!
I tried the fox urine bit in my flowers and small garden
to keep the rabbits, squirles and chipmunks away.
It worked really great for one season. Even the birds
stayed away. Well the next year they all figured
out that the fox was a hoax. Well now I try to plant thaing
they won't eat and put wire around the rest. Figure the
chipies are airating (sp) my garden with all their little
Kathy in Central Pa. where it still hasn't rained. (at least
at my house)

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 2:06 PM
Subject: Deer
E-mail Address: kmwilson@intergate.bc.ca

Hello everyone, it's been along time since I did any postings, just lurking lately. On the subject of deer and getting them out of gardens, try Vicks Vapor Rub. Most animals hate the smell of Menthol especially deer and dogs! The garden experts recommend rubbing it on trees (always do a small test patch first) and or putting it on old rags which can be hidden under plants or trees. I know a farmer who rubs it on his fence and swears he has no problems. Hope this can be of some help. Michelle from rainy and cold Vancouver BC

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 2:06 PM
Subject: cloth diapers
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

Mary from Ohio.

Ummmm, am I missing something here? Did you say you actually LIKE cloth diapers? Can't tell you a thing about cloth diapers except I am so glad I was born in an era whith disposable diapers. I can tell you this much, my mother used cloth diapers and I'm not going to tell you how many times as a youth I'd run in the bathroom, and see a dirty diaper "soaking" in the terlit and there was no way in heck I was going to touch it so........Yup, I'd go potty on top and even occasionally forget and FLUSH. Hated them then, hate them now. They are great for scrubbing though. That much I'll give ya. When I'd change my little sister, my mom would tell me I needed to put my fingers between the pin and her skin so I wouldn't prick her. YEA RIGHT! Aint kids grand, I'd rather have pricked her then than prick myself. A bratty disposition I'm afraid I haven't grown out of. As far as cleaning them until you had a washer full. All I can remember my mom doing is (other than the soaking in the terlit) putting them in a diaper pail that watch out when you took off the lid and deposited more diapers. The smell was lethal. Good luck! :o)

Rachel in UT

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 1:37 PM
Subject: thanks
E-mail Address: opo1004159@aol.com

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. I now have a hairy,soapy garden. I'll try anything once. No pets. I have a retired DH that's enough for me. I need time to quilt and garden. Spend time with the GKS when they aren't to busy. They all seem to grow up way to fast. My sewing machine is calling me.Happy Days to all Gramma Carol

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 12:56 PM
Subject: Doni!
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Doni.... you know how to bring a smile to my face faster than anyone!!! I think you are wonderful with your Mark stories.. thanks so much for sharing your life with us and letting us be a part of yours .... you nut!! Arty : )

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 12:39 PM
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

reading everyone's posts with tears in my eyes. cindy if i could trade arms with you i would.maybe it would help make things here more tolerable.i understand the broken arm thing but not the cast.i broke my elbow hyperextending it(read that-by bending arm backwards at elbow).arm was as big as thigh and black for a while.any way i have been living in egypt for too long,you know de-nile.lots of changes happening at home.i lose my sewing room to pool table and music equipment.i must empty room to the walls.my flat only has one closet so have no where to keep stash,books,mags.,etc.did heavy house cleaning yesterday and i wish i would have slept through the garbage man's visit because i knew stuff was gone but didn't want to know when he took it! by next tues. it will all be gone.i am finishing sewing 2 dresses for dd#3 mission trip to dumps in mexico this summer and the quilt my step mom bought the materials for their spare room then i sell my machine and that is all. hurts like heck.acquaintence suggested i find friend to share quilt space with. ha i don't know anyone else who quilts except local shop owners.never talked to any one from classes outside of class.did exchange nos. once with class mate but she never called.i know i live in the wrong part of town.don't need any one else to remind me.
things look black today but i know the sun will come out tomorrow. this is a great community. thanks for letting me vent.i will lurk for awhile. pat in pa

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 11:48 AM
Subject: Cindy in KS
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Ooooooooooooohhhhhh.......Cindy!! That sounds like a really dreadful accident :( . And watching TV...(a fate that I avoid by sewing......) Hope you feel better soon, but I know it can take a long time to recover from injuries like the ones you have. Tell your DH that you will be a lot less cranky if you are able to visit the fabric stores on the net and buy something to look at besides the TV!!
He does want you to get better, doesn't he??? ;) Then when you are able to get around without too much pain, he could take you to the nearest fabric store so that you can fondle fabric with your good hand and take your mind off all of the discomfort.
I know well the feeling of wanting to unzip that d*** cast! ....about six years ago, I broke my left Radius (the big forarm bone)and had a cast for 8 wks (and I'm a lefty!). Kept waiting for the pain to go away....
I'm keeping you in my thoughts........hope you have a good recovery.
Glad to see you back on BB.

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 11:27 AM
Subject: forgot to ask this this morning...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Forgot to ask this earlier this morning...Has anyone used the technique they show alot on the HGTV channel..the crackle paint? I have a hutch in my sewing room that I would love to use this on but don't remember all I need to do..any help? Like a shopping list of what I need to buy?? I know some brave person has tried this..I have a Hutch and two sailor trunks that are just screaming for this! Thanks!!

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:54 AM
Subject: i'm back - missed you all
E-mail Address: ckeith@pittstate.edu

good morning!

i am back to work after 2 weeks off and feel like a total newbie! even though i rarely post i read every day and feel i know you all so well. anything going on i need to know about? any blocks being made for anyone? Not that i can sew for a while longer, i was in a bad car wreck (NOT my fault in any way) and have a broken hand, 2 broken ribs and whiplash and a weird knee that doesn't want to hold up all my fluffiness now. please e-mail me if any special things are going on and i will be able to sew as soon as the cast comes off in a few weeks.

let me tell you guys that not being able to sew is horrible. i haven't been able to do anything but sit and watch tv and i do NOT like tv at all. i am so miserable not being able to sew! but i am trying to be patient and not be too cranky about it! my hubby said it is probably a good thing i can't sew right now cause no telling what the result would be with all the pain meds! hee hee, might be a pretty unusual item i could come up with :)

cindy in kansas

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:52 AM
Subject: Dating Daughters
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Anita -- thanks for posting the "Rules for Dating my Daughter". While my DD is only 12, she will be starting the 8th grade this year and I'm sure we'll be plagued with the possibility of a "date". Ugh! I'm going to type it up and give it to my DH. He will truly adore it, I'm sure. He probably has a couple of things he could add to it too.

Got an e-mail this morning from a Golden Retriever Rescue with a picture attached of a Golden we're thinking of adopting. She looks just like my Sam, they could be twins. Keep your fingers crossed. Sam is by himself during the day and I think he would enjoy a companion. There have been times when I've actually wondered what he and the cats do during the day, other than lay around!

It was too hot last night to sew. It's supposed to get cooler as the week goes on. When there's no fog or overcast in the morning, it's a safe bet it will be a scorcher!!

DS isn't happy with me. His application for summer school wasn't accepted (budget cuts, etc.), and while he got good grades, he needs reinforcement so that when school starts, he won't have as many problems. So, the school is going to give me copies of their math program for me to use and he can do them during the day. DD is coming to work with me and staying "out of his hair". Does it ever end???? Will they ever stop the bickering!!!!

Hope everyone has a cool spot to quilt. Fortunately, our building has air conditioning, so I'll stay inside. Many of the buildings on campus don't have A/C because they are in the "original" part of campus, and having an A/C hanging outside the window would take away from the look of the brick building. Ugh! Heck with the look...give me comfort if I have to stay inside, right?

Sondra in Sunny Calif.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:45 AM
Subject: cloth diapers
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

I need help!! The diaper service just called, and they are discontinuing their cloth service. I have used cloth diapers for three of our four children and do not want to go back to disposables. I can't find the information I need on how/what to pre-soak the dirty ones in. Can anybody out there help me? I do know to wash separately, use bleach, etc. But it seems like there was something that you did with the dirty ones until there was enough to wash a load.

Thanks to anyone who can help, please just send me an e-mail direct (leave out the asterisks!).

Mary in Ohio

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:21 AM
Subject: Breast Cancer Stamp Update
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Just wanted to update everyone on the $$$ raised todate from the sale of the Breast Cancer Stamp. How does 7.6 million sound!!!!! That's 99 million stamps. And a great big THANK YOU to everyone that has or will buy them.
Reg in KS

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 10:14 AM
Subject: Good morning
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Good morning ladies! Tried to post yesterday but It wouldn't let me..must have been grounded...

Sondra..Toni had a little boy..stayed up with him last night..he had a belly ache..so gamma had to get up and go help mommie...what a wonderful stage of life!

Peggy...welcome back!

Kathy..don't know if Buford would help with the deer or not..if you remember he did help daddy find his last winter..but was terrified of the hide he kept dragging around, kept forgetting what it was I guess...

Squishey shower...simply what its says..No quilter can keep bad feeling while recieving a shower of wonderful FQ's in the mail..basically its just our way of sending hugs, love, and suport, the stuff we need to get thru the tough times in life..even if it takes your mind off your troubles for just a short period of time its well worth it! We also have card showers..these are just fat eights made up like a card..they are fun also...

Human hair in the garden would probably work..Mark bow hunts..and buys fox urine to splash on his shoes so he don't smell human..which he don't..one year he messed up, dropped the bottle of fox urine in the heater vent in the bedroom..man! It stank in the house for years..every time the heater kicked on....of course it had to be right next to our bed...
About 2 weeks before my son Chris was born..he and Toni went into town together..this was never a good thing..you just never knew what these two would get into..well they came back with a 3lb coffee can..told me he had a surprise for me...came right over..dumped out a baby skunk..which just sprayed the heck out of me! Here I am 9 months pregnant..and stinking real bad! The skunk wasn't mean at all..to small..the skunk was about the size of Kellies kitten on her and Andys page..the skunk had not sprayed them when they caught him..and they dropped him in the can befor they ran into any problems..when baby skunks are really small they dont spray..this one was just a tad to big, and when mark put him in the can...he had his tail penned down..they cant spray if they cant get their tails up..he dumped that skunk out and he just bounced all over the floor squirting here squirting there!...I had a doc appt. the next day..and he wouldnt let me skip it...I called and told him I smelled real bad..but was to embarresed to tell him why I stank!! He thought I may have an infection..yeah infected by Mark! Here I sit in the waiting room..just me on one side..and all the other little pregnant moms cramed on the other side! Holding there breaths and turning blue..I delivered Chris....smelling like a skunk!!
Life with Mark is far from dull..What happened to the skunk?? Mark took him back to where he had found him and spent most of the night looking for the skunks den to put her baby back..Men!!

Welp gotta go..see you after while..
Hey Celia!!
Hey Teacup..
Hey LOON!!
Hugs to all!

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 8:53 AM
Subject: Wild Life
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

The man who rents the 5 tillable acres on Gran's farm in Ky (the rest is hills with forest), never seemed to harvest the corn at all. We flatlanders would come at Christmas to find the corns still standing in the field and shake our heads. Of course as good farmer's duaghters we KNEW that corn had to be harvested by Thanksgiving and if it wasn't Thanksgiving dinner would wait until it was! This spring when we took over the farm, we asked him why he went to all the trouble of renting and planting the corn field if he wasn't going to harvest it. He said it was because he liked to feed the wild life and he grew the corn for the birds and deer. The fields and woods have always been full of birds and asorted "critters" but we thought it was just because Gran didn't disturb them much. She used to plant 100 tomatoes and only pick the best. She had the finest tomatoes. Wish we'd been able to save the seed. It's hard to be a city girl when you heart's in the country. Peg in Chicago

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 7:43 AM
Subject: More rules for dating my daughter
E-mail Address: AnitaAnnII@aol.com

A friend of my just e-mailed me this. Saw it before but thought some of you might like it.

Simple Rules for Dating My Daughter

Rule One:
If you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up.

Rule Two:
You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you cannot keep your eyes or hands off of my daughter's body, I will remove them.

Rule Three:
I am aware that it is considered fashionable for boys of your age to wear their trousers so loosely that they appear to be falling off their hips. Please don't take this as an insult, but you and all of your friends are complete idiots. Still, I want to be fair and open minded about this issue, so I propose this compromise: You may come to the door with your underwear showing and your pants ten sizes too big, and I will not object. However, in order to ensure that your clothes do not, in fact, come off during the course of your date with my daughter, I will take my electric nail gun and fasten your trousers securely in place to your waist.

Rule Four:
I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without utilizing a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate: when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

Rule Five:
It is usually understood that in order for us to get to know each other, we should talk about sports, politics, and other issues of the day. Please do not do this. The only information I require from you is an indication of when you expect to have my daughter safely back at my house, and the only word I need from you on this subject is "early."

Rule Six:
I have no doubt you are a popular fellow, with many opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make you cry.

Rule Seven:
As you stand in my front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget. If you want to be on time for the movie, you should not be dating. My daughter is putting on her makeup, a process that can take longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead of just standing there, why don't you do something useful, like changing the oil in my car?

Rule Eight:
The following places are not appropriate for a date with my daughter:
Places where there are beds, sofas, or anything softer than a wooden stool.
Places where there are no parents, policemen, or nuns within eyesight.
Places where there is darkness.
Places where there is dancing, holding hands, or happiness.
Places where the ambient temperature is warm enough to induce my daughter to wear shorts, tank tops, midriff T-shirts, or anything other than overalls, a sweater, and a goose down parka - zipped up to her throat. Movies with a strong romantic or sexual theme are to be avoided; movies which features documentaries are okay. Hockey games are okay. Old folks’ homes are better.

Rule Nine:
Do not lie to me. I may appear to be a potbellied, balding, middle-aged, dimwitted has-been. But on issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing, merciless god of your universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind the house. Do not trifle with me.

Rule Ten:
Be afraid. Be very afraid. It takes very little for me to mistake the sound of your car in the driveway for a chopper coming in over a rice paddy near Hanoi. When my Agent Orange starts acting up, the voices in my head frequently tell me to clean the guns as I wait for you to bring my daughter home. As soon as you pull into the driveway you should exit your car with both hands in plain sight. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car - there is no need for you to come inside. The camouflaged face at the window is mine.

Anita in Mid-Michigan where it finally cooled off and the humidity dropped.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 7:18 AM
Subject: DEER
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

Deer? Now that's a topic I know about. We live in the deep woods and they are everywhere. And unfortunately there isn't a thing to curb them except an electric fence which even then isn't helpful unless the voltage is high enough. Friends and neighbors here discuss this daily and have tried any suggestion that has been thought of.

Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in northern Wisconsin

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 7:17 AM
Subject: Baby Quilt etc....
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Thank you ALL so much for the info on the baby quilt. I've decided to make one after all.

About those deer, Yes human hair does work! I've used it. I worked in a shop for over 10 years and we got requests for bags of hair all the time. The shop should be more then happy to help out, they only through it away!

Have a good day all....taking the twins to see Tarzan with Oma, (that's German for grandmother)

Ursula in South Jersey :o)

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 6:28 AM
Subject: Birthday
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Good morning,
Just wanted to take the time to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Janet,
Wishing you many , many more Happy Days.
Grace in Ont.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 4:24 AM
Subject: I AM SUCH A CLUCK!!!!!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

I am so sorry MARIE P. Belated Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday to you! Janet W. Hope you have a pieceful day.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 2:58 AM
Subject: It's Late
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
It's late and I'm still wound like an 8 day clock!!!

Ursula in S. Jersey - If the theme is story book.. How about a Mother Goose wallhanging or quilt???

Celia - My diffinition of fishing with worms: Need, one lawn chair 3 to 4 feet from water, poll with bobber, line and hook for worm to rest on while looking good enough to eat!! Now place fishing poll in holder next to chair, (this is after you have worm on hook out in the water)!!!! Now while the cute little worm does his job, you may sit back and (what else?) QUILT!!!!

Pepper - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! And yes, I have read the book and enjoyed it...

Well, I think I'll go try for some ZZZZZZZZZ's time, so will talk at ya later,
Susan in Mt.

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 1:39 AM
Subject: Hello..just saw this and lov it!
E-mail Address: rjwool@gte.net

Hi to all, i am new to this bb stuff, used to talk on irc lots but dont now. I love quilting, traditional mostly right now but like contemp also. was looking for pictures of feathered stars and decided to read the bb chat. in reply to some:

Pepper..i read summer sisters and liked it, what do you think of the ending?

Faith..saw you posting about "squishy shower" what is it exactly? i kinda know i think. also saw what you were saying about family member and doctor not communicating well, that happens all the time. the doctor is not taking the time to listen and patient becomes so easily frustrated because of it, plus patient not feeling well either. I have been nurse for 13 years and i have found that the more you know the better all of you will be and feel. dont back down when something is not right, trust you and your family members instincts. pain medication is just about the most important aspect of getting well or being able to function. okay off this soapbox, hope i healped and not preached!! take care, Ruth in Ohio

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 1:03 AM
Subject: Deer
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

NOT speaking from experience....does anyone remember that movie "Doc Hollywood" with Michael J Fox?
In that movie his soon to be girlfriend ran around urinating in the area that she didn't want the deer
to come into!!!! And of course since he wanted to impress her, he did the same thing!! LOL...sorry
Which brings us back to the human aspect....deer want to avoid humans at all costs. Soooo human hair and/or
other stuff would make a good deterent.

My 2 cents worth.....doing BORING strip piecing for many, many 4 patches for a quilt to come.

Susan in HOT, HOT Fresno

Date: 6/29/99 Time: 12:40 AM
Subject: Deer in the garden
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

I've also heard of using human hair to deter animals in a garden, but I heard it was good to wart off pesky rabbits. Some farmer friends of ours recommend hanging bars of soap from tall stakes or off some of the fenceposts around a vegetable garden. I suppose the hair and soap give the same impression - a human is near. Your best bet is to put up a fence, at least 4' tall, and if that doesn't stop the deer you can plant tall flowers or shrubs all around the perimeter of your garden just inside the fence. I've been told that deer will not jump over obsticles that they can not see the other side. Might be worth a try - as a last resort and if you have outside dogs - move their dog house right near the garden. The funny part with respects to my garden is that the fence is not for the deer that travel through our pasture twice a day...it is to keep MY dogs out of the garden, ha! Ruby pays no attention to where she flops down, and Betty is an avid digger - neither is very good for trying to grow produce, one lays on the plants and flattens them while the other one is digging them up (LOL)!

Later, Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 11:58 PM
Subject: Deer in the garden
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

I've heard that if you put human hair in your garden it will keep the deer away. Don't know if it really works or if it's just an old wives tale.

Maybe Doni could loan you Buford for a while. That might work, too.

Kathi in Idaho

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 11:33 PM
Subject: Deer in my garden
E-mail Address: opo1004159

I guess I'm a newbie,although I have been lurking for several weeks. Everyone always seems to have good advice on problems here and I need help now. The deer won't stay out of my garden this year. What can I do? They are such lovely creatures but are real pest this year. I don't want to hurt them,but I don't want them in my garden either.They are eating the cucumber and squash plants.Haven't touched the corn or cabbage. Please somebody give me a few suggestions so i can quilt and quit running outside yelling like a mad woman. Thanks everyone.
Gramma Carol in Mi.

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 10:03 PM
Subject: Beginner Quilter
E-mail Address: mexpender@hotmail.com

Hi Everyone;
I live in Victoria,British Columbia, Canada & just started to teach myself quilting. I've been sewing for years but this is really new. Appeals to my obsessive, compulsive, perfectionist self. Love to get motivation & inspiration from other quilters. Particularly like contemporary quilting rather than traditional, but admire the talents of all.

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 10:02 PM
Subject: Beginner Quilter
E-mail Address: mexpender@hotmail.com

Hi Everyone;
I live in Victoria,British Columbia, Canada & just started to teach myself quilting. I've been sewing for years but this is really new. Appeals to my obsessive, compulsive, perfectionist self. Love to get motivation & inspiration from other quilters. Particularly like contemporary quilting rather than traditional, but admire the talents of all.

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 9:39 PM
Subject: coming out of lurking
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

I've been lurking for weeks, and decided to come out again after reading about Ronna's weekend. Ronna you have me so jealous! I grew up on the coast of Maine, and now live in the interior of Alaska. I only get to see coast once, rarely twice a year now! And although I actually have never been sailing, I had spent a fair amount of my childhood on boats. I truly miss it!!!! Envy, Envy!

Ursula: one can never have too many quilts!

Kristine: where in Alaska are you?

jdb- I loved the performance reviews!

Raye-Jean in Alaska, where it was raining this am, but turned out to be a gorgeous afternoon, so I left work early!

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 9:11 PM
Subject: this and that
E-mail Address: whorsky1@san.rr.com

Hi, all, after a frustrating day at the doctors, when Bill and he realize they have not been communicating about pain level, not even closely, as I've been trying to tell them, but who are men to listen to us, I turn to my friends.
Barb in SpringValley, will you contact me? DH erased you!!! My fault as I keep finding it easier to use send and delete files to find addresses rather than post them in the address book (tomorrow I'll do that). Yeah, Right!
Celia sent me a beautiful squishy of an assortment of fabrics. Such fun.
Someone asked me what they should send for a squishy shower. I thought my response might help some newbees out there:

I received, and loved, everything from cut out hearts to 3" charms (squares)5"charms,6 by 8" by 8-10" fabric cards using freezer paper, fat quarters (one or a matched grouping), 1/2 yd up to 2 yd pieces or even larger squishies. I had no favorites based on size or kind. I really loved it when they enclosed their e-mail address so I could really let them know personally how much appreciated their squishy was.And I really looked forward to reading all the personal notes. These I've saved and they will be enclosed with a sampling of their fabrics in a scrap book, starting the first leg of this journey called Cancer.

Hopefully this will help others. Again, many thanks to one and all. Faith

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 8:57 PM
Subject: Well...
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

I realized a few days ago that this BB has to be read about every day so I don't miss anything. (Only get the Archives once in a VERY blue moon) Today is my DH and mines 2 yr anniversary. Yesterday his parents had a dinner for us and his mom got me a gift certificate to JoAnne's!! What a sweet woman. Went a spent it today on sewing supplies (no SEX though). I mean with a gift like that it's crazy to hang onto it for more than a couple days!! I'm really enjoying the hand piecing of my first quilt too.
WEN in CA: So happy to hear about your POP. Still thinking of you...
Welcome Jackie!! and all the other newbies!

Pepper in WA where the sun still might shine this summer (maybe I'll finally be able to mow my two foot lawn....ugh)
Oh, just started to read a book by Judy Blume called Summer Sisters. Has anyone read it?

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 8:55 PM
Subject: Thanks
E-mail Address: schaupp@actcom.net

I would like to thank everyone who sent me words of encouragement about the stress ful weekend.

I thelped so much and hopefully tomorrow we will get back on the road again.

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 8:43 PM
Subject: please send patience!
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Evening Everyone!

Hope yours is going better than mine!!

First of all, thanks much for the kind words, Reg. Please send more! Or better yet, someone PLEASE send me some patience, 'cause I'm real low! At this point in the wheat harvest, I wish my DH was a hobby farmer.

And also at this point, DH most definately does not mean anything remotely affectionate. More like darn, dreadful husband! (at best!) He thinks... therefore I know! HA!!

And men think women have that time of the month thing? Well let me tell you about Farmers! They have That Time of the Year and its 12 times worse than anything of ours! (Did I steal that from one of you IMers?)

Karen...are you sure you're not up for a quick pity party tonight? Maybe I'll have to nab Mer!

OK-I'm all finished. Thanks for letting me get it out. It's great to have this board(not just to complain)also great to hear all about everyone else's lives and forget about mine for a couple minutes!

I really enjoyed the performance reviews, jdb! I don't think I'll let DD see them--she's caustic enough with her personal reviews!

Better get off here--I'm going to be summoned soon by you know who to do some shuffling and chauffering (sp?)


Susan in KS

Date: 6/28/99 Time: 8:40 PM
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

Thanks for the squishie for my Y2K swap Wen. The top is finally finished. I gave up waitng for some that never arrived and asked Wen to swap for the last block I needed. Just need to add the borders and quilt (LOL)
I had my last sewing class today and now my sewing room is my own again. No more losing parts of projects as I hurry to clear the table for the incoming classes. Maybe I need a little room out back too, just for me.
I second that about the earthworms and good soil. I dig up earthworms with every shovel full and my garden is really healthy.
I wish I had't complained about the heat. Now its cold and rainy. Give back that heat. On the plus side I haven't had to water my graden for a while. I wish I had green beans now, but with our late spring up here I'll have to wait until mid-July.
Nelly from Thunder Bay
I hope this doesn't post twice. My computer isn't co-operating today and I'm not sure if it posted the first time.

ADMINISTRATIVE - Sorry for the gap. Went on a short vacation. We're working on preventing this from happening agian. - Sue T
Date: 6/25/99 Time: 2:54 AM
Subject: Rings and things
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Bertie....Hurray for you !!! Why do we women think we have to wait for a man to give us the nice jewelry we want. Where is it written we can not give them to ourselves? When my DH asked me to marry him he told me he did not believe in engagement rings as they were not the custom in him country. Dumb me just said "o.k.". Don't misundertand me, I do cherish my little band of gold but after about 18 years I said enough of this and pruchased my own 2 ct. sparkler. After all I owned my own business and was contributing to the family income. It did not take long for him to realize how much enjoyment we both got from the pretty things and he started to buy them for me. His first purchase for me was a 5 ct amethyst ring for Christmas. He was a good student, yes? There were many more very beautiful gifts after that. There was still one Christmas I received a vacuum cleaner and a dust buster. He was still a keeper, tho.

Congratulations, Wen. Wish you many more.

Any news yet, Doni.
Anyone heard from Maggie Meadow Mouse?
Keep smiling,
Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 6/25/99 Time: 1:03 AM
Subject: gifts
E-mail Address: cknapp1@earthlink.netq

Kitty kate, sounds like you have done all right in the gift dept from Oscar. And how you know where he was every year????? My dh has been fishing on several of ours with my dbs so that's ok. But I don't know the exact years!! We don't do much for bdays and anniversarys they are all in one month's time so go out to eat someplace nice.

But he usually does good at Christmas. One year surprised me with a pearl ring cuz I never had a promise ring. . .remember those? And the pearl ring had diamonds on each side. Another year he surprised me with a dress form which I had really really wanted but didn't think he knew. Problem is I've had it 13 years and no one to sew up the cover to fit me. Then the topper was when he asked me if I really wanted a computer sewing machine. Went shopping with me and let me pick machine, new cabinet, chair on wheels etc. Great Christmas.

For our 20th anniversary we went to Lake Tahoe, first vacation with no kids. Was WONDERFUL. For 25th got two diamond eternity rings which I love. sometimes he is a real stinker, but has been a winner at times. LOL I can't complain cuz if I really really want something, he usually says o.k. even though he complains about all the "junk" we have all the time. Ha.

Date: 6/25/99 Time: 12:02 AM
Subject: Newcomer
E-mail Address: lmu@means.net

Thanks for the welcome Cheryl. I am a lurker and
just itching to post. Sounds like fun to be part
of this group. I love to quilt (about two years
now) and I love Simply Quilts - Tues. and Thurs.
at 1:30 CST. I take my lunch hour at work to come
home and watch.

Hi to newcomer Jean. I am a grandmother also to
three darling granddaughters.

Goodnight to all.

Lola in Minnesota

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 11:37 PM
Subject: IM
E-mail Address: pbbrown@dm-tech.net

Hi all, I got a new computer (much faster and better) and now I want to download IM and a few months ago someone did a great job of detailing exactly how to download, I faithfully printed the instuctions and now I can't find them. could someone email me with the instuctions.
Patty in Northern California, where it is beautiful.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: Loon
E-mail Address: klindatx@aol.com

loon,,,marie,,,me -- tonight I was looking through some quilting magazines I had intended to give away (no takers, yet), and to my surprise, in Aug. 94 Quilting Today is a wallhanging of a loon, resting in cattails!! Thought of you immediately. Unfortunately, the color picture has been torn out (p.13) but the pattern and instructions are intact. Do you want it? I'll send it to you if you do. Maybe you already have it. It makes a wallhanging 18" x 24". Now do I know what a loon looks like??
Linda B in Tx

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 10:06 PM
Subject: This and thats
E-mail Address: whorsky1@san.rr.com

They just keep coming and coming, these delightful squishies. You guys are just too much and I'm so grateful. The latest little packages of cheer came from:
Wynette in Tn, with several fat quarters, but all color coordinated. Love that one that has striped different prints.
Linda,UK, who sent me some very peaceful English meadow fabric. And it truly is. I also loved the wording of your message. Thanks
Doni,Ks. I have the perfect fabric to go with your choice. Maybe one day I'll send you some so you'll see what I mean
Jenny, NYC Sunshine so perfectly describes that fabric.
A sincere thank you to all of you, and those that have gone before. As Fran in PA suggested I do, I sit and fondle the fabric whenever I'm feeling down. Can't stay depressed then.
Unfortunately life continues to be one of pain for Bill. We keep adding and subtracting different medications but the right ones have not been found. Maybe tomorrow. Meanwhile I stay skinny walking to and fro from the pharmacy. <G>
And I keep my mind occupied busily quilting away. Whatever it takes. And with that I sign myself, Faith in S.CA., a most appreciative BBer.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 10:02 PM
Subject: this & that
E-mail Address: bcahalan@netsync.net

Celia, thank you for the very warm welcome. I still have TIME thinking about your DD's graduation. My DD graduated from Cornell about 4 years ago. I was soooooooo proud of her. She did it mostly on her own. She also was a premie, but what a will to survive!! She and DSIL are coming to visit this weekend. I miss her so.

Here in WNY we get Simply Quilts Saturdays and Sundays at 6:30 a.m. and also Tuesday & Wednesday in the afternoon (but am working then) I love to get up early in the morning, cat and dog would wake me up anyway but have found it a wonderfully peaceful (pieceful?) time to watch Simply Quilts. IMHO Alex Anderson does a wonderful job of previewing different quilts/history/techniques/quilters. I've taped every show and since I've gotten online have gone to the HGTV.com web site and copied the cliff notes for shows. Hope to cross reference in a data base.

Well best get back to last minute housecleaning before bed. TTFN.

Betty near the great lake, Erie in (WNY) where it is hot and humid and expecting thunderstorms tonight!

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:59 PM
Subject: IM
E-mail Address: Pepfun1

Sorry guys. IM is Pepfun1.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:27 PM
Subject: Archives
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I think I posted this on the BB the other day when someone asked but it won't hurt to post it here. Normally, the postings are archived every day or so. If they don't get archived and the page gets too full, we seem to lose the bottom of the page (where you can reach the archives). Don't worry - the next time the postings get archived, the bottom of the page will return and the archives will be reachable again.

Thanks for the great response to the challenge! An idea hit me today and now I am really excited about it. I will work out the details soon on how we will display the photos of everyone's finished works and keep you posted!

Monica in Maine (thunderstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms!)

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:24 PM
Subject: IM
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

P.S. to last post. I should be online for at least the next half hour.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:23 PM
Subject: IM
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Is there anyone out there who would like to chat on instant message. I am going crazy wanting to actually talk to people for a change. It is 6:20pm Pacific Time. My IM is Pepfun151.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:18 PM
Subject: Hi Gang!!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

My email is not working at all, now!! Except the little red flag waving, telling me I have mail that I can't get.
I'll answer them when I can! OK, fair maidens?

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 8:52 PM
Subject: Archives
E-mail Address: wjb2@gateway.net

I also would like to know where to find the BB archives. Would someone
Please post it tonight so I can look thru them?

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 8:22 PM
Subject: Anniversaries
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

I won't bore you with all 29. 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th he was in the field. 9th he gave me an off-white Loden cape (full length). 10th he gave me a Lladro I wanted. One xmas he gave me the detachable hood from a Loden coat. I looked at it and asked how he could just buy the hood. I'm easy! The doorbell rang and my neighbor handed me a big box. It was the coat. I finished up Europe with 3 Loden coats and 1 cape, 3 boiled wool jackets, a dirndl, several skirts, blouses and sweaters (Trachten). One xmas I opened a box and it had a brass hook with a porcelain knob on it. I must have looked dumbfounded because he went out and came back in with the clothes tree I wanted. Gave me a 1/2 carat diamond anniversary ring for 15 years. Traded it in for 1 carat diamond anniversary ring for the 20th. 22nd I got my Pfaff 1472. 25th I got my Elna 624 serger. 28th I got my Pfaff 7560 and embroidery unit and this computer. Xmas 96 I got my Jasmine Spinner. Usually I get stuff when he is a guilty little bugger. I've had my Isuzu Trooper for 12 years. Don't think that will be replaced soon. I would like to have something for anniversary, xmas, & b-day--DD and the DGKs move out of my house. Don't think that will change either. I am thinking about nagging for a computerized serger.
Well, I've bragged and complained enough for one day. TTFN
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 8:08 PM
Subject: All kinds of stuff!
E-mail Address: Con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi all,

Tried posting last night and it froze. Hate when that

Celia - Congratulations on daughter's graduation. I must say,
though, that your memories would not have stopped the
waterworks for me - just the opposite!!!!

Bertie - I hope you're OK, but that scooter incident must have been a scream to see!!!:)

Connie - I'm with you re HGTV. Used to get Simply Quilts on Sat.&Sun. They cut out
Sunday - then Saturday. Found Georgia Bonesteel on a PBS station and was thrilled. Just
as I was getting the hang of when she was on, she was off the air.
So if I write and you write, that is supposed to represent 20,000 who feel the same way!!!
One of the excitements of quitting work was being able to see Simply Quilts on Tues. & Thurs.
If they cancel this, I'll s - c r eeeeeeem!

TerTer - We also bought a house that was 40 yrs. old. At the time, my DMIL kept saying,
Oh, just wait, the price HAS to come down (We paid $20,000!!!!!) Hasn't come down yet!!!
Our best friends told us that when we gave them the grand tour with all the excitement
of new home owners, they went home and cried. What are they doing???? Thirteen years later
with much renovation, we had just the house we want. Love it. Unique with lots of charm.
They nicest thing we heard was
from our oldest DS who said, if you ever sell it, I want to buy it!!!

Monica - I'm also game for the BB Challenge although I am still hoping to enter the
Hoffman challenge and haven't even picked out the background yet and only
have a vague idea what is going on that background!!!!

Hope everyone is fine, especially Grandma-to-be Doni!! You'll have to send me notes
for my turn in December!!

Ann in MA where my town has instituted the dreaded water ban. Only can hand hold a hose
for a few hours in morning and night. Ug-g-g-g-g-h.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 7:17 PM
Subject: Evening All!!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Good Evening everyone, - just got back home from an exhausting but lovely trip to DD's College Graduation. Believe it or not I did NOT cry- had a purse full of Kleenex just incase, but when the actual moment came that her name was called, and she walked on stage, I made myself think of this time 22 years ago when she was the 1977 version of little baby Brandon Paul we have all been pulling for on the Prayer Page. Born at 2lbs 3 ounces and 10 weeks premature, we had some literally heart stopping moments with her way back then. I remember thinking if only she would grow up JUST like all the other babies born that day. Well she did, and it took today for me to realize that- she looked JUST like every other student in the auditorium, so why should I cry??

Happy Anniversary Wen- you seem to have DH very well trained- LOL In 30 years of marriage I have had some "wonderful" anniversary gifts!!! Three new fishing rods (don't fish),the honor of accompanying DH to a to a Math conference (my favorite "Pi" is lemon, couldn't care less about Mr Pythagoras, an entertainment centre- (don't watch TV- too busy on the PC), an expensive bottle of champagne (don't drink), a new BBQ (don't eat red meat)- and so on!!!! Just taking advantage of writer's "licence" here- I actually do quite well, last year I got to go home to England for 2 whole months by myself, so I guess that made up for all the misnomers- LOL

I don't have to hide new purchases. I tell Ivon that my sister, or neice or whoever in England sent it to me- he is definately not going to waste his precious fishing trip money to phone overseas and find out- works every time!!!

How can I thank you all properly for the beautiful squishies that are arriving every day- the thoughtful cards and letters, and in general the caring? Makes me feel pretty special. I open an envelope from many,many miles away from me here in Canada, and find it hard to believe that someone out there took the time to send this specially for me. You are all truly wonderful. I have sent out most of my Thank you letters by E-mail,but some have come back with a notice that they will be delivered in up to 5 days. Can't understand why, and today I received some with no E-mail addys, so I have decided to snail mail everybody, so you will be hearing from me very soon. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Have only quickly glanced through the posts, so now will go back and re-digest, so if there were any newbies today- warm welcome. If you are a lurker, and you are just itching to post and join the fun, then please do so,you won't be sorry- there are no rules- we are all equal here.

Hugs to all,

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 6:29 PM
Subject: Getting gifts you want
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

I have discovered that the best way to get what I want from my man is to NOT tell him what I want. No, he doesn't have ESP. He prides himself on his gift giving (they don't come often enough for my liking, but when they do!!!!!). But if I specifically ask for something or make like I am expecting a certain something he will set out to buy me anything but that. Yet, I have loved every single present from him. He also takes pride in his wrapping jobs. For my birthday last month I guessed that he was buying me rollerblades. I caught him in the morning, when his defenses were down and he didn't have the enrgy to lie to me about it. I was happy that that was what I was gettting, but disappointed that I figured it out - I love surprises! After that he convinced me he was now using plan B, because he wanted to surprise me. I suspected that he was just pulling my leg on that one, but played along. The night before my birthday he showed me the wrapped box. it was tiny, about the size of a watch box. I was thoroughly confused - it sure wasn't rollerblades! So the next morning I unwrap it and what has the guy done? Wrapped one wheel from the rollerblades! LOL!!! At first I didn't even know what it was! This guy is sure creative. But I got what I wanted and I didn't even ask for it. He was even sneakier last xmas. A big , very heavy box sat under the tree for me. I thought some dishes or some kitchen appliance or something. Those were my best guesses. Then, as I was taking the wrapping paper off I joked that it was probably a box full of bricks. Guess what? It was a box of bricks!! And taped to the bottom of the box was a gift certificate for a day at the very swanky spa in town! Yup, I think he is a keeper. I'm just working on not dropping hints for an engagement right now. Wish me luck!

Happy Anniversary Wen!

Cheryl in Edmonton

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 6:15 PM
Subject: new on-line
E-mail Address: grannyj@ohiohills.com

Hi to everyone--- I need your help. Am new and
need tips from all of you to help me get accquainted
and ti learn the ropes. I sew all the time---
quilt, have 11 grandchildren. Jean

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 5:25 PM
Subject: Gems
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hi All!
Thanks for the advice on the berries. I think I'll start completely over in a different spot with the raspberries.
Anyway, My DH also likes to give me nice jewelry. Last anni. he gave me a lab created ruby and decided that it bothered him that it wasn't real enough and said I could exchange it. I did even though it was nice, I got a Tanzinite ring. A very pretty, pale lavendar stone. However, it is a softer stone so I can't wear it all the time. Then at Christmas he got the matching earings (I'll keep him). One thing I can't get though, is a compliment from him! It would be cheaper and every bit as wonderful as a diamond. It's funny that men can go on and on about a beautiful car and not say the same things about their wives!

Speaking of diamonds, for the love of Pete, Connie, tell your man to get you one!
Sandi in MN where it's hot, blue skies and puffy white clouds. Aaaah, summer!

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 5:23 PM
Subject: DH
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

BTW, I really do love DH, but had some MARVELOUS S.E.X. with Mr. Hoffman yesterday. The new Christmas fabrics are S.E.X.-quisite!


Date: 6/24/99 Time: 4:49 PM
Subject: this-n-that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

On hiding things in plain sight: DH, whose eye-sight has always been better than mine, bought
bi-focals three years ago, then self-righteously nagged me to do the same. (He needs a hearing aid far more than he needs to make a “spectacle” of himself, but that’s another story.) I can still pass the driver’s license test without specs and I use a magnifying lamp for hand embroidery. Two years ago I bought prescription sun glasses for driving and wear them whenever it's sunny, and here in Arizona that's all the time. DH has no clue they’re prescription lenses. I also have a pair of graduated lenses (seamless bifocals) that I have been known to wear to a movie on occasion – without DH. I keep them hidden in a drawer of my sewing machine cabinet and pull them out when I need to see something “up close and personal.” Anyway, DH came in unexpectedly yesterday and didn’t even notice I was wearing them. (I quickly pulled them off and hid them under the quilt block I was working on at the time.) It’s become a game as to how long I can keep them a secret.

Meanwhile, DH and I had been planning to replace my wedding rings for our 25th anniversary (two years from now.) DIL has a real fetish for gambling in the Bingo halls (don’t even go there)
How is she supposed to learn the evils of gambling when she’s lucky enough to win a diamond
ring with an appraised value of nearly $11,000? DS and DIL needed the money more than they wanted the ring, but of course no jeweler would buy it from them for the retail price. Anxious to unload it, DS offered it to us at $500 below wholesale, but DH paid DS the whole wholesale
value of the ring – took it off DIL’s hand, so to speak – and gave it to moi. Rather unusual way
to get a new diamond ring, but hey, it’s quite gorgeous.

BTW -- love to get your e-mails, and usually leave them in the inbox where DH can read them and realize that some of you appreciate my sense of humor more than he does. Anyway, puhleeze don't mention the glasses, o.k.? and we thank you for your support!

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 4:48 PM
Subject: Fabric Dyeing
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

I forgot I wanted to tell everyone else. I did some fabric dyeing and totally screwed it up and it looks fantastic!!! LOL

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 4:43 PM
Subject: Fabric Dyeing
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

I am having major problems with my email!

DOT: I lost your email addy! Can you email me? I want to let you know how my first 'batch' turned out!
This fabric dyeing is so cool!!!!

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 4:15 PM
Subject: Rings and such
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Thanks to all who emailed me regarding IM. By the way mine is Pepfun151.
Wen in CA-Congrats!!!
My husband and I will be married 3 yrs next yr, but will be together for 10. I said I would like my 10 yr anniversary band then. He said we hadn't been married that long. I said yes, but I have put up with you for that long so I think I deserve it. LOL.
He's a really great guy and I'm lucky.
Hope to see KittyKat and Judy at the Centralia Show.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 4:07 PM
Subject: anniversaries
E-mail Address: frogstar@ulster.net

My DH has given me some nice jewlery over the years, we've toned down on gifts
somewhat now. We like quiet time, dinner out without the kids (though they get take out at home
They are 15 &12). We've been married 19 years, would not trade it for anything.
This year we purchased a quilting machine, we are both into quilting, so we decided to get
one, especially for when he retires he wants to do quilting more.
Janet in Woodstock

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 4:03 PM
Subject: Jewel
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Been lurking mostly but had to post about this subject. I have THE jewel of a DH. He gives me jewelry for almost every occasion! We've just been married for 6 1/2 years. My engagement/wedding ring is a sizable marquee diamond! He bought it before we even knew each other. Said he knew he would get married again & got a good deal on it! I am so glad he choose me, for many reasons not just the ring! He's definately a keeper!
Reg in KS

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 3:43 PM
Subject: rings n things
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

Anita - I'm sooo happy for you. Having lost a VDD to cancer, I really cheer for anyone who can beat that bugger! You'll be on my prayer list!
DH & Diamonds - A friend of mine was visiting and showing me her diamonds, explaining that since her DH was in business for himself and did not participate in any retirement program, that the occasional rock he got her was to stand her in good stead during the "golden years"....(He also used that same line to justify buying numerous antique (read old, rusty, dirty, don't work) engines. LOL Right! Anyway back to diamonds...when I remarked on the beauty of her gems, DH looked me right in the eye and with all the seriousness of a 5yo, said "You wouldn't like that kind of stuff, would you?" and because I couldn't break the heart of that 5yo that was so sure there was a santa, and his wife would never be interested in a diamond, I sighed, "No, I guess not." Hello Mars??Take this man back!! I'm afraid it would really do no good to ask him for another because he would respond with, "Why? You lost the last one I gave you." And yes,,,sad to say after about 12 years of bliss, one day I had washed my hands, was drying them and looked at this HUGE empty hole in my ring!! (The diamond, I know, was not as big as that hole.) After I could breath (and stopped looking on the under-side of my hand for it's hiding place) I took the sink trap apart and looked to no avail. I had vacuumed the supply room @ work, so I cut the bag apart and carefully sifted through the debris with a flashlight and overhead light... never found. DMIL gave him an unpolished MT Saphire she had found and they had it cut/polished/set in the ring I now wear... but no diamond.
Ah well, he's lasted the course with me for 40 yrs so he can't be all bad!
Luvin stithes to you, all. Connie DHDH Nevada

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 3:28 PM
Subject: Hidden in Plain View
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

I've never gone so far as to hide my new purchases in the freezer but have been known to leave them in my car, SIL's car, etc. Mostly I just hustle them in the house and straight into my sewing room, dispose of the shopping bag, and hide the new fabric in plain view right on the counter atop a pile already there! Who's to know which fabric is new? (VBG!)

Bertie in Illinois (whose hubby bought "her" a Yamaha Razz scooter bike, wiped out a block from the store, cracked the fender and scraped the paint. This morning I, who have never ridden one, rode it half-mile around our circle, took off again and forgot which handle was the brake to slow down at end of driveway so bounced across the road, thru neighbor's yard and BIG blue spruce stopped me! Oooo - aahhh - Bertie went bang, bang! Ooo-ah-ah...........)

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 2:42 PM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: AnitaAnnII@aol.com

Good new! Had my six-month follow up mammogram and what they found last time is smaller. It was small to begin with and now about a third smaller.

I know I didn’t train my DH right. My DDIL was telling my DH how I wanted a diamond ring for our anniversary. He said, “I don’t understand why she wants one.” DDIL answered, “It means you would do it all over again.” His answer was “I’m still here aren’t I? What more does she want!” He was just so dumbfounded by the idea. I was sitting there during this conversation with both of them acting like I didn’t exist. Keep in mind this is also the man that made the observation while I was making a watercolor log cabin quilt for DGD that if I used wider strips it would go faster. But on the other hand, he hasn’t said a word about all the material in closet and also has told me different times to go buy new clothes.

Anita in Mid-Michigan where it is humid

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 2:33 PM
Subject: This and that
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Hi, all. Mibsie in Canada here. Bravo to Connie in HD Nevado. Brilliant idea to put the Corningware in the corn popper! Ingenuity reigns! But if the stove was gone, where did the heat come from? Did you build a fire on the kitchen floor? Renters have been known to do that. I'm sure others of you out there have other stories about weird breakfasts. For those who want the weather report, it's warn, breezy and the sky is turning grey, probably will storm just as I leave work.

Toodles, Mibs

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 1:43 PM
Subject: freezer paper wrapped fabric and training
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Bertie: That wrapping in brown paper reminds me of a BB discussion on how to "hide" chocolate or Pies! LOL! We have things labeled in our freezer....and DH is just as likely as I am to take some Mastadon or Pteradactyl out of the freezer and pop it into the microwave to defrost. What would become of the fabric if your DH did that!!! (From the microwave engineer's view: nothing, since your fabric has very little water content and the microwave energy is tuned to excite water molecules. The only problem would be if the wrap had a plastic coating or there was a sticky label on it. Some plastics are lossy and will start to heat up when they absorb microwave energy.)
OOPS! ran on, didn't I? Sorry! To get my stuff in the house....if DH is home, leave it in my car till he's not. Or if I'm feeling brave, walk brazenly in and claim triumph for stalking and finding the wily (fill in blank). He so hates to extinguish my triumph, that he doesn't say "but what did you need THAT for?". Works sometimes!!
Doni: I've tried the "post-its on the page in catalog" method with limited success, but since the plants don't talk, don't have the option of having a DD drop not-so-subtle hints. If I come up with a method that works reliably, I'll let you know!

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 1:21 PM
Subject: Ring for 5 years W.A.?
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

WOW! I'm impressed. Lucky girl! I wanted a wide gold band with a solitaire diamond for our 25th w.a. Told hubby. He said "I already gave you a ring." SO-O-O, I made lil 6" teddybears and sold them $3 each or two for $5 and bought myself a $1200 ring on sale for $850. Told everyone my teddybears bought it for me. Everyone thought I meant my hubby, but you all and I know bet-terrrrrr!

Also, hubby was repeating some hide-new-dress-from-hubby stories that were on talk radio that morning. About how wives sneaked new clothes into house w/o hubby knowing, etc. One woman saved her dry-cleaning bags and simply put new dress under one and brought it into house that way. Hubby thinks she gets lots of drycleaning done. One woman just left it in car til hubby went to work. (These stories sound familiar, S.e.X.y ladies?) Last store wrapped my fabric purchase in brown paper and tied it with a string so 'it could just go in the freezer', ha!

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 1:09 PM
Subject: Just stuff..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

WEN..Happy Anniversary and good job! The bad years makes the good that much better and the marrage that much stronger..

Ronna..that technique doesn't work to well for diamonds..Mark buys me a Curio Cabinet every birthday..anniversary...christmas..and sometimes just to get out of the dog house..LOL! I have 10 now..we just bought a really beautiful one this last weekend..this one is an antique and it is just so cool! Hand carved scrolls and details you just wouldn't believe! Can you tell how deep in the dog house he was?? LOL!! If you figure out how to get the diamonds..let me know! I have a few and some really nice jewlery..but those pieces I have went with him and said..this is what I want..usually Christmas..or I get my daughter to lightly suggest daily for about a month..I have even mailed him adds for these! LOL!! A women has to do, what a women has to do...

I just watched a totally cool show on the Discovery channel..it was on redoing existing rooms into craft rooms... I get my sewing room back really soon...and do I have lots of wonderful idea now! What great timing! He showed alot of different rooms, done in different way..just gobs of great ideas! One lady was a quilter and he showed her studio and all the quilts, and various ways to display quilt..I really don't like her much! She had such a wonderful studio! And her quilts was just breath taking! Must be nice!

Well better go check on Toni..we were up all night long with pains coming 5 minutes apart..and lasting 45 long seconds..I called her doc and she says not yet..have to wait! I don't think I can take this again all day long! ( I can but I sure hate seeing her in pain!) Keep your fingers crossed for a good labor!

be back later!
Hugs Doni

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 12:11 PM
Subject: Raspberries and diamonds
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Sandi in MN: Look at the roots of your raspberry canes. See if borers have been at them (they will have weak spots and will break easily if they have been heavily infested. If so, you can use beneficial nematodes to get the borers. Those would "crown borers". There are also "cane borers". They make holes in the canes and kill them. Then there are uuummmm…. what the heck were they called??? Well, what you see is the top 6 inches of your raspberry cane suddenly wilt. If you look carefully, you will see two lines on the cane about an inch apart, just below the wilted section. Cut the cane off below the lower line and throw it in the trash (not compost). The insect (whose name I can't remember) has laid it's egg between the two lines. These are the things that have happened to my raspberries at one time or another. Raspberries like a lot of food, so fertilize them and water them!
For the strawberries, make sure that you don't water in the evening….water in the morning so they have time to dry before the temperature drops. If they are wet and cold, they have a better chance of getting that brown rot (I forget the scientific name). If you could keep them off the ground and increase air circulation that would help….but I don't think that anyone has come up with a solution to that problem (LOL)! Also, remove any berries that are moldy or have brown rot. Unfortunately, using mulch may keep weeds down, buy slugs love it and it can be a carrier for pathogens. I hope that you don't use anything toxic on your lawn….since you said you are using grass clippings.

WEN in CA: Geeeez! How did you train him so well in only five years???? I've had my DH for 15 yrs this July 1st, and have not been able to train him right! :( Does that mean I should try Doni's technique with Mark???? ;) What do you think, Doni? Could I get Neal to give me a diamond something for year 15 if I gave him the collar treatment????

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 11:19 AM
Subject: East-coast envy
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

Feeling rested, having slept in 'til 7 for a change and check the postings....and someone mentioned Simply Quilts DARN! I missed her again! Out here on the other edge, she comes on at 6:30 am. I'm usually up but was up late with DgS sleep-over and then up again 2 hrs later to push DH out the door (to pay for my S.E.X.) sooo now I'm kicking myself. We are on a satellite dish for TV so she is the only QR program I get. Satellite version of PBS is almost all Barney and Big Bird and we have to pay extra to get it. I've been planning a lengthy complaint to HGTV for only carrying ONE little bitty QR program. I really could forgo the sneaky peeks into the rich and famous' homes; and with a food-dedicated channel, why bother w/more on HGTV, ditto on animals (don't get me wrong, love to cook, have and love 3dogs, cat, 3 birds and 13yo DgS) Let's get more quilts...more quilts...yea quilts! on HGTV. Are there any statistics on the amount of $'s spent on landscaping vs sewing machines, fabrics, tools and other QR expenditures? ...back to Alex Anderson...I have been known to get up at 3:30am on Sat/Sun to catch those programs 'til I realized they are (usually) reruns. So you east-coast girls: enjoy and think of the sleepy eyes, here in the outer limits, trying to focus on TV screens.
Connie (kick-in-the-pants for snoozing)in Nevada

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 11:06 AM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

We actually made it to FIVE big years. The hardest yet. DH woke me up today with an anniversay diamond ring. Maybe he's not all bad!!!! Having some fun!!!

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 10:22 AM
Subject: Glorious Day
E-mail Address: wdlswan@gte.com

We spent a glorious Wed at the lake. I love to make my guest list look like the categories from the US Census Report. Our group consisted of 2 seniors (the park ranger gently reminded them that they were past the age limit of paying guests), a couple of single moms and their kids, another married couple, and a variety of adolescents. The seniors quickly volunteered to man the grill. They kept a delicious buffet going all day. It's amazing how good everything tastes when it is served on the shores of a lake. We all had a fun day of jet sking and boating. One of the seniors even worked on some embroidered pillow cases to match a recently made quilt ( that she gave away to teenager to take to college next year). The only group missing were those toddlers in life jackets that I have chased up and down the edge of the water in past years (and I'm not sure that I really missed them!). I generally prefer that age group to be in the kitchen painting with pudding or making playdough.
The temp was only in the mid 80s. Although that kind of weather is dreamy, we are wondering where our triple digit summer days are lurking. We haven't seen them this season, and that is very unusual. We love being able to cook on our sidewalks and see everyone walking around town with battery operated personal fans. Ha Ha

Thanks for all the public and private welcomes to the bb. You are a great group. Let's all rejoice that we have been given another day to enjoy, whatever the weather. If all of us on the bb spread a little kindness and joy today, the world will be a better place.
God Bless,
Ellen in "Cool" Texas

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 10:18 AM
Subject: round robin quilts
E-mail Address: artbev@bellatlantic.net

could someone please help me I need instructions on the way our guild could conduct a round robin quilt project Thank you Beverly

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 10:07 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Well Sue (Mosquito) has me hooked on the Longaberger Baskets and Liners. Me, who has never given a "home" party will be having one and giving Sue the credit. I really loved the looks of these baskets.

We are helping ds move into his first home, but we were told to keep an open mind about what he had purchased! Being that it is 49 yrs young!
Can't wait to see what he bought, thankgoodness soon to be ddil says she is happy.

Sun, shinning and 40 TOE Tea Party Today, fun in the sun swimming and sipping ice tea, new one called "Spring Time" and it has a taste of mint, very good.

All have a good day

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 10:02 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Well Sue (Mosquito) has me hooked on the Longaberger Baskets with liners. Had a catalog sent to me and gosh they are beautiful..Will have to have my FIRST party, never did have a tupperware, crystal, magis chef etc. Not that type of person...but this interests me.

So now we are off again to help the Kids move into their first home. I thought I was retired and could quilt, garden and have the 40 Toes to tea, but alas I'm just to busy dealing with retirment.

Have a good day.


Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:30 AM
Subject: Not Much
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Good Morning everyone...not much to report from the Cape today, except it is very warm and going to get hot. No rain, and all the yards and gardens are starting to suffer. Last bunch of strawberries, were very sweet, but very small. Saw some delightful lightning bugs, or fireflies,( don't know what other people call them) last night for the first time this summer. My favorite fabrics to look for are fabrics for landscapes..such as skies, stones, grasses, etc. Have to hurry on out of here..Simply
Quilts is getting ready to come on. Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:06 AM
Subject: Fusible Web
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

Oops! I forgot to add that whichever brand you use, you want to pre-wash your fabric. The sizing will act as a barrier to the bonding process.

Mary in Ohio (again)

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:04 AM
Subject: Fusible web
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

Michelle: I too, tried the Wonder Under and wasn't real happy with the results. This was about 6-7 years ago when fusible appliques and fabric painting were BIG. The one I like the best is called Heat and Bond. It has a considerable amount of glue, and even says on the wrapper that you do not want to sew through it or it will gum up your needle. Back about that time I made a neat sweatshirt jacket with appliques on the shoulder and down the front. It has been washed a number of times (dried in the drier, too). The appliques are doing better than the paint I used to "seal" the edges.

Mary in Ohio

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 9:00 AM
Subject: S.E.X. on the beach
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

We are headed for VA Beach tomorrow and then on to Kill Devil Hills on the Outer Banks for a week. I was hoping to have S.E.X. on the beach. Any one know of any quilt shops in the area. I'm sure my family will be thrilled to stop!!
We'll be with 33 of my DH's family in a large house. I have a wall hanging to quilt to keep me sane. I did four baskets of spring flowers from "Grandmothers Garden Quilt" and it looks great. My first attempt at hand applique.
Be back in a week.
Sue in PA

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 8:39 AM
Subject: birdhouses
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

I just finished my latest project which was a birdhouse wallhanging for my SO's mother. She has become a birdhouse fanatic
over the last year so I thought it would be a cute "just because" kind of gift. I did my first job of not "in the ditch"
machine quilting around the outlines of the houses and it looks very cute. I had one problem though **QR question** the
iron on stuff I used was called wonder under but there wasn't anything wonderful about it. I iron on appliqued the pieces
to the top and about 3 hours later I started finding birds and entrances on the floor that had fallen off the top! Can anyone
recommend a better fusible web? I ended up sewing the pieces down. Thankfully it just made it look more homey.

Monica- I would also be interested in participating. I have never done any kind of challenge before but I would like to try.

I don't know about cats and quilting other than the fact that they can sense whatever it is I don't want them to lay on - like the quilt
when I am trying to baste it or cut the batting. But our 5 mo old lab loves it when I quilt. She lays about 2 in from the foot pedal and
tries to eat any fabric scraps that fall to the floor. She also thinks the pincushin would make a really good toy. We've had to pry it and some loose
pins out of her mouth a couple times because she jumped up and grabbed it off the table. I usually have to lock her up if I'm going to do any work on the
floor due to the fact that the cat's lie on the quilt--dog sees cat--dog decides to play with cat--next thing I know my quilt is halfway across the floor
the cat's on top of the couch hissing and the dog
s trying to bite her tail.

Pepper--Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply to your message yet..I'll get to it tonight! I also have AIM so I will make sure to send you my screen name.

Michelle in PA

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 7:36 AM
Subject: Challenge
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Okay, folks, I posted the details on the BB page (though they haven't showed up yet! 8^) Let me know what you think!

Thanks for all the rose advice - those bugs better be scared since I will be armed with soapy water and garlic now!

Monica in Maine (I just know there was something else I wanted to mention...)

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 7:28 AM
Subject: First Full Size Quilt Top
E-mail Address: Jackb@bright.net

Hello Everyone! I don't post often, but thought I would share this. Yesterday I finished piecing my Y2K quilt top. It was the first full size top that I have made. While squaring the blocks I discovered a mistake (Seam allowance was off !) I thought I was going to give us quilting for good, but DS#1 is looking forward to getting this quilt (or blanket as he calls it. He is only 4.) My husband said I had to finish it. So far I have 3 of the 10 rows sewn together. It doesn't look bad! I think I will keep quilting. I quess what they say about no blocking being unusable is true! My quilt will not be 80x100 but DS#1 will love it all the same. I even took a few minutes and started the Y2k quilt for DD yesterday (After double checking the seam allowance several times.) I hope everyone is doing well. I need to get back to my DS#1 quilt. I actually can't wait to get it done.
Valerie in Ohio

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 7:10 AM
Subject: special needs
E-mail Address: SStrtPal@aol.com

Are there any of you quilters out there who take care of or have children with special needs? I'm one of those (child with autism). I'd like to hear from you. Thanks,
Kris H. in NE-Md

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 2:33 AM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Who said that, where did you go, huh?? I missed something, like I don't have enough going on with all these kids getting into the cabinets and spilling things on each other and having a whole table dedicated to Y2K swapping and the fact that I can't even pry myself away from this computer for more than an hour or so. I need more to do????? Not a chance...... but I'm like the little kid who wont go to bed because they might miss something. COUNT ME IN.... I want to be in on everything. I guess that's why I'm surfing the ZONE so much these days. There are some great Bible Studies on the net... let me know if anyone's interested. It's waaaayyyy past my bed time gotta go... Rachel, where are youououou.

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 1:32 AM
Subject: addie change
E-mail Address: kbirdsong@earthlink.net

well, since last night, I guess we have a new server, which means, I have a New e-mail addie, which means...ughhhhh....so, here's my new addie in case anyone's tried to get in touch with me. NOW to figure out a new e-mail program...egads, and puters were supposed to make life Easier!????? :o Karen Bush in hooottt steammmy Missouri

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 12:44 AM
Subject: question
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Is a flamer a BB'er who's gone "post-al?"

Just wondering

jdb in AZ
(where the heat has fried my brain -- obviously)

Date: 6/24/99 Time: 12:28 AM
Subject: Hawaiian Quilts...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Gabriele..Judy in Sioux City has done Hawaiian Quilts I think..and is really good about sharing things...maybe she can help.....hope this helps..she usually post on the BB quilt board.....

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:53 PM
Subject: Ooops
E-mail Address: toga@intertek.net

Sorry, wrong page on the hawaiian quilts. I'll pay attention next time.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:25 PM
Subject: Hawaiian quilts
E-mail Address: toga@intertek.net

I just started my first block of an hawaiian quilt that was featured in a quilt magazine. Unfortunately the directions were not very precise. Has anyone done anything like this? How do you applique the shape on, especially in the valleys? Hope I made myself clear. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Gabriele

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:01 PM
Subject: All That
E-mail Address: Maddquilter@webtv.net

Glad to hear febreze thing is a hoax.My parapeligic son has incontenince problem and
we use it often and niether of our 2 cats or more sensitive parrot have been bothered.As far as the garden bench goes,in the pet dept. of your favorite store there are great products for odors related to urine.
Betty in PA: Niagra is Perry's Flagship.He also said"Don't give up the ship."
Gotta g QUICK Pat in PA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:48 PM
Subject: Gardens/berries
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

All of this berry picking is making me jealous! My raspberries had their best year 2 years ago, last year was pitiful, this year there is 1 little cane with a few leaves on it. This has happened to a couple of others I know of in this area. Any ideas, anyone? Also, How do you keep the strawberries that are laying on the ground from getting rotten before you pick them? I have mulched with grass around the plants to keep the weeds down, was that my mistake?
Fortunately, God has blessed us with wild raspberries around our property. They're harder to pick, but that makes them all the sweeter!

My favorite fabs are Batiks, hand-dyeds, and orientals. Of course, they are the most exspensive ones. No one ever said you could get good S.E.X. cheap!!!
Sandi in MN where it's a lovely evening.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:33 PM
Subject: Benches and Accidents
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Loon Marie: try using a vinegar solution on the bench (or maybe straight vinegar). My carpet man told me to use a 50% solution of white vinegar and water to cut the ammonia in pet urine. I used it whenever DS had an accident and it really works. Might work on your bench.
My QBs spent lunchtime with me and we got to play with bowties, prairie points, and pinwheels. It was so much fun. Wish all of you could have come over.
Help!!Does anyone have an acrylic Double Wedding Ring template set that they would let me borrow or rent? I want to try my hand at this quilt and have the fabric all picked out. Please. Please. Please, help me out. Thanks so much to all of you for the ways you've brightened up my days (rather my nights cause that's when I get on the CBB).
Later, Sarah in Alabama who is sitting in front of a big fan and eating strawberries.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 7:59 PM
Subject: Count me in!!
E-mail Address: bcahalan@netsync.net

Yeah!! count me in on a fiberspace quilter's challenge. I keep meaning to join the local quild but with work, home, garden, dog(Maggie), cat (Emily, not Maggie 2), dh, family and Oh, yeah 10 different quilting projects, I haven't gone to a meeting yet. Sighhhh, maybe some day.

Pat in PA, I'm approx 40 miles from Erie, Pa. Heard about a quilt shop over that way, maybe we could get together. Been wanting to get to that island and Admiral Perry thing--somehow he was related. You know the guy? "I have seen the enemy and they are ours"??? or something like that.

IMHO cats/dogs, gardening/quilting and FOOOD all seem to go together! don't you think?

Finally, there was this need travel kit for life that stopped at #4. Please post again. The gal's at work thought it was great!!

Betty, by the great lake, Erie (isn't it!)

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 7:42 PM
Subject: Good Evening
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

I've been visiting this page and finally decided to join your chat. This is my first time here and you all sound like a great group of quilters. I am a high school teacher so home during the summer. I hung a quilt today that I finished yesterday and started 5 years ago. I'm thrilled.

I saw Kris's posting for a quilt shop in Gettysburg, I hope you received my email about that. I live 30 min. from there, and there are two nearby.

Susan in KS, you made me smile. I also have two teenagers and a 5 year old so I know where you are coming from. I think there might be a lot of us out there. Mine are 19, 16, & 5. I grew up in KS and now live in PA, I know what you mean by hot and windy. I think I prefer PA.

I'll look forward to visiting again.
Bye for now
Sue in PA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 7:36 PM
Subject: BB Block Exchange
E-mail Address: djcassidy@hotmail. com

Good Afternoon,

Awhile back I posted about having a block exchange but didn't get a lot of responses. It was during the Kosovo quilt making time so I figured everyone was kind of busy. I thought I would try again seeing how we could all use some friendship right now.

I was in a block exchange with 40 women from Canada to the U.S. and each of us mailed out the pattern we wanted and the background fabric. Everyone mailed out their patterns at different times. Then over the course of a year we did each others blocks using our own fabric to the specifications of the owner. My instructions were for a churn dash block with any christmas fabric or red/green fabric. I made a wonderful christmas quilt for my bed and all the blocks were signed & dated. It was also a challenge to do some peoples choice of blocks.

If anyone is iterested let me know. Because summers are so busy I was thinking of starting this in Sept. If anyone has any good ideas to add to this let me know.

Kelly in WA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 7:33 PM
Subject: Febreeze Hoax
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

People with pets can relax - it's just a hoax. For more info:
This came up on the BB a bit ago and maybe someone else has more info.

Monica in Maine

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 7:30 PM
Subject: Cooking BB Post
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

HELP! I have tried posting my favorite recipe for Monster Cookies on the cooking BB twice and both times it "chewed" up half the ingredients! Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem is? Who do I need to address this to?

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 7:02 PM
Subject: teacup and other febreeze users
E-mail Address: bvase@sweetwater.net

please don't use the stuff where your animals can get at it. a notice in a nearby fabric store said there is an ingredient in it that can make dogs and cats sick and even kill them. wash anything that was sprayed with it that the animals get on. how about children too? if it hurts the animals it can hardly be good for the kids now can it.
nancy in wyoming

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 6:21 PM
Subject: It's Finished
E-mail Address: KBras01@aol.com

Had a great day working with all the beautiful blocks you talented BBers stitched for one of the Reichert quilts. This one belongs to the 7yr. old. Its complete except for the final pressing. It was an honor to do this little job and I thought about those kids a lot the past few days. Now must get back to the quilt for expected DGC . The shower invitation arrived several days ago and the quilt is far from being a quilt.Peace to all, Kathy in Ohio

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 5:16 PM
Subject: Stuff and fluff
E-mail Address: SStrtPal@aol.com

I got out my quilt project this week (Quilt related) and I figured that since the bb buddies have been checking in on me--thank you thank you---It's great to know that you guys (or y'all, for you texans)want to encourage me (thats' bb chat part). Id' better get crackin! I wanted to know if any of you know of web sites for quilt/fabric shops in and around Gettysburg PA (visited last summer)--quilt related question and tourism related, and bb chat--I could go on. I go to estate auctions looking for vintage fabrics sometimes (found some from 1953 last auction). Does that mean that I am looking for occasional vintage (or old) S.E.X? ---now that's bb chat.

I'm trying to make a point. If you want to chat about something you enjoy---how can one separate the personal from the quilt related? I see allegory in quilts, too---my life is like a quilt and all people I meet add to it (some add to my crazy quilt). I just had to add my two cents. People are valuable--handle gently and polish them to greatness. Life is tarnish enough.
That's all for now
God bless and keep you, even Kitty Kate:)
Kris H.
your sesame street pal in Merry Olde Maryland
where it's hot,hot, hot...

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 4:48 PM
Subject: Food Fiascoes and such
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

Lordy, Lordy after 40 yrs of marriage, and a while before that on my own...what to tell...
In my first apt. My first meal was a big pot of stew - that I ate on for a week, not knowing it had to be kept in the fridge....and the time the creamed peas were so thick the spoon stood straight up in them...
When newly married, we lived/worked on a ranch in central MT. The owner leased the ranch (and us) and was moving to CA. We were busy planning our first "social event" - a New Years Eve Party. The moving van (for outgoing boss's stuff)arrived in a snowstorm and left just as guests were arriving. The party wound up being a sleep-over and there I was the next morning with about 14 people for breakfast and no stove! We wound up using the bottom section of a popcorn popper and a small Corning Wear pan that would fit down far enough to make contact with the heat. I cooked separate breakfasts o..n..e a..t a t...i...m...e or the time I poured the potatoes over the gravey because I'd used too much milk when I mashed them.
I cannot begin to tell you what a wonderful difference you have made in my life in just a couple of weeks! thanx
Connie in HD (high desert, hot dry) Nevada

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 4:32 PM
Subject: just sewin' & thinkin'
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Afternoon, everyone!

I'm just taking a break from the sewin' and thinkin' (about the QR conflict on this page). I think you put it well, Cassi--I see absolutely no harm in talking about quilting a little here. I agree about posting definate QR problems and questions on the other page, but quilting is a BIG part of my personal life and sometimes I'm just going to bring it up here. Bring on the flames--I'm dealing with the Jekyll/Hyde teenager and the bossy, whiney 4 y/o today, so I can handle it!

All you ladies talking about the berries are making me drool! I love them all and wish they would grow around here. Alas, all my part of KS is really good at growing are sunflowers and zucchini! I do have a really yummy zucchini stir fry recipe that I'll try and post to the cooking board, if anyone is interested.

Well, better get back to the sewing machine, since I've gotten my 2 cents in about the QR thing!

Hope you all have a good day!

Susan in hot, humid, windy KS

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 4:32 PM
E-mail Address: jwigg@homenet.lm.com

Doris, those carp! We live not far from Pymatuning and take the Scouts there sometimes. That teeming mass of open-mouthed fish-gag. There was a little yappy dog annoying us one time and I had such a temptation to you-know-what! Of course, he probably would have just walked out on the bodies of all those fish,......

Janet in western PA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 4:20 PM
Subject: Just Stuff
E-mail Address: cats173@hotmail.com

Afternoon All, Had a QB over this AM to quilt. Spent the afternoon making strawberry jam. DD helped. Did 5 batches. Will make one more when DDIL gets out of work as she wants to learn how. It is H.H.H. here today. Just want to stay inside with the AC on. Kim in MI, maybe we can meet sometime. We are only about an hour away from each other. jdb, when you come to MI maybe we could meet at a quilt shop near where you will be? take care all and try to stay cool. Mayme in MI

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 3:32 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Wow, a real wagon train, mules, horses and all that stuff. They were on their way to Stockton CA. Going thru all the old gold towns. Really a sight to see.

My favorite quilt shop closed in Jackson, need to travel further and further on our short trips.

Well, the dh, dd and tea pot surrvived but am up to my ears in cross stitching a wedding sampler for a dear friends, son...will have to do one for my son also.

KIDS GOT THEIR HOME...first one, that is so exciting, do you remember getting your first home?

So glad that all is well with us, that what ever was said is unsaid who ever was hurt is unhurt, I would hate to lose any of you. You have all become GOOD friends to me.

Love and have a good day
always nice to be home and swim in your own pool.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 3:26 PM
Subject: Roses
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Just finished watering the gardens and everything looks great except for one thing. I have two kinds of roses - a wild one that just grows like gangbusters and is planning on taking over the garden, I think and one of those fancier ones that I bought at a nursery. The nursery one is getting eaten up by something. I never find any bugs on it, but most of the leaves are little skeletons. I can't figure out why the wild rose has hardly been touched (bugs with expensive tastes?). Anyway, I don't care for pesticides and was wondering if anyone has any helpful, non-toxic suggestions? Trying to search through the rose stuff on the WWW is a nightmare...

I also mentioned this on the BB yesterday but in case anyone didn't get over there, I thought some of the quilt challenges people were talking about sounded like a lot of fun. I don't belong to a local guild so was wondering if our little cyber-guild would like to do one? What do you think?

Monica in Maine (who is too darned hot!)

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 2:49 PM
Subject: instant message
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Good Morning!!!
Quick question, yesterday I was checking things out all over the WWQP and came across a list of BBer's with IM screen names. Can anyone help me find that list again or email me their IM screen names so I can see if my IM works or not. TIA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 2:36 PM
Subject: Just hi
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Loon! Loved your bench story!! At least you can put the bench in the garden!
I went for a bone density test this morning. While laying there letting the machine do it's thing, the tech sat beside me to chat. She wanted to know where I got the big bruise on my elbow. So I told her.. I have a puppy and ever once in a while I can smell pee in my house! YUK! So I get down on my hands and knees and try to find 'the spot' to clean it. She does know how to hide them well. Anyway, I thought I found it right beside the chair to the computer desk and bent down to have a good sniff and banged my elbow very hard on one of the metal legs of the chair. I didn't tell her about the bump on my head when I brought my head up in a hurry and cracked it on the desk! She was laughing so hard she would not of heard it, anyway!!
Thank goodness I was alone! When DH asks me tonight where I got the bruise, I am just going to tell him something like... I hit the side of the doorway while I was vacuuming!!! LOL
Celia... you are a good teacher!!! LOL
This morning I found a hair ball on one of my quilts!!!
Today...BOTH cats and dogs droll!!!!
Have to go... I can still smell pee!!!
Febreze...here I come!!!

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 2:23 PM
Subject: Stuff'N'Such
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

ELAINE - I haven't gotten any response to my email to Stash. STASH are you out there?
COMPUTER and can opener alert the kitties. They think the can opener is tuna (all the time). Computer means they can crawl into my lap or sit on the desk. TV means Mom's sitting down to do quilting. Both sofa arms, the back of the sofa, and all over and around me are cats. I usually don't get more than 7 of them with me on the sofa.
RONNA the only real answer I can give you is, GET SOME CATS! There are so many that need homes.
DORIS I lived on a farm in the 50's. I was a kid then. We lived on Harmondsburg Road. My Dad worked in Meadville and we went shopping there twice a year. We went to Conneaut Lake to see the ducks on the fishes' backs. Our house was 150 years old at that time. The barn was a new bank barn with a milkhouse attached. We had 58 acres. The farm next to us raised horses for the Allegheny College. My elementary school was Fredricksburg. All this old brain can remember. It was the happiest time in my childhood. I remember Lake Pymatuning.
STRAWBERRIES Yesterday I ate the first ones from our strawberry patch. We have blackberries everywhere. They are a weed in this state. A very tasty one, though. DH is putting in blueberries and raspberries. I am a raspberry lover. Berries are so beautiful to look at and so tasty to eat. Love things decorated with them too. I am a berry happy quilter.
CUT out 3 tapestry purses last night. Will cut out linings and put together today. Commission work. Same lady wants a lighthouse quilt and doesn't mind me using the panel from Spring, Ind. Machine quilt and it is so quick. I used to be a snob and say "oh, that's a cheater quilt!" or "oh, machine quilted.....!". Don't anymore. We do change, don't we.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^o.o^<

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 2:21 PM
Subject: Favorite fabrics
E-mail Address: klindatx@aol.com

All right, if you must know, I never met a fabric I didn't like. (Well, maybe just one!) Right now I have fallen in love with batiks -- collecting them for a future (undecided) project. I'd like to use them before I move on to another favorite. Have lots of 30's repros on hand (really like those) and the Civil War prints, too. I took part in a Y2K swap, and some of the beautiful new fabrics that came my way made me want colors/prints I had never thought to be my "style" before. Love them all!
What are your favorites?
Linda B in Tx (someone please send a cool breeze our way!)

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 2:01 PM
Subject: Pat in PA
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Pat, where were you last week ? I was in Erie and would have loved to have someone show me around or even give me some info. on local quilt shops ! My DH and I had been traveling for over three weeks total and we were in your area on the way back from Canada. Spent the night at Conneaut Lake and looked around the surrounding area some, but didn't notice any quilt shops !! I have your email address, so if ever in your area again, I will contact you !!!!!! For sure ! Elaine, NC

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:56 PM
Subject: Good Wednesday to All
E-mail Address: jrktex@aol.com

Loon - wish I had been there I might have gotten to the bench first. I want one for my patio. How about soaking it down with Pine Sol or something to lessen or change the odor. Or just set a few pot plants or "loon" houses on it. Love yard sales.

We have had bios, collections, animal friends. I would like to know what kind and colors of fabrics you all choose. My stash contains lots of fall colors, growing group of reds/whites/blues, some 30's prints and juveniles. For some reason I don't seem to have many pastels although I do like them

Checked out the tips page and found a lot of usful info on there. I also like to see answers on the BB, it helps me too.

I keep a map handy so I can see where everyone is when I read the CB. Aren't we a worldly group??
Still feel new but I really enjoy everyone.

Sandra in humid Texas

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:51 PM
Subject: ??????????
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers

Where are the archives???? I have not been on for a few days and so I don't know sence my last post how much trouble I may or may not be in???????? Or for that matter, does anyone even care?????????

Susan in Mt.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:45 PM
Subject: Chat Talk
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hi Mibs, good to see you on line, thanks for the info. on Canada, we traveled thru and stopped at the Hobby Horse you suggested, great place !! So much 100% cottons to choose from, couldn't beleive it !!!!!

Hi LindSue, nice you joined us, release the caps on your computer, hard to read your message ! Thanks, Elaine

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:19 PM
Subject: Orange County Quilt Show
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gatway.net

Hey, anyone in sunny Southern California interested in getting together this weekend for the quilt show, let me know and I'll e-mail the addy etc. gotta go see the Monster Cookies receipe. I gotta dog named Bear, he goes with me everywhere, he loves to lay at my feet whether quilting or on the computer and he has the softest muzzle, we love to snuggle.
WEN in CA {{{{{{Have a great day}}}}}}}

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:18 PM
Subject: Brekkie from the "empty" cupboard
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Hi! Mibsie from Canada here. All these yummie breakfast dishes - so nice when you have advance warning of company coming! What about those breakfast feeding adventures when the company is unexpected and the cupboard is almost bare. Let's hear some of stories of your cleverness - running to the restaurant tales don't count! Or do you not feed them so they will leave sooner! My solution when there weren't enough eggs or bread for toast or butter or milk, nor any bacon, was a bread pudding. Yoda-butt in the cupboard produced a small tin of mandarin oranges and some maple syrup. Came off quite well 'cause the company hadn't ever had bread pudding before and didn't know it was usually a dessert! Warm here but enough breeze to keep it bearable. Am down to counting days " 'til the cottie" and making plans of things to take. Puttered away at cutting out pieces last night in prep for the trip but didn't get to far what with lawn watering, phone calls and neighbourly visits. Toodles, Mibs

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:30 PM
Subject: Back Again!!!
E-mail Address: MaddQuilter@webtv.net

I'm not getting my star points right so I had to step away from the machine.I have never been to the Meadville quilt shop,don't drive so I don't get far.Erie has a great quilt shop,right beside our Sea Wolves pro baseball field,so any of you ladies thinking of visiting,You can leave your hubby at a game,walk across the street and enjoy S.E.X.
while he enjoys game.We have 2 JoAnne's,a shop 20 mins to the east,another 35 mins,to the west and 5-10 mins south of that towards
Conneaut Lake,the Amish have a great store.
We have the Flagship Niagra,some great beaches.If any one passes through again,please e-mail me and maybe we could meet. 80) Pat in PA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:20 PM



Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:17 PM
Subject: this 'n that
E-mail Address: dsfarrow@epsi.net

Have been in and out of town over the last two months and keeping up with what is going on on the BB is just impossible! I'm thoroughly confused--guess that's normal.
BREAKFASTS: Have posted a couple of recipes for a breakfast caserole and a breakfast pizza--sorry I don't remember who was looking for new breakfast ideas, but these are family tested! Cassie mentioned answering questions on the BB rather than assuming someone else had e-mailed an answer (unless e-mail was requested) and I llike that--a good way to get new ideas! And I did check out the recipes for the apple pancake and portuguese (sp) eggs everyone wasl talking about--sound great!
CASSIE: Had read your earlier explanation of Ohio 99, not only funny but then I had to tell DS in WA that we couldn't go to Ohio 99, or 2000!
HOLICE: Was "organizing" quilt books, magazines, (which I started getting years before I ever bought fabric to cut) yesterday. In an Aug - Sept, 1990, "Quilting Today" was an article about Holice and his "Manmade quilts!" Was nice to put a face with the name and to learn a little about the gentleman who brings his wisdom to the BB.
OTTE LIGHT: There was a discussion about the true color light vs the task lite. My question is if you were getting one just to use for HQ, would the type of light make any difference, especially if the price difference is a lot?
Some of you have been talking about strawberries, well you can have them. I'm picking my raspberries now--aw, heaven! Being an Idaho girl, I've missed them and the asparagus we used to pick along the canal banks. DH and I now have asparagus patch and new raspberry and blackberry patches. Wonder how we could get some mtns here?? Still after 30 years miss them and the cool nites. DH and friend are going fishing tomorrow and I'm going to pack a wonderful lunch so they'll be happy and fish all day so I can quilt all day!
Does TOAD apply just to quilts, think I have a variety of them around here--
Must run, but you know what's so great about this BB? It's made up of real people who have room in their lives for both quilts and dogs (alright, cats, too). Some "experts" seem to think that the two are mutually exclusive.
Sue in cloudy MO

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:54 AM
Subject: Conneaut Lake, Meadville & Etc.
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Small world, seems Doris, Kitty Kate and Pat, all know of the famous Conneaut Lake ! My DH and I were just there this past week coming home from Canada and even spent the night, what a nice place and beautiful lake !!! There was so much to do for children and even the adults too ! We stayed at a place on the main drag, not but a block walk or less from the park/lake. We had a nice walk around, watching the children on rides and then looked at the old cars on display and finally a long quite look over the lake ! Thats the life alright ! Wish we were closer to enjoy it more, DH remembered it from years back, he is originally from PA.
Now, whats this about Meadville having a nice quilting shop ? Too bad I didn't know, had a few dollars left from Canada traveling !!!
Still waiting on some info. from my 8:28 AM post ?

Elaine, NC

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:43 AM
Subject: Morning
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

The Eagle just left the dock and headed for Portland. A good portion
of Astoria's ten K population stood in line to visit, and as usual I was
impressed that 200 people can be accommodated in 295 feet. One of the cadets
is a local HS grad who was quoted "Pop Tarts are Morale Food" and commented
that on the way from Mexico they were running short of food. The young men
in their white hats caused a lot of local girls to have "really bad hair days"

BREAKFAST PEACHES are from Ca and I have found that if any fruit smells like
what it is supposed to be, the 3 minutes in the microwave will enhance the
flavor. Plums in oatmeal are yummy.

Basted a baby quilt yesterday which started me thinking that I have several bins
of "quilt backing fabric" we're talking multiple yards of each, but they never
seem to 'go with' the finished top. I'm making a midyear resolution to buy no
more backing fabric on speculation. I wrote a reminder on a very small postit
note and pinned it to the flannel wall as a reminder.
Betty on Or coast--grey & foggy.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:28 AM
Subject: good morning all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

i have to share this story,,,,
we have many yard sales up here in maine and i would love to visit them all of course, but one in particular makes me go at least twice a year,,
off the highway,,,planted in the soft shoulder sits a barnboard sign announcing ''barn sale'',,,,along the road are red arrows that mark the back roads to the site,,,
the small barn sits in front of a trailer,,,and consists of mostly storm windows and odd ball items,,,pretty much junk,,,but i love the two guys who run this,,,the father must be 90 something,,,and his son is upper 70's and retarded,,
same thing each time we go,,,,the son asks me my name,,,,''what name?'',,,,and i answer,,''marie'' and he smiles and tilts his head down,,,,nudges my arm and asks,,''what his name?''pointing to my dh and i answer once again,,''moe'',,,,and off he runs in circles,,,''moemoemoemoemoemoe'' to my delight
dh just rolls his eyes as i repeat this same scene each time we visit the place
i always buy something,,,,have to,,,,,and this time i bought a pitch fork,,,,and a bench,,,
gave the father a bit of haggling but all in all pay what he asks cuz i wish i could help him keep up his spare change box,,,,
dh put the bench in the truck,,,and kinda smurked the whole while,,,i was busy chatting with both men so i barely noticed,,,,
off we went after hand shakes and one more ''moemoemoemoemoemoe'' and when i got into the truck dh complains,,,
''well you did it now'',,,,,,''it smells''
''what?'',,,,i ask,,,,,,''smells of urine'',,,he says wrinkling his nose,,,
and it REEKS of it,,,,,,,but in the garden it goes,,,,and i don't care,,,,lol
just remind me not to have anyone sit on it,,,i must remember to tell everyone before they soil their sundress,,,,oh man!!!

celia,,,,you rule woman,,,,and i drool
teacup,,,,,do you need help with the cancer quilt??
ter,,,,,are you in the sun??

loon/marie/maine,,,hope this is not too long,,i was gabby today,,,,after celia finally came on,,,,yahoo!!

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:18 AM
Subject: life
E-mail Address: frogstar@ulster.net

I still feel like a newbie! Anyway, from one who has lived thru some tough things, you have to learn to bend
some or you will break. Sometimes I ask, to clear the air with someone, is this or that what you meant to say?
Usually works very well and opens the door to talking. I really like to hear how all of you are doing and how
you handle things, pretty well from what I see. Janet in Woodstock

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 11:01 AM
Subject: Nautical Quilt
E-mail Address: WilliQuilt@aol.com

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the Chat Police, I thought I would share my church quilt experience with the person who asked about making a lighthouse/nautical quilt representing her(his?)quilt.
We made a quilt to present to our sister church in Romania, using church symbols(large, in the center)surrounded by smaller blocks with Bible based names. We used the stained glass/bias tape technique that uses paper-backed fusibles. We used batik fabrics which really gave it a stained glass effect. Also, using the fusible helped make it easier for nonsewers to participate. This means the quilt should be machinequilted unless you're in the running to challenge the tribulations of Job. It really makes more of a banner, but we don't expect that anyone will sleep beneath our quilt. A word of warning, whoever takes this on should be super organized and maybe have a fundraiser because the batiks and premade iron on bias is pretty pricey.
Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.
Quilty Willi in MI

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:54 AM
Subject: This and that
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Hope everyone is having a great quilting day today. It is real foggy here this morning...the kind of day that is perfect to do quilting.

Susan G. -- You've got the same idea about the lining as I do. I love the royal blue in the Hoffman print. My only problem (I just realized this yesterday) is that you can only use 2 yards of the fabric. It will be interesting to see if I can get a jacket long enough to cover my backside out of 2 yards. I may have to rethink this. Either that, or I'll skip the challenge, make the jacket and just put it in our little county fair in October. I wanted the blue for the lining and then turn the sleeves back about 3" to show off the contrast.

Beth in Ft. Wayne -- I have lots of shelves in my closets. Plus, whenever Target (or K-mart) has clear pastic storage boxes on sale, I pick some up and put projects inside them. My "stash" is in another room, all boxed up in xerox paper boxes. They make the best storage boxes. My sewing cabinet is really neat. It collapses into a 36" square "box" looking thing. It has storage compartments under for your machine, etc. So, it fits inside the closet when it's all put together. With my schedule, I don't get to quilt as much as others do, so I can put it all away although I would rather be sitting there during the day than to be working. I changed my hours for the summer, and will only be working 4 days/wk, so maybe I can get more done. Also, you mentioned cats and quilts. I think they go hand-in-hand. I have two cats, but one loves to sit on my quilts when I've got them on the dining room table. I can tell he has been there because he has shed. I also have a Golden Retriever who comes in and lays right by my feet when I'm sewing. I think quilters and animals go together quite nicely.

Well, hope everyone is happy and quilting up a storm today. I envy you. Have a great day.

Sondra in (foggy) Calif.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:40 AM
Subject: P.S. to last post
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

By the way, forgot to mention to all the BB'ers..... Not far from Conneaut Lake is the absolute BEST "gross-out" tourist thing to do. See the carp at the Linesville Spillway at Lake Pymatuning. It's worth the trip just to take the kids and get "grossed out, totally"!!!!!

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:38 AM
Subject: Conneaut Lake, PA----omigosh!!!
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

KITTY KATE (you do get around, girl!) AND PAT IN ERIE-----who'da thunk??? Kate, how far from Conneaut Lake (or, as DH calls it, Comical Lake) did you live? My DH spent every summer of his life at the Lake, and his parents winterized the house & lived there year-round since early 1970's. My BIL owns a cottage 3 doors down, too, now. (commutes from Detroit, MI area on weekends, etc. to go to lake & sail, etc.) MIL died several years ago. She worked in Athletic Dept of Allegheny College. But FIL still there on the waterfront. WHAT A SMALL WORLD! In fact, DH just returned with DS from a 4-day visit there last week. My last trip up there (2 or 3 years ago) I found a very nice quilt shop in Meadville. Good selection of fabrics and great ladies working there. I wonder if it's still there. Needless to say, my suitcase was rather heavy for the trip home. Definitely unplanned S.E.X.!!!! Now I'm getting a craving attack for HANK's "frozen custard" (my absolute faaavorite thing about Conn. Lake!!!!!)

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:31 AM
Subject: Plastic hanger,Bonifide quilters, Indiana
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

BETH in FT.Wayne: Gee Beth….sitting on a plastic hanger and not noticing??? What is to become of you in another month of reading the BB???!!(LOL) We certainly will have to have a "12 - Step" program, won't we?? All those hours in a little cubicle.... I at least have a window at work, but it has this funny film on it so you can't tell if it is sunny or not. Some people have cut portholes in the film so they can see whether it is raining or not.

KITTYKATE: sniff…...sniff…...SOB! You mean I'm not a bonifide quilter and member of the BB because I am catless??? :( :('' oh no…….sob. Would a pet frog or iguana count? Salamander? I just don't know what I am to do……..

Well I bought my plane tickets for a visit to DMIL in Indiana. We will be going to the Quilt America show on Thursday the 8th. I talked DH into letting me stay until Saturday, so I will cross paths with DSIL and niece on Friday. They are coming in from Washington and my original plans would have had me leaving before they arrived :( . But now that is all fixed!! We won't all be able to attend the show together, but at least we can trade squishies! (Remember I bought all that fabric at the Massachusetts show for them???) We decided that there was no reason to wait until the holidays to present our presents!
DMIL called and told her son, DH, Neal, that he has moved up in her estimation. Before, she was thinking that he really was a child of Satan and couldn't have come from her womb!! (she was only kidding...but he got the point). This visit by the "goils" has made her REALLY happy.

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:19 AM
Subject: Catching up
E-mail Address: MaddQuilter@webtv.net

I've only been lurking lately.Been busy with Y2K swap.Don't know what I'm doing wrong when I see people who started after me post their thanks that they are done swapping and I am still short 20 swaps!
I see posts about Erie(the lake) and Conneaut Lake.I live here in the City of Erie on Lake Erie,not too far from Conneaut Lake(my DM lives in Shadeland/Springboro).
Two local guilds are having their shows on Sept.15th.I would love to meet BBers/YYYs.We are central to NE Ohio,NW PA,SW NY. What does everyone think about maing some plans?
I really enjoy the love and support and humor we have here.Piece to us all!(oops,was that QR?) My love to everyone,Pat in-It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood.-Erie,PA

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 10:05 AM
Subject: I don't have one!
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

Betty: To get to Kellie's page, just hop on over to the WWQP BB. There is a link that will take you directly there. You will need to go down past all of the WWQP options before you get to Kellie's link.

Welcome Ellen and all the other newbies. I can't go far enough back to get the other names.

QR: I *finally* got started working on my blocks for the block exchange coming up at Ohio 99. I have a feeling I am going to run short on muslin. Aarrgghh! Guess that means a trip to the fabric store. :)

Mary in Ohio

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 9:11 AM
Subject: Morning Everyone
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Great morning here in beautiful Ohio...probably be hot, humid and hazy later on, but right now (at least out the window) it looks great!

OHIO 99: I posted a looooong explanation of how this event came about just a few weeks ago. It should be in the archives--pretty sure it was in June and not May that I wrote it. The short version is that it's a quilters' weekend for BBers here in Cincinnati at the end of July. We are booked to capacity for the meeting room or else we would still be extending invitations!

KATHI IN IDAHO: My dog gets up when I sign off the computer. He also gets up when I turn off the TV.....guess that tells you which electronics get the most use around here!

Working on Ridgeley's blocks still....and of course, I've sewn a bunch together that I shouldn't have, so I will have to play with Jack this morning (for you newbies, that's Jack the Ripper, as in seam ripper). Playing with Jack is one of my least favorite things to do. Reverse sewing is such a drag!

I also need to put the other boys - Ken More and Kirby - to work today. Laundry and vacuuming...gosh, isn't my life full?

For what it's worth, here's how I decide which page to post on: I save technical questions for the "original" BB....you know, like "how do you put binding on." The chat page is for anything at all, including more general quilt stuff like "I'm having a tough time putting the binding on." I guess I use the original page as my reference page....and this one to just talk about anything else, regardless of whether it's quilt related or not. If someone thinks I've done something wrong or posted on the wrong page, well, I just say that person has too much time on her hands and needs to quilt more and nitpick less!

WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES.....I guess I qualify as an oldie....been coming here a year now, and I have made such fantastic friends both near and far! We have our quirks....but just like family, you get a few skeletons in the closet you'd just wish would disappear! For the other 99%, we're a great group (I guess it's okay to include myself in that "we") and you'll love being here.

A long time ago, someone suggested that questions get answered on the board rather than through e-mail. I confess to being one of the people who reads a question from someone and then figures someone else has e-mailed the answer. But I shouldn't assume that and it is a lot easier to read that someone posted the answer. That way we know that questions are being answered! I'll try to do better!

Gotta run take my shower....Bev is coming over to help play with Jack! Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 8:34 AM

I would like to have a nautical quilt. Our church solgan is light house on the hill. We want to make a quilt representing our church. Any sugustions? Is it possible?

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 8:31 AM
Subject: Stash
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Forgot to mention !

Kitttykat, still no response from Stash, how about you ? Waiting in NC, Elaine

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 8:28 AM
Subject: Info. Please !!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Good Morning All,
Well, it looks lovely outside here today in the Western NC Mountains, maybe a little rain at some point would be nice !!!! My poor veg. garden looks sad !
I have a couple of questions for all of you this morning that can help me ? I have heard mention of a cookbook in the making for the BB, would like to know where, who,price and if too late for more postings to it ???? Next question, got a newsletter from NinePatch and they mentioned AOL Quilt Show and open chat questions while on air, do any of you know about this and also is it free to be on AOL and if so, how to get online ???
Waiting for emails or open chat on BB, know someone out there has info. on these subjects !!
Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 8:15 AM
Subject: COOKIES!!!!!
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

I have posted the recipe for "Monster Cookies" on the cooking board...take a look.

Going to Erie over the 4th...any shops I should check out?

Have a good day all! Looks like it is going to be a nice one here...not that it matters. I have to be in a cubicle with no window for the next 9 hours. Think of me ladies while you are in your craft rooms and gardens. I will be day dreaming of my next project...yawn.

Beth in Ft. Wayne, IN

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 5:50 AM
Subject: pen-pal
E-mail Address: holdenthomas@net-tech.com.au

I'm 40 years old, mother of 3 children ranging from 17 to 3 years. I work full-time and try to fit in quilting when I can. I live in Australia and would like to correspond with quilters in America and other countries. Hope to hear from you.
Dorothy Holden

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 3:29 AM
Subject: QR and NQR
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

WELCOME ELLEN, you are in the right place. We are happy to have you join us. Isn't this a kick, I am speaking for everyone else. If you have another opinion here, let us know. Ellen wants to know.
BETTY, I am amazed that both the cat and dog are named Maggie. Doesn't that get a bit confusing? Or do they both just come a running? Ha! Ha! I used to live on a farm near Conneaut Lake. Long, long, ago!
SUSAN JOY you have made me hungry for chocolate chip cookies. I will crave the little buggers until I get some. (little buggers is an expression from Alabama...Sarah told us).
TOADILY PHAT! What does that mean?
CONNIE, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Connie, Happy Birthday to youiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(Did I get the right kind of candles this time?)
fabric, pattern, straight pins, ruler, rotary cutter, mat, template, thimble, thread, hoop, frame, marking pencil, quilt book, needles, etc.
Sorry, the mischeviousness got the better of me.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^-.0^<

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:54 AM
Subject: A little bit of everything
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Hi all you nutty, sweet, considerate quilters out there. You have really had me sitting on the edge of my chair chewing my fingernails. Too bad the short one is not the one under the thimble.
Welcome back to those of you who have been absent but not far from our hearts and thoughts.
When I got married in the summer of '87 and moved to Potsdam, NY they were having a heat wave. Dear Dad called and asked me what I wanted for a wedding gift (he wasn't at the wedding as I eloped) and I said to send me a fan. The stores in the area were all sold out and I couldn't take the humidity anymore. LOL Now I live in Alabama and that same heat wave is here every year from May to October. Where did I go wrong?
Doni, dear, I'm not moving. DH is TDY in Tennessee for the next two months working on an engineering project. It just means more quilting time, sewing time, chatting time, and computer time. Not to forget all those comfort foods that he doesn't like such as BBQ wings, mashed potatoes and gravy, and chocolate cake with ice cream. Think I'm going to put on a few pounds...No way! I'm limiting it to when my BB and other quilting friends come over for a visit. So where are you all?
Brenda, I wish I was as lucky as you to find a nest of baby bunnies. Today I found a nest of wasps on my patio. Scared the dickens out of me. DS got stung a few years ago and it festers and left a big scar. 'Sides I'm 'lergic to them little, mean buggers.
Spent some of my day at Walmart having S.E.X. and buying supplies for the hand-dyeing workshop I'm taking part in on Saturday. Can hardly wait.
Now it's late and I have to pick up the living room (legos, and other boy toys) before going to bed. Having a quilty-birthday luncheon for one of my birthday groups tomorrow. Can you believe that I am a member of three groups and two of them are involved with sending FQs? Am I a glutton for punishment or what?
Until later,
Sarah in humid Alabama

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:48 AM
E-mail Address: schaupp@actcom.net

I fill that we have badgered the poor person who left that nasty remark enough. If she has bbing she know no to act that way. She must remember that she was also a newbie and should of put her e-mail address in. This just proves that she was unable to say it right out and let everyone know who she was. I am not being mean, but I think is enough said and I think she understands what she did wrong.

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 1:01 AM
Subject: Misc.
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

Evening All,

Marty, I think it would be wonderful to give the quilt on Marilyn's birthday. The quilt in it self is a celebration and what better time would there be than on her birthday. I wish we were all there to help you present it. Monica, I know when you but the finishing touches on it, it will be beautiful. Good thing you kept it away from the cookie crew.

Summer is here and I am suppose to find time for quilting, but I volunteered to do costumes for Tom Sawyer. Righ now I'm working on Widow Douglas' black dress. Its a toughie. Too many directions to follow. It has ruffles going all the way up the front and down the back. Now I remember why I went to quilting, I didn't have to deal with those paper patterns and those hard to follow directions. My son will be playing Indian Joe and the preacher. That's a stretch. Oh well, on with the show.

Take Care,
Carol of Wantage

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:31 AM
Subject: five point lone star
E-mail Address: wymnvend@netins.net

I am looking for a five point lone star version of quilt pattern. I have only found 8 point. My mother states that my grandmother and greatgrandmother made them. I would greatly appreciate the pattern if any one has ever seen or made one. Thank Joni

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:24 AM
Subject: Thanks
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

Just wanted to say thanks to all the BBers who send me birthday greeting and cards to my e mail enjoyed hearing from you and what a nice surprise to get a few squishes to. Thanks again
Marge from MI

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:09 AM
Subject: One more thing
E-mail Address: bcahalan@netsync.net

I forgot to ask, where is Kellie's page? From what I gather it is where all the great quilt pictures are displayed. How do I get there? Also, while I'm here, how do you make YYY's? and where/when is the Ohio '99 show? TIA Betty by the great lake, Erie

Date: 6/23/99 Time: 12:00 AM
Subject: I'm back again
E-mail Address: bcahalan@netsync.net

Hi, I've been "trying" to get some quilting done so have been gone for a few days. Sure did think about you guys and how great everyone is.
I had my email address wrong, so if anyone tried to contact me, please try again! I'm looking for a quilting mentor. I got interested in quilting when my DM gave me my DGM hand stitched Grandmothers Garden quilt squares. It needs to be pieced and I have been studying quilting, qhistory and any info that came my way. I still feel like a novice, and need lots of practice, still get a TOAD but learn from each new quilt.

Joanne in Newfield -- I lived in Lansing for 20 years, came back home cause mom is still here, children have grown up, finished college. (I've learned, you can go home again). Now I live 50 miles SW of Buffalo.

General musings: I notice many BB's have cats, some dogs, me I have both a "tuxedo cat (black & white) and a Boston Terrier (also black & white) named Maggie. Also becoming a passionate gardener..this will be the first time in a long time have had some dirt and roots to put seeds in. DH says I need to do a little hoeing and I've told him to watch what he's saying, in my neighborhood "hoeing" has a whole nother meaning!LOL But I enjjoy the diversity, probably why I love scrappy quilts--the many colors of the fabric.

Betty near the great lake Erie

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