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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

July 15 - July 21, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 9:16 AM
Subject: On the map
E-mail Address: handyquilt@aol.com

You can put me on the map as Granny in the HIllbillies just west of Akron and south of Clerveland in Ohio...laura

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 9:15 AM
Subject: Waterin' the Desert
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

When will I EVER learn...to go back to bed right after I get DH off to work at 3 a.m. and Not "take a quick peek" at the BB!! LOL and then, right off the bat, I read a couple of things and I get thirsty!! These days you simply cannot read it without a glass of water in your left hand (so you can mouse thru the messages with your right) but be careful of liquids and keyboards!! I just had to buy a new one after just a itsy bitsy spod (that's smaller than a splash but bigger than a drop) of coffee got on the number pad part - I don't even USE that part...I don't see why it had to get so testy!
After being on every diet known to mankind (Eve and I started the Apple Diet), I had decided that as long as DH and DgS could love me as I was, I would too....but I can't...at least not ALL of me. I would love to get into a squishy incentive, but I don't know if I can live long enough to lose 125 lbs!! I'm going to check with Brenda on that Prism thing. Yes, ther is a LOT to that thing about *emotional* eating...I was between size 12-14 and working full time with DD & DS grown and (mostly) gone, when DD was diagnosed with malig. melenoma. I quit my job to take care of her and only went back part time because we were raising our DgS...her gift to us. Toss in closing where DH had worked for 30 yrs; difficulty in his finding work (at his age...yes, there IS discrimination) and finally relocating from wet, green to dry, brown; leaving lifetime friendships behind...ahhh but things are looking up!! I have all you new friends and I even got to meet (in person)Pat in Central CA - Wonderful time!! Talked a mile a minute; had a lovely lunch; fondled her finished and WIP (work in progress) and now I'm drinking water and determining to lose a bunch of this fluff.
Ellen - I guess you could picture me as a spayed dauchshound (they get sooo overweight so easy and it all shows!) here just 15 mi E of Winnemucca NV off I-80. I'm learning to love it here (it will be easier if we ever get a lawn in).
Sorry I've gone on so long...that's what happens when you have a drink in one hand and the sun comes up over your shoulder.
Connie in the (hot) High Desert

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 9:07 AM
Subject: map
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Finally decided my map character....put me down as a hawk...I love to watch the red-tailed hawks in our area, and try not to miss a migration at Hawk Mountain (though this year looks questionaable)I'm in the southwest corner of Pnnsylvania, about 60 miles south of Pittsburgh.
Speaking of hawks, at the Lancaster quilt show there was a quilt featuring an osprey, very realistic, very well done...anyone know of good hawk patterns for quilting? Chris in PA, who'd rather be soaring than heading off to work (though it is air conditioned)

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 8:56 AM
Subject: This and that
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

Make my map sign a squirrel and place it in the corner of Illinois where I 80 crosses the Indiana line. Like most teachers I hoard everything 'cause you never know when it will "come in handy". Cleaning the linen closet this morning I found 8 baby quilts ( the youngest is 17 and taller than I am) bed sheets for beds we don't own any more (twin size is long gone), curtains for windows in the house my mother lived in twenty years ago, hooked rugs made by MIL in patterns I hate, and I'm not even down to the bottom. The computer/sewing ronnm has reached gridlock with patterns and Ohio stuff, and the garage is stuffed with teaching materials someone was throwing out and I retrieved out of the garbage. ------And I'm thinking of garage saling today. I reaqlly need to pick up another garage!
I will try the water thing for the next month. After that it's down to a 8 oz glass during the day and maybe less. Teachers don't get to use the bathroom during the day except at lunch. We have to supervise at all times. Emergency runs down the hall don't happen often and it's a long way from my room to the nearest pot. It can't be good for the kids either to be restricted to a sip twice a day and whatever they drink at lunch, but that's the system. Peg in Chicago

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 8:50 AM
Subject: Hello All
E-mail Address: KBras01@aol.com

Ellen - Hope I can get on the map as a Teddy Bear.I work among dozens of them in my 'studio'-

all watching me. I'm just north of Cincinnati.

Faith - Hope you and Bill are doing o.k. this a.m. Took DH to radiation therapy at 6:15 a.m. Now I'm free to go to Serial Quilters and get my therapy.

Monica - Glad you are home and hope recovery is going well.

Weatherman has promised HHH for the next week. Will be in the a.c. for sure. Peace, Kathy in OH

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 8:46 AM
Subject: Good Morning and A Great Day !!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful morning !! We finally have sunshine in the NC Mountains and I am going to take advantage of it! Much needed yard work is awaiting my arrival !! The grass was mowed fresh yesterday and no slip and sliding thru it this time (dog gifts) you know ! Now, the weeds are waiting and beans, squash and eggplants to pick ! Of course, I still have pots of flowers waitng for a new pot of dirt and maybe a bigger home ! My day is set and I must travel on, just wanted to wish everyone A Very Good Day !!!!!!!!

Happy quilting, Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 8:41 AM
Subject: marking the map
E-mail Address: jbr4marykay@snet.net

Good morning! If Penny is going to have a crown, I want a TIARA!!!!!!!! i am frequently referred to as the "princess"........started when we bought that four poster bed that you need steps to climb into! we dubbed it the "princess bed" and i have been the "princess of quite a lot" ever since!!

Put me on the map smack in the middle of the state!

Jeanne in CT where it's going to be HOT HOT HOT and we're off to the handcraft show

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 8:35 AM
E-mail Address: blinley@tisd.net

PAT in Waterloo....How are you doing with your quilt today? The BB is great isn't it? The support and friendship here is great.
Cassi....GOOD LUCK to your DD in the dance competition. My DD was in drill team for 4 years. (Drill Teams competion is very big here in Texas) We spent many hours getting ready for competitions, so I know what you have been going through.
I am really feeling better since we all started the water routine. I know I am not eating as much and I feel healthier too. Another 8 today and I will be right up there with Richard Simmons...LOL
I am so envious of LINDA's trip to Norway and Sweden....I would love to take the same....Especially this time of year...So hot in Texas...
ELLEN, I bet you are really getting busy with this MAP..I am in Victoria, South Texas...between Austin..Houston...San Antonio..and Corpus Christi.
Tag me as Donna Reed The Girl Next Door.
YYY on headbands for the IQF....LOL. My DH says he might want to go with me...oh no!!!!!!I don't want to hurt his feelings but......LOL
Well, I am off to work....FRIDAY! YEA!!!!!!!
I will check in at lunch...I would love some info about some wall hanging patterns..something antique looking for my DD. Not too difficult!!!
Vicki in hot and humid Texas...more rain forcast for the week-end....ICK!

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 8:12 AM
Subject: map
E-mail Address: lalbain@cass.ney

Good morning..I've been reading about this "map", must have missed some postings as to the why of it. Its not that I care or need to know, its just that I know I've missed somethng...hate that!!! Like to be on top of things.
Well I guess the only thing I can think of to mark my spot would have to be a crown. You see, the ladies of IM, have dubbed me the "Queen of Scrabble". You would have to see my typing on IM to understand this,,well maybe not, I've had a few mishaps here too...LOL My typing is like scrabble spelling and you sometimes have to sound out the words to figure out what I'm trying to say. And of course I DO get corrected....alot! But all in good fun.
So just slap a crown down on your map in the very S/E corner of MI, down by Toledo, OH. I doubt if your map would have Deerfield on it, if it has Blissfield or Adrian, you are real close.
BTW, who is keeping track of this map?? See I told you I missed something.
Hey, only 15 days for me, and I get to meet all those crazy ladies at OHIO 99!!! Can't wait!
Penny in s/e MI

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 7:15 AM
Subject: Morning Everyone
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

I switched to drinking water last fall after years of dedication to Caffeine Free Diet Coke. It started out as an experiment to see if the phenylalinine in the diet pop was affecting me physically. I won't go into the major details, but nasty things happened to diet drinks when stored at more than 85 degrees. If you're interested in knowing more, do a word search on phenylalinine (I think I spelled it right - it's on the can) and you can read about it.

Anyway, I don't seem to have any change in health by quitting the Diet Coke, and finally have gone back to having one once in a while, but I'm am sticking to my bottled water. It's my understanding the recommended amount is 64 oz. a day.....am I wrong or are some of you overachievers??? LOL

I'm still debating about my character for my spot on the map....perhaps Air Bud, because I love golden retrievers, and Chilly Willy, because DS loves penguins? My code name for passing notes in school was the Artful Dodger (we were on an Oliver Twist kick at the time) and my mother to this day says the name is perfect for me.

I thought the Good Witch's name was Glinda....not Gelinda or Glenda. Perhaps I'm wrong, though. As a trivia tidbit for you, the Wicked Witch of the West went to my school (many years before I did) but we were always proud to claim Margaret Hamilton as an alumna.

Keep your fingers crossed for DD's dance competition today and tomorrow...we've never waited so long into the summer to attend nationals before. The kids are really sick of their routines, ready to start new ones, etc., so we're not sure how well things will go. Plus one girl was in a car accident Tuesday night, stitches over one eye, badly bruised, so Wednesday night was spent re-working the routines she's in because she can't dance. Sometimes these last minute crises can inspire the team to do well...other times it's a disaster!

All for now....time to check out that we have everything packed and ready to go! BooHoo....can't go to Serial Quilters today....well, maybe a quick morning visit...don't have to leave until noon! Cassi in Ohio

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 6:15 AM
Subject: I needed to laugh
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

Well, I sure picked the right place to go in the middle of the night, to lift my spirits and make me laugh, when I can't sleep.

Anita, your preparation for parenthood had me roflol, and then Mary comes up with the things you can learn from children. It's just too much!! almost wet myself, and I haven't even been on the water thing.

All of you who are though, have inspired me to get back on it. I used to be real good at drinking alot of H2O, can't even remember how I got out of the habit........but I will resurrect it!!

I really should try to get some sleep since the alarm if going off in 5 hours!!

Nite all!! Raye-Jean in Alaska

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 4:28 AM
Subject: Bits and pieces
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Finally...been trying to get on board to read all evening. Only made it to the ll:00 p.m. posting. Now it's one a.m. here. For you ladies who have difficulty with the taste or the abount of water try using a straw. You can really get a lot down and hardly taste it. When I started doing the water thing
years ago I used a 16 oz glass. Drink 2 before lunch, 2 during the afternoon. It is easier to count to 2 twice than try to keep track of 8 glasses. This may eliminate trips during the night if you drink it all by dinner time.

Sorry girls, diet soda doesn't count. It is so loaded with sodium that it could cause you to retain water. Even plain club soda has a lot of sodium. Only nature's finest will work. Iced tea without sugar is a pretty good second. You can still have the soda, just don't count it as part of the water intake.

Don't we all feel squeeky clean now after all that inner cleansing?

Can I be on the map too? I don't post ofter but I read every chance I get. You can use a photo of Erica Kane (Susan Luci). We are both brunette and the same size. I am 5'1" and so is she. I am certain we wear the same size .... earrings. Erica has been married more times, tho. You can put the pin just about 8 miles east of San Diego, Ca.

Now that you know what I look like I will be easy to find at the airport for Ohio 99. Please ! No autographs.

Barbara in sunny (well it will be in a few hours) and warm, Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 3:56 AM
Subject: Allsorts
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

VIRUS. firstly I wanted to alert anyone I had e.mailed recently that my computor seems to have had a virus. I e.mailed someone about a month a ago and now the e.mail has reappeared and developed a chain letter attachment. so if I did contact you then you might like to run a check on your system. no idea why it happned, I hate chain mail as much as the next person.
My comp has been checked since and is now as clear as far as I can tell.

Mary in Kansas. loved the things to learn from kids, mind you it's far too late for my as all but one DD has left.

Anita in Mid-Michigan. Also brill prep list but far too late for to help me! where where you all 24 years ago? and would i believed you. ... Nah you have to experiance these things first hand.

Brenda in Indiana. i would love to pop over to help mow grass, pick beens etc, but it's a bit far from the UK to drive over. still the thought was there LOL.

1st day off in two weeks so choices of house work or sewing. choice over can always hoover another day!

P.S. Stripey Bear have you seen this weeks copy of Woman? 2 page line up of men in uniform, including firemen!!

Linda UK

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 2:05 AM
Subject: Early Friday Morning
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all - hope you had an interesting Thursday. I will confess that I went fabric shopping this afternoon, so I guess that qualifies me as having a SEXual expericene, ha! (Boy, that just sounds sooo naughty, ha!) "Hey Stripey Bear...where's a fireman when you need one!" (oops, shame on me!)

Okay, I wanna see a show of hands. Who wants to drive to Indiana and help me mow grass, pick green beans, and possibly pick apples later on today? That's what I thought...NO ONE!!! (you chickens).

Well, I'd better put an end to this party and go to bed. One side of my brain thought it would be a good idea to move stuff around in this sewing room. The other side of my brain wants to kick my butt for listening...hence I have made a bigger mess than when I began this venture...stupid, stupid, stupid! Later kids, from Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 1:35 AM
Subject: Laughed till I was sick!
E-mail Address: quiltedcanary@home.com

Well ladies you certainly brightened up my day. The humor in todays postings was fantastic. Just the thing to read before heading to bed. Will be good to get under the covers tonight. It SNOWED in Calgary last night - yes SNOWED. Quit a change from 87 above last Sunday. Keep the humor coming we might need it.

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 1:19 AM
Subject: Pepsi
E-mail Address: cmluney@sesaline.com

Trudy in Iowa........I am so glad to hear there's another pepsiholic out there. I'd been feeling so guilty about drinking pepsi all day long while the rest are drinking water. I have a machine to make carbonated water and make my own from pepsi syrup. I learned to drink pepsi on my grandmother's knee many many years ago. I am addicted.
Forgot to say to put my pin pretty close to the center of the state.
I have trouble finding the spray for basting the quilt layers together. Where is the best place to find it.
Mary in Kansas

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 12:55 AM
Subject: Potty trotting
E-mail Address: hdew@cwix.com

Told myself that I was only going to read the BB for 1/2 hr. Ha! What fun, 1 1/2 hrs. later--.
Ursula, what a good thing you've done, getting all of us that need to lose weight motivated. Good job on the 9# loss! You must be in pretty good shape to get through an hour long exercise tape. I'm hurting after a 30 min. walk, or even 5 min on my stationary bike! It'll get better, right, if I just stick with it.

The water worked today, really well! For the first time since Nov. I haven't had this ravenous appetite. I've been drinking lots of water, but probably not enough, today I got down 11-8 oz. glasses and didn't feel hungry at all. No quilting, though, too many trips to the "tinkleorium", jbd, you are wonderful! How I'd like to have a wit like yours.

Ronna, thanks for your words of wisdom, tried to e-mail you but I typed your address wrong then didn't have a chance to re-write. You're right, emotional eating has played a big part in my overeating. Many times today I told myself that I could have whatever I wanted to eat, just eat slowly, eat smaller portions, and now that I know the water finishes filling me up some of the anger is gone, poor me, I'm not a tall, thin nordic type--I'm a short, fluffy Latin. Please, don't put me down as one of those icky dogs that does the Taco Bell commercials. Can't decide what I want my geographical pin to be. Animal? Person? I'll let you know.

Thanks everyone for the support, motivation, and partnering. What a wonderful sisterhood!

Hey, maybe we could buy municipal bonds, that would be investing in water works, and then use the dividends to pay for S.E.X. How's that AZ?

G'nite everyone, thanks from the bottom of my butt, it's bigger than my heart..!

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 12:41 AM
Subject: SEX at the Guild Meeting
E-mail Address: qwltinsarah@msn.com

Hi All,
I finally did it went to the guild meeting and had a SEX-perience. We had a Christmas in July party with lots of food, patriotic q-blocks and a gift exchange. It was in the gift exchange that I had my SEX-perience. Had FQs stolen away from me twice. Got what I wanted in the end.

I finally got a new email. qwltinsarah@msn.com

Got to go put the boy to bed. He fell asleep on the floor. Later from a worn-out Sarah in Alabama

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 12:16 AM
Subject: Got my fix!
E-mail Address: nealilona@wesnet.com

Reading through the postings is a blast! I am now drinking more water, just reading about your consumption of h2o! I am finally feeling on top of the world again! My back doesn't hurt hardly at all now - had to visit the chiropractor last week and this week and thought I would have to live with pain the rest of my life! Really down on myself - Got my "lifts" from you everyday. Today was a good day!
I am working on a wallhanging and got the top all together last night - just need to back it, batt it and baste it - the three b's. I will machine quilt it - so easy with wallhangings. This is a "progressive" that our guild gave us last year - teehee! I finally am finishing it - teehee! I use the spray for basting and it works beautifully. Even for a large quilt last year, though I did put some pins in as I wasn't sure it would hold while moving it in and out of the hoop as I handquilted it. That spray did help.
Lori in PA - I lived all over Chautauqua County as a young girl - Westfield, NY, then Jamestown, NY, then graduated from Pine Valley Central in South Dayton, NY - so know your part of the country. Have been in Ohio since 1972. Still have relatives in that area and Kane, Penna.
All these diets sound good that you all are attempting and appreciate hearing all the hints about dieting. Believe me, I can use them.
While I watched the Braves game tonight they kept mentioning that some game was postponed because of a crash - wondered what it was - never expected to hear about it on a quilting chat page - what a terrible thing!
Loved the dog matchups - hilarious!
Going camping this weekend - first time since May. Gonna have hot dogs over the fire, watch the flames leap, talk with our club buddies, catch up on their news, eat supper out, and all those goodies. No cooking supper out - too hot. You all have a great weekend, especially those of you who are going to quilt shows - sigh! Ilona in hot western Ohio

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 12:10 AM
Subject: Iowa State Fair and pepsi
E-mail Address: trsmith@lucasco.net

Hi all,

I received a few e-mails inquiring why I am going to camp at the fair for 10 days. I'll just answer here and hope everyone reads it! No, I am not vending there. It is supposed to be a fun time! There are probably about 30 or 40 familys from here that go every year and stay for the duration. We have never done it before and thought we would try it this yr. Every year we have gone for just a day, we are so-o-o-o-o tired at the end of the day. We never get to see everything we would like to. By camping there, we can go down for a couple hrs. a day and go back to the camper and rest. Go down again in the evening, maybe see a show, grab something to eat and not have to worry about driving the 50 miles back home. There are so many things to see and do at a State Fair, there is no way to see it all at one time. We have friends who have kids that show animals for 4-H and enjoy watching them too. There is a beautiful display of quilts and even demonstrations to watch. Everything I want to see is always spread out during the 10 days. So, we will try it once and see if we like it. If not, we won't do it again! Most of our friends that camp are all in walking distance of each other and we will all just kind of "hang out". Just hope the weather holds up for us. If not, my sewing machine will be handy and I can get some badly needed piecing done.

Vicki - My new machine that I referred to is a new quilt machine. I just traded one in for a bigger one. I have a business in my home. That's why I need some "piecing" time. I don't get much time to do things for myself anymore. Sure wish I was a millionaire and could afford to quilt only for myself. Ha Ha

I read the post about women that drink water having better minds in the golden years. I'm really in for a shock. I haven't drank anything on a daily basis but pepsi for as long as I can remember. I drink one swallow of water a day and that is at night to swallow a pill. I did finally get switched over to diet pepsi. To me, that tastes about like water. Does that count? :o) Probably not.

Ellen: I guess you'd better picture me as a pepsi can. I am about 50 miles south of Des Moines, Iowa.

All this talk you girls are doing is making me thirsty. Time for number 5! (it's a real addiction, I know)

Sunshine to all!

Trudy in Iowa

Date: 7/16/99 Time: 12:06 AM
Subject: Hello Again!
E-mail Address: copeland@htc.net

Thanks to all who responded to my last posting! I enjoyed hearing from all of you and if I haven't responded yet, hang in there, I'll get to you. I was so inspired by the messages and encouragement I received that I actually spent about an hour and a half working on my quilt last night! Managed to get 3 squares done in my Rail Fence. Looking forward to learning more about all on the BB. This is only my second posting and I've really enjoyed it so far! Now, my DH will have to fight me for the computer at night! God bless all!
Pat in Waterloo, IL

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:58 PM
Subject: Hey!! I seen that!!
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Bloodhound + Labrador
Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly,..... hey that sounds like Buford!! He's a Blabador!! Thanks for clearing that up Kitty!
Dogs rule cats drool...
Hugs to you cat women!
Doni...and the wonderdog Blabador Buford..thats a mouth full!!

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:21 PM
Subject: map
E-mail Address: marj@execpc.com

Hi All - Been busy getting ready for our week of Girl Scout Day Camp. 533 persons (girls and adults) is going to be great. However, no time right now to quilt. Please place me in Southeastern corner of Wisconsin as a Beagle. Didn't get my puppy this past weekend, Mom is still nursing them. Breeder says I can pick her out on the 24th. HHH here tonight, temp hit 95 today. Everything on the news is about the three construction workers killed in the crane crash while building our new baseball park.

Marj in WI

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:17 PM
Subject: Stuff and nonsense!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

SANDRA What a good idea. You should wear an antenna with a YYY on it. I would, but I am a nut.
On the BB map I am a kitty kat. One of those really fluffy ones.
LINDA I got the same fabric for my DGD#1. I haven't decided on a pattern but had to have that fabric.
SUSAN my ferrets were the sweetest natured pets. I think you should stick with the crab.
BELLEVUE quilt show here I come. Going to stay with Julie in Redmond tomorrow and attend the show on Saturday. She is a fellow BBer and went on retreat. I think she is a fantastic person and can't wait to see her again. I've missed her. Ready or not, here I come Julie!!
JILL the good witch in Wizard of Oz was named Glenda, the good witch.
Anyone going to the Bellevue Quilt Show this weekend? Sandy Toes? I know there are others up there. Don't forget your YYYs.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:10 PM
Subject: OOPS
E-mail Address: lorrn@velocity.nr


Forgot to tell you where to place me on the map.
Find Erie PA and then follow I90 towards Ohio. Just before enter Ohio Place the pin at Route 6N. My town is pretty small and isn't usually the map.

Lori in PA

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:03 PM
Subject: Me Too for the Map
E-mail Address: lorrn@velocity.net

Place me on the map as a green thumb. Love to garden and have lots of houseplants. Gardens are especially great at growing weeds - always nice and green and plentiful - LOL.

Still trying to get ready for this picnic Sat. Of course went out today and picked 5 quarts of blackberries. My boyfriend still thinks I'm going to have time to bake pies! Of course he won't know the difference between pillsbury refridgerated pie crust and the ones from scratch. Only my grocer will know for sure! Still have shish-kabobs and another meat to make. At least I asked everyone to bring a dish - maybe I'll get nothing but bags of potato chips and pretzels - hope somebody brings the dip.

Drank lots of water today - not sure it helped but kidneys work well!

Lori in PA

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:01 PM
Subject: Oh No!!!
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Hay!! I get busy for a couple of days and when I get back
you're all drinking more water, losing weight, and naming yourselves
after cool characters. Look what I've been missing. Getting ready
for vacation so I've been told I'm the "Wicked Witch of the North or is
that West". So much work, so little time. Haven't had
decent S.E.X. in awhile. Guess I get a little bit
touchy. I'm really a Pussy Cat when not in vacation mode.
Well I promise to drink more water but the diet stuff is going to have to
wait untill I get back from Alaska. Think I'll eat Salmon every night.
I love salmon. Good luck to all of you on the dieting.
Kathy in Pa. where it's starting to heat up again.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:52 PM
Subject: weight programs
E-mail Address: blaylock@barn.hawthorne.nv.us

Eighteen weeks ago I joined PRISM weight program. I was a size 18. Today I am in size 10. We are not allowed to weight ourselves! I would say I have lost thirty pounds. My sister is in the program with me and has lost about the same. My daughter-in-law is the one who told me about the program. She is now wearing a size six.

We also drink alot of water. The first six weeks you cannot have any sugar or starch.

I feel much better. If any of you are interested in the program I will be glad to give you the address you may call for more information.

Brenda in Nevada who was going to choose a butterfly! Butterfly Brenda is my chat name at fabric stash chat room. I also collect butterflies on fabric and nick nacks.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:49 PM
Subject: water, water....
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Okay, the water thing is going well, but I've been craving cheese and carbohydrates lately...not good! Really need to get back to those WW fruits and veggies!
Pat, don't worry about your vacation, just enjoy it. Found ours extremely relaxing, and even though I ate anything I wanted, still managed to maintain or lose aa pound or so during the week because we were so active....found we walked about six hours a day...not power walking, but never off our feet for more than a half hour at a time! Came back and promptly gained three pounds because I sit for eight hours a day at work, only three feet away from the candy box. (Why can't I be allergic to chocolate? Instead I can't eat the good old zero-calorie mushrooms I loved so much!) Don't know who I want to be on the map...will post as soon as I figure out who I want to be for real, too! Chris in PA, who early in life vowed never to grow up into an adult, and has probably succeeded, but now wants to know what I want to be when I grow up. (is this mid-life junk?)

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:32 PM
Subject: MAP - VQF
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

Ellen, put me on your map as a humming bird. Upper NW corner of Vermont. I am flitty
like a humming bird...jumping back & forth between my kitchen, sewing room and 'puter
room for you know what. I also enjoy food very much and tend to want to eat my weight
in food everyday...not really!! But I do like good yummy food.

I sent raffle tickets out to Janice Kelly in WA and to Michaela Dunkin in CA today. That
makes 24 of you BB gals to receive tickets on the Quilt so far. I ordered more tickets
today as I am about to run out of them. I guess I should have set my goal higher when I
first ordered the tickets!! On the 25th of July (Sunday afternoon) a little town 3 miles
away are having a JIG FEST in the town park and they have invited me to display the
quilt there and hopefully to sell lots of tickets. I have made a large poster explaining the
history of the quilt that I will have on an easel next to the Quilt...that way I won't have to
explain about it to everyone individually as they purchase tickets.

90* and humid here again today...more of same for the next couple of days. NO NO
NO!! I am going to VQF on Saturday and I remember how H & H it was there last
year. But I can put up with it just to be there to visit all the vendor's booths and to drool
over all those beautiful quilts on display. I will be wearing my YYY and hope to see
some more there.

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:30 PM
Subject: Things You Can Learn From Having Children
E-mail Address: cmluney@sesaline.com

Things you can learn from having Children
Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke......lots of it.
A six-year old can start a fire with a flint rock even though a forty-year old man says that can only be done in the movies.
If you spray furniture polish on dush bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite.
A four-year old's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.
If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound boy wearing a superman cape. It is strong enough, however, to spread paint on all four walls of a20 by 20 foot room.
Baseballs make marks on ceilings.
When using the ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit.
A ceioing fan can hit a baseball a long way.
The glass in windows, even double pane, does not stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan.
A magnifying glass can start a fire even on an overcast day.
If you use a waterbed as home plate while wearing baseball cleats, it does not leak....it explodes.
A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 square foot house four inches deep.
Legos will pass through the digestive tract of a four-year old.
Duplo blocks will not.
PlayDough and microwave should never be used in the same sentence.
Superglue is forever.
No matter how much Jello you put in a swimming pool, you still can't walk on water.
Pool filters don't like Jello.
VCR's do not eject peanut butter and jelly sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do.
Garbage bags do not make good parachutes. Neither do embroidered bedsheets.
Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving.
Always look in the oven before you turn it on.
Plastic toys do not like ovens.
Always look in the dryer before using it. A four-year old can break an arm in a rotating dryer.
The fire department in our city has a response time of at least five minutes.
The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.
It will, however, make cats dizzy.
Cats throw up two times their body weight when dizzy.
Quiet does not necessarily mean there is nothing wrong.

Considering I have made approximately 300 Care Bears, I guess I'll go on the map as a Tenderheart Care Bear. Ive been working on another Mystery Quilt. I'm hooked on them. I need to make a teddy bear baby quilt for a niece's new baby, so better go get at it.
Mary in Kansas

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:17 PM
Subject: Sorry, I just had to post it! Doni!!!!
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

New Dog Cross Breeds

The following breeds are now recognized by the AKC:

Collie + Lhasa Apso
Collapso, a dog that folds up for easy transport

Spitz + Chow Chow
Spitz-Chow, a dog that throws up a lot

Pointer + Setter
Poinsetter, a traditional Christmas pet

Great Pyrenees + Dachshund
Pyradachs, a puzzling breed

Pekingnese + Lhasa Apso
Peekasso, an abstract dog

Irish Water Spaniel + English Springer Spaniel
Irish Springer, a dog fresh and clean as a whistle

Labrador Retriever + Curly Coated Retriever
Lab Coat Retriever, the choice of research scientists

Newfoundland + Basset Hound
Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial advisors

Terrier + Bulldog
Terribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes

Bloodhound + Labrador
Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly

Malamute + Pointer
Moot Point, owned by....oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway

Collie + Malamute
Commute, a dog that travels to work

Deerhound + Terrier
Derriere, a dog that's true to the end

Bull Terrier + Shitzu
Oh, never mind....

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:57 PM
Subject: I want to be a butterfly
E-mail Address: carequilt@aol.com

I am a lurker who has been enjoying all the posts.
Reading the posts about drinking water has encouraged me & I have started to drink it.. Hate the stuff,but add a little lemon ...Thanks for the little push to get me started.

I just finished a stack and whack. My 1st attempt at MQ. WOW,it goes so much faster than hq .... Why didn't I try this a long time ago?

I'm in SW CT and want to be a Monarch Butterfly... so I can be orange,flit around and fly south for the winter!

Does anyone have any ideas for little Christmas gifts- easy and fast? I exchange "tokens of affection" and have run out of ideas.
I just enjoy the bbchat so much! Thanks for sharing
Care in CT

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:56 PM
Subject: I want to be a butterfly
E-mail Address: carequilt@aol.com

I am a lurker who has been enjoying all the posts.
Reading the posts about drinking water has encouraged me & I have started to drink it.. Hate the stuff,but add a little lemon ...Thanks for the little push to get me started.

I just finished a stack and whack. My 1st attempt at MQ. WOW,it goes so much faster than hq .... Why didn't I try this a long time ago?

I'm in SW CT and want to be a Monarch Butterfly... so I can be orange,flit around and fly south for the winter!

Does anyone have any ideas for little Christmas gifts- easy and fast? I exchange "tokens of affection" and have run out of ideas.
I just enjoy the bbchat so much! Thanks for sharing
Care in CT

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:56 PM
Subject: the wizard of oz....
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

okay Jill in portland...this is coming from a Kansas girl that know..the good witch was Gelinda...and I guess since I am the oldest of the Kansas girls..then I would have to be Auntie Emm...at least someone else gets stuck with being Dorothy!! Hey I even got a Toto dog..to go along the coon hound!! LOL!!
Hugs Doni.....ewwww diet..what do you think?? Dare it do it again?? Nope..not me..may not be a good idea for me..But good luck to you all!!

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:23 PM
Subject: Ursulas
E-mail Address: catdr@doitnow.com

I almost forgot!
Congrats to Ursula on your 9 pounds, that's so COOL!

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:21 PM
Subject: 'Swimming' in laughs
E-mail Address: catdr@doitnow.com

Hi you hydrated bunch,
Glad the water shortage continues. I thought
my laugh lines looked smoother today!
Since I haven't had enough water to remember wheren
I leave that stupid water bottle at work, Iv'e decide to
keep little dixie cups at each sink & just drink tap water every
time I go by, I can do 3 at once.
I do have a confession though. I had strawberry shortcake tonite!!
The strawberries are almost gone, & it's my fav desert. I haven't
any yet this year. I did however put the rest of the berries in the
freezer for healthy smoothies all winter.
After much thought I've decided I would like to be
the good witch from The Wizzard of Ozz, I adore her
to this day! But I haven't had enough water to remember her name, help!~
I think that beautiful dress made me want to sew.
Helen: Glad Jamie's is OK
Betty: Where is this Safari
I really like the antenna idea, lets make it the
bright yellow idea of the week.
Love to all, Jill in Portland, where it was a SUPER TEN today

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:03 PM
Subject: re: Preparation for parenthood
E-mail Address: bksmith@n-link.com

I got a chuckle out of reading "preparation for parenthood"....but I can go that one better....
Raise your own children. Make all the mistakes that we parents make. Then, adopt your first grandchild. The second time around is much easier and more fun. BUT... be prepared to give up quilting, reading and any thing else you consider a past time. Kim in Texas

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:58 PM
Subject: Snowman swap
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Good evening ladies. Just reporting in about the snowman swap. The following ladies are signed up:

Cox, Jill
Cubero, Linda Sue
Dahlkemper, Beth
Durham, Bertie
Falkowski, Sue
Grancio, Susan
Hartlaub, Kristine
Higgins, Raye-Jean
Maracle, Lori
McCollum, Katie
Mignosa, Marge
Norris, Jeannie
Nowaczyk, Darleene
Readhead, Nelly
Richardson, Melissa
Snyder, Susan
Spjut, Judy
Underdahl, Lola (Your e-mail is still bouncing)
Wilson, Carol
McDonnell, Wendy
Saunders, Janice

I will let you know on August 1st what the total count is. I have been working on mine and I am really happy with the character they have taken on. I am meeting Lynn from Spring for lunch tomorrow. Think I'll take my one finished block to show her!

Hope you are all cooler than we are!

Katie Mac in Spring, Texas

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:55 PM
Subject: 80 oz of water...
E-mail Address: jrunyan@synaps-inc.com

Well, I drank 80oz of water today. And I walked two miles. So I guess I haven't fallen off the wagon yet. And, I discoverd the Breyers yogurt I have been eating for lunch has only 120 calories!!! And the flavor is strawberry cheesecake. I am not really trying to lose weight, just get into better shape. But thank you Ursula for getting me started drinking water.

I had better go do something with some fabric. DH is beginning to think my hobby is collecting fabric, not sewing.

Julie in GA

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:48 PM
Subject: rethinking the big "D"
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Okay, Okay.......all you ladies have convinced me to reconsider the Dreaded Diet! It really wouldn't kill me to drink more water, cut down on my portions and run up and down the basement stairs a few more times. But I'm not giving up my licorice and the Good & Plenty! My goal is to lose 10 lbs.......S.E.X will be my reward, tho I haven't decided exactly what yet.

One of my motivations will be a big event coming up in our town next June (a ways off, I know, but I'd better start now!) Old Settler's Reunion is the biggest thing around here every 5 years. Everybody and their dog comes back for class reunions and lots of socializing, so I have to look good for that, right? I can get me a new pair of tight jeans and party, party, party!! Well, maybe not too tight (might need to lose more than 10 lbs for that!)

Karen in KS--can I stow away on vacation with you?? Since I'm on the big "D" I won't eat much and we could go to some of those quilt shops together. I hesitate to say I want to have S.E.X with you!! LOL Oh, Dr. Ruth......what is the correct terminology for that without sounding kinky??

Gotta go get something accomplished tonight--keep up with the encouragement everyone!!!

Susan in KS

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:42 PM
Subject: S.E.X.-ual therapy
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Cheryl it’s o.k. to have S.E.X. with a girl friend if both of you purchase something cut on the “straight” grain.

All the running to the potty and “assuming the position” has to count for some type of daily exercise.

Stripey Bear, you lean mean S.E.X. machine, sounds like you and Bertie need to go on a man-hunt together.

Doni, the money you save on Big Macs should go to pay the increase in your water/sewage bill. The BB’ers have been spending as much time with the sewage facilities as they have with their sewing machines lately, or sew it seams.

Deep Thought: Were Flushing Meadows and Waterloo named after sewage treatment plants?

Dr. Ruth

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:38 PM
Subject: I wanna play!
E-mail Address: Patisu@aol.com

OK, where do we sign in for the weight loss program? I want to lose 25 lbs. The good news-- you gals have inspired me to get on the (water) wagon, the bad news--I leave for a 3 week vacation next week! How can a person diet on vacation? Have water will travel. Remember Liz Taylor at her heaviest? Can I be her? ( I think Rosie O'Donnell is already taken) Nah, I don't have lavender eyes, Nah, I haven't been married 7,8, times, but hey, I used to have very dark hair before I decided to highlight it for the summer(read that hiding the gray) and boy can I act when it comes to explaining S.E.X. Come to think of it, Liz has gone platinum. LOL

Pat in Cen CA. just a tad north of Susan in Fresno

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:35 PM
Subject: Squishies
E-mail Address: opo1004159@aol.com

Hi Everyone!
I haven't posted in a few days so wanted to check in and say Hello. The Deer are gone from my garden havent't seen them for awhile. Groundhogs are now trying to destroy it. For the map I've been reading about, I could be Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies. Just put me just under the thumb joint in Mi. Today I received 2 squishies in the mail. Brought them in and checked out all tthe other mail first, Opened them real slow, one at a time, just to make it last longer.Took them all out handeled them, smelled them, rubbed them on my face and then laid them out on the back of the sofa so I could look at them all day. One was from susan in NJ and the other fromBarb in MA.Thanks ladies, I needed that. It helped like nothing else could today. I think of you all often but don"t get on here as much as I would like. Drs, orders to stay away from the 'puter and my sewing machine for a week or so. He has already taken away everything else that makes life interresting. So,I guess I had better say G'nite and Happy Days to All
Gramma Carol in Hot and Humid Mid-Mi

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:25 PM
Subject: Another good reason to drink lots of Water
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

Thanks to Sue & Eric for this "Chat Page!!!" We will be the trimmest, healthiest ladies on the internet yet.

Reading about all this water consumption, of which I've been doing much of for over twenty years after a few years of chronic cystitis, reminded me to share something with you girls.

DH and I recently took a trip and I splurged and had a "facial" at the Spa located in the hotel where we stayed. The girl who was giving me the facial commented to me that I must drink a good deal of water. I said "yes, how can you tell". She replied that she could tell by my skin---not so many wrinkles & aging symptons. WOW!!! I guess I'll continue to guzzle H2O for another couple of decades!!!

Another tip for good skin---don't smoke!!! Our exchange student was showing me a photo of his sister and mother, who do not smoke, and his mom's sister and her daughter who both do smoke. The mom & daughter who do smoke look about 10 years older than their respective sister/cousin who were the same ages. I could actually see the difference in a snapshot!!!

So now, on these SEX road-trips, shall we all sing "ninety-nine bottles of water on the wall"?

Drinking lots of water and hopelessly a chocoholic,
Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 7:41 PM
Subject: Preparation for Being a Parent
E-mail Address: AnitaAnnII@aol.com

My DDIL sent this to me. Though you might enjoy it too!

~~~ Preparation for Parenthood ~~~

Preparation for parenthood is not just a matter of reading books
and decorating the nursery. Here are 12 simple tests for expectant
parents to take to prepare themselves for the real life experience
of being a mother or father.

1) (Women) To prepare for maternity, put on a dressing gown and stick a
beanbag chair down the front. Leave it there for nine months. After nine
months, remove 10% of the beans.

2) (Men) To prepare for paternity, go to the local drug store, tip the
contents of your wallet on the counter, and tell the pharmacist to help
himself. Then go to the supermarket. Arrange to have your salary paid
directly to their head office. Go home. Pick up the paper and read it
the last time.

3) Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who are
already parents and berate them about their methods of discipline, lack
of patience, apallingly low tolerance levels, and how they have allowed
their children to run riot. Suggest ways in which they might improve their
child's sleeping habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall
behavior. Enjoy it--it's the last time in your life that you will have
all of the answers.

4) To discover how the nights feel, walk around the living room from 5pm
till 10pm carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds. At 10pm
put the bag down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep. Get up at
12am and walk around the living room again with the bag, until 1am. Put the
alarm on for 3am. As you can't go back to sleep, get up at 2am and make a
drink. Go to bed at 2:45am. Get up again at 3 am when the alarm goes off.
Sing songs in the dark till 4am. Put the alarm on for 5am. Get up. Make
breakfast. Keep this up for 5 years. Look cheerful.

5) Can you stand the mess children make? To find out, smear peanut
butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains. Hide a fish stick behind
the stereo and leave it there all summer. Stick your fingers in the flower
beds then rub them on the clean walls. Cover the stains with crayons.
There, how does that look?

6) Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems. First buy an
octopus and a string bag. Attempt to put the octopus into the string
bag so that none of the arms hang out. Time allowed for this: all morning.

7) Take an egg carton. Using a pair of scissors and a can of paint, turn
it into an alligator. Now take a toilet paper tube. Using only scotch tape
and a piece of foil, turn it into a Christmas tree. Last, take a milk
container, a ping pong ball, and an empty packet of COCO Puffs and make
an exact replica of the Eiffel Tower. Congratulations, you have just qualified
for a place on the play group committee.

8) Forget the Miata and buy the minivan. And don't think you can leave
it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like
that. Buy a chocolate ice cream bar and put it in the glove compartment.
Leave it there. Get a quarter. Stick it in the cassette player. Take a
family-size bag of chocolate cookies. Mash them down the back seats. Run
a garden rake along both sides of the car. There! Perfect!

9) Get ready to go out. Wait outside the toilet for half an hour. Go out
the front door. Come in again. Go out. Come back in. Go out again. Walk down
the front path. Walk back up it again. Walk down it again. Walk very slowly
down the road for 5 minutes. Stop to inspect minutely every cigarette butt,
piece of used chewing gum, dirty tissue, and dead insect along the way.
Retrace your steps. Scream that you've had as much as you can stand until
all of the neighbors come out and stare at you. Give up and go back in the
house. You are now just about ready to try taking a small child for a walk.

10) Always repeat everything you say at least five times. Go to your
local supermarket. Take with you the nearest thing you can find to a
pre-school child. A fully grown goat is excellent. If you intend to
have more than one child, take more than one goat. Buy your week's
groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for
everything the goats eat or destroy. Until you can easily accomplish
this do not even contemplate having children.

11) Hollow out a melon. Make a small hole in the side. Suspend it from
the ceiling and swing it from side to side. Now get a bowl of soggy Froot
Loops and attempt to spoon it into the swaying melon by pretending to be an
airplane. Continue until half of the Froot Loops are gone. Tip the rest
into your lap, making sure that a lot of it falls on the floor. You are now
ready to feed a 12-month-old child.

12) Learn the names of every character from Barney, Sesame Street, and
Power Rangers. When you find yourself singing, "I love you, you love me" at
work, now you finally qualify as a parent!

Anita in Mid-Michigan

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 7:17 PM
Subject: so....
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

So does the money we usually spend on Big Mac's go into a weekly S.E.X. fund?? Lets see..that figures out to about 15 FQ's a week...and lets see..sodas...well thats about 4 a day...times 7 is about 28 FQ's a week..were up to how many??
Hugs Doni..hey!! gotta have a reward for being good huh???!!

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 6:52 PM
Subject: Water
E-mail Address: Tiwahe@webtv.net

Just a hint for those who are not yet sold on the water thing yet. My husband picked me up a couple of insulated MUGS (32 & 40 oz.) and I fill those three or four times a day with ice water and trick myself into thinking that I don't have to drink 8 or 10 of them. I am really trying to drink extra because of the heat and trying to not bloat up from the pregnancy!! No pre-mature babies needed here!! :) I will be able to REALLY start the weight loss portion of things at Thanksgiving. Do you think that is a good time to start?? LOL
Linda in STILL steamy Stillwater, MN

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 6:49 PM
Subject: Map
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

The posting about the map must be lost somewhere in the archives. Is this something that happened while I was gone to Sisters?
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 6:49 PM
E-mail Address: jgill@onepine.com

I must be out of my mind. I agreed to go with my little friends class on a field trip to the aquarium at Coney Island. What made me think that going on a class trip with five year olds would be fun? And we had to take them on the subway!!! I am nuts. Certifiable. I love going out to Coney Island, but with five year olds it's nuts. You leave the subway station and the Cyclone (the rollercoaster) is on the right, the aquarium on the left and the ocean is right in front of you. Instantly, "I want to go on the beach...oh, look at the roller coaster...can we get on the ferris wheel..." Finally get them into the aquarium and the sharks make them think of violence, so they start hitting each other... Of course they aren't my children so I'm powerless to do anything beyond, "please stop that" Good gravy.

I learned to drink lots of water when I went to drama school. To be really cool you must dress all in black (alternatively you may dress like a hippie or dye your hair blue, but you must understand that you cannot be truly COOL if you choose that route) eat only fruits and vegetables and yogurt, lots of yogurt and a water bottle must be surgically attached to your hand. My friends and I used to entertain ourselves by mimicing the apple and water crowd. Apple in one hand, water in other...every conversation must begin with ,"I find his exploration of the_______(whatever the cause of the day is) to be SOOO interesting, very deep..." I still hate veggies,and never learned to appreciated Beckett or Ionesco, but the water thing wore off onto me. I drink lots and lots of water.

For my picture on the board? Well, I've been told that I look like Jane Seymour. But could I be Julia Roberts instead? 20 million a film sounds good to me and I love her hair.

No more talking about S.E.X. I can't take it!!! I promised myself no more fabric until I finished some projects. First it was too hot to sew, then it cooled off and we destroyed the computer/dining/sewing area while we brought in a new desk so there was no room to sew. It's clean again, but now it's getting hot again! It's been a whole month since I last purchased fabric! I can't take it much longer...

Jenny in NYC off to recuperate from Coney Island

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 6:15 PM
Subject: Floating!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Well Michelle- if your medical report theory is correct, my IQ right now would make me over qualified for Mensa!!!!!!!!! - I think I am just about in the 349 curve (and I don't mean lbs)-LOL

I know I have drunk 60 ounces of water today and peed 120!!!(times that is)! I must tell you though- it works!- I met Stacie from work- we went out for supper, ordered, and I took one look and couldn't eat it- turkey salad. I just picked it over, paid for it and left. It was good food and all that- just wasn't hungry. Now I have to remember not to eat sweets tonight- that will be the real test- I crave sweets every evening. I think I have reached my goal- can I have a squishy shower and quit now????- okay,okay,okay- I was just kidding!!!- well my goal was only one pound- surely I have lost 5 already!

I think Sandi's idea is lovely- a squishy for when you rach your goal- be honest now. I am not really dieting, I am the support committee.

I was in town all afternoon- having a great time. Have it all down to a Science now- when Ivon comes home and says- "Sorry dear- there were no fish left in the river" I am going to say "That's okay Hon, - there's no credit left on your card either"- ROFLOLPIMP!!!

Ali McGraw was in Love Story in 1970 with Ryan O'Neil(sp)?....... I only know 3 movies... Love Story,Titanic and Babe- LOL!!!!- I was just trying to make the connection there- and by golly it's that water thing again, Love story made me cry, Titanic almost drowned me, and I laughed till tears streamed down my face at Babe- Oh No- why did I start this!!!!!

Got to go- squishy for the one who guesses first where!!!


Date: 7/15/99 Time: 6:03 PM
Subject: BB Map
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Good evening ladies.
In view of my just losing 5 lbs, enjoying buying fabric, and getting bargains, put me on the map as a Lean, Mean, S.E.X machine!!!!!!??????!!!!
Well what have you got to say about that Dr Ruth?
Stripey Bear in Britain.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 5:52 PM
Subject: Feel like a 'KID', but look like 'Betty White'
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi Everyone;
My dad has always called me 'the kid', but when I worked in the fabric department at the Sprouse Rietz store, customers were always saying I reminded them of Betty White on the Golden Girls show, YIKES, and that was when I was in my 40's, what must I remind people of now!!

Michelle in Van. BC...I must take your H2O story seriously...maybe if I start drinking more water I can remember what I have done and stop doing things all over because I forget...like putting on my deodorant over and over in the mornings..
Did I do it? Oh well I'll just do it again!!
Am I sounding more like Betty White?

Sandi in Mn...I'm very happy to say that it is suppose to be in the 80's today..thankfully!!

Dot..You sound like a very dutiful wife to me !!
You got it....Hope you are having a good day...

Ursula..girl, you are dropping the lbs., I refuse to tell how many I have to lose..it would most certainly ruin my day...I want you all to picture me not as Betty White..but my idol..Sophia Loren ......Only to look that way at that age...dream on....
Happy quilting to you..Linda ,the kid, in California

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 5:44 PM
Subject: Love Story
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Cassi: I am *certainly* old enough to remember Love Story and Goodbye Columbus....but I did not see either movie. Her name was familiar, but I thought that she had long straight hair....etc. I read the book.
Anyway, Sigourney Weaver never had the alien burst out of her....she was the gutsy one who survived until the end!
One tough chicken!

Maps: Just place that basking Iguana in Happy Valley in Western Massachusetts, just north of Springfield, Mass. on the Connecticut River.

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 5:15 PM
Subject: I want to be Jean Shrimpton, or Twiggy
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

Since we can be whoever we want to be on this great map, I want to be Jean Shrimpton or Twiggy. Does anyone remember "the shrimp", who was a fashion mod. in 1968-69? She was really 6'2" and beautiful. I always wanted to be a mod. too short, and glad no one had a camera in those days. Twiggy is still on Broadway I think.
Have spent 2 days making Christmas ornaments, etc. with 2QGFs and 1 DD. Anyone out there in Whittier, CA? The DD will be in a craft show in Dec. there. LOL I've been drinking H2O and "going" every hr. prob. gained 9 lbs.
Sara in Fla.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 5:01 PM
Subject: H2O
E-mail Address: kmwilson@intergate.bc.ca

Ok BB friends I'll give you another great reason to drink lots of water....Dementia (or old age losing your mind). At work we received a medical study from a doctor, who believes the more water woman drink the less chance of losing it when your old. He has studied the "mind" for thirty years, and the women who drank three to four glasses of water a day, where alot less likely to show symtoms. So when you're on your fourth glass of water and your tenth trip to the Ladies Room, just remember your brain will thank you later in life...I hope! Michelle in sunny, for the moment... Vancouver BC

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 4:59 PM
Subject: Ali McGraw
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

Cassi: When last seen Ali McGraw was doing an infomercial for some
makeup and looking wonderful--drat. DH took me to see "Love Story" as the
first act in a very romantic 10th anniversary celebration. I am the original
cry at Kodak commercials person, so you can imagine how much fun i had trying
to keep from crying at the early movie. I had no idea what was coming in his
celebration, but was pretty sure I didn't want melted mascara. We had dinner,
danced and ended up at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle for the night. His
secretary (sweet person that she was) had the 4 kids for the weekend. As we
sat at dinner he returned my wedding ring which he had taken for cleaning--
wrong, it was a new ring with diamonds. The year was 1969, so when I held my hand up
to check the sparkles and said "oh, i wish the children were here." I got some
really funny looks from the diners around us and realized that they thought we had
just performed a ritual -- a do it ourselves wedding maybe. I didn't explain, have just
always enjoyed the memory.
Betty--going on safari tomorrow since I can't go to Seattle to the quilt show.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 4:57 PM
Subject: Map
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Hi from HHH MN
It's only 92*, can't imagine the 114* that Linda in CA went through.
By B-day is ground hogs day, so I could be a groundhog on the map. Another thing about the little varmits, they can move pretty fast when they need to. Me too!
I think it would be fun to have a list of everyones goal amount of lbs. that they would like to lose and track it. As each one reached their goal we could give them a squishy shower. Would this help be an incentive to anyone?
In my eyes, you all have perfect figures and flawless skin. Bad hair days? You don't even know the meaning of the phrase!
Keep cool everyone! Sandi in MN

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 4:49 PM
Subject: Ellen's map
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

My nickname has always been MAMA - take that anyway you want. My boyfriend says I have the same jaw as Neve Campbell, but that sure ain't my personality. So, I think you should put a picture of Madonna up for me. Just call me the open-minded, dancing, free spirit in the group! Yeah, like I'm the only one! LOL.

Dr. Ruth, if you go shopping with a female quilting buddy can it be considered a "same S.E.X. experience"?!

A little chirp from me! GOt my top pieced and the whole thing basted last night for my friend's wedding quilt. Two weeks to quilt now. Chirp!

Take care,
Cheryl in Edmonton (dying for some chocolate right now!)

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 4:28 PM
Subject: MAP
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

It's obvious what I am on the map. A BIRD! DH & I are Snowbirds, a term used for those of us who reside in the north during the hot months and the south during the cold months. We feel we are geese who follow the migration each season, been together forever as geese try to do and of course are sleek and muscular to make the long trip each year. Well, the last is a bit for fetched but we like to think we are. LOL

So a goose I am! By the way, I'm just south of Superior WI or in the nw part of the state. Look for the lakes on the map.

We may be in our northern home but at the moment it feels like Florida - hot, humid, muggy, etc. And no air!

Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in WI

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 4:19 PM
Subject: Ah Youth!
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

RONNA: You'll have to go further back than Aliens to find Ali McGraw....try Goodbye Columbus or Love Story! Must have been early 70s, which means you're TOO young to remember! Anyway, I suppose if we put pictures of you and Ali next to each other we wouldn't say you're alike, but you did remind me of her! (It's a compliment, by the way LOL....I can't remember an ugly being ever bursting out of her).

WOODSTOCK WIGGLE TIME....Finished my churn dash blocks for Ohio 99! Thought I had them done the other day, then realized I was working from an old list before everyone had signed up, so had to make a few more.

Gearing up for national dance competition for DD. Starts tomorrow with solos and duets, then group routines on Saturday! DD was asked to teach more hours next year, which is a good thing! First, it means she can pay her way a little bit, and second, it means they have confidence in her abilities to teach the little ones. Since she has wanted to teach dance since she was four, this is really neat, because she's going to have her own class instead of being a student teacher!

All for now....Cassi in Ohio....only 14 days till we're invaded???????

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 3:19 PM
Subject: dutiful wife
E-mail Address: djp@madras.net

DH was just in and said he would get a bowl of soup in town. "Looks like you have lots of house work to dO." Oh I do, I respond. he walks out the door. I run to turn the iron on for my latest hand dyeds and then to the computer to catch up on the BB. Wouldn't he be so proud of me if could see me now. NOT
Dot in OR who really must do some house work today.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 3:13 PM
Subject: this-n-that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Ronna, you should definitely be a blue-blooded frog lady.

Should I send in an autographed picture of Dr. Ruth to represent moi? The pin should go just barely east of Phoenix.

Karen, Karen, when your husband actually pays you to go out and have S.E.X., what DOES that say about your marital relationship?

Dr. Ruth

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 2:52 PM
Subject: Map people
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

Right now you could put me on your map as a pre-menopausal CRAB!!! I have this sneaking
suspicion that my time is sloooowwwlllyyyy coming. Ack!!! I have felt like a b&^%*h on
wheels for the last 2 days. Wonder if problems at work affect your hormonies??? I need
a new line of work, being the boss sucks. If you don't want to use the crab, put me down
for a ferret. Sneaky little things, but I'm NOT that skinny!! Fresno is right smack dab
in the middle of California.

Anyway!!! Been plugging away on the Jacobs Ladder variation for my DNiece for her birthday
in August. I'm about halfway through 30 blocks.

Counting the days til Ohio!!! 14 days for me Cassi!!!!!!!!!!

Susan in finally cooler Fresno

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 2:24 PM
Subject: bunnies
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

The baby bunnies came out of the nest last night while the neighbors and us were out by the garden. The dog spotted them and took off after them. Got one in his mouth. My DD age 5 is screaming, the neighbor wife yelling, the neighbor husband running after the dog, tackles it and brings back a wet little bunny all intact. Puts it back in the nest. We all calm down only to have the same scene repeated again. Inbetween the dog and stray cat are playing hide and seek around a tree. The cat runs up the tree and the dog is now running around the tree and can't figure out where the cat is. It was too funny. The cat is about 4' up just looking down on the dog. We were howling. Explaining the food chain to a 5 year old isn't easy. However I do hope see doesn't have to witness it.

I've consumed 6 glasses of water so far. Ursula you are my motivator - 9 lbs. congratulations. I even walked 2 miles this morning.

I'd like to be a ladybug on the map. My maiden name is Lady. Put me south of Harrisburg near the MD border.
ladybug Sue in Hanover, PA

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:56 PM
Subject: Pictures from Quilt America
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Well they are scanned and sent to Kellie's page. I tried really hard to remember everyone's name as they were introduced. I hope I got it right!! If not, please accept my apologies and post the correction....I'll correct the picture then for posterity.
CASSI: Ali McGraw???? I'm really pop-culture ignorant...I can't even remember what she looks like or what she was like. Who was the actress that played the Captain in Aliens? (One of the few movies that I walked out of.....ecccchhhhh!) I think it was Sigourney Weaver. I feel more like that inside. A woman do whata woman gots to do.

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:47 PM
Subject: Snoopy Dance & S.E.X.
E-mail Address: waybar@stc.net

I'm doing a Snoopy Dance and also had S.E.X. - pretty good for just one week, don't you think! I finished the border challenge that my guild did and am entering it in the quilt show in Hiawassee next month.

Was in Berlin and Charm, Ohio for a few days and had very enjoyable S.E.X. at Miller's Dry Goods in Charm. This store has no electricity so if you plan on going, pick a bright, sunny day. They say they have over 6,000 bolts of fabric.

Had a great trip and weather even cooled down for us. It had been hotter up there than here in Georgia!

Barb in the North Georgia Mountains

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:28 PM
Subject: yyy, yogurt and y'all ( and Adriana's care blocks)
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

I can't believe I wrote y'all in the subject. I guess I was on a roll with y's!! Even being a transplant Texan, I don't say y'all - I'm still a "you guys" type! LOL

Sandra in Tx, I had to laugh when I saw your post about the friend who wants you to wear your yyy on an antenna! I have been thinking for some time about making one of those headbands with the two "antennae" with a yyy on each one. Especially after hearing about the yyy that are not being "found" at these other quilt shows! Maybe the Texas "delegation" needs to get together and make our headbands together! : )

Please read my post from yesterday, 11 am'ish, about the houston Internatinal Quilt Festival. Katie Mac and I are getting together for lunch tomorrow and starting the planning for our giant rondezvous!!! Let us know if you're coming to Houston, ok?

About all the calcium postings - did you know that skim milk has more calcium than whole milk? Check the label. And yogurt, one of my favorite things is buying totally plain, lowfat yogurt and in 1/2 cup of it, mixing in mashed favorite fruit - fresh or unsweetened frozen. Can use strawberries, raspberries (red or black), bananas - it really does taste good and is a good source of calcium. Even try freezing it in those popsicle tupperware things, I used to do that for the kiddos when they were little.

And an update on Adriana's "words of comfort" project. I have all the blocks assembled in groups of four and am sashing in between. I will post a final list of thank you's in the next day or so. My life has gotten disturbing the last month (DS, 19, marching to the beat of music from outer space) and I have been less than responsible about letting all of you know that I recieved your blocks. I am excited to finish it.

Saw Marilyn's quilt on the page linked to "our" site and it is beautiful. These projects are truly so special!

Good thoughts to all of you today!

Lynn in TX

ps. Celia, you need to enjoy your time off, girl!!! What ARE you doing for YOU while Ivon is fishing (or whatever)?

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:23 PM
Subject: Conspicuous YYY
E-mail Address: klindatx@aol.com

Don't you find it difficult to look at people's shoulders for a YYY at a quilt show? Quilts and vendors call out for attention, and you can't look everyone over for a YYY. I just suggested to Sandra that a little antenna with the yo-yo waving on top would be easy for everyone to spot. (Remember the things that hold your hair back? Some had little springs that had a star on top. Couldn't we glue a YYY instead?) This suggestion took place at the very end of a tiring day. Brain had quit working long before. (So had Sandra's, I think. She suggested we rent a booth at the IQF for BB'ers only. Rocking chairs, balloons -- yellow, of course-- high in the air to let everyone know where to meet.)
So much for that. (Too much? Must be something in this water!!)
I worked last night on the CUTEST little quilt. Found three prints of "critters" -- lizards, turtles, and fish -- in wild colors. Also some chartruese (sp?) polka-dots with the same colors for border or prairie points. I'm so anxious to get this done. I told Sandra this will be my lap quilt when I go to live in a nursing home. She is to remember and bring it to me there!!
Better get back to work
Linda B in Tx

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:10 PM
Subject: Egyptian flu def a classic!
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

jdb: Your definition of the Egyptian flu is a classic! I chuffed til I had to put my paws across my nose! Yup, I definitely forgot 'drooling' in my self-description. Oh! Bernina Boy-y! He was to drool over bigtime, IMHO!

Lassie aka Bertie in Illinois

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:55 PM
Subject: Who should I be?
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

I've been giving some thought to who I should be on your map, but can't make a decision. Appearance-wise I probably ought to go for Shelley Winters. Personality would probably have me more like Shirley MacLaine in Steel Magnolias (I loved the line, "No, I'm not cranky, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years). I would love to be Jessica Tandy's personality in Driving Miss Daisy and Fried Green Tomatoes. Just can't decide yet....I'll have to give it some more thought!

Ronna in Happy Valley brought to mind Ali McGraw (whatever has happened to her anyway?) when I met her last week. There must be perfect comparisons for the rest of the Serial Quilters....Nancy in Loveland could easily be Rosie O'Donnell. I'll have to give it some more thought!

Cassi in Ohio....how many more days????

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:46 PM
Subject: Celia
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Celia, Dearie!

Sorry to hear you're feeling so flushed!


Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:37 PM
Subject: MMM...good to see you back! & Other things
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Maggie Meadow Mouse: Good to see you back!! Still thinking of you and your DH. Will you show us the fisherman's quilt on Kellie's page?
Get a Life quilt: One really nice candidate for the Get a Life Quilt was that absolutely gorgeous 1st place miniature quilt at Quilt America. I thought MY applique pieces were small!!!! These were enough to drive the sane quilter over the edge. However, they didn't say which institute the quilter resides in now. It was really amazing. And when I say it was small...believe me...it was small!
BLEEDING FABRIC: Gosh, I got some really nice spotty, dyed fabric for "frog skin" for my frog blocks, and when I did my usual hand wash in the sink....it bled like the proverbial stuck pig. That water turned BLUE. Well, I ran it through the real washer, and I think I will have to try the vinegar thing on it (don't have that Retain stuff). Hope that stops it. Otherwise, I won't be able to use it :(.
I forgot the make of fabric, but I got it through Quiltaway. One of them was http://www.quiltaway.com/scans/b4934.jpg, and another was http://www.quiltaway.com/scans/b4937.jpg. Both of those really bled a lot. I also threw in http://www.quiltaway.com/scans/v1215.jpg, and I'm not sure if that one bled, since the others were major contributors. Sigh* I really wanted to get some pieces cut out...but will have to wait until I'm sure they are through bleeding.
Besides salt and vinegar, any other things I can do with easily available materials?
I remembered to bring in the pictures from Quilt America today. I will go scan them right now!!

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:24 PM
Subject: Just lucky I Guess!!!!
E-mail Address: Tiwahe@webtv.net

Dr. Ruth,
I am not sure about the Stillwater causing the fertility, but I sure got a kick out of your diagnosis"!!
If you ask the BLASTED tourists around here the water isn't very still!! 6 people have died in the past 2 weeks in the river. 5 from a boat collision and 1 teenager jumped in to swim and didn't come up.
Ellen has decided that I get to be the Old Woman in the Shoe on the map. I hope that doesn't mean that 35 is old or a lot of people will be upset! :) LOL
Linda in VERY, VERY steamy Stillwater, MN.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:27 AM
Subject: Help!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

I am on my forty tooth(or is that forty second- have got water on the brain here) ounce of water, and I am writing this from the bathroom!!!

Why do I seem to have "Row,row,row your boat, gently down the stream" running through my head?!!


Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:24 AM
Subject: Antsy for Vacation
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Mibsie in Canada here. Just jumping at the post to leave for my holidays tomorrow. I get to go to friend's cottage first, then off to my own. My friend says a cottager near her was out fishing one morning and noticed two baby moose by the shore. This wasn't unusual to see. What was unusual was that two hours later they were still there with no mother in sight. He moved a little closer to see if she was in the bushes, but she didn't appear. When he started to motor away the moose followed him. I guess they're not to good at swimming because one went under water. He turned back and managed to rescue it, pulled it into the boat and even did mouth-to-mouth on it. Then the other one went under. Repeat performance. He took them back to his island, called a vet and was told he had to feed them. He is now a mother! He had to arrange for a goat herder to deliver milk. The question is now to get them off the island before they get to big and what to do with them for in the wild training? I'll fill you in on further details when I get back in a few weeks! I have little notes all over the place of things to do and things to remember-to-take. I think all the quilting necessities are packed now but of course there's always one last little thing you just might need. I'm hoping I can do FOUR snoopy dances when I come home. I must remember to make a YYY to wear in Bancroft on Monday, nobody knows me - I can just be another eccentric cottager! So, take care, eat wisely, flood your kidneys and may your S.E.X. improve! Toodles, Mibs

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:21 AM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Betty, Dahling! a 200-mile S.E.X.-pedition and you're hesitating? Even if you don't buy anything (yea, right) you should at least fondle the fabric on behalf of all your sister BB'ers who are SOOO jealous of the opportunity. Puhleeze go the S.E.X.-tra miles, then give us a full report that will leave us drooling (especially Bertie.)

Linda in MN: What's in your Stillwater that's causing all that fertility? Is it contagious? Waterlogged minds of the BB dieters need to know. All the extra water we've been drinkin could cause an outbreak of the Egyptian flu (That's where you're sick for nine months then turn into a mummy.) We may have to lay off the sex and go have more S.E.X. instead.

Dr. Ruth

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 11:12 AM
Subject: CO shops, etc.
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

Good morning! I'd like to know of any quilt/fabric shops in the Colorado Springs and Denver areas of CO. Also, if anyone knows of a place to buy scraps by the pound in CO like someone mentioned last week, I'd like to know about it also. We're headed there for vacation next week, and I need to know the "can't miss" places! DH and I celebrated our 12th anniversary last Sunday. While I didn't receive diamonds, he gave me the next best thing -- CASH for S.E.X. Guess I'll have to keep him! lol Hope to have some good S.E.X. while on vacation!!

I'm happy to report that our wheat harvest is finally finished!!! It usually takes about 10 days to cut the wheat. This year it has taken 21 days -- and yes, I think I'm still sane, but barely!! lol

I have been able to do some quilting lately. I've gotten my heart bargello quilt about 3/4 MQ. Told myself it has to be finished before I start any new projects!!

Hope everyone has a great day!! Guess I better go start cleaning the house so I can go on vacation -- although with 3 kids it will never stay clean till we leave, but at least I'll know I tried!!

Karen in KS -- where it's hot and windy.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:52 AM
Subject: Guess What?
E-mail Address: jrktex@aol.com

DGD called and said my DS was going to be a grandad next March. I get to make a baby quilt!
Soooo Ellen, picture me as great-grandmother quilting away in her rocking chair.

BTW - someone talk to my friend Linda B. The woman wants me to wear an antenna with a YYY to the Houston Show!

Sandra in Texas

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:39 AM
Subject: DD doing fine!!
E-mail Address: helniles@chorus.net

Good Morning All!! I want to thank all of you for your good thoughts and prayers for my DD Jamie, she came out of surgery fine and the Dr. is quite certain there is no cancer!!! They do have a test or two yet to do. She has some tummy upset this morning, but otherwise doing well.
It's hot and humid here in Wisconsin today so I think I'll stay in with the a/c and work on my quilting. Again thank you for your support. Hugs, Helen

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:35 AM
Subject: Calcium
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

CALCIUM: Juli, yogurt is a great source of calcium. Just watch out for hidden calories (sugars) in the flavored yogurts. One way to have yogurt is in place of sour cream...put a large coffee filter in a strainer and then pour plain yogurt in. Let it strain the water out for a couple of hours in the fridge (put the strainer in a large pan). I also make it into a salad with grated or chopped cucumbers and chopped mint. You can substitute garlic for the mint as well. It makes a great dip. Another good way to get more calcium is to eat dark green leafy vegetables. Spinach is high in both iron and calcium.

I wish everyone luck with their endeavors to consume more calcium and water. Have they ever thought about putting calcium in the water like they do fluoride? Hmmm, just a thought.

Into the sewing room to get a block of the month done for my quilt meeting tonight. I'm taking another BBer's blocks so I also feel like I should do one for me. One set were patriotic blocks and we put our names in a hat (if we did a block) and pull one out. That lucky quilter gets to have all of them. Also of that bunch we choose a guild favorite and that person wins something like a few FQs or quilting notions.

See ya all later,
Sarah in Alabama

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 10:21 AM
Subject: Should I do this
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

I'm sitting here with a mailer advertising a Fabric Shop Safari--only
three more days to resist the urge. 7 fabric shops in a 200+ mi. circle
are offering the opportunity to win prizes and if I go to all of them
I can find the clues for a Zany Zebra mystery quilt AND BECOME ELIGIBLE
FOR THE "BIG MAMA" 700 dollar shopping spree. 200 miles of S.E.X can I
really resist this??? If I'm good and get rid of all the weeds today I'll
probably need to reward myself, won't I??? 8^}..
I'm a pushme-pullyou on the map. Takes me a long time to make up my mind.
Betty in Or

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:53 AM
Subject: Half of a Snoopy Dance!!
E-mail Address: Tiwahe@webtv.net

Hi all!!
This page is a blast!!!!!! I have been trying to read it for a few days now (I couldn't get in when I first started on the regular page??!!)
You are all so funny! I just had to share that I am ACTUALLY on track with my goal for finishing the quilts I need to have done before baby #7 comes in October(?). I finished the tops for a friends baby quiltS!! They are having their 1st and it is twin girls (was triplets but they lost one!! NO DRUGS OR OTHER ENHANCEMENTS!!!) Her sister did this 3 years ago (got those boys thier quilts too) Any how, the girls are getting Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts and the tops are done and "sandwiched" to the backs!!! The other one that I made recently was quilted in 6 DAYS!!!!!! I think these should follow suit and I am hoping to be able to cross these off my list by the end of the month. That only leaves 5 more. Think I can do it?? One I just have to quilt the boarder of so that should only take a couple of days (I hope!!)
Thanks for "listening"!! Happy Quilting to all!!
Linda in VERY steamy Stillwater, MN
P.S. I haven't got a clue what to be on the map....use your best judgement!! :)

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:29 AM
Subject: Small Woodstock Shuffle
E-mail Address: creinke@mindspring.com

I finished remaking my Mom's friendship quilt into a twin size quilt and quillow! Since I'm leaving this afternoon to fly to CT to see her and bring her back the quilts, that is a relief. My siblings & I had collected the blocks for the quilt a year ago, and I made them into a queen size quilt for her (one of my first quilting projects, although I've sewn all my life). Since she just went into an assisted living facility, she needed a smaller quilt. Luckily I had completed the quilt block by block, so this "only" took pulling off two sides of the binding, taking off a row & column of blocks, rebinding, making two more blocks, sewing the lap quilt together and making the pillow for the quillow. Got is all done in just over a weekend. Whew! That's a load off my chest.

Diet -I'm trying to do the water also, but not today, with all that travel!!! Start again tomorrow as I work with my DB on organizing my DM house for sale.

Map - I'm terrible on the imagination thing. How about making me a chipmunk - small & fluffy, always running around doing things, getting ready for winter (food, quilts...)

QB are great. Sara in AL is taking my BOM blocks & July challenge block to our guild meeting tonight, since I'll be in CT. Hate missing this meeting - it is our "Christmas in July", but family comes first.

Cindy R. in AL

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:12 AM
Subject: Happy Thursday
E-mail Address: sgrancio01@sprynet.com

Morning, all. I'm going to take advantage of the sunny and cool morning, to do some gardening (after Simply Quilts), as it is supposed to be HHH again here the next few days.

Donna at the Jersey Shore: if you were an ameoba, you wouldn't be able to quilt

Vickie - a FQ is a cut of fabric 1/2 yd long by 1/2 the width of the fabric

Peg - I do repairs to be as inconspicuous as possible and add a label on the back that documents what/where/when repairs were made

Maggie MM - so glad you're back - you'll catch up fast to the topics being discussed, but just let the archives go - way too much chat to read back 3 months!

Good quilting to all today. Susan in NW New Jersey

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 9:07 AM
Subject: I want to be Nicole Kidman, but...
E-mail Address: jrunyan@synaps-inc.com

Ellen in TX-- I wanted to be Nicole Kidman, but since I can't be, I guess I'll be Brandi Chastain of the Women's World Cup Soccer Team. (I already have curly red hair so I guess my alter ego doesn't need it!) I wish I had the body to whip my shirt off in a stadium of over 90,000 people!

Got to start my water for today. Now that we have had all of this input on getting your water in, does anyone have any suggestions for getting calcium in without taking pills? I do not like the taste of milk, and ice cream, well, that just goes to places I don't want it to. Is yogurt a good source of calcium?

Julie in GA

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:29 AM
Subject: ELLEN'S MAP
E-mail Address: blinley@tisd.net

ELLEN in Texas I love the map idea..color me "The Girl Next Door" I have yes-itis. Always the nice guy...LOL. I am trying to learn in my older age the NO THANKS. I am always the one to volunteer when no one else wants it. Kind of bouncy, short brown (highlighted with gray) hair. and friends to everyone. You knoe the type....try to get everyone to be friends..
TRUDY....what kind of new machine do you have????? Isn't it fun!!!!!!!!!
Any of you interested in the IQF--Houston, Tx you need to get on the stick, things are filling up fast! I am off to work and more water.....after about 3 more cups of coffee. Check with you all at lunch....Vicki / Texas

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:05 AM
Subject: Morning Everyone!
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

I wish I could be more "Title Inovative", but it is too early to think yet!! I missed out on yesterday altogether, so much to do around here! I like my gardens, that are really doing well, but not too sure about all the work it involves, and am starting to get that "resentful" feeling that I am here working my butt off and my other half is away fishing- at least that was the general purpose- heaven only knows what they are all up to- LOL!!!

So glad to see your post Maggie Meadow Mouse- I have thought of you and DH so many times. Welcome back, and glad that you found our new home, and so pleased that things are still positive for you. God Bless.

Although I don't really need to diet (that is only my opinion- LOL) I am joining you on the water drinking part. Have had 3- 6 ounce glasses so far this morning- I don't really like just plain water, but I will support you, and it is probably better for me. Heavens though, I think I am going to need a catheter!!!

Ellen, I would love to be on your map- can't really decide on what to be though. I don't really want to take on another personna, - my own is heavy duty maintenance most of the time, so I guess you can color me as Celia the Lab from New Brunswick,Canada. No particular color (I have no prejudices), I have soft brown eyes, am usually very congenial and obedient (unless my fur gets ruffled), am very loyal and faithful to the people who mean the most to me, would rather do nothing than exercise, and attract people like a magnet. Sounds like my bio!!!!! I probably should be "Goofy" but I guess I will settle for a Lab!!!

Have a lovely day everyone- and drink,drink, drink, your water- I will try to tell myself that too!!! did I forget to tell you that I also have a tendancy to be bossy- LOL!!!!!

Hugs to all,

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 8:03 AM
Subject: Morning Coffee Break with BB !!!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Well All, this is my early post for today, got to move on to much needed work around the house !

Vicki in Texas, I agree, its so hard to make it thru BB these days, so much to read ! I usually get DH off to work, then have morning coffee with all of you, read and post and try to move on for my day of routine !

Kitty Kate, still will be emailing you on this Birthday FQ swap !! Hopefully, as soon as I am thru with this post ! My days get away from me and then I remember things I didn't do, that I should have done ! Senior Moments, I guess ?

Marty in Vermont, haven't checked out the Designer Page yet, but will !

Well, still looking forward to my big quilt show in Asheville, NC, don't have as many nearby as all of you ! Got several BB'ers, hopefully to meet !! Any more of you in my area or any people planning to go to the Aug. Asheville, NC show, let me know, we would love to meet you also !!!

These are the ones going so far to meet fellow BB'ers !!!! So wear your Yo Yo's !

Kathy in Travelers Rest, SC
Arlene in Franklin, NC
Barb in N. GA. Mountains
Julie in Atlanta, GA.
Elaine in NC Mountains (myself)

Know there's got to be more of you, so step up and introduce yourself !!!!!!!

Elaine, Marion, NC in the Western NC Mountains
(40 mi. from Asheville,NC)

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 3:56 AM
Subject: stuff
E-mail Address: djp@madras.net

Excellent diet motivation: my photo was in the paper this week. Yuk. A full side view. Since I was demonstrating fabric dyeing, I was wearing sloppy clothes incase of a spill. How embarrassing. I am going to cut it out and put it in the kitchen.

I tried and tried to think who I would like to be known as for the map. I even went through the "People" magazine to check out the "beautiful people" but all I could come up with is being a big fluffy brown bear. They are cute, look cuddly, graceful, and they can curl up in the winter and sleep so they don't have to deal with cold weather. In the summer they just hang out in the nice cool woods. That is what I would be. A fluffy brown bear. I was relieved that I was not the only one to think of an animal instead of a person.

The map thing is a very good idea. Think I will try it too.
Dot from the center of OR.

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 2:20 AM
Subject: Bertie
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Bertie, another reason to picture you as Lassie -- you drool over the Bernina Boy.

Those pretty little stones in your ring are to remind you that you rock, girl! We realize you're not really into gambling -- you'd rather gambol with the Bernina boy.

jdb in AZ

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:18 AM
Subject: I'm still around
E-mail Address: trsmith@lucasco.net

Hi all,

Just thought I'd post a quick note to let you know I'm still around. Glad to see Marilyns quilt on the design page. Really enjoyed quilting it and the raffle quilt. Spose one of us will be lucky enough to win it? Sure hope so. Summer is always so busy for me. I used to think people didn't piece as much in the summer as the winter, but not true! I try to camp and fish with DH to keep him happy but seems like it takes a lot of quilting time away. I do enjoy it too, but find myself sitting on the boat thinking I should be at home. We are going to camp at our State Fair this yr. for the first time. That will be for 10 days! We only live 50 miles from there so will probably do some driving back and forth to try to keep up. Learning to say "no" would be easier, but not sure who I would say it too! So I just say yes to everyone for everything!! (Then kick myself and suffer!) :o)
Glad my kids are older and not as demanding as they used to be.

Hope everyone had a great "hump day". I attended a funeral so mine wasn't the greatest. Tomorrow will be better. Back to the basement and my "new" machine. Just love it!

Trudy in Iowa

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 1:00 AM
Subject: Don't know my address
E-mail Address: wdlswan@gte.net

I am working on the bb map . I guess I don't know my own e-mail address (at least on my bad days), and posted my request for whose picture you want me to use to represent you, with a wrong address. I am collecting my photos, just haven't made any permanent assignments. So let me know if you have a preference. I CAN REALLY BE REACHED AT wdlswan@gte.net
I have now written our address with a Sharpie on the monitor. Won't DH love that !
Ellen in Texas (I think)

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:58 AM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

QUILT Shows and vendors. My QF and I have found that we enjoy the quilts more if we do the vendors first. Otherwise, we rush through the quilts to get to the vendors. I know this sounds nuts, but I bet there are a lot of us out there. Fess up ladies!
LITTLE BOYS I was telling DD#2 about some of the stories of the little boys. She told me that DGS lays in the pool and pees straight up. He has peed on his sister and has peed on her hat. He was going to pee straight up in the tub but Mom put a stop to that. I just looked at him and said "NO!". He laughed. DGD wants to stand like her DB. No! I'm too old for this stuff. Help!!!!
I AM SO jealous of Judy and Ronna being so close to each other. I want a nearby QB. So, where are you QB? Not avoiding me are you? I don't scratch or hiss. I am a nice kitty. Really!, ask anyone.
DH found a tiny kitten (about 6 wks. old) in the woods today. He searched for siblings but didn't find any. He was talking to his partner when they heard a mewing. They went to find it and the little thing was trying to get to them. You know this little baby knew people. He had almost zero chance of being found. DH took him to the office and one of the women there adopted it. My blood boils when these things happen. I get too upset I know, but it breaks my heart. Some days I don't know if I can stand this rotten world much longer. I hope God really gets these no goods. I say a pox on them!
Sorry, but this is my issue.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:47 AM
Subject: dieting
E-mail Address: whorsky1@san.rr.com

I know, where did I pop in on this topic. I have fought weight all my life because like most of you, I love sweets. and bread. and pasta. and rice. You get the picture.
I started using the Zone diet by B.Sears (I think that's the author.Just put out another book on a Zone diet for us older folks. But his whole diet is based on lots of water, and protein at every eating. but small amounts of it and lots and lots of veggies. It really works and you're never ever hungry, just so tired of fixing vegetables. Faith

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:45 AM
Subject: I finally found you all again!!!
E-mail Address: mwallis@dryden.net

Hi Everyone;

It took a while, but I finally found where everyone from the bb went. I posted on the regular spot and on the prayer & hugs form to let you know that my DH and I are back home again but didn't realize that this is where you have been for a while now.

After 3+ months away, I am really behind times.

How are Monica, Kitty Kate and Marilyn doing? Are you still here too? I haven't had time to read through this spot on the BB so just need an update please. Is Loony Marie here too?

I wanted to say thanks to all of you for the prayers and hugs for my DH. He is still hanging in there and we are being positive.

The chipmunk is back and is he hungry! Actually he is quite a pest, but a cute one. He sneaked into the house the other day but finally left the same unknown way that he entered. He is very entertaining and so gentle. I must be "nuts" to go mushy over a little furry rodent.

Finished a quilt for DH while away and haven't got around to any of the UFO's skulking in the craft room yet.

Nice to be home again. Have started back with my y2k exchange again, so if anyone is reading who didn't get a response from me in March is still interested, I am still doing 25 2.5+1. Sorry about not being able to answer all the email, there was just too much.

Happy quilting

Maggie Meadow Mouse

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:39 AM
Subject: Sex in the City
E-mail Address: wdlswan@gte.net

I guess I am a glutton for punishment, because I headed back to the"Big City" today. I had S.E.X. all along the highway. At the last place, I kept telling the clerk that I was in a hurry to get to the airport. She said my daughter wouldn't mind waiting on me, but I sure didn't want to look my daughter in the eye and tell her that I was late because of all the S.E.X. I had.
When we arrived home, I found a sad DH. His dearest friend had called to say that his wife had left him. I was glad that I left all of evidence of my "City S.E.X." hidden in the car. I don't think he could have taken any more bad news. Last week I promised myself and all others who could hear me, that I would not buy any more fabric for a LONG LONG time. Does a week count?
Ellen in Texas

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:30 AM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

S.E.X. stands for Stash Enhancing eXpedition/ eXperience.

Someone on the BB was wondering if GOOB (going out of business)had any S.E.X.-ual connotations. The only one I can think of would be getting S.E.X. for just peanuts (goobers.)

If your husband is too conservative to let you have all the S.E.X. you want, does he need a good dose of S.E.X.-lax?

Students and/or teachers who have S.E.X. between classes would consider that a S.E.X.-tracurricular activity.

Dr. Ruth

Date: 7/15/99 Time: 12:27 AM
Subject: Pin-ups, Vega$, etc
E-mail Address: bdurham@tbcnet.com

Ellen in Texas had the idea to put up a map with little flags and pin our fantasy pictures to see where we were all located. She can be Nicole Kidman if she wants but I'll stick with Lassie. I forgot to mention in my earlier post that besides the fact that everyone loves a good doggie, I also have a long nose and long naturally streaked hair. My tongue does wag once in awhile but rarely hangs out, even in this hot, humid weather. And, I'm well trained as I NEVAH scoot my butt across the floor on the carpet!

I'm dying to read the archives to see what those Serial Quilters have been saying since I met them. Rumor has it that Mrs. Robinson was back!

Oh-h! Bernina Boy-y-y-!

Bertie in Illinois

jdb asked for the Vega$ story. After I went to Quilt America 7/7-7/9, I went to Las Vegas 7/10-7/13. I'm not a high roller so took my $20 and ten seconds later I was ready to come home and that was after playing the twenty-five cent machines so I could play longer, haha!

No strain on my back carrying home my winnings! In fact, I decided real early that I wasn't leaving my money in "Lost" Vega$ with nothing to show for it so I gave them my money, and they gave me a 14 carat ring! All those sparkly lil stones to remind me of my trip to flashy Las Vegas and no memories of 'gambling fun' to fade or regret, haha!

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