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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

June 15 - June 22, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 11:57 PM
Subject: What a Group !
E-mail Address: wdlswan@gte.net

I found this bb while trading for a Y2K quilt. At first, I thought you were a very close group who had plenty of friends among yourselves. A few days later, it seemed as though you wanted new friends. Then came the controversial comments. Did I want to join such a group? OF COURSE ! I am a member of another group that has one way to think, and if you have an original thought you are encouraged to keep it to yourself. I don't need another association like that. The beauty of this group seems to be in the diversity. Some are legalistic, (trying to get us to follow the rules) and some are nurturers ( giving everyone that 2nd and 3rd chance). I love hearing the stories from women in all stages of life and areas of the world. I think I have found a place full of support and laughter. The best thing about friends is that they will rejoice in our happy times and cry in our sad ones. Befriend me, educate me, correct me, and share with me---I need it all.
Ellen in Texas

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 11:44 PM
Subject: BBr
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

Tried to post this earlier, but the server wouldn't send it on.
Just came back from a trip to North Idaho -- a job interview for DH. Unfortunately he didn't get the job (sob,sob). Apparently our school district is the only one around that won't hire administrators from inside the district. I guess we just keep on trying...hate to think about spending all those $$$ on the education when you can't use it. Could have used in on S.E.X. Right?
I had the thought that perhaps you might be a BBr if the dog who faithfully lays sleeping by your side as you are on the BB wakes up and gets going at the sound the computer makes when you sign off.
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:46 PM
Subject: the bb
E-mail Address: cknapp@earthlink.net

I think it is a shame anyone would hesitate to post anything quilty on this bb, since this is where we ALL came from. If you take all the quilty stuff off why would any of us be here?

Anyway, this bb is addictive as you all know. Once I started coming here about 2 yrs ago, it became part of my morning and night rituals and anytime in between. LOL Even my kids know when I say I'm going to check my mail, the bb is part of my mail.:) My mom is visiting here this week and she asked me today, how do you get any sewing or quilting or cooking done if you sit at that machine all day?? I told her that's just it. We have to keep up with everybody and what they're doing. LOL "That's what this chat is all about," I told her. And tonight look at all these stories. OF course, it takes time to surf ebay, too!!

So newbies, don't worry about it. Post what you like. Most of us come here no matter what. We've all been through the ups and downs, flamings etc on this board. But we stick with it. That's what friends are for!?!?

Judy in ARk

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:35 PM
Subject: Wrong page postings
E-mail Address: Krazkte@aol.com

St. John's Wort is an herbal remedy to help take the "edge" off when you are in a stressful situtation. I would willingly send a years supply to any BBer who can't take the stress of someone posting on the "incorrect" BB. Geeez! Relax ladies!!! The great thing about this board is the wonderful interactions between strangers(and not so strange). This is a real caring group, don't be a p--p! Give the "newbies" and some of us "oldies" a break and resist editing every comment we make. That's what makes for the foundation of great friendships, ignoring each others "warts". Don't bother telling me mine! I have stared at them for TNTC years and have had them pointed out by others. Well enough jabbering, must quilt. Must eat. Must sleep. Must think of another excuse why not to clean my house!. Krazkte@aol.com

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:24 PM
Subject: Birds, bushes, songs, cats........
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

WELCOME KAREN do you have a bird in song in your bush. That wasn't meant the way some of you are taking it! Just couldn't resist bird in bush joke.
BETH you kill me. That was funny. Yes you are a bonefide member. Sitting on a hanger and not knowing, yeah!
BETH having cats is a requirement for being a quilter. Multiples are best. 2 is okay for a start but, lady, you gotta catch up. To my sweet Doni - CATS RULE and dogs drool!!!!!!!
CENTRALIA Quilt Show this weekend. I am meeting Judy and Pepper and her Mom. Can't wait. I always like the Centralia Show. Don't know why but I do! Sequim this Saturday with Deanna. Another quilt show. Have YYY will travel.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in Lakewood, WA >^..^< (WA stands for WAnderful)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:21 PM
Subject: Kosovo quilts
E-mail Address: dh@prtcnet.org

About a month a ago, I saw info on WWQP about quilts for Kosovo. I've nearly completed one to send and want to make sure that quilts are still needed. Can't find any info on WWQP now. Can anyone tell if this project is still "a go".

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:03 PM
Subject: Wierd stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Well, I've had a strange day! It all started when I decided to replace a zipper in the shorts I wanted to wear today. I don't just do this on a whim, it was broken. I went downstairs to the sewing room early before any of my family was up. It was hot in the house , so I just put on a shirt over the undrewear I had on. A motion outside the glass (LARGE) patio door caught my eye. The lawn fertilizer guy had walked passed the door, God knows how many times! You have to understand that my house sits on a hill by itself and you could sunbathe in the nude without anyone seeing! Ugh!
Next, there were several strange, (but Wonderful) customers in the shop today.
When I get home there is a rather different lookig bird huddled under a carved, wooden mushroom in our yard. I figured it was a homing pigeon (Band on the leg), so I called my pastor (who raised them as a youth) and asked him what to do with it. after giving him the leg band info. and a few calls later I was able to connect with the bird's owner. He'll be picking the bird up at the shop tomorrow morning. It must have gotten lost in the storm this afternoon.
Life is never dull around here!
Consequently, I've accomplished nothing this evening. Calgon, take me away, far, far away! Remember those commercials?
Hopefully, everyone else has had a more normal day!
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:01 PM
Subject: Howdy!
E-mail Address: Bruns@fuse.net

I never know what to put in that darned subject line!
First, about the BB Cookbook - it is coming along.
Bev is coming over tomorrow after I return from
getting a perm and cut (my small attempt to beautify
America or my little corner of it) and we will work
on it again. Trying to get all the recipes sorted
into categories, retype the ones that need it and then
have things ready to go to print. Well actually, ready to
go to DH's office where the copy machine is.
Been working on sewing blocks together for Ridgeley's
daughter's quilt. Boy, some of those blocks are
incredible! It is turning out so pretty - just know
she will love it. We ARE a talented bunch - or rather,
you all are a talented bunch!
Before anyone yells at me, I am well aware that I am on
the wrong board for this next part - but this IS
the board I am on and the one which reaches the most
people. Please send some good thoughts upwards (some
people call them prayers) for a BBer who is just
having a hard time in life right now. A truly
wonderful person ( requisite for being a Bber) who
through no fault of her own, is walking through fire
at this point in her life. Thanks! And, I will try to
post correctly next time. Everyone deserves a
second chance!
Getting excited about meeting you all at Ohio 99 -
cannnot believe how quickly it will be here. I need
to get serious about finishing my churn dashes real
Celia, you made my day! Until later - Just me, Sue

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:54 PM
Subject: just a note
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

I want to say that I apologize for my earlier post. Rubbed the wrong way I guess. "Let the flack roll off your back"!! :) A big THANK YOU to all who have made me feel welcome. But I have to say that since you're all so nice I have become addicted to the BB and the house work has gone completely OUT the window!!
I think this is a great chat and will continue to lurk!!
Pepper (with mental fire extinguisher ready to SILENTLY put out any flamage:)!!

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:47 PM
Subject: Stash
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com


Just received a email from kittykat, but addressed to Cindy, mentioned sending a email to Stash and sure it was a virus, because of a Happy exe. on it ! Not sure if this was suppose to come to me or Stash or Cindy ?? Anyway, if meant for me, please email back with better info. on Stash !

Elaine, NC

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:02 PM
Subject: wooh...what a day!
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

First off I have to say...Celia, YOU ROCK! Why does it seem like whenever I meet a new quilter, I immediately feel like we have know each other for a million years? I have only posted two or three times and already feel like I belong here. I wanted to check in this morning before work and didn't realize that I was still in my towel and sitting on a plastic hanger until I was 20 minutes late for work! Is that a bad thing?

Doni, thanks for the advise regarding DH. I will start keeping a mental "tab" so I have some amunition next time I get an urge to splurge!

Sondra, you should be admired it you can fit everything into a closet and STILL shut the door. Can you come to my house and help me straighten my room out? I have rearranged at least a dozen times in the past two years and just can get comfortable!

S. Bear, I have a GREAT cookie recipe. I will email you and post it on the cooking BB also. Good Luck!

Marty, thanks for the abbrev. list. I figured a lot of them out, but there were a few that actually kept me awake last night! I can sleep tonight!

Have to go walk by "baby" now. (Isabella is my 5 year old Beagle/Terrier. I have 2 cats too...is that a quilter thing? Cats and quilts that is).

Beth in Ft. Wayne, IN

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 8:48 PM
Subject: Hi, all
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Hello to everyone, newbies and 'continuing' readers - I sure don't want to be an 'oldie' - always get stuck on a happy opposite for newcomer.
Happy to see posts from Celia and others who have been away.

Monica - can't wait to see the quilt when you have a photo to send to Kellie -
Marty - I think Marilyn's BD is a great day to give her her quilt, unless you can't stand waiting that long - I bet it is fabulous.

Sondra - a jacket out of the Hoffman Challenge fab sounds great - how about a silky blue facing/lining - it would show when you moved and silky fabric would help the jacket slide over slacks/skirts. I like unlined jackets for comfort, but they don't always hang as well as ones with a complete lining.

Have gotten quite a bit of quilt stuff done, even tho I've spent a lot of time in the garden - don't see bunnies here, but we have deer and woodchucks who nibble, and I can watch the robins bathing in the mini-pond I put in just behind the deck - can't see the water from my seat at the sewing machine, but can hear it bubbling when the machine is not running.
Finished my blocks for the 3-D bowtie swap and have been pouring thru my Qbooks, looking for a couple of good ideas for a QB who has promised quilts to 2 friends of her DD.

Susan in NW New Jersey, Sunny and dry here today

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 8:15 PM
Subject: nuther Hi Ho
E-mail Address: Birdsong@worldnet.att.net

Well, here I am reading the BB and laughing all by myself, again! Thanks for the Welcomes to the BB! I didn't know if I was to write my name, or bio or anything, I just jumped right in. I'm in Misouri, a/k/a Mizzoreee a/k/a Mizzoraaa....or, in the case of today's heat and humidity, MIZZZZery! I don't think I've ever been in a BB that's set up quite like this, it's great! My eyeballs tend to start quavering in the 'real time' chat rooms. Ok, back to reading, and, notice,...I DIDN'T post a thing quilty on here. :-> Karen Bush

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 7:44 PM
Subject: The Rules
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

Is it a bad week to be a "newbie?" Felt bad that Pepper and Michelle both felt like they had to apolozize for posting on the wrong board or needed "rules " to follow to join in on all the fun (and info!).
I guess, if posting on the wrong board is the worse trouble you get into in a day, it's a pretty good day! Don't ya think? I HOPE there aren't rules, too. I get confused enough with the LOL, DD, DS, DMIL, S.E.X.,.....
Oh, talking of recipes the last few days, made me think of the BB cookbook. When I found the BB in January it was already in the works but I can't remember if it is just for OHIO or if there is going to be a way for others to get copies. Just wondering...
Joleen in Mn

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 6:52 PM
Subject: I apologize
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

I am very sorry to have posted a quilt related question on the board. Since this is a quilt related chat don't all questions qualify as quilt related? For instance, if I would ask are there any quilt shops in N.E. PA? that is a quilt related question since you buy quilt supplies at a quilt shop.
If you are going to be rude please send out a list of THE RULES for the site to everyone with your REAL e-mail address. That said, I would like to say that I knew that there was a specific bulletin board for quilt related questions, but no one had even attempted to help me there. I recieved more
help and encouragement from the chat board. Isn't that the whole purpose of this site to encourage and aid quilters? If you have an issue with this post please e-mail me directly, I believe you can read the address above.
Thank you and sorry if I offend anyone.
Michelle in PA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 5:55 PM
Subject: Wrong e-mail address
E-mail Address: stephen.hiltz@ns.sympatico.ca

Dont't know what I was thinking!

Can't wait to get your e-mails.


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 5:53 PM
Subject: Wrong e-mail address
E-mail Address: stephen.hiltz@ns.sympatico.ca

Dont't know what I was thinking!

Can't wait to get your e-mails.


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 5:52 PM
Subject: Cookie Party was a success!
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Whew! I still need to run the vaccuum around again since there are still little things crunching underfoot (and a few sticky spots - I can't imagine what those might be from!) but overall DD#1's cookie decorating party was a hit. I had little stations set up all around the table with plates and spoons and ice cube trays filled with every kind of decoration imaginable. The kids had a lot of fun and were all remarkably well-behaved for 5 year olds! DD wants to know when she can have another one! Told her she needs to wait until after DD#2 has her cookie party (next week) and we'll talk about it then! Nothing got broken, only one boo-boo and it didn't even really need a bandaid and no spilled cups of juice - a mom can't ask for more than that! 8^)

Marty, you can give Marilyn the quilt whenever you'd like! I really, really, really can't wait for you to see it! That said, I best go finish cleaning up and pop the kids in the tub and then to bed so I can start working on the quilt binding.

Monica in Maine (see, Celia, I told you the BB is a much happier place when you are here! Hugs your way, neighbor!)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 5:07 PM
Subject: Guilt Related
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

Vicki SW/PA I'm roflolpimp Was it a typo or intentional: "How can you separate quilters from anything guilt related." ??
With everyone bragging about all the S.E.X. in every city & village across this nation and "across the pond", what have we got to feel guilty about?
I'm definately deprived...it's nearly 100 miles to any fabric store (except Walmart)
Connie truly in the S.E.X.ual Desert

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 4:24 PM
Subject: She's BAAAAAAK!!!!
E-mail Address: Sondra@cs.stanford.edu

CELIA -- How wonderful to read your post and see you haven't lost your wit!!!! Girl, we have missed you!!! You Newbies will just love Celia! You can always count on an honest answer from her! I cherish her friendship.

Well, this is a quick one as I have to run over to the grocery store and get stuff for my student's defense this afternoon. Honestly, I do this stuff for my kids at home. Guess I'm their "mom away from mom", eh? Really in all honesty, I feel it a priviledge to work with these kids (actually, I'm probably old enough to be some of their Moms). They'll be going on to greatness (look at Yahoo with a couple of our former students) and I can honestly say, "I knew them when".

Have a great evening everyone!


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 4:21 PM
Subject: Stash, Cindy
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com


OOps, type O in spacing below, but you get my
message, don't you ? LOL !!!!! Elaine

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 4:13 PM
Subject: Stash, Cindy
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hi Cindy in Nova Scotia, Canada,

This is for you !! I have tried to email you several times, but it keeps coming back !!
Check your email address and make sure you
have it right for us on the BB Chat line !!

Elaine, NC

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 4:07 PM
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net

Hi Everybodee1

Sitting here reading the BB with my P.J.O'Rourke book, my notebook, and my dictionary, trying to put together a presentation on my assigned short story for tomorrow. I definitely should NOT have turned the computer on until I needed the word processor! At least I have a huge computer desk on which to pile all my homework while I read the BB!!!!!

Seems like most everyone is in a good mood today, and as witty as always. I wonder if this BB qualifies as 'Comedy in Modern American Lit'??? It should!!!!

Well, I REALLY have to make myself get this outline ready! I want to take my DS out to supper(KFC) and to play a game of mini-golf tonight. Weekdays are the ONLY days to go! Unless you like standing around for 15 minutes before playing each hole! I DON'T!!!!!

Read you soon!
Robin in Maine

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 4:04 PM
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Whew! Thought I was losing my mind, ha! Yes, folks...I win the "Stupid Human Trick" for the day, ha! I had worked outside all morning, found the baby bunnies, got all excited, took a shower and posted the story post haste. What happens? It disappears...poof...gone! So, for your entertainment, here is my original post (which I think was better than the second one. I was really bummed when I couldn't find it - kept getting a message "Did I want to try again?" Whut? Heck NO, I didn't want to be a DOUBLE POSTER, ha! In my defense...THE QUILT BOARD STOLE MY POST!!! LOL - so here's the original...

We got baby bun-nies, we got baby bun-nies! Ha! I was a good girl and armed myself with shovel and hoe, then battled some more weeds out in the veggie garden. Moved all the old tires around and gave the herbs a new home (the garlic and spearmint think they own the place!)

Any hoo - Mother Rabbit and I play a game every year (this has been going on since we bought this place in 1994), called "Hide the Baby Bunnies." The summer of 1994 was the first year I ever had a vegetable garden, made a lot of boo boos, read some more books, and have basically been flying by the seat of my pants, ha! Mom rabbit over the years has stashed her brood in the asparagus bed, the rhubarb bed, in-between the herb tires, twice in the bean patch, and this year...[drum roll]...in the raised bed with the TURNIPS!! Ha! My mother had thinned them out last week and left a pretty good size empty patch at one end of the bed. Guess mother rabbit thought that was as good a place as any, though she did a piss poor job of covering them up. A couple times before I've tossed loose straw over her nest when the babies looked a little vunerable, so I did the same thing today and the little buggers stayed put - so far so good! Baby bunnies are sooooo cute (the rotten little buggers, ha!) I was hoeing around the lima bean plants and turned the corner, looked down and there they were! (I'm taking bets for next year on where she'll hide them next. LOL)

Later kids, time to goof off till the DH comes home. Have a Happy! Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:48 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

CELIA: So happy to see you back in business on the BB. You are so GOOD with
words lady, and you have what being a BBer is absolutely right. Sounds like you live in
my house! We must all be alike. Always liked housekeeping (cleaning, baking, laundry,
etc.) until I made my first quilt a little over three years ago. Now I don't care how many
dust bunnies move into my home nor how big they grow! LOL Even gripes me to have
to stop to fix a lousy meal!!
I hope it doesn't take me long to get acquainted with all the newbies. I have been
lurking mostly for the last couple of months...about the time when I was posting stuff that
upset some of the holier-than-me people on the original BB. I too have been guilty of
forgetting and post something on the wrong place...that is E-Z to do. I am so glad that
most of you are so forgiving. Thank you!
Only 37 days until I get to meet some of my Best Friends (sorry you can't be there
Celia) whom I have never met yet. OHIO 99...Peggy in Chicago, I am so thankful that
you started all that by just playing a prank on Cassi. And thank you Cassi for keeping the
ball rolling by just changing the rules a little bit. I'll never forget that "Whoaoaoa Nellie"
when you first realized what had been suggested. 8^)
MONICA: I can't wait to see Marilyn's Friendship Quilt (made from blocks sent in
from so many of the BBers from around the world). Her 62nd Birthday is July 8th so I
would like to present it to her on that day...is that agreeable everyone? Or do you want
me to give it to her right away....I'll do whatever you say. And I will take pictures of her
when she first sees it and send one in to Kellie's Page. I guess the appropriate place
would be to post it to the top of one of the pages with Marilyn's Blocks???
We are having absolutely beautiful weather here lately and it is too last through the
coming weekend...however, we NEED RAIN! This is a record month for the least rain
for us now.
I guess I must add TOAD and PHAT to my Acronym List. I love the PHAT SEX. I
hope I can get some of that soon!!!

Marty in Vermont

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:46 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

CELIA: So happy to see you back in business on the BB. You are so GOOD with
words lady, and you have what being a BBer is absolutely right. Sounds like you live in
my house! We must all be alike. Always liked housekeeping (cleaning, baking, laundry,
etc.) until I made my first quilt a little over three years ago. Now I don't care how many
dust bunnies move into my home nor how big they grow! LOL Even gripes me to have
to stop to fix a lousy meal!!
I hope it doesn't take me long to get acquainted with all the newbies. I have been
lurking mostly for the last couple of months...about the time when I was posting stuff that
upset some of the holier-than-me people on the original BB. I too have been guilty of
forgetting and post something on the wrong place...that is E-Z to do. I am so glad that
most of you are so forgiving. Thank you!
Only 37 days until I get to meet some of my Best Friends (sorry you can't be there
Celia) whom I have never met yet. OHIO 99...Peggy in Chicago, I am so thankful that
you started all that by just playing a prank on Cassi. And thank you Cassi for keeping the
ball rolling by just changing the rules a little bit. I'll never forget that "Whoaoaoa Nellie"
when you first realized what had been suggested. 8^)
MONICA: I can't wait to see Marilyn's Friendship Quilt (made from blocks sent in
from so many of the BBers from around the world). Her 62nd Birthday is July 8th so I
would like to present it to her on that day...is that agreeable everyone? Or do you want
me to give it to her right away....I'll do whatever you say. And I will take pictures of her
when she first sees it and send one in to Kellie's Page. I guess the appropriate place
would be to post it to the top of one of the pages with Marilyn's Blocks???
We are having absolutely beautiful weather here lately and it is too last through the
coming weekend...however, we NEED RAIN! This is a record month for the least rain
for us now.
I guess I must add TOAD and PHAT to my Acronym List. I love the PHAT SEX. I
hope I can get some of that soon!!!

Marty in Vermont

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:38 PM
Subject: BB Chat
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hello everyone,

Boy ! its hard for me to get any unpacking or
housework done for this chat page !!! Got to
keep up or get lost ! I was out of USA in
Canada for two weeks vacationing and after
getting back on line, was at wits end, trying
to fiqure out whats been going on ?? So many
new names and abbrev. going on, had to email
Marty in Vermont, to get an up to date list,
so I could know whats happening !! She's a
DF that helps all in a time of need ! I love
all the remarks of being a BBer, which is very
true of us all, after hooked on this thing !
Got to get some quilting done, at some point !

Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:28 PM
Subject: Wow what a welcome :(
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Wow! I can't believe someone was slammed just for asking a question. If I was welcomed like that a week ago when I first signed on I probably would not have came back. I understand that this board is for personal chatting but isn't it also about quilting? I know I can go the the Quilting BB but if I have a simple question I don't think I should be made to feel afraid to ask it when I know I can get a faster response here. Besides asking questions goes along with everyday chat. I also didn't realize we could get in trouble here for asking questions, so I guess I'll keep my questions to a minimum and hope all goes well. But I hope in the future that some people will be a little more understanding with us newbies, I've been here about a week and still don't know all the rules.

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:24 PM
Subject: Thanks for the kind welcome!
E-mail Address: vquilts@westol.com

Hi everyone! I just got back on the computer a little
while ago and found two nice e-mail messages from
BB's. And then when I came on this chat room I found
more nice welcomes. Thanks so much. I really did think
that I posted on the wrong board after the spy told
me no quilt related postings. How can you separate
quilters from anything guilt related? Celia had a really
nice post. I had been lurking for a long time on the
other BB, occasionally posting and had just discovered
this chat page. I will come back since you all have
made me so welcome. Thank you!
Vicki in SW PA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:20 PM
Subject: Dumb --- award goes to...Brenda!!
E-mail Address: reimer!@prodigy.net

Brenda Babe...You didn't lose that post, you posted it on the wrong board!! ROTFLOLPIMP!!! Did you not the read the importance of posting the right stuff on the right page this morning??? HUH!!! ROTFLOL!! Sorry just had to do that!! Hugs!!

Hey Celia!! Glad to see you back! LLUUUBBB You!

Teacup..please tell me your back for at least a daily visit! I miss all the fun post!

Hugs Doni

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:15 PM
Subject: Funny Bunny!!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Brenda Darling- you didn't lose your post- I went and got Sir Buford, and we tracked it down on the BB- ROFLOLPIMP - that is some good hunting dawg I can tell you!!!!!! Oh shoot- TIME!!!!!


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:04 PM
Subject: I have baby bunnies!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

WARNING! I lost the first post about this, ha! So, this may be a repeat of the story. Sniff, sniff...I may be a double poster!

While out pulling weeds and hoeing around all the veggies - I found baby bun-nies! I found baby bun-nies! Mother rabbit and I play a game every year where she hides the babies and I always come across them sometime during the summer. She is very creative on where she hides her brood, ha! I've only been gardening since summer of 1994 and her hiding spot is almost always different - one year they were tucked away in the asparagus bed, then the rhubarb bed, in-between the old truck tires where I grow herbs, a couple of times they were in with the green beans, and this year...drum roll...they were in with the TURNIPS, ha! Might I add that she did a poor job of covering them up this year - I spotted them as I rounded that end of the bed. Last week my mother had thinned out the turnips and left a bare spot near one end. Guess mom rabbit thought that was a good a place as any, ha! Anyhoo, I took some loose straw and tossed it over the nest to give them a little more shelter. Baby bunnies are soooo cute - the little buggers! I'm taking bets for next year on where she might hide them next (LOL).

Later kids, time to goof off till the DH gets home. I found LEFT-OVERS in the freezer, whoopee!! Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:58 PM
Subject: Boy, am I a dumb bunny!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

When DH turned 50 (not DD)Sorry!

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:57 PM
Subject: Boy, am I a dumb bunny!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

When DH turned 50 (not DD)Sorry!

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:52 PM
Subject: Cookies & Celia
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

Celia, one again I am printing out your posting, just love the description of a BBer. I do hope you are feeling better and the computer is friendly.
Chocolate Chip Cookies: check out the Nestle Toll House site for all the great classics! http://www.tollhouse.com/ I just hopped over there and now I'm HUNGRY!! Time for lunch!! problem is once you are a BBer, the kitchen is so far away and cooking takes too long! LOL !
Susan Joy in sunny, HOT, CA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:50 PM
Subject: Phat,Cats,Westies,50,and Celia
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

URSULA you have given new meaning to Phat Quarters! Tee Hee!
BRENDA you can imagine me trying to get laundry downstairs with 10 cats and a crippled leg. I throw it down the steps and there are usually a couple cats trying to outrun it. Sometimes they just get buried in it. Silly buggers!
VICKI welcome to the BB. It is a wonderful place to be. I feel very blessed by all the wonderful people I have met here. I love Westies! Never had one, but love them anyway. I don't think they go well with 10 cats.
DONNA Happy Birthday! I am looking at 50 on my next birthday. How does it feel to be a half century? That's what DDs asked DD when he passed that mark. I know I will get a lot of guff next year.
CELIA it is so good to see you back on the board. Your sense of humor intact. Whew! What a relief. We will help you through this. Love to Chelsea.

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:40 PM
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Celia... so good to see you!! Missed you very much!

Well, ladies (and gents) The Cancer Inspirational Quilt top is officially DONE!! (Little dance!) Now, it is sitting here, crying to be quilted!!! Another BIG THANK YOU to you all!!!
Wait till you see it!!! It's amazing!!!! It has 2,304 2" squares (all right side up so you can read them!) and finished size is 102" X 108"!!
I'll let you know when it is quilted!
Thanks so much, again!!!!!
You know you are a BBer when you have not been feeling well, so you don't post very much and people email you and say they miss you!!! Thanks!!

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:37 PM
Subject: this-n-that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Celia, Dahliing! Welcome back. Your post is hysterical!

One of my “professional journals” (quilting magazines) refers to making a will regarding your quilts and supplies. Along that lines, check out the “Quilter’s Will” on http://www.fireflyfabrics.com/quilterswill.htm.

You know you’ve qualified as a BBer when:
You leave instructions in your will concerning your “dependents” resulting from unprotected S.E.X.
You sit down at the computer half asleep and your fingers find the BB chat room with your eyes closed.
You’re ready to throw something (like the computer keyboard) when you get the dreaded “Too Busy” signal.
You’ve turned a UFO into a T.O.A.D.
Your mailman relies on your daily delivery of squishes to pad his bicycle seat. (Ooh, ick!)
More than six fabric stores depend on you to keep them in business.
You have used more than one devious method of “creative financing” to hide S.E.X.-ual spending habits from DH.
You've participated in a squishy shower.

jdb in AZ where my AC is running again. (Had to spend the night at DMIL's.) Going without air conditioning around here in the summer is like going without heat during winter in Alaska.

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:35 PM
Subject: cat maintenance and mysteries
E-mail Address: nelsonst@charlotte.infi.net

Hi everyone! This is what I get for not visiting on the bb for several days--------references to all sorts of interesting things, then no archives to explain. Well, it's a lot of fun anyway.

Want y'all to know that so far I have lost 20 lbs, and I attribute it directly to crawling on the floor basting quilts. So positive thinking DOES pay off!

Now for my proven hint of the day (meaning that I have done it and it does work):
Need to trim your cat's claws or perform some other maintenance chore on a specific body part of your cat? Just pop pet into an old-fashioned drawstring laundry bag with ONLY the body part needed (such as one paw) protruding from the bag. Close drawstrings around paw. Proceed with procedure. Cat can't see what you are doing or scratch you through the bag. Pretty nifty. Oh, I have a slight disclaimer to add: my cat is 19 1/2 years old and not so strong but plenty smart. Well, anyway, back to work.
Pam in Charlotte

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:34 PM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

I have noticed some of the Newbies asking for the meaning of Acronyms, so here is my list again.

Here is a list of the BB acronyms for you Newies:

ACRONYMS: DH means Dear Husband, DD means Dear Daughter, etc., etc. MIL
Mother-in- law; QR means Quilt related; NQR means Not quilt related; TIA means
Thanks In Advance. LOL means Laugh Out Loud. ROFLOL means Rolling on Floor
Laughing Out Loud. ROFLOLPIMP..Rolling on Floor Laughing Out Loud Peed in my
Pants, TIME means Tears in my eyes, "TDY"---for USAF personnel and their families,
this means "Temporary Duty". Or for anyone else, it means a business trip. PCS means
"Permanent Change of Station", FQ means Fat Quarter. FAQ means Frequently Asked
Questions. BB means Bulletin Board. BTW means By The Way, IMHO means In My
Humble Opinion ; FWIW means For What It's Worth; JTLYK means Just to let you
know; AFAIK means As far as I know; OTOH means On the other hand, KIT means
Keep in touch; SEX means Stash Enhancing eXpedition :O means can't stop talking. :'
means crying. :') means crying with Joy. :-0 means Surprised. ;0 means Wink. /-0
means Yawning. 8^) is a person with Glasses Smiling. @[_]~~ means Mug of hot
coffee/tea; **** means popcorn,

YYY: Yellow Yo Yo...the fabric kind, which has made its way to a pin (make your own
with bright yellow fabric and large enough to be noticed...6" circle makes a good size) to
wear whenever you go to anything quilt related and see if another BBer recognizes you.
Look on Kellie's Pages under Other Stuff for some samples.

Squishies: Envelopes sent by snail-mail containing fabric (squares, FQs, blocks being
swapped, etc.....) causing the envelope to feel squishy.

Siggies...a square (whatever size requested) that you have signed your name, city, state,
country with a permanent fabric marker. Then heat-set with your iron.

Hope this helps all you Newbies. Marty in Vermont, USA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:13 PM
Subject: Cookies
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Hi there I have been lurking for a while, had some heavey work shedules & home life got a bit hectic too. so could only read occassionaly. Anyway just catching up and see that S.E.X has been added to the list, took me a while and some dedicated seaching to track that one down. I think(?) we are talking about buying material to quilt? let me know if I am wrong please.

Also I see that there is a request for the recipe for American soft cookies. now that really does tempt me back. I look forward to checking to see if that comes up on the BB!

Not much fun here at the moment. had two Quilt shows lined up & now I find I have to work instead. Wonder if I could give the job up?? but then again would not be able to afford the quilt materials!! LOL

Good to be back.

Linda UK

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 1:31 PM
Subject: Cookies for Baby Bear
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Hello there ladies across the pond.Hope you are all having a great day. My 5yr DD loves American style chocolate chip cookies. We can buy them here, but I want to make some and need the definitive American recipe please. You know the sort, slighty crispy around the edges, and soft and chewy in the middle. TIA. Stripey Bear in Worcestershire, Britain.

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 1:26 PM
Subject: I am a newbie!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

My name is Celia and I am a newbie- LOL!! Not really, have just been off-line for a week or more dealing with a few things. One of which is(was-I hope) PC problems, but now have a nice new shiny toy to play with.

Have missed you guys more than you will ever know- I thought I could catch up on Archives, but not so- they seem to have dissapeared.

It's no big secret that I have been dealing with an emotional upheaval- still am really, but finally gave in and got some professional help this morning. It is just temporary- I just need to get back on track. I don't know what I would have done without all the support of my BB friends. I can't find the appropriate words to thank you all so much for the cards, letters and the beautiful squishies that have been arriving. I will be contacting each and everyone of you personally, so just bear with me a while. Postie thinks I am making another Buford quilt- LOL!!!!!

To all the newbies- a very warm welcome- you will not find a better and more caring group. Sometimes we encounter a "rotten apple"- not very often, but they are out there. Incognito posts usually leave everyone thinking in terms of having eaten a dish of beans and for hours after sit and wonder which one of the little blighters is giving you gas!!

Don't be dismayed, they usually go away in time. Bad start for you Vicki, but please come back- XXXXXXXXX is the one on the wrong board here, - "I Spy" is a quilt, not a form of espionage. I am always amazed at why people do it, because it usually ends up flat on it's face, with the victim being lauded.

What makes a BBer you ask?- My interpretation is that you have to graduate to being a fully-fledged BBer. You start off being a lurker, dearly wanting to join in the fun, but think everyone knows everyone else(which is only partly true). You finally pluck up the nerve to post, sit and wait, it doesn't appear, so you post again, and again, and again, - your first initiation is seeing your name in print 4 times and know that everyone knows you are a newbie.-LOL We have all done it at some time.

Being a newbie never lasts long- usually less than a day, because it usually prompts someone else to join in the fun- and Boy do we have fun!!!

That very first push of the "Post it" button qualifies you as an addict- just try staying away- LOL!!!!! Then you become a "fibber". Like- "I just have to check to see if my post took yet" and "Someone is giving away a quilt frame- you KNOW just how much I need one"!

Then you start talking in BB terminology- at this point DH knows it is useless to argue. Even more so when you show him a squishy that arrived "From my best friend in..... CA,AZ,TX,etc" - you will likely never meet them, but they are still your best friends because you are a BBer. Oh I forgot to say that somewhere in there, you aquire the BB uniform (PJ's,housecoat and slippers) because taking time to get dressed is important BB time- you may miss something, or someone might E-mail you. Then you encounter an adversity - and that is when all those fellow BBers rally round you like God given protectors.

You know you are a fully fledged BBer when you can swing the vaccuum cleaner with two fingers,throw some left overs in the oven to look like gourmet cooking, spray the house with furniture polish just to let DH know that you have been very domestic all day, and know when to turn off the PC so it has cooled down and not evidencing being on all day. You do this all in the space of time that it takes DH to turn in the driveway, walk around the house and open the back door with his key, because you lock it on the pretence of being afraid of intruders, when in actual fact it gives you enough time to shove the vaccuum back in the closet. There are more, but that is the general gist of things.!!!

Glad to be back, will be in touch with all who have written to me.

Hugs to everyone,

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 1:15 PM
Subject: Sheeeesh...
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Sheeesh. Learn something new everyday... If you get the message "your form has expired from the cache, do you want to repost" Just say no! That is how the double post happened. It was a new message for me. I've gotten the too busy, etc., but never "you've expired".
Must be that expiring kind of day. Look at the date codes on your lunch yogurt today!!
And to the person who posted the delicious breakfast idea......where are you getting fresh peaches worth eating?????? Here in Western Ma, the only peaches available are the sort that could last nine innings!

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 1:09 PM
Subject: Welcome & You know you are a BB'er when....
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

WELCOME VICKI and KB! Hope you come back and post often…..don't worry, we won't let xxxxxx bite you. She is just having a bad day I guess. She needs a big hug. We are all doing our best to post to the right boards, but sometimes it isn't a black or white situation….or is that blue and white, or red and white………

You know you are a BB'er when: You are willing to fly on a moment's notice to some quilt show far away (that you had no intention of attending) just so you can see other Yellow YoYo's.
That you find that you can't explain to DH why you feel compelled to glue your face to the monitor reading the saga of what is going on in the lives of people you've never laid eyes on.

BETTY in OR: The only thing neater than the Eagle, is the USS Constitution! Both are lovely ships. We actually were out there when the Constitution sailed out of Marblehead, Ma. Boy were there a lot of boats out there. It was a calm day, but the number of spectator boats out there made the water as choppy as if it were blowing 25 knots……also the fumes from all of the engines made the air yellow with smog. Not for the easily seasick!! It was lovely though, and I hope you get a really good tour of the Eagle.

Ronna in Sunny Happy Valley

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 1:08 PM
Subject: Welcome & You know you are a BB'er when....
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

WELCOME VICKI and KB! Hope you come back and post often…..don't worry, we won't let xxxxxx bite you. She is just having a bad day I guess. She needs a big hug. We are all doing our best to post to the right boards, but sometimes it isn't a black or white situation….or is that blue and white, or red and white………

You know you are a BB'er when: You are willing to fly on a moment's notice to some quilt show far away (that you had no intention of attending) just so you can see other Yellow YoYo's.
That you find that you can't explain to DH why you feel compelled to glue your face to the monitor reading the saga of what is going on in the lives of people you've never laid eyes on.

BETTY in OR: The only thing neater than the Eagle, is the USS Constitution! Both are lovely ships. We actually were out there when the Constitution sailed out of Marblehead, Ma. Boy were there a lot of boats out there. It was a calm day, but the number of spectator boats out there made the water as choppy as if it were blowing 25 knots……also the fumes from all of the engines made the air yellow with smog. Not for the easily seasick!! It was lovely though, and I hope you get a really good tour of the Eagle.

Ronna in Sunny Happy Valley

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 11:39 AM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Hi again, the red runny stuff that ran by the computer was an entire container full of strawberry quick that was dumped onto the kitchen table after eating cereal whos left over milk was used to make the red runny stuff if anyone was interested.

If I'm not on the computer I'm chasing screaming meemies... and cleaning up their red runny stuff.


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 11:26 AM
Subject: Not me, WPP, and Misc
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Sorry, but I can't take credit for the travel bag ideas. Was sent to me by a friend and just thought I'd share with you all.

WPP ("Wrong" Page Posting): I think we should give Newbies a little leeway when they accidentally post to the "wrong" page. They probably don't know there is a BB (quilt related only) Page, a Chat Page, a Prayer Page, a Recipe Page, A Brag Page, etc. to this World Wide Quilting Page site and they'll catch on real fast once they really know how to use their 'puter!

jdb: Absolutely chortled when I read the salmon/dead kitty story! Reminded me of the Bible verse my mother always preached at me "be sure your sins will find you out." (That was her way of saying 'just say no' to fresh guys so I wouldn't "have to get married"! Well, that gives away my age doesn't it? Nowadays, they don't 'have to' get married if they get pregnant.)

Welcome to all the newbies and stick around! You're in for some good times and loads of laughter.

Bertie in Illinois (who was referred to as the BB wit of yesteryear and has moved over for the real one. Live for your postings, jdb!)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 11:22 AM
Subject: Vicky's Post
E-mail Address: KBras01@aol.com

It is my policy to remain out of controversies, however the reply from XXXXXXX to this post was not nice. Vicki clearly stated that she did not know what the initials S.E.X. meant. They could be quilt related or not. Please, XXXXX if you want to give help to someone and it is of a corrective nature, do it privately. If you had posted your e-mail addy, this would be sent to you privately. This thought has been expressed on this board before. We should treat each other as we would like to be treated. Peace, Kathy in Ohio

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 11:05 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Good morning everyone! Brought DD into work with me today. She is "babysitting" an 8-year-old child of one of our visiting grad students who is in a crunch to get ready to defend for her Ph.D. Another student is defending today, so we started the work day by grocery shopping to get goodies for his defense. Seems the theory around here is that if you feed your advisors well, they will pass you because they are comfy and full. We will see.

DH and I went to dinner last night for our anniversary (it was Sunday, but that was Father's Day and it wouldn't have been fair not to take the kids, right? Plus, there were crowds everywhere). So, we went to "The Outback". One of our favorites. He'd had a particularly hectic day, so it was nice to have a quiet moment.

WELCOME to the newbies. Hope you find the wonderful comradarie that is on this board.

DONI -- I'm jealous! A sewing room! What I'd give to have one. We're swapping bedrooms when our new furniture arrives, and DS will have the room where we've been. The house is laid out rather differently, and our room has a small bathroom that is between the laundry room and the bedroom. On the other side of the laundry room (see, I told you it was a different layout), is the kitchen. We've been rather hesitant to let DS have that room for fear he would eat us out of house and home. He loves to eat. He's a growing boy, I know. But sometimes!!!!!!! So, we'll see how this goes. It's not so bad at night because he likes to go to bed early (I know, different huh), but it's the mornings that I worry about. But, the new furniture won't fit into that room. Now I'm not sure where my sewing stuff will go. There are two large closets, so maybe I can tuck my sewing cabinet into one and just close the door when I'm not using it. We will see. This could be interesting.

Now that I have my Hoffman Challenge fabric, I need to decide what kind of jacket to make. I'd love to do a wall hanging, but since I'm not too creative (need a pattern), I'll stick with a pattern. Thought I'd find the yellowish fabric to make a blouse to match. Also want to find the blue coordinating fabric for lining. Not much time, so best get busy, huh?

Well, hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful quilting day! Need to find a little job for DD to do to keep her busy until everyone arrives. Have a great day!


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:58 AM
Subject: BBB
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Good morning: Having breakfast and reading the BB thus BBB. Am trying to be
less fluffy, so recommend my favorite filler breakfast--sliced peach, 1/4 cup oatmeal
favorite sweetener, dash of nutmeg and microwave 3 min. Makes me feel pampered plue
being heart-healthy.
Quilting, piecing, rotary cutting, and cleaning up sewing room are all good to keep me
away from the refrigerator. Will get around to exercise (the real stuff) later.
jdb-you are sooo witty at the keyboard. I can think up witty things, but only at the
ironing board or hoeing in the garden, and then I forget them by the time I get to the
Slinky statement good for today's LOL on a day that promises to be not too good. Gotta
go to the ear doctor to see if the hearing loss is permanent--probably upgrading the
hearing aid...computerizing no doubt. Oh well it will help the
"dial a joke". Betty in Astoria, Oregon where the Eagle has landed--Coast Guard barque
is at the dock and I'm going to stand in line to visit it. DH says the line is forming
already---out of here. Take care.

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:51 AM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Good morning all, I feel like I live here instead of in my own home. DH says I do!!!! He's renamed me PattyChatty, I don't know who he was talking about though, my names not Patty.
KK-missed you
LOON-I keep thinking of the Loons,,,, on the Lake,,, I think I even had them in a dream last night.... Hey make peace not war, wanna DAISY??
JBD great laughing fun-love your posts

Kids are screaming, one just ran by with run runny stuff dripping off of the hands gotta run


Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:43 AM
Subject: Cookies and IM
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Ditto what Doni said. I'm always forgetting where I am (I was never very good at directions!)
I had a wonderful time chatting on IM this morning with some other BBers - I can tell this will probably become one of my morning routines!
My DD#1 came up with the idea of having a cookie decorating party for her preschool friends so I will have about 10 5 year olds here in a couple of hours flinging colored sugar and non-pareils - ought to be fun! DD#2 who will be 4 next week is having a cookie decorating party for her friends next week. Since preschool is done, this is a nice way for the kids to get together since they do miss each other over the summer. By the way, anyone with kids might want to check out disney.com - they have all kinds of activities and craft ideas for kids of all ages.
I have set aside this evening for the binding and label on Marilyn's quilt. I would really like to be able to get it into the mail tomorrow or the next day, Marty. Will send you an email when it is officially on it's way...
Monica in Maine (gonna be a hot one today!)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:34 AM
Subject: Morning post...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Good morning..a few things this morning..its raining and so cool and nice this morning..I think DD is moving into her house today...baby is due in two weeks...can't get a phone put in yet..may take awhile, so she is going to borrow my cell phone..that way mom don't worry! Even though she's just right next door! But this means I get my sewing room back! Yippeee!! I have missed it so much! Now for a new paint job..and new carpet...and new window treatments..and shelves..and tables...get the just of it? LOL! Right now I have books here, fabric there, and WIP here and there all over the house! I'm not a neat enough person to use the Dinning room for quilting! I just make to much of a mess!

Grace..Buford is a Blue Tick Hound..and yes he is a hansom fellow! And his mommie do lub him gobs! Even with his chewing problems..

Beth..My DH use to be like that..then we just traded..I just pointed out to him how much one trip to Colorado for a weeks worth of hunting cost..and every weekend of fishing and camping during the summer cost...and new lures for fishing...(he says they lose their flavor during the winter!) And the big one!! The new boat he just had to have..got me a new wonderful sewing machine! He got off cheaper than I did on that trade!

Hi Sarah! Are you moving? Did I miss something? Hey Berly..miss you on IM!

Nancy in NY..Love the toad...would the container you store them in be a toad house?

Jana!! I wannnnnaaa Hug Elvis!!! We were at the vets office and a lady there had a puppy Blood hound! What a Love!! I wonder if I could just collect Hound dogs???

Ursula..On Kellie and Andy's page there is a list of IM names of all us ladies...Anyone else new on the BB have an IM name??

Gotta go and get some good quilty stuff done..Ohio is fast approaching! Hugs to all...Hope you all have a totally wonderful day!

Hugs Doni
Dogs rule..cats drool.....

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:30 AM
Subject: It's Tuesday!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Good Morning everyone! It's Tuesday, not as exciting as Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, but it will do as far as days of the week go.

Question of the day - someone explain to me how there can not be a cat in sight, nowhere, zip, nada! BUT, when you head down the stairs with a full laundry basket, poof! They come out of the woodwork...aaarrrggghhh! Oh, well, it's my own fault for being a crazy cat lover, ha!

Well, time to be productive (yuck - what a boring thought). Have a good week everyone and put those smiles back on your shining faces! Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:22 AM
Subject: stuff
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Hi All....quilting seems to be taking a back seat to so much else these days! Getting ready for vacation in Chicago next week (why is preparing for a relaxing vacation so stressful?!)Bought a small recreational kayak (flat water only for this kid...went through my whitewater phase nearly 10 years ago and have had my fill) Took it out Saturday on a nearby stream and saw a great blue heron...thought of you, Loon.....unfortunately, drifted too close and spooked him, but got to see that magnificent flight as he circled around to land behind me.
Had hoped to get out on the water again today, but have too much to do before vacation....Chris in PA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 10:16 AM
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

As Thumper's mother (in Bambi) would say, "If you can's say somethin' nice then don't say nuthin' at all." If you're going to say something too nasty to use your own e-mail address, then it doesn't belong on this board!

That said, let's lighten things up:

You know you’re a BB’er when:

You start spelling words like eXperience/ eXpedition with a capital X.
You brag about your S.E.X.-ploits while your DH feels curiously unfulfilled.
You go to a quilt show and get as excited over seeing a single YYY as you do studying an
award-winning quilt.
When you put your car in gear it automatically heads for the nearest fabric store.
The anti-virus software on your computer includes an automatic anti-flame feature.
You have dinner at the Rain Forest Café with their jungle-print fabric tablecloths and think how many I-Spy blocks you could get from one tablecloth.
You get home from dinner and race DH to the computer.
You spend more time on the computer than you do in your "design studio."
You understand the term ROFLPIMP.
You choose vacation spots by the quilt shops in the area (then all the BB'ers in the area clamor for you to come visit them.)

O.K. What else?
jdb in AZ

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:43 AM
Subject: XXXXXX
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Who ever posted under the XXXXXXX...If your going to post something stupid..use your email addy...don't hide! Monica and I have both either posted a quilting related post on the chat..or personal message on the Quilting BB...accidents happen!..you know what I got when I screwed up and posted non quilting on the quilting board? I got hugs! All of the ladies sent me HUGS!! Little notes telling me it was okay that I had made a mistake...and giggles....
Don't react like that! My word! Just answer the question if you know the answer, and let it go! She would have figured it out soon enough that this is just a chat page..and when did it stop being quilt related? What the heck is S.E.X?? Your not out running around buying fabric for clothing!.... this is to much!

Vicki..I emailed you already..but let me say how sorry I am that some one got up on the wrong side of life today, and decided to speak for all of us..I am heartfelt sorry..Please come back and chat with us..there one in every crowd.. Hugs to you, new cyber bud...

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:10 AM
Subject: S.E.X
E-mail Address: jlmpam@netins.net

At least in this context it is

Stash Exhancing Xperience

There was great S.E.X. at Sauders last week.

Peggy in Iowa

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:09 AM
Subject: BB
E-mail Address: xxxxxxxx

Ditto, regarding: This page is for personal information only. PLEASE - post all of your quilt related items to the WWQP Quilting Bulletin Board. Sue and Eric were kind enough to give us a seperate board to chit-chat on, so let's follow their rules! PLEASE!! (Before we get in trouble AGAIN!)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:06 AM
E-mail Address: vquilt@westol.com

SORRY! I found the answer to my question! Thanks
anyway. Also...I don't want to get hollared at for
asking a quilt related question by mistake!!

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:02 AM
Subject: help
E-mail Address: vquilts@westol.com

Good Morning! It's a beautiful sunny day here in SW PA
even though I am wishing for some rain... we really need
it! (Maybe Thursday) Already took the puppy for a walk
and now she is sleeping on the sofa. Should be using
this time for some quilting!! ("She" is a Westie, named
Daisy) Anyway my question is (and this sounds dumb) but
what is S.E.X.? I tried scrolling down, but didn't
see any references and thought it would be easier to
just ask. I've been trying to figure it out, but the
X has me stumped! Thanx!

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 9:00 AM
Subject: BB
E-mail Address: xxxxxxxxx

This page is for personal information only. PLEASE - post all of your quilt related items to the WWQP Quilting Bulletin Board

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 8:37 AM
Subject: explanation
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

ok, I just realized I wasn't very clear about what I was asking. I am wondering how to do a nice quilting job on the machine. and where I can find help on learning how to hand quilt.
Michelle in PA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 8:33 AM
Subject: machine/hand quilting
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

Ok, I am a self-taught quilte. I have been machine quilting
all of my quilts so far usually using the "in the ditch" method.
Until now, I used the pillowcase method to put my quilts together
before quilting and have just discovered that you are supposed to
saftey pin them to baste them together before you quilt. My question
is this: Is there any method to do more intricate piecing on the
machine? I would like to do a more visible quilting pattern and I am
unsure how to easily do so especially towards the middle of the quilt.
My next project is a mariner's compass full size quilt and I would like
to do a pretty quilt design for it. Any and all help is welcome. I am
also hoping to learn how to hand quilt although Probably not on something
this big. If you have any suggestions on how best to begin or where to look
for how-to's I would really appreciate it.
Michelle in PA

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 8:21 AM
E-mail Address: jodi73@juno.com

Thought I'd start from the bottom posting and read up to make more sense. I had two days to catch up on. Now I'll have to drive to work. I missed the bus. Oh, well, now I'll have time to post.

My DM and DD are arriving from Houston tomorrow afternoon. I am expecting great s.e.x. after I get home.

My mother taught me to quilt. She had to quit a couple years ago. She developed catarac's and can't see to do the close up work. She is bringing me her entire stash!!!

Love to you all. It's getting hot again here in Upstate NY, but not as hot as those of you in the south.

Joanne in Newfield

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 7:52 AM
Subject: IM
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Did anyone out there hear about AOL saying they were going to start charging $15.00 a month for Instant Message? I hope not. Anyone want to talk on IM mine is dko153

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 7:49 AM
Subject: PHAT
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONNA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like it was a good one.

JANA about the slinky... I was ROFLOLPMP! I laughed so hard I almost choked myself. I copied that down and sent it to about a dozen women I know...I'm sure they'll love it!

Well it finally stopped raining here and me and my DF are going crabbing today....can't wait. I always love spending time with my DF. He's my most favorite man in the world...DH is #2. He understands cause he and DF are very close buddies.

Got another new word for our board. This is what my nieces say when they see a guy they like, PHAT , pronounced "fat" Pretty Hot And Tempting. I thought it would work nicely with our S.E.X. talks and things!!! I'm going to have some PHAT SEX tomorrow at Smithvilles quilt shop "Sew Distinctive"

Have a great day all!!!
Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 7:12 AM
Subject: birthday and YYY
E-mail Address: dltquilt@juno.com

Well, I made it through the day. Yesterday was my big "50" birthday. I was worried how I would take it. But those guys at work made me feel special. What a group! The boss bought lunch for everyone. I have never seen them do that for anyone else, except him. (I work in a local Real Estate office)One of the agent gave me a gift certificate for my favorite hair salon. Not a depressing day at all with so many birthday wishes.

I will be in Cold Springs Village, near Cape May, this weekend. They are haveing a small quilt show and my guild will be selling small items in one of the booths. Will I see any YYY there? I will have my YYY on.

Always quilting, one stitch at a time
Donna in LEH Twp, NJ

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 3:47 AM
Subject: Welcome to the newbies!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Welcome Aboard! KB and Stash
Stash, I tried to email you but it bounced. Would you email me?
Birthday boy was 5 years old today. This morning he asked his mom if he was still 4. She said, "no, you are 5 now". He said, "I don't look 5". Later in the day he asked her again if he was still 4. She answered the same as this morning. He said he didn't sound like a 5. Where do these little critters get this stuff. It's much better than TV.
I am going to the Centralia, WA Quilt Show on Friday. I am hoping to see Judy and Pepper. On Saturday, I am going to Sequim, WA to visit Deanna and go to their quilt show. Yippee! Have YYY and will travel. Miss Lindy, already, since our visit was so short.
Have a safe trip back East, Julie. I will miss you. Looking forward to going to the Bellevue Show with you. All those going to Sisters, OR for the Quilt Show, could we coordinate a time and place to meet?
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^<

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 2:54 AM
Subject: Group Hug Time!
E-mail Address: Whitfields@webtv.net

When someone in our family feels low, we all gather and give a great big group hug. Elvis, our dog even gets in the action.
I found the best card today. It says, Honey, a man is like a slinky---not good for much, but you can't help but smile when one tumbles down a flight of stairs. Isn't that a hoot!
Well, better see if I can prevent this wallhanging from becoming a TOAD. Love the expression. Thanks! Jana from Wash.

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 1:29 AM
Subject: Just a Hi HO
E-mail Address: Birdsong@worldnet.att.net

WEll, this is the first time I've been in this BB and it's Great! I've learned TWO things in the past few minutes of reading! TOADS and S.E.X.! Gave a WHOLE new meaning! LOL...I'm really enjoying this, and I'll use this for my 'lay back' time in the evenings! :) kb

Date: 6/22/99 Time: 12:03 AM
Subject: Employment
E-mail Address: oph@lclark.edu

I am interested in finding a job in the quilting industry, preferably on the East coast. I am looking for something along the lines of working for a publisher of quilting.sewing publications. If anyone has any sorts of leads, I would appreciate it. I am having a difficult time locating information on employment in our craft.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 11:54 PM
Subject: Back Again
E-mail Address: jlmpam@netins.net

Well - been gone for about 12 days so probably have missed lots on BB but just don't have time to read all the posts for that time. Really just home long enough to mow yard (thought we might have to make hay but it wasn't too bad), wash, and pack again to be gone for another five days.

Of course - the next five day trip is to Omaha for the NQA show so can't complain too much. Am I going to see Yellow YoYOs there?

Did manage to get to a few quilt shops when I was gone. In PA so you know I did some serious damage to MC (I may have to leave home when the bill comes next month)

Peggy in Iowa

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 11:25 PM
Subject: There's a TOAD in My House!
E-mail Address: jacknox@earthlink.net

Nancy in NY is wonderful for educating us about TOADs .... I am looking at a quilted wallhanging that qualifies as something that should be labelled a "Trashed Object, Abandoned in Disgust". Yep, I am not happy with my completed Hoffman Challenge wallhanging and I think I will create a TOAD basket where such things can be stored. I don't really want to "trash" it as it can serve as a reminder of what not to do ... I am trying to be philosophical here about all the time wasted on my new TOAD.

Beth in Fort Wayne ... helping your husband undersand the importance of quilting requires a process of "Love, Honor and Negotiate". (That's not original with me ... it's from a counted cross stitch sampler I made decades ago.) In other words, you participate and show enthusiasm in what is important to the DH (woodworking shows, football games, fly fishing, whatever) and then he should reciprocate. My DH refused for years to go to antique shows until I pointed out how many woodworking stores, shows, etc. I had gone to and he saw the "justice" of my reasoning. So, it's "Yes, dear, I'll go to the woodworking shop and we'll also have time to go the quilt shop on the way home." Works at this house.

Judy in Ohio where it's been so dry that the mosquitoes have not been a problem yet.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 11:05 PM
Subject: New Word du Jour
E-mail Address: Halia 4U@aol.com

Came across a new word that I thought could apply to us quilters too. TOAD

TOAD = Trashed Object, Abandoned in Disgust

Not that any of us have them, you understand (LOL)

Nancy in N.Y.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:52 PM
Subject: Yo Yo time?
E-mail Address: kilshandar@excite.com

Good evening all. I have to agree with Doni, it has been a strange day here too. Thankgoodness, this too shall pass.

Bertie: right on sister! I now have that hanging up at my desk and on the fridge.

Mayme: hey neighbor! Nice to see a fellow Michigander, I am not too far from Fremont either.

And the reason I am posting.... Can someone give me the details about Indianapolis? My MIL lives there and I may just make a trip...any way could someone email me with the specifics. TIA
Kim aka berlysue

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:52 PM
Subject: Home again, Home again!
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

I'm back! DH is settled in his new apt in TN and guess what....the q-store is about 1/2 a block down the street. Poor man. Guess where I spent some of my time let alone some of my dollars. Had S.E.X. big time but ended up with only 8 FQs, a bias square ruler, some applique pins, and a couple of cloisone quilt pins. One is Overall Andy....don't know what the other one is....got to find it in q block book sometime.

Sounds like you all have had a busy weekend. Hope everyone's Father's Days were great. Had to spend ours saying goodbye to DH and DF for the rest of the summer. DS didn't seem to be as upset about it as I thought. I think I will be keeping myself busy for the next two months...quilting of course! And chauffering DS to swim lessons, Cub Scout day camp, etc. Don't mind that too much either cause it gives me shopping time.
Well back to the sewing/quilting room. Gonna cut fabrics for 2 quilt tops for a quiltathon soon.
Sarah in Alabama

PS. Anyone wants to visit for a quilt-day, just holler.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:41 PM
Subject: How Do You Do It?
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

Evening Ladies,

Thank you to everyone who responded to my request for where to donate quilts. I got an overwhelming response on behalf of Linus Project.

Judy in Ark...I totally relate...I lurk a whole lot more that I post and quilt. I am almost more of a quilt pattern/book junkie than a fabric junkie! Everytime I see a new quilt I HAVE to make it right away!

How do you ladies find time to post/quilt/work/guild/etc,etc,etc? I have a full time job and I am a graduate student. I often threaten my husband that I am going to quit my job and stay home and quilt all day. My ultimate dream is to have my own shop, but DH doesn't think that quilting is a practical means for financial support! Silly Man! As long as I can support my addiction to S.E.X., who needs greenbacks? Any advice for a young wife on coming to an understanding with a DH about the importance of quilting?

Beth in Fort Wayne, IN

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:19 PM
Subject: LOL
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

Cindy (Stash). You may be in for a little kidding on this one. S.E.X. (Stash Enhancing eXperience!) I had to LOL (laugh out loud) when I read your nickname after your questions!!! Welcome.
Susan Joy in delightfully Sunny CA

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:54 PM
Subject: I'll have to slow down
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Hello all,
Hey Doni, was watching TV on friday night (Talk show) and they
had a dog like Buford on the show. Blue (?) Hound. My what a
gorgeous dog. No wonder you love him.
I need the cat bath story if some one could send it to me
I put it on my notepad but forgot to print it out.
Having trouble this last while with my computer
freezing up and then I lose what ever I left on notepads
Lost some good websites also, but I'll likely pick
them up again . Thanks to who can send it to me.
It has been the most beautiful day today and I hope it
is so where ever you all are.
Washed all the S.E.X. fabric that I spent mega$$$$$ on saturday.
Just have to iron it and put it away.
Can fondle for awhile yet.
Should go do that now.
Grace in Ont.This is the longest day of the year. From here on in
we are on the down slide again. WHERE IS THE TIME????

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:37 PM
Subject: Newbie
E-mail Address: stephen.hiltz@ns.sympatico.com

Hi! Girls

It's my first time reading allll (I bet it took an hour) the info on the BB!
What a hoot! I even figured out some of the abbreviations.
But you gotta let us new ones know what sex is - it has to do with shopping - right?
the other one is LOL - what is this?

I am up here in lovely Nova Scotia Canada and is it dry here - we really could use some rain.

My son has given me my nick name

Stash (Cindy)

Checking this BB out will be a nightly ritual now.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:31 PM
Subject: polar fleece quilt
E-mail Address: jcbehm@freewwweb.com

I am making a quilt from polar fleece,
I need suggestions for backing fabric and type of
seam or seam finish to use. The design is original
and is made from 3 inch by 8 inch pieces. The
pattern design is titled "Northern Lights" and is
a graduation gift for my neice. I need some advice

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:31 PM
Subject: polar fleece quilt
E-mail Address: jcbehm@freewwweb.com

I am making a quilt from polar fleece,
I need suggestions for backing fabric and type of
seam or seam finish to use. The design is original
and is made from 3 inch by 8 inch pieces. The
pattern design is titled "Northern Lights" and is
a graduation gift for my neice. I need some advice

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:04 PM
Subject: Need Info on Quilting Machine
E-mail Address: kempqsr@teleport.com

Does anyone out there use the Design-A-Quilt
quilting machine or know someone who does? I would
like any and all opinions about this machine as I
am thinking of purchasing one. TIA. Dorene

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:04 PM
Subject: Need Info on Quilting Machine
E-mail Address: kempqsr@teleport.com

Does anyone out there use the Design-A-Quilt
quilting machine or know someone who does? I would
like any and all opinions about this machine as I
am thinking of purchasing one. TIA. Dorene

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:03 PM
Subject: Hi to all!!
E-mail Address: MLSKI@wewbtv.net

Hi to all!! So many Mary's on the board now..almost like at my quilt guild a few years back..the table I sat at had five people with the first name of Mary!! When some one would say, "Hey, Mary"..all of us would turn around to see who was being paged...Hi Loon..you seem to be feeling much better and in good spirits..forgot to ask you who Kurt Vonneguts is or was..Hi Doni..catch any fish this week-end? Celia..miss you..Got the low-down on friend Barb's sneaky S.E.X...boy, did she have a great time..also, has me guessing about doodads for her challenge. DS brought over some lobsters for DH and I for dinner last night..boy, where they great..Ummmmmmm!! Welcome all newbies, especially the Mary's..hope you all decide to stay for a while and join in the nutty chat...Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 7:38 PM
Subject: Thanks for the lead
E-mail Address: bessie-ida@juno.com

Thank for all those who let me know about their local JoAnn's Fabrics having the Manatee Print Fabric. I did not find it in our new JoAnne's in Salisbury, NC but I did find it on a recent trip home to Florida. My son will be very happy when Mom gets his Manatee quilt complete for his bed. Thanks for all those who take a moment to help! JY in NC

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 7:38 PM
Subject: Thanks for the lead
E-mail Address: bessie-ida@juno.com

Thank for all those who let me know about their local JoAnn's Fabrics having the Manatee Print Fabric. I did not find it in our new JoAnne's in Salisbury, NC but I did find it on a recent trip home to Florida. My son will be very happy when Mom gets his Manatee quilt complete for his bed. Thanks for all those who take a moment to help! JY in NC

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 6:46 PM
Subject: feelings
E-mail Address: cats173@hotmail.com

thanks to all who emailed to ask What do I Think.
Please lets all be friends. If I have hurt anyones feelings I'm sorry. Lets all just keep posting and not let this make anyone leave. Just my thoughts. Mayme in MI where it is hot!

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 6:26 PM
Subject: me again..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Almost forgot the most important part! HELLO LOON!!! I'm here just lurking and working...with a few side chats!!
Hugs Doni

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 6:24 PM
Subject: Hey all..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Its been a wonderful day on the BB today..after a shakey start this morning..Hugs to all having a strange day..we love you all...do you know of any friend you haven't had a spat with? These things happen..

Bertie great post and great timing! We all need a little up lift sometimes..hit home for me!

Ronna..I would have loved to see the little gnomb house! I bet the person that built all them little houses would say the same thing about us quilters...to much time on our hands??

Mary...I could mail you Buford..he loves little girl screamers! specially if they have pony tails.. He will have my sisters little girls..ages 3-5-10 screaming within about 10 minutes of being here..one good yank on the ole ponytails is all it takes! Good luck, take long deep breaths..and cotton ball for the ears help to!

Judy..I also have problems with arranging a night time guild meeting..I have been thinking about finding one that meets thru the day..maybe this is an option for you? Hope you work something out...

Mibs...are you sure thats not already a quilt name? If not it would make a wonderful one!

I got to move my mailbox up by the house today after 10 years of walking down the hill to fetch it..I think the mail person is afraid I might lose something after the y2k swap and all the different fabric swaps we've been doing...but who knows..maybe we dont live in the sticks anymore...

See you all later...
Hugs Doni....

PS..I had such a delightful strange afternoon..mmm nothing like afternoon...(visitor?) LOL!!

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 5:06 PM
Subject: I'm so excited!
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Oh, wow, I just got Marilyn's quilt back from Trudy in IA (she did the MQing) and it is just gorgeous!! If I wasn't sitting in my chair typing, I would be jumping up and down. I will do my best to get the binding done and label on as quickly as I can. I really wish you could all see it right now. I will take a few pictures of it after the binding is on. Thank you, everyone! It is just beautiful!! Gotta go make supper for the kids but I just had to share the news first!

Monica in Maine (this came just in time to remind me what makes this such a special place to be! 8^) !)

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 4:41 PM
Subject: Too Busy?????
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Am I the only one that tries to post and keeps getting the "Too Busy" page that comes up? Maybe we need a bigger "office"...LOL!

LOON- I would love to know how to make clover necklaces....my DTD's love to pick clovers and this would be great fun for them.

MARY IN OHIO- About that squealing baby.....I had 2 squealing at the same time and it IS them just learning they have a voice....my advice, Have a glass of wine and turn up the music and let that baby SING!!!!!! LOL!

I'll also post the pancake recipe on the cooking page. It was sent to me by Grace in Ontario so thank you Grace!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 4:22 PM
Subject: travel bag
E-mail Address: cknapp1@earthlink.net

At the last guild meeting I attended, all of the items Bertie mentioned and her explanations were put into baggies and each of us received one. I thought it was a neat little favor to send home. It was called a stress buster kit I think, instead of a travel bag.

Which reminds me: Every once in a while my dh wants to quit the internet. He says why don't you join a local quilt group. Can't you get that same stuff locally as you do on that bulletin board???? I always says NOOOOOOO, I can't. It's not the same. I know you all understand. LOL

PS the reason I haven't joined the local guild is that I could not get near as much stuff done as they do,(just like here, I lurk much more than post and quilt) and I have a problem with night commitments . .. kids games, scout meetings etc. But they sure do some neat stuff, so I visit once in a while.

Judy in Ark

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 4:21 PM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

What is the abbreviation for Dear Step Sister? Mine is a breast cancer survivor, and the whole family is in awe of how well she handled the situation. She was nursing her fourth baby (and shouldn't have been at risk) when she discovered the lump. Had surgery, then played on a women's softball team during chemo/radiation.

Anyway, I'd never make fun of someone who's been through the #$%@^ she's gone through. Young ladies with these cute little bods that "put a sock in it" are fair game for teasing.

If I refer to this as beating a dead horse, somebody will call the ASPCA, so I won't call it that.

My air conditioner just died again, with a loud clunking thud. We are not amused. Fortunately DMIL lives nearby so I'm out of here.

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 3:52 PM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Hi, all! Mibsie from Canada here. Sondra in Sunny Calif. - did you mean Arctic Windows instead of Attic Windows? Elaine, NC Mountains - so glad you enjoyed your trip up here and made it to one of my favourite quilt shops. Had a busy weekend here. One of my friend's has been fortunate enough to take a year off work and follow a dream - i.e. to write a play. Her first effort was entered in a one act play festival and received two awards Saturday night. Don't all of us have some wish deep down that we wish we had the courage to follow! Other than that I did visit "That Place", as my quilting friends call it, and paid mightily for s.e.x. It certainly was as good for the store as it was for me! My DB and SIL will get a righteous Xmas prezzie this year - or next. Toodles, Mibs

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 3:51 PM
Subject: Stuff & Ft Lauderdale Quilt Shops
E-mail Address: mboyd54@juno.com

Hey this is fun, or it would be if it weren't for the #$%^$##&* poison ivy. I get to stay home and visit, now if I can only find a way to make it pay. Just found out DH is going to Ft Lauderdale, the week of July 12 - 16 and I get to go. So, since I'm looking to have S.E.x without him, I'm looking for quilt shops and other fun places to visit while he works. I've got the list from the latest BHG Sampler Quilt mag. I'l have a car so I'll be able to get around pretty good. Any ideas are most welcome.

Mary - I had a screamer once. They've just discovered their voices and for some odd reason they want to show off all the time. The only thing I found that really worked was to try and distract them. It may work. Also try whispering, hopefully, they quiet down to hear what you're saying. If none of these work, just be patient, it won't last long.

Melodye still itching in Randallstown

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 3:49 PM
Subject: This and that
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

FOR THE SENSITIVE AND DELICATE: If some thread (of BB Chat)bothers you check back in a day or so....we go on to other things as they come up. No subject seems to last more than 4-5 days........

JDB: I really LOL with that story about the dinner party and the dead kitty. I bet it was a long time before they dared to have another party!! Why the neighbor didn't just leave a note…..wouldn't be a good story then, would it?

LOON: Your description of gnome and fairy tools reminded me of an island in Maine we visited once. Now I can't remember……..was it at High and Dix Islands on Merchants Row….Oh well, I will ask DH which island it was…anyway, as we walked around the island in the woods, there were all of these teeny houses built of moss and stones and twigs and lichens. They were just size for little gnomes and fairies. There were pennies and dimes in them sometimes. The had teeny fences made of teeny twigs and little stone paths to the "doors". Someone had a lot of time on their hands! There were at least a hundred of them. It was lots of fun to walk along the path and come upon one of them.

I just made a reservation to go to see DMIL in Indiana. She is the one (along with DSisIL) that got me into quilting. We will go to Quilt America on Thursday the 8th. I will bring (and wear) my yyy. Hope to see some of you there!!! I will have to leave out of Providence RI because the plane fares are so strange….our local airport; tickets were $900 'cause I'm not staying Saturday….Providence; $240! I guess it is worth the hour extra of driving to save that much…sigh. Can't believe I just called and did that.

Welcome to all of the Newbies! This is indeed a strange place sometimes....but everyone means well. Too bad the "Mystery Man" doesn't check back...he may find that the subject isn't always so strange!

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 3:44 PM
Subject: Travel thru life kit
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com


Items Needed:
Rubber Band
Band Aid
Chewing Gum
Candy Kiss
Tea Bag

Why you say???

1) TOOTHPICK - to remind you to pick out the good
qualities in others. -- Matt. 7:1

2) RUBBER BAND - to remind you to be flexible,
things might not always go the way you want,
but it will work out. -- Romans 8:28

3) BAND AID - to remind you to heal hurt feelings,yours or someone else's. Col. 3:12-14

4) PENCIL - to remind you to list your blessings
everyday. -- Eph 1:3

5) ERASER - To remind you that everyone makes mistakes,and it's OK. Gen 50:15-21

6) CHEWING GUM - to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything with Jesus. -- Phil 4:13

7) MINT - to remind you that you are worth a mint
to your Heavenly Father. -- John 3:16-17

8) CANDY KISS - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday. -- 1 John 4:7

9) TEA BAG - to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of God's blessings. -- 1 Thess 5:18

Thought you might want to check your travel kit
for life for these items....

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 3:10 PM
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net


As loon said, it really IS a beautiful day here in Maine! I'm starting to worry that we may be getting more than our share, and when the other shoe drops, how heavy will it be???

I'm reading some Erma Bombeck for my "Comedy in Modern American Lit." course, and it occurred to me today that this BB is very similar to Erma's humor! (For any of you who aren't acquainted with Erma, that is DEFINITELY a compliment!) If anyone's looking for some good, relaxing, light summer reading, any of her books would be just the thing!!!

As for the "flaming", I think that it would be impossible to have a chat room like this without an occasional problem of that type. The person may or may not write with the intention of offending, as often we have trouble putting our thoughts into words adequately. Probably the best thing to do is ignore those comments that we think are "double-edged" and assume a misunderstanding.

My DS is looking over my shoulder, waiting to use the computer, so I'd better relinquish! (He just said 'DS' sounds dumb, and called me his PU, or Parental Unit!) BRAT!!!

See You!
Robin in Maine

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 2:50 PM
Subject: Prairie Rose Quilt Pattern
E-mail Address: arkie@ccp.com

Several years ago Keepsake Quilting had a Prairie Rose Quilt kit in their catalog. It was a portrait of a full blown rose and was truly spectacular. The whole quilt consisted of 2 1/2" squares, and was put together sort of on the order of a counted cross stitch pattern. I would very much like to find the diagram and directions for this quilt. I would be happy to buy it, or copy it and return your copy to you, or whatever could be worked out. TIA for any help you can give me. Topper in MO>

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 1:59 PM
Subject: 3d fan quilt
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

here is the address for the 3d fan quilt pattern. For some reason the Quilter's Online
Resource only registers on the search engine if you look for QOR and quilting
I hope this helps anyone interested in making this quilt.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 1:59 PM
Subject: 3d fan quilt
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

here is the address for the 3d fan quilt. For some reason the Quilter's Online
Resource only registers on the search engine if you look for QOR and quilting
I hope this helps anyone interested in making this quilt.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 1:25 PM
Subject: Twin Cities Quilt Shops
E-mail Address: stfran@execpc.com

This is the first time that I have posted to this site, but I have been a lurker since last fall. I have so enjoyed reading everyone's postings and have learned a great deal about quilting. This weekend we took our 16 yr old DS to Minneapolis to a sailing competition and DH was kind enough to drive me around to quilt shops. They were just lovely! I hit four in one day! Had to restrain myself so I wouldn't buy more than I could sew in many years. Everyone at the quilt shops was so friendly and helpful.

Mary in SE Wisconsin

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 1:15 PM
E-mail Address: FRYE@FRYEINS.COM


Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:55 PM
Subject: good day everyone
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

hope everyone is doing fine,,,

we finally got a break in the weather,,,,thank goodness,,i have never been so affected by the hot weather before this,,,,ahhh can you just feel the breeze,,,,,nice,

wanted so much to make a string bean totem pole this summer,,,,in doing so you have a wonderful shady place to have tea with the kids,,or make clover necklaces,,,munch on the string beans or veggies in the garden,,,provided you don't use pesticides,,
my nephews son is the next generation of mystery gardening,,,,i just love to walk round my yard and show him all the secret hiding places i have ''planted'' with fairies tools,,,or gnomes comings and goings,,,,,he is another priceless child to me to carry on my ''looney'' traditions with,,

the egrets tip toe thru the wonderful pond grass,,,how dainty they are ,,,cannot wait for the babies this year,
great herons fly back and for over my yard,,,in an S shape in flight,,,,jaunty fellows,,,legs splayed out far behind,,they almost appear like the cartoon storks cept for the baby bags in their beaks,,,
and the loons,,,,,,ah yes,,,,my loons,,i love them so much,,,moaning at dusk and in the early morning,,,wonderful and to watch them prance on the water in the sun,,drying their feathers is something hard to describe,,,,,but i so enjoy

all the birds i have attracted to my yard are eating up the insects!!! cannot believe how great they do,,,,
course i am a latent ole hippie,,and love to watch nature of anykind,,lol

steven king has gotten into an accident,,,,i don't have the details but prayers would be appreciated for him and his family

teacup,,,,forgot to ask,,,,,do you need anything to complete the cancer quilt,,?? backing and or batting,,,,sorry if i have left you hanging,,,,
celia,,,,love you
doni,,,,,,hey dudette where are you???
terr,,,,,cruising in the ole convertible??

hope i am not too long,,,,
loon/marie/maine,,,,,yahoo,,,let the breezes of summer stay,,,hopehopehope

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:50 PM
Subject: quilting & car shows
E-mail Address: lalbain@cass.net

Just had to notice that Barb from Cape Cod was at car show this weekend w/ her DH also. She was one up on me, tho, she had a fabric store in the vicinity, not me. But I was good, took some handwork to do, only thing it was so hot that my hands were sticky, so put that away. We did take my tumbling block quilt I made him for the car and draped it stratigically (sp) on the front seat so it would be seen. It does match his car, a 70 Chevelle, SS 396, red w/ black racing stripes, and the quilt is done in red, black and grey. Got a couple of comments on it, but it was his day. Big time, came home with 1st place trophy in his class and Best of Show trophy 5 ft.!!!
Sorry to make this car show related, but he has been such a doll in supporting my quilting, that I had to brag him up a little. Even after almost 25 yrs, (Sun. June 27) he can still give me goose bumps. He even let me go have S.E.X. on Friday without him..LOL
Have a good day everyone....Penny in s/e MI

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:14 PM
Subject: Quilt America
E-mail Address: vbenzenbauer@yahoo.com

Fellow quilters.......I am looking for information on Quilt America for a friend of mine. She still has not received any information on the classes that will be held. If anyone has a phone number or a contact name, please let me know. We would really appreciate it.

Vicky in Indiana

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:10 PM
Subject: stuff
E-mail Address: mljobe***@juno.com

Whew! I missed out on reading the chat page all weekend. It sure takes a long time to get caught up!!

Ursula: Glad you liked the Eggs Portugal. Now you know why they are one of my favorites to serve when having a large crowd.

Kris in MD: Basket liners...I have made a number of basket liners without buying a pattern. I probably would not have done it, but a friend wanted to start up a business, so she paid me to draft the pattern and sew the liners. It is really very easy. I start by measuring the bottom and sides. Write down all the dimensions, and add your seam allowance. For me, I added a half inch, because I used the serger. Transfer the dimensions to paper or whatever you want to use as your permanent pattern. MAKE A TEST MUSLIN. This is very important, as it helps to refine the fit. Nine times out of ten, I had it right the first time. It's that one time that will really aggravate you if you've goofed somewhere! After you know the muslin fits, fuse interfacing to the wrong side of your fashion fabric, cut out, and put together.

Pepper: I always fold my fabric after it's been washed and pressed. I just do not have the space available to store it all flat. Call me lazy, but I only press the portion that I know I will use!

jdb: I was ROFLOL at your kitty story!

Help with a squealer??: Can anybody help me out with this one? Our youngest (just turned one) has started squealing at what seems to be the top of her lungs. The only things I've tried are saying "no", and softly saying "sshhhh", while patting my fingers on her lips. Being only one, I don't think a swat is appropriate.

Mary in Ohio

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:06 PM
Subject: Greetings Everyone!!!
E-mail Address: Sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Hope this finds everyone doing fine. I've been lurking, just haven't had any time to post. Not much to post either.

Let's see. Went to my first guild meeting a couple of weeks ago. It was fun, and I learned a lot. We celebrated the 90th birthday of one of our ladies. She is quite the quilter. I'm definitely not looking forward to competing against her this October at our County Fair!

Tracked down the Hoffman Challenge Fabric to make a quilted jacket (I would never attempt a wall hanging or quilt...I'm not smart enough to come up with something original), but this jacket will be okay I think. The fabric is quite beautiful and now I'm trying to find some beautiful blue for a lining. It will look good (whenever I get it back) to wear with black slacks to work (a definite improvement over my jeans & t-shirts as I dress like our students do). The boss will think I'm interviewing or something (gee, maybe I'll get a raise????).

My eldest sister visited for a week from Florida. I thought maybe she would move in with my mother, but I don't think so. Unfortunately, Mom is too set in her ways (82 yrs young) and sis had a tough time. It was good to see her again. We had just bought a new grill, so invited them over for supper.

The new grill has really wreaked havoc with Sam, my Golden Retriever. It seems that there is an area where the meat drips down and you're supposed to put some kind of a soup can, etc. DH didn't bother telling me about it, or I would have emptied a soup can just to keep the dog from enjoying the "goodies" on the cement. Well, on Tuesday of this past week, I marinated steak and when DH cooked it, Sam once again discovered how good we had it and the entire top of his beautiful head, and the back of his neck was covered with grease and marinate. He smelled so bad, and the grease was terrible. He's 75 pounds of 300% energy, so Wednesday I decided it would be better NOT for me to try and bathe him. I called our groomer, but she was full until Friday, so we all suffered. Kids are home from school, so they left him outside during the day. I was very glad to pay $35 to get him groomed and smelling nice again. The only downside to having him groomed is that they insist on putting a tiny little bow in his hair. Our groomer in Pennsylvania used to send him home with little bow-ties, or a bandana, but a bow in the hair is a bit much. Oh well!

I bought some new fabric to make a wall hanging for my Mom's youngest sister. She absolutely loves polar bears, so I got some fabric and fussy cut different pictures and am doing an Attic Windows wallhanging for her. I had originally thought of doing a lap robe size quilt, but just don't have enough fabric for that. So, will do a wallhanging with 12 squares. She will be here the weekend of the 24th of July, so had best get busy. I got all the pieces cut on Wednesday last week.

Cutting my schedule back to 4 days/week has turned out to be nice. Most of our grad students are gone during the summer, so there isn't as much to keep me busy at work.

Hope everyone is having a great day/week. Happy quilting!

Sondra in Sunny Calif.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 11:49 AM
Subject: Chat Rooms
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Greeting all!!
I went into a Chat Room once and they have nothing on us. This BB is great I would hate for it to change, how long have I been here? A week? I love it and would miss anyone awfully if they had bailed. We need you alllllll. I do. DH does the same thing to me. When are you getting off of that thing, crusing by to make sure I'm with you all and not someone else. My sisters husband took off with someone from Chicago, just drove to her from a Chat Room. Don't even go there, that's why I need you all. Thanks for the E-mails it's nice getting to know you all on a more intimate level. Have a great day, I'm going to try really hard not to check in again until the end of the day. Ya right!~


Date: 6/21/99 Time: 11:47 AM
Subject: memory quilt
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

DD phoned from music camp. Her luggage trickled in piece by piece, and of course her calling card was in the last piece, so she HAD to call collect all weekend. She’ll be a senior in high school this year, and we’re making a musical memory quilt ("note"-worthy) with her T-shirts and photos from high school and music camps. She is collecting signatures on the fabric which will eventually be the backing for the quilt. When she complained about her missing luggage, she specifically mentioned missing the fabric. O.K. She also complained about her missing shampoo,
but this IS a 17-year-old with long strawberry-blonde hair and she can’t use just ANY shampoo on it EVERY day. Gotta brag time: Interlochen music camp accepts fewer than 10% of the kids who apply. They have two orchestras and two bands. (Plus voice, musical theatre, ballet, and other arts.) The orchestra music tends to feature the string parts (this is normal) so DD requested
to be in the band, where there’s more music for the French horns to play. Audition results were announced this morning and she was named principal horn for the symphonic band. We be proud.

Best better go get the rear in gear.

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 11:41 AM
Subject: Batting Source needed
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

I belong to a local church group that makes quilts and lap robes for charity. You can't really call them quilts, as they are no works of art. We use donated material, sheets, curtains, whatever and put them together to make blankets. We are looking for a source for inexpensive batting. Our only source now is a local discount store. We try to wait till they have a sale before buying the batting to try to keep the costs down. We like to put batting in our "quilts" because it makes them so much softer and warmer.

Does anyone know of a source for batting? We do not need anything fancy -- just batting that is inexpensive so that we can add it to as many quilts as possible. We started this project last December, and so far have donated well over 200 quilts to various charities.

Thanks for any help you can give!

Karen in KS

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 10:09 AM
Subject: White House
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Donna in Jersey Shore
I was at the White House on Saturday 6/19 for a tour that was scheduled for 11:00 am. We were told the tour would be delayed because of some executive session going on! Now I know the REAL story. Congratualtion to your Sis!
Ursala, could you post the Apple pancake on the cooking page? Saw the egg recipe there. We will have a house full this coming weekend & the pancake sound good.
Spent the weekend in DC with the Marines (DH reunion). Had a great time & even got a little work done on a wall hanging while waiting in the airport. Donated a quilt for a raffle. Sure would have loved to win it, but it did go to one of the guys.
Hope everyone has a great week
Reg in KS

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:59 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: mboyd54@juno.com

Hey guys, it's me. I home today with poison ivy. How I wish it were a "slick day" rather than a sick day. It's been two years since I've had it and I could have lasted another millennium without it. I've got it all over my torso and thighs and I have no idea how it got there. It really makes wearing clothes difficult. And to top it off, I don't even get to play in my room as we've got company coming this week. They're not staying with us, but there will be people in and out all week, (insert a major whine here). He's one of DH's best friends, so I guess I can make the effort. (another whine) I'd really rather be quilting!!!
BONNIE - Congrats.
KRIS - Welcome, we're realy harmless and more fun than anything else you can think of.
JOLEEN - Try getting in touch with NQA. They'll be able to give you some leads. I think they have a web site. Try searching for National Quilt Association.
SANDI - That's how I learned to iron also.
I was hospitalized once and told my yougest DD that when I came home, I'd show her how to make bread. She said, we can't make bread, we don't have a bread machine!!!! Can you imagine?? She may never make another loaf, but now she knows that you don't knead a bread machine.
And guys, I like this board just the way it is. Everybody feels free to sit and visit and talk about what ever's on their mind. I don't belong to a local group and this is just like the groups, I've belonged to in the past. Anything I don't like, I ignore.

Melodye in Randallstown, where the itching is driving me crazzzy!!!!

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:34 AM
Subject: babylock vs featherweight
E-mail Address: mimartin@wyoming.com

Please compare babylock's 13 pound quilting sewing machine to the Singer Featherweight. I would like machine to take to quilting guild meetings, classes, etc. Is it difficult to get parts for the Featherweights? Thanks

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 9:17 AM
Subject: finished!
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

I just finished the 3D fan quilt (Quilter's Online Resource) and I am
so thrilled! It came out beautifully. My stepmother's friend just found
out she was pregnant about a month ago and I volunteered to make her her
first baby quilt as a surprise present. Still waiting for her reaction
as we haven't had the opportunity to give it to her yet. I highly recommend
this pattern as it was very easy and quick to put together.

I almost died laughing about the cat bathing technique.
I have two at home and as soon as they see the sink they freak.
I usually come out of these confrontations with the cat standing on
my back claws dug in and wondering how exactly to get him off and into
the tub without further injury. Usually once their in the tub and wet
they just yowl like i'm trying to kill them and stalk around the house
because they are now 1/2 normal size and the dog laughs (I swear!) at them
Inbetween trying to "play" with them.

Sandi in MN---you know everytime I get sent to sears to buy a power tool for
my dad I mention how it seems that he never seems to have enough tools to which
he replies "you're still buying quilt stuff aren't you?" to which I grab the keys
and just start driving.

happy quilting all!
Michelle in PA

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:59 AM
Subject: EGGS
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

OK, I've gotten a few requests for the egg recipe so I'll post it on the cooking page. I can't take credit for it because it was sent to me by another BBer, Mary in Ohio...thank you!
We moaned and groaned that we needed rain here in SJ and now it won't stop...be careful what you wish for!

Til next time,
Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 8:26 AM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: AnitaAnnII@aol.com

Thanks for all the info about the new water saving toilets. We have a new house and I thought the plumber had screwed up on the drain for the one in the big bathroom! Now I know better. Whoever said it was right, the plunger hardly every gets out of that room. My four year old DGS plugged it. Don’t have as much trouble with the other ones, but they aren’t used as much.

Haven’t told DH about all the S.E.X. on here – he’d be jealous. When I first found this BB and had to read it every night, after about two weeks DH stood in the doorway and said “When you leave you, are not taking a vehicle”. We know someone who met his “soul mate” on the Internet and left his wife of 30+ years.

Our best friends' son graduated from high school. We helped with his open house Saturday. Oldest DS, DDIL, and 3 DGC were there. Long day but fun. Our Dauber (9-lb mini dachshund) was frantic when we got home. Not only were we gone too long, it was dark! She’s very dependent on people. Like my youngest DS tells us, “You’re her mommy and daddy”.

Oldest DS took us out for breakfast for Father’s Day. Youngest DS came to visit. First time we’ve been home for Father’s Day in I think 7 years.

DH’s aunt passed away. Very nice lady, 75. Once I was walking by her when both DS were young and she said, “You and Bill make the most beautiful boys.” I though that was a nice comment. It will be the first I’ve been to a funeral home since I lost my mother. Think that is why DH said we’d go the funeral home and not the funeral. It’s out of town, about 1

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 6:45 AM
Subject: Longaberger liner info
E-mail Address: SStrtPal@aol.com

Thanks for all the helpful leads on making basket liners for longaberger baskets. I like the liners, but they can be too expensive.They can be just as nice if I took the time to make them myself. That's the ticket...using the old noggin'! Of course, I need to buy more baskets to make liners for (guess that makes me a longaberger basket case).
I printed out this bb to make copies that I could read away from the computer...thirty seven pages long! There are a lot of friends on this page...
Thanks for your help and the e-mails too!
kris h,
your sesamestreet pal in MD.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 2:35 AM
Subject: Now I'm hungry!
E-mail Address: Whitfields@webtv.net

Eggs Portugal? Where do the rest of us obtain these breakfast recipes? You must stop teasing us and share. This is not fair! I am hungry!
Jana in Wash.

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 1:26 AM
Subject: mickey mouse madness
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Yes, there's a direct correlation to the mickey in the e-mail address. We be Major Mickey Mouse freaks at my house, and anybody who decorates in the mouse mode is my kind of people. (We're also stockholders.) We don't use MM dishes, except for the grandkids, but we have Disney cels (original artwork used in animated features) all over the house. DH has more than two dozen Mickey Mouse neckties--he rarely wears any other kind; likes to brag that his ties are rodent-infested. (And you guys think MY sense of humor is strange.) Anyway, duvets are very basic and can be fastened with velcro, a long zipper, or buttons. The Disney Co. is really fussy(!) about copyrighting their characters so I doubt you'll find a pattern other than in a coloring book. There are counted-cross stitch patterns available but haven't seen any wedding ones. The retail website is www.disneystore.com I haven't checked it lately but Disney makes a bunch of wedding stuff and if you could print out a picture to photocopy and enlarge, then go from there. Just checked the latest Disney catalog but they don't show anything. Oh well.

TTFN, jdb in Fantasyland

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 1:26 AM
Subject: S.E.X. ???
E-mail Address: karenm@televar.com

Ok, you guys. A person gets busy, turns their back
and you come up with a new one. I'm in the process of
packing up and getting ready to move. I'd sure like
an e-mail explaination of "S.E.X." since everyone
is talking about it and saying they're laughing about
it. E-mail me as I really don't have time to go
thru all the BB messages and at least I do check my
e-mail 2 or 3 times a day.

Thanks so much...will be happy to get this move over and
done with. I'm exhausted and we've only just

Karen M from Tonasket, WA

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:10 AM
Subject: I AM SO SORRY!!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

I am really so sorry this has turned into such a mess. When Katie Mac posted about someone and their sense of humor, I couldn't imagine who that could be. I didn't see anyone doing anything that was offensive. I was afraid she meant me or one of the other ladies who likes to post silly things. I wrote and asked who she meant. I wasn't asking her to tell me what a third party was saying. She made reference to someone. If you can't tell us who you are talking about then don't say anything. It just makes people get paranoid that they are the one being criticized. Instead of the "someone" being criticized, we all feel criticized. I guess I was curious and worried. Katie Mac didn't tell me who she was referring to but did tell me to be careful of some of my "friends". Now I not only felt criticized (maybe) or one of my friends, now I had to feel suspicious of so many. I wrote back and asked who she meant. She did not tell me. These vague comments on the board and in emails can be very damaging. If you cannot give proof or evidence, it can be very destructive and hurtful. I mean no one here any harm. I am trusting and, probably, a bit naive. I am what I say I am. I did not post about this because I was afraid things would be misconstrued. Maybe Katie Mac shouldn't have posted the initial comment that made so many of us feel concerned and worried. I will not excuse my behavior. It was late last night and I am afraid I allowed myself to get too upset. I emailed those I consider friends (not that anyone not on the email is not my friend)for reassurance. I was hoping that if others had heard or sensed anything amiss they would tell me. I think that Katie Mac and I both showed poor judgment. I should have known better than to allow it to bother me. We shouldn't say anything negative. I want to apologize to Katie Mac and to everyone I emailed and everyone who had to read or scroll past this. I am very sorry!!! Please Sue and Eric, don't be angry.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 6/21/99 Time: 12:05 AM
Subject: DGSs graduation
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

went to DGSs graduation today and What a nice program they had . Seeing all those young people so full of hope and dreams for their future just made my day. Then went to his dinner and celebrated 2 birthdays, 1 anniversary and Fathers Day and his graduation . Of course he received all the attention and like most teens he thought that was great. we were so proud of him . I told him follow his dreams and he can achieve anything he wants. Do love that boy . Thats all I wanted to say tonight now I am tired and should go to bed but must read the BB post before I do that .Oh how do you make a yoyo to wear for the quilt shows?
Marge from MI

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:30 PM
E-mail Address: barbqlts@ix.netcom.com

I'm interested in info about quilt software. Thought I saw a website that compared or rated the various software programs available for quilting. If you know the web site or have info about the software, a response would be greatly appreciated.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:29 PM
Subject: Spelling
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

You guys expect me to think of something cute to say and spell it right at the same time? I do know the difference between the two O' - one's fun - the other lives in swampy ponds. My brain is fired from having too many UFOs in the way of new projects. I am fresh from two days of trying to make my corners match without the help of my 1/4 inch foot. My Pfaff went into the hospital for a clean and reajust and the Singer Touch 'n Sew I got for my 12th birthday just does not compare. I find I am as weak in the area of straight lines as I am in spelling. Loon Marie will have to rescue me by sending spare feathers to stick in my hair.----Peg in Chicago

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 10:10 PM
Subject: Computer Quilting Program
E-mail Address: wjb2@gateway.net

Thanks to everyone for the help with my "Time and space question. Now I would like to know if anyine has a quilt program called"Quiltsoft 4.0"?
I have it but it hasn't been updated since purchased about 4 years ago. I would like to update it but I really don't know what to do. Yesterday I
got on like w/microsoft and emailed a message about it. But their site was a little confusing so if anyone could help me I would appreciate it.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 9:55 PM
Subject: Let Me Make This Very Clear
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Dear All BBers,

Just to make sure this is all out in the open I will post this and you can take it for what it is worth. Seems that I am the Mystery Flamer. Now don't get this wrong, I DIDN'T flame but I'm a big girl and will explain.

KittyKate sent me an e-mail wanting me to name people to her (had to do with a previous post) if she promised not to tell a soul. I did not do so but I did e-mail back to her that things are not always as they seem. Probably just shouldn't have written back at all. It's seems she immediately mass e-mailed a portion of my letter saying "someone" had sent her a "not-so-nice" letter. I will be glad to e-mail the letter in it's entirety to anyone that thinks I was being unkind which was FAR from that. I just refused to name names.

Anyway, fling the daggers, I'm a big girl. Those of you that know me know better, those that don't should get to know me better!

Katie Mac in Spring (you bring the stake and the bonfire and I'll bring the weenies and the marshmallows.) PIMP

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 9:48 PM
Subject: Mickey Mouse
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

My DIL has asked me to make a duvey (king size) for her DD's best friend's wedding in Sept. The Bride to be is a MICKEY MOUSE fAN...even her wedding invitations are a mickey mouse theme??? Anyway, DIL wants me to make one with the Bride & Groom's names and wedding date in the center with appliqued mickey mouses surrounding it. Does anyone know if they have directions for making a duvey on the Internet or even in a book? I suppose it is made like a pillow case with buttons along the top to close it. Should be pretty easy to make. Bigger problem will be finding Mickey Mouse applique patterns...unless I can find a Mickey Mouse coloring book somewhere. I cannot imagaine a young married couple wanting that for a theme in their first home. I guess they even have their dishes with Mickey Mouse. Any suggestions for me please?
Had a lovely Father's Day with about 50 of the over 70 who were invited. Lots of good food, my family are such great cooks!! Hope every one of you all had as a nice of a day. Poor Marilyn, she looked so tired. She and my older sister used to always did the French or Indian Wrestle at all family gatherings...where they lay on the floor in opposite directions with elbows linked. Then kick their inside legs up to hook into each other and see who can flip the other person over. Now that they are grown up my Dad always gets such a kick out of watching them do it, but of course Marilyn can't do that any more. She said she couldn't flip a 5# sack of sugar now!!! So guess what...I tried it with my younger brother (ex-farmer)and I flipped him!!! YEAAAAAAAAA Darn, I think one of my nieces got a picture of it...NO, I WILL NOT send it to Kellie's page. LOL We always have so much fun reminicing about when we were kids when we all get together like that. Wish all of my own children and their families could have been there too.

My Dad has 39 great granchildren now...last one was born on June 12th (my DS#2's birthday)and he weighed 10 lbs 5 ounces. First baby, and they say it is also their last!

Well, must go to my sewing room now! Love working on this Dbl Irish Chain!!!

Marty in Vermont

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 9:24 PM
Subject: paper piecing
E-mail Address: trapgirl@erie.net

Could someone recommend a good book for a person to learn paper piecing. I am a beginner with good sewing skills that has made several quilts.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 9:23 PM
Subject: Eggs and Flamers???
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

The eggs Portugal were excellent, almost got a standing ovation.....LOL!

Hey whats all this about a flamer? What is a flamer??? I must have missed that on the BB.

Hope all of you had a great day. DH just relaxed and hung out with the kids. It rained all day so we couldn't do much anyway.

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 8:33 PM
Subject: Back from Canada
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hello Everyone !!

Boy, what a great trip we have had these past two weeks ! So much to see and what beautiful areas !
We started off with the Formula One Race for DH in Montreal Canada and then just traveled all the way up north Canada, with alot of adjusting to the daylight times and nights ! We only had about six hours of dark to sleep !! The weather was very cool and after severe hot and humid in Montreal, this was a welcomed change !

I, of course, checked out all the quilting shops I could get by with !! DH was pretty good about me wanting to spend so much time in these places we all enjoy so much ! Of course, he had to check out all the airports and museums of aviation, his favorite hobbies and past times.

Met some wonderful people and so helpful to these North Carolinans ! The Canada people are so willing to help in any way they can !! I found some very beautiful fabrics and got to go to the famous Hobby Horse Quilting Shop, the place was so overwhelming, such large amounts of all 100% cottons and everything you could think of and ever needed for quilting ! Wish it were closer to us all for shopping, they do offer an 800# for USA shoppers and will ship anywhere !! Anyone interested in the number,(800) 565-5366 and they offer a newsletter too, The Gazette.

Anyway, thanks to all the people that sent me info. on quilting shops and places to see while in Canada. Wish we would have had a month to really see all the things offered by you wonderful people on the WWQP BB and chat page.

Oh yes, as we traveled, it was like being in France, French speaking ! One shop in a very small town, the woman couldn't speak English and I couldn't speak French, so I just admired her quilting store and thanked her and left ! Most of the people speak both lanuages, but some remote areas don't !! So be prepared !!!!

Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 8:13 PM
Subject: Oops!
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

I guess I don't read directions very well! Suprisingly, I am not new to BBs, but felt "overwhelmed" by all the S.E.X. going on and wanted to get in on the action!

I am relatively new to quilting. I was instantly addicted. In a little over two years I have completed two quilts, a twin size for my nephew and a king size that I just gave my sister for her 30th birthday. I have projects planned out for the next 30 years! My husband will claim that I have the fabric to complete them all too!

You ladies are a hoot!

Beth in IN

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 7:52 PM
Subject: come out of the woodwork
E-mail Address: Mystery Woman

O.K., mystery man, now tell us something we don't already know.

Just a quickie

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 7:28 PM
Subject: Donating Quilts/Blocks
E-mail Address: Bevdahl@aol.com

I would like to find an organization that I can donate a quilt or quilt blocks to. I have heard of knitting groups that take blocks and make afgans and donate them to children's shelters and women's groups. I do not have a guild in my area, but would be interested in working on a project of this sort if there is an interest.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 6:42 PM
Subject: You women are NUTS!
E-mail Address: Mystery Man

Just a quick post... :)

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 5:47 PM
Subject: Hello from cape Cod
E-mail Address: OCEAN-WAVES@webtv.net

Hi All! Had a wonderful day in Hyannis at an all day Father's day car show. DHB has a 67 GTO. Luckily the car show was not toooo far from a quilt shop, so after about 3 hours of cars, I stole away for some sneaky S.E.X! I got some doo dads for our guild challenge, and a cute wall quilt kit, suitable for a Christmas gift. On the way home, DHB said this was a wonderful day, wasn't it? I said yes! I even had some S.E.X.!! Jeesh he said where was I? I missed it?LOL!!! Too bad some people don't have a sense of humor hmm?We have to laugh, life is serious enough, and we will never get out alive. Happy fathers day to all the dads! Barb on Cape Cod

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 4:58 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hello everyone!
Lindy, I think I'll just wait for the movie to come out. Then, maybe, I can get all the players
Peg in The windy city, I teach S&W and the other half is used for more repeats if you do a large quilt or the outer borders. Also, you don't have to be as precise as she is when cutting the repeating sections. I just layed the 1st one on top of the next and cut. You only need to be careful when putting all 6 or 8 layers together, you'll be cutting a new straight edge when you start cutting strips across the 20" width. Hope this makes sense.
Kris, there is a pattern comp. called Sew Dear that makes patterns for Longabergers. We carry them where I work so you can email if you like. They come in groups of about 4 different baskets to a pattern. I, too, am a basket case. More than 55 at last count. I can always sell them later for college books if need be, yeah, right!
Have a lovely Sunday! Sandi in MN where it's warm hazy and wonderful, finally!

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 3:40 PM
Subject: Oh Dear! I think I've killed the Hoover!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Good afternoon everyone - hope you all are enjoying your weekend. My sewing marathon has about 6 1/2 hours left, boo hoo...and then it will be over [insert really big whine here].

At any rate, on to the title of this poor tale of woe. I got carried away and decided to sweep and dust the sewing room. Yes, I'm as surprised as the rest of you, ha! Something must have come over me - that or the Cleaning Fairy really smacked me a good one with her wand. "You've lived in your own filth long enough!" So, I swept and I dusted, and swept and dusted some more till the poor old Hoover was ready to choke to death. Can you give a sweeper some fur ball/dust bunny medicine like you would a cat? I'm afraid to leave the room for fear that when I come back the Hoov will have acked up a big one! Ha!

Later, my housewife duties are done - I feel virtuous, and will now go sew some more before this dream comes to an end. Later kids, Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 1:04 PM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Peg, Dahling! So sorry to here about your unfulfilled S.E.X. life. Please consult Dr. Ruth about "organism" and the Big O. Definitely a difference in definition there.

Notice to Flamers: For your convenience, all of my postings have been pre-flamed. There is no need for further flaming on the part of the recipients.

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:36 AM
Subject: I agree, Being Kind/Way to go
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

FLAMERS-TerTer is absolutely right. My philosophy about the BB is "Take what you like and leave the rest." A "flamer" wants to upset someone (anyone), and when you become upset, you're giving them satisfaction and power over yourself. Reacting just feeds the flame. Ignore it and it'll go away.

We have a great BB (many, many thanks Sue & Eric for making this possible) and we're all mature, consenting adults. Let's each act like one.

Have a great day!

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:21 AM
Subject: stack n' whack leftovers
E-mail Address: bvase@sweetwater.net

yes you can use the shortcut on stack n' whack of using two strips from one print if it really matches. i did this with a large fishy print. caution though not all prints are exactly the same clear across the yardage. Mine was off just a bit which required a little fudging and a few didn't quite match when sewn but i had lots of others to use anyway. i'm thrifty too, it gave me more money for other S.E.X. instead of four yards of a large print i only needed half that much. besides, that's all there was at the store.
double snoopys this week with one wall hanging and a ufo finally finished. what a relief to get them done.
nancy in wyoming

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:14 AM
Subject: Lots of stuff
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi all,

Only got through a little of the postings for today
as I have to go to a Christening and then drive an hour
for a barbecue my DSIS and I are having for Dad. Have been
lurking for a couple of days and, of course, laughing
right along with all of you. To Kris and Martha and all the
newbies, Welcome! You'll never be the same!!!!:)

Janet - What restraint!! If I just made ONE thing before I bought
scads of more material, I would be proud of myself!! Joann's did me
in this time. However, I did get the backing I went for and the
new rotary cutter. Definitely can't be doing this much longer, though.

I too would love the info on how to make linings for Longerburger baskets.
Too cheap to buy them because "I can make those." This is why they are
still nude!!!

Loon - Are you all better, I hope?

Pie Story - My sister in-law made a lemon merinque pie for a birthday or
something. It looked beautiful! The first brother-in-law took a bite and
ran to the bathroom. My DH took and bite and ran to the bathroom. Since
they were a family of kidders, my DSIL thought they were just kidding, so
she took a bite. Same reaction. Come to find out, the little lemon ball never
made it into the pan and so they were eating sugar and gelatin topped with delicous
looking merinque!!!!!

Thanks to those who have e-mailed me recently. I will be responding to all.

Well, got to go and make the potato salad. Happy Father's Day to all
the neat Dad's out there. Hugs and prayers to all.

Ann in MA


Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:13 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Happy Father's day to all our Dads'

So someone out there is flaming again...golly gee ladies.. here was one spot I thought petty jealousy could be set aside and women could share quilting ideas, thoughts, wishes and good karma for all.

All of us need to go practice a random act of kindness! Telling people that other people are talking about them is NOT A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS.

Have a good day

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 11:09 AM
Subject: S.E.X.?
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

Went to two Joann's on Friday looking for 10 yards of backing fabric for Kellie's quilt and neither one had enough white on white to do the job. Was this S.E. X. without an organism?
Another question on Stack and Whack. Having carefully read the directions and watched the video several times, I still cannot figure out what Bethany does with the rest of the 45" fabric when her guide piece is only 20" wide. If the pattern repeats on the other half of the fabric, and you need eight repeats, couldn't you buy a 4-5 repeat length and then get the rest of the stacks from the other part of the width? Thus instead of buying
3 1/2 yards you could buy 1 3/4 or so. This is important because, while I can sneak $6 or so of fabric past DH, $15 dollars does show up on the Mastercharge bill in red. I want to make several of these for Ohio and for sale at the quilt show in September.
Also- anyone going to the quilt show in Indianapolis in July. Where can I find info? I might make a one day flying trip if I knew some yellow Yo Yos were waiting to greet me. Peg in Chicago

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 10:18 AM
Subject: YOIKES!!!!!!
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Yoikes!! I went to make my apple pancake this morning and those DTD's ATE 2 OF THE APPLES!!! Oh well, I will just have to make waffles for the kiddies then! I have an old buddy coming for the weekend next weekend and I'll make it then. Be back with a report on the Eggs Portugal later....they are cooking now and boy do they smell good!!! :op

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 9:34 AM
Subject: Longaberger Baskets
E-mail Address: gofor@mosquitonet.com

Grace..... you asked what Longaberger baskets are. They are very well hand made maple baskets that come in many many sizes and shapes. They are made in Dresden Ohio and are only sold at home parties. Check out their web site, www.longeberger.com. Pricey baskets, but very nice and sturdy. I use them daily and are all over my house. Yes, I do have a favorite , I use it, and use it, and again and again. It is my Market basket. Martha even bought one, the last party I had, she liked it so much. Nice hey, Martha????? Also, I just have to throw this in, one of my, been lurking for a while,(here on the BB) friends is having a Longeberger party this next Friday. Here goes...... almost as bad as fabric collecting....... But i just had to have....... you know how it is......bad..... not to be able to control....... ones self.....I have to be good, but I will be attributing to the cause, Cause I just need a new protector for a basket. You know how it is ...... right....???? If you find something that you can't live without, I am sure that RJ would be glad to add it to her sales towards her party. Any excuse to have a party right???

Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful men out there that put up with our foolishness, but then they have bigger prices on some of their toys..... I know mine does....I don't grumble to much and I can have all the fabric I want. Even add new basket now and then....hehehe, okay, who was I trying to fool... more than one basket sometimes, but only when I have my own party.. hehehe I have to go get that DH out of bed so, he can go to work to help me pay for the party on Friday and maybe a piece of fabric or two.heheh

Susan in North Pole, where it rained the other day and killed some of the forest fires, but it is still way to dry, but warm. We like warm.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 8:11 AM
Subject: I can't believe I wrote this
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Good morning all,
Hope you all have a terrific day today.
Had an absolutely great day yesterday.
Had so much S.E.X. that I am glad DH lets
me pay the Visa bills. Spent Major $$$$$$ at the
Fabric sale. DS#3 says when I got home" thought
you weren't going to buy anymore till you had used
what you already had".Man, you get one trained not
to make silly comments and the "others get old enough
to start making remarks. Training sessions here we
come again.You never question what the person who cooks
for you , brings in this house. You may not have
anything to eat very soon.
JDB.. I would like to thank you for the comic relief
you bring into my life. It is so much fun to read your
postings. Have always been envious of people with so much wit.
I can never think that fast. I end up thinking of an answer
3 days later and then of course I am the only person who
gets what I am talking about. Kind of out of the loop so
to speak.
It has been fun coming to this board . Have been here
for almost a year now(were does the time go) and then it was
Doni who kept me in stitches with her DH and the collar episode.
Ursala.. Good luck with the PANCAKE. I am sure you will like it
It went over very well here and is still one of our favorites
when there are a lot of us. Just make more then one or I make a double
Good luck to you and have fun.
Hey 4K's (kris) I have seen them mentioned before ,but what are
longaberger baskets. I am totally basket illerate(?)
Annelies from Holland. Je brief ontvangen ( your letter received) Very busy
right now, but will answer soon. Mooie dag vandag (have a nice day).
Well I can hardly believe I have said this much.
better go and have some more coffee.
Later people and take care.
Grace in Ont. who is shaking her head for talking so much.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 7:12 AM
Subject: the D in DH
E-mail Address: froeschle@t-online.de


the "D" in DH sometimes means dear, or dumb, or darling, whatever you feel like calling him :)

Sue in Germany

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 7:11 AM
Subject: mangles
E-mail Address: froeschle@t-online.de

Now everyone is talking about mangles... I have one and love it. I used it to iron all my bedclothes and dish towels last Monday, always a big task for a family of 5.

Sue in cool, windy but sunny Germany

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 4:10 AM
Subject: Shopping in Amsterdam
E-mail Address: hendr395@wxs.nl

Hi, yesterday i have been shopping for dutch fabric and yes we found ..........2 one with mill and one with...i don't know oh yes with little a little farmer on it.
We went to a shop and it was really great, there where a lot of quilts showing ,but not one was hand made. I think i 'm behind al this . I noticed that there was a lot of handy things for sewing on the machine , i think that i 'm from mars because i was always going in a littlelittle shop where there was just some fabrics , needles and treath. I know now what kind of sewing machines your using . When we are in CALIFORINIA
next year i will take a extra suitcase with me.

Sorry that i didn't wrote but i was so busy with my work and we had a lot of family that i had to go to.
Today it's fathersday and my DH husband is laying still in his bed. It was very late yesterday so we didn't went to church.
I just bought him a little present,my DS didn't have the time yesterday so i did it for him .
This afternoon i have to go to my father i guess my mother is making all the preperations for the whole family to come . It's always fun when the whole family is together.

O yes i heared from jolanda that there is somebody (sorry dont know the name)'how is swapping for a christian quilt , I wanted to join in . PLease send my a little note. We now know what a siggy is....DON"T LAUGH
i hope everything is oke with every body take care of each other because we are all special remeber this.
DOEI, Annelies from Holland

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 2:44 AM
Subject: DH's
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Hi everyone. I'm never up this late 11:35 pm in CA but my hubs got my dander up. When I'm on the computer he gives me a hard time so I get off. What do you think happens???????? He gets on!!!!!
DH-What does the D stand for? I forget. Ok, done complaining. I started the Y2K swap and I'm swamped not to mention DH is home so I can't play like I want to which is probably why I'm the only one up in the middle of the night. And why I didn't get a shower today.

We learned a valuable lesson today. Don't let your computer friends play on your computer. DH let his friend on and he knows less than me (scary). Luckily we have 2 computer genius' for friends and one of them should be here tomorrow to eat some of the 8 dozen manicotti's I stuffed today. Basketball and manicotti surrounded by men, maybe I'll go to the quilt show or go see a movie. YAAAAA

I'm talking and I can't shut up. UGHHH

Goodnight dear ladies, sweet dreams.


Date: 6/20/99 Time: 2:04 AM
E-mail Address: buck@getus

Reference my recent posting. A baby gir is a very sweet young female child with no any 'ell in 'er.
from Martha in Houston where it's ALMOST ALWAYS humid.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 1:52 AM
E-mail Address: buck@getus

MOLESKIN - Tia Pepper asked about horse bandage wrap for thimbles. Don't know anything about that, but I do use Dr. Scholl's moleskin to cushion the fingers that are rubbed by the thimble. You can cut it into TINY little strips and it's not irritating to the skin (for me, anyway).
THE MOST FUN - Just a few minutes ago I finished the second of two little quilties for the dollies of my two grand-nieces. I just thought their babies need quilts for star-gazing during these long summer evenings. Isn't it fun to be able to throw together some little sweet thing like that without a pattern and without a deadline and without any real work, just because you have a little dab of pink, and some blue, and oh, some of that flowered...? My non-quilting friend asks, "What do you do with all that stuff you make?" Since she'll NEVER explore this site I can safely say this: what a dummy!
ELECTRONIC CHALLENGES - Thanks to Sandi in MN, WEN-CA, and others for your welcome. I have difficulty with names even when there are faces for association, so it'll take me a while to get everyone straight. (Notice I didn't say, straightened out. Too much to hope for!)
IN OLDEN DAYS - Please don't apologize for translating what a mangle is (or was). A few weeks ago I was telling my DGD (age 11 and raised in an apartment in the city) about the good neighbor we had 40 years ago when her mom was a baby, back in our small town. Lady came over to find out what was our problem, and bailed us out on learning that both DH and I had asian flu and could barely take care of our new baby gir. Said she knew something was wrong when I didn't put out the wash for two days. My DGD gives me a blank stare and asks politely, what does that mean, Grandma, put out the wash? I pause for reality to sink in. Of course, DGD has always lived in a home where a clothes dryer is standard equipment. Out comes the whole bag -- clothespin bag, that is, and the baskets, the lines, the poles, and the running to get the wash off the line before rain -- the entire scene. Just sign me
Pioneer Woman, aka Martha, in Houston where humidity is currently 84 percent.

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 12:19 AM
Subject: lack of S.E.X.
E-mail Address: jwigg@homenet.lm.com

Yes, I remember mangles. My mom did everything in it-and it was so hot in the summer!

I'm so jealous of all of you-I'm trying to finish projects before buying any new fabric( even resisted JoAnn's sale) , so I guess I'm celibate right now?

Janet in western PA (not trying to be cute, ha)

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 12:19 AM
Subject: NOW what, who, when, where....
E-mail Address: yakimayakker@hotmail.com

Yep! As if a couple of name changes and three moves in six months isn't confusing enough, I have transformed from megansmom to the yakimayakker@hotmail.com I will leave the megansmom one up and running for a bit longer, but then I will dismantle it and just be a yakker. Next I will attempt, again, to be yakimayakker on IM, too... since Omaklady I'm not- anymore! So, now you just have to remember that Melinda/Lindy/Mel Omaklady Yakima Yakker is now just Lindy the Yakima Yakker and yakimayakker@hotmail.com and yakimayakker on IM soon.... see, it really will be for the best... eventually... I think!!!!
OH! For those that didn't hear yet, I got my REAL job and I LOVE it. But, boy, does it ever eat into my play time! IM deprivation. Email diet... no surfing to speak of. WHine, whimper, moan- til the first big paycheck, anyway!!!! Lindy the Yakima Yakker

Date: 6/20/99 Time: 12:00 AM
Subject: hem lines(creases)
E-mail Address: Patisu@aol.com

Seems like I am always posting a question but you gals have never let me down, so here goes.
Sometime ago one of you mentioned how to get the hem line crease out when you lower a hem. At the time I thought, hmmmm never heard that one before. Did I jot it down?..nooooo So could you please post it again? Just dropped the hem in DGS's dress pants and want to make sure it doesn't show. Trying to get one more wear out of them before I have to buy new ones.LOL He's 15 yrs old and pushing 6'3". If I buy another pair chances are he will out grow them in a month...

Pat in Cen CA where it is REALLY summer time.

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 11:24 PM
Subject: I'm joining you guys
E-mail Address: SStrtPal@aol.com

Hello! I'm Kitty kate's friend, Kris--screen name is Sesame Street Pal. I have two kids, kate and kurt (and a husband named Karl--all k's--kute, huh?). We are military, and live on an Army Base in NE Maryland(aberdeen proving ground). I have a growing collection of outdoor seasonal banners (can't wait to use the "Back to School" snoopy one, and school isn't out until the 23rd of June)...I tell my DH that we are practicing for eventual home ownership. I love longaberger baskets and would welcome any help from those who have successfully made basket liners.

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 10:39 PM
Subject: Stuff!
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

You gals are (as my 19 yr old cousin says) "The bomb diggity" Translation.....you are the best!! I got so many recipes I just might make a WWQP breakfast casserole cook book...lol! They all sound so good that I couldn't decide what to make so I put them all in a pile and just grabbed two. And the winners are...............Eggs portugal and Giant apple pancake. I am so hungry just thinking about them....I'll make a full report tomorrow night to let you know what the crowd had to say!

Eileen in central Jersey, where abouts are you? Always nice to hear from someone semi close by.

To all the DH's out there a big warm happy fathers day!

Kris....nice to have you along for the ride!

Have a great night all!!

Ursula in South Jersey :o)

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 9:21 PM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Bertie is still alive and kicking, and so is her sense of humor.

Welcome, Kris. Are you SURE you want to get mixed up with this group? BTW what is hardship duty?

DD just arrived at music camp in Michigan, but her luggage hasn't caught up with her yet. (Those little commuter planes can only take so much.) Fortunately we shipped some stuff (including bedding and camp uniforms) ahead so she won't be running around naked.

Gotta run

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 8:37 PM
Subject: Greetings
E-mail Address: kmbauerle@sprintmail.com

Good evening all. I had the best day today!! Took a paper piecing class with Carol Doak and had a blast. She is really nice and knows all kinds of neat tricks. She also brought many of the quilts that are in her books and let me just say the pictures do not do them justice!

Went with DH to see Notting Hill last night. It was hysterical! Haven't laughed like that since, well since I read the latest S.E.X. postings. It was a really fun movie though. Not for younger kids however.

Kitty Kate, Doni & Marj, Thanks for your nice comments. They really meant a lot. Found this fabric with babies on it and HAD to have it. Already have the quilt planned.

Have a good evening everyone!
Kay in KS

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 8:31 PM
Subject: Computer newbie...old sewer/quilter
E-mail Address: eileensews@aol.com

Hi, I'm new to the computer quilting world...but have been quilting about 5 years and sewing about30...I really enjoy reading the postings...I'm located in central jersey...Happy sewing...Eileen

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 8:25 PM
E-mail Address: conandoyle@aol.com


I purchased an antique quilt that has many large houses that look like colonials with two chimneys, four pane windows and above each house is a signature of the woman that made each square. Every house is the same but each is made with a different print but all have red chimneys! It is very country looking and if anyone has seen this design I would love to know what it is called! Thanks!

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 8:17 PM
Subject: New Quilt, Marilyn, etc.
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

NEW QUILT: I have started making a new queen-size quilt for another granddaughter...Double Irish Chain. Whew...what a LOT of 2 1/2" strips!!! I always thought this was a complicated quilt to make, but I am finding it to be FUN and actually very E-Z doing it in the strip cutting and piecing. It is going to look a little Christmasie since it is in red, green & white, though the fabrics are not Christmas designs. The backing will be black background with red roses (3") with green leaves. Some white in the roses also.
CUTTING MAT: I have had my large Salem 23" X 35" cutting mat (frosty white looking with red markings) for about 3 1/2 years. It is getting grooves in it from all the cuttings. I have used one of those sander type gismos to smooth it all some but doesn't get rid of all the grooves. Has anyone else had problems with it. At first I thought my rotary blades were damaged because the fabric didn't cut clear through sometimes. I put two brand new blades in and still had the problem so thought it might be the mat that is causing my headache.
MARILYN: She phoned me early this morning and told me she is getting tired of all this Quilt Stuff! I asked her what she meant. She said the last two nights she has had dreams of her trying to draw out a name for the Raffle Quilt and she doesn't want to do it because she wants the quilt herself. Said she knows it's a dream but can't get it out of her head and is so tired when she wakes up after her dreams. Marilyn has always had a huge picnic at her place on Father's Day every year...for all the fathers in the family...about 75 of us altogether. Of course she can't do it this year, so one of our nieces has taken up the tradition so we will be meeting at her place tomorrow. Every Father's Day we get a picture of Dad with all five of us kids (? 59- 67 years in age, Dad is 87.5) so we always look forward to the family picture. Never know if it will be the last.
BUGS: I discovered yesterday that my Butternut Tree had leaves that looked like lace and turning brown. At a closer inspection I found thousands of bugs having a delicious feast....GO AWAY you little pigs!!! There is a tree farm across the hihgway from us, so we took a small branch of leaves with all the bugs over to see if they knew what they were. They looked like what I used to call Stink Bugs when I was young but the man said they were Rose Chasers (I think that's what he called them). Said they are very abundant all over this year and that they won't kill our tree. We can spray them but it is a huge tree and can't do that ourselves. I cut a bouquet of flowers to bring in for my dinning room table and there must have been some of the same bugs on/in them as now I keep finding them inside the house too. Do any of you have them in your areas too?
Haven't read the BB yet today. I have been enjoying all the S.E.X., pie stories, and cat bathings so much.
jdb: Loved your description of the bd...two pregnant ladies talking belly-to-belly: You are something else. Love your wit! Bertie used to be the wit here, where are you Bertie?
Well, gotta go and read all the BB pages.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all your Dh;s, Dear Dad's, DS etc. and I hope you all have a good day tomorrow too.

Marty in Vermont

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 6:34 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

You girls make me jealous with all your S.E.X. talk. I had some last weekend in St. Paul but had to restrict myself. I had no room left to put it. I'll have to wait a few years until my DD moves out and I can take over her room too. I have 2 upper cabinets full of fabric plus a lot of scraps that people keep giving me for donation quilts. These are stored in the Rec (Wreck) room in boxes and laundry baskets. I've been too busy with my garden and preparing things for my nieces wedding ( 3 jackets for bridesmaids to make and one tux for the groom to adjust plus a wedding shower to put on next week as my DD is maid of honour). I'm also making placemats as a shower gift. Thankfully I had 3 large quilts all ready for the happy couple to choose from so the wedding gift is taken care of. At least my sewing classes are winding down and will finish this week. I sometimes really resent having to clean up my sewing room just so that my students will have room to work on the table. I think I just need a summer holiday away from them.
Nelly from Thunder Bay

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 5:13 PM
Subject: Make my DF feel welcome!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

My DF, Kris, is new to the BB. Please help make her feel welcome. Her DH left Wednesday for a year in Korea. TIA
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 3:43 PM
Subject: Just Stuff
E-mail Address: cats173@hotmail.com

Good Afternoon, Have had a very productive day so far. Did 3 loads of wash, moved some of those dreaded dust bunnies around, did some much needed work in the flower beds, cleaned the bird bath, filled the bird feeders so the squirls could eat. More dust bunnies to move and more gardening to do but I could hear fabric calling me from the sewing room so after a lunch of a peanutbutter and M&M sandwich (try it its good especially if you like chocolate and peanutbutter) I went to the sewing room and worked on a row x row round ribbin I'm in. Did a little Snoopy toe tap last night, Finished piecing a little star quilt. Red, white and blue. My new job at the variety store is going well. A few bolts of the fabric I ordered came in this week. I heard about a new quilt shop about 25 miles from me. Probably will have to go there for some S.E.X. I can have all the S.E.X. I want by just going in my sewing room but there is something exciting about new stuff. Does that make me a fabric tramp? Hope everone is having a great weekend. Mayme in MI

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 3:38 PM
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net

Hello again!

Thanks to Pat in Florida and Loon for the E-mails. It's nice to feel welcomed.

I'm currently working on a Pineapple Quilt. I hope to finish this summer, since I'm only taking 2 classes over the four month period. I will actually have six whole weeks OFF in July and August! I try to refrain from S.E.X. as much as possible! You would understand if you saw my sewing room! Picture a 6' x 6' set of shelves FULL of fabric, and add to that several boxes full in a closet! Some of that fabric is 25 years old!!! I have been going through it a little at a time, attempting to plan some quilts to donate to different charities for fund raisers. One of my DD's has Type I Diabetes, so the ADA and the JDF are my favorite causes. She has two adorable little girls who go to a wonderful, co-op daycare while she attends college, and I want to make a schoolhouse quilt for them to raffle. My, do I have big plans!!!

Brenda in Indiana- Sci Fi??? I LOVE Sci Fi!

WEN in CA- I put in a web search for "free doll house plans" and got 14 porno sites! I guess the word free is BAD to use!!!

Sandi in MN- Thanks for the hi! You can't imagine how much more interesting this is than a Comp.Sci. Listserve! But to give them credit, they are always very helpful when I'm stuck on a program! If they only weren't so two-dimensional!

Well, I better get something accomplished! Thanks for being here as a stress reliever! I was totally against chat rooms until I found this one.

Robin in Maine

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 2:21 PM
Subject: questions
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

This may end up being a stupid question, but since I'm a newbie I'll take the chance. I washed and pressed by fabric and am assuming that once that is done you do not want to fold the fabric again for fear of creasing it and having to re-press it? Also have any of you tried using a horse bandage wrap for thimbles? If so, how well does that work? Since I have a horse the wrap would be readily accessable. TIA

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 2:15 PM
Subject: YIKES! Let me clarify
E-mail Address: Oliverhub@aol.com

In regards to my post this morning, I decided I had better clarify:

It was my DS (DEAR SISTER) that got engaged at the White House this morning. I have 4 DD"S and no DS's so I never made the connection. I suppose proper BB abbr. would be DSIS?

Thanks to Doris in Tenn. who called it to my attention. Also loved the pattern idea.

jdb assumed I meant DD. Don't think my DH would allow me to marry off a 10 yr old. Loved the knee bit, will certainly pass that on to DSIS.

Loon, can you tell I am a D*** Yankee myself? Completely forgot about the grey! Thank You!

Have a great day again!
Donna at the Jersey Shore

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 1:57 PM
Subject: Baby ducks for a baby quilt
E-mail Address: Wnmil@mctcnet.net

I am looking for a pattern to paper piece a
baby duck crib size quilt, block patterns
or applique easy enough for a beginner- machine
or hand. My niece is expecting soon and has requested
this quilt for the baby. Thank you.

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 12:26 PM
Subject: this n that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

It helps to read the BB from bottom to top. Was reading downward this morning and Kitty Kates’s post that the kitty was turning into a Gila Monster, thought she was talking about herself contracting some new skin disease.

Donna, congrats on your DD’s engagement. Glad to hear that someone “who has an in at the white house” found a GOOD reason to get down on their knees.

How many of the “Now Generation” have heard of an Ironite, or Mangle Iron? My DM had one, so I understood Karen’s reference to mangled fabric. (I’m only 29, you understand.) A mangle is a sit-down job with a knee-pedal-controlled roller that comes down on your fabric and rolls it against a rounded heat element underneath. Do commercial laundries still use them? I remember pressing pillowcases and handkerchiefs (back in the old days before permanent press pillowcases when people still used hankies) but was too young to be trusted to iron anything else. Why do I suddenly feel REAL old remembering that now? At least ye olde memory still works occasionally (but now I rely on my computer's memory more and more.)

Faith, your story of the kitty nibbling on a pie that got served anyway reminded me of a story Paul Harvey told about a dinner party where the kitty got a taste of the salmon. The hostess served it anyway. Kitty was later found dead on the back porch, so the host and hostess ‘fessed up and all the guests went to the hospital and got their stomachs pumped. Host and hostess returned home and neighbor came over to apologize for running over their cat. When accident happened neighbor realized a party was going on and didn’t want to intrude at the time, so just left dead kitty on the porch.

Sandi in MN, does that sewing machine in your garden sew seeds?

Later, Dudes

jdb in AZ -- supposed to hit 108F today

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 11:59 AM
Subject: Old quilts and fabric
E-mail Address: gkoch@newulmtel.net

I just talked to someone who has inherited MANY hand-pieced, hand-quilted quilts (probably from the 30's) in addition to yards and yards of vintage 30's fabric, linens, etc.. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to determine a value on these items. They are thinking of selling a lot of the pieces but she wanted me to run this by the quilting "world" first to see where to start and if there would be much interest in these items. They discovered all the fabric and quilts while going thru the home of a relative who just passed away a few weeks ago. The family has already all chosen their favorites, etc. Any tips would be appreciated. She is a quilter and couldn't believe it when she found all these beautiful pieces.
Joleen in MN

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 11:57 AM
Subject: Chat BB and stuff
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

I was at the infamous Joanns sale last night.....Whew...only waited 10 minutes in the cutting line
but had to wait 30 min to check out. Why do these places have these great sales and then don't have
enough help is beyond me. I know...we've beat that subject to death before...LOL...the LAST Joanns sale!

This Chat page was designed so that we could post whatever we wanted and don't have to worry about
the quilt/BB police. I think that the recent posts are funny and the SEX has had me on the floor!!!
Please...let's not change it again!!!!

Susan in warming up Fresno

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 11:43 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Look for my YYY at Sisters next month no I won't be wearing it but my good friend will and I've given her instructions to tell all that she is TerTer's friend going to the show for me. She is great fun so stop and chat...May I also tell you she is a excellent quilter. She teaches also and I'll be taking the "Bloomin Nine Patch" from her.

N.J., If I get back there I'll let you know. I hear it is a beautiful place, Cape May.

Have a good day. Two quilting friends are coming over to sew the block of the month, eat chicken ceasar salad and ?? drink lots of tea and then swim we might at this time need the hot tub...So hard to live in California.

Next Sat. is my S.E.X. run to Petaluma and Napa. Wish me luck.

Terter xxoo

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 11:43 AM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Good Morning!!!

Rachel-I wish we lived closer, I would have sat for you, then you would have only been 1/2 as upset. I missed the sale too.

Bear is my dog-so you know what his poops are!!!

Monica- My heart goes out to you. They had me on those drug 12/94, I almost threw the X-mas lights at my son, the whole box. The next day I scheduled the surgery and I've felt great ever since. I wont tell the gory details here but E-mail if you want more info.

Off to hopefully finally start cutting strips for Y2K.

By the way, if you don't get new blood in the old blood gets stagnant and then dries up and blows away in the wind. I found many chat room where there's no-one to chat with!!!!


Date: 6/19/99 Time: 10:49 AM
Subject: empty nest for a week
E-mail Address: cfromky@aol.com

Last night I put my son on a bus for NY for summer camp and since my DD is already in Louisville for the summer on a mission trip, I thought wow a whole week without kids I can quilt or golf or enjoy my DH, But Nooooo when I looked at my schedule I only have today and tuesday evening free. So much for the empty nest.

Had a little S.E.X last night. Of course I was at the Joann's sale. Had a good time and met some really neat people at the cutting table. Such fun to find out what everyone is making.

The other day someone asked my name and I forget to respond, it's Carol.

You guy's are fun to read, wish I was as witty asmost of you are.

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 10:07 AM
Subject: Group S.e.X. - what would you call that?
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

BK: Answer for your question of what to call group S.e.X. all over the country? I'd call it


Bertie in Illinois

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 9:43 AM
Subject: Happy News
E-mail Address: Oliverhub@aol.com

Morning all!
We had some happy news in our family today. My DS got engaged at the White House this AM to a wonderful quy who obviously has an in. She got to see rooms and such that are off limits to the General public. Then they were left alone while he got down on his knees and begged. LOL. There was almost a hitch in the surprise when the platinum ring set off the metal detectors. Certainly something to tell the eventual DGK's.

So with this in mind, I am glad I have been on a finishing kick. Time to start a new quilt YEAH! I am of course thinking R/W/B to commemorate the event with some green thrown in to grow a great marriage. Does anyone know of a block pattern that joins North and South? He's a proverbial Southern Gent, and she's a misplaced D*** Yankee, LOL.
She's been in Northern Va. long enough to be converted but I think she still has some crowded New Jersey blood still in her. He is Civil War fanatic so I think they would enjoy a history quilt. If I can't find a pattern that joins the two, I will go with a Log cabin with overlayed appliqed stars I think.If anyone has any ideas please feel free to send them my way. This is an idea I came up with in the last hour since I found out, so I am still very open to suggestions.

Lovely, Wonderful Day here in Nj and I'm looking forward to some premarital SEX on their behalf!

Donna at the Jersey Shore

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 9:16 AM
Subject: Mangle
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

JDB -- I pomise NEVER to mangle any more fabric! (I think I've learned my lesson!) Guess it's off the the ironing board for me!!

Happy quilting everyone!

Karen in KS

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 8:38 AM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

'morning everyone!
Welcome Martha! Beside quilting, we all have our little idiosyncraseis that make us so fun.
BK- good luck on those dresses. I've done a couple weddings like that. It's even harder when one bridesmaid is pregnant and one just had a baby and their weight keeps changing! But we shall overcome.
I got a new (actually old) sewing machine yesterday. It's a Viking with 2 gears. The slow one is for heavey jean materials, applying elastic and it should work well for quilting which I just realized as I was typing this. Duh! So now I have 6 machines not including the one in the garden as decoration. All right, I sew for a business so I need them. Any women should have at least 3. A relly good one, one for back-up if the good one needs a tune-up, and a serger. Men have their power tools, we have ours!
I tried making a pie once with a crust of 1/2 & 1/2 reg. flour and whole wheat flour. Does not work. YUK! I make a lot of quiche and when I'm feeling domestic I make the crust. I love my Longaberger grandma Bonnies pie plate. It helps make the best crusts and it's deep with an extra ridge so juices don't spill over.
I'm off to work, I never know what fabs may have come in since Wed. when I worked last. I may have S.E.X. at work. Is that an office affair even though it's a quilt shop?
Have a blessed and relaxing day! Sandi in MN
P.S. Kris in MN, what city do you live in?

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 8:20 AM
Subject: You all are the best!
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I tell my family and friends often how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I am fortunate to be surrounded by so many special people. I have been having a rough time again lately since the medication I am taking to try to help with my endometriosis has actually seemed to make things worse and I am trying to make the difficult decision to have the surgery. You have all helped to keep my spirits up (how can you not smile at some of the topics of this past week!) and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate and love you all! And just a reminder that we all come here to share and open up to each other and everyone's postings are important to the shape and design of our BB quilt. If someone's stitches are a little bit off, it just adds to the uniqueness of this forum and I for one am glad they took the time to come "visit" and join our little cyber-quilting bee!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Monica in Maine (is Celia back on-line yet?)

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 7:37 AM
Subject: Why, YYY?
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Mornin' all, I made my YYY and was so proud I wore it around the house all last night. Sooooooo,of course DH wanted to know why I was wearing that yellow poof of fabric on my boob? When I told him about going to shows and shops and such and wearing my YYY he just looked at me with that typical stupid look that most men get and said very calmly "If thats what makes you happy I wont laugh or make comments" So I told him that was the smart thing to do!
Well, my breakfast for the fathers will not be serving the Chorizo casserole so if anyone has a good casserole recipe for breakfast feel free to send it. I'm open to all suggestions! Come to think of it I also got one for french toast......Hmmmm....now where did I put THAT one?
I'm going to do some quilting today before we take DSD (dear step daughter) to airport to go to Florida for a month to stay with her mom. Then she and the other DSD both come back here for a month....summers are always crazy here!
Better get started before I get side-tracked. Have a good day and keep those recipes coming...TIA!!!

Ursula in S.Jersey :o)

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 5:45 AM
Subject: Buying Stuff and Other Gratifications
E-mail Address: buck@getus.com

INTRO - I've lurked, laughed, and could've enjoyed vicarious (or is it varicose?) S.E.X. till the cows (and chickens) come home, but I've been (ahem) squeezed into the light. Hi, ladies. I feel I know you (which is to say, I've been lurking.) You know me, perhaps without realizing it, from the fabric stores -- I'm that odd-looking gray-haired near-sighted nosey grandma who wears strange shoes and tri-focal spectacles with lines. I monitor your public - er, behavior, and ask explicit questions (whatcha making'
and who's it for?) Good morning. For better or for worse, I wannabe one of you.
EARTH TO MARS - Very glad the good-intentioned nice guy got the messages to consult DW before buying a sewing machine. His query was what finally made resolve to step out from under the eaves, though of course I fooled around and didn't do it before the DW wrote to thank you folks. What a lot of good sense you have. Reminds you of something from Lake Woebegon...
PIE - Thanks just the same, but I don't think so...
from Martha in Houston, where yesterday, for a few brief moments, the humidity was a "crisp" 53 percent.

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 5:30 AM
Subject: Mostly thanks
E-mail Address: whorsky1@san.rr.com

Trip to oncologist today hasn't answered any questions and so far new pain medication not doing the trick, but Dr. promised us that if this didn't work,call, and he'd immediately prescribe something else. My frugal mind wonders why they prescribe for a month a pill they don't know will work.
Sitting in the Dr.'s office chatting, I was telling Bill about all the great anniversary messages from all of you, to help celebrate our 43rd. Faith, it is 42. I looked him in the eye and said "but this one is such a long one!"
Squishies continue to arrive and delight.
Marian,MO I felt as if I were invited for tea. Thanks for the pictures. Green and white quilt was my favorite.
Fran, Pa. Saw your gorgeous quilts on Kellie's page. Most impressive. The pansy fabric is so perfect.
Barb in CA. Thanks, the angel is watching over us on the fridg. The pretty blue fabric is so dainty looking.

If anyone noticed, it is 2:00AM here and I'm having a sleepless night. No thoughts whirling around keeping me awake, just no sleep. So of course I turned to you for entertainment. I found it. DS is a plumber and has his own business. Someone was asking should they call their son in Houston? I would if I were you. DS tells us what he charges. Pay the airfare.LOL But DS is the kind of plumber you hope you get when you do call one.
Pie story. In short form, made a pecan pie for school pot luck. Before leaving looked over to see cat had forced a hole through top of filling and licking away to her hearts content. What to do? Take it to school and keep my mouth shut. I did and it was the hit of the desserts. Ignorance is bliss.
California flushers-not: For those on certain medications the plunger is a welcomed tool, it spells success.Faith, still wide awake in S. CA

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 3:46 AM
Subject: Goll durn it!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Missed meeting Judy at the Puyallup Show. Darn DD really gets up my nose. I get up early and get to the Salon for my manicure. Takes 90 minutes. Call DDD and say I will be home in 30 minutes will you be ready. Sure that's plenty of time. WRONG! 90 minutes later we leave for the show. Get there one hour too late to meet Judy. Boo Hoo! Will try next week at the Centralia Show. No DDD with me for that one.
Kitty probably is turning into a Gila Monster because she has to live in a desert. Long haired cat in hot place. OR embarrassment spots because she has lost her hair OR she is a teenager and has spots.
I really felt like collecting life insurance money tonight. Nobody can get my Irish up like DDH! You can make those Ds into any words you want. He gets right up my nose. It would be justifiable(sp?)homicide, right? Men are cats and women are dogs. Men are self-centered and don't try to please anyone. Cats are ditto! Women take care of others and try to please. Dogs are ditto! So men like their dogs and women to puff up their egos and try to please them. Yet, so many men don't like cats and do like dogs. So many women like cats. Men like to dominate and women let them. Not always, so sit down and don't get your dander up. This is a generalization. If anyone out there would like to adopt me and my 10 cats (Only in the Puget Sound Region) I am out of here!
Tomorrow is DGK#1's, Nathan, 5th birthday party. Ugh! I don't know if I am up to this. So many little yard apes and so few adults. Please let me have a note to miss out on this fun! Birthday is on Monday.
DD#1 and DGK#3, Tory, are coming home from Germany for about 6 weeks. Miss that little girl. She will have her 2nd birthday with us and her cousin, who will be having her 3rd birthday 10 days later.
I am tired, so I will go to bed with all my kitties. Well, at least 7 of them. The girls usually sleep elsewhere because the boys are such pains.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 2:46 AM
Subject: Chameleon Kitty
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

My cat's changing color!?! We have a 5-yr old 'Snowshoe Manx'. Normally, George (is a she) has long hair and is marked like a Siamese, if you please. When she was sitting, she looked like a Himalayan. When she runs she looks like she's hopping because of the longer hindlegs - a trait of Manx(hense the breed's name). Last Feb/Mar while in Calif nursing DA, George got so many mats in her long hair and reacted like the cat & the pill when I tried to trim them out. So I took her to the vet and they almost shaved her(except for her face and legs). Poor thing really went thru a change of personality. From a snooty, I could care less, (as long as my dish is full) to an insecure, are you SURE you still love me now that I'm naked? But her coloring on her body was the same familiar cream color....then some dark spots appeared on her back. I thought maybe she was taking on the persona of a junkyard dog, complete with grease spots. Then more and more spots and for a while we weren't sure but she might be morphing into a docked Dalmatian. Now the spots have mostly joined and much of her body hair is dark brown with a few small cream colored patches. Has anyone else had a similar experience ? Her hair is slowly growing longer...and darker. We still love her, of course, but I'm wondering if I'll ever have my sorta Siamese back again? A bewildered mind wants to know. I know I could ask the vet but its not nearly as much fun or unpredictable as asking all of you.

Pondering Connie in Nevada's High Desert

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 1:34 AM
Subject: Joanns Sale!!!
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

I went to Joanns sale today after work and talk about S.E.X.!!!!! I did some major damage to my bank account. Their notions wall and the cutting implements were all 50% off!!! Calicos were $1.79 and muslin $1.00! Boy was I in heaven.

Hey, I have been swamped at work and just got a little caught up and was wondering...am I the only one that notices someone on the chat board that posts often and trys (I think) to be cutsie but is kind of off the mark? Maybe the board is taking another "different" turn. Sigh, I hope not. I did notice some die hard BB'ers joined us on this page. It is more fun isn't it? Come on, admit it.

Teacup - Keep "smiling"

Loon - They talk about toilets but you know all about laying lineoleum! PIMP

Celia - More hugs to you!!

Doni- when you go on these campouts, have you mastered quilting by propane lantern? I tried once. That was enough.

Jenny - How is Bogie?

Anyone else interested in the accomidations for the quilt show? Let Lynn or I know so we can add you to the list.

Have miss you!

Katie in Spring, Texas

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 1:13 AM
Subject: Group S.E.X. all over the county
E-mail Address: horne3@kalama.com

Barbara in Spring Valley - I'd call that "far out S.E.X." LOL

Judy in beautiful SW Washington who went to the Puyallup Quilt Show and REALLY liked it.
Went with friends and we shared far, far out S.E.X. - it was out of our county----

Date: 6/19/99 Time: 12:18 AM
Subject: Hail!!!!!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
KittyKat - ROFLOLPMP - And so much of it was true.. YES, I sent it on!!! What a hoot!!!!!!

jdb in Az. - I would love to come and play! This darn place is killing me!! I know we always need the rain, but my back yard is now 3 feet tall,,, I KID YOU NOT!!!!!

Patsy in Ms. - Not to worry--- It's when you turn 55 that the body parts don't work right anymore!!! LOL

Jana in Wash. - Now you are in deep flush-flush again..... My birth certificate says SUSAN (please).... I don't do Sue, Susie or Suz.. Long sad story for another time.... Besides that it hailed again this afternoon..so now what do you have to say for your self???? And of course, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that smoking is bad for you health.... So there too!!!

I couldn't get on yesterday because of the Wash. storms and tonight I can't go back as of early yesterday afternoon, so don't know if I should be picking on anyone else or not...... Don't feel left out, I will get to you sooner or later!!!!!! LOL

I'm going to go turn the fan on the back yard so I will beable to mow at it in the A.M.
Susan in (who's a nut) Mt.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 10:58 PM
Subject: Is it warm in here ?
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

All this talk about S.E.X is getting this ole widdow lady 'all hot and bothered' And to think I refuse the pay channels because of the content. ha ! They have nothing on this BB.

Between the DGtwins, baseball games and brides maids dresses for DBfriends daughter, I have only managed to lurk the last 2 weeks.

We are still drowning in a sea of lavender tulle. We gave ourselves the day off for group S.E.X. Will start again tomorrow on the dresses. 1 1/2 down and 6 1/2 to go.

There are about a zillion baby tomatoes on my plants. With my luck they will ripen while I am at Ohio 99. Wish I could trade some for your strawberries.

Judy in Ohio...The water 'saving' toilets may have come about due to our drought but we 'Prune Pickers' don't like them any better than the rest of you. It is my understanding that the newer ones have addressed some of the problems that have been mentioned here. I have no personal knowledge of them, however. My old faithful one is about 40 years old. I hope it does not here me bragging or it will surely do something funny. My Mr. Fixit DS#1 lives near Houston. Would it be cheaper to bring him ot So.Cal. or call a plummer should the need arise? hummm.

Pies...My first T-giving as a new bride I totaly FORGOT to make the pie. Dinner was over and I went to the kitchen to get it....ooops!

My Mother had a friend who as a young bride used a cup of dry rice for everyone comming to dinner.

My favorite 'food goof' was made by a sewing buddy. She was a War Bride from Germany and spoke almost no English at the time. Her DH told her to 'read' the pictures on the canned goods when she went shopping here in America. Ever notice the pictures on the Crisco cans. She bought a can of fried chicken, a can of cherry pie, a can of cake, etc. We still laugh over that one.

Well, guess I have rattled on enough for one night. Don't know when I will get back. DBF's wedding in June 27. I know I will be back by the 28th at least.

Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca.
P.S. Have found the BEST Q-class ever. No fee and we visit a different quilt shop each week for 6 weeks. Group S.E.X all over the county. What would you call that ?

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 10:45 PM
Subject: newbie
E-mail Address: lindasue@tampabay.rr.com



Date: 6/18/99 Time: 9:55 PM
Subject: Just another day, spent another dollar
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Well I was able to have a little S.E.Xual experience today ;) I think (with a few calculations) that I may finally have enough to start my first quilt. Hurrah!!

jdb...No my horse didn't grow gills, but it would not have surprised me if she did!!:) She's doing great now.

The food stories are making me extremelly hungry. And speaking of strawberries,,Strawberry/Rhubarb Pie sounds wonderful right this moment. But the ice cream would be a nice replacement.

I hope EVERYONE has a WONDERFUL weekend!!!


Date: 6/18/99 Time: 8:37 PM
Subject: Just shoot me
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

Thank you very much for cursing me with the curse from hell Jana from Wa. Just because you have to obstain from S.E.X. doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. Because of your curse, I DIDN'T HAVE S.E.X. TODAY!!!!!!!!! No, instead, I've had a day straight from Hell and that is the least vulgure word that I can print cuz that sure as heck isn't what's going through my mind.

This morning, bright and early, I got all the kids up, fed, bathed, etc. so I could get my errands done. I HAD to have my drivers lisence renewed (remember, the one that I've been dieing to replace because my picture is so bad.) Well, I get to the drivers lisence place and I kid you not, stood in line for TWO hours with my darling little dears who did NOT want to be there and so felt that they had to let everyone know. FINALLY, I got to the front of the line to have the $%^&$ person tell me that "I'm sorry, we only take cash or checks". I COULD'VE STRANGLED HIM. So, seeing red and I mean red, I was so angry my vision was blurry , I came home and vented for a bit. Went back to the drivers lisence place with my check book only to be turned away AGAIN because, "I'm sorry, the cashier is closed now." The stinkin place is still open but aparently, THE CASHIER HAD TO PAINT HER TOENAILS, PICK HER NOSE, OR SOMETHING. Who knows. Wish I knew what car was hers because at this point, I'm gonna blow it up.

Really, I'm not a violent person. LOL

Anyway, went to another office and got the stupid lisence taken care of. Unfortunatly, because of my day from Hell, I didn't make it to the "sale" and so now I'm pouting. Oh, and to top it off, I wanted sooooo bad to have the picture changed on my lisence because it was horrendous well, after my crappy day, this picture is just as bad. I look like someone drove over me and left huge black tire marks under my eyes.

Headin out to WA. tomorrow so this is my last post for a week. Watch out Jana, I'm bringing my curse with me..... Hope you all have a wonderful week and


Rachel in UT

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 8:11 PM
Subject: Cat Bath (aka stupid human trick)
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Good Evening! I'm ALL ALONE and loving every minute of it! Ha!

RE: Bathing a kitty. Rule One - DO NOT give a nursing mother cat any type of broth, especially broth that hasn't had the fat skimmed off of it. Why, you ask? Cuz you'll have to give her a bath and all those itty bitty kitties, ha! One Thanksgiving many moons ago we had a housecat named Whiskey (those were my S&S7 days, oh no!), and she had 6 kittens. I had left over broth from the old turkey and thought since this cat was nursing she could use the protein. Well, she liked it and it didn't do her any harm, BUT...when she washed herself and those kittens everyone was a greasy mess. Yuck! Mommy wasn't too bad to bathe, but I felt like such a big bully trying to clean up the kittens with them crying so! Oh dear!

Bye for now - Farscape is on the Sci-Fi Channel. Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 8:04 PM
Subject: Cape May
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Hey Terter, I am about 20 minutes north of Cape May so if you ever visit drop me an e-mail and I'll meet ya sportin' my new YYY!!!

The trunk show in Smithville NJ is Judith Baker Montana's crazy quilt collection. It runs until the 26th of June. I'll be there Wed. with my YYY!!! Thanks to all your info!!!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 7:59 PM
Subject: bears poops? and misc.
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Karen in Fl: S.E.X. (Stash Enhancement eXperience)

Wen in Ca: What do you do with the "Bears Poops" that you pick up? (And what are they?)

Way to remember jdb's initials: Just Da Broad to keep us laughing! (no offense but it helped me remember correct order)

bd in Illinois (whose initials look like two pregnant ladies talking to one another but who is also definitely not preggers!)

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 6:12 PM
Subject: Kitty Bath, Pins & Whooosh
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

Ronna, great story for bathing the kitty, my DD gave her cat a bath a couple of weeks ago and I think we have the same cat!

Karen, a pin is a fun idea. Bumperstickers were on the board awhile ago..maybe some of the artists (Veronice, I mean you) could make up ideas to vote on and see what happens? I'd buy one..easier to wear than a bumpersticker and maybe it could have a yoyo in the design?

When we bought this house in Ca, the previous owners redid the bathroom and installed a "siphon jet" toilet. Anyone else have one? It should have a warning label on it because the thing flushes by air pressure and it really goes WOOSH under you. Scared all who were unsuspecting!!

My DS is having a 13th birthday party tomorrow for about 15 friends. Help!! They are going to see Austin Powers and then come over for Pizza and a swim. He wants Mom and Dad to disappear. Imagine!! oh, and its boys and girls. No hormones here......
I'm envious of the strawberries, save some ice cream for me.
Susan Joy in WHOOSHville, CA

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 5:30 PM
Subject: Kitty's Bath
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

I did say I was leaving....didn't I??? But before I go, I remembered that I sent the "give kitty a pill" to one of my co-workers and this is what she sent me in return. Hope you don't have this problem KittyKate!
How To Bathe A Cat

(Note: Jeffery LaCroix is a veterinarian with an office in
Wilmington. He writes a column for the Morning Star called
"From Paws to Tails."

Here is his response to a letter regarding bathing a cat:)

Dear Dr. LaCroix: I've heard that cats never have to be
bathed, and that they have some sort of special enzyme in
their saliva that keeps them clean. This doesn't sound
believable to me because there are definite "kitty" odors
on my couch and dirty cat paw prints on our white hearth.
Is this true about the saliva? If we do decide to give
"Nice Kitty" a bath, how do we do that? - NSP, Wilmington

Dear NSP: Fortunately for you, several years ago a client
gave me a written set of instructions about cat bathing
which I am privileged to share with you:

Cat Bathing As A Martial Art

A. Know that although the cat has the advantage of
quickness and lack of concern for human life, you have
the advantage of strength.

Capitalize on that advantage by selecting the battlefield.
Don't try to bathe him in an open area where he can force
you to chase him. Pick a very small bathroom.

If your bathroom is more than four feet square, I recommend
that you get in the tub with the cat and close the sliding
-glass doors as if you were about to take a shower.
(A simple shower curtain will not do. A berserk
cat can shred a three-ply rubber shower curtain quicker than
a politician can shift positions.)

B. Know that a cat has claws and will not hesitate to
remove all the skin from your body. Your advantage here
is that you are smart and know how to dress to protect

I recommend canvas overalls tucked into high-top
construction boots, a pair of steel-mesh gloves, an army
helmet, a hockey face-mask, and a long-sleeved flak jacket.

C. Use the element of surprise. Pick up your cat
nonchalantly, as if to simply carry him to his supper dish.
(Cats will not usually notice your strange attire. They have
little or no interest in fashion as a rule.)

D. Once you are inside the bathroom, speed is essential to
survival. In a single liquid motion, shut the bathroom door,
step into the tub enclosure, slide the glass door shut, dip
the cat in the water and squirt him with shampoo.

You have begun one of the wildest 45 seconds of your life.

E. Cats have no handles. Add the fact that he now has
soapy fur, and the problem is radically compounded.

Do not expect to hold on to him for more than two or three
seconds at a time. When you have him, however, you must
remember to give him another squirt of shampoo and rub
like crazy.

He'll then spring free and fall back into the water, thereby
rinsing himself off. (The national record for cats is three
latherings, so don't expect too much.)

F. Next, the cat must be dried. Novice cat bathers always
assume this part will be the most difficult, for humans
generally are worn out at this point and the cat is just
getting really determined.

In fact, the drying is simple compared with what you have
just been through.

That's because by now the cat is semi-permanently affixed to
your right leg.

You simply pop the drain plug with your foot, reach for your
towel and wait. (Occasionally, however, the cat will end up
clinging to the top of your army helmet. If this happens,
the best thing you can do is to shake him loose and to
encourage him toward your leg.) After all the water is
drained from the tub, it is a simple matter to just reach
down and dry the cat.

In a few days the cat will relax enough to be removed from
your leg. He will usually have nothing to say for about
three weeks and will spend a lot of time sitting with his
back to you.

He might even become psychoceramic and develop the fixed
stare of a plaster figurine.

You will be tempted to assume he is angry.

This isn't usually the case.

As a rule he is simply plotting ways to get through your
defenses and injure you for life the next time you decide
to give him a bath.

But at least now he smells a lot better.


Ronna in Happy Valley (who likes warm baths...like all amphibians)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 5:16 PM
Subject: DOTHA'S Anniversary
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

I almost forgot:



Date: 6/18/99 Time: 5:07 PM
Subject: STRAAAAWWWWberries
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Linda B in TX: My DH makes a pretty mean Strawberry Sherbet. REALLLY tastey. MMMMMM Time to go home and eat strawberries, and time to take a look at all of those UFO's.....

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 5:05 PM
Subject: Getting Things Done
E-mail Address: dothewrd.gateway.net

I spent all morning on the beast, as I am fondly starting to call my computer. My kids got a pop tart each and Nickelodeon, they were in heaven. Instead of spending my time with you sweet things I gotta go looking elsewhere for live love. What a joke. You can really get messed up out there. That seach engine, oh my. At least you didn't end up with any porno, right. Neither did I thank God. It sure was weird though. I went live with women, thought I was safe, boy were they ever weird. When I asked what language they were speaking they started to post in German!!! I like the S.E.X. we have hear it so much nicer, safer and cleaner. Thank God for you all.

Anyway, somehow I managed 4 loads of laundry, a kids haircut, cleaned up broken glass all over the terlet I needed to clean anyway, p/u Bears poops, a decent lunch for kiddies which mostly consisted of fruit and now they are down for their naps. When do I get to start quilting again, I guess in the afternoon when my server goes down for the night and I can't receive any more E-mail!!!

I've decided to do the Y2K quilt and need to get to cutting I guess I've rattled on long enough.


Date: 6/18/99 Time: 4:59 PM
Subject: WWQP Pins
E-mail Address: tomharris3@earthlink.net

Hello! This is my first time to post on this board - I mostly read the QR only board. While we're talking about "first times" what does S.E.X. stand for? (And how did I get so naive after 20 years of marriage and giving birth?)

Over on the QR only board I asked if anyone was interested in a lapel pin that would show our usage of the WWQP. About 5 years ago when I was on Prodigy, the quilters on the Quilting BB had a lapel pin made in the shape of a computer. It had a pieced star on the screen and the words "Online Quilters." It would be nice if someone had this kind of business in their family - but if not we could still have one made. I think they will do any image in orders of 100 at a time. It would be eye catching if we put S.E.X. on it!! (Maybe not.......)

Any feedback?

Karen in FL Where it is humid and about to storm.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 4:36 PM
Subject: A little of nothing
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

While all of you are busy pursueing S.E.X. and trying to flush toliets, I'm on a hot pursuit to finish 15 UFO's in 1999. Anyone else feeling the self imposed pressure to finish up in this millenium? Today I started binding my first "real" quilt - a twin sized Trip Around the World. This quilt is probally 15 yrs old, well used but never bound. DS#1 remarked last weekend "is this something from the rag box?" I guess his clue was the batting hanging out. LOL

Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in WI where her water saver toliets are working just fine.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 3:54 PM
Subject: HELP......again!!
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Ok Ladies, I have a crisis!! Some wonderful woman out there sent me a recipe for a casserole for my fathers day breakfast and I LOST IT!!! All I remember is it had Chorizo sausage in it....who ever it was please, please, please send me a copy again!!!!
Hey I brought DH lunch today and found a GREAT yardsale....got some of this and that and an entire bolt of fusible interfacing for $3.00.....What a baaaaaargain!!!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 3:52 PM
Subject: Strawberries
E-mail Address: klindatx@aol.com

Ronna in Happy Valley -- while you are taking care of the strawberries, don't forget my favorite---homemade strawberry ice cream!! Yum Wish I had some right now.
Linda B in Tx

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 3:10 PM
Subject: Search Engine Weirdness
E-mail Address: eacorbe@ilstu.edu

So I buy a couple of those "Forties Fats" reproduction fabric at the quilt shop, OK?

And I decide that I want to see the whole collection of them to see what all is available, right - so maybe I can add a few more to the
old stash? You know, like you can go to the RJR fabrics site and see all the lines they currently have out, or P&B textiles?

So I go to Infoseek and type in "Forties Fats"
as the search term - figuring that *should* do it.

Yeeps. It's shocking what you get. I could have gone to any of several disgusting sounding porno sites (I could have, but I sure didn't!). I got some home pages of people who described themselves as "fat and forty" and apparently some personals ads come-ons. But no fat quarters of forties' reproduction fabric!

Some clever person out there should come up with a handcrafts-only search engine for those of us
who are interested in S.E.X. of the acronym variety....

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:43 PM
Subject: Crossing a State Line ..
E-mail Address: jacknox@earthlink.net

DH and I are going to visit friends in Indiana this weekend. Of course, there will be a quilt shop on the agenda as well for I have not had any decent opportunies for S.E.X. in a long time. Do you think I will be crossing a state line for immoral purposes?

Anyone have a plumber in the family? I think there are severe fines for plumbers who "illegally" install old, used standard "terlets" in a new house. In other words, you can't take it with you.

Judy in Ohio who has her sights aimed at Quilters Quarters in Indianapolis ... among other things.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:09 PM
Subject: Queen-sized HQ and Terlets...and abused quilts
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

HDEW in WY: WOW!! a queen size HQ! I AM impressed. That should be quite the Snoopy stomp! I think about 8.2 on the Richter Scale!

JDB: You are right....something has to be done about terrible quilt tragedies.... I suggest that there be a home for abused and wounded quilts, where they would receive the best of care...
To stop this on-going tragedy we will have to be strong and hang together....

TERLETS: Geeeee. And to think that I was going to replace our old ceramic toilet when we remodel the bathroom. I always hated the puddle of water on the floor from condensation on the porcelain tank during humid weather. Now I will reconsider after hearing all of the stories about the new ones. Ours is about 40 yrs old. Works ok. DH put a "water saver" device in it that reduces the amount water per flush. I find that I had to flush twice then to clear everything out....if you know what I mean. Well my solution now is to hold the handle down until everything has exited, then let go. I only have do this for #2. Water saver is fine for #1. Works for me.
So maybe a water-saver type wouldn't be any worse. I have seen the type of toilet that had a handle that gave you a flush option....full, or saver mode. I think it was in a catalog called "home improvements". It was something to retrofit an older toilet. I have a deal with my DH; I DON'T DO PLUMBING!!!! I do everything else around the house, so I had to draw the line somewhere....otherwise...why be married?? Really. ;)

Funny how DH is back for less than 24 hours and I notice that dirt is accumulating....has anyone figured out how to train DH's to take off their dirty shoes at the door?
Love him anyway...sigh. He's just too cute to give up. Infuriating sometimes, but too cute. It would take too much effort to train another....

Ronna in Happy Valley, where the fridge is FILLED with ripe strawberries....I picked 12 quarts. Time to process them and eat them and freeze them and ....etc.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:08 PM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Pepper, Dahling! Glad your mare survived eating the fish food. Have you checked under her mane to see if she's grown gills yet?

TerTer Congrats on being pres -- your guild will never be the same, but that's why they elected you. QR Have you ever gone on a tear with paper piecing? BTW, what IS the difference between paper piecing and foundation piecing? Maybe if I spent a little less time on the BB and a little more time in quilt class I'd know these things. I am scheduled to take TWO classes from Harriet Hargraves next month in Flagstaff -- that's up by the Grand Canyon, which is STILL in Arizona.

Elena, Dahling! Congrats on your new Elna – did you choose it because the name is easier to spell than yours?

Jeanne, Dear. Did you GO ALL THE WAY into the fabric store? Did you fondle the fabric? Did you pay for the fabric? Did you fantasize about how the quilt would look? Being faithful to one project at a time is nothing to be ashamed of. The very idea that you've never had S.E.X. is just a fabrication.

jdb (when you change the initials to bd it looks like two pregnant ladies talking to each other, and I'm definitely NOT preggers.)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:07 PM
Subject: toilets,etc
E-mail Address: quiticatatyahoodotcom

I haven't had a chance to check out the Chat until today and have been really chuckling about the watersaver toilets. Yuck. I remember my uncle..who owned his own engineering firm, and his wife deigned their own home. Just after they moved in they decided to have a big party for all the friends and associates to show off. Just before the arrivals my Dad discovered one of the toilets had ceased to function so he rigged it with a piece of string. Would you believe 30 years later when the house was sold this toilet was still being held together with a pice of string!!! Cynthia

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:05 PM
Subject: Memory Quilt
E-mail Address: MOBear007@aol.com

Interested in finding someone who makes memory quilts from T-shirts. I would like to have made a memory quilts from my children's special activity and group T-shirts. Please write if you know of a person or company who could accomplish this task.
Much appreciated.
Mother Bear

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 12:47 PM
Subject: No pie, what about dressing?
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! Love all the pie stories, just wish I had one, but I do have one about some dressing (if that will do, ha!) A couple years ago I got brave and tried to make some bread dressing - prior to this I always chickened out and bought Stove Top's finest. Mother convinced me to be brave and gave me her recipe - Mom's tried and true recipe that us kids always loved. So, one night when I was baking some chicken for supper I gave Mom's famous dressing recipe a whirl. I didn't leave out any ingredients, baked up just fine and looked good. I dished up the food onto plates and we sat down to eat. I took one bite of that dressing and about gagged, ha! As I looked across the table the DH had his fork poised with a glob of dressing and gravy on it. It must have looked like a cartoon or slow motion footage - but I leaned across the table and snatched the fork out of his hands and grabbed up his plate saying, "YOU'RE NOT EATING THIS!!" Poor man, he didn't know what was going on, ha! I returned shortly with his chicken, browned taters, beans and gravy, minus the dressing, all on a clean plate. Whew! Got out of that one by the skin of my teeth. We have a rule that he has the option to veto any recipe he doesn't like, and I won't cook it ever again, (which doesn't happen that often - I veto a lot more than he does and he always says it tastes okay to him...huh, are your taste buds dead, or what??). He did suggest that the dogs might have the dressing instead of letting the whole pan go to waste. My reply was, "The dogs ARE NOT eating this either!" I dunno what I did wrong, but that dressing sure didn't taste like moms, ha! So, we're back to Stove Top's finest, LOL

Later kids, time to have fun! From, Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 12:19 PM
Subject: I'm finally back
E-mail Address: mshfeh@linknet.net

I feel like I have been gone forever. We have had MAJOR computer problems. First the Compaq crashed and DH decided enough already and ordered a Dell which took two weeks to come in. It came in last Friday and he got it hooked up fairly quickly as he had been off for a long time. Would you believe on Sunday it stopped? Finally found out yesterday rats had chewed the telephone cable and the phine lines don't work too well without it. It has not rained in so long no one noticed!! Got that fixed and here I am.
The first time the computer crashed someone one sent me a list of her favorite places and I printed it out. Now I can put it back in. Thanks for being so thoughtful before.
We are having cool dry weather for us this time of year. Hope nothing major happened while I was gone. I did do all my Hawaiian blocks except one which is 1/3 finished.
Marge in Louisiana

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 12:03 PM
Subject: Vacation time for LINDA
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi Everyone; Its Linda in California, soon to be Linda on the coast. Looking forward to our vacation. There is a fabric shop on the coast and DH says he doesn't mind at all checking it out with me...We all know what that means, dbdhrq..in Arizona...can't ever get those initials right..You know who you are..Have fun girls while I'm away..don't say anything that I would.. and
..dbdhrqst..in Arizona..I think you have won the contest for the best name...HA HA
Happy quilting to all...see ya later

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 11:21 AM
Subject: flushing, S.E.X. and new machines
E-mail Address: bvase@sweetwater.net

if you ever come to visit you'll know now why we have an old scratched toilet with the broken top glued back together. it works! i've been told some people buy their new toilets in canada where old reliables are still legal.
Took a S.E.X. trip yesterday and found more new goodies than i had planned on. bliss. a batik that looks like the nighttime lights of a carnival. heavenly.
i'm also planning on buying a new machine. have no local dealers to be loyal to so need advice on what to buy. have been considering a new bernina or pfaff. what have you bought that you would recommend and which is not more than about $3,000? preferably a little less.
nancy in wyoming
p.s. double snoopys, two ufos finally made it to the top of the pile.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 11:12 AM
Subject: Invisible Pie
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Mibsie from Canada here again. These pie adventures remind me of when my Mom was given an unbaked pie shell in a tin pie plate by a cottage neighbour (Mom couldn't make pastry worth a d---!). It was a bad year for blueberries, so she decided to make a custard pie (my personal favourite at the time). All went well, pie to come out of the oven just at dessert time. Mom whipped the pie out of the oven and onto the table, grasped the knife to cut it, and stared. "Who stole my pie?" she shrieked. The filling had completely disappeared, just a nice puffy crust was left. She found the filling in a nice well-baked mound on the floor of the oven. The neighbour's pie plate was one of those that has holes in it supposedly for making unshrunken pie shells. Of course, we ate the filling. Cottage life makes you hungry for any food. Since you had a captive audience, you were allowed to cook anything you ever wanted to try as long as you could supply all the ingredients. I remember soaking a roast of beef in saurkraut for three days in the refrigerator - lots of smart remarks about the smell - but it was wonderful! Maybe I'll try it again this year! Sunny today and the staff are all giddy with delight. I've been relaying the S.E.X. stories. One said she had foreplay yesterday buying quilt books. Toodles, Mibs

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 11:07 AM
Subject: forgot to ask this........
E-mail Address: jbr4marykay@snet.net

does it count when you HAVE to buy something, but you use it all up for that one specific project?

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 11:06 AM
Subject: stuff and nonsense
E-mail Address: jbr4marykay@snet.net

Morning all........guess i must be practicing SAFE S.E.X. as i have been (trying to) avoiding them.......am determined to use up what i have......i try not to act deprived, but have been known on occasion to whine a little.

Am headed out for a weekend of camping......am with Liz in CT so there is SURE to be some S.E.X. going on sometime.......i will try to be strong.

Jeanne in CT with a refrig full of pasta salad and fresh picked strawberries ready to roll

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 11:01 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Last night at the Guild Meeting...I'm now officially the new President..wish me luck for the next year. I need a nick-name quilty style to sign off on my message each month in the news note. Any Ideas?? last lady did "Piece & Peace".

Well the project was another table runner this one with 4 types of fabric, light, med(2) and dark, turns out that there is a star in a star sort of. Like that discription.

The gal from N.J. shore, is this any where near Cape May? That is where my soon to be dgd is staying with her stepmom and dad. He is in the Coast Guard.

Loon: Perk up, feed them loons, kiss them loons no do not mate with them loons..

TeaCup: How is the driveway doing?

KittyKat: Like your pie story too

And no my nickname did not come from tearing down the wall paper...hehe

hugs & kisses

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 10:44 AM
Subject: Husband-catching Pie (NOT!)
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Laughing at all the great S.e.X. stories, the potty stories and the pie stories!

While dating future DH, invited him and two friends for supper (to let him know I could cook just in case he was thinking of proposing). Made two pies for dessert; a fruit pie and a custard pie.

The others chose fruit pie and I served myself custard. Took one bite and was so glad they didn't choose the custard! How was I supposed to know that all condensed milks aren't the same? Recipe called for Eagle brand and my mom always bought Milnot (Milnot didn't contain sugar and neither did my pie!)

jdb: You could definitely be the Phyllis Diller of the quilter's universe! You are too funny!

Bertie in Illinois

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 10:26 AM
Subject: Sewing Machines
E-mail Address: elenaDOTdoyleATedsDOTcom

I want to thank everyone who responded to my husband's query of a few days ago about buying a new sewing machine for ~$1,200. I sincerely appreciate everyone's advice to him, especially that I should pick out the new machine! I didn't even know WE were interested in buying ME a new one!!

Thanks again-

Elena in Chicago

P.S. Looks like Elna's Quilter's dream is a favorite.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 10:07 AM
Subject: low water toilets
E-mail Address: eacorbe@ilstu.edu

Well, it *could* be worse...the next
"innovation" could be to require people
to have chemical or composting toilets
in their homes...you know, like the
Biffies you see by the side of the road or
in state parks. Stink-y!

Now I'm glad I'm moving to an "older" apartment
complex instead of a nice new house. I hope
they didn't "update" the plumbing.

Ya know what else is a drag - some of
those water conservation shower heads. I used to have one, I had to jump around in the
shower to get wet! And I'm not exactly a
skinny little slip of a thing, either.

*Sigh* As the old saying goes, we
can put a man on the moon...why can't
our engineers design water-saving devices
that don't feel like deprivation?
(Some of those water saver shower heads
are just like "healthy" cookies - no fun
at all and really not a good substitute)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 9:59 AM
Subject: Much ado about nothing!
E-mail Address: Oliverhub@aol.com

Good Morning all!
the sun is shining and it's nice and cool. Have been quilting like crazy the last couple of days. Great cold damp rainy days. Sewed all yesterday afternoon and every once in a while I would force myself off the couch to do a 2 minute chore. Loading two dirty cups to the dishasher counted as a major accomplishment for me....but I accomplished sewing. Have been very jealous of everyone's snoopy dances and really felt like I was missing out. I am bound and determined to finish some projects so I can get my body moving also. I did finish a reversible Halloween and Thanksgiving table runner. I can not do a dance on that one because it only needed twenty inches of straight line quilting.

Thanks to all you ladies I now have the go ahead to MQ my Full size burgandy/green Jacobs ladder. All HQ but the border was missing. Tried a couple of times to get started on it, but I wasn't happy how it was progressing. The border is a little wavy so the Hq was puckering. I'm going to MQ lines to finish it off. I was afraid to mix both on the same top but you have given me confidence. Then binding and my dance begins.

So sorry that this isn't toilet related but my two are behaving themselves lately. They had better since everything but the porcelain is new. Been through countless trips to the hardware store. DH replaces one piece at a time as they break. Why I ask him? If one piece is old enough to give up don't you think the rest are ready? But Dh cannot avoid problems only put out fires. It's not him in the house with no toilet and five girls. Thinking about the toilet paper stuffed down those bowls every day is mind boggling. I will never have one of the new ones!
If i build a new house I'll take this one with me. Just a thought, can salvage co.s sell old water guzzling toilets? Their best customers would be women I'm sure.

Ursula in So. Jersey. A four inch cirle with a running stitch hem pulled tightly should make a nice YYY. And about that trunk show in Smithville, I.m in central NJ and would love to attend. Can you send my dates, times etc.? TIA

Donna at the Jersey Shore who needs to food shop alone for the last time until Sept.

P.S. Sorry so long winded!

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 9:02 AM
Subject: Down the Drain and other Chit Chat
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

My MIL had a condition that required frequent trips to the bathroom. When she moved in with us and we built the new wing for her to live in, the contractor recommended a watersaving toilet. Pleased my pennysaving MIL no end until she discoved that you couldn't deposit the amount of paper she felt she required in at one sitting. The plunger was applied frequently!. One of the other toilets in the house has a "bend" in the front (we didn't choose it) The bend requires frequent cleaning to remove the evidence. Oh, for a plain old white throne as in days of old!
Am back to work at Joann's for the summer. This is definately not the place for me to work to earn money. I bought Stackn'Whack fabric and then found 14 yards of $1 stuff just perfect for recovering an old cat-clawed couch and am fingering the rest like an addict on a fix. One gal brought up the most gorgious cream satin and matching cream and apricot with roses sheer to be cut and I had visions of me in a husband catching nightie and floating jacket.-This from me who is the queen of flannel night gowns.
Can I trust QuiltPro on yardages? It told me I needed something like 5 1/2 yards of fabric for the borders/sashing on Kellies quilt and so I did a frantic search for more of the rose-pink I'd originally found. It's telling me that for a 96X107 quilt I need 10 yards of backing. I hope Martha can quilt one that big. - I also found background fabric and accent fabric for the Stack 'n Whack-sigh. I either have to give up working and quilt full time or join Fabricholics . Anyone know of a twelve step plan for quilt dreamers? If my stuff looked like the stuff in Quiltmaker or one of the other magazines it would be worth it- but------. Off to my Ohio swap blocks and Fons and Porter nine patch. Peg in Chicago

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 8:24 AM
Subject: Welcomes and toilets
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

MMMMMMMMMM Hot strong coffee, the best thing in the morning.
Welcome to Kris in MN. Don't hide anymore' we're really not so strange.
Pepper, your toilet probably just needs to have the flapper replaced. Easy and inexpensive, really! Lift the lid and check the rubber flapper that covers the tube that the water runs out of (flush the toilet and you'll see what I'm talking about). If it's not fitting the tube anymore the toilet will run. They are $5.oo at the hardware store, just take a good look at the one that's on there so you get the right replacement piece. You'll impress the DH with your vast knowledge of house mechanics. Of course, if this is not the problem, I can't help you. I hope it helps somebody. Next weeks home repair topic? we'll see.
Roin in Maine, we gotta be more fun than comp. science! I bet they don't talk about S.E.X. like we do.
Read ya later!
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 8:07 AM
Subject: Yoyo directions
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

URSULA: There are directions with pictures at:
Just click on how!
Have fun - I still haven't met anyone through my yo-yo.
Monica in Maine (who will sign on to her IM this afternoon - my IM name is MEthimble - but be patient because I haven't used it much and am still figuring it out!)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 7:51 AM
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

As you've probably read by now, Cassi and Karen's quilting projects have been in intensive care recently. Karen's fabric was mangled and severely burned all over its body. Cassie's quilt received thousands of stitches but just kept bleeding and bleeding. What can be done to keep such heart-breaking tragedies from happening to others?

Just wondering,

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 7:27 AM
Subject: Thank you's, potties, and other stuff
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Thanks to all who e-mailed me about my unwashed charm squares. I think I will hand wash them and hope for the best!!

As for those new water saver potties....now don't stone me or kick me out of what DH calls my quilt occult (thats the WWQP), but we had one in our old house and have one now in the new house and have never had a problem with them. Of course now the darn thing will probably explode and my luck I will be on it when it does.....LOL!!!

One more thing, I know you start out with a circle but how do you make a YYY? I'm going to a trunk show on crazy quilts in Smithville NJ, for all you S.Jersey-ers, and would like to have one just incase!!! You never know when you'll find a fellow BBer!!

Ursula in S.Jersey :o)

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 2:18 AM
Subject: I don't know what to charge
E-mail Address: Paiula7@aol.com

Hi everybody. I'm in the middle of a dillemna. I'm meeting with a customer who needs a quilt and I don't know what to charge per hour, or per piece. I hand quilt and hand piece. Any suggestions on how I should break down the prices? Thank you for your input.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:31 AM
Subject: Sorry Sue in MT
E-mail Address: Whitfields@webtv.net

So Sorry Sue in MT, but you know when you haven't had it in awhile, we do tend to get grouchy! I meant to send the storm to Rachel in UT who will be buying out the store on Friday and has been bragging about it knowing I am abstinate(sp.never had to spell that before) When I do have s.e.x. it will be the best ever. Might even need a cigarette after.Jana in Wash.

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 1:01 AM
Subject: S.E.X. and more
E-mail Address: horne3@kalama.com

It's been a while since I lurked here on the CP, so tonight I tuned in to find you all turned on to having unabashed S.E.X. without your husbands and flushing and flushing.....MY! how this CP does go on!!! LOL

Question: If the new water-saving (?) toilets require repeated flushings does that make them four-flushers? Or do we coin a new term of three-flushers? Five-flushers? Makes me think of Victor Borge and his routine reading a story affected by inflation! "When I look into your three eyes" etc.etc.

The weather has been sooooo nice and the weeds are getting soooo tall that I haven't gotten much quilting done the last few days.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Puyallup quilt show with QBs...I'll be the one wearing the wild vest with glitzy gold circles on the front, Kitty Kate!
No YYY - guess I'm yo-yo challenged! LOL
Judy in beautiful SW Washington

Date: 6/18/99 Time: 12:01 AM
Subject: anything and everything
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Boy this toilet thing keeps running and running and running....:) Thanks for all the emails! And when I have quilting questions I'll come here first, you all are so helpful. But most of all I love to just sit and laugh at all the life stories displayed here on the BB.
Had a bad day yesterday so I didn't get to post. Woke up at 5am, worked a 9 hour day and when I got home I found out my horse (5yr old mare) got into a barrel of fish food (we raise trout and the food is like dog food only made out of fish) so I had to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't end up with colic. I walked her for 2 hours and today she is fine. Thank goodness!
I'm tired and should go home now (I use my in-laws computer) but it's lonely at home since my DH is on night-shift. Well, I say, buck up and be brave! Go and face that house work like a real woman!! I get more done when he's not home anyway.
Pepper... the one who is thankful to have an older toilet, even if it means jiggling the handle two or three times a day!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:58 PM
Subject: Toilets & S.E.X.
E-mail Address: chambers@capecod.net

I hadn't been able to read BB for awhile and love reading back. You just never know what you will find after missing a few days. I just crack up. Where else can you get so many LOL. I also have one of those new-fangled toilets like Judy in Ohio. You definately were very delicate in your instructions of how best to avoid the "skid marks" toilet deco. I'm know I don't save any water, because I know that I'm flushing and cleaning more. Even the "sound" experience turns me off and the outside of the bowl is harder to wipe down too. Wonder what IMPROVEMENT will be next. The S.E.X. stories are just great, I neeeed to get me some. I think there are alot of talented ladies out there that could write articles and books, and get publisted. Most of all I just wanted to tell you all how much I enjoy reading the BB. Thanks for the laughs. Peggy from Cape Cod

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:58 PM
Subject: anything and everything
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Boy this toilet thing keeps running and running and running....:) Thanks for all the emails! And when I have quilting questions I'll come here first, you all are so helpful. But most of all I love to just sit and laugh at all the life stories displayed here on the BB.
Had a bad day yesterday so I didn't get to post. Woke up at 5am, worked a 9 hour day and when I got home I found out my horse (5yr old mare) got into a barrel of fish food (we raise trout and the food is like dog food only made out of fish) so I had to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't end up with colic. I walked her for 2 hours and today she is fine. Thank goodness!
I'm tired and should go home now (I use my in-laws computer) but it's lonely at home since my DH is on night-shift. Well, I say, buck up and be brave! Go and face that house work like a real woman!! I get more done when he's not home anyway.
Pepper... the one who is thankful to have an older toilet, even if it means jiggling the handle two or three times a day!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:49 PM
Subject: anything and everything
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Boy this toilet thing keeps running and running and running....:) Thanks for all the emails! And when I have quilting questions I'll come here first, you all are so helpful. But most of all I love to just sit and laugh at all the life stories displayed here on the BB.
Had a bad day yesterday so I didn't get to post. Woke up at 5am, worked a 9 hour day and when I got home I found out my horse (5yr old mare) got into a barrel of fish food (we raise trout and the food is like dog food only made out of fish) so I had to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't end up with colic. I walked her for 2 hours and today she is fine. Thank goodness!
I'm tired and should go home now (I use my in-laws computer) but it's lonely at home since my DH is on night-shift. Well, I say, buck up and be brave! Go and face that house work like a real woman!! I get more done when he's not home anyway.
Pepper... the one who is thankful to have an older toilet, even if it means jiggling the handle two or three times a day!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:25 PM
Subject: MN lurker
E-mail Address: KAKNOSKI@aol.com

Okay Sandi here I am - I've been lurking & laughing for awhile now, but you made me feel like a peeping Tom. My husband keeps calling the computer "the other man" - good thing he doesn't know you guys talk about SEX all the time. I need one of those "voice command" programs for the computer so I can HQ & read BB at the same time. How do you guys get so much done? I feel guilty when I'm on the computer but I miss it when I'm sewing - guess I'm never happy. Thanks for the comic relief! Kris in MN

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:22 PM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Hi guys, I'm the newbie and I'm already asking for help. I have about 12 messages that I've been waiting to send all day and every time I get an error. Server not found yet I keep receiving all of your messages. I tried dialing a different number and have no idea what could be wrong. This has been happening since around 10am. I don't get it I can get into you and receive all of your E-mails, thanks have patience you will receive mine eventually.


Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:15 PM
Subject: Oops
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Before anyone catches my big mistake....I'll confess to it myself. I said I was going to put the blocks into a 40x50 block format. How many clicked that that would mean 2000 blocks? Well I didn't right away.

I've been sewing away all evening, laying blocks out on the table and by the time I had about 16 blocks stretched across the table I was thinking, "Boy, this is going to be one big quilt by the time I get to 40 blocks wide." Yes, eventually it struck me that my math skills are on summer vacation, so I did some rethinking and I am leaning heavily toward 10x10 blocks, front and back. That adds up to 200 blocks, doesn't it?

I'm really not usually that bad with my math--for some reason I just had it in my mind tonight that 40 times 50 equaled 200. Naturally I make this mistake the night before Serial Quilters....boy will I get razzed tomorrow!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 10:34 PM
Subject: Wrong Spray Can
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Susan Joy...Oven spray instead of spray starch!!!...almost as bad as grabbing the can of Lysol spray instead of Hair spray!!! That washed out too...Have a good night all.Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 10:33 PM
Subject: Frequent Flusher
E-mail Address: jacknox@earthlink.net

If you have those new-fangled toilets you have to become a frequent flusher. I am going to try to be delicate here but the best way to avoid the "skid marks" in the bowl and also avoid exercising with a plunger is to flush after each and every "deposit" during a sitting session. Is that delicate enough? Of course, frequent flushing totally annihilates the concept of a water-saving toilet, doesn't it? Some one told me that this giant step backwards in the evolution of toilets were prompted by the ten year drought in California. So how come the entire country got stuck with the solution to California's water problem?

Sorta QR ... are you allowed to use a glue gun to stick lots and lots and lots of buttons on a quilted wallhanging? Do judges turn purple and pass out when they see something glued on a quilt that's been entered in a competition?

Judy in Ohio where it was a marvelously cool and pleasant day ... but now it is too cold for the lightning bugs to do their dances tonight. I may be middle-aged but I still chase lightning bugs.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 10:04 PM
Subject: this and that
E-mail Address: jgill@onepine.com

You guys are cracking me up! You all have been especially entertaining this week. I haven't posted a lot, but I've been keeping my eye on you! The toilet stories had me laughing, I had no idea modern toilets were such a hassle. My mother's house was built in 1880 and the bathroom we kids shared must have been redone around 1950 and now my DH and I live in a prewar building and have no toilet woes to share. Although I did find out yet another reason to want to live in a doorman building. I was babysitting Wednesday and the little kid goes to the bathroom. All of a sudden she comes out to the living room, "Jen, there's something wrong with the toilet" She had flushed and the toilet wouldn't stop flushing, it just kept going. Now in this building they have toilets like you find in public restrooms, no tank, just the handle to flush. So I freak out--I have no idea what to do. They don't even have a plunger should it come to that! So I grabbed the intercom phone and asked the doorman where the superintendent was. Help arrived shortly and the toilet was fixed. In my opinion that's better than a husband. My DH would have just stared at the toilet and said, "I dunno, what do you think?" No wonder they call them luxury apartment buildings...

Kellie and Andy:I love the pictures, it's always so fun when you put up new photos. I love seeing what everyone else is doing and the heart blocks are so beautiful! I was proud to see my little offering in there.

Cassi: I'm glad my blocks were there. I was getting concerned, but I figured sooner or later they'd turn up!

Yesterday I had my very first quilt class. We're making a very nifty little quilt that combines crazy quilting, string piecing and something else. It's a lot of fun. I believe there's a book on it, but I can't recall the name. Anyway, the teacher had a sample made up with signature squares in the middle. Everyone was asking how to iron the freezer paper on, what marker to use...I already knew! One of many things I have learned from the BB. I got to use one of the shop's sewing machines too. Sewing on a Bernina, using the Kenmore today just wasn't the same. I may never be over it.

I get to do a little snoopy dance today. This morning I finished a linen dress that I have been working on forever. This evening I finished the top of a wallhanging that I have been planning for months! Hey, what can I say, it takes me a while to get moving!

Jenny in NYC where it's been raining all day, yuck.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:48 PM
Subject: plumbers, pies, etc.
E-mail Address: Kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Rich people can afford the plumbers for those darn toilets. I have a plunger in every bathroom and I use it to hold the extra rolls. Nobody gets caught without, that way. Not as cute some holders but it works.
http://www.fabrics.net/swatch/member/threads.cfm is where I go to list fabric needs. I get some responses too. Might be worth your while.
I once brought the white glove home by mistake. Now I have my own personal glove. When they see it, they remark that I am one prepared quilter. Ha! I don't know how long it takes but I can still smell it, so I guess it isn't gone yet. Don't ask!!
Pies - Married on Sept. 19, 1970. DMIL and DFIL come for dinner. DMIL and I will make pies, together, for Thanksgiving. I wanted to make a cherry crisp for dessert. I mixed all the ingredients, including the ones for the crisp topping, and baked. Didn't realize my mistake until it came out of the oven. Where to hide it from DMIL. We will be using fridge, oven, etc. I put it in the bathtub and pulled the shower curtain. Later that night DH goes to take a shower and....... I had forgotten all about it. Never will hear the end of this.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<
PS - If you never hear from me again, it will be because DH has killed me. Went to a book sale today. Yikes!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:41 PM
Subject: Thanks
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net

Hello again!

Thanks to those who explained the birds and bees to me!

This is just great! So much fun to read! I am used to postings from
listserves for computer science courses and Environmental courses. I
never realized how dry and boring they were! I should have know that
quilters would be much more fun from the quilt classes I've been to!

My DH, DD, and D-13-year-old-S are all away for the week-end on a
3 day bike trip called the Trek Across Maine raising money for the
American Lung Association. That means I am alone, as my other kids
are grown and on their own. What a glorious way to spend the night!
Movies and hand quilting! I'd do the ride with them, but then I'd never
get this great little vacation to myself. No cooking, cleaning, or laundry
for three days! I'm in heaven!

Well, I'm going to pop another movie in and quilt some more. Have a nice

Robin from Maine

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:40 PM
Subject: processing wool
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

Pat, Cen CA - I was in a spinning group some years ago and worked from fleece to sweater. Wool can take really hot temperatures without felting IF the temperature changes are gradual; i.e. don't go from hot to cold or v.v.
First off you soak the fleece overnight in a large tin tub, big canning kettle or (clean) garbage can. Don't put it in a bathtub or you'll clog the drain. You don't ever "scrub" at the wool. GENTLE is the key word. The next day you squeeze the water out of it,(that water will probably be pretty brown and oderous, unless your sheep are civilized and use TP) SAVE that enriched water - it's terrific for fertilizer in the garden. For Spinning, we always used (powdered) Ivory Soap because that, mixed with warm water for the cleaning soak, preserved the natural lanolin but you may want to use something that will remove it - dishwash detergent? maybe. If you aren't in a big hurry, you can soap-soak a day and rinse soak for a total of 3 days - I ususally was too impatient so the last two soaks were done quicker. Again, always squeeze as much water out as you can. Spread it out on something similar to a screen door (non-metal screen) Prop the screen on 4 chairs outside to dry in the sun, turning occasionally. When completely dry, bag it in old pillowcase or fabic laundry bag so it can breath.
The carding process has been explained pretty good. When you're aligning the fibers on the card (or dog brush) you hold each one by the handle, place teeth of one on the teeth of the other card and pull the handles outward away from one another. It's very much like the excersize equipment to develope the "pecs". I tried to talk my DD (a teenager at the time) into carding for me and used the enticement that it would give her a bigger bust. She said "Aw Mom, there's no hope; if I went topless, I'd have to wear a sign "Front" or "Back"!
My 13yrold DGS has been roflol over the BB S.E.X. I guess it's a little late for the BIG FAX talk.
You guys talking about strawberries....back in MT I had the front walk bordered with strawberries. The heat from the walk really ripened them in a hurry. I was working at the time and after many, many pickings, it just seemed like such a job to pick and clean so I was putting them off. DH told me a number of times I'd better get at them rather than let them go to waste. Well, I waited too long and one day when he was mowing the lawn..., you guessed it; we were out of the berry business in a matter of minutes. I'd like to have some plants again - but I think I'll plant them in a barrel or jar...He tries to mow those suckers again and it'll raise cain with the mower!
This is gone too long.
Luvya High Desert Connie

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:34 PM
Subject: Yet another pie story !
E-mail Address: reabock@epix.net

One year for Thanksgiving, on the advice of a friend , who happened to be the hospital dietitian, I made my pumpkin pies heart-smart. I used tub margarine as the fat source at her suggestio. Well , the dough worked up well, had a little trouble rolling it out, finally suceeded, and Voila`, the pie and crust was beautiful, golden brown! Took it to Mom's house where we eat, had a lovely dinner and saved room for pie. Went to cut it and the crust stayed intact!! Finally resorted to just scooping out the filling and eating that, with ice cream of course! We could have made a planter out of that pie shell, it was so tough. Told my friend about it and I don't think she ever suggested using tub margarine again .
QR: Found a new, at least to me, shop to get quilt fabric in. Very fiendly proprietor who happens to be in the local quilt guild and seems to have some beginner classes offered that I probably should take advantage of. Had some beautiful fabrics in her shop and a sale going on today, bonus! anyway , it was better than cleaning, which still needs doing and it was raining so couldn't work in the yard. Joanne in PA

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:31 PM
Subject: I forgot to say....
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

Thank you to Andy for posting the pictures. It has been wonderful to see all of our heart blocks and the new BB Beauties! I know it is a lot of work on your part. Thank you. The kitty was cute, though...and thank you to Sue, BB mom for the new way to access other sites. It has been fun checking out the other links available.
Susan Joy, in yummy CA, DD just brought in an eggroll for me!!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:18 PM
Subject: Just LOL and having fun!
E-mail Address: susanjf@home.com

You guys are just too funny today! jbd, or is it jdb? you are getting funnier and funnier! love it! Guess I have share my scorch story. I just got my wonderful new Elna 6004 last spring and was trying out all the nifty stitches on a lovely lavendar blouse I created and decided to use a "touch" of spray starch. I sprayed and ironed and kinda wondered why it smelled a little different and didn't stiffen like I expected. I sprayed and ironed a little more! Then I really looked at my lovely lavendar embroidered blouse and it was scorched. Then I looked at the "spray starch" can and it was EZ-Off oven cleaner!! Kinda explained why it smelled a little strange! I was sure it was a total loss, but I washed it and the stuff came out. Never wore the blouse though. It looked strange with all the different stitches on it. ANYHOW, oven-cleaner washes out!!

TerTer, I had this friend who wallpapered her bathroom and since she know wallpapering will directly contribute to divorce, she and her DH papered in the nude.! (She told me this, I wasn't actually there to witness.)

About the Marie Callendar pies. We had a picnic to go to and little time to bake so bought a lovely apple pie. DH dropped it inthe car and it went kaput. Served it anyway and it was great, only needed a spoon.

This is QR, but just in case I am not the only one with an Elna 6004, or 6003Q, I JUST found out how the quilting stitch really works! I was amazed. Use monofilliment thread on the top and cotton on the bobbin, tension is 6-8 and go slow. The stitches will look "almost" like hand. The bobbin thread is drawn to the top. The Elna site is http://elnausa.com/faqs/quilting.htm. Well, I have definitely gone on and on too long, so keep up the fun and games!
Susan Joy in lovely, sunny CA

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 8:45 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Just married, 1964...made trip from CA to Pennsylvania to meet inlaws. Stayed at the grandparents in Lewisburg. Offered to make an apple pie. My new dsil, 15 and 10 offered to help.

We do all the regular stuff, sugar, cinnamon, egg white on crust...Cook it up.

Did wonder why Nanny kept the sugar in an open crock? One of the dsil had gotten the sugar for me.

Took one bite, in front of all new in laws and spit it out...In Penn. they put the salt in a crock(pickling)...

The most beautiful pie ever and no one could eat it.


Date: 6/17/99 Time: 7:32 PM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Hi, I have had the best day. You guys are great, tons of E-mail and maybe some new friends, a possible sucker for the Y2K quilt and I didn't do any housework or take care of the kids, yard, clothes, nothing but eating Whoopie Pies, sipping Ice Tea and acknowledging the world on the net. Man whatta life. One HUGE run on...

I quilt for a living, I do all the hand quilting that you all don't want to, needless to say I also didn't earn any money today but I have had too much fun. I love you all and am really glad I came out of the closet!!


Date: 6/17/99 Time: 7:09 PM
Subject: Can't stop LOL
E-mail Address: hdew@cwix.com

You guys!! I have had so much fun this week just reading this BB. Good to know, too that I've got so many kindered sisters. Most of my friends and relatives aren't into quilting, I get this tolerant look whenever I say anything about my passion, so I try not to say anything, and am so glad I have you!!
jdb in Az you are so P-unny!! I'm not exactly "dim"-witted, but I love being around such "quick"-witted people!

Loon Marie, happy belated birthday, feeling better?

Happy anniversary to Faith & Bill.

My stomach did a couple "Oh No!" flip-flops reading about the bleeding and the scorches on your quilts. Whew, all's well that ends well, right? Thanks for letting us know the good outcome on both.

I remember paying $35 for my first pair of Birks. Last year when I priced them, they were up to $95! Then I remebered my brother lives in Germany. E-mailed him to send me a pair, and I thought he had forgotten, lo and behold he sends me a pair for my birthday last month. Sent back the check I sent him. Nice, huh?

I'm thinking maybe if I tell you guys about my trip last week this thumping in my head will ease a little--my mom, a friend and I took a trip to New Mexico (Taos). What beautiful country! I've been there many times before, and have relatives who live there ( when we were little, my cousins and I used to jump on Kit Carson's grave, because he really isn't the hero history has made him out to be), but don't think I'll ever get enough of the place. Didn't have time to scope out the quilt shops (remember, I was with non- quilters), but what has my head beating a cadence are all those beautiful carved doors--Trapunto...Trapunto...Trapunto... ! I tried to do some pencil or chalk rubbings, but since the doors are hand carvrd they were too irregular to get a good image. Did some thumb-nail sketches though, maybe I can work something up.

Remember Carly Simon's song, "I feel the earth move under my feet..."? That's the rumbling you feel, me, warming up and practicing the snoopy dance ! I'm about 2 wks from finishing my HQ'd queen-sized quilt I started mid Feb. I asked you guys for alot of technical support and applied everything you advised. It is coming out so cool!!

Ok, enough for now. Lots of musings, thanks for the ear, hope I haven't bored you too much.

Hdew in WY

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 6:56 PM
Subject: Pies and such
E-mail Address: choudoir@facstaff.wisc.edu

Hey RAchel, here's a funny pie disaster that will rival yours. I was making pies for a bake sale at church, (beautiful cherry ones) and I too love to decorate and make them a work of art. ANyways, before I bake my pies I always brush the tops with a pastry brush and milk and sprinkle a little sugar on them. I did this and just as I was putting the pie in the oven I caught this faint whiff of turpentine coming from my pie. Come to find out that one of my DS had used my pastry brush on a woodworking project of his and had cleaned it with turpentine. THe only thing I could save from the pie was the filling. I peeled off the top and scooped out the filling. Needless to say, DS got quite a lecture on using my kitchen utensils. And I told him he would never eat another pie of mine as long as he lived. (I relented, of course).
Momofsix in WIsconsin where the weather is so fine this evening.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 6:45 PM
Subject: Lots of things....
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Rachel...your poor, beautiful pie....at least DH ate the evidence...

Debra in TX. If you just put your new fabric in a box just like all of the other boxes you packed for the movers....how will he know the new stuff from the old stuff?

Carding wool: Not really too hard, what you are trying to accomplish is to align all of the fibers. You need carding tools. If you don't have any, you can use those flat dog brushes that have what look like little needles. They will work just fine. You need two brushes. you put a wad of wool on the brush and draw the other across it in one direction only. You do that until all of the fibers are running the same way. Then carefully peel the mat of wool off each brush, and lay it aside. you line up all of your little mats with the fibers in one direction until it is the size of your desired bat. Then start on a new layer and orient these mats perpendicular to the first one. Don't worry if they are irregular or overlap some(actually, they should overlap). You will need a lot of these little suckers! This will take a while to do, but in the old days, (as with quilting) this kind of task was done in the company of friends. Sometimes, the other women would be spinning or weaving. This is very labor
intensive work....but you will be especially proud of a quilt that you pieced and made the bat for! Kind of like I feel when I grow my own breadseed poppies, harvest the seeds, make bagels and use the seeds I've grown. I could just go to Bruegger's Bagels in town and buy them, but the ones I make myself are special. Just like quilts. Who hasn't heard the comment "you could just buy one of those at K-mart...why are you spending all that time sewing?" So you all know what I mean!!

Well I am just catching up with BB, since I took a day off yesterday and had to work out at the observatory today. (Just got back). Yesterday was absolutely spectacular in Western Mass.!!! Even if I did have a dentist's appointment, I got to do all sorts of things on a weekday that I never get to do. I went to the mall in search of one of those rug cleaner thingys because I am tired of trying to clean the few area rugs by hand. (I am never home to have someone come in, and I never get around to renting one of those steam machines). So, do you know what else is at the mall....????????
Yessssss! JoAnn's. Well I said to myself as I drove into the lot near the K-mart..."I don't really need to stop into JoAnns.." But it is right next to K-mart...maybe just a little stop. Well it wasn't REALLY SEX....I got some fabric, but not quilting fabric (I showed remarkable restraint IMHO). After all of the plants moved outside for the summer, the living room looked so barren. I don't have any draperies on the windows, since we live in the woods and I would like as much light as possible to come in the windows....and I never got around to doing it. (does this sound familiar?). Well I saw some nice fabrics for a window scarf, and I unrolled the bolt to see if I could make scarves for three windows. One was a picture window with two flanking windows. It was this stuff called "silkessence". Nice blue color, nice hand, nice drape and texture. It is polyester, but that is probably a plus for curtains.
It said 3.99/yd on the end of the bolt. I was going to take the whole thing (about 12 yrds)and I asked if I would get a discount if I took the whole amount...the sales person kinda looked at me funny (LOL), but Hey! why not ask? Anyway, when she rang it up on the little computer thing, it was 2.99/yd. Yippeee! All the better. Hope DH likes this idea, otherwise I will have to make several outfits to use all that stuff up!!! Well he is coming home tonight, so I squirreled it away in my sewing room along with the hardware to hang the scarves...(it was "Martha Stewart" stuff (LOL) who would have guessed? But they were the nicest things available) I want to hem all the edges, etc, and hang them some time when he's gone as a surprise. He MIGHT even notice!

Ronna in Happy Valley where it is cloudy today.
Now I'm tired of playing with moving big, heavy equipment all day and will go home and see if DH is back from his trip to LA.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 6:35 PM
Subject: Seedlings
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

My garden is growing! My garden is growing! Remember that I had to tackle some completely abandoned garden beds? Well, I did tackle them and just over a week ago finally got my very first vegetable garden planted. My Man and I would check everyday. We thought we saw some stuff the other day, but couldn't be sure if it was weeds or not. Well, this morning he checked and rows of stuff are growing!!! For now it looks like I will be eating lots of beets. I'll be getting the tomatoes in the ground this weekend, they are hardened off by now. Yeah! My garden is growing!!

Off to the grocery store - mango season!!!!! If anyone really loves them Cooking Light has some great mango recipes this month. Tried the Chicken with curry mango sauce. Yummy! I think I will try the mango upsidedown cake tonight. And then I will quilt until it is sleepy time. Must get some stuff out of the way to prep for S.E.X. this weekend. Wedding wallhanging to be made - first night S.E.X.

On the name game, if we got a S.E.X. devoted site I vote for calling it the Bedroom. There we can admit to posting in our pjs or the buff (as I'm sure those of us checking from home jsut might do!)

Have a great night folks.
Cheryl in Edmonton

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 6:04 PM
Subject: More Blocks
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Have received a few more blocks for Ridgeley's quilts in the last few days:

Elizabeth B., Harwell, England
Kathy P., Stevensville, MI
Barbara C., Yukon, OK
Jenny G., New York, NY

Jenny....yours actually came last Friday but it got hidden underneath my Featherweight case during Serial Quilters and I just found it today!

Also received an unrelated squishie from Joanne B., Wellsboro, PA. I can't say here what it's for, but wanted you to know I got it.

Brenda in NV and I must be on the same wavelength....I started putting Ridgeley's blocks together today too! I played around for a while with the layout, thinking if I did something with similarly patterned blocks, it would look neat. But the best way (IMHO) ended up just putting blocks together without any regard for pattern at all. They are all so beautiful...and so obviously from the heart!

I've ended up with a bit over 200 blocks just for Ridgeley's quilt, so I'm going with a 40x50 block plan. The extras will be made into a pillow, which Just Me Sue volunteered to do. Susan in North Pole, Martha in Alaska and Janet in PA have volunteered to quilt the ones for the kids and I (and Serial Quilters) will take care of quilting Ridgeley's. Things are moving along! It's nice to finally be able to start on sewing the blocks!

All for now...Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 5:56 PM
Subject: Boo Hoo!
E-mail Address: klindatx@aol.com

I'm crying! Took off work early and drove to the nearest quilt shop (about 25 miles away) because they were having a giant "going-out-of-business" sale. Hate to see that happen, but thought I'd catch the silver lining of the cloud by stocking up on lots of goodies at 50% off. THEY WERE ALREADY CLOSED!!!! Saturday QF Sandra was there, and bought a FEW things (I was babysitting), and she was told they would be open today (Thursday), Friday, and Saturday. I'm SO disappointed!! Of course, I have no room to put new purchases, but anything at half price is a must-have!! As a consolation I'll go check ebay to see what I can find to make me feel better.
Linda B in (downright pleasant 80-degrees) Tx

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 5:27 PM
Subject: Hey, ya"ll - I'm a newbie !
E-mail Address: Patsy@netdoor.com

Well, I never would have considered myself to be a peeping tom or a "lurker" and especially would NEVER thought myself one to sit at a computer but here I sit, reading and laughing at all of ya'll. Who said "little ole ladies" that quilt all the time are no fun? Thanks to you I have accomplished absolutely nothing on my quilting this week. Have tried to work in my flowers this week (two days I thought for sure that I would have a heat stroke in the backyard) and seems like everytime I come inside for a minute I go running upstairs to check the BB to see what you all are up to. I have a queen size quilt ready to put in the frame to HQ so ya'll have GOT to cut it out so I can get something done! My quilt frame is downstairs, the computer is upstairs and at this rate I will kill myself running up and down the steps. At 54 I am not in good enough shape to continue this for long!

Everytime I flush my old potties I smile and think of all of you with the newer versions! Life is sweet!

Have been trying to abstain from S.E.X. for awhile since I have run out of "hiding" places! But like one of you said, as long as I keep cooking for DH, he could care less what I buy! Look out VISA!!

Patsy in Ms - where it is cool today - mid 80s and NO humidity for a change!!! Thank you dear God!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 3:20 PM
Subject: DG? meant DH
E-mail Address: frogstar@ulster.net

Just posted, I meant DH, not DG, not sure why I did DG. Janet

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 3:16 PM
Subject: this -n- that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Welcome back, Loon, Dahling! While you were sitting on the throne your loyal subjects were missing you.

Potties that won’t flush and colitis. What crappy subjects for sewers (as in seamstresses) to be discussing (or disgusting.)

Susan, my lawn’s plenty dry. You and your new mower/trimmer are welcome to come play in my yard any time.

Hey, all you lurkers, don’t be afraid to come out of the closet and post something. If you’re just a fly on the wall Brenda’s snake or Mibsie’s mouse might eat you. Abnd if you’re shy about discussing personal things (such as admitting you wear false teeth or any other falsies) you don’t even have to sign your real name.

Rachel, Dearest! I know Utah has Marie Callender’s Pies. I’ve been known to go buy one, take it out of the box, and pass it off as homemade. If somebody asks you for the recipe, then confession is good for the soul, but all that baking cuts into your quilting time. (So does playing on the BB, but we DO have our priorities. After all.)

Questions for the day: If DH doesn’t want you to drive the family van to a quilt show is he being show-van-istic?

Kitty Kate, when you go to all those quilt shows, do you take special white gloves for your kitty paws and claws so you can pet the pretty quilts? BTW , how long does it take to flush (there’s that word again) the dye from a CT scan out of your system? Does it keep showing up six years later whenever you wear polyester? There’s
nothing normal about your personality, but we can hope the CT scan doesn’t show anything TOO unusual.

Rumor of the Day: Linda in California predicted that BB Mom Sue is going to open a site for us S.E.X.-aholics and was having a contest to name it. Well, rumor has it that whoever submits the best name will win an all-expense-paid trip to Keepsake Quilting’s Outdoor Orgy July 5, with $500. spending money, and get in early to avoid being trampled by the thundering herd. Personally, I think the new S.E.X. site should be called Nymphos Anonymous, or Brothel Beauties (B.B. for short – oops, that abbreviation is already taken) but it would probably get too S.E.X.-ually explicit (like that hasn’t happened already) so the quilt police (brothel busters) would be called in to shut it down.

Ciao for Now!

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 3:16 PM
Subject: my DH
E-mail Address: frogstar@ulster.net

Yesyerday(?) I posted twice, here I am again-no longer a lurker. Anyway, I recieved an e-mail about s.e.x. being an addiction and
therapy and a fellow e-mailed me back about this. DH reads our e-mail at work ( he's a compuuter programer at a major computer company,
and can acces our e-mail at work). So DG comes home and says "you have a really weird e-mail to read!". So, I needed to explain the initials
that are here so he knows what is talked about here and I don't get in trouble for DH thinking the wrong thing!
Janet from Woodstock

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 2:45 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: MLSKI@webtv.net

Good afternoon everyone, and welcome all newbies. It has been raining off and on here on the Cape all day..we really needed it though, that is, the gardens need it. Went to lunch with my oldest DD and ended up you know where..the quilt shop..before leaving I was given free S.E.X., yes, you heard me right...FREE!!! I get to keep it even if I decide not to do the challenge. How did I do, Doni? Thanks for the info from both you and friend Barb. Celia..miss you. Loon..Feel Better. I came across a site recently about Ott lights. Someone mentioned getting a good buy on one..hope it is a true color Ott and not the Task light..there is a difference. The site is http://www.stitchers-paradise.com/Lamps_Magnifiers/Ott_Light.htm Hope it works. On the Webtv, I just type in stitchers paradise. I did not realize there were two different ones. Guild meeting tonight...Friend Barb is doing demo on making a quillow....(((Hugs))) Mary on Cape Cod

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 1:18 PM
Subject: Ribbon of Life
E-mail Address: betsy@marlees.com

I am trying to locate the directions for a quilt
I found on the internet called The Ribbon of Life is a Colourful Thing by Wendy Kaolhof.

I printed the photo of the quilt but cannot locate
it so I might get some directions. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. My print out says this wall hanging (quilt) was donated to the
Tasmanian Ambulance Service as a donation.

Can anyone help?

Please contact me at the above address during the week or at bal86@aol.com evenings or weekends.

My sincere thanks.


Date: 6/17/99 Time: 12:41 PM
Subject: Stuff...
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Just checked out Kellie's page. Andy has a very nice way with words and all the heart blocks are going to make a very nice quilt for them. Thanks for sending that nice picture of your "I Spy" quilt, Nancy - that really looks like a lot of fun. I like Sissy's cotton quilt, too and gosh, Doris, your quilts are just beautiful and you seem to do a lot to support others with your quilts. I am going to go work on the kids' jar quilts for a bit before it's time to get DD#1 into her costume - I am actually excited to see all the kids in their outfits and dance, it's the 4 pages of helpers'instructions that I got that are making me a little nervous...
DD#1 also has her kindergarden registration tomorrow morning. She is SO excited...I'm kind of wondering where the last 5 years went to...

Monica in Maine (oh, Rachel, your poor pie - at least it was only one of them...8^)

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 12:08 PM
Subject: Apple pies
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

In our church, we have a program called visiting teaching. Two ladies are assigned to about 2-3 other ladies. You "visit" them once a month and help them if needs arise (ex. meals brought in if they're sick, tend kids, etc.) Anyway, last night I made my ladies some apple pies. Only artists such as ourselves can appreciate this. I made four of them one at a time so that they'd be perfect! Peeled and sliced all those durned apples, made each filling, crust, etc. one by one. HOURS later, the pies finally were finished. Came out of the oven looking like a work of art. (Which they were....WORK). I put them on the cooling racks and got ready to go and deliver them when all of a sudden, I hear my DH cry out in anguish, "Oh Rachel". Came running downstairs to find what??? Yup, smashed on the floor spread from wall to wall, one of my beautiful pies. Don't ask me what the reasoning was but evidently, he felt the pies needed to be moved. So, he scooped it up, and ate it through out the night telling me it was the BEST PIE. I told him he dropped it on purpose since none of the pies were for him. LOL. Have to admit I had a few snitches myself and well, let's just say I love apple pie.

Immediatly after the pie episode, I ended up taking two of my DS's to the doctor (hate after hours appointments-never know which doctor you're gonna get on call and NO ONE is as wonderful as my boy's pediatrician). Anyway, both boys are pretty sick with colds, sore throats, ear infections, and pink eye to boot. And somehow, through all of this sicky mess, I need to go and get my drivers license renewed! I've been waiting for about five years to renew my license and LOOKING FORWARD to it. My picture is sooooo bad that I just cringe everytime I have to show it for I.D. I'm surprised I haven't gotten arrested for having such a bad picture. It's one of those, was sick that day, HAD to get the license, didn't do my hair or make-up, hair is naturally messy (some call is naturally curly, I think it just looks messy) poking and sticking out in all directions and I have this "sick" look on my face that makes me look like I'm saying "Wanna fight about it, just bring it on". People say I'm very photogenic, HA, I say I'm photogen "ick".

Love to all,
Rachel in babies crying-"step up to the dairy bar, may I place your order?" "Yea, a (.) please and make it a double." UT.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 12:00 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Can you see me in my nighty stripping off the wall paper. Thought there was only one layer, but oh no half the wall has another layer from the first time I put wall paper up. Stuck it so good that of course I was to lazy to take it all off when I put the second layer on! Open the door to the garage, then open the big garage door to get some light. The wall I'm talking about is in my entry way. Seventeen feet by fifteen feet and no window. I know a man designed this house. But I do love a large entry way. So doors are open, lights are on and the bookcase is moved. I'm yelling Mr. Terter I still can't see the wall..you'll have to hold a flashlight. I hate getting old and not being able to see in the dark. After two hours of pouring hot water on the wall and scraping to my finger nails I am able to say I had all but a 3 foot patch done. Yeh Terter. Said to Mr. Terter can you finish the rest for me, I'm so tired and don't see to well. He takes over and not there are gouges to repair. So after the swim tea party yesterday. I get the wall fix it stuff out and try to repair the gouges...This a.m. Mr. Ter ter says, you didn't get all the patching done and I say, you gouged you patch the rest and get the first coat of paint on the wall before the painters show up. You get the picture, clean the house before the cleanning lady gets there.

Because soon to be ddil lives so far away her sister is coming down here to give her a bridal shower. Told dh that the house better be lookin good! So hence the painters coming at the end of the month = hence the wall paper being removed. NO MORE WALL PAPER IN THIS HOUSE "DIRECT QUOTE FROM MR. TERTER".

Have a good day
hugs & kisses xxooTerter

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:48 AM
E-mail Address: blaylock@barn.hawthorne.nv.us

We have a total of 359 blocks for David’s wife and children’s quilts.
The blocks from Germany have arrived. Will set next Monday for the last day for blocks.

Please e-mail me if you have sent blocks and your name has not been posted. I am going to send the list on to Jean.

Thank each of you for sending me fabric it is appreciated Thank you to those who sent money it will help defray the cost.

I am going to start sewing some of the blocks together today.

Peggy Palmer Chicago Height
Joann Gilley Shawnee. Ok.
Sue Farrow Excelsior Springs, MO
Mayme Wyns Shelby, MI.

Brenda in Nevada

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:31 AM
Subject: LURKERS
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Ok, how do you guys know I'm out here lurking? I have been for two days now and you all seem to know each other so well that I didn't want to intrude but it sure has been fun to be a peeping Tom. I didn't know I had it in me. I really did enjoy the chickens and bats they had me ROL, Is that the right sp? The second half of the acronyms disappeared or turned into symbols. My DH last evening was on the Web in CNN I think and found something quite bothersome. Did anyone see Star Wars? I'm 36 and have loved them for years so of course I went to see Espisode I. I loved JarJar Binks, the information on CNN was shocking, they all hated him and actually have terrible things written like JarJar must die and they talk about rude things like his genitals. How do they know he had any??? I happened to love the way he talked "Whosa Yousa", sort of piglatin. And his long ears were flipped around as if they were really long hair. I kind of associated him with a dumb blond, I have sholder length blond hair and don't have a problem with it. Some are saying he is racist.

In order for me to go on-line with you guys I had to have a passion, I guess you found out what it was.

It's really hot here in CA and I'm using that as an excuse not to quilt but the real reason is I'm stuck on this computer in all of the quilting sites thanks to QNM. I'm hoping after the newness wheres off (only had computer 1 week) that I will sign off but I have a feeling I'm getting hooked. I love E-mail, someone send me one!!!!!!!!

Wendy with 3 kids in 85 degree weather.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:22 AM
Subject: Spiders and MIce
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Hi! Mibsie in Canada back again. The arachnophobia stories remind me of summer nights at the cottage. Our cottage is in the remote wilds of Ontario and for many decades had no plumbing or power. Ergo, an outhouse. I was convinced that as soon as it was dark, spiders would lie in wait under the outhouse seat and attack bottoms. My poor father had to go out every night with a flashlight and thoroughly check under the seat for those monsters. This went on for years! Now I've grown quite fond of the creatures, except for those big tarantula-like things that live in docks. As to mice - I'm fascinated by a little deer mouse at the cottage who's discovered that the windows at night attract all kinds of tasty moths. He hides in the shadows of the window frame then leaps out and snares a juicy thing and drags it back into the shadows. Like someone getting undressed behind a screen, bits of wings and feet come flying out. OK, so it's a gruesome hobby watching this! The annual trek to the cottie starts in about a month. Time to prepare projects to take with me. Time to start layering for quilting all those UFOs in the closet. I guess that's another form of S.E.X.! Have a nice day - it looks like rain is coming here soon.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 11:11 AM
Subject: S.E.X. and the BB
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi everyone;
With all this S.E.X. talk on the BB, I have been expecting to find that, Sue the BB mom,had created a new BB page for, the S.E.X. craved readers of the BB. What that would be called? I am not creative enough , but I'm certain there will be someone out there with the perfect name...
CASSI...I'm so glad your crisis is over..YIKES !!
My paper piecing project is coming together very slow, maybe sometime next year I can do the dance of joy ???
Have a wonderful Quilting Day !!!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 10:49 AM
Subject: Unfulfilled S.E.X
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Good Morning, all! Mibsie in Canada here. It's another boring morning on the Ref. Desk since Intersession courses are over tomorrow so I've had time to catch up on last nights S.E.X. chatter. On one of my recent forays to the local brothel, I was looking for a particular piece of fabric (pink background with pussy willow sprays). Their answer to my request for S.E.X. was "in your dreams"! Perhaps they had headaches. Anyway, after questing one of my quilt guild members, I found out the fabric does exist or did exist about five or six years ago. Funny, it seems like ayear or so to me. So, I'll search for my S.E.X. elsewhere!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 10:37 AM
Subject: Oh, hello
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

WATER-SAVING TOILETS---I tell ANYONE who talks about remodeling their bathroom to SAVE THEIR OLD TOILET!!! Or sell it to me!!! These new water-saving things are the pits. We really DO use more water, trying to achieve a "good flush." Dave Barry even wrote a good column on this topic a year or two ago. We can send men into outer space, transplant hearts, but just can't get a good flush anymore. I'll bet our politicians who voted this law in have old 6 gal toilets!!!!!

I keep a plunger in every bathroom. We even had to buy a professional "auger" like the real plumbers use. Very handy. We have only one 1.6 gal toilet that is not even plunger-friendly, for some reason. Only the auger will work on it. All the others are 3.5 gal (this "dates" our house, the way certain fabrics will "date" a quilt---LOL)

But ladies, there is comfort in knowing that people who live in the big, fancy $600,000 and up houses have the same problems. LOL!!!! Because I hear them complaining, too!!! Some things money just can't buy. . . . . .like a "good flush." LOL!

BIG FEET & BIRKENSTOCKS---Okay, this subject is over, I know, but I found a website from Germany that sells Birks we can't get over here. And in sizes on some of the really CUTE models that we can't get over here (remember, I'm the original "big-foot"). The prices are really good due to the exchange rate on deutsch marks--almost half of retail here. ---was it Sue or Janet in Germany who posted a couple of weeks ago that they cost $55 over there? Well, it's true.

If you want to know more about the site, e-mail me privately and I'll send you the "link."

Happy quilting to all,

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 10:29 AM
Subject: Unwashed charm squares
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Hi everyone, I have a question. I recieved, from a friend, a whole mess of 5" charm squares and I don't think they are pre-washed. The squares that I already started my DTD's (dear twin daughters)quilts with were pre-washed. If I pre-wash these squares now, will they shrink? Should I just not wash them? I'm affraid of that incase I wash the quilts and only parts of it shrink. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:29 AM
Subject: Dress rehersal
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

I always loved the dress rehersals, especially the
little ones. Long and tiring but soo.... much fun.
Kathy in Pa. who's going to try to get a good part
of a wall hanging for DDIL today.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:11 AM
Subject: Morning Everyone
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Oops....posted before signing....Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:08 AM
Subject: Morning Everyone
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Well, you're in trouble now. Came on to chat with the Breakfast Club on IM and no one is there, so out of sheer boredom I'll end up chatting away here about anything and everything.

WATER-SAVING TOILETS: Had to have these put in when we built our house 7 years ago and the plunger hasn't been in the same place for very long. It travels from bathroom to bathroom on a "regular" basis. My mom just built a new house in Cleveland, moved in June 4. I remember she was trying to bribe the plumber to find old-fashioned toilets but haven't heard yet whether she actually succeeded - we're going to visit for the first time this weekend so I'll have to let you know.

CONFESSION: I am one of the SEXually deprived lately....haven't a good SEXual experience in several weeks. You know how they say "Use it or lose it?" Well, thanks to not using it, I discovered I've lost it when I went to the fabric store yesterday to moan and groan and get advice over bleeding fabric and not only did I buy nothing.....I didn't even look at the shelves!

INSTANT MESSENGER: For those of you who I usually get to talk to on IM/Chat, I should warn you that my kids are also doing this with their friends throughout the day, so if my name is up on your buddy list and no one responds....it's not me! DD is getting pretty good about at least saying "This isn't Cassi," but I discovered DS has just been closing people out without saying anything! Had a talk with him yesterday about IM etiquette!

DS's teacher handed out a list of classmates with e-mail and IM names and encouraged them to keep in touch with each other over the summer. This is a class that is staying together from fifth to sixth grade, including having the teacher change grades with them, so they're having a lot of fun e-mail and chatting with each other and the teacher. It's a nice idea, but it's sure cutting into my computer time!

POOR DD has planned two trips to King's Island (amusement park) this week only to have friends cancel. I think boredom is setting in and I'm hoping she'll find something motivating to immerse herself in!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 9:08 AM
Subject: E Mail Hoax
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

Just wanted to post this news release here for all to see. The USPS doesn't intend to charge for emails. Also, someone suggested that maybe a postal person started the ideas of exchanges; well we are always trying to think of new ways to generate revenue so the price of postage doesn't have to go up!

WASHINGTON – A completely false rumor concerning the U.S. Postal Service is
being circulated on Internet e-mail. As a matter of fact, the Postal Service has
learned that a similar hoax occurred recently in Canada concerning Canada Post.

The e-mail message claims that a "Congressman Schnell" has introduced "Bill 602P"
to allow the federal government to impose a 5-cent surcharge on each e-mail
message delivered over the Internet. The money would be collected by Internet
Service Providers and then turned over to the Postal Service.

No such proposed legislation exists. In fact, no "Congressman Schnell" exists.

The U.S. Postal Service has no authority to surcharge e-mail messages sent over the
Internet, nor would it support such legislation.

Hope you all have a great weekend. We are headed to Wash DC for DH Marine Corps Reunion. It's the guys from the battery he was with in Viet Nam.
Reg in KS

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 8:28 AM
Subject: Where?
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hi there!
Say, I've noticed that there is a high concentration of BBers in the NW. And there seems to bo a lot in the Ohio area. I think it is time for you other lurkers to come out. Esspecially in MN, western WI, and Northern Iowa. We know you're out there and we want to connect!
I love the quilt block coloring pages and so do my Dks. keep up the great work you guys!
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 7:27 AM
Subject: Burnt fabric
E-mail Address: dixquilts@prodigy.net

Couldn't get into my e-mail this A.M. So I thought I'd sneak in here before rushing off to work. I can't believe the P.O. is losing any money over e-mail. After all, with all this y2k swapping they have to be making more money than ever. I know I'm at the P.O. at least 2x's a week and spending more money on postage than ever. I think someone from the P.O. must have started those swaps. LOL.
Chris, There is a device that you can get mail order or in some stores that is a clamp type thing called a third hand. It could help to hold your friends pieces in place while she sews or appliques or try clothes pins. Where there is a will there is a way. My aunt is legally blind, macular degeneration, and she made 14 quilts for her DGC at Christmas. They are beautiful!
Karen, Try overdyeing your fabric with tan dye. It will look antique and like you planned it that way.
Gotta run and make some $$$$ so I can have S.E.X. this weekend. Stay in stitches, Betty from Pa.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 7:06 AM
Subject: Email Hoax and Hoaxes in General
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

MARGE: Good news, that is just a hoax - for more info you can go to:
I like this site - explains things pretty simply.
Also, I think that Instant Messenger one I got yesterday is almost definitely a hoax. I can't find it listed at any of the sites, but since they say they will be keeping count of forwarded emails and that is virtually impossible, it is probably just a hoax.

Monica in Maine (dress rehearsal for DD#1's ballet recital tonight - and I volunteered to help...what was I thinking???)

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 2:06 AM
Subject: Storms over, I think....
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
Just had one heck of a Wind Storm, but seem to have blown it's self out...
Speaking of witch;

Jana in Wash. - I would like to have a word with you please....What have I done to you?
Why are you mad at me, it's not my fault you can't get any S.E.X.!!!!! About 6:15pm all
heck broke loose!!!! It not only rained (as in gully-washed) but it laid down 2"of WHITE ICE!!!
A lot of that stuff is still piled up out there... And the poor little plants, I'm not sure even prayers will bring some of them back... WOW, it was one HAIL of a storm!!!!!!

jdb in AZ. - I worry about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Doni - So far so good– I even put the new toy (trimmer/mower) together by my self. It will go almost anywhere, cut 20" to 25" path and I got an elec. starter with mine. They come in different sizes from 4HP to I think it was 6.5HP. I got the DR Trimmer/Mower, 5.5HP with other stuff. They only sell direct, so if you would like (it won't cost anything) I would be happy to call and have them send you there VCR Tape and all the information. They won't call and bug you about it either... Anyway, so far I really like mine and even thou you can use them when the grass is wet, I think after the storm's tonight I will take tomorrow off. And then guess what I will have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Studio, here I come!!!!!!!!

Erica - Many moons ago (some where around 36+ years) I worked in a yarn shop and had friends of the family who owned a fabric shop in Ardmore, Ok. (I am also a grad. of Ardmore High School/class of 61). I have heard the town has really grown, so when you get a chance, go check it out and let me know what all you find..... Good Luck!!!

Well Kids, this has been long enough and it is past my bed time.........Later,
Susan in (ZZZZZZZZZ) Mt.

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 1:45 AM
Subject: Quilt Shows
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

There is a quilt show in Puyallup, WA on the 18th & 19th (this week). I am going on Friday the 18th. Anyone in the Puget Sound area going to attend? If so, let me know.
There is a quilt show in Chehalis, WA next week and one in Sequim, WA next week. I will be going to both. Anyone going to either of these? Let me know so we can meet.
There is a quilt show in Bellevue, WA July 16, 17, 18. Anyone going? Let me know so we can meet.
Sisters, OR quilt show is July 10th. Anyone going? Let me know so we can meet.
I love quilt shows. Duh!
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 1:35 AM
Subject: S.E.X. and then what?
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

In a recent quilting magazine I received, there was an article on preparing your will and giving instructions on how to dispose of your stash. In the article, was this remark:

First, you stash and then you die!

Whatta way to go!

Bertie in Illinois (who almost fell off her chair reading the remark about the "guy that must have invented the water-saving toilet being two French-fries short of a happy meal") Loved that one!

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 1:15 AM
Subject: Time off for good behavior????
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Hi All: I'm off for the next few days to TN to get DH settled in for his summer job. I'll put on my YYY while I'm there but Doris W. is on the other side of the state than where I'll be. Kitty Kate: loved the story about the Wise Men. It makes me think of DH cause anytime he goes to someplace new I have to go and figure out the directions from home to work to shopping, etc. All this S.E.X. talk is getting me hot under the collar. Really when I sew I get all hot and sweaty. LOL Must be anxious about getting caught.
Welcome to all the new posters. Glad to have you here. Rachel in UT you are really a hoot. Specially coming from UT. I'm a displaced Utahn in Alabama. The weather here is more humid. Wish I were there. Don't really know what to make of all these summer storms. They come up very fast. I'll be back on the board on Monday.
If someone else has a friend with only one arm&hand check out the "Quilting with Poakalani" website. I think it's www.poakalani.com/index.html Enjoy it cause it is very informative. I have a keiki quilt (crib quilt size) in my future and it is almost all due to their kindness and of course my curiosity.
Well got to go. Buster kitty is tapping me on my leg saying it's time to pay attention to him and not the computer. Last time I ignored him too long he jumped up and walked across the keyboard. Sent me to some strange place. Take care everyone and someone keep me posted to anything new.
Way later,
Sarah in Alabama

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 12:34 AM
Subject: charge for e mail
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

A friend of mine sent me a letter that there is a bill pending in congress about being charged for e mail, he gave me the bill number and I e mailed my congressmen to see if I could get a copy so far haven't heard from them. Has anyone else heard of this, they say the post office is losing money with everyone e mailing and not using the snail mail. The number is e mail tax bill # 602P.
Marge from MI

Date: 6/17/99 Time: 12:19 AM
Subject: Another Storm!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Have made notes but will have to post later.....
Storm just hit.......
Susan in Mt.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 11:40 PM
Subject: Thanks!
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Thanks to everyone who posted information on getting my e-mail back in shape...finally had some time today to spend with tech support and found my settings were in all cap and should have been in lower case (don't ask me how that happened or why it made a difference after 15 months, but apparently it did.)
In the meantime, without my e-mail connections, I went out and bought a recreational kayak (flat water and class 1 whitewater only, I'm not much of a risk-taker these days.) Of course, after two weeks in the 90's when time on the water would have been welcome, it's dropped into the 60's and been of and on rainy. I'm hoping for some paddle time this weekend while my husband is feeding his blacksmithing habit at a hammer-in.
I'm also hoping to get to the quilt show at Westoverton Museum in Scottdale, PA, where the winners from the Paducah show will be on display...nice that there's such a great quilt show almost in my backyard (what's 30 miles in a rural county!)Hoping my quilting buddy from Pittsburgh can come down, as well as a local friend who went to Lancaster with me and got bitten by the quilting bug, if she can figure out how to do things one-handed, since she's an amputee (any suggestions, she'd appreciate it...she used to sew a lot and is interested in applique, which I don't do (YET!) so I'm not much help to her at this point.)
Chris in PA, who's really, really glad to be reconnected to the world electronically and really really ready for vacation soon.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 11:30 PM
Subject: I be happy today!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello everyone! All this chat about SEX has me chuckling at you all. I, however, can not have any more SEX unless the DH reinforces the fabric shelves with steel beams, and puts another sub-floor under the buffet that holds fabric as well, ha! I admit it...I'm a fabric pig. Well, now that I think about it this may not be a true statement about not buying more fabric. I keep forgetting about Quilt America coming up the first of July, and when you're around Melinda in Indy "not" buying fabric will be impossible! Oh well..."Honey, better go out and get some steel beams!" Ha!

On to the happy part - my old washer puked and I went and bought a brand spanking new one. May not be all that exciting to you guys, but it was a cheap thrill for me.

Happy part two - the DH is racing this weekend AND my parents are going out of town as well = I have the place to MYSELF!!!!! I'm going to make a giant taco salad to live on all weekend (you can eat salad 3 times a day can't you?), and hide out in the sewing room. I'm only going to come out long enough to feed the beasts and let the dogs out to potty, then it's back into seclusion. Yahoo!

Have a Happy, from Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 11:27 PM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

The outdoor sale at Keepsake Quilting would be classified as an Orgy, having S.E.X. with thousands of people at the same time.

The best age to teach your children about S.E.X. is when they start asking questions about the birds and the BB's.

Karen, procuring fabric on the internet is having S.E.X. with the aid of an electronic S.E.X. toy.

No matter how you get a piece of the action or piece it together, S.E.X. is more therapeutic than a visit to Dr. Ruth, and the finished quilt makes for a warmer lover anyway.

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 11:19 PM
Subject: good evening everyone
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

missed everyone,,,,have been sick,,had the ole lube,oil and filter,,,and found out just ulcerative colitis,,,tho i have had it for years,,,really nice way to say runs,,,,(dainty hun),,,the weather was such that i have taken up almost permanent residence on my new throne,,,could of used teacups canadian flusher actually,,
anyone familiar with colitis,,,we share ,,,,,others no sympathy but do know,,,,cannot always get to email,,,post office or anything else,,,,
so apologize for not getting back to some of my favorites!!!
thanks so much for birthday wishes!!
monica,,i have your birthday card ready to go,,,sorry for delay
sandra -- milljohn,,,,i have done something wrong,,,email keeps coming back,,,,but please know i was delighted with the squishie,,,loons,,fish,,,wonderful and made my day
ter,,,,typical thoughtfulness,,,,cannot wait to make the pullover,,,and hot card,,,lol
celia,,,,,what can i say,,,good gravy you rule woman!!! love ya
teacup,,,,is probably the most incredible applique artist i have ever met,,,and i hold very dear my new treasure designed by you
phone call from celia was what made my day,,,,coupled with teacup on the phone,,,,well,,,knock me over with a feather,,,,what angel voices,,,
i don't want to forget a soul who sent cards,,,thanks so much!!!

overcome by such outpouring,,,,
happy anniversary faith and bill,
welcome newcomers,,,,

wanted to be longer in tooth,,,but moon is calling,,,,looks to be night of the wolf,,,get it--long of tooth,,,,lol

loon/marie,,,maine,,,egrets are here!! loons are still making love,,,and i have a pet chipmunk,,,funny how scared i was of the furry little creature,,,do we as woman really think they can scurry up our legs,,,and possibly make more furry little creatures,??,,,,why DO we think they will automatically crawl up our legs??,,,my new pal,,,just likes sunflower seeds,,innocent enough....but i am still keeping my legs crossed when i see him at the bottom of my lawn chair,,,,lol

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 11:03 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hi everyone!
Welcomes to Betty and Pepper( I tried to email to both of you but it bounced back) and all the other former lurkers.
I understand Keepsake Quilting has a 4th of July sale where you can actually have S.E.X. outdoors!
Is gratuitous S.E.X. when you buy unecessary fabric? Is there even such a thing? We have stash boxes to hold must-haves at work until payday. I (almost) emptied mine today. Oh, my gosh! I will have to put it some extra hours at the sewing machine (I do some contract sewing) to pay for my S.E.X. O.K., o.k., it's for my brother's wedding quilt. Never mind that they've been married almost 4 years and have one DS. It will be stunning when it's finished.
When is a good age to teach your children about S.E.X.? I was thinking that maybe they should be responsible and have some form of income first, just in case they get hooked.
Goodnight all!
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 10:49 PM
Subject: Crisis Came Back, Went to Plan B
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Just to keep you all updated, Plan A didn't work....the green was still bleeding through. So Bev heard my screams of despair and came running over to help.

This time we took diluted bleach (gasp) and a q-tip and while I held the rest of the fabric out of the way, she VERY carefully bleached the dye out, then rinsed with water on another q-tip. The woman is my hero!!!!! This time it seemed to work....we tossed the quilt in the dryer on air fluff and finally I wrapped it up and gave it to the bride. She loves it!!! And I am so relieved to have it out of my house before something else happens to it!!!!

Thanks for all the tips and support....I'm totally exhausted!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 10:43 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

Just wondering -- If you buy fabric on-line, is that having Internet Sex?

I had SEX today, but it wasn't unprotected -- my three children were along -- ohh that really sounds bad! Anyway, I got some pretty color splash fabric that I drooled over last week, and just HAD to buy today!!

I see that everyone else from Kansas posted today, and I didn't want to be left out!

Cassi, I'm having a quilting crisis today also -- I scorched 6 yds of fabric !! I'm still working on trying to get it out!!

Karen in KS

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 10:03 PM
Subject: Wool
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline

The only thing I've ever done with raw wool is
felt small amounts of it to make little bears.
What a warm quilt, and what fun to know you made the
insides too!!

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:25 PM
Subject: Snoopy Dancers Website
E-mail Address: kellie570@aol.com

Hi Everyone;
Andy has added more pictures to the Snoopy Dancers website (three days in a row, can you believe it?) He also added a picture of my new kitten who's new obsession is sitting on top of our fishtank trying to catch a fish...he hasn't succeeded yet.

S.E.X stands for "Stash Enhancement eXpedition"


Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:23 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

Stash Enhancing eXperience

Kathi in Idaho

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:22 PM
Subject: Processing Wool (fleece)
E-mail Address: Patisu@aol.com

Hi Ladies,

The shearer is here to shear our sheep and it just dawned on me that it might be kind of neat to card some wool for a batting. Does anyone know how to do it? I think I have a general idea but would appreciate any help you can give. I know one/some of you great ladies has the know how. Martha Stewart eat your heart out.LOL Wonder if this is quilt related enough for the 'other' bb? Oh well, I'll give it a try.

Pat in warm Cen CA....

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:09 PM
Subject: Hello
E-mail Address: Bhome104@aol.com

I'm new, and oh my goodness you've made me laugh. (so ... thank you!) But I'm with Robin (except I only have 2 children!)- exactly what does S.E.X. stand for? I keep trying to fit in words, obviously to do with fabric fixes/shopping, but I can't figure it out. whatever it is, I bet I hide it from my DH as well!
Nice to meet you all.
See you later.


Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:01 PM
Subject: Fabric dyes
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

I bought some of those little fabric dye pucks. I read the directions, but I must be having a brain freeze because I'm not understanding them!!
Could someone that has used them, please email and let me know how you use them?? Please...

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:36 PM
Subject: S.E.X.??????
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net

One more thing.
I don't want to sound naive, but what is S.E.X.
I have the general idea, after all, I have four kids,
but what exactly does it mean? Or is that a taboo

Thanks, I hope.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:35 PM
Subject: S.E.X.??????
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net

One more thing.
I don't want to sound naive, but what is S.E.X.
I have the general idea, after all, I have four kids,
but what exactly does it mean? Or is that a taboo

Thanks, I hope.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:25 PM
Subject: HELLO
E-mail Address: frosty@ctel.net

My DD gave me this URL, and I have been on the
phone with her all evening cracking up over all of
you. I am a VERY non-traditional college sophomore
who has been quilting since I was a teen-ager.(A
LONG time ago.) I live in Maine and was surprised
to see so many Maine postings. Have any of you been
to our Fabric Garden in Skowhegan? WONDERFUL place
with WONDERFUL people! They also have an on-line
store for anyone interested.
That's it for now, I've already spent too much time
reading all of you. I have some homework for a
summer class I'm taking, and the Knick's game is
on in an hour. (Great time for hand quilting!)

See You!
Robin(My real name!)

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:06 PM
Subject: S.E.X
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Opps!! Pushed the wrong button. Any way, my short term
memory can't remember what S.E.X actually stands
for. Someone jog my memory please.
Kathy in Pa.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:04 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

I'm a major lurker, rarely post. I've been having a
lot of fun lurking lately with all the lively discussion

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 6:44 PM
Subject: Gone fishen
E-mail Address: shirleyw@home.com

I am finally all packed,I leave tomorrow for the north.I am spending the summer at camp,I am part of the adult staff at the second largest Scout reserve in North America.We have a staff of 60 and we will host 5oo youth and adults per week all summer.My job description reads cook but thats only part of it,so this is my last message till after Labour day. I am planning to get a lot of little quilting projects finished you know the ones started but left sitting.Hope you all have a wonderful summer.Shirley in Ont.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 6:21 PM
Subject: ROFLOL
E-mail Address: dixquilts@prodigy.net

Hi everyone, I haven't posted for awhile, doing the swap thing and having a blast. I'm sure glad I couldn't get into my e-mail this evening. You guys are too much. I've just been sitting here backtracking and ROFLOL over the birds,headless chickens and S.E.X. What a great support group. Who needs therapy, just check in here and you get all the help you need. Happy Day's to everyone who has a special day today and also to everybody that needs one.
Debra in Tx. Do you have a Ca address? You can have S.E.X. and mail it to the Ca address. DFH doesn't even have to know.
To all of you on this BB thanks for being here. It's nice to know you're all out there.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 6:16 PM
Subject: S.E.X. and the bear facts.
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Love all the postings today, especially spiders, bats and S.E.X. Last week I was at the fabric shop called White Cottage, and on my way out( after having some S.E.X) I saw a DH asleep in his car, whilst his wife, no doubt was inside having wild S.E.X. Does this mean he was sleeping on the job, so to speak?????? Best Wishes from Stripey Bear in hot sunny (at last) Worcestershire, Britain.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 5:52 PM
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

CASSIE IN OHIO----What disaster. I once decided to be a good little quilter(strictly an experiment) and lay a quilt out to dry instead of putting it into the automatic dryer as I had done to it in the past. Weelll, the cranberry red bled all over the muslin. Evidently that fabric needed a "quick dry". From now on, I immediately put a quilt into the dryer on LOW until it's half or almost dry, then lay it out. No more surprises for me like that!!!!

BLUE MARKING PENS---Harriett Hargrave has a stack of quilts she carries along when she teaches a class. A couple of years ago, in one of her classes, I noticed the blue marking pen coming back on one of her quilts. I don't trust the stuff---have heard too many horror stories. I don't have to learn all my lessons the hard way!

Misc---I am slowly recovering from putting foreign exchange student on airplane to go home Monday morning (end of his year here). DH and I will miss him terribly, but wouldn't trade this past 10 months for anything.

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 5:44 PM
Subject: New Sewing Machine
E-mail Address: charalam@winston.com

I have been looking to find a new sewing
machine for my wife who quilts. My limit is
about $1200 dollars. Can any one recommend
a specific brand or model.

Thank you in advance.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 5:28 PM
Subject: S.E.X
E-mail Address: Kellie570@aol.com

Hi Everyone;
When I posted yesterday, I was under the impression that Andy had posted all the pictures that we hadn't posted yet. But, he had only posted the ones that I had received by electronic email....we still have four packets of pictures to post that were sent by snail mail and another set of heart blocks. These will hopefully be posted tonight or tomorrow.

If you participated in the Y2K exchange....would that be an orgy?

If you are shopping with your daughter for fabric for a quilt as a present for her upcoming wedding....would that be pre-marital s.e.x?


Date: 6/16/99 Time: 4:55 PM
Subject: this-n-that
E-mail Address: kmbauerle@sprintmail.com

Good afternoon! I don't post very often but thought I would let everyone know that I was at JoAnn Fabrics today and they had CUTE Christmas fabric. I didn't buy any (spent enought as it was) but it was very nice and if I can think of a project I'll just have to go back. Saturday I'm taking a class on paper piecing with Carol Doak. It should be a lot of fun and will be my first experience with a famous quilter!

My husband and I are adopting a child from China and just got our INS approval which is the last big step and means everything is a go. We still have another 6-7 months before we get our baby but that gives me time to get the room ready and make her lots of quilts!

I love this BB and while I don't post often I still need my daily fix! Love all the S.E.X. talk.

Kay in Kansas

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 4:39 PM
Subject: Did it again and AOL IM
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I just posted totally QR on the Chat Page again - sorry! I keep forgetting to check where I am...

While I'm here (on the CP, right? - LOL!), I just got a thing from one of my lists that AOL is going to start charging $15.00 a month unless the particular email I received gets sent to 100,000 people. I can't find anything about it on the hoax lists I have, but since I know there is no way to track who these emails get sent to, I was kind of curious if there was any truth to this...

Monica in Maine (strawberry picking time here - yummy!)

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 4:13 PM
Subject: Need advice!
E-mail Address: cminge@h9tmail.com

I will like to get in tougch whith a quilting class, an experiensed person. I am interested to know what is going on especially in Housten, Tx area. Please contact me. My mail adress, cminge@hotmail.com

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 4:10 PM
Subject: Those pens!!
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

CASSI: Tell the shopowner some people don't use those water-soluble pens for marking quilt designs but do use them for other things. It works great for marking my applique design on the background fabric. I wash it out as soon as the applique is done, before it ever comes in contact with batting. My favorites for marking on my quilt tops are the Ultimate Marking Pencil for Quilters (this has special "leads" made specially for fabrics and comes right out with a little mild clear dish soap and water applied GENTLY - I've learned that the hard way - with a toothbrush) and for marking on dark fabric I really like Roxanne's Quilter's Choice white pencil (washes out same way as the Ultimate Marking Pencil).
Hope all that dye that ran comes right out for you, Cassi! I've got my fingers crossed!

Monica in Maine (we are having a gorgeous day!)

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 3:38 PM
Subject: Crisis Alleviating
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Well, I think the crisis might be over. Jojoquilter advised using clear soap and a toothbrush on the spots, which I've just done. Laid it out to dry and so far it looks okay. Keep your fingers crossed! You all can't begin to imagine how much I want this thing to dry, get wrapped and handed over to the bride! At this point I don't think I ever want to lay eyes on it again, even though it does actually look pretty good.

Took the quilt over to the fabric store this morning and they were amazed that it was the green that ran, rather than the cranberry. They (and Bev in Cincy too) suggested using Rit Dye Remover and a Q-Tip on it, but Jojo's suggestion seemed less drastic, so I'm trying that first. If you hear screams of anguish in the next few hours reverberating from coast to coast, you'll know it didn't work and I'm having to move on to Plan B.

I also mentioned the problem with the water soluable pen, and also mentioned something Melinda in Indy told me a long time ago.....rinsing that pen out in a quilt with polyester batting doesn't always work. Back in the days before I learned about batting, I used polyester all the time, which is what's in this quilt. The store owner also mentioned she has an older quilt she used the pen with, as well as poly batting, and she has the same problem. She said so many people have problems with the pens she's going to quit stocking them. It's really too bad that they're so tricky to use - and to have it be a problem after six years is incredible.

Also spent two hours trying to buy deck furniture this afternoon....no one knew what they were doing, including the computer. Needless to say, I've surpassed my normal level of patience for the day....maybe for the week!

Well, I'm going to go stare at the quilt again. Watching it dry is kind of like watching grass grow, but it's about all I can mentally handle right now LOL!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 3:21 PM
Subject: All This S.E.X.
E-mail Address: dmg136937@webmail.dcccd.edu

Hello all, Talk to my future,new DH last nite. I told
him about ll the S.E.X everyone was having. He told me once again
that I had to refrain, until I get to CAlif. Its so hard, I need
it and the fabric store just around the corner is having a
huge sale this weekend. Can any of you help me how do I
keep from having S.E.X., or have it and keep the secret from
and can't stop.

Crazy Texas Quilter

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 2:37 PM
Subject: stash
E-mail Address: frogstar@ulster.net

Hey, I'm back-twice in one day. I guess I'm no longer a lurker. I've been browsing while waiting for DD to come home home,
saw all this S.E.X. going on, well! DD and I went to our favorite quilt shop, got some s.e.x. and saved over $55- haven't told DH yet.
He'll see the reciept soon enough. I guess like all of you, I can't pass up a good bargin, especially fabric- it's my addiction and
my therapy. Janet from Woodstock

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 2:23 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

We are have a new tea today for the 40 Toes, one dropped out, the newest member. Sorry about that but sure she will make a few during the year. It was to hard a commitment to come every Wed. Some find it easy others not. Thats what makes are Wed. interesting.

So to go with the Summer Tea, the (best) Terter will make Lemon Bars. Now that will be a nice treat after swiming, hot tubbing, yaking then drinking and eatting. But who knows which order we will do.

Doing a challenge for the V.guild. Lots of work but heck we'll see what happens.

WALL PAPER CAME OFF AND MR. TER TER IS HAVEING A CONIPTION , he swears, honest that no more wall paper will go up in our home.


Have a good day

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:49 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

When my QB and I are on a S.E.X. and I urge her to buy certain fabrics, does that make me a pimp?

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:39 PM
Subject: Frogs, S.E.X. and stuff
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

I am so LOL at these S.E.X. posts, I'm so ready for the S.E.X. I will get on my trip to Joann's this Friday and the other I'll be getting on my trip to the coast. HA HA I hear there is a wonderful little fabric shop in Bandon, Ore., we will be going right through there, I may check it out.
I really have to tell everyone about my frog....I was in Joann's fabric store and I saw the cutest TOAD ABODE, but being the cheapie that I am and wanting only to spend the big bucks on fabric, I decided to purchase a clay pot at Walmart and ask the DH to cut a curved little door in it. I sat it under my Japanese Maple tree and it has a potting soil floor, since that is where I usually find them hiding is in my potting soil bags. I was sitting on my porch last night and loo and behold there was this adorable little frog sitting at the door of his little home..I ran into the house to get my camera, yelping like a child. The DH said you're going to frighten the poor thing..I have many pictures of him...I would not want to hold a frog, but I enjoy looking at them, and they eat all the bad bugs in my flower beds so I don't have to use awful insect killer stuff. I provide for them and they provide for me..we have a wonderful relationship..I like frogs and not bats...I know they eat those mosquitos, but they scare me...I did have one in my shower one morning, I have no idea how it got in my house and into my shower, but a naked me and a bat in a shower is not a pretty site. It making a hissing sound and me running naked and screaming....good thing we have 5 acres and no close neighbors, and no kids at home, because I was running across the driveway screaming with a towel falling around me and not covering much, to the DH..Oh my, I need a fabric fix to get myself settled down. Happy quilting to all....
Welcome to all the new readers...I still consider myself very new....just newby little me....
Linda in California, and my cute little frog..

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:35 PM
Subject: Sources for S.E.X. (and other shopping) in SE Oklahoma?
E-mail Address: eacorbe@ilstu.edu

Well, I'm starting to prepare for my move to SE Oklahoma (I can't pretend it's not going to happen any longer). (I don't mean that I don't *WANT* to move, have a really good job waiting for me and a nice apartment lined up, it's just this is a change and it is my nature to resist change).

Annnnnyway, I was at Peg & Lil's Needle Patch
in Washington, Illinois yesterday (an
extremely cool store if you're ever in the area).
And I was thinking about how I had all these great quilt sources near me, but where I'm moving
(Durant, OK), there doesn't seem to be a fabric shop. And everywhere else is far (at least according to my driving standards). So here's
a question for you ladies (and gentlemen): are there any interesting fabric stores near Durant, OK (I consider Sherman/Dennison TX near, as well
as possibly Ardmore, OK). I've heard of one in McKinney; I'm already thinking about making a
pilgrimage to it once I'm unpacked and before school starts. How about other interesting places:
yarn shops (I also knit), fashion-fabric stores, bookstores (especially used book stores), interesting restaurants, knickknack places, gourmet shops, antique shops, and so on. I'm a *little* worried
on the restaurant front, because when I was in
Durant to get my apartment, and wanted to go down to Sherman to scope out the mall, I asked people in Durant to name some good restaurants in Sherman. The responses? "Applebees", "Red Lobster". I am moving from the chain-restaurant capital of the U.S. and I was really hoping to find some authentic places that are owned and run by people who live THERE, not some guy on the coast who franchises. The same with stores - there's a Wally World in Durant, and I'm sure I will be thankful when my fan breaks down or I need a ream of typing paper, but I prefer to do my "fun" shopping at stores that are independents. Anybody have any suggestions of "fun places to shop" in the general SE OK/NE TX (NOT panhandle) area? I'm not sure I want to drive 3 hours there and back just to go to one shop.(Another problem: I will probably be tied up by work between 8 and 5 or 6 weekdays (and some Saturdays), so a place only open 9 to 5, M through F, is not likely a place I would go to...)

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:24 PM
Subject: Three Wise Men
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

You do know what would have happened if it had been three wise WOMEN
instead of men, don't you?

They would have asked for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver
the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole and brought practical

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:17 PM
Subject: Just Hellooo
E-mail Address: Oliverhub@aol.com

You ladies KILL me! How am I to get any quilting done if I have to constantly check this board to keep up on everyone's SEX Life?

Just in case you are wondering, here in NJ, school ends this week so I am trying to have as much single SEX as I can this week. Hit one store today, and tomorrow I will do another store. Come Monday, all SEX I engage in will be Group SEX.

If I ride my bicycle to the Fabric Store, am I a SEX Peddler? BOOO! Alright, I am not good at puns.

Everyone have a great day whatever your weather (Who sent the Cold to NJ????), and may your fingers be nimble, and your thread never break.

Donna at the Jersey Shore

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:16 PM
Subject: Abbreviations & S.E.X.
E-mail Address: rlwofford@hotmail.com

I saved the abbreviations into a word document, so here they are for the newbies.
DH Dear Husband
DD Dear Daughter
MIL Mother-in- law
QR Quilt related
NQR Not quilt related
TIA Thanks In Advance
LOL Laugh Out Loud
ROFLOL Rolling on Floor Laughing Out Loud.
ROFLOLPIMP Rolling on Floor Laughing Out Loud Peeing in My Pants
TIME Tears in my eyes
TDY Temporary Duty/ business trip
PCS Permanent Change of Station
FQ Fat Quarter
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
BB Bulletin Board
BTW By The Way
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
FWIW For What It's Worth
JTLYK Just to let you know
AFAIK As far as I know
OTOH On the other hand
KIT Keep in touch
:O can't stop talking
:' crying
:') crying with Joy
:-0 Surprised
;0 Wink
/-0 Yawning
8^) person with Glasses Smiling
@[_]~~ Mug of hot coffee/tea
**** popcorn
Snail-Mail means regular postal service
Siggies are signature blocks They consist of your name, city, state, country and the yearc:\mydocum
Squishies are envelopes with fabric, quilt blocks

Carol in Wantage
If your friend insists on paying you to tie the quilt, you could always donate the $ to a chairity in her name.

And I really hate to admit this, but I've never had S.E.X.!!!! I usually buy all the fabrics when I start a project. But there may be hope for me. I bought some really cute patriotic fabric for a border on a wall hanging. I really want some more, just in case I want it for something else. Maybe there is hope. Does it count that I do have scraps left over from most of my projects. I'm always afraid of running out so will buy just a little extra. That must come from having to alter clothes patterns to fit my 6' frame.
Reg in KS where it is raining

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:08 PM
Subject: Good Morning!
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Morning (still 2 minutes of it left here)

Don't really have time to catch up on all the chat right now as our electricity is going to be off in a little while. But I was just so excited about all the S.E.X I got today!! I have to get most of mine on-line!
I got the new QNM to add to my magazine stash--the best time of the month is when the quilt magazines arrive!
Also got an order from Hancock's--more 30s repro fabric so I can get the 4" block exchange finished.
And got some batiks from a neat place I just found on-line--www.thebestkeptsecret.com/ They have a good selection of fabric at very good prices! I ordered on Sunday, got a reply to a question the same day and the fabric arrived today--super quick! So, check it out.
Yes, GREAT S.E.X today!! But I won't tell my DH--he'll just get jealous!
Faith and Bill--Belated Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a good day!
Karen--hope your day today is better than yesterdays!!
Better go put the curling iron to use before the juice goes off! And then off to fondle the fabric!

Susan in almost cold (but I'm not complaining!) KS

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:31 PM
Subject: Lots of Everything!
E-mail Address: con4quilts@mediaone.net

Hi all,

Well, its my day off and its half over already with nothing
accomplished but catching up on the BB. Missing one day is a

Happy, happy, birthday Loon. Celebrate!

Happy, happy anniversary to Faith & Bill. May all of
your wishes come true.

jdb - Love your state. Went there about 7 years ago and just loved
it. Sedona especially was so beautiful. Felt the spirituality coming
right up from the ground. Packed for 85 degree weather and it never
went above 65. Snow at Grand Canyon! However, we went with six other
couples and had a million laughs. Favorite aunt & uncle just moved to
Chandler. Anywhere near you?

Jana - will be at Joanns for Friday's sale too. Be thinking of you.
How dare they limit us to 20 yards!!!! Need backing for my mother's
75th birthday quilt and am going to get the biggest fiskar rotary
cutter as I hear it is the best and easiest for those of us getting
up there! Can't figure out how to take advantage of the grocery store
coupons, but am a whiz at those for the fabric stores!!! Does that make
me S.E.X.ually advantaged???

Years ago, my husband was on our local board of health and the citizens
were in a tizzy about the bat population. So he would be called to take
care of the little critters. Everyone was terrified of rabies and all the
bad press they had received over the years. So my brave (Nutty?) DH would
don his bee keepers hat, leather gloves up to his elbows, and an old
tennis racket and save his people!!!! Since they had to be tested for rabies,
he would bring them home in a jar and keep them in our downstairs
refrigerator!!! They really were ugly little things, but the kids just
loved showing them off to their friends. He was joined in this adventure
by another member of the BofH and so I appliqued the batman insignia
on his dungarees and they were nicknamed Batman & Robin. We now have a
bat house in the trees in back of our house, as we are well aware of their
virtues and I hate mosquitoes!!!

Have a great day, all


Ann in MA

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:26 PM
Subject: LOL
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

I had a quicky this morning! I went to a quilt store having a sale and ran in to buy some silk thread. When I was leaving I saw a really nice piece that I just had to have!!

When you go to a quilt shop for S.E.X. and find .. say 6 really fantastic, to die for, prints, does that mean you have multiples?
jdb, you are so funny!!
Hey, Loon, how's your S.E.X. life?

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:13 PM
Subject: chickens
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

All this talk about birds and chickens. YUCK!! Brings back too many grose memories. We had chickens and I had to get the eggs. I didn't throw cobs at them but I would take a broom with me. Anything that would come within the broom handles length got rocketed into the next century. Ugh! This is grose but a funny story. Every year, we'd butcher the chickens. My dad and brother would do the nasty part and the "women" would pluck em. Which job is nastier? I guess I was a morbid child because I enjoyed watching those suckers get butchered. Anyway, my brother would hold the chicken on a stump and dad would do the honors or vice versa. Then the chicken would be thrown into a bucket and the lid put on until it quit, well, you know.......twitching. Well, I'm laughing just thinking about this, can't type I'm laughing so hard. Anyway, one got out of the bucket before it was supposed to and took off running (headless). The dog jumped up, started barking and chased the corpse around completly beside herself running after this chicken. She chased it into the garage and the next thing we know, the dog came yelping running out of the garage with the headless chicken (looked like) running after the dog. It was a scream.

How's that for a demented story to start your day? ROFLOL Guess you had to be there.....That'd make a funny cartoon.. HEADLESS CHICKEN CHASES DOG... Maybe the chickens name is Bill Clinton??? Ummmm, I'm gonna end this now.

Later girls.

Rachel who is incredibly demented UT.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:01 PM
Subject: The Joy of S.E.X.
E-mail Address: Whitfields@webtv.net

jhb-You have defined most of us. We have all had se.x.changes, and become s.e.x.aholics! If we buy fabrics during our lunch hour, is that defined as a nooner? Mmm..this is food for thought. I'm heading for the sewing room today. Hugs to all, Jana from Wash.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 11:11 AM
Subject: Peeping
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

I've been lurking around and enjoying the oral S.E.X, and am now considering putting up mirrors on the ceiling over the fabric shelves in the "Passion Pit"!

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 10:48 AM
Subject: Just stuff..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Good morning..Welcome to all the lurkers..join in and have fun! Thats what its all about...You just never know whats next!

Susan in Fresno..I can't believe that you would think I would buy Mark yet another shock collar..(the old ones not wore out yet! LOL!!) He wanted an '82 Corvette, but settled for some new fishing lures, and a hand held vacume for his boat..Now I want to see if the man knows how to use it!

I also had the big $$ shopping S.E.X spree yesterday...but I really enjoyed it...them Batiks are not only beautiful but expensive! I also got some more fabric for the Ohio Churn Dash block swap..really pretty outdoorsey type stuff..Plus!! I found a really neat Hoffman print for my next project..After Ohio of course..to filled up right now to really think of anything else..Plus I owe my darling little Nick his little red quilt...its half way finished and the the big Bug Jar Quilt, that he and I swapped fabrics for...he just loves that! Hopefully after Ohio..things will slow down and I can find some quality quilting time...Hopefully!!

Susan in Mt..Is there life with out weeds growing up around the pole barn??? I thought about buying one of those trimmer mowers..I'm scared to death of a weed eater..and was wondering if they are easy to use..and work good..what do you think? Worth while investment?

High Desert Connie...I have really thought about sucking up these birds in the vacume cleaner..just a fleeting thought..or fantasy..however you want to think about it..Mark one day locked me in the chicken coop...during the hottest part of the summer..he says by accident..I still sort of wonder! Anyway...after getting my toes and legs pecked for about 2 hours solid..well shall we say I butchered the chickens, choked the chickens, whatever...but they stopped pecking my toes! Finally the neighbor heard me yelling and called Mark and he finally let me out of the chicken coop! I was so mad! I was in the coop..cleaning the nest straw and stuff..and he was there in the way as usual..so when he left he latched the door from the outside...locking me inside ...he said he never even thought about it... The chickens where for butcher anyway..I just did it a little sooner..and he got the good part! Thats why we dont do much chicken raising anymore...Chickens can hurt you real bad real quick if you dont watch yours p's and q's...

Buford struck again..he's been such a good boy, and not chewed up anything lately...but I guess the pressure got to him..I have been reading a really good novel the last few weeks..about halfway thru...last night he tore up my book all over the livingroom! This is the clincher..he tore it up from the back..forward! so the part I have already read is fine..but the "rest of the story" is history!! If anyone reads Sharyn McCrumbs "The Ballad of Frankie Silver" PLEASE email and let me know how it ends!! Gotta love that dog, or I would think seriously about choking him to death to!! The list of chewed items still continue to grow...I thought someone said he would out grow this stage??

Well better get..catch you all a little later!
Hugs, Doni

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 10:44 AM
Subject: jdb....
E-mail Address: megansmom@hotmail.com

judy, judy, judy.... what ARE we going to do with you?! Off to the Comedy Shop you go, then films and Broadway. We will all be able to say we knew you "when"...

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:44 AM
Subject: I'm a lurker, not anymore I suppose
E-mail Address: frogstar@ulster.net

I'm a lurker, not usually brave enough to join in. I've been quilting for about 6 years seriously, but made a baby quilt
for my daughter 12 years ago, she was a baby-she'll be 13 next month. Then I made a simple block twin for my son about 7 years
ago. Since then it's been small thing. I have collected blocks (12 1/2")that we exchanged at the quilters guild I joined about 4 years ago.
I need to make them into several small or a large quilt. My husband and daughter also quilt, not my son. At least my son knows
how to sew on a button and mend his clothes. Hope to chat again soon, I need to go finish a bow tie quilt from blocks I won at our
April guild meeting (just need to put the layers together, also had enough for a pillow!).
Janet from Woodstock (NY, not Vermont)

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:33 AM
Subject: ready for more S.E.X.?
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

When a quilter rushes to a fabric store five minutes before they close, is she looking for a quickie?

Is someone who works at a fabric store a S.E.X. slave?

When you go to a fabric store and HUNT high and low for bargains, does that make you a S.E.X.-ual predator?

When you dream about what fabric you're going to buy at an upcoming sale is that a S.E.X.-ual fantasy?

If a male has mail-order S.E.X. does that mean he's gay, or just buy-S.E.X.-ual?

All of us B.B.'ers who trade fabric over the net: is that a S.E.X. change operation?

Just wondering,
jdb in AZ

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:11 AM
Subject: Having a Major Crisis
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

CRISIS ALERT!!!!! I washed the double sawtooth yesterday afternoon - cool water, with Orvus soap, in the bathtub. Laid the quilt out on mattress pads to dry. A few hours later, I noticed that the hunter green prairie points were bleeding into the mattress pads (yes, I prewashed my fabrics) and a few hours after that, I noticed that some - not all - just some of the green prairie points were bleeding into the white on white background fabric. They have not bled into the white muslin backing, just the white on white background fabric on the top. WHAT SHOULD I DO????? Should I try Dye Magnet or what? I don't understand why only some of the points bled and not others. Some bled into the mattress pad, but not into the quilt itself. Some didn't bleed at all, and a few bled into the fabric. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

OTHER CRISIS: To mark my quilting lines I used two differents pencils - one the silver Beriol and later one of those washable blue ones (can't remember the name, but it looks like wood and is thicker than a regular pencil). Anyway, the Beriol did NOT wash out, the blue one did.

UNRELATED PROBLEM.....BUT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD PROBABLY BE AWARE OF!!! Back in the early days of learning to quilt, I used the water soluable pen to mark my seam lines for handpiecing. I thought that pen was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Before I pressed my pieces, I spritzed with water to remove the markings. Once the top was together, I used the pen to mark my quilting lines. When the quilt was done, I washed it in cool water.....everything looked great!

NOW.....six years later, every time I wash that quilt, blue shows up in the background fabric (which is white). Each time I wash it, more blue shows up. Last week, I washed it with some towels, and now the towels have blue on them. Keep in mind, I washed this quilt for a long time with NO PROBLEM at all. I have sworn off using the water soluable pens - though I really did love it (or at least I loved it when I thought it worked okay). Now I fear what the other quilts I've made and given as gifts are doing.....I shudder to think!

As you can imagine, I am not a happy camper today....I wanted to wrap that quilt up and give it to the bride tonight. Sigh, whine, pout.

Cassi in Ohio...where the sun is shining but I'm not

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 9:04 AM
Subject: Dating Rules - request a copy
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

Rachel in UT or anyone who saved the "rules" - could you send me a copy please? I can't seem to scroll back enough or get archives to retrieve these.

Nancy "sewbird" in WI

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:36 AM
Subject: Allergy advice
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

Thanks to all who wrote me with allergy advice. Esp. to Dorin W. in Tenn, will take your suggestions. I just realized that the carpet in the sewing room is prob. part of my big problem, it hasn't been cleaned in years, must have all kinds of "critters" in it!
The baby shower went well last night, about 14 people here, she received some nice girts. Baby Brandon is still in ICU, still not 5 lbs. yet, and will have to have more surgery before he can come home. Must finish the baby quilt today, collected signitures at the party last night, it was such fun!
Sara in Fla.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 8:20 AM
Subject: dogs
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

LIZ IN KANSAS--Our dog had "the scoots" as you described your dog's. (anal gland problem) Our vet suggested we give him some bran on his food and it works. 1/4 tsp for a 12 pound dog. I told my girlfriend about this cure but she forgot the amount and gave her 12-lb dog a Tablespoon. Then she wondered why the dog was laying under the bushes out in the back yard, looking like it was on death's doorstep. LOL!!! The dog recovered when she cut back on the dose. e-mail me if you want to, for the gross-out reason why this works.

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 7:48 AM
Subject: Posting
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

Wow, welcome to all the lurkers coming out of the woodwork - the more the merrier! I noticed people have been mentioning not seeing their posts for a while. It sometimes takes up to a half hour before I can see my posts, no matter how much I refresh the page. You don't need to post again, though, since as long as you got the page telling you thanks for contributing and would you like to go back to the BB (or CP), your post is out there and will eventually show up...

Squishy is an envelope being sent snail mail (Post Office) that contains fabric, or quilt blocks, or charm squares or what-have-you. Makes a nice, fat squishy envelope! Fun to get!
A siggy is a signature square. People swapping for millenium quilts have been exchanging signature squares with names, places and whatever else they feel like adding. I was going to go the archives and pull up Marty's post for newbies since I know she just did it recently but I can't get that far down the page 8^(

Have a great day everyone! On my agenda is the grocery store and dusting - all that pine pollen has finally stopped. Not very exciting, I'm afraid!

Monica in Maine (chilly morning!)

Monica in Maine

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 2:48 AM
Subject: Celebacy
E-mail Address: Whitfields@ebtv.net

I have decided to save myself for that special moment. I can have better s.e.x. over on the coast than here. We will call it Makeup sex and that way I can get more for my buck, especially if there is shrinkage involved. So I will just have to remain celebate a tad bit longer. Maybe I should get a halo or something until then. Welcome Pepper of Washington! Did you like our lightning storm tonight?
Jana of Wash.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:44 AM
Subject: Please be gentle!
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

I think it was Monica who said if there is anyone lurking out there to come join in...so here goes. I'm sort of a retarded quilter; I just finished my first quilt: (a crib-size whole cloth) and I'll soon be sisssst... no, I simply cannot say that BIG number outloud, even if you are all friends. I inherited a number of my DGM's handpieced tops and I'm hoping to finish them before they (or I) turn the century mark.
I can't tell you how happy I am that I stumbled across your e-doorstep. We just recently moved to northern Nevada after more than 30 years in the green timber country of NW Montana. I always considered myself a pretty friendly, outgoing person - but it takes YEARS to establish the friendships I left behind. But here are all of you wonderful, funny, FRIENDLY people sharing your lives and memories...I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks so much!
My DH is the birdlover. I've been scared of anything live with feathers on it since DGM sent me to the chicken house to gather the eggs (I think I was about 5)and I was so terrified of the hens pecking me, I stood at one end and threw cobs at them til they flew off. DGM never could figure out why there were so many broken eggs in the nests. Anyway, I commiserate with those who are dealing with the dirty birds. (I told DH if he died first, those birds were going with him to the grave. I have moved the cages (2 p'keets and 1 cockt'l) from place to place, trying to keep the mess confined. They are in a corner of the d/r near where DH sits at the table. When the feathers and assorted debris get a few inches thick, I go in like ghostbusters with my vacuum and dream of sucking up the sources as well. (But love for DH prevails and they yet live.)I'm going to find some sheer tulle if I have to cut up the ole wedding dress and make the "baggy" to keep it all in. Thanks for the tip. gotta go, DH goes to work at 2:30am and I seem to think he can't do it without me up to push him out the door.
[:{] }:~)| ~(:^))
High desert Connie

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:27 AM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

Happy anniversary Bill and Faith.

Happy birthday Loon.

Ronna thanks for the bat info. Never thought maybe there might be more.

School's out, now I have to try and get my house back in shape. Last two weeks of school it always takes a beating. Also my college daughter came home for a week and we have her ceramics all over the place. I will keep some of the bowls out, but I will have to box some of it up. She is doing such beautiful work.

Am going to take the quilt top of my friend, that her mom had made and finish it for her. I told her she could pay for the backing and batting. I am going to tie the quilt. She insists on paying me to tie it. What price should I tell her for tieing a full size?

Take Care,
Carol of Wantage

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 1:13 AM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Cindy, Dahling! When your quilt shop goes out of business and no longer does S.E.X. does that make it menopausal?

Welcome newbie cfromky (what do we call you?) You asked for advice on "quilting and raising teenagers." I've never quilted a teenager -- they never sit still long enough. As far as raising them, they're all so individual that what works for one won't work for the next, even in the same family. Oh well.

jdb (those are my initials but people keep mixing up the d and b -- makes me feel dyslexic.) in AZ

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:24 AM
Subject: Toy Works
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
Well, Toy started up the very first try!!! It took off and I got more done in two hours than I did in three days before... There is only one problem, my body parts hurt as bad as they did before!!!! Do you think a woman my age shouldn't be doing this kind of work???? Course, theres an up side, everythings starting to look nice and neat..... Of course by the time I get all this stuff cut down ect. the snow should be just around the corner!!!! LOL

Liz in Kansas - Dog dragging butt could also be a sign of worms, sorry about that...

Kathi in Idaho - My entry,bar(ice cream)now)top and floor, fire place hearth and sun room all have the flat stone from Idaho... I really do like it!!!

Happy, Happy everything to everyone,
Susan in (if it don't rain, it will be toy time again tomorrow) Mt.

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:17 AM
Subject: My S.E.X.
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

For those of you who know me....and those of you who don't!!!

All this S.E.X. talk got me all worked up so I went and had some. First I had expensive
S.E.X. I needed to buy some batiks...$$$$$. Yikes, more money than I've ever paid for S.E.X.
Then I saved some money on S.E.X. by buying some cute fab at $2 a yard, which helped make up
for the $$ stuff. This was leftover S.E.X. from a huge sale they had a couple of weeks ago.

I loved the rules for dating...will forward to my sister with the teenager. Also all the
S.E.X. talk.....

Later....Susan in Fresno

Date: 6/16/99 Time: 12:00 AM
Subject: testing
E-mail Address: bozo@prairieweb.com

Just thought I'd try to post this. I've posted twice in the last week and haven't seen my message either time. Guess my computer is a wallflower.
Julie in Nebraska

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:51 PM
Subject: silliness
E-mail Address: bozo@prairieweb.com

All this naughty talk has me thinking. I haven't had S.E.X in months! But I think the most gratifying S.E.X. is when you finally are able to purchase the fabric you've been lusting over for a long time. That impulsive S.E.X. is so fleeting, but sometimes cheap S.E.X. produces a great high for the bargain hunter in me.
I better go see if I can get my mind out of the gutter. I agree with Rachel, you all are corrupting my innocent mind too!
Julie in Nebraska

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:16 PM
Subject: new to site
E-mail Address: cfromky@aol.com

Just found this site last night and have been reading your messages. You all sound like a great group to people. What fun to talk to people who enjoy quilting. I have been quilting for several years now and truly find it to be the most enjoyable hobby yet. I'm a fabric fool and of course have way too many projects going at once. It's a real accomplishment when I finish something.

I'm 43 yrs. old, have two children, a daughter who just finished her first year at college (I made a quilt for her to take to school), a son who is a junior in high school. He just got his driving permit less than a week ago. Letting him drive is the hardest thing I have ever done. I was scared with my daughter but for some reason this is more dificult. Maybe it's because he's my baby. He plays baseball and basketball for the school, so I spend a lot of time on the ball field or court and there goes my quilting time. I have two years until he goes to college, so I have his quilt in the works. It's hard to find fabrics and patterns for guys. His pattern is the "Snowball in Ohio" pattern done in off white print and navy blue print.

I also collect antique dishes. Mostly two patterns that my g-ma's had. The "Hazel" pattern made by the Scio pottery company and the "Flower Rim Lido" pattern made by the W. S. George company.

Enjoy your S.E.X talk. My local fabric store is having a sale on Friday and I will be there with bells on.

Would love any advise, ideas and or tips on quilting and raising teenagers.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:10 PM
Subject: Beginner Quilter- -HELP:)
E-mail Address: Pepfun1@aol.com

Hi to all! This is such a neat place to come to and relax! I am having S.E.X. before I do my first quilt (I had to read back through the BB to find out what you all ment my S.E.X. :)) I want to have a nice collection before I start. I would like to do the whole quilt by hand as that I am not good with my sewing machine. My mother in law says she will help me out. I am in my 20's and have always been attracted to quilts. My husbands grandmother used to guilt by now she has alzheimers and I cannot ask her for help. But when her daughter and my mother in law and I were cleaning out her spare room we found 3 unfinished quilts that she and her mother had started. We are hoping that after some experience we can finish them.
You all seem like very interesting people and I would love to share experiences with you. I read the 10 rules to daughter dating and couldn't stop laughing! I feel lucky to have came across the World Wide Quilting site. I would love to recieve emails from anyone relating to quilts. I have to know what a 'siggy' is and a 'squishy' these two words are baffling me. I thank you all who are willing to help.
Have a great evening!
Pepper in Washington state

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:09 PM
Subject: Hi everyone from a newbee
E-mail Address: bcahalan@netsync

I've been reading the postings and I feel right at home.
Sarah in AL - your note was so touching! What a wonderful DM she was! Guess she got called back early, He takes the good ones early.

Jana in Washington - just want you to know my name is Betty, and I'm a farbricholic too, (this could turn into a 12 step meeting!)

The netting for the birds cage sounds like a great idea--I've got 2 Zebra finches and they love to toss those empty seeds! DH says they are so good they can aim and often hit their target!

About visitations - have had many over many years of life. DGM came to me the night she died to say goodbye. On pet vistations, my DD's cat Josie (the great huntress) came to stay only until DD moved to an apt that allowed cats, needless to say she never did come back for the cat. (she came back but forgot to take Josie.) Anyhow, Josie's been gone for over 2 years and I still see her "essence" at feeding time for her step sister. Once in a while I feel what I think is Emily (the cat) and Emily I find out later she's in another part of the house. I've just come to enjoy her "visits".

Didn't mean to make this so long, but had to "come out" and say hi. Am looking for a quilting mentor..if anyone is interested.

Betty near the great Lake Erie

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:00 PM
Subject: Now Officially an Old Crone
E-mail Address: creinke@mindspring.com

I just got the labs back from my MD - and I'm officially menopausal - AKA an old crone - he also put me on replacement estrogen (at my request)... both prophylactically for Alziehmer's, osteoporosis & heart disease (all in my family) and maybe to help with those annoying hot flashes, restless nights, etc. Hope it helps with all of them.

I shared some of the S.E.X. stuff with my DH. He thought it was silly (typical professorial conservativism, but couldn't help laughing at the best of them...) He is really uptight right now with his job, and stuff from the BB seems to be one way to relax him - reminds him of the nicer side of life.

I'm not sure how to describe my current S.E.X life. Our local quilt shop is going out of business, so I'm lurking & grabbing when I see a good bargain. Have got quilt batts to replace all I've used in charity quilts, fabric to back all the quilts that are currently UFOs, fabric for the next 4 months of FQ swaps... and so on. My goal is to average either 70% off the list price, or no more than $2.00 a yard - yeah, I'm cheap.

Cindy R. in AL

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:45 PM
Subject: HI
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Happy Anniversary Faith and Bill!!
Loon- hope you had a good birthday! Did you lay on the banks of loon pond and watch the loons landing on the rocks?
Celia, miss you already!!
Doni, sorry I can't help you with the birds! Don't like birds! Except loons!! LOL
jbd (What does that stand for any way??) so.. you don't like cocky roaches and lizards? hummmm...I will have to work on that one!!LOL
Rachel .. I hate to break this to you, but I think it was a women that invented the water saving toliet. So if you want one that works - come to Canada - we have super suckers up here!!
Well, I don't want any one to get jealous, but I am over S.E.X.ed!! I will have to get busy on working out that problem by locking myself in my sewing room!
Hugs to all!!
Have a great week!

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:25 PM
Subject: Faith's remarks
E-mail Address: whorsky1@san.rr.com

A year ago, as many of you know, I begged for a computer, a computer that I had no clue as to how to turn on, let alone use or what was available. Little did I know then that through you people on the BB, it would be the source of my mental sanity, my life line to new friends, and my support group. Thanks.
It somehow got out, so many of you know, today is our 43rd anniversary. Not bad for a marriage that our small town didn't give 6 months, all those years ago. You know the type, different "side of the tracks",religion,and educational background, to mention a few of the insurmountable obstacles. They forgot the power of love, respect and kindness, teamed with determination and patience.
Thank you all for the best wishes that we have received today. They warmed our hearts.

I continue to receive the greatest squishies. Last night I shared with our guild of 100 participants, the ideaof a squishy shower as well as the freezer paper cards. I had them spell bound. Not easy to do with that many women.
Special thanks go today to:
Kim DeCamp for a fabric card that reminds me of the dainty wallpapers we used to find in our homes in Vermont. That's a compliment.
Mayme Wyns for a beautiful piece of fabric in the earth tones.
H. Hansen,(sorry, couln't catch the spelling of your name) wow.my first Millenium fabric and sparkly at that.
Jana, in Tx.What a great piece of floral in browns with blues. Hope you enjoy your house and get back to quilting.
Mary in ND, such a lovely lavendar which will go with several lavendars I've received, yet all different
Susan, MT, Not only is the fabric unspeakably gorgeous,the vivid blue and magenta set off by the w/w, but the card will be enlarged for a quilt pattern in the very near future. Watch for it on Kellie's page, but not too soon!!!
Heartfelt thanks to all. Faith

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:14 PM
Subject: oops!
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

That's catalog ordering.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:13 PM
Subject: I can't say
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

I'm sorry I have to do this.
S.E.X.ual deviency: hiding your purchases from the DH.
S.E.X.ual escapades: The reason most of us have to work; we gotta pay for it somehow!
Phone S.E.X.: catalog odering.
I would do more, but everyone would think I'm wierd or something. Besides, I need to give others a chance to add to the list.
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 7:39 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: mboyd54@juno.com

Happy Birthday Loon Marie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary Failth & Bill.

Many happy returns and may you all be blessed with many more.

if you talk about buying fabric is that oral S.E.X?

Love & Tiny stitches,

Melodye in Randallstown

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 7:23 PM
Subject: Columbine Quilts
E-mail Address: hmoss@uswest.net

I thought i would post an update on the Columbine quilt project. We have received some 200 blocks to date. The kids at the high school and some of othere friends in private christian schools here want to have a work day were they can also make blocks for the quilts. I think it;s great.
We are working on facilities to put these quilts together and asking local guilds for volunteers to machine quilt them. I want to personally thank all of you who have already sent your blocks, they are awsome. I am also working on the Colorado quilting councils memorial quilt, one of the
members made blocks for each of the victims by machine embroidering a diffrent angel on each of the blocks and signing each block with there name. There are some amazingingly creative people out there. My daughter and I have realy been buisy, she graduated from high school and will spend
a couple of weeks with the earth watch institute doing whale research this summer, it will give her a nice break before she heads to college. Thanks again.
Carol Moss

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 6:30 PM
Subject: MISC & thank yous
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

Happy Birthday Loon.......
Happy Anniversary Faith and Bill.......
And THANK YOU for all the birthday greetings posted and emailed to me - they made my day even brighter.

YYY - it was great to meet several at the MN Quilt Show but I must admit, hard to look around at the show and vendors and look for yyy's too. Perhaps my age is showing. LOL

I got home from the show to find my new sewing machine had arrived (Elna Quilter's Dream) and also the Ott Lamp I had ordered for me from DH. I've been in my "studio" (don't I wish I had such) learning the ins and out of the machine.

And now to my quilting chair (well, a chair) to do some hand quilting and enjoy the new floor lamp. No eyestrain here these days!
Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in WI

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 6:09 PM
Subject: birthdays and airfilters
E-mail Address: sci-fi-col@mindspring.com

I just realized that I never told my best buddies about my birthday stuff! My parents bought me an Ott light. It was a little cheaper in the art catalog than in the quilt catalogs. Someone told me months ago that the light in the office supply places is not the same "true color". They also said that the "true color" bulbs did not fit the office light. I hope that was right, or my parents spent more than they needed to. I also got to go have S.E.X. at my favorite quilt shop. Then DH and I went to see the Star Wars movie and out to eat at my favorite retaurant (German cuisine). It was a great 42nd birthday! The rest of the gifts were NQR, so I won't bore you with those, except to say the wind chimes I got from one of my brothers is so pretty.
Liz, DH and I both suffer horribly from allergies. We bought 2 air filters at around the $200 level almost 5 years ago. We keep one in the bedroom, and one in the computer room (the 2 rooms we spend the most time in.) It really seems to help. These are not the HEPA filters, but have a tri-filter system. Good luck.
Laura in Alabama

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 5:21 PM
Subject: Birds
E-mail Address: quilt.maker@***cwix.com

Hello everyone,

I haven't posted in ages. My youngest son graduated from high school and all the events kept me rather busy. Also had company during that time too.

Doni- Just had to comment on the bird situation. We have had 4 finches and 2 parakeets during the past 6 or 7 years. They do make a mess, but my solution is to measure the heighth of the bars on the bird cage and the circumference. Cut a piece of bridal tulle the heighth plus 1 inch., and the length to go around the cage plus a few extra inches for fullness. Next make a casing at the top and bottom and run the narrow elastic thru it. I used the soft elastic that comes on a spool. It works great. Sew the sides up to make the tulle tube. Now just slide the tube on the cage and it catches all the feathers that fly and the seeds that go everywhere. They just seem to bounce back into the floor of the cage. It keeps the mess down to a minimum of mess. They still get light and air thru the tulle. Make sure it is bridal tulle and not netting the holes are too big on it. I hope this works for you.

I sure have missed all of you guys, maybe now I can read more often. I just can't catch up since I haven't been able to read in quite a while. Also, I never know which one to read.

Keep on quilting,
Cindy in Texas

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 5:20 PM
Subject: Birds
E-mail Address: quilt.maker@***cwix.com

Hello everyone,

I haven't posted in ages. My youngest son graduated from high school and all the events kept me rather busy. Also had company during that time too.

Doni- Just had to comment on the bird situation. We have had 4 finches and 2 parakeets during the past 6 or 7 years. They do make a mess, but my solution is to measure the heighth of the bars on the bird cage and the circumference. Cut a piece of bridal tulle the heighth plus 1 inch., and the length to go around the cage plus a few extra inches for fullness. Next make a casing at the top and bottom and run the narrow elastic thru it. I used the soft elastic that comes on a spool. It works great. Sew the sides up to make the tulle tube. Now just slide the tube on the cage and it catches all the feathers that fly and the seeds that go everywhere. They just seem to bounce back into the floor of the cage. It keeps the mess down to a minimum of mess. They still get light and air thru the tulle. Make sure it is bridal tulle and not netting the holes are too big on it. I hope this works for you.

I sure have missed all of you guys, maybe now I can read more often. I just can't catch up since I haven't been able to read in quite a while. Also, I never know which one to read.

Keep on quilting,
Cindy in Texas

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 2:55 PM
Subject: floors, spiders, ect.
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

This is my only chance today to read BB, giving a baby shower tonight, and know there will be some "last min." things to do. I want to know more about floors, we are thinking of riping out the carpet in bedroom due to my bad sinuses, dust, dust mites, and so on. Also, due to roof leak my DH's play room berber is ruined. He thinks that he wants the wood laminate, but is very $$$$. He doesn't want cer. tile because of the pool table balls, if they bounce off they will break the tiles, and its noisy. Any votes?
We have been having rain storms at night, catching up on the rain we are low on, thankfully no fires going on now.
Sara in hot, humid Fla.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 2:47 PM
Subject: quilt show
E-mail Address: cats173@hotmail.com

Does anyone know anything about the World Quilt Competition Quilt Show in Greensboro NC? Aug. 12-15. Would it be worth the drive down from Michigan? Anyone planning to attend? Finally got that much needed rain. Has gone from 90's to 60's. Love Hugs and Prayers, Mayme in MI

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 2:24 PM
Subject: Doni's Mark's Birthday!!
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

Hey Doni...what did you get Mark for his birthday? A new shock collar??


Susan in Fresno

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 1:56 PM
Subject: insects
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

I can live with spiders (and do) but absolutely HATE cocky roaches, and lizards. I know, not every part of the country has to cope with the lizard population. DH says they help control the bugs. Don't think they eat cocky roaches, howsomever.

Lindy, Dahling! Only part of your e-mail came through--just enough to intrigue me. Tried to write back but it wouldn't go through. Did your server have a nervous breakdown?

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 1:14 PM
Subject: terlits (as my son calls them)
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

I wanna know who the dimm whitted, half brained, obviously male, few frenchfries short of a happy meal, idiot, was who came up with the water saving toilet. By the time you flush twenty times because heaven forbid you should flush more than one piece of toilet paper down at a time or PLUGGED, you've used up even MORE water than with the old toilets!! GRRRRR.

I wonder if other peoples plunger travels from bathroom to bathroom and gets as much use as ours. My poor sons think part of going potty is plunging the "crappy" thing when their done!!

Rachel in taking the plunge UT

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:50 PM
Subject: tag sale for bedroom accessories...
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Donna at the Jersey Shore: What a great idea!! I will have to relate that to my SIS when her kids reach the right age. Then she will be rich too!
Brenda in IN: I used to be a real arachniphobe, but I have been working on that for years. I used to squash any spider in the house. Then I was able to let them live if they weren't in the bedroom or bathroom. Then I was able to let them live as long as they weren't over the bed or in the bathtub. Now, it's ok if they are in the bathtub....I have even chased them out to save their lives before a shower. Over the bed is still a no-no. When I was wreaking death and destruction on dust monsters the other day, I was chasing the spiders out of their nests, but letting them get away. They are really lousy housekeepers! Leaving all of those dead bodies on the surface under their nests. So I sweep up the carcasses, but leave them to reduce the ant/bug/moth population in the house.
The turning point came when I went into the bathroom one time and saw one of those spiders carrying off a siverfish in his jaws! I had to call DH in to take a look. Now I let them earn an honest living. Saw another silverfish victim in the bathroom this morning. I think they (the silverfish)live in the subflooring and come out of the crack in the baseboard. I don't feel like poisoning myself to get rid of them. You would have to lay down a lot of poison to get it to seep into the subfloor. No way. Just let the spiders do it.
As you can tell....our house is a "jungle". Who says you can't have nature all around?

Happy Anniversary Faith and Bill!

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:48 PM
Subject: Birthday
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

So if I tell you all when it's my birthday will you sing to me too and send me squishies????? HE HE HE

I'll even pretend to be surprised :-O

Today is a lay on the couch day and watch my boys destroy the house cuz I'm too tired to do anything about it. (Actually, I'm saving up my strength for this Friday's "big night" LOL)

Hope you all are having a fabulous day. I know I will later, I'll be purchasing books (another "passion" he he of mine). Yesterday I sat outside watching the kids and read "Sense and Sensibility". I enjoy Jane Austins writings immensely.

For those who are interested, our new baby kitty is doing wonderfully. She's drinking milk from a bowl on her own and actually decided to go exploring a little yesterday. She strayed about 5 feet away from her bed. So, far, she'd only gone about a foot if even from her bed. VICTORY and progress. The little dear is going to make it. Now if I could just find the owner who had her to begin with and ring their little neck. "Down Rachel, down. Claws in.." Anyway, thought you'd wanna know.

Rachel in very sunny UT

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:44 PM
Subject: Good morning all...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Hey all..thanks for the tip on the vultures..these are just a pair of little crabby parakeets..but the mess is more like a pair of vultures...If I'm home it's a 3 or 4 time a day job to keep them cleaned up after, but when we go for the weekend its a mess to come home to..I thought about feeding them one or two seeds at a time...I babysat my moms finches one time...and they both died..change in home tempature I guess..either that or to many cats probably scared them to death...who know.....

Happy birthday LOON..hope you have a wonderful day..today is also Marks birthday...dont say much about the kind of person born on this day does it...LOL!!

Happy Anniversary Bill and Faith..love to you both!

gotta go see you all later!
Hugs, Doni

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:38 PM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Why do husbands think they can take OUR cars anytime? My DH's car has a minor problem he should have taken care of pronto, but he said I could still drive my van 'cause I had to take friends to the airport. I informed him it's my van anyway (etc.) and he's humbly carpooling this week.

Anyway, have you guys heard of the Sandi-cast co.? They make full-size life-like statuettes (figurines) of doggies, esp. yellow labs. They made a lab puppy that was so much like Barkley that DH got the Sandi-cast for me for Christmas. Eventually got two more -- have a little little by our fireplace. (Yes we have fireplaces in AZ; mostly just stare at it wishing the weather would cool down enough to use it.) Anyway, several weeks ago I posted that Barkley died (heavy sigh) and last weekend DH got me the life-sized Sandi-cast adult male yellow lab. On the collar is a little bronze doggy head with angel wings. (sniff) Anyway, whenever we go into the family room we do a double-take 'cause there's a big dog sitting there. It's bigger than DGS (14 mos. old) who was afraid of it at first, but since it doesn't bark or drool or nibble his fingers, he's decided it might be all right.

It's a bummer that we over-S.E.X.-ed ladies have to pay for it. Does that make a fabric store a house of ill-repute? All this talk about S.E.X. is just oral -- never mind. I'll stop now.

jdb in AZ

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:32 PM
Subject: Heart Blocks
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

The heart blocks are beautiful, everyone! But the one I did isn't there! One of the blocks on the second page will not come up for me (I just get the little red X in a box) so maybe that one was it. Please, Peg, tell me you at least have my block - I was under the impression it had been received...Thank you!

Yes, Brenda, my poor mom had the patience of a saint! My poor dad was really outnumbered, too - even our pets that we had were all female! My parents gave us all rhyming names, too (Monica, Veronica, Jessica and Rebecca) and people were forever getting us confused...

Monica in Maine (who really hopes all those little hearts that I appliqued didn't go to lost quilt block heaven...)

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:52 AM
Subject: "Bats, spiders, and snakes...oh my!
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Good Morning everyone! Happy Birthday to the Loon, and Happy Anniversary to Faith and Bill!

Ronna - ditto on the bats - they really are our friends. In the evenings, we'll sit on the backporch and watch them fly around the security light outside swooping down on the misguided bugs.

Monica - So you were the eldest of a series of "stairsteps", but what about your dear old mom? How did she fare having four teenage girls in the house at the same time? Poor woman, and your poor father...the hormone levels in their home must have been unbelievable, ha! One of my good friends was the eldest of 3 stairsteps - I can recall her mother saying that there was a period of several months when all three kids were in diapers...yikes!! (And disposable diapers were not fashionable at the time...oh dear!) My friend was rushed into potty training post haste!

Well, better get going. It's nice and cool here in Southern Indiana and I'm gonna take advantage of it and play outside. Maybe I'll see Big Herman (big black snake in residence) out in the garden, and he better look like he's eaten a chipmunk or two the lazy bum! Those litter buggers have dug up my potted plants out on the deck. Just what they are looking for I dunno, but they better STOP IT!! Oh, yeah...we like spiders, too. Ha! Does that make me demented? Must be because I had older brothers...ya think? Later, from Brenda in Indiana >^..^< (P.S. Liz in Kansas - you might take the Hypermutt to the vet - sounds like her anal glands might need cleaned out. Email me for details - I don't want to gross everyone out, ha!)

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:50 AM
Subject: Donna at the Jersey shore
E-mail Address: dko@bellatlantic.net

Yes, yes, twins are definatly a handful! Mine are 4 year old DD's ~ identical!! Right now both with miserable colds :o( I see you sound sane enough after 7 years of twin~hood so I guess I'll be OK...LOL!!!

Ursula in S. Jersey :o)
Where it's clam and crab season....MmmmMmmm!!

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:43 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

I tried last nite to post, but toooobusy, so I'm late in wishing Marie a Happy Birthday. I never know if my posts get on the bbchat or not when a busy signal comes in?

I hope Loon likes her present! With all those 2" pieces she's cutting up it will be a cinch.

Jill in N.Y, thanks for the Loon Square, I'll be working on it this week.. Oh Ho Marie wait until you see this one.

All have a good day,

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:42 AM
Subject: snoopy dancers website
E-mail Address: kellie570@aol.com

Hi Everyone;
Andy has posted the rest of the pictures on the Snoopy Dancers website....All of the heart blocks have been posted....absolutely gorgeous!!! I'd like to apologize in advance for Andy saying that he doesn't know what the heart blocks are for....he must be REALLY tired today. He emailed me at work that the rest of the pictures were posted and as soon as I read his message, I tried to call him at home to clue him in, but the line was busy....he must have gone right to bed after he emailed me. He does know about the heart quilt, and was very touched that the BBer's would be so generous for something that he really enjoys doing. If the pictures that you sent are not posted, please email me. Andy said that he'll try to work on the webpage a little each day or every other day,
instead of trying to save everything up and do it all at once.

Kellie in VA

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:09 AM
E-mail Address: blaylock@barn.hawthorne.nv.us

We have a total of 347 blocks for David’s wife and children’s quilts. The blocks from Germany have arrived.
I live in a Rural area and it takes a little while longer, I received a packaged yesterday from Kelly the postmark was May 12 that is thirty-two days! Kelly thanks you for the pin.

I would also like to thank Monkia Hazeuman for sending the blocks. Thank each of you for sending me fabric it is appreciate. Thank you to those who sent money it will help.

Beth Pintz Newark, OH
Sarah Ibrahim Aubun Al.
Lynn Ronkainen Spring TX.

Euoropean quilters blocks

Gudrun Rump -
Rosie Francis -
Andrea Bothe -
Tana Klös -
Margarete Schmucker -
Susanne Wittenberg –
Claudia Hieber -
Christa Rolf -
Christa Berthelsen –
Paula Colwell –
Jass Burger
Jo Herode -
Helen Crausaz -
Brigitte Brenda-Lehrl
Gwen Jones –
Karin Löhne –
Anabela Åström -
Estelle Morin -
Claudia Fink -
Birgit Klinger -
Angelika Kieser –
Tina Beck -
Susanne Froeschle -

Brenda in Nevada

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 11:08 AM
E-mail Address: Oliverhub@aol.com

Greetings all: Thanks for the warm welcome. I had to come out of hiding because I was afraid of being considered a loner (This was posted a few days ago, but not much discussed). If this was an isolating hobby, would I know all about your feet and SEX habits????

On the subject of messy rooms - When my kids won't clean up, I just don't let them come out until they do. At this young age this is a punishment. When they get older and take to thier rooms to hide from the enemy...MEMEME... I will probably do what my mom did. She would collect everything every morning that we left out, AND WE WOULD HAVE TO BUY IT BACK FOR 1.00 PER ITEM. You only had a certain amount of time and then it became unavailabe for sale. I imagine with 4 kids I shall be rich. A good mother will put that money away for college. But I already have plans for yards of fabric with what I make.

Living for that day!
Donna at the Jersey Shore

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:41 AM
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

When a bird wants to play it can toss seeds 6 feet--and that's a canary.
DH had one which I cleaned under while he tried everything to catch the seeds--
the most interesting looking "catcher" was an open umbrella--didn't work except
as a conversation starter. No more seed because we went on vacation and DS1
sat the birds and dogs at his house. Bird keeled over the second day. Now when
we are on vacation he still sits the dogs and DH calls frequently to see if he
has "killed his dogs."
Saw a flyer at guild last night for a "quilt shop safari" 7 shops in probably a
250 mile circle saying that if you visit all 7 shops during a specified time in July
you can qualify for a $700 shopping spree. Sounds like a "good SEX vacation." Is
somebody going to write a "How To Book" about this. :^}.

Is is sending mixed messages when we have a refrigerator magnet that says
"Housework makes you UGLY" and then we tell the kids to clean their rooms? DS1 thought
the solution was to put a radioactive symbol on the door and close it. He turned into
a neat adult and his father who always yelled about the mess turned into a messy
retired person, so go figure.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:30 AM
Subject: S.E.X and stuff
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Happy Birthday LOON...Love that name......
Happy Anniversary to Faith and Bill....have a wonderful day...
And as for all this S.E.X. talk... I have already embarrassed myself with this subject with another BB reader whom I shall keep secret, since being a newby on the internet, was JUST WONDERING what all this sex talk on the BB page was about?? Well I was clued in!! Since DH and I are planning wonderful romantic trip on the coast this coming week,the BB talk is definitely getting me in the mood... Love this site, I just never know what the topic of the day is going to be..I so look forward to it..Have a wonderful day...can not linger on the internet, have young DGD's with me for the day...I certainly don't want them to see what Dear Gramma is typing!! Yikes!! what would DD say...Mom & Dad going on romantic road trip..she probably happy we still want to!!
Happy quilting to you....LINDA IN HOT CALIFORNIA

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:14 AM
Subject: etc, etc
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

Happy Birthday, Loon.

And a Happy Anniversary to Faith and Bill.

All this talk about tile floors vs vinyl...how about the floor in my entry. It's ROCK. Not slate or anything like river rock. It's big slabs of local rock that is laid in the entry with 1 1/2 inch grout between. It's really beautiful when I have the time to get it sparkling clean. Otherwise it just lays there looking like rock. We also had the same stonemason lay the same kind of rock behind and under the heating stove. He would go into the mountains around here and gather pieces that were flat enough to lay on the floor or on a chimney. Lots of the houses around here have his work in them.
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 10:13 AM
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was that close?
CAROL of Wantage, you may have a bat nest in your attic and that was just mommy trying to get back to the kids. Bats eat lots of skeeters and are very useful creatures. They nest and have their little batlings in June. They will be done by end of July. So if you have blocked their entry to the attic too soon, the little batlings will starve. Wait until after July to block their access to the attic if you don't want them back. You can tell where their nest hole might be by the guano at the entrance. They poop just before taking flight. Look for a hole in your eaves....
Might just have been a wanderer as you thought....or it might be a mommybat.... They are not the primary carrier of rabies, racoons and skunks are the more common animal-to-pet-to-human vector. They are shy creatures.

Ronna in Happy Valley where it is cool, sunny, and a perfect day to pick strawberries after work.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 9:29 AM
Subject: email woes
E-mail Address: that's a good question

Hi, My NYU email account was terminated this morning. And silly me, I knew it was coming and did nothing to prepare! Anyway, just wanted to tell people that if they email me it will bounce so don't...I'm going to set myself up with something else, could use DH's but would really hate that. We have to share everything else, something should be private!

Jenny in NYC

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 9:19 AM
Subject: Stop it!
E-mail Address: fly552@juno.com

Stop all this S.E.X.!!!!! I can't have any, and you should be nice and
not start bragging on it! I've got 40 bucks left for the rest of the week, so
no big shopping spree on Friday.
A note on the Ceramic floor debate. We just put in vinyl in our kitchen, and
then the Armstrong laminate wood floor in the entryway. I really like the 'wood'.
Its really easy to clean, and stays pretty nice for an entry way.
Enjoying cooler weather here in Kansas. The guys are at Camp all week, so the DD and
I are SEWING together! It brought tears to my eyes last night. Here I am machine quilting
my DN pinwheel quilt, and my DD is sewing her first quilt together on my old machine! Who'da
thunk it! She's making a quilt for her cedar chest. I told her she could make a quilt, and
she didn't want to just make one, she wanted to know right then what she was making it FOR!
(her Father's genes coming out)
The hypermutt is 'walking' toward my DD by dragging her butt in the seated position. What a wierd
dog! No wonder this room reeks.
HEY! Thats another question. Has anyone purchased one of the 'air cleaners' that have the Hepa
filters and the ionization thing? I'm seriously thinking of buying one for downstairs, but they're
over 400 bucks. Kinda cuts into my savings a bit. The mutt is only in the LR and Kitchen, but its
a pretty big area, and most of the little machines do a 9x10' room. I'd need 4 of them.
Well, time to get out of my jammers.
Liz in Kansas

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 8:55 AM
Subject: Block Update
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Here's the update on Ridgeley's blocks...

Angela L., Santa Ana, CA
Peg Palmer, Chicago Heights, IL
Shelli L., Hartly, DE
JoAnn G., Shawnee, OK
Ramona A., Edmond, OK
Sue F., Excelsior Springs, MO
Kim B., Baton Rouge, LA
Beth P., Newark, OH

Once again, thanks to everyone who has sent $$ toward expenses, FQs for me, etc.

SNOOPY DANCE....BIG TIME SNOOPY DANCE....I've finished the double sawtooth, and just need to wash it and wrap it up. I think it turned out pretty well, but I sure am sick of it at this point!

Cassi in Ohio

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 8:05 AM
Subject: B-days
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol.31.com

Good morning!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday wishes to the loon-y bin. Just kidding. loon, I hope you have/had a blessed day!
Got the batiks, too. I plan to use a couple in my next years challenge quilt.

Gotta hit the shower before going to prayer and work. Have a wonderful day all!
Sandi in MN

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 7:50 AM
Subject: all kinds
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Good morning,
First of all, Happy bitrhday to you Loon,
Make sure this is sung!!!!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary Faith and Bill. Letter will be in the mail in a day or so.
Have been reading every day and keeping up on the boards. Have had no time for sewing (boohoo) no time for playing(whaaa) and no time for S.E.X. (boo whaahoo)
Is this having fun. Nahh , but it could be worse.
Grace in Ont. who can hardly wait for free time.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 7:38 AM
Subject: Lady's Circle
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I think someone (Holice?) posted some months ago that the magazine had gone under. It's too bad they couldn't have at least sent a notice out to subscribers. I was subscribed to a magazine once that folded and they sent out a notice and while they couldn't give a refund, I got to pick one from a list of other magazines to receive to finish out my subscription.

DONNA AT JERSEY SHORE: I am the oldest of 4 girls - when I turned 4, I had a sister who was 3, one who was 2 and one who was a newborn. We had some sticky moments in our household during the teen years but we kids are all reasonably pleasant now and get along with each other just fine (dare I say we are actually fond of each other now?) Anyway, glad you came out of lurking! Anyone else who is lurking, come out and say hello!

Monica in Maine (who is afraid my mom is going to find out the subject of many of yesterday's postings and tell me I can't come play with you all anymore!) 8^)

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 6:53 AM
Subject: JANA
E-mail Address: etamiso@home.com

JANA: that would be aS.E.X.ual.....or a VERY long, dry spell!!

Liz in CT

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 3:32 AM
Subject: My first time
E-mail Address: Whitfields@webtv.net

My first time was group s.e.x. years ago
while at a quilt show in Seattle. I was with
about 50 quilters on a bus and it stopped at
a mall and In The Beginning had two stores
full of fabric. I remember it was my first
introduction to Hoffman fabrics. It was good
s.e.x. for everyone. We really wore those
poor girls out.
My DH is going to need my car all week.I
don't know if I can hold out much longer.Big
sale at Joannes on Friday night and I need
alot of backings.This is going to get ugly
soon. What is a word for being stashed
deprived? Jana from Wash.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 2:24 AM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: maddquilter@webtv.net

I couldn't go to sleep this a. m. without catching up.Love every one's stories.
Doni with birds-The upside down shower cap thing might work with a small bird,a finch a canary,a budgie or maybe,just maybe a cockatiel,but anything bigger will look at that skirt and see at as snackfood or a new
chew toy.If it's not little,just keep your dust buster handy!
About kids and bedrooms:#1DS and I went round and round in his early teens trying to get him to keep his room clean.After one long period where it didn't get done,I went in on garbage day with my garden rake and garbage bags.I filled 3! When he got home frm school,I told him that when he had finished his homework he could retrieve the bags from the basement and anything not out of the bags by 10 p.m. was going out to the curb.I know he did trash some of it,but he had gone through all 3 bags in time and that was the end of our battles(over his room any way).Now he's made the army his career and has everything just so,right down to creases in his jeans.Any one near Ft.Hood,TX Sure wish I could get someone to give him a hug from his mom!
I've had my fix.I go for S.E.X. tomorrow.
God bless you all. 80) Pat in PA

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 1:05 AM
Subject: Who Now???
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net



Susan in (Good Night) Mt.

Rachel in Ut. --- GO TO BED......NOW!!

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:58 AM
Subject: Lady's Circle Patchwork Quilts - Magazine
E-mail Address: marciw1@prodigy.net

Does anyone know what happened to L.C. Patchworks quilts magazine. I have NOT received mine since Oct. '98 My subscription goes to 2001! Marcie W.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:57 AM
Subject: LoooooooooooN !!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net


Well, what did you expect, I was already out of IT!!!!
Susan in (what a dream!!) Mt.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:56 AM
Subject: AHHHH!
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

We had a bat in the house tonight. I have no idea how it got in. Maybe from the picnic this weekend, lots of kids going in and out. I was on the phone and all of a sudden he was dive bombing all around the room. He parked himself at the top of one of my hanging quilt racks then he took off again. Well we were running around the house with pillows and tennis rackets, it was crazy. Finally DH and DS got it out the back door.

Good to see Kellie's page is up and running again. I have some pictures to send once school is out, which happens to be tomorrow! Horray! I must admitt, I will have a hard time saying goodbye to this class, they are great.

Take Care,
Carol of Wantage

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:44 AM
Subject: Anniversary
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

I've learned that tomorrow (June 15) is Faith and Bills wedding anniversary. So,


Rachel in UT

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:38 AM
Subject: It's Here!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
The new toy (trimer,mower) is here... Last night I watched the tape, read all the info and was ready to go this morning... Did everything one step at a time (just like a quilt) and it's all put together, thank you very much!!!! All thats left to do is adding the oil and gas (do not mix oil in with gas)... Well I knew that, each has its own little tank.... Anyway just about the time I was ready to pour the oil in, the rain started!!!! Very light, so I had time to put everything away and then it poured!!!!!! Look out tomorrow if things have dryed out enough...

Sun to rain to the most wonderful rainbow you have ever laid eyes on!!!!!!!

Jana in Wa. - Thank you for sharing, it was great until almost 2:00pm. Then the showers came. Had some very loud thunder, witch was a very rude awaking for Bogie (it be his first thunder storm)!!! But Mom got some good under the chin love'n. For those who don't know, Bogie is a bird (Conure)...

Nancy (Sewbird) - Happy Birthday for yesterday.... Have a dear friend here who turned 50 yesterday, so a bunch of us Gals had to go soda pop and dine her after Church.. She took it well!!! Us and being 50... LOL

Doni - I hate to tell you this Love, but the bigger the bird the further the shells fly!! And then when they are really haveing fun, the seeds go flying around tooooooo!!!!!!

Well, I see by the clock that I should go find my bed soon, so will talk at ya later,
Susan in (it's that time ZZZZZ) Mt.

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:37 AM
Subject: Subject: Can't think of one
E-mail Address: brrubow@deseretonline.com

I'm gonna get some. I'm gonna get some. Ya all know what I mean. Yup, this Friday, can't hardly keep my pants on I'm so excited. Got my sales brochure ready sitting next to my purse. Fabric store is having a HUGE sale and I'm there baby for some great S.E.X.

Nothing gives me a better *&$#@% than buying on sale. Go baby, go. YES.

Great, now look how you've all warped my innocent mind.

Rachel in UT

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:21 AM
Subject: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOONIE MARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

In case you didn't know it, that was a Loonie Tune. Where are ya woman? Did ya fall outa the canoe? Did you run off with a hunk'a'hunk'a'burning love loon? Does DH know about this? Come on Loon, give us the dirt! After the DH made a nice outhouse inside your house, you didn't run off on him, didja?
Perspiring minds want to know (JDB original)

Date: 6/15/99 Time: 12:12 AM
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

Happy Birthday Loon dahling.....Hope it finds you well and in tune to your friends the
loons. Miss your posts!! It's time.....

Susan in Fresno....

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