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WWQP Bulletin Board Chat Room

July 1 - July 7, 1999

Bio's, personal messages, & all that other stuff

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 9:41 PM
Subject: Faith and Bill
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Good Evening everyone, I was just sitting down to post and checked my E-mails first, and thought I should let you know about the latest letter from Faith. This evening she has written to all of us who correspond with her regularly, and speak with her on IM, so many of us already know the sad news.

Faith asked in her letter that we pass on the information for her, so I am posting to all of you because as you know, Faith is a long standing BB member, and is dearly loved by us all.

Today they met with the Specialist, and received the news that their time together will be limited.
Bill commences radiation treatments next week, but only in the capacity of comfort care.

They have a son and a daughter, but they do not live too close by, so naturally right now Faith is bearing the brunt of this on her own shoulders, and is feeling the shock and all the attached emotions that one would, having been told this type of information.

Please remember them, - right now, any E-cards or short words of encouragement would be gratefully received. Her E-mail addy is whorsy1@san.rr.com

I would respectfully ask that if you do write, that it be short and supportive because she cannot handle lengthy stories in her present state of mind. That is not my own opinion, I am relating from what I read from her letter to us. She will probably be unable to reply, but I think we all understand her present situation.

Even if you don't write, please think of her.

Thanks and God Bless,

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 8:43 PM
Subject: A bit of everything!
E-mail Address: farmwmn@aol.com

Hi to all, hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Where does the time go! I had this all typed out once today and just as I was ready to post, the phone rang, dont have to tell you the rest do I?!!I just wish I had more time be with you ladies on here, maybe then I could become an official poster!

The weather has finally settled down today after a very busy night. Lots of damage around the New England area. Very different from what I am used to on the West Coast.

Marty in Vermont: I to saw the show on the Apache choppers the other night. Gosh, wasnt it sad? I was wondering if they would say anything about Kevin and the accident. And they did. The part that touched my heart the most was the soldier they were interviewing and how he said he was the one who had to go back out to the crash site to make confirmation that there were 2 pilots. He stated that when he got out there he knelt down and touched each one, kissed each one and said a prayer for each one because he knew the wives would not have the chance. I cannot say enough for this young soldier. I used to be in an aviation unit myself and spent many hours flying in Army choppers. These pilots are the best, we owe them a lot.

On a lighter note: Kittykate, I wont be home in time to go to the Sisters show. Something about my Cmdr. not understanding my need to travel 3,000 miles to a quilt show!! I will miss being there but he has agreed to let me come home the 1st part of August. I am hoping we can still meet in August. I am so looking forward to it.

Susan in Kansas: Thank you so much for the pattern. Got it today in the snail mail. I have been home with the flu for the last 2 days so it was neat to get something fun in the mail! My DS loves it and is wanting me to start on it now!!! I now have so many quilt ideas, now if I can just find some more time!!!

Everyone take care, you ladies are all so great. Even though I dont get to post much i do read the BB everyday. You all inspire me to keep quilting, even though i am new to it! Hugs to all of you.

Renee in Mass.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 7:53 PM
Subject: nothin' important!
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Evening, everyone!

Hope you all had a great holiday. Not much celebrating here, as we were just finishing up the wheat harvest. Also, it was windy and hot and we are too far from a fire dept. Afraid my little one will grow up firework deprived!

Yes, we finally got finished cutting the wheat!! I didn't receive much patience as I requested, but I did get some understanding from some of you, which helped a lot. But, of course, we are not lounging around--always plenty to do on a farm!

I've been fighting a monster (migraine) headache all day--almost to get it whipped!! Of course, I've taken so much medication today I feel like a zombie. And just as the monster was calming down the allergies attacked. Had to take an antihistamine, so I'll probably get nothing done this evening also. And I really need to get busy and get junk sorted thru for the annual garage sale. Of course, I've waited until the last minute!

Pretty hot here in KS, but it sounds worse for you back east. Jenny, in NYC--glad I'm not there! At least we have a wind to help cool things off and it's really nice and cool in our basement. I'm lucky--the computer and my sewing room are both down here!!

Well, better get to that garage sale stuff!!

Susan in KS

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 7:38 PM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: AnitaAnnII@aol.com

I'm gone for not quite a week and can't believe how much I missed. Flannel swap closed before I knew
there was one - Doni if there's an opening let me know. Can't get the old postings yet. Luckily I'm off
work till Monday so will have time to catch up.

TerTer - Congratulations!

We stayed outside of Traverse City, DH, DS#1 and DDIL, & 3DGC and dog. BIL&SIL have a place on
the Platt River for retirement, my family stayed at the local motel. Lots of kids & dogs & fun. My 9 lb
mini hotdog bossed all the dogs - 2 sharpeis (sp?) and a black lab. She had to keep them away from the
grandbabies. Youngest DGS, 5 weeks old, and I were buddies - too young to go the beach so grandma kept
him like this was a big hardship. We stayed at the motel room with the a/c for naps. Even hot in
Northern Michigan. Had great S.E.X. DH volunteered to go with me to a quilt shop in Beulah. They have
the largest selection of Summer Cottage (in different colors pink, green, blue, lavender) and Folk Art
Wedding. Bought 16 different Summer Cottage fabrics in green, pink and little tan.

Loon Marie - thought of you when a crane, mama mallard duck & babies and a pair of wild geese were in
our pond here.

Got a question for those of you that know about yards. Built a new house, finished filling in the yard to
grade and had 480 yards of black dirt put on top last year. (We have a very big yard - not my doing). We
planted about 200 lbs. of grass seed in May of last year, very little annual in it, and lost it because of the
extremely dry weather and way too much to water. Some green came up this year and we put down more
seed. We now have the best crop of clover you've ever seen! It's only where the black dirt was brought in.
When you're mowing, it clogs the riding lawn mower. It doesn't look too bad except for the tassels. The
only thing we can think of is the black dirt is from a hay field. The grass seed was in bulk from a lawn &
garden place so I don't think it was the seed. Now what do we do?

Got all the blocks done & pressed for the quilt I'm working on and hope to have the top finished before I
go back to work. Too many projects waiting and not enough time.

Anita in Mid-Michigan where is was a beautiful sunny summer day, lower 80's, low humidity and a breeze.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 7:10 PM
Subject: About that laundry...
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

Kristine,Don't you know that you can NEVER leave 2 dirty socks alone together.They sure can reproduce,can't they?This is even worse if the pair is umatched.Don't you know that the reason you always end up with odd socks commng out of the drier-one is out looking for a new mate.The only way you can really trust them is if you hang them all out on
the clothes line for all the world to see

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 6:57 PM
Subject: The Voice of Experience
E-mail Address: dwsw1@ix.netcom.com

OK...all this talk about firefighters!!! I work at a credit union for firefighters and they
are NOT "all that and a bag of chips"!!! LOL...Sorry to burst your bubble Stripey Bear. I could
tell you some stories! They either cheat on their wives, cheat on their girlfriends, hoard money
or spend every last dime they make. There are a RARE few that very, very nice people (male and female)
and there are some who think they were put on this earth for everyone else to bow to. BUT...95%
of them take their jobs seriously are are excellent at what they do.

BUT...to end this on a good note...there are a couple that I wouldn't kick out for eating crackers!!!

Susan in Fresno

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 6:40 PM
Subject: Want to Chat/E-mail Quilters
E-mail Address: Tracy0809@home.com

Would like to find other quilters to chat with
on a live on-line chat that I can get into/sign up.
My challange is that I'm a Canadian, and most chat sites
are AOL and won't except my info.(does that make
Or if that can't be found, I just like some quilt e-mail
friends to e-mail.
I am a happily married, mother of 4 children from
Canada. Hope someone can help, Thanks, Tracy

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 6:34 PM
Subject: Rolling on the ground, screaming like a kid.
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello all! Looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow at Quilt America in Indianapolis, IN. I have camera, film, cash and credit cards, so I'm ready to go! Told the DH I wanted the truck, he said to take the MR2...it holds LESS! LOL! No, really the truth is he needs the truck cuz he and his brother are taking off to the races, yeah! That means another 3 day sewing/quilting marathon for me, me, me!!

Stripey Bear - Honey, you have just got to get over this fireman fixation, ha! I don't wanna read in some English newspaper that you were arrested for lurking around fire departments. You don't want to be branded as a peeper.

This afternoon I was minding my own business and pulling some weeds in a flower bed out front when "WHAM...I was hit!" Stung by a bee right below my right ear...ouchie! And, yes, I went down screaming like a kid, ha! Mother gooped me up with baking soda paste and a band-aid, and sent me back outside to play (LOL!!!)...yeah, right! I decided to nix pulling weeds and pissing off anymore bees so I mowed grass instead.

Later kids - time for a BLT as a reward for mowing, ha! Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 6:00 PM
Subject: cats and clotheslines
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

Ilona. I'm glad you mentioned that red pepper discourages cats. My little cat has started to break off some of my tall plants - some that have never bloomed before. I'll go out right after supper and start sprinkling that pepper.
Clotheslines: I decided that maybe I could live with the old clothesline after some repair work and I'll string it differently so that the lines are 4" apart instead of 2". That way it will be easier to hang the clothes, besides which they don't dry if they are hung 2" apart. Thanks for all the input ....I didn't know that birds could be such a problem. I priced the other clothesline and decided to beat a strategic retreat. I haven't told DH yet about the man coming in tomorrow to price the new kitchen cabinets that I've been waiting for, for the last seven years, ever since we moved to this house. His response when we moved in was that they were good enough when they were put in 20 years ago, so what's wrong with them now? MEN!!
Nelly from Thunder Bay

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 5:12 PM
Subject: The Bear Facts of Hot Weather
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Hey Linda of UK, what's this about the weather being too hot for S.E.X, you know what to do when it is very hot don't you??????Yes that's right, call a firefighter!!!!!!Stripey Bear in Britain.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 4:57 PM
Subject: Sorry
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

sorry, got posted twice, no idea why
Linda UK

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 4:54 PM
Subject: Thanks
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Dr Ruth. many thanks for putting my mind at rest. I see what you mean about no quilt store being strange. the Play "no sex please, we're British" should really have been called no sex unless there is an R in the month. Too hot in the summer to get too hot!!
Linda UK

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 4:53 PM
Subject: the heat
E-mail Address: jmg6146@is.nyu.edu

Hi everyone--haven't read the BB since Saturday. New York City sure is having fun with this heat wave--power outages and a big fire in the subway. With all the heat we've been running the AC nonstop. Our building is really old and the wiring ain't so good--remember this winter when we lost power...well, okay, you might not, but I sure do! And I don't want a repeat of that so we've been keeping the computer and TV and most of the lights off. Our wimpy little AC unit can't really cool the whole apartment so we've been pretty miserable in the 100+ weather. Yesterday the power started going off in various places around the city. Yesterday afternoon a big chunk of northern Manhattan lost power--thousands of people with no electricity and now I hear on the radio that a part of the lower East Side has lost power--Alphabet City I believe. Ours has stayed on, but I'm still nervous. So I turned off the AC before logging on--darn thing wasn't doing much anyway. It's about 10 degrees less today, but it's still d___ hot! Tomorrow it should only be 85--break out the parkas, it's time for ice skating in the park! I've been reading your posts about beating the heat and yes, Kitty Kate, I had bowls of ice in front of the fans. I was also in an icy bathtub quite a bit. The movie theaters keep it pretty chilly too... I can't wait for winter!!! How y'all can even think of flannel is beyond me.

We have a clothesline here, right outside my kitchen window. It's one of those pulley types from my window to my neighbors window. I have only used it a couple times. I worry about things falling down to the alley and also about pidgeon poop. It's a novelty though, people come in the apartment and spy the clothesline out the window and they just think it's so cute. I do miss hanging the bedsheets out in the sun. They smell so nice when they dry that way.

Bogie kitty bids you all a fond hello from the bathroom. The past two days he's been camping out underneath our claw foot tub. He's all sprawled out under there, I guess the tile floor feels cool. I tried to bring him into the airconditioned room, but he was having none of it! It's actually really cute, you walk in the bathroom and all you see is his tail peeking out from under the tub. Eponine on the other hand is under the bed--it's so hot under there, I don't know how she stands it.

Jenny, baking in NYC

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 4:51 PM
Subject: Thanks
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Dr Ruth. many thanks for putting my mind at rest. I see what you mean about no quilt store being strange. the Play "no sex please, we're British" should really have been called no sex unless there is an R in the month. Too hot in the summer to get too hot!!
Linda UK

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 3:54 PM
Subject: this 'n that
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

Good Afternoon. I'm taking a break from piecing my "I Spy" quilt. I'm enjoying your conversations.

Dr. Ruth - My husband is going to Taunton, England next week on business. If he brings me home some fabric is that considered surrogate S.E.X.? Unfortunately I don't have a passport and can't go with him. I'm gonna get one so I am prepared for the next time.

Wen - I grew up in Kansas so know all about the brown recluse spider. They were in our bathroom and even bedrooms. I hate spiders!!

Lmakin - I live in PA also and our favorite vacation place is Colo. as well. We are headed there the next two summers. We have a family reunion in Colo. every three years. No one lives there, but it is central in the US and all love it there, so that is where we go. I'm the 4th generation and all of the first
generation is deceased, but we continue with the reunion. I am closer to those cousins because of it. We stay for 5 days and 4 nights usually. Where in PA are you from? I'm in Hanover.

All for now, Sue in PA

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 3:38 PM
Subject: I've sure missed being here
E-mail Address: kuiken@nrtco.net

Hello all,
Wow!!!! Have I missed being here. Now I know why morning coffee
is so good, It is shared with really good friends. My family reunion
weekend is over, the last guests have gone, everything is cleaned up
and I am a little blue.It is always hard to say good bye to people you
are loved by and know that you won't see them for awhile.
It turned out to be a fantastic looong weekend with mamy
memories. Not all the family could attend but there were quite a few.
My own DS and his significant other could not come , so we really
missed them. Got word though that they are getting married so we sure talked
about them. We visited a lot and ate way too much and had a good time and a
lot of memories were made.
So what is going on here. I know I will not have time to catch up on all the
news. Are we doing something that I would like to be a part of.??? This
inquiring mind needs to know. Could someone please be in touch???
So you see I made mention that I will be having a wedding in my family.
DS has decided that he will make his sign. other his bride. Of course I have
been calling her my DDIL for a loooooooong time. She has been in the family
for 10 years.What else could I call her. I have wanted daughters as long as
I can remember and she sure fits the bill. I have picked out a quilt I would
like to make for them and I would like to share with you.Any comments you can
send back will be appreciated.Pro or Con, because it is good to see 2 sides
of the coin. The one I have picked out is called "Scrap Wedding Ring" I find
it really neat. I am not much of a structured person and therefore did not
want to do the double wedding ring. DDIL(she will be and already is) is much
the same as I am. Kind of likes and takes more to the abstract.
What do you all think?? Is that a good choice. I have almost a year to work on it
Well this is getting rather long so maybe I better close for now.
Faith and Bill I have been thinking about you so much. Hello to both of you
Will be in touch as soon as I can get my breath
Same with any other letters that are owed.
Take care.
Grace in Ont. who is trying to find the norm, Any one seen it?????

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 3:14 PM
Subject: Thanks !
E-mail Address: wmliving@cyberhighway.net

Thanks to everyone for all their help in answering my questions on "I Spy Quilts" and on the acronyms used on the BB.I'm so glad I found this site,it has been great fun
I just finished reading Earlene Fowler"s book KANSAS TROUBLES. Anybody who quilts and enjoys a good mystery will enjoy her book.
Thanks again. Audrey

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 3:04 PM
Subject: THANK YOU!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

The Cancer Inspirational quilt is finally in getting quilted!!
I cannot even begin to tell you how much this means to me!!
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this beautiful quilt!
Holice, for his VERY generous contribution.
Vera's Sewing Imporium, Pickering, Ontario
Wal-Mart Canada, Ajax, Ontario
BouClair Fabrics, Ajax, Ontario
Elizabeth's Mastectomy Boutique, Oshawa, Ontario
And a very special thank you goes out to all you BB angels that took the time to send me fabric and all 2304 little squares from the heart!!
I will be sending a picture to Kellie's page as soon as I can.
Thank you so much!!!
Marcie (Teacup) Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 2:58 PM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: nealilona@wesnet.com

I never will be able to keep all you ladies separated, so decided not to try. I will just write generally. Must be the way my mind works - can't remember anything told me - have to have a list or write it down! Then it is indelibly in my mind. I hang out clothes - love the smell of sheets that air dried. They seem to keep that smell for later, even when I fold them and put them in the closet. I hang them out because the darned dryer shrinks things from time to time and I need something to hide my tummy. And the dryer works much slower than the washer - I can have them hung out lots faster than waiting for that dryer off and on all day. I even hang stuff out in the winter if it is breezy and warm enough.
I've tried the boxes for fabric - no way! I can't remember what I have, though it was fun looking through the fabric and saying "Wow, I forgot I had this!"
Dr. Ruth - You are hilarious! Loved the sewing room description.
I rarely buy magazines. When I started quilting years ago I had subscriptions galore and coulnt' bear to throw those magazines away. So they are stacked up now and I go over them every winter at bedtime! But no more!
Ugh!!!!! Brown recluse spiders - have seen the pictures of the damage they do and I think of them everytime I clean the cellar, garage, closet and try to be careful -ugh!
I use Tylenol PM at night and it helps me sleep. I don't seem to have a hangover, or anything when I wake up, but if nature calls 2 hours after I go to sleep (occasionally - thank goodness!), I do notice that I am very groggy. I recommend it.
I, too, have been wondering how swaps work - just for curiousity's sake.
I've been stewing for 2 days - found a stem broken off one of my green pepper plants, the it looked like someone stepped on another one - I wondered if the kids across the alley were running into the garden after the kitten (some stray had a litter several weeks ago). Then today I found another one looking bad - stem broke off and leaning over. Last year on the other side of my house was a mother cat and her kittens and I remembered they loved to frolic in my 1 year old small forsythia plants! They were breaking branches on them. I went out and put red pepper all over the plant and around the ground. Sure enough! I saw them walk up to the plant, sniff, and jump away! So did that to my green pepper plants, plus I put some jalapeno dry pepper pieces (from last year's plants) around the bottom of the green peppers. I only have 6 plants and 2 are in jeopardy. Those kittens sure are cute, but let them frolic in the weeds, haha.
Just some chatter from Ilona in (now!) reasonably warm Ohio where we are having a Disney Parade Saturday morning! I'm walking about 4 blocks to stand for 2 hours and see the Parade! No driving in crowds for me! Lucky! I knew there were advantages for living near downtown.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 2:01 PM
Subject: Clothslines, stuff
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

A few years ago I was on an ecomony kick and wanted a clothes line instead of a dryer. Figured would save lots of $$$, at least on DH's white shirts and towels, I remembered the wonderful smell of towels and sheets fresh from the line as a kid. Well, forgot about those @#$%@ birds! We have lots of trees in the back yard, by the time I washed the white shirts the 2nd time, sheets, towels, then put them in the dryer, I had spent twice as much time and money!
Do any of you wonderful people have suggestions for swollen fingers? I am in pain, taking Aleve every 12 hrs. Soaked the right hand in Epson salt solution this AM for about 30 min. This helps some. I feel helpless when these things happen. Probably God's way of telling me to slow down. Rats!
Sara in Fla.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 1:58 PM
Subject: I'm back!!
E-mail Address: hartlaub@santanet.com

I'm back, but I'm exhausted! We went east for just long enough to get used to eastern time, then came home!! If my DH didn't have a conference in Hawaii next week, we would have stayed longer. It was wonderful to visit our families. We haven't seen most of them in over 18 months. But boy am I glad to be back to 70* and no traffic! My 9yo DD#1, who is trying so hard to grow up, LOVED the mall with her DGM! We just don't have the trendy preteen stores here. I'm glad she still likes Alaska for everything else though.
I finished the baby quilt and sent it off while I was back home. While on the plane ride that never ends, I did lots of handquilting and gazing at mags and dreaming up future projects. Yes, the mags are expensive, but they have a narrative and variety of ideas that I find most books don't. Since the plane was so full on the return flight, our seats were a bit spread out and my DDDDH (Dear,Darling, Delightful, Daring, Husband) spent most of the time with the kids so that I could have quiet. (I took all 3 on the flight out and he came a day late.) Well, I am trying to catch up on laudry now. Even though we did a few loads at DM's it seems to have grown exponentially...and I made sure that I wouldn't have any left here during vacation! Can't figure it! Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 1:49 PM
Subject: this n that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Beck in New Zealand: How wintery is winter? Dr. Ruth didn't mean to imply that Keepsake Quilting would be closed for R&R, just that they may be a little behind. I don't mind little behinds, (hineys) do you?

Got another dust/thunderstorm yesterday. A tornado touched down in the remote Arizona desert where they couldn't even find the area for lack of damage, though you can bet the media tried. At least one of the network affiliates covered the storm for three solid hours, with their "professional" weatherman making intelligent comments like "last week the air was dry but now the moisture is starting to moist up." Yes, he really said that. Today Clinton is visiting. Forecast is for more hot air. (Read that any way you want.) Anyway, the same "news" team has come up with a survivor's guide for the President's visit (referring to rerouted traffic patterns.) Since when did a visit from the Pres become life threatening? Are these media dudes considered "crack reporters" because they crack you up, or because of somethin they've been smokin?

TTFN, jdb in the muggy buggy desert

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 1:15 PM
Subject: Copying info from BB to a file
E-mail Address: RedwoodKat@worldnet.att.net

Hi! I have a question I have seen posted before... I don't know how to copy just a part of the BB without copying the whole page. Can someone help with some "dummy" instructions? I tried following before and couldn't figure it out and have since tried on my own and still can't get it to work.

I hope everyone is doing well, I'm off the read the BB and BB Chat now... sorry I haven't been able to keep up.

Happy Quilting!
Kathleen from Boulder Creek

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 1:13 PM
Subject: Clothesline
E-mail Address: Patisu@aol.com

NELLY: Go with the clothesline YOU want. I had to beg and threaten divorce for 15 years before I finally got the clothesline I wanted.LOL I did everthing from stretching rope across the back walkway and hanging clothes from it to threatening to hire a private contractor to come and put one in. I finally won and have four beautiful, long lines that holds all my laundry. I still use the dryer, but there are some things that HAVE to go on the line (weather permitting). DH and friend made 2 T post out of heavy 3" pipe, drilled holes to run the lines through, painted them with rust free paint, cemented them puppies in the ground and I now have clotheslines that will last for generations to come.LOL DH tried to get me to go with the umbrella type but I stood my ground and got what I wanted. After all, who does hte laundry?LOL Well, he does bring it in ocassionally. Funny thing is, he LOVES to hang his sleeping bags out to air, his horse blankets, boat cover... HMMMMM wonder where he hung all this stuff BEFORE the clothesline. And to think they were completed in one day! My 15 yr. clothesline is a standing joke around here. His male mind justifies it by saying they will last 15 years longer than they would have if he had put them in at my first request. Men!

Pat in cen CA where we are having a beautiful cool morning.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 1:10 PM
Subject: just hi, for the day
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

Just hi!!! Good to read, without having to play "catch up" on pages and pages.

I'ts still hot here in Houston, but we had a huge thunder storm yesterday and it did cool a bit last night, only to be opressively humid today! My youngest is visiting her aunt, uncle and cousing out in MA, and apparently it is hot out there now too. Crazy weather.

For those of you who can't post often because you can't get to a computer, did you know that most libraries have free access for patrons to the Internet? In our area, one is only allowed a maximum of 30 minutes, IF someone is waiting. Many times, people can even set up one of the free email accounts through a library computer. Check it out.

Happy day to all, and Doni, I'll be looking for your respsonse to my earlier email! : )

Lynn in TX

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 1:07 PM
Subject: S.E.X. - Orgy
E-mail Address: feazelb@xtra.co.nz

Doctor Ruth,

Thank you for clearing up my unasked question. I wanted to know if all thoses massive gatherings at the sales tables for S.E.X. was indeed considered an Orgy. It's great to have our own Dr. Ruth on 'board' to clear these little things up for us. I'm sure Keepsake didn't mind the 'R&R' needed to get the place back in shape.

Becky from Birmingham AL by way of New Zealand where it is WINTER

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 12:07 PM
Subject: Ooops
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

That should have said-"5 cents for each beetle"

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 12:06 PM
Subject: Holiday woes
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Beginning to really dislike Monday holidays. My whole
work schedule is off. Everyone I've had to deal with today
has been as grumpy, hot and irritated as me or is that I.
Worst of all probably no time for sewing till the weekend.
Yep I'm pouting.
My 83 year old dad always says "things aren't so worse
that they can't get worser". Usually brings a smile.
Guess I'll go back to work and hope to get done soon.
Faith: I tried to E'mail you but it bounced back.
Hang in there.
Kathy in Pa.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 12:02 PM
Subject: japanese beetles
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

Peg,My DS(tep)M used to pay the kids and
grandkids cents for each beetle they
deposited in her jar of soapy water. They
loved it.She always held the jar though til
they were older-didn't want any one hurt on
broken glass.They learned to respect her
roses and fruit bushes and send the "mother lady bugs" flying away home because they were friendly beetles.My baby is nearly 17, so no one catches beetles for her any more.
they used to compete to see who could catch the most and have fun planning what they would do with their "beetle money". Ahhh...pleasant summer memories. TTFN-Pat in PA

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 11:44 AM
Subject: Visiting BB for first time
E-mail Address: Lmakin@cablecomm-pa.com

Hi all,

I'm a relatively new quilter - just about two years. I love to quilt - especially hand quilting! My latest adventure is a Noah's Ark Quilt for our grandson who is due in Sept. I have sooooooo much more to do.... I hope it's done before he learns to walk :). I would love to hear from any quilters in Pa. ( my home state) or Colorado (my favorite vacation place or North Carolina ( our kids live there) or anyone will to gab.

When I started working on this Noah's Ark Quilt, I decided to save time and use curved pins instead of basting. The pins left holes in the fabric, they're small but noticeable to me a perfectionist. Anyone else have this problem?

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 10:38 AM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: Peroxide@olypen.com

This BB is going to really get me in trouble some day!!
I called DD (Rachel in San Diego) who works at Rosie's Calico Cupboard. She told me about the wonderful sale they had on Monday. I, of course, asked her, "Did you have S.E.X.?" DH just about jumped out of his skin!!!! LOL!!! He thought that was NOT a question a Mom should be asking her newlywed daughter!!!!!
Deanna, in Sequim, WA, but heading for SISTERS on Saturday!!!!

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 10:32 AM
Subject: S.E.X. in strange places
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

Linda, Dearie! Several years ago in London I saw a play called, "No S.E.X., please, we're British!" I'm SO glad you've discovered the joys of S.E.X.

Since I've never met a quilt store I didn't love, there is no such thing as a "strange" quilt store. One of the most enjoyable aspects of S.E.X. is the variety -- monogamy here would be quite boring, even at one of brothels with the best "equipment." Keepsake Quilting hosted a major orgy last weekend and will need time for R&R (re-order and re-stock.) No one would accuse them of lying down on the job, but some of their male orders have been unfilfilled, and waiting seven days without S.E.X. makes one weak!

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 9:17 AM
Subject: flannel swap is closed..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

As bad as I hate to I have to close the 2nd swap..we are full now..on Friday morning I will send out the addys for both of the swaps..If I havent heard back by then I will drop your name off the swap..with Ohio coming up I need to get back to doing my stuff for that and this takes all day long to get sorted out! It has been fun!
Nancy sewbird..the ladies said it it would be fine to do the cottons..so send me your addy befor friday..Hugs to all..and enjoy your day! Thanks for swapping!
Hugs Doni

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 9:16 AM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

I'm almost finished setting Kellie's quilt together. Do you guys want me to bring it to Ohio or just to ship it off to Martha when I get the back done in a day or so?
I have completed the top on two stack and whack napping quilts for Ohio.I'm not looking forwards to machine quilting them as I have to move the machine to the kitchen table and it's too high for comfortable sewing. I'm working like mad because the closure date for the quilt show resale booth is the first part of August and I have to get rid of some of my UFO's or they will take over the house.
I am planning to go to Indianapolis this Friday. If I leave at 6 and the trip takes 3 hrs. that should put me in the range at about 9 am (or 10 Indiana time maybe?) Time changes confuse me. I'll look for yellow yo yos around the entrance or Holice's booth. Having no idea of the layout of the place it's either there or the ladie's room nearest the entrance as a meeting place.
The Japanese beetles are attacking ! They were nonexistant last year and now they are eating my grapevines to lace and have started in munching on my roses. The paper says they are fond of linden trees too. Guess what we just planted? I have traps and have sprayed with Sevin anyplace I don't expect to eat from. Am I sadistic when I watch them struggle for breath in a pail of soapy water? Peg in Chicago

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 8:58 AM
Subject: Info on the swap please
E-mail Address: lpokress@hotmail.com

Hi everyone. I hope that everyone had a great weekend.
I had a pretty relaxing one and got a small wallhanging pieced.
I was reading the posts about the swaps, and was wondering if someone
could let me know more about them. I am quite new to the quilting
world and am not quite sure how the whole thing works. Do you go buy
new or do you trade from your stash? I need all the basic info.


Date: 7/7/99 Time: 8:11 AM
Subject: YO YO's and More !!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Ask and you shall receive !!!!!! Can't beleive the responses on Yo Yo's ! Thanks Kathy in Ohio and Sandra in Texas and of course sweet Kathy in SC. Guess I better get busy and make a YO YO or YO YO's ? Sounds like cute little things ! Julie in GA, will get back to you on Asheville Quilt Show, we all would love to meet you !!

J Bug, don't worry about the stash obsession, it's natural with BB as Dr. Ruth described ! We'all have shelves and rooms full and still building, never had so much fun having S.E.X.
LOL too !!!!!!!!!

Of course, if you hang here, the addiction gets worse ! Can't seem to stay away, love this place and the great people around for instant releif !
That's IR !!!!!!!!HA HA new one, Huh, LOL

Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 7:26 AM
Subject: Hanging on...
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

Good Morning all...just wanted to check in and thank you all for your supportive emails. They have meant a lot to me this week. DH and I are talking A LOT and starting to work things out. Had a little difficulty axplaining why the BB has to know our "personal" problems, but I think after letting him know that I have received more support from you ladies that I have from anyone I have talked to personally, he understood a little better.

Thank you again for all the words of encouragement. It helps so much to "talk" to someone that has been through this before. It is unfortunate that so many people have had to experience this first hand, but it appears that it makes you stronger in the end.

Have a good one...Beth

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 7:19 AM
Subject: Morning Everyone!
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

I've spent the past few days getting ready for Quilt America....still not actually packed up, but at least I know in my head what I need to do (this is a rare thing, too) LOL!

The goal for Serial Quilters attending Quilt America was to use fabric already in our stashes for the classes, so Bev, Just Me Sue and Backyard Susan and I have been a traveling road show to each other's houses, raiding stashes and collecting just the right fabrics for our two classes.

The most fun has been "advising" everyone on what to use. We're all taking a class that requires about 9 darks, 9 mediums and 9 medium-lights, so I got called in to help with the selection process for everybody's fabrics. What fun! I got to be very bossy and sometimes they even listened to me LOL! I don't consider myself a very adventuresome fabric selector, but compared to the rest of this group, I'm a true risk taker. The goal was to make everyone feel like they were working "outside the lines" a little bit. Unfortunately, when I came home and look at my own selections yesterday, I felt like mine was much more boring than anybody else's!

Today's goal is to get myself packed up, plus get DD packed up for five days of dance camp. Oh yes, I should have the house looking at least reasonably picked up since DH and DS get home from Scout Camp before I do. They are suffering terribly from the heat down there (tent camping) but have decided to stick it out for the week. DH says at the age of 46 he is too old to even pretend he is having fun, and DS is miserable from the heat, lack of creature comforts and the activities are so far only qualifying as "okay."

Guess that's all for now...looking forward to seeing Brenda, Bertie, Melinda in Indy and hoping we're going to run into Peg and Ronna and others while we're there!

Cassi in Ohio....who had better remember to water the flowers before she leaves! Pray for rain and a break in the heat!

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 5:24 AM
Subject: stuff
E-mail Address: Chrisagher@msn.com

Howdy ya'll Oh, that's Texan. Well, hi anyway. I was offline for so long that when I downloaded pages from all 3 sites it took me 5 hours of reading to get sort of caught up. Did take a small break to eat, once I think. Thought I could just read the last 2 days messages while online but the BBQ and BBC are filled to the brim and overflowing! WOW!
I know I'm late with some of these individual messages but better late than never.

DONI: How great to have a new grandchild. Actually any grandchild. There's nothing like it.

Kitty Kate: Thank you for the story of the Declaration of Independance signers. I'm passing it around to friends and family.

TerTer: How wonderful on your 1st year birthday. Doesn't it feel like a new life after going through such H---? Congrats.

Brenda: Loved your bunny story.

Definitely like the idea of a Challenge for us here. And I like the idea of a flannel swap. Never used it for a quilt but I would like to.

I never found the "things to do at Wal-Mart" story or list. Will someone tell me when and where it is, please?

It's been horribly hot here in C. KY. Unusual. And my air conditioner stopped working yesterday. I was on the verge of calling a repair man but decided to go out and see if grass or weeds were clogging. Nope, not that. Then I noticed the fan on the outside unit was not working. Something electrical? You bet. Guess what I did while using the weed-whacker? So I spent the next 20 minutes fixing the wire and running (well actually hobbling) back in the house to test it. Can't count the times I sat on the ground and had to get up again. Not too bad getting down; it's the getting up that gets harder and harder. Old Bones and Unused muscles.

Had a tough month in June. My 'puter monitor died, 20 yr. old microwave died, my car door had to go to the car hospital, and now my refrigerator doesn't want to make ice. I DON'T want to buy a new one. POUT! POUT! POUT! STAMP FEET!

BTW, Cassi thanks for reminding me what S.E.X. was. I forgot(in more ways than one).LOL This being a widow is the PITS (in more ways than one)

And on that note I'd better say nighty night or rather good morning. Haven't been asleep yet. Trying not to take anything 'cuz I get a hangover and it dulls an already dull brain.

See ya, Chris in C. KY

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 4:09 AM
Subject: Sisters
E-mail Address: djp@madras.net

I was in Sisters today. Things are hopping over there. The beauty of that area just amazes me everytime that I am there. I did not see any yellow yo yos tho.
Dot in OR

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 3:28 AM
Subject: Question?
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Just wondering but if I go into a strange Quilt store for S.E.X. is that infidelity?.
If I go in to the store and don't get S.E.X., (as if I could not buy !), is that flirting??

Linda UK

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 2:22 AM
Subject: POP
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

I wanted to write POP and XXXXX (My computer wont let me write what I did this weekend at JoAnns) but somehow those two words dont seem to go together well... He is going to the DR on Fri. to see what's up, sleeps all the time, nods off as your talking with him,,, thank you all sooo much for the fabric and the blocks... his quilt will look marvelous... I made the center of it out of my hand appliqued 14" blocks (6) and sashing and all of yours are going around that... some of them are soooo beautiful... and the verses. God Bless you all your wonderful... It's late and I need to get to bed. Hostessing a purple and yellow swap, see Trading Post if interested... Veggy garden is doing tremendous this year... Alot of people I know have been poisened by that Brown Recluse Spider and almost died. Frightening.... gotta get some sleep., love to all. WEN in CA

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 12:16 AM
Subject: this and that!!!
E-mail Address: sewingb@3rivers.net

Hi There,
Cool 4th.... Went to Bozeman to the sale at JoAnn's, then off to a wedding and then out to Wally World to kill some time (stood inside looking outside at the rain and little ice balls pouring down) before returning to McAllister for the wedding dinner-dance.....(Oh, did I mention that the reseption was held out side???) I can't remember the last time I was that cold!!!! And the wind was roaring.....There are times when having a little age on you helps... I didn't last til dark!!!!

Way to go TerTer!!!

Faith - Ya got to keep on keeping on and don't forget, We love Ya Big!!!

Nelly in Thunder Bay - IMHO, the answer should come from the person who hangs the stuff out to dry!!!!

Best say good-night for now, still have things to do, later,
Susan in (cool) Mt.

Date: 7/7/99 Time: 12:09 AM
Subject: Hello Everyone
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

I had enjoyable afternoon romping in the sprinklers with 4 yr. DGS.

As for the clothesline discussion..my DH made the umbrella style for me, but doesn't get used as much since all the kids are grown and gone. It was a cost saver with 5 kids. Like the fragrance of laundry hung outdoors but don't appreciate the bird poop and the fading from this California sun.

My fabric obsession is that I can't seem to part with the smallest of scraps. I have baskets of them just waiting for that someday quilt of tiny ity bity pieces..YIKES

Susan in Texas..The mags are too expensive, but I can't seem to stop buying them.

Love the how to beat the heat stories, they remind me of all the ways I try to cool myself down from those dang HOT FLASHES. When grocery shopping I run into the beer cooler, it is a huge room, and I'm known to spend lots of time there.
" Is it just me, or is it hot in here"? My famous last words!

Hi, Dot, I hope you get to see many BB gals and their cute little yellow yo-yos! I envy those who are getting to go...Have lots of fun gals..

RONNA..I have very small frogs jumping all over the area of toad abode! Sorry to say the cats think they are delicious!

Dr. Ruth...Please keep up the excellent writting.
You absolutely keep me LOL...

I do hope everyone gets some needed relieve from the heat...and get some really good S.E.X...not the safe stuff...whats the fun! Keep on quilting!
Happy quilting to all...Linda in California

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 11:31 PM
Subject: Sisters
E-mail Address: argeyogg@cyberhighway.net

We're heading out to Sisters early in the morning. Hope I see some of you there. Cody and I will both be sporting yo-yos. Haven't quite convinced DH that he needs to wear one. LOL. I've haven't been able to keep up with what's going on for the past several days...had grandkids visiting, and of course, they take precedence over the computer. Hopefully I'll be able to get caught up when we get back on Sunday.
Kathi in Idaho

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 11:10 PM
Subject: quilt frames????
E-mail Address: jnb@jps.net

i am new to quilting been doing it about a year. And now i need a quilt frame am tired of doing king size on kitchen table lol. but everyone says they have the best. I've been reserching it out on computer and mags. And i have seen a few in shops, but would like to hear fron people who use them and all the dope on them.

thanks Bonnie

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 11:07 PM
Subject: Clothes lines
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

I vote for the type that stretches from A to B. My solution for this is the retractable type which comes with as few as 1 line or with many. Take you pick. Of course here in the woods we have ours attached to a tree and I extend it to another tree when needed.

Happy wash days to all,
Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in WI who just this once left all her weekend bedding and towels at the the laundry and HAD them washed, dryed and folded.

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 10:54 PM
Subject: Nancy, Nannette, clothes dryers
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

NANCY I told her that we were making quilts for her and the children. She said she appreciated that because their household goods are in storage for 6 months. The children missed their quilts. I don't know what else to do. I have mailed things to her P.O. Box. I told her that BBers were going to send things and she should check it. Haven't heard since. Please keep this in prayer.
NANNETTE I've tried to email you several times and it always bounces. Please email me. I am beginning to worry. Are you alright?
CLOTHES DRYERS I had the umbrella kind that had straight lines on both sides. Not the one that looked like an umbrella. I loved hanging out the laundry but I hated the fading and all the bird doo. I swear they aimed for my laundry. While in MD, Japanese beetle would get all over the laundry and leave stains. I think it was poop. Yuck!
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 10:46 PM
Subject: fabric-aholics
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

J Bug. Didn't recognize your name or e-mail addy so I assume you're new to the BB. Welcome. Don't feel you're crazy as a June Bug because of your fabric obscession. There are far worse habits you could have. Of course you realize that asking advice from your sister fabric junkies will probably just get you addicted to the BB, then you'll have another obscession to deal with. Rather than tell you to cut back on your fabric collecting, we'd be more likely to join you at your favorite fabric store. Just name the time and place. Around here we refer to Stash Enhancing eXpeditions/eXperiences as S.E.X. and who's to say which is more enjoyable? Our husbands may beg to differ, but we all know that their opinions are not necessarily those of top domestic management.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with building an extra room onto your house for your prized fabric collection, provided your new "design studio / creative resource center" will be large enough to allow room for future expansion: additional fabric, more patterns and quilting magazines (we call them professional journals), and your tools of the trade. Of course you'll want the heavy-duty shelves in your new room to be reinforced for all your treasures. This is a valuable collection and should be treated as such. You mentioned boxes of fabric. No, dear, you need custom cabinetry, and/or more closet space. If your studio will be on the second floor of your house it would be less likely to suffer any flood damage; however, you might need to re-inforce the flooring so the weight of your collection doesn't cause a collapse into the room below. Husbands tend to frown on structural damage. We'd be happy to help you decorate the room too. Just let us know the dimensions. Oh, by the way, can we interest you in an additional sewing machine or two or three?

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 10:37 PM
Subject: Sue in Germany
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

SUE IN GERMANY: Everytime I try to send you an E-Mail I get the message that they can't send it to you. The only time I seem to be able to through to you is when I send a "reply" to your e-Mail to me. I am using your e-mail addy as:
froeschle@-online.deGermany or froeschle@-online.de
Please what is your complete and correct addy?

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 10:25 PM
Subject: clothesline
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

I love to "peg out" my clothes. When it was just my DD and I at home,the umbrella type worked just fine.But,if you have more than 2 to wash for clothes,just don't dry fast enough on them.Nothing beats the smell of the laundry fresh off the line. Plus the money you save on utilities could be used for S.E.X. Thanks for all your support. TTFN Pat in PA

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 10:22 PM
Subject: Garage Doors
E-mail Address: jlmpam@netins.net

I agree about garage doors. We try very hard to always keep ours shut. Also - just a reminder. With the garage door openers, how many of you have a button outside that you can push to open the door. Remember - if you aren't home someone can open your door, drive in, close door, and have access to your home.

Peggy in Iowa

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 9:06 PM
Subject: drying clothes
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

Nelly, I'm voting on Maytag. Hung up clothes as a kid, and never want a clothes line. It's not allowed in my yard.
Sue in PA

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 9:04 PM
Subject: obsession with fabric
E-mail Address: JNe2533547

Is it normal to want to keep obtaining fabrics, no matter how many boxes you already have, and will probably never use? I keep going to yard sales and auctions and keep buying. What will I ever do with all this stuff? Looks like we're going to have to build another room just for my sewing/quilting assortment. J. Bug

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 8:58 PM
Subject: weather
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

Well its not too hot or too cold here in Thunder Bay just WINDY. It was a good day to work outside so thats what I did. I've been trying to cut all my scraps into usable size squares, but it seems like there is no end. My Y2K quilt is finished, but I decided to add a dark border, so that's why I started on the scraps. The border is also made of 2 1/2" squares. Almost ready to quilt now.
My DH and I are having a discussion (LOL)about clotheslines, ever since the wind pulled mine out of the ground. He wants to replace it with the same umbrella type line and I want the kind that stretches over the yard and catches a good breeze. Of course my choice will cost more and be more labour intensive in the construction, but still..... What are your opinions on the best type. I know that I didn't really like the umbrella and clothes took sooooo long to dry.
Nelly from Thunder Bay

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 8:34 PM
Subject: Phyllis in Minnesota
E-mail Address: lmu@means.net

Phyllis in MN - I got your e-mail, but I didn't have your e-mail adress. I work at
the Newfolden Elevator. I know several people from Thief River Falls, so we may have
some mutual acquaintances.

Nice chatting with you. E-mail me again sometime.

Lola in MN

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 8:17 PM
Subject: Good Evening All !!!!!!!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Greetings from the NC Mountains !

Boy ! this has been a great day !! Got a nice surprise in the snail mail today from a very sweet lady I met thru BB, Diane, she sent me a beautiful assortment of fabric on an exchange ! This was my first time to do this and it was great fun !!!!

I have heard from several quilters in my area since, I posted wanting quilters in my area to contact me, so we could get to know one another ! I heard from Kathy in Travelers Rest, Barb in Georgia, Pam in Charlotte and Linda in Calif. just wanted to say hello !!!! What a nice group of ladies ! We hope to meet at the Asheville, NC Quilt Show in Aug. if it can be worked out ! I knew there had to be someone near me that quilts! I still would love to hear from anyone else in my neck of the woods ! Thats Marion, NC about 40 miles from Asheville, NC. If you are going to the Asheville Quilt Show, we would all love to meet you ! Heard thru a source, that the BB group wears Yo YO's at these events to know one another,
but only problem, not sure what yo yo's are ? Only been on the site for a few months, so lots to learn !! Still working on the abbrev. with Marty's help ! Lots of regulars have sent their Hello's, Loon, Kitty Kate, Mary, Sue, and many others, hard to remember all their names right now, but you know who you are ! Thanks, you know how to make a person feel welcome !!

Elaine, NC Western Mountains

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 6:20 PM
Subject: One of those days
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

Pat in PA, I think I know how you are feeling. It's just been one of those days, or weeks maybe. I had a four day weekend where I did nothing unusual. Just some cleaning, quilting, relaxing - as much as could be done in the rainy weather. Send some heat here! I guess I just feel the need for some excitement or something new. Ever get that feeling? And I don't need a new quilt project, two, plus the Y2K swap is just enough for me right now. I think I'll go home early. The garden needs weeding, maybe something without major thought processes attached to it is good. "Wait a minute, is this a dandelion? Well, it sure ain't a beet or carrot! Rip it out!" Yup, no thought there. At least it is sunny today.

On the subject of Disney characters I've been thinking about who me and my man could be. I don't have Disney, but how about Jughead and Big Ethel? My man is tall, skinny, eats like a horse, and is too laid back for his own good at times (though not as bad at relationships as Juggie). I'm not lanky like Big Ethel, but I do have lots of energy, take lots on, constantly try to please my man, and I am tall. Thank goodness I don't have the buckteeth! Maybe if you crossed me with betty becasue I think i'm pretty nice, am very domestic, and when Morgan and I started dating he had his own Veronica! This time Betty won!

That put a smile on my face. Hope everyone else is holding up to the heat. If you have air conditioning enjoy it, but not too much, can't afford power outages at this time! Just turn it up a few degrees and you probably won't even notice a difference (Okay, the closet green in me came out, I'll put it back in)

Best be off, happy day!
Cheryl in Edmonton

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 5:53 PM
Subject: Just stopping for a chat
E-mail Address: sewbird@win.bright.net

We survived the weekend with kids, grandkids, dogs, heat, humidity and storms. Once the logs in our log home heat up they take forever to lose the heat.

DONI - may I join the flannel swap but request non-flannel FQ's in return? I've done the flannel thing and really don't think I need flannel projects for FL. LOL

SUSAN in North Pole - are you coming my way this summer???? Hope so!

KITTY KAT - still no word from Ridgeley?? Does she know we've quilts in the making for her and need to know her whereabouts?

My sewing room/guest room is now free for awhile and I'm making headway on the 15 UFO's I'm determined to complete this millenium. I can picture all those labels with 1999 on them already, and some with an 8 - 10 year spread between the beginning and completion.

Time to get dinner,
Nancy the "sewbird" snowbird in WI

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 5:27 PM
Subject: It's Me!
E-mail Address: veronicaw@calexico.k12.ca.us

Hi Everybody!
I have whined and wheedled my way into using a computer so I could post a message. Summer vacation is wonderful, but I do miss being able to comunicate with you all. I feel very out of the loop, lots of new names on the BB, tons of neat things people are talking about without me. Gotta save my pennies and get my own 'puter!
Wanted to check in and let you know I haven't disappeared with the quilt to which you all contributed. I have it off at the quilters, who neglected to mention it would take about a month before they could get to my top. I know that's really not too long for some pro quilters, but I chose a simple pattern and their usual turn around time is ten days. I originally wanted to get this to Scott quickly, but no such luck. At this point I need some advice-- should I mail it to him at his family's home out of state, or wait until he's back from vacation in August to give it to him in person? I'm torn about which would be best, so let me know what you think, I'll check my mail before I give it to him.
I hope everyone will like how it turned out. I'm very nervous about the colors I chose and how I arranged the blocks. I don't want anyone to think I didn't like their block because I put it in the bottom row, or anything like that! I feel like parents at Christmas, trying to make sure all the gifts are equal, so no one's feelings get hurt!
Everybody stay safe in this weather. Stay home, toss some Blue Ice bags into a cool bath and relax! I always worry about people who aren't used to the heat. It's 115 and 40% humidity here, but we all have air conditioning and know to run errands in the morning.

Happy quilting, Veronica in So. Cal.

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 5:10 PM
Subject: Flannel swap..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Okay since there has been so much demand for the flannel swap..maybe we could do two...let me do some checking and see there is an interest..so far on the second swap we have 4..on the first swap we have 12 and thats pretty good..lots of fabric..So let me know if anyone else is interested..any of the original 12 want in the second swap..just let me know and I will add you to the list..just remember we are swapping 2 FQ's per person on your list....and we need a due date for the second swap...I'll work out the rules same as before..and get back with everyone in a few days..last chance to get in..winter will soon be here!
Be back later!
Hugs Doni

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 4:36 PM
Subject: Cal Quilt Guilds
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Karren (I guess that's your name since you didn't sign your post -- is my identity crisis contagious?)

Anyway, I did a search of "California Quilt Guilds" and according to www.quiltguilds.com/california.htm the Friendship Square Quilt Club meets the 3rd Monday of the month at the E. Whittier United Methodist Church 10005 So. Cole.

There were other web sites available that list quilting guilds by area.

I guess today you could call me your Friendly Web Ferret. (The Disney characters DH and I resemble most would be Beauty and the Beast.)

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 4:27 PM
Subject: NQR - Open Garage Doors Be Aware
E-mail Address: mystyusa@aol.com

My husband and I were enjoying a relaxing evening at home. We left our garage door open and someone decided to help themselves. My husbands 2 tool boxes and other assorted items were taken right off the shelves. A cell phone and ID & access card to his office were taken right our of his vehicle inside the garage. I thought we lived in a nice neighborhood. Be careful. They could have just as easily walked in from the garage into our recroom.
ttfn :) Mary Ann in Pleasanton, Ca

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 3:24 PM
Subject: Quilt Guilds
E-mail Address: Key_Karren@lacoe.edu

Looking for information on quilt guilds in the Los Angeles, California area. Specifically, I'm hoping to find a guild in on of these cities: Downey, Norwalk, South Gate, Santa Fe Springs, Whittier, Bellflower, or Cerritos.

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 3:04 PM
Subject: He did it
E-mail Address: nelsonst@charlotte.infi.net

Hope everyone who was kind enough to email me about "little sewing machines" reads this bb as well as the other, 'cause I really want to thank you all for my new FEATHERWEIGHT!!!!!!!! Yes, DH, being a rather snoopy guy, read your glowing testimonials and was very impressed. He went back to the antiques show next day, and had his pick of 3. It was supposed to be a surprise, but then he thought that we had better check it out. So in the middle of the night we're playing with this very dirty but complete machine on the kitchen counter. Sewed like a champ! Now I'm going to rush it to a good dealer for cleaning and checkup. Thank you, thank you for helping me and for the good advice, I know I'm going to love this little baby. Thank you too, Serial Quilters, for your Gem testimonials. If I didn't like old stuff so much, I would be sorely tempted to go in that direction too. Now I'm going to the Featherweight Fanatics website to find out what I can about my new baby.
Hugs and thanks,
Pam in Charlotte

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 2:29 PM
E-mail Address: stckk@webtv.net

Hi,all.I guess I could use a little moral support.I have only been lurking since i posted the day after I cleaned out my quilting room.(space being taken over by sons and friends pooltable and music equipment.I am still heartsick,feel like I am moving through glue.Can't figure out what to do with myself,other than cook and clean. Last Thurs. I lost a friend,the DH of the lady I clean for.Worked my butt off for 3 loongg days taking care of her house and meals,etc.I will miss him but those 3 days of work/busyness were a God-send.I am even having a hard time finishing my DDs dresses for her summer mission trip to the dumps in Mexico. I know that when they are done there is no more excuse for my sewng machine and table.I just don't know what to do with myself.I just keep telling me-spring comes after winter,rainbows after storms,after darkness-morning. Thanks for your ears and all. Pat in PA

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 2:01 PM
Subject: good afternoon all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

faith i tried to email you but it came back,,,keep us posted faith,,,and chin up!! you are not far from our thoughts!!

doni,,,,getting excited about the flannel swap,,,right up my alley so to speak and right in time for dh's birthday,,,,thanks so much for taking this on,,,,hugs

getting more and more excited about celia and teacup coming,,,i cannot tell you all how fun this has been,,,,just in the planning,,never mind when they come!!! and especially fun to share with all of you!!!

we have a empty lot in front of our house,,,,can never be built on,,,and provides us with a wonderful view of the pond,,,well,,it dips down and i cannot see the immediate shore from my vantage point on my porch,,,,few days ago,,,couple of neighbors were all on the shore line some yards from this area,,,and looking,,,
typical loon/marie,,,,(that is me) figures,,,,'maybe a snapping turtle on a rock',,,,unbeknownst to me,,,,,,,both loons were sunning and walking on shore,,,,,worming so to speak and laying having a all together good time,,,,!!!! and i sat thinking ,,,,,'where are my loons today??' and finished the book i was reading,,,

not nice to sneak up on loon,,,,,or hide either!!!

loon/marie/maine,,,,,very hot,,,,but teacup seems to be really steeping up there,,,,this is NOT normal for our area,,not at all and quite disturbing,,,,never mind the feeling of being wrung out like a dishrag!! ugh!! welcome all newbies,,,,hello and welcome to the bb!!!

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:37 PM
Subject: Sheesh!
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Can't type in all this heat......
That last post was for JDB!

Ronna in (obviously too hot...cooked my brains)Happy Valley

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:33 PM
Subject: signature
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

jbb: You could sign yourself "Minny" (as in mouse)...or would that make people ask "what's minny?" (Not your humor LOL!!!)
Would that make DH Micky?
Just wondering.

Ronna in Hot Happy Humid Valley
(pant..Pant...not even S.E.X makes me pant this hard)

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:33 PM
Subject: This and that
E-mail Address: QuiltnSara@aol.com

Catching up after my time on airplanes going to VA for niece's wedding. Due to all the bad weather in the NY area Thurs. the flight into my city had been cancelled, but US Air didn't have it in their computer system as "cancelled". After making several new friends in line for 2& hrs. the airline put me in a cab and drove me to Gainsville, Fla. to catch a puddle jumper to Charlotte, N.C. so I could get to Norfolk. It was the first time this has ever happened to me, and evryone was as nice as possible under the circumstances! Made it to the rehersal dinner after a quick stop to shower and change. What a lovely family the groom has, they were great, he was great, and naturally my niece was beautiful. (Someone on the groom's side even had quilt squares in the rail fence pattern for all to sign, in red,white and blue, as he is in the Marines.) We actually went to fireworks Sun. night and there was no rain. Funny, a year ago at this time we were praying for rain, due to fires, now no one wants it.
Back to real life today, my dog is afraid to thunder, fireworks, like alot of other dogs, she is 15 yrs. old and not long for this world, her hearing is going, she can hardly see, but she loves me and her daddy. Won't be able to quilt today, fingers too swollen up due to house work, and prob. too much salt, but thankful that I have A.C. to cool in.
Sara in Fla.

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 12:50 PM
Subject: this-n-that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Where is Madras Oregon? Is that just a "Dot" on the map?

Banff Canada is one of my most favorite places in the whole world. Don't think this is the week to be there, howsomever.

Liz, if you lusted after the fabric but didn't buy any, that's still committing S.E.X. in your heart. If you do that too often you'll become inhibited. Buying buttons should keep you from becoming totally "undone."

Jettabetta. Love that name. I always shop where the frozen food is in enclosed display cases. Can't run the risk of becoming a frigid woman.

Brenda, a wet smelly dog is better than no doggy atall. (There's a company I think it's called Orvis that actually sells a cologne called "Wet Gun Dog." Bought some in Jackson, Wyoming.) Anyway, We're waiting for a certain momma doggy to get in the mood for some lovin from a stud muffin named Toadd. (Have no idea why the owner spells it with a dd. Maybe an AKC thang?) He's a new kid on the block and we're hopin he's a horny Toadd. Will keep you posted on when (if) we become expectant puppy parents.

Don't know how to sign this -- must be searching for my own identity.

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 12:47 PM
Subject: Catching up!!!
E-mail Address: Sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Hello everyone! Sounds like everyone is managing with the heat. We have had some pretty warm days. It's definitely different not having the humidity we had when we lived in PA. We had a quiet 4th. Just did fireworks in the back yard. Our Golden Retriever, Sam, wasn't happy that we were out back and he had to stay inside, so rather than risk him being stupid and try to catch the fireworks, I stayed inside with him and we watched from the sliding glass door in the family room. Yesterday he was so hot and miserable, DH hosed him down so he could cool off. He loves a bath, but not the hose! We're planning to get him a wading pool for this summer so he can cool off.

I worked on my Pineapple quilt this weekend. Sure wish someone would devise a system so there isn't such a waste of fabric. I'm using the book by Quilt in a Day, but even that has waste. It's turning out better than I originally hoped and want to get it done quickly. My weekends the rest of July are busy. Between weddings, company coming for a family member's 100th birthday, August is a welcome site. I'll be going back to full-time then so I can get some rest!

TER TER -- I'm so happy to hear your wonderful news. That's just great. You have every reason to be shouting from the rooftop!!!!!

Celia -- when you get done painting, you can come paint my bathroom!!! It's really not that big and then we can go shopping.

Hope everyone who are in warm areas are able to find relief somehow. It's going to be a scorcher again here today. Take care and try to stay cool.


Date: 7/6/99 Time: 12:23 PM
Subject: HHHasH and quilting at sea part III
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Yessssssssssss, it is sssssssssssizzzzzling here in Happy Valley. I escaped for the fourth of July holiday(to the coast, of course) and when we returned last night, it was still 85*. I did get some Quality Quilting Time on the boat as we were out at sea....
We went to Cohasset first (see quilting at sea part II). It was a nice sail over there, weather was perfect as long as you were 8 miles out...
We were going to get an early start on Sunday morning and sail to Province Town, on the tip of Cape Cod. That is 30 miles by water and we wanted to visit town. I had not been ashore in Province Town for at least 10 years... But Saturday morning....it was raining (and thundering) on our parade. So much for an early start. We left around ten...as skies were clearing and had a very nice sail to Province Town. Got a lot of quilting done, since the seas were calm and we were going down wind (boat is level) Got there about 4 pm. We were lazy and decided to rent a mooring for the night instead of anchoring. Mostly because we would have a very long row to shore if we anchored beyond where the moorings were. Along with the moorings, comes free "launch" service (they pick you up on your boat and ferry you to shore). We went into town, starting on the "west end". We walked to the dunes (about 25 minutes walk) at the Cape Cod National Seashore. The dunes were very nice. The temperature was still pretty high, even with a sea breeze...
Then we walked back to the center of town. I forgot just how "unusual" Province Town is. In case you are not aware, Province Town has long been a favored resort place for gays of both sexes. If you are Fundamentalist with a capital F, I suggest that you not visit there. You will be too traumatized. There were several guys in drag...most looked like....guys in drag. But there were two notable guys in lovely evening gowns and heels...who were such good female impersonators (they were walking in heels with more skill than I can manage), that if they said nothing, you might make a mistake (low voices give them away). One guy had better legs than I do!!!! I wanted to ask him where he got his beautiful dress.
Anyway, being the 4th of July weekend, it was even more of a zoo than I think it would be usually. We went back out to the Tern.....ahhh quiet, cool breezes, and guess what??!! Turns out that our mooring would have a ringside view of the fireworks! The town had a barge out in the harbor, and they put on a short but glorious display. Some of the newer fireworks are more than just BOOM! They have nice color effects and interesting ring-shapes.
We left on Monday morning, and not only was the wind favorable, but "the Force" was with us!! (We refer to some of the strong tidal currents in our area as "the Force"...which more often than not is against us.) It was a nice reach (wind coming from the side) and I got a lot of quilting in until we were near the area where one would see whales. We did see humpbacks....but they must have been taking the day off. Except for one whale that did some tail-slapping and flipper flapping and jumped out of the water once, none of the others were in an entertaining mood. Well, I guess even whales deserve a holiday weekend occasionally.
It was warm enough on the way back (20 miles out at sea), to take a shower on deck. Even with cooling sea breezes, you could be stark nekid and not be cold. The layers of sweat and sun screen make you feel slimey and sticky, so that shower was heavenly. I am making great progress hand quilting that hexagon baby quilt, so maybe my niece will get it before she is three!! I had a major triumph in hand quilting; usually I quilt towards myself and if I try another direction, it is very awkward and the stitches are too big and very irregular. Also, when I would rock the needle down to horizontal on the first stitch....SPOINK!...the needle would pop out of my grasp and roll down onto my lap (if I was lucky). Well I got the hang of quilting away from me now, and you can't tell which stitches were done in that direction. Woodstock tap-dance! Now, I have to see if I can build up the skill to quilt to either side, as well. I can quilt toward my hand...but the other direction gives me the "SPOINK" problem. Well,
Practice Makes Perfect, doesn't it????

Linda in CA: Don't worry...Ms. Rana will probably return. Around here, this is the time she might go looking for a pond and a nice Prince. Hopefully she will come back soon and successfully. Or should I say Sexfully?

Dr. Ruth....You are such a scream. And this perspiring mind already knows!

Ronna in Hot,Humid, Hazy as H--- Happy Valley

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 11:55 AM
Subject: Safe SEX
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello Ladies. It's hotter than heck here - what's it doing in your neck of the woods?

To answer Lynn in TX - Safe SEX might only be accomplished by entering a fabric store without your charge cards, checkbooks, or cash, and this includes the DH you dragged along with you - his wallet is off limits too, ha! Entering a store with the intent of just fondling some fabric is not safe if you are carrying any form of legal tender in your purse!

Later Ladies, from Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 10:06 AM
Subject: dog baths, poetry and "stuff"
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

I seems as though all I do lately is lurk and/or try to catch up (which after a few days seems impossible). I did last night though, after a day at the computer with total burnout getting ready to turn in a 3" thick binder for a grad. class I'm taking. It got to be 11pm here and I needed an escape, so I cruised all three sites, and thought about all of you. :)

Brenda - loved the story about the dog bath! We have three, and this week they have all had their turns too. DH says, why do the humans always end up smelling like dirty dog, and the dogs smell good? One of life's unanswered questions I guess!

Lillie ann in Aberdeen - thanks for the Longfellow poem. I always love hearing/reading his poetry. Reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom would recite some of his poems by heart, that she had memorized when she was a school girl.

A great day to all - Marcie, I'm glad it is cooling a bit in Canada (your corner), remember your longing for warmer weather last winter when we met and I was complaining about the hot winter down in TX??? Maybe YOU brought this on!! ha : )
Stay cool, and go hang out somewhere where it is air conditioned (a fabric store for instance - is when you look but don't intend to buy, safe S.E.X.???)

Lynn in TX

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 9:35 AM
Subject: thots
E-mail Address: wagners6@sunlink.net

Hi everyone. Sounds like most of you are surviving the heat. Sorry to hear about the nasty storms. I guess the edges of the heat brews up nasty stuff because of the cold air and warm air clash. DH is an amateur weatherman and we often get "lessons" on weather why's. Susan in TX, you are absolutely right those mags are too expensive! i must confess... I'm a pattern-a-holic. Forgive me! I probably have 200 or more books with patterns. From about 70's til now. I've tried not to buy mags unless I will make 2 or more projects from it. Some of the QUILT mags are just great reading and I usually buy that one anyway. I read them til the covers are limp. I was upu in my 100+ attic looking for a pattern that I just can't put my hands on. Does anyone have "windblown Sue or Southern Sue"? I need applique in 12 or 15" block size. Thanks
We lost the All star game 6-2. Now DS#2's team is in the losers bracket, which is much harder to win through. (You must play more games) DD#2 All-stars plays today. (I help coach this one)
Have a great Tues and keep cool.
Dee in PA

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 9:13 AM
Subject: ???????
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Well, teacup is a little bit more cozy at home this morning!! LOL Temp is down a bit. I like fall and winter (and snow!!) I don't do heat well!!
Faith , my thoughts and prayers are with you and Bill!!
Kitty... up here in Canada all that wetness is called humidity!! If I did that here, I would be shot at dawn!!!!!
Have a great day everyone!!

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 7:01 AM
Subject: Is It Really....
E-mail Address: etamiso@home.com

Is it really S.E.X. if you don't buy any fabric....I stopped by Joanns late yesterday afternoon and picked up a Q-snap type frame to do the borders of my quilt with. Found some circle templates also, and just had to look at the buttons, so some of those came home with me too. But NO fabric. So, did I really have S.E.X.???? BTW, who needs a Joann's flyer in the mail, you BB friends keep me posted.....the company should be paying Sue and Eric for the free advertising!!

Liz in CT, melting in the heat

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 6:33 AM
Subject: teacup - but its not snowing!!
E-mail Address: millerk@nb.sympatico.ca

Oh Teacup, yes it is hotter than hot here in Canada, and the heat has
affected our crops big time, BUT at least we didn't get the 4 feet of snow
that fell in Banff, Alberta over the weekend. I just can't imagine
having any snow at all this time of the year, but 4 feet is unreal.

Wonder what will happen in the middle of winter if they get that kind of
weather now!

We have had thunder showers here over the past couple of weeks, but the
water just evaporates before it can soak into the ground.

Is great to be inside and make plans for more quilts when the weather is
so hot, though. Always a silver lining if we just look for one!

Sunflower (in N.B.)

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 3:47 AM
Subject: good morning
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

just thought I would say good morning. DH & DD have left for the day. i am about to start work, but I work from home, so not a lot of chanche's to talk to people. Sometimes a blessing... sometimes.

it sounds Hot over in the US, and to think I thought it was warm here. mind you I would love a sea breeze to freshen the air up.

just read through the BB, I didn't realise that Elk babies where looked after in bulk like that.

pleased to see you're posting Faith, thinking of you both.

well better get moving it's now 8.45 am

Linda UK

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 3:30 AM
E-mail Address: djp@madras.net

I am looking forward to Harriet Hargrave's lectures in Sisters on Friday. I hope to see some of you there, maybe during the lunch hour.

Kay in NM. My address is above. I tried to email you a minute ago but it did not go through.

If any of you are going through Madras on Wed or Thur., Stop in at Hatfield's Dept to say Hello. I am in the basement.
Dot in OR (madras)

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 2:24 AM
Subject: Brown Dogs and other stuff
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Hello ladies! Hope everyone had an enjoyable (and safe) 4th of July. We went to my oldest brother's home in Bloomington, IN, and had the usual fare of Greek food - dolmas, moussaka, baklava, Greek olive bread (which I baked), and various other goodies. We waddled home happy and content.

I did a marathon of green beans today and canned 21 quarts! Yikes! I've about scrubbed my fingernails off trying to get rid of this natural green stain. Took me a few days to rid myself of the purple stains from working up the plums last week. Oh well, guess I'll just hide my hands in my pockets till canning season is over, ha!

Brown dogs is about our poor chocolate lab named Ruby. I say poor only because if there is a malady out there know to canines old Ruby has it! Allergies, thyroid problems, itchy skin, and hip dysplasia. Well, yesterday was bath day for old Ruby - not my favourite thing to do, but the medicated soap helps with her itching due to her allergies, etc. and so forth and so on. We have a shower in the basement that is perfect fo this task. I think Ruby knows something is up when her collar comes off, then when she's herded (more like dragged, ha!) into the bathroom she really becomes alarmed. Washing an 85 pound dog that doesn't want to be washed is an adventure - you're trying to scrub this animal down and at the same time block the shower entrance is not fun. She's pushing against you and you're trying not to fall out the door and still manage to get tangled up in the shower curtain saying over and over, "Wait...stop...good girl, just one more minute...wait...stop!!!" UGH!! I always lose and she wins and I get to mop the floor and wipe the walls down. Don't you just hate the moment when you're reaching for the towels and just before you get to the dog they take that 'I'm gonna shake' stance...WAIT!!! Too late (LOL). The DH always takes pity on this animal. What about me? I'm the one that's all wet and covered with dog hair, ha!

Later kids! I better go to bed. I have to force myself to do some work outside tomorrow. Maybe if I can get outside early I can justify sewing all afternoon. Cross your fingers. Later, Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:59 AM
Subject: happy camper
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Lindy, Sweetie, your back-to-nature story of the elk was sooo endeering. Did you happen to see any chocolate mousse?

Conspiring minds want to know.
Willy de Wonka

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:50 AM
Subject: Beat the Heat
E-mail Address: jettabetta@aol.com

Sure fire way to beat the heat:

Go shopping in the frozen food section of a grocery store that has open display cases in their frozen food sections. ( I just about freeze to shivering in those places! Almost have to take a jacket with me to make it through that section of the store.)


Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:44 AM
Subject: Oh Happy Day!
E-mail Address: quiltntex@yahoo.com

Got up this morning early. Fed the cats. Had breakfast. Watched Carol Duval show. Drove 38 miles to my son's house. Helped my DIL with the table and chairs she is refinishing. Had spaghetti for lunch. Went for a swim in son's pool. Worked on table and chairs some more. Went into town for dinner. Drove home around 10 p.m. Fed the cats. Checked the BB. Couldn't wait to tell all of you about my interesting day. Think I'll go to bed now.But before I do, I want to share this poem with you.

The Day is Done - Longfellow

The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of Night,
As a feather is wafted downward
From an eagle in his flight.

I see the lights of the village
Gleam through the rain and the mist,
And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me
That my soul can not resist:

A feeling of sadness and longing,
That is not akin to pain,
And resembles sorrow only
As the mist resembles the rain.

Come, read to me some poem,
Some simple and heartfelt lay,
That shall soothe this restless feeling,
And banish the thoughts of day.

Not from the grand old masters,
Not from the bards sublime,
Whose distant footsteps echo
Through the corridors of Time.

For, like strains of martial music,
Their mighty thoughts suggest
Life's endless toil and endeavor;
And tonight I long for rest.

Read from some humbler poet,
Whose songs gushed from his heart,
As showers from the clouds of summer,
Or tears from the eyelids start;

Who, through long days of labor,
and nights devoid of ease,
Still heard in his soul the music
Of wonderful melodies.

Such songs have power to quiet
The restless pulse of care,
And come like the benediction
That follows after prayer.

Then read from the treasured volume
The poem of thy choice,
And lend to the rhyme of the poet
The beauty of thy voice.

And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares, that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away.

Nighty nite. Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite.

Lillie Ann in Aberdeen

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 1:28 AM
Subject: Beating the Heat
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

My mother used to mop the basement floor. She would throw water on the porch. I would hang wet sheets around the porch so the air coming through would be cooler. I would rewet as often as needed. I put a bowl of ice on a stool in front of the fan. My kind of air conditioning. When we put our ankles and wrists in cold water it cools the rest of us. So, I would sit on the wet porch with wet sheets all around and a fan blowing cool air and dip my wrists and ankles in cool water when I felt hot. I used these in Phila. when I was a kid. In TN when we lived there. And believe it or not, right here in good old WA. I have been known to tie an ice bag on my head. I can't take the heat at all. Worse comes to worst, I'm in the kiddy pool under the tarp.
Hope this helps or brings a giggle.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/6/99 Time: 12:55 AM
Subject: Poem
E-mail Address: cathiann@webtv.net

Nancy what a beautiful poem you shared. It says a whole lot!!! As far as being hot I know what you mean, here in Ia it feels more like Louisianna. I'm glad that I am hand piecing and not quilting right now, don't think the bod could take it. Does anyone have a sure fire way to beat this heat?

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 10:38 PM
Subject: Poem
E-mail Address: Halia4U@aol.com

Saw this poem on a cancer internet site and thought you all might enjoy it.

"Beauty of a Woman"

The beauty of a woman
Is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure that she carries,
Or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman
Must be seen from within her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman
Is not in a facial mole.
But true beauty in a woman
Is reflected in her soul.

It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
And the beauty of a woman
With passing years, only grows.

Nancy in N.Y. where it's HHH!!!

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 9:33 PM
Subject: Elk!
E-mail Address: yakimayakker@hotmail.com

Went camping this weekend and saw a "nest" of elk babies! Saw a mom as we were walking in the woods. Her baby stands up out of nowhere. Then more babies stand and more, til there were six! Then the other moms hiding and munching in the area became alarmed and swarmed through to pick up the kids and scurry out of sight... 13 elk total! So exciting. Then, DH and I were about to decend a trail to a crick (proper pronunciation, right Kate!)when DH spotted another elk calf hiding in his "nest". DH back tracked and took pictures from the hill above the baby while I just sat and stared at it! So WAY COOL! And we saw 4 deer, two of which were young bucks with their fuzzy little velvet prongs... verrrry cool, too! First time camping "kidless". Kinda weird to be each other's only company. Had to make adjustments in activities...
Today went down to Walla Walla and went sailing on DH's sis and her DH's sail boat. Sunny, fun day. But now I am POOPED and still have to prepare for the class I am teaching tomorrow. No, not a quilting class, a babysitter's training class with 6 girls, one boy ages 11 to 13. They are a challange and a blast. It is part of my job working for Camp Fire Council office. I LOVE MY JOB! Hope all were safe and happy this weekend.

Lindy the yakimayakker

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 9:08 PM
Subject: Nothing Special
E-mail Address: lmu@means.net

Good evening to all!

I passed up a picnic today at the lake so that I could get started on a new quilting project.
But then I decided that I should maybe do some cleaning first. Got the house clean and then was
all ready to start. Then I got company and they ONLY stayed two hours. I was ready to ask them
if they wanted to help.

Well, I've got the pattern here and all the material ready. I only had to buy one piece of fabric,
the rest I picked out of my stash. First time that's ever happened.

The weather is SO soggy here in NW Minnesota. I work in a grain elevator and the farmers here are
very depressed. Most of them have not been able to get a crop in because they can't get into the
fields to seed. They got the ground worked up and ready to seed and then it would rain. Would dry
out again and be just about ready and then it would rain again. And not just a sprinkle. I've lost
track of how many inches we've had this spring, but it is way too much!

I'm glad we don't have tornados and earthquakes here. However, we do have mosquitos big enough to carry
you off. You need to put on a few pounds just to fend them off.

Bye for now.
Lola in MN

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 9:00 PM
Subject: this n that
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Betty, great doggy story. Lab doggies are my favrites. (sorry, Buf)

Teacup, doesn't sound like you're very cozy at home. Canada isn't supposed to be hotter than Phoenix, which is usually hotter than $&%$#@ this time of year.

DH and I both got out cars washed this morning. (The local automatic car wash was having a special. Family motto is, "If it's on sale we HAVE to buy it. That especially works for cheap S.E.X.) Anyway, I think having both cars washed and waxed was the determining factor in finally getting some rain around here. Yes, it does rain here in the desert, and at the moment it's not a dry heat, but we'll take the water whatever way we can get it.

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 9:00 PM
Subject: Ms.Rana
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

I forgot to something on last post....
RONNA....Ms.Rana has not been seen for days!
Could the dear frog be buried down in the dirt!!
I hope the boxer dog, Max, did not do harm to
Ms. Rana...I have become so accustomed to seeing that little smiling face in the doorway of her little abode...Her picture came out so good...
Oh well...Linda...

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 8:51 PM
Subject: Hello Everyone
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi everyone. Taking a break from working on my quilt, when the eyes start to get blurry, even with the glasses on, it's time for a break.
I was unable to get to sleep last night, when the hubby works late and not home in bed with me, it's always hard to sleep. So I got on the WWQ and checked out all those pages I never seem to have the time for. I now see why you talented gals are always doing SNOOPY DANCES, your quilts are just fabulous!! How I envy your creativity!
I'm such a novice with only a few quilts having gone through the old sewing machine..I have alot to work towards....

Teacup..I sure hope there is relieve in site for you and all others suffering with the heat.

Hey Arizona! Who are you today?!?!

Hi Faith...You are such a dear, I loved your quilt on Kellies page..you are just so talented..
Love your emails..

I will most certainly use all your tips on paper
piecing CASSI..I'm almost done with the arches on my project but will give your ideas a try. Very time consuming getting all those little pieces of paper out of the seams, that must be why I'm feeling nearly blind, YIKES

My best to all....Happy quilting..
Linda in California

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 8:32 PM
Subject: Quilting Mags
E-mail Address: ssoape@sat.net

Am I the only one that is amazed and appalled at the price of quilting magazines? Picked one up today at the store and it was $5.95!!!!! I know that is still cheaper than the price of a pattern or book, but it is alot for a magazine that I will probably never get around to making anything out of! It was full of advertising that I am sure was pretty expensive to buy. So what gives?

Just had to vent,
Susan in Texas

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 8:12 PM
Subject: Still HOT!!!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Good news!!! I just heard on the news that it is down to 111 F!!!
I guess we will be getting snow soon!!!!! PIMP!!!!
Teacup/Southern Ontario/Canada (who is getting VERY cranky!!!)

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 6:50 PM
Subject: So romantic!
E-mail Address: cionac@ucalgary.ca

What an exciting holiday weekend. My brother was visiting NYC with his girlfriend. On Saturday, on top of the Empire State Building, he got down on one knee and proposed! My big brother is getting married! I almost said finally, but that would have been rude. I know he thinks that at times, but keeps telling us that he was just waiting for the right one. Well, he got her, a wonderfully kind, sweet, smart woman from Louisiana. Who would have thought that a Ukrainian farm kid from the Canadian Prairies would end up with a Southern Belle! Good for them. Looks like I have another quilt to make for next year. People have to stop getting married, I don't have enough time for all the quilts!

My weekend wasn't as exciting, but it was relaxing. Got some good quilting done. I should get home before the rain starts again, get my weeding done, you don't even want to know about the dandelions! And all you folks complaining about the heat, send some out West, I'll do my best to send the cool rain to you. I've had enough for now! The Canada Day parade and fireworks almost got cancelled because of the thunderstorms. At least without the heat we have been spared tornados.

Doni, congrats on the grandson. They are wonderful creatures.
And Terter, what wonderful news, we are all so happy for you.
Faith, your name is very fitting, always remember that.

Happy day everyone!
Cheryl in Edmonton

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 6:23 PM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Those fortunate ladies who will be going to the Sisters Show, please email me with your itinerary. When you will be there and what you will be doing. If you are taking classes, etc. I am trying to figure out times and places for YYYBBers to meet. I will get there on Friday afternoon. I will be available the rest of the afternoon and evening, for those who will be there early. Those who are arriving on Saturday morning, we will need to make a time and place for YYYBBers to meet. I don't want to miss anyone. Don't forget the YYYs and your cameras and a hat. Wear comfy walking shoes.
Welcome back Kay. You were missed.
Last year DGD was 2 and DGS was 4. DGD was upstairs and DGS was downstairs. DD was going up the steps and DGS asked where DGD was. DD told him she went to h... and the dogs ate her. I was sitting on the sofa and he walked over to our dog, Molly, and shook his finger at her and said "NO!!". I nearly popped. Told DD not to tell him things like that. One of my favorite memories.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 6:15 PM
Subject: Thank heavens it's July 5th
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

In addition to visiting children, we hosted 4 visiting dogs--making 6 in the
house. Only one, young lab Max, was said to be afraid of loud noises, so when
all the explosive type noises started, I went looking for Max. Found him on the
guest bed atop the recently quilted dresden plate, head on the pillow, watching
Cinderella--well the GKs did leave the movie playing. Just guessing that he is
going to be a pretty laid back grown up dog.
Sorry to hear that so many of you are hot--we have now reached 75 and are covering
our white bodies with sun block. -- gotta go fill the water guns for DGDs. Betty
in Oregon

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 6:04 PM
Subject: Be careful what you say!
E-mail Address: Whorsky@san.rr.com

DH is a systematic neatnik. He's been keeping a careful chart of pain medications, when etc, and what the pain level had been. Darling wife says,"but dear, I can show you how to do that faster using tab sets." 4 hours,one back ache, and frustration at unchartable levels, I have done a day and a half of his chart. He'd gotten behind and it now is more than he can do to type it in the computer. Now, what is really frustrating, there are only 10 entries per day at the most! That's what has taken me all day!!
But I have learned how to use Tabs, and how to undo double spacing setting that magically appears. How did I make it double space unknowingly without setting anything? Beats me.
Thanks for the kind thoughts from all of you. I hate to post because I can't post anything positive and this should be a happy page.
Speaking of happy, I received two more squishies, just as I needed them!
I received my peaches from Georgia, thank you so much, and that was your second squishy!
And starry flowers from MaryAnn in Ca. Thanks so much from both of you.
Now, I will go put a binding on my ocean waves quilt and finish a frustrating day trying to put it on ruffly,bias edges. Tomorrow will be better. Faith

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 4:04 PM
Subject: Time for a break
E-mail Address: rdenny@zianet.com

You know it's time for a break when you imbed a quilting pin halfway into your thigh---ouch!

I've been out of touch for awhile---couldn't receive e-mail, so DH says call the ISP technician---so for 3 hours I do what the techs said---major mistake---DH comes in to find everything totally messed up---he spends a whole weekend copying, deleting, reloading---and in the process, I lose ALL my e-mail addresses and ALL my web bookmarks. It was 112 degrees outside, humid, and the swamp cooler wasn't working well, but you can be sure it was dang frosty in my house!!!

Anyway, I've lost the addresses of Janice in Moses Lake, Dotha in Madras, and Liz in West Texas---there are some others, but if you post often, I'll be able to catch your addys there.

Also, could someone also send me their list of favorite quilting web addresses?

I'm so glad to be back in touch---to find out what's happening with everyone.

Now, back to quilting---maybe I can keep from injuring myself.

Kay in La Luz, NM

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 2:56 PM
Subject: Hot stuff
E-mail Address: mbooth at lib.uwo.ca

Hi, all. A-r-r-r-g-g-h-h! it's hot here! Heat and humidity combined have put the temp up to over 40 Celsius (that's over 101 F.). Linda in California - Southern Ontario is on the same latitude as you - we are south of Boston, too. Janet Wigg - nice to see your name again - are you sending your DS's off to Scout camp again this year? I worked this weekend and it was boring - except for an older couple who came in to do some genealogy-type searches. I was showing then the microfiche and microfilm collections and the reading machines to use when the man says "What's the difference between a fiche reader and a film reader?" His wife broke in with "Oh, you know, dear. The fiche one looks like a mammogram." ROF. If you haven't ever seen these readers, check it out at the library! Anybody in the Bancroft to Madoc area lurking here, give me an email - I'll be passing through later this summer and thought to do the YYY thing at the store in Bancroft. Which brings up another question - what IS the name of that store? I can't find it in the phone book. I do hope it hasn't closed as I can't imagine a vacation without S.E.X.! Toodles! Mibsie in Canada

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 2:21 PM
Subject: Hi all
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

I'm still trying to recoup after vacation. Staid in bed till 9, I'm usually out walking at 6am. Just can't get with it yet.
Made it to the quilt shop this morning and had wonderful S.E.X. It's in the dryer now. Can't wait to get started on my "I Spy" quilt. Has anyone else made one?

Dee - I'm 1 hour south of Harrisburg in Hanover. It is near the MD border and also 1 hour north of Baltimore.

The weather here is Hot and Humid. I prefer to stay in the ac and work on my quilt projects. Kids want to go on a hike. Maybe at midnight!!

Congrats to Terter - I am happy for you.

Dr. Ruth, thanks for making me LOL.

Doni - congrats on the new grandchild. I was wondering what your DD had. I admit I'm looking forward to being a grandmother. Can't wait for my child to experience parenthood. I took pictures of their messy rooms and have them tucked safely away so that 20 years down the road when they are yelling at their
children's rooms I have this for proof that they were the same way. My oldest is 19, so I have awhile to wait.
Bye for now, Sue in PA

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:52 PM
Subject: I'm crying!
E-mail Address: froeschle@t-online.de

I am crying! We just had a 20 minute lasting hail storm. Ice balls ranging from 1 to 1.5" in size. My yard looks like after a nuclear war. All my large pots are almost empty. Booo-hooo! Now I have to get back to my quilting, maybe that makes me a bit happier.

Sad Sue in not so sunny Germany

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:48 PM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

16 OF THEM: I just finished two blocks to be sent to someone for another quilt from the BB Friends...won't mention names because I am not sure if it is to be a surprise or not. I was counting up all of the Quilts that I have been priviledged to participate in since last fall. 16, not counting the Kosovo quilts. For me it all started with a block/s for Alia's baby in Saudi Arabia, then for Bufford, Sue in North Pole, Marilyn's two, Marcie's Breast Cancer Quilt, Kellie's Quilt, Sue & Eric's Quilt (owners of this wonderful BB) and the 8 quilts for the Reichert and Biggs families. Now this last one makes #17! Isn't that wonderful that all of us can do this for people whom most of us will never, ever meet in person, but love them anyway.

This is my THIRD post today already! Better get outta here!

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:38 PM
Subject: APACHE
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

I forgot: Last night before the POPS Fourth of July show on TV, I just happened to turn on the Discover Channel (DH likes to watch that one) at 7:00 p.m. It was a documentary about the APACHE Helicopters. They told how they work, etc. and then about half way through they told about the two pilots who crashed during training and were resqued. I was so afraid it was going to be about Kevin Riechert & David Gibbs. Then a few minutes later the DID tell about their crash and showed in similation how their Apache had had mechanical malfunction to cause it to roll completely over. Then they showed all the soldiers marching across the flight field in honor of the two men and part of a special service they held there before the bodies were sent back home. Did anyone else happen to see that? It was an hour-long show, very informative and very SAD for me to watch. It was a good show to watch just before the 4th of July POPS show as it reminded you of the lives (past and recent) that have been lost in order to keep America (and the rest of the world) free.

On a lighter side--Could you ladies who receive the Paducha Pictures please mention on the CHAT page when and to whom you send the pictures on? That would be a good way to keep track of where they are. Thank you PEGGY McBRIDE for sharing them with us.

HHH here today again. Storm early this morning didn't cool things off much at all.

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:17 PM
Subject: Morning all
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Good morning all- hope you all survived the storms,earthquakes and the 4th of July celebrations.

Well, my intuitions on Dr Ruth were correct, and my lips are sealed, although I have been known to "melt" at the temptation of a chocolate bribe!!!! The secondary thought too, is that "Mr Dr Ruth" (Ha Ha - you all thought I was going to slip up there didn't you)?, is also The Right Hon.Judge XYZ, and right now I don't particularly fancy a "stretch" in the Siberian salt mines- I have it on a reliable source that they don't have A/C there- LOL!!!

Poor Marcie Teacup is suffering the vapors up there in Ontario from the heat- we might not hear from her until sometime in mid-December when she will be buried up to her neck in snow!!!

Very muggy here too, but not as hot as yesterday- it rained for all of about 10 minutes this morning, so I stood outside in it and Ivon says I have "lost it" completely now!!!

Have to help "The Boss" paint this morning- this list idea of mine was not a good one- must be more selective in the future- I hate painting, I get more on me than on my project.

Buford boy, you are making Chelsea jealous- after her sisters went to Heaven, she tried the "on Mom and Dad's bed trick" for a couple of nights, but is now back in her own- she is pouting here because she has found out about Buf getting to sleep with Mommy!!!

Must get back to work- my Boss here is a Taskmaster!!!- why do I get all the crappy jobs????- don't even get minimum wage either- can I report him to the Labor Relations Board??

Have a great day,
Hugs to all,

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 12:59 PM
Subject: desperately seeking Deb Hearne
E-mail Address: bubbasoft@aol.com

Desperately seeking Deb Hearne regarding a lost round robin quilt. If you know her e-mail address, please e-mail me. Deb, if you see this, please e-mail me ASAP. Thanks! Connie

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 12:12 PM
Subject: STORM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

FLASH, CRACK, BOOM,FLASH!!! No that wasn't 4th of July fireworks...at 3:30 a.m. today we had the most severe lightning/thunder storm that I have ever seen in my life! It lightning upon lightning (several flashes all at once) and nearly constant thunder, that lasted for about an hour. Started in an instant and moved off just as quickly. Rained heavily! When my older sister, Norma - who lives a little north of us in the town of Franklin, closer to the Canadian border, woke up she discovered much damage from wind. Sounds like a mini tornado went through to me. She said they had had a commercial type awning set up in their yard all weekend for Yard Sale and that five of the large heavy metal poles were all bent and awning all akilter. Then her DH & she got in the car to see what other damage there was. Trees uprooted all along main street through the little town and some building damage. Just outside of town a farmer was collecting broken pieces of a plexiglass tent-like module that they use for small calves to keep out of the weather. Don't know what you call them. The farmer told them that that thing had been carried about 200 feet from it's place and all broken up, luckily the calf was not inside of it. I haven't heard about what other damage there was. Power was off for a short time.

Then a while later Marilyn phoned me to see if we have power. Everyone who lives along her road have been without power since 3:30 a.m. and they went out to St. Albans (15 miles) for breakfast and to do some shopping this morning. They will be disappointed when they get home and find out the power has not been restored yet. She only lives one mile from me, but on a different power system. We didn't lose our power at all.

Well, I must read all the BB and then DH and I will take a ride around the area to see what has happened.

We watched the BOSTON POPS Fourth of July show last night (as usual) and I told DH I thought all the fireworks they had down there must have disturbed the atmosphere to make this storm for us????

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 12:02 PM
Subject: Dr. Ruth
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Doni, Dearest, If you sleep at the feet of Buford the bedhogging wonder dog, where does Mark sleep? No wonder the poor man has taken to wearing the dog's collar. This is a classic case of role reversal, or critter envy. Please seek professional help immediately before your whole family goes to the dogs!

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 11:30 AM
Subject: Good morning ladies!
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Good morning..I meant to post yesterday, and wish everyone a happy 4th..but I couldnt get logged on!! What a drag!!

We went to our neightbors..had a wonderful time! Good friends..good food..good fun! And lots of good firecrackers!! What else could you ask for!

I emailed everyone this morning on the Flannel FQ swap..if I missed you..please let me know! Lets just have fun with this! Its hard to think about Flannel in this kind of weather I know..but hey..about the time the temps drop..it will be to late!! Then we all have our Christmas projects to worry about also..so...never ends does it??

Faith and Bill..thinking of you today..and every day..Hugs to you dear friend!

gotta go shower..again! I wonder if I could get away with just standing in the shower all day long....oh well its a thought..it is so hot and sticky here!

Buford is doing wonderful! He do like to go fimming in daddy's pond..and lubs to chase frogs as well as cats!! His tics stay blue..and the other nasty little buggers...we dont get..we use the Front line defense!! LOL!! No fleas or tics on mommies little darling! specially when I have to sleep with him! LOL!! I sometime...envy you ladies with the little dogs curled up at your feet..I am the one curled up at feet...of the wonder dog!! LOL!! He do like the airconditioner!! Needs one for his dog house!! LOL!!

Be back later!
Hugs to all!

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 10:28 AM
Subject: this & that
E-mail Address: wagners6@sunlink.net

Good Morning all.
Just catching up on the boards after camping all weekend. Never even got a minute to do the paper piecing that I took. RATS!!! We were very hot! When I made the reservation, I specifically asked for trees. We were the only site with NO TREES AAAGGGHHH! We had a good time anyway on the lake in the boat. And I even caught a few fish (rare occurance here!) I'm the only one up. All are taking advantage of the ac and still asleep. Even the dog doesn't want to be outside. The laundry evaporates dry on the line. It's already 92 in the shade of the front porch. We have All star baseball at 5, hope it's not too hot to play. Please send some of that 70 degree weather over to my mailbox. I'll trade any amount of squishies back for the first one to get cool here!!! i know we'll complain when it gets cold but it's a great fantasy now. Where are some of you other PA posters located? I'm in Northumberland, about 50 miles N of Harrisburg and 30 miles S of Williamsport.
Gotta go DD#2 just got up.
Dee in hot Central PA

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 9:40 AM
Subject: Sorry !!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Sorry, it looks as if a few of you got online
before I posted my note ! Anyway, glad to see you
are up and at it !!!!!!!

Later, Elaine, NC Mountains

PS.. spacing is awful on here sometimes, my fault!
But you can still make out my messages, can't you?

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 9:34 AM
Subject: Where is Everyone ??
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Good Morning All !!

No postings this morning yet ? Where is everyone ?
Seems I am the only one up and at it already !!!!!

Hope you had a nice holiday weekend, but its over
and we must get back on the chat ! No good news from here, the only exciting thing happening to
me yesterday was breaking up the two pups dog fighting, Patches the bigger pup, picks on China,
the smaller one all the time ! Decided to let Patches spend her 4th in her personal pen, trying
to teach her, she must get along with her baby sister !!!! See, I told you these Great Danes are
like children ! Always into something or fighting
among themselves !

I posted message yesterday, asking for any local
quilters in my area to contact me with a hello and
to let me know your location, if near me ? Still
waiting ! No responses ! I am in Marion, NC about
40 miles in the valley from Asheville, NC, thats
in the Western NC Mountains. Thought it would be
great to know any quilters in my neighborhood !!

Have a Happy Quilting Day ! Elaine, NC

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 8:46 AM
Subject: Cabin in the Woods
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

ROCHELLE....here are a few things that might have gone wrong:

(This should really be posted on the BB page, but since the question was posted here I'll answer it here)

BLOCKS NOT LINING UP: If you paper pieced your log cabin blocks and didn't pay attention to the grain lines, you may have ended up with bias on the edges. When removing the paper, it's easy to stretch the bias, thus pulling your block out of whack. If it's not too bad, you can mist the block and repress it - it might go back into shape if the stretching has been minimal. Also, measure the blocks and make sure they ended up being the right size. Usually size isn't a problem with paper piecing, but if you didn't paper piece the log cabin part, your sizes might be off a bit.

To make sure the blocks line up when you sew them together, pin the beginning and ends of two blocks together. If one block is slightly larger than the other, sew with the larger block on the bottom. The feed dogs on the machine will ease the excess and if the size difference is minimal, the blocks should go together evenly.

If you have four log cabin blocks going together into a square (four patch) format, make sure to press the seam allowances in different directions. Then when you match up a two-block unit to another two-block unit, the seams will nestle together. Pin on either side of the intersection to keep the seams nestled together, match up the beginning and end. Again, if one side is slightly larger than the other, sew with the larger side on the bottom. This even applies with handpiecing : keep the larger side on the bottom to help ease the excess.

LOG CABIN ON A MOUNTAINSIDE: I'm not sure if you mean the block itself is tilted the wrong way (in which case you need to go back and line the blocks up correctly) or if you mean there's actually a mountain in the quilt top. If the fabric is not lying flat, then you probably have some stretched bias. Try spraying with water and repressing - don't iron, press with an up and down motion rather than back and forth on the fabric. Sometimes spray starch will help a bit too.

WINGS CLIPPED ON THE FLYING GEESE: This sounds like you are sewing too far into the geese, thus clipping off the wing points. Your flying goose unit should have a 1/4-inch seam allowance BEYOND the triangle point. Sew with the geese up top so you can see where the sewing lines intersect - the sewing lines should show where the "point" is. You want your needle to land exactly at the point of the sewing lines....too far in and you've clipped the wings. Too far out and your wing tip won't land right where the seam is.

Although some may gasp in horror at this....by the time you get to sewing units together, your seam allowance may not precisly be 1/4-inch. This is the time to pay more attention to what the piece actually looks like visually rather than your actual seam allowance. Usually if the seam allowance is off, it's only by a teeny, tiny bit, but you have to pay more attention to where the point actually lands rather than whether or not the seam allowance is a precise 1/4 inch. If the unit you're sewing the flying geese onto also has points, then you need to pin the points so they match up. Sew slowly, check underneath often to see if you're hitting the right spots and still keep an eye on the flying geese on top to make sure you're landing right on the point, not on one side or the other. I don't remove the pins until the pin has started under the presser foot....but before the needle hits it! Remove the pins slowly, because pulling them out quickly can pull the fabric out of alignment with the needle.

S.E.X. means Stash Enhancing eXpedition - something we all love to do!

Hope this helps....I'm not sure how new you are to quilting, but what I described above are relatively common problems we have all encountered....I've been quilting for years and still have these problems often! I'm much better at knowing how to do it than I am at actually making a project look the way it should! LOL

Cassi in HHH Ohio

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:59 AM
Subject: Dr Ruth
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Well Dr Ruth- you just be really,really careful here, - you know what happens when you kiss a Toad or in this case a Toadd- ROFLOLPIMP!!!!!!!!(


Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:39 AM
Subject: This and that
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

TerTer congrad on the year of good health keep up the good work may you have many many more years of the best of health.
Spent the whole day at the lake with family what a good time I had. #1 favorite DS has such a nice place It was nice and cool there being our temp was 91 and a breeze off the lake felt good, lots of shade trees to. I have to say he is my only son thats why I call him favorite son. Have 3 DDs and they are all my favorites to,
Marge from MI

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:33 AM
Subject: You don't miss a "trick"
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

Celia, Dear, more than one BB'er person has used the phrase, "Perspiring minds want to know."

DH truly is a judge so I can't impersonate him, but he doesn't mind my Dr. Ruth disguise. Problem is, all this talk of S.E.X. has given him ideas and he's prancing through the house necked. That's truly scary.

Date: 7/5/99 Time: 1:03 AM
Subject: Still awake
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Still awake here because Stacie decided to drive 90 miles to the Maine border to see the 4th of July fireworks, and only just got home (1.45 AM) - she said that they were wonderful.

Sorry you are so hot Teacup- you could start your holidays earlier and come here tomorrow- it's hot here too, but we do have A/C so it's bearable indoors.

Ter Ter- I think Mr Ter Ter deserves a few congrats too. For you to be so happy and upbeat in such a short time after what you have been through, you surely must have had an unconditonal support network. Your happiness is infectious.

Dr Ruth- I think I have uncovered your disguise!! who are you going to be tomorrow??- Judge Judy?-LOL!!! perspiring minds eh?- have heard that comment before!!!!!

To the lady(sorry I forgot to make a note of your name) looking for the address for the uniform scraps- I don't know it, but I think I might be able to get it for you- will check back with you.

Lois- LOVED your ending sentence- how true!!

Not too much news from here today- Ivon has me helping on all these tasks I had listed for him to do when school got out- I meant for HIM to do them- not me, oh well, the sooner they are done, the sooner he will go fishing.- LOL

Good Night all- hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend, I really enjoyed all the comments about your American history etc. I especially smiled at the DH who was so proud to become an American citizen, - I too felt the same way when I became a Canadian.

Please find a place in your hearts to remember Faith and Bill, - they need our support.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: Quilters Quarters
E-mail Address: wjb2@gateway.net

To Nola:

Wow you got to go to the Quilters Quarters. It was feathred in the Better Homes & Gardens
Quilting Magazine a year or two back. How could you get so lucky as to have a business trip
to go there? Talk about getting your cake & eating it too! I'm envious.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 11:00 PM
Subject: HELLO EVERYBODY!!!!!!
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

ok, everythings back to normal, DH is vieing for computer time and so is DS-3 yrs. old!!! jdb-DH gets MAD at me when I spend too much time on the computer!! TerTer CONGRATS!!! Kity Kate-jealous, my DH wont even go to a quilt show, let alone so far for one!!!

Now for POP's!!!! He's HOME, ET PHONE HOME!!!! Great day for good news!!! He's all over the place and mom can't keep him down PTL!!!!!

Enough for now if DH comes home and finds me here he will shoot off and I won't have to go looking for fireworks!!!! ROFLOL!!! I just crack myself up... miss you all. WEN in CA Hey, I gotta new printer and a scanner... if I figure how to use it I can post a picture somewhere!!! UUUGHGHGHG

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 9:29 PM
Subject: Dr. Ruth and S.E.X.
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Dear Dr. Ruth, on sale S.E.X. is wonderful, wonderful, especially when you brave the crowds and the mess and find the last 4 colors for your quilt! YAH ! I'm doing the dance of joy! I will get this quilt finished before the end of the year after all! Not only that but I got all these sewing notiions for 50% off.....

Dear teacup/Canada...I sure hope Canada cools down,what in the world is going on when it is that hot in Canada. I live in Northern California and it is 84!

Happy quilting..I'm off to the sewwing room....
Linda in California

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:45 PM
Subject: S.E.X. by mail
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

Mail-order S.E.X. is wonderful, wonderful, and the bigger the squishies, the better. They tend to be firmer. How we love that U.S. Male delivery service. But wait! We can't get any tomorrow because they're still celebrating the holiday. Hark! I hear that the Joann's sale will continue through tomorrow. Then Tuesday the Male delivery service "rise" to the occasion and be at their "peak" performance level.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:32 PM
Subject: learning quilting
E-mail Address: stuffsand@aol.com

I am really fascinated by quilting and would love to learn. Could anyone out there tell me how to get started. I checked out a few books and a video tape from the library. There is so much information, it's overwhelming. Is there like one good book or course to take. Please help.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:07 PM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: derivenbark@worldnet.att.net

I was wondering: If you get fabric mail order is that squishy S.E.X.? Kathy in SC

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 7:34 PM
Subject: this and that
E-mail Address: sewing solutions@hotmail.com

Why are you people all sending your hot weather up to Thunder Bay. It was hot and humid all morning and in the afternoon we had an enormous storm, with one or two small tornados touching down. We're not supposed to get that kind of weather up here. I lost my clothesline that I had never liked ( the small umbrella type - maybe I can get the good kind now that stretches through the whole yard). It was full of sheets at the time and it got lifted right up and dumped in the only bare dirt in my yard. Do you know how heavy those sheets can be when you have to carry them back down to the washer after a heavy rain? Then my DD turns off the washer while she is showering and forgets to turn it back on again. Fortunately I checked just before supper and got everything started again so I'll be able to make my bed tonight. Does anyone else just wash the sheets and put them right back on the bed? They smell so nice, unless of course they've gone airborne and been dropped in a puddle. We got off pretty easy though, there are quite a few trees down on our street and some houses with no power for three hours, and that's just in our neighbourhood.
Nelly from Thunder Bay

Ps somehow my cat Rusty got put on Kellie's page - maybe he goes to her house when I think he's sleeping

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 7:01 PM
Subject: Raffle quilt
E-mail Address: catdr@doitnow.com

Just want everyone to know that Marty sent me a
sweet letter explaining the group & raffle quilt
that you all did for her sister. What a great bunch
you are! Quilter's are the greatest!! Jill

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 6:50 PM
Subject: Happy 4th of July
E-mail Address: jrunyan@synaps-inc.com

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!


Julie in Hot and Muggy GA (thank goodness the air conditioning repair man came on Friday!)

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 6:41 PM
Subject: Happy 4 th of July !!
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Happy 4th to all.
Welcome to the BB, FIRST TIME QUILT LOVER...I'm still new myself. By the way when do we get to be old BBer's..do we count the months or the
years ?
Lois In N.C...Your closing words ring so true...

DR.Ruth..You sure can spin some good S.E.X. talk, so good that when I get off this 'puter' I'm going to take myself to the big Joanns fabric sale and look past all the crowds and the mess, and get my S.E.X., after all the DH had to work today, I'm alone, so might as well. If you could see my sewing room you would know that more S.E.X. is not what I need but what I want !!!

Have a great day everyone, I wish you all the very best, dear BB friends..Linda in Ca....

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 6:16 PM
Subject: Happy Fourth
E-mail Address: opo1004159

Just dropping in to say have a great day. And congrats to all who deserve them. Here in Mi. it is to hot for us.Temp is 91 and heat index now rests at a very "muggidty"105. Everyone stay cool and enjoy the rest of today. Gramma Carol

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 5:30 PM
Subject: HOT!!!
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Man, it is hot up here!!! 114 F!!!!! Going to be hotter tomorrow!!
We DO NOT have air conditioning!!

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 5:26 PM
Subject: Paper Piecing
E-mail Address: lmcbride@one.net

I'm learning paper piecing and just finished my first
wall-hanging sized piece, Cabin in the Woods, by
MH designs.

My question is...after cutting and sewing all the
pieces together (supposedly right!) why did my
blocks not line up correctly, and my poor log cabin
looks like it's sitting on a mountainside!!!!
The entire left side of my flying geese got their
wings sewn over, too.

And please, someone tell me, what is S.E.X.???
I feel certain there's a double meaning in there

Rochelle McBride

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 5:25 PM
Subject: Paper Piecing
E-mail Address: lmcbride@one.net

I'm learning paper piecing and just finished my first
wall-hanging sized piece, Cabin in the Woods, by
MH designs.

My question is...after cutting and sewing all the
pieces together (supposedly right!) why did my
blocks not line up correctly, and my poor log cabin
looks like it's sitting on a mountainside!!!!
The entire left side of my flying geese got their
wings sewn over, too.

And please, someone tell me, what is S.E.X.???
I feel certain there's a double meaning in there

Rochelle McBride

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 4:40 PM
Subject: Congrats, etc.
E-mail Address: mknghis3@hhs.net

Congratulations, TerTer, on the first of many C-free years!
And Congrats to Doni on your new grandson...what a way to celebrate a holiday!
Just returned from vacation and have been trying to catch up on the boards....Peg in Chicago gave me some of the highlights when we met for lunch at the Tast of Chicago last Wednesday...It was really great to get to meet another BBer...my husband thought it was amazing that someone we'd never met would offer to meet us and show us around...we really appreciated it.
Chicago was wonderful and comfortably cool while we were there. Now we're back in the sweltering heat (though I understand it's just as bad in Chicago, so I'm glad to be home.) Still another day off before returning to work, though now we're working on cleaning the house (the "punishment" for a great week of spending money and relaxing!)
Chris in PA, who's really thankful that at least the computer room/sewing room is air conditioned!

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 3:23 PM
Subject: uniform material
E-mail Address: kjeffery@pikeonline.net

A friend ordered uniform cuttings from a uniform company around San Diego about a year ago. Does anyone know of this place and how to get in touch with them to order their cutting scraps?

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 3:17 PM
Subject: Glad to be back
E-mail Address: lmu@means.net

I am still new to the BB and have been gone for a week. Went to Fargo, ND (like the movie) for some new software training for my job.

I found this wonderful quilt store called Quilters Quarters and I guess I had some of the wonderful S.E.X. that you have all been talking about.
I didn't tell my DH though, he wouldn't understand.

I love reading all the wonderful stories. I guessed I missed the Walmart story. Am very curious. The list of natural highs was great. I agree
simple pleasures are the best!

Congratulations, terter on the year of good health. May you have many, many more!

Doni, congratulations on the new grandson. GKDS are wonderful! I have 3 (all girls). One is 4 and the others are 2. They are so fun to spoil and
send home.

I would like to get in on the flannel swap. I love flannel and have many great colors and sizes.

Happy 4th. Hope this posts OK. Have only done this once before.

Lola in MN

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 2:21 PM
Subject: Reputations and cheap S.E.X.
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

There's nothing wrong with "trampin" through a flea market or a garage sale lookin for good cheap S.E.X. where they practically give it away for free.

Most of us already have reputations as S.E.X.-aholics anyway. Sometimes you can find great
S.E.X. in the most unusual places, and I think you should get a piece of the action any way you can. A piece of fabric, that is. Cotton, the fabric of our lives.

A word of caution: don’t take a dog along to any “flea” markets, especially Buford. He’s already got blue ticks. (Doni, are those ticks always blue, or do they turn red when ol Buf gets hot under the collar? Also, does Mark borrow Buf's flea and tick collar or just the electric one?) Perspiring minds want to know. But I digress.

Have a safe, wonderful 4th, and celebrate by having S.E.X. at a fabric sale. Must do our partriotic duty to help liberate as much fabric from those steamy brothels as possible, wash away the last trace of the fabric's chemical dependency that nearly finished it off in the first place, and give it a good home. It will probably go batty (or batting) during this process, but it will eventually become warm and cuddly, and cherished for generations to come.

Amen and hallelujah!

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 1:28 PM
Subject: Soapbox for This Blessed Day
E-mail Address: buck@getus.com

I wish all of you a glorious Fourth of July. My DH was born in another country, and probably the proudest day of his life was when he became a citizen of the U.S.A. After the swearing-in ceremony we drove directly to the courthouse, as he was so eager to register to vote. He's an example to us all in that he would NEVER neglect his duty to vote. In the country where he grew up, the government required the school children to march in their national parades, glorifying the military. DH says he prefers our holiday where we can have a picnic, go fishing, pitch horseshoes, play tennis, make a speech, take a nap, or just generally do whatever we prefer to do -- independently. Treasure this blessed land where we live. Stars and Stripes Forever!
from Martha in Houston

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 12:06 PM
Subject: good morning all
E-mail Address: mneault@cybertours.com

ter ter,,,,,,,,THE best way to celebrate the 4th of july is with news of yours!!!! okay,,and maybe some ice,,,,and a lounge chair,,,some streamers,,and a few flashy fire bombs with your name on them,,,and yippie ie ie eeeee kie aie,,,,
congrats ter,,,,,you know we lub ya!!!

loon/marie/maine,,,,,,oh man,,,that kinda news gets me right where it counts,,,,and all misty again!!!

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 11:00 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Thank you so much for CELEBRATING with me, means a great deal. I only let my hair down with friends, and even though I have only met Susan G. fromN.J. in person, I feel you are all invited into my home for a HUGE TOE TEA PARTY, if you are ever in Ca.

My dh is loving the cyber cards and all the messages to me what a way to wake up this morning.


To each of you that wrote on the bb or to me here at home, love ya lots.


Date: 7/4/99 Time: 10:52 AM
Subject: Happy 4th
E-mail Address: catdr@doitnow.com

Dear BB'ers,
Just want to with you all a Happy 4th. I still don't
know any of you well enough to address you indivually
but I get a great feeling about all of you & wish
you the best. I'm pretty jealious of all of your weather though.
It's going to be very cool & cloudy here in the NW.
Good excuse to quilt!! When someone gets a chance I'd love to hear about this
raffle quilt & or group quilt you did?
Thanks, Jill(in wet, wet. Or.)

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 10:34 AM
Subject: Happy Birthday America!!
E-mail Address: helniles@chorus.net

Good morning BB's! Hope you all enjoy your day with family and friends. Eat lots, relax and watch fireworks and relish our freedom to do so!
Hot and very humid here in WI, but a/c really helps!!
Linda- Thank you for your thoughts of DD, she will have her operation July 14th, so please keep fingers crossed for me. Have a safe day everyone. Hugs, Helen 8^)

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 9:49 AM
Subject: Happy Independence Day
E-mail Address: bettylocke@yahoo.com

To those who are too hot--we in Western Oregon are the flip side--
it's warmer in Fairbanks, Alaska than here. We'll watch the fireworks
from the living room window with the furnace on. I do not complain (too
much)--born in KY and remember the summers sleeping in the bathtub because
that cold porcelain felt sooo good.
TERTER: You can kick anything you want anytime, congratulations.
KITTYKATE: Is there a YoYo meeting place In Sisters. DD and I are driving over
for the day - plan to be there about 11. Don't forget a sun hat.

Does doing S.E.X. in trashy places like garage sales and flea markets ruin your reputation?

MARTY, you are the most organized person--I don't remember even seeing a list
for the Paducah pictures and now I know where I am in the rotation. Maybe we
should just post a note saying we got them when they arrive, so the next person
can have a nice something to look forward to.

Gotta go warm up the chili to check the seasoning--chili dogs and strawberry
shortcake and a room full of kids going OOh and AAH at the fireworks. Freedom
doesn't get any better than that.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:50 AM
Subject: First Time
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

Dear Quilt Lover: You are on the right page, though when most of us see the subject "First Time" we're thinking about something else.

Don't be shy, this cyber-guild welcomes all newbies.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:36 AM
Subject: Hello to All and Happy Fourth !!
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Morning All,

It's me again and wishing everyone a Great Day and a Safe One ! The Fourth is a time to be thankful for our Freedom and all of our D Friends and Family !

No big plans around here, DH isn't feeling well and I am busy trying to re coup from two weeks of crashes on my computers and loosing everything once again !! I am not sure my email messages are coming thru yet ? I have been off line all week and when finally back on, nothing waiting for me to read, that's unusual ??

I have been reading some of your chat on BB and noticed that we have new readers and also noticed a listing for NC and SC postings ! Iam in Marion, NC and about 30 miles in the valley from Asheville, NC, if we have any quilters close by me, I would love to hear from you ! Always great to know you have fellow quilters close by !!!!

Happy Fourth To You All !!!!!

Elaine, NC Mountains

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:24 AM
Subject: My first time/Have a great forth
E-mail Address: KSim777@aol.com

I really don't know how this goes. But I just found this site and I will learn my way around soon. Any advise on what to see first would be nice. I hope I am even on the right page to do this. If not I am sorry.
A Quilt Lover

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:17 AM
Subject: Happy 4th
E-mail Address: lkw326@aol.com

Happy 4th to everyone. Hope this day will be filled with family get togethers and all that make life so wonderful for each of us. I read this page usually 3 times a day and never fail to get a laugh or something that makes me feel better that I had visited.
TerTer. so very pleased with your news. Doni what a great gift you have received, a grandchild. Life just don't get any better.
My plans for today is to work on some blocks for a swap due in Oct.
Didn't we do good with our blocks for David Gibbs wife. All the ladies who give so much of there time to see all the projects thru are the true backbone of the BB.
In closing just this thought: Work like you don't need the money, dance like no one is watching and LOVE like you've never been hurt.
Lois in North Carolina.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 8:06 AM
Subject: Happy 4th to all
E-mail Address: kappes@sun-link.com

I hope everyone has a great 4th today. I'll be doing laundry and catching up on my sleep.

Returned from the Outer Banks yesterday and sorry to say, no S.E.X. at the beach - bummer. I don't think people on vacation at the beach quilt.

I thought of all of you while I was gone and was wondering what I was missing. We did have a great time with family and bonding. The last day is always the best. 1000 water balloon battle from dune deck to house deck with balloon launchers. Some balloons went beyond the dune to land near people on the beach. What a shocker to the sunbathers!
I enjoyed the battle with my DSIL and a glass of champange.

I loved going thru all the squishys when I got home. I participated in an "I Spy" swap so that was fun getting the blocks. I'm going out today for the fabric to put with them so I can start putting it together.

Thanks to all who welcomed me and letting me enjoy your lives.

Hugs to all! Sue in hot and humid PA

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 7:28 AM
Subject: Happy Fourth!
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

Phew....glad my Fourth of July party is now over! I had a great time (and I think everyone else did) and I'm exhausted. We had massive amounts of sparklers to play with....so moms and daughters had a great time last night! There's enough fresh fruit leftover to make up a new bowl as my "potluck" for a swim party today, so I can really relax now. In spite of the heat/humidity, we sat out on the deck most of the time....as long as you didn't move around too much, it was bearable! The kids, wimps that they are, spent far more time in the house with the AC...and I was recalling growing up in Cleveland without AC...just a window fan if my brother didn't claim it for his room first! I do remember those hot, muggy nights when it was almost impossible to sleep at all.

KITTYKATE: Thanks for posting that info about the signers of the Declaration of Independence...I was telling our dance moms about it last night and most of the info was new to them too! One commented that it is hard to imagine many of our current political leaders being as firm and dedicated to a cause as our forefathers were....so sad to realize the concept of "sacred honor" has faded so much!

RIDGELEY'S QUILT: Everyone got a chance to see Ridgeley's quilt in the frame as they got the "tour" of the house. They were very impressed with all the BBers and loved the quilt.

TERTER....congratulations! Another milestone to notch on your quilting hoop!

BEV....According to her e-mail to me, she has turned into a monster. The subject heading was "You've created a monster!" Guess when I went shopping through her stash, she was motivated to rearrange things in her sewing room and is now totally exhausted and not finished! Sorry 'bout that, bev!

All for now.....Happy Fourth to everyone! Take a few moments to remind your family and friends that it's about more than food and fireworks!

Cassi in Ohio....where it will be HHH again today....(that's hot, hazy and humid for you new folks!)

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 3:23 AM
Subject: Ridgeley
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

I haven't heard from Ridgeley since June 2nd. She was housesitting and didn't have a place to live yet. She was to be there until the 15th. When she did get a place, she promised to call and give me a phone number. I am feeling very anxious and getting more so with each passing day. She has her household goods in 6 month storage, so she doesn't have a computer. She wasn't going to get her things when she got a place. She was going to borrow things from relatives. Please pray that she will contact me. I am feeling a little bit frantic. TIA
I got 2 tapestry purses done today (commission). I have been working on the borders for my masterpiece quilt for hours. I am making it up as I go and that can be very time consuming. I am really pleased with it. It has many flowered fabrics, some cottages, meadows with kitties frolicking and solid black. It is very colorful and reminds me of Amish and Diane Phalen and me. I've never seen anyone do a quilt like this. I hope no one has. I want it to be totally mine.
Terter I can imagine how good you must feel. That's terrific.
Happy Birthday to the USA! Enjoy!
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 1:45 AM
Subject: bits and pieces
E-mail Address: jwigg@homenet.lm.com

Just got a new book for my birthday-MIL sends me quilt money, bless her heart! It's Joy to the World, by Milligan and Smith. There's a great casserole caddy in there which will be great for gifts...and lots more neat things...

Just what I needed, pictures of christmas to help me beat this heat-it's so humid and hot here, my clothes won't dry on the line, and I feel like I'm swimming thru the air if I leave the A/C!

Janet in western Pa, near New Castle, Fireworks Capitol of the USA, and all the fireworks are for TerTer this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 1:31 AM
Subject: Oh no, Nannette!
E-mail Address: jwigg@homenet.lm.com

My emails to you keep bouncing-so a quick thanks here for the great birthday squishy!
Janet Wigg

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 12:53 AM
Subject: Way to go Ter Ter
E-mail Address: cathiann@webtv.net

Congratulations on your INDEPENDENCE Ter Ter. No one though can really feel your triumph though till they have walked in your shoes.
Want to wish everyone a happy 4th and try to stay cool (or warm). Cannot imagine one week ago that when we were looking for an extra quilt that this week we would be in the frying pan this.
Should know better though, this is Iowa.
If you don't like the weather today, wait till tomorrow.
Better go to bed as my husband says that its almost midnight and it's time to get off of my soapbox.
Happy quilting from Ia.

Date: 7/4/99 Time: 12:18 AM
Subject: Happy 4th.
E-mail Address: jrktex@aol.com

TerTer - Proud of you - keep up the good work.
KittyKate - glad you found a place to sleep and thanks for the Dec. of Ind. post. Copied it to take to DD's cookout tomorrow so everyone could read it.
I was also wondering if anyone had heard from Ridgelea. Wish she would start posting again.
Missed almost a week of BB and suffered terrible withdrawal but thankfully I am back. You all have been busy, I will never catch up.
Have a safe and happly holiday everyone and welcome to all the Newbies.

Sandra in Hot, Dry Texas

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:54 PM
E-mail Address: verycozy@home.com

Congratulations TerTer!!!! Fantastic news!!!
And beleive her when she says she kicks butt!!
and she does it so gentle!!! LOL
Big HUGS to you, friend, BIG HUGS!!!!!

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:13 PM
Subject: Happy July 4 th.
E-mail Address: ewallace@wnclink.com

Hello All !

Well, hope all of you are doing okay and looking forward to a very nice Holiday Weekend ! We will probably just hang out at home this fourth, DH hasn't been feeling too well !

I think I mentioned to you last week that I had a virus to hit my computer and crashed the whole system, well, it happened again several days later, I had just finished collecting most of my lost info. email addresses and special sites, got my disk ready to back up and the thing crashed again !! I finally received some missing files from my support IBM and got back online this evening ! Hope this works and doesn't happen again, so upsetting when you loose so much important info. and all your special notes !!

Anyway, I have my wings back !

Elaine, NC

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:04 PM
Subject: Ridgeley Richert
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

Kity Kate: Have you heard from Ridgeley lately? I was reminded to ask you today when I saw her blocks in Marilyn's Quilt and in the Raffle Quilt. Has anyone else heard from her?

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:01 PM
Subject: Stuff
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

SUE IN MO: and anyone else who is interested. I really don't want to advertise my address on the BB so if you will e-mail me personally...just put "Raffle Tickets" in the subject area, I will get right back to you with all the info about it.

VQF(Vermont Quilt Festival): Is anyone going this year...Northfield, VT on July 16, 17 & 18th. I will be there on the 17th (Saturday) with my YYY on. Hope I meet someone there from the BB??? I guess that is hoping for a LOT! 8^) Last year I met Betsy from MA...what a happy experience that was and we met right near the parking lot as we arrived before getting into line for tickets. She and her DH had lunch with us...a lovely couple. Hi Betsy. Haven't heard from you in a while. 8^(

Finding a great buy on a FeatherWeight at a lawn sale!!
Opening a trunk in the attic and discovering an antique quilt, still in good condition, that was made by an ancestor.
Receiving a Gift Certificate from your favorite Quilt Shop.
Being a participant in OHIO 99!!!!!!!

EARTHQUAKES: That is one of the reasons we were so happy to leave So. Calif. to move to Vermont. In So. CA. the After Shocks are sometimes worse than the first jolt! Our sliding mirrored closet doors in our bedroom use to slide back & forth during a quake and once we could even hear a groaning sound (like a monster trying to get out) right under our floors! That was scarey!! We had all large bookcases, GF Clocks etc. bolted to the walls to keep them from falling. Our neighbor had a large bathroom mirror fall off and pieces of mirror were in the hall and some of the BRs nearby!! Glad you were OK Kity Kate, and everyone else in that area.

TerTer: Congratulations on your 1 Year anniversary of the breast cancer. So glad you are here on the BB with us. I do enjoy your posts so much.

WELCOME: To Cookie and all the newbies. You will love it here!

Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 10:56 PM
Subject: Ter Ter
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Ter Ter- way to go girl- you have every right to shout it from the rooftops. You and everyone else touched by this horrible disease, display a special kind of tenacity.

Congratulations on surviving a very difficult year, and may God Bless you with many, many, more.


Date: 7/3/99 Time: 10:09 PM
Subject: Learning the Ropes
E-mail Address: dlkramer@provide.net

Hello again to all you happy quilters. And thanks to the neat surprise E Mail from Kris of MD, Sandi in MN, Lynn in TX. I just love it when this silly thing says, "you got mail". Only being hooked up to the internet, I feel like I need to catch up with all this new lingo and such. But it is fun.
About me, I am a quilter....YEA...Isn't quilting great? I also live in one of the many places in this country where art is greatly appreciated, which makes life very interesting for one in loves fabrics and all that stuff. In fact, the third week of July brings many beautiful artists to Ann Arbor for the Art show. It is a great event. However, our little piece of America gets consumed with a zillion people. Enough about this, I feel like I am from the Chamber of Commerce. May you all have a great Holiday, and your Fireworks be awesome.
Diane from Ann Arbor.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 10:00 PM
Subject: this 'n that
E-mail Address: dsfarrow@epsi.net

Terter--thanks for reminding us what is really important and that there are cancer survivors!
Marty--could you post or re-post info on raffle tickets for Marilyn's quilt? I don't always get to check the BB every day, and then when I do there is just tooo much on it!
KittyKat--when hang the flag out tomorrow, will think about those men who put their lives on the line with their signatures. Thank you for your posting.
I appreciate all who keep us informed of what is going on with the projects the BB has undertaken; seeing their progress encourages me to become involved in more of what comes up. Hopefull the newbys will see that anything they "contribute" to here is worthwhile, as well as fun.
When I go back upstairs, DH will ask me what I was so funny. I'll never be able to keep a straight face in Wal-Mart again. ROFLOL, etc.
Just wondering, does Wesley Medical Center keep track of how many of us have taken a peek at Ethan? He's worth going back for another look; you don't suppose he'll grow up to be a fireman?
Sue in MO, where it is no longer raining, but is now hot, humid and windy

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 9:10 PM
Subject: IM Buddies
E-mail Address: wdlswan@gte.net

I am trying to set up IM. Is there a sight with buddy names from the bb, or do I just post my name and you add it to your list? This is a whole new way of communication to me, but with computer literate DS home for the holiday, I am being adventurous. Someone told me to look for information re this on Kellie's page (where it that)? My IM name is quiltellen.
Ellen in Texas

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 8:12 PM
Subject: quakes , Boobs and stuff
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Something happened when I was in the middle of writting my post, I think half of it posted ???
I will try to finish...?? Anyway...Glad all is okay with you Kitty Kate...Hopefully the ground has stopped shaking...............
TERTER....I'm still dancing the dance of JOY for you....on the 'puter' chair...sit down dancing is really fun...keeps the bum from getting too numb!
Helen..You and your daughter will be in my prayers. I wish the best for your DD.....
Happy 4th to all........Happy quilting........
Linda In California

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 8:05 PM
Subject: Quakes, BOOBS and stuff
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

I had to get on the BB to find out the quake news. I live in northern California and have felt a few!! It was a rockin' and a rolln' on last Thanksgiving Day. We have a forest fire west of us on the route to the coast. The BLM started a control fire that went out of control!
Many people are without a home today. We also had a fire in town that jumped the freeway and closed it. It is out and no homes lost.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 7:23 PM
Subject: Sisters
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

DH says he will take me to the Sisters Quilt Show. So, I don't need a place to stay. We will be driving down on Friday. He has a Toyota truck and a tiny camper on it. Does anyone know about places to camp? National Forest? or State Forest? or campgrounds, or a backyard? Thanks Dot for offering to put me up. I really appreciate the offer.
It is flannel time out here in WA. Chilly and raining. Tomorrow DHs Cousin and her family are coming for a cookout. I think it may become a cookin. I don't mind it being chilly, I can put a sweater on. I can sit and quilt until almost 10 at night. I don't envy anyone who is suffering from the heat and humidity or having to use airconditioning. Of course, our veggies aren't growing like we would like. Still, I can get all my fruit and veggies from over in Yakima and Wenatchee. Love those cherries.
Kristine in APG, MD I am so tickled to see you post. I hope everyone is making you feel welcome. For those who don't know, Kristine and I have been friends for at least 10 years. Unfortunately she moved to MD in 92. Miss her but we talk often. She is a great person, so get to know her.
So far, our earthquakes haven't been bad. I did hear on the news last night about damage to houses. One house burned and there were gas lines ruptured. The gas scares me. I've been here for 14 years. I know there are quakes from time to time, but I don't always feel them.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 7:13 PM
Subject: Ter Ter
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

You go, girl! Being free of cancer gives new meaning to Independence Day!

jdb in AZ

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 7:10 PM
Subject: Terter...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Congratulations Terter!!! The year, I am sure feels like it took forever to pass..but it did! Congratulations!! I went thru that whole life, with my mother..and I was just terrified the whole time. I pray I can be as strong as you and mom...if I ever need be..
Hugs dear friend and go for 50 more!!

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 6:33 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

One year ago today, I lost my right breast to cancer. IAM ALIVE!! HAPPY TO BE HERE ON THIS EARTH AND KICKIN BIG BUTT BIG TIME.....At this time one year ago I was coming out of surgery...Do not ever want to relive Chemo again in my life time.

Hair back, Sass is back and energy level high..



Date: 7/3/99 Time: 3:24 PM
Subject: everything!
E-mail Address: jkjdesko@willex.com

The article on the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, to the best of my knowledge, appeared first in Rush Limbaugh's Newsletter either last year or the year before. His father, an attorney, did the research. (It may have been published prior to that, but that was the first time I'd seen any of it.)
We no longer have our copy but he has a website, I'm sure & maybe you could find out there.

Congrats to Doni on your grandson...what a doll! Need more Buford stories too!

Welcome to all newcomers & welcome back to Celia too.

Glad to hear Marilyn will ge ther quilt soon, Marty. We expect a full report , of course!

I belong to only one guild now, of about 35 members. Any body who complains gets put to work. And delegate as much as posible. Just assign them a job, don't ask them...or assign a couple of people to do the job. Sometimes it's the thought of doing it all by themself that keeps people from volunteering.

Sorry this is long.

Kathi in (warm but not too bad) Northen NY

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 3:05 PM
Subject: QR Natural Highs
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

getting an e-mail from a BB'er
getting your seams to match on a quilt
laughing at stuff on the chat page
meeting a BB'er in person
hearing that perfect fabric call your name
having someone drool over a quilt you just finished.
finding some quiet time to sit and sew
winning the race with DH to the computer

jdb in AZ where we make like Dracula and don't go outside til after sundown, and why we don't do daylight savings time either.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:41 PM
Subject: Natural Highs
E-mail Address: hdew@cwix.com

Hi Friends, Happy Holiday. Be safe.
A friend sent me this list of "natural highs" the list I got has 63 items, I've modified the ones I'm posting--How about adding to the list, making it quilting related. Positive, happy thoughts!!
1.Laughing so hard your face hurts.
2.No lines at the Super Wal-Mart (provided you weren't there earlier, doing the naughties listed in the earlier post)
3. A special glance.
4.Getting mail (a squishy??).
5.Taking a ride on a pretty road.
6. A chocolate milkshake.
7. A bubble bath.
8. Giggling.
9. A good conversation.
10. The beach.
11. Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last year.
12. Laughing at yourself.
13. Laughing for absoultely no reason at all.
14. Friends.
15. Accidently hearing someone say something nice about you.
16. Being part of a team.
17. Making new friends, or spending time with old ones.
18. Playing with a new puppy.
19. Your first grandchild--Congratulations Doni!!
20. Sweet dreams.
21. Road trips with friends.
22. Going to a quilt show.
23. The feeling after an accompllishment (finishing a quilt?).
24. The feeling the first time you step on stage (don't we have a quilting actress in NY?).
25. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter.
26. Holding hands with someone you care about.
27. Discovering that love is unconditional and is stronger than time.
28. Hugging the person you love.
29. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a present from you--a quilt??
30. Watching a sunrise.
31. Watching a sunset.
32. Getting out of bed and thanking God for another beautiful day.
Sorry for making this so long, but I felt I needed to share this.
Hdew in WY

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:39 PM
Subject: Checking in
E-mail Address: ipelletier@sprint.ca

Hoping everyone is having a great holiday weekend. I am not envious of the earthquakes you are experiencing, and I hope that you are all okay and will soon be back on steady ground.

It's post holidays here, and back to the usual indoor/outdoor tasks. My garden is growing so fast now, especially after some welcome rain yesterday, although it is just stifling here today.

Welcome Cookie, and our other newbie for today- so many new names right now, it takes a day or two to remember you all.

Ivon and I are adjusting to the "both at home "syndrome, although he did ask yesterday "Just what do you girls find so much to talk about on the chat board, you are on there so long"?- I soon quashed that with "Just quilting dear".....Could not go into all the details of S.E.X. and Firemen, and Boob stories and every other thing we have discussed- is there anything left?- LOL!!!!!

Lynn- don't worry about your daughter-she will have a whale of a time. When Steven was 8 (20 years ago), we put him on the plane to spend the summer in England with my parents. The nearest International airport to us, is a 6 hour drive away, and by the time we arrived, and waited through a 2 hour flight delay, it was almost midnight before he was able to leave. He was exhausted being up so late, and when the Flight attendant came to get him, he took one look at us and began to cry and said "Do I really have to go"....big panic- what do we do now?

I told him that his Grampy was already on his way to London to meet him and would he just go for the weekend, and then he could come back home(kind of not quite the truth, but I had to think of something really fast). He agreed,and went on the plane. When I stood and watched that big silver bird take off into the night sky, I felt the worst Mother in the world.

Ivon and I checked into our motel, but 2 hours later, we left because neither of us could sleep. We drove the 6 hours home saying how this was all a big mistake and we should never have sent him there all alone etc. Upon arriving home, the first thing I did was call to see if he had arrived safely. Dad answered the phone and said that Steven loved his new bike they had bought him, and was already playing with a neighbor's child. After waiting for ages while Dad went to get him, he said "Hi Mom, I have a new bike, and I am playing with Tim from down the street, so got to go, Bye" - that was it ......all that worry for nothing!!!

He came back at the end of the summer having experienced the most wonderful trip of his life I think, and forever made a very special bond with his beloved Grandfather.

Doni- Hey Doni, - leave that cuddly little Ethan be for a split second while I talk to you- it looks like the flannel swap may be a go for the Fall/Winter- a bit too hot to even think about flannel quilts right now- LOL!!!

Enjoy your weekend ladies,
Hugs to all,

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 1:38 PM
Subject: just catching up
E-mail Address: ichthys@pdq.net

Whew!! just read what's available before the archives. A lot is going on!! I've been unable to get to the bb for days now. Classes, summer vacation (kids) and life are getting in the way LOL! It is good to "see" all of you again.

When I read about Terter's story and others that shared, I was reminded of a sign I saw last week in front of a church near here: Some people find fault like it was buried treasure. Fits the bill for those kind of folks (been there done that!)

Also, I'm so out of touch, this is where I found out about the 'quake in CA/west coast. No wonder my sister has not been in touch, these things really send her for a loop (lives in SF, CA). I'm glad that all of you who shook, are ok.

We got our youngest DD off this morning, bright and early to the airport. She is flying to Boston to visit her aunt/uncle and 3 cousins, for a week. She was a bit nervous, but I know she'll have a great time. We are so far from family, it's been 5 years since they have seen her. It is so cute, my neice, one year younger than DD has been e-mailing all week - that is a new one when one of us travels, we can stay in touch daily!

Count me in for a flannel exchange in the fall. I HAVE flannel which I would trade for regular cotton fabric. I made a flannel quilt for DS last fall - 6" squares of all different plaids, sashed in green (squares on point). It's cozy.

Celia, are you staying sane with the DH home for summer vacation?

Katie Mac - thanks for the poem.

KittyKate - thought provoking information about the signers of the Declaration of Independence - the title of that document rolls off our toungs, but even thinking of its name after reading what you posted, makes a person think hard.

Happy Fourth of July, and a safe weekend for all travellers.

Lynn in TX where it is RAINING AGAIN and is sooooo humid.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 1:23 PM
Subject: 4th of July KK
E-mail Address: charlesknapp@earthlink.net

Kitty Kate, I printed off your 4th of July info, also. Will give a copy to our mayor tomorrow night if I can get close enough at the fireworks. He teaches Honors American History at the high school and ds #1 just had him this year. So, do you have a source for this or something I can cite at the bottom? Wouldn't want to plagarize or anything. Thanks!

Judy in ARk

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 12:36 PM
Subject: just found this site
E-mail Address: cathiann@webtv.net

I am an avid quiltaholic and spend every minute I can find making my fingers sore as I find that hand sewing is the only way to go! Just finished my first stained glass wall hanging and it turned out pretty good for the first attempt, the wild iris. Am now working on a project that I was putting off as I just wasn't happy with the way the finished block looked. A new fabric helped and now I can finish it. It is a Amish Crystal queen size bed quilt for my daughter. Would like to hear from you girls out there who are as hooked as I am

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 12:26 PM
Subject: Thanks for the welcome!
E-mail Address: csiverling@mid-mo.net

Thanks to "terter" and "jbd in AZ for the nice welcome they sent me! What a treat to meet people who share your interests and are kind enough to make you feel at home. I guess I forgot to sign my post the other day, so a little more about myself seems to be in order.

My nickname is Cookie, I live in MO and as I said the other day, I quilt, sew, do many crafts when I have time, since I do live on a farm, the time seems to be much less this time of year. I also have a new grandson (4 months old), red headed and just beautiful.

I really got into quilting about 5 years ago, and "terter", I have 12 quilts @ home, plus I made one for each of the kids (that's 3 more), one for my new grandson (1 more) and have given away 3 as gifts. I also have two quilt tops ready to be quilted and am already working on another one. I just love it! Also, congratulations on your forthcoming "grandma" status. Sounds like you are looking forward to it.

Again, thanks to both terter and jdb in AZ for the welcome.


Date: 7/3/99 Time: 12:07 PM
Subject: Hoops and such
E-mail Address: Whitfields@webtv.net

I haven't been able to get through to the BB in ages! But figured you guys were still having s.e.x.!
Mindy-about hoops., I use both the round and the square ones. The round ones I like especially in the middle because they're so easy to turn at quilting. They are inexpensive too. The square ones are great for doing the part of the quilt near the edges. So I always trade to those.
Its been rather cold here lately. It got UP to 66 yesterday, and expected 64 today.
Kittykate, I was thinking of you all day yesterday., am glad you are fine! Didn't feel a thing here. Did you solve your sleeping accomodations?
Doni-I want to flannel trade. We have tons of flannel in the stores here, it is our state cloth! Even Elvis wears it on occasion
when her Mommy takes her out for a jaunt. Her coat is red and green plaid.
Have a safe weekend, everyone.
Jana with the blue toes in Wash.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:44 AM
Subject: advice
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

Peg, when fabric screams, "Take me, Take me, I'm Yours!" who could resist S.E.X. like that?

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:29 AM
Subject: Raffle Quilt for Marilyn
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

IT IS HERE!!! I received the Raffle Quilt this A.M. It is almost identical with Marilyn's Quilt...very beautiful. THANK YOU all my dear sisters/daughters of the WWQP BB. You are all such loving, caring people. I will be showing the quilt and selling raffle tickets at every large shindig around here until the winner takes it home with her/him on Sept. 5th. I will be bringing it to OHIO 99 so that you all will be able to see it too. Bring lots of tissue paper as well as cameras.

BRENDA BLAYLOCK: Thanks for sending the E-mail and picture of the Quilt for David Gibbs' wife-Jean. I found my block I believe...the USA flag which is the first block in third row down from top. Will be waiting to see it when it is finished completely. On belalf of all of us, I thank the ladies at the Mormon Church there who will be doing the hand-quilting. Many tears and much love is going into that (and all the others) quilt. Jean will treasure it forever. I am so pleased to be able to participate in all of the projects started on the BB.

MARILYN'S QUILT will be presented to her on her 62nd birthday this next Thursday, July 8th at the Senior Meal Site. They are having a special cake made, invitations are being phoned to people be sure to attend, and I have arranged to have a photographer/reporter, from the same Local Paper as did the original article about Marilyn and BB Friends, for a follow-up article with pictures of the Quilts and Marilyn. This will be a surprise for her as she doesn't know that I even have the quilt in my possession yet.

I want to wish you all a HAPPY & SAFE FOURTH OF JULY weekend. And have FUN!!!


Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 11:11 AM
Subject: QR (?)
E-mail Address: Linda@ndcs.org.uk

OK so I'll let him choose some colours and thread then he is participating!! always useful to have extras.

Linda UK

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 10:16 AM
Subject: S.E.X.
E-mail Address: Dr. Ruth

Linda, Dear, when your DH facilitates your S.E.X.-ploits without actually participating, that would make him a pimp.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 10:02 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

So the big state up north is doing the big Rock. Kitty Kat take care of those dgks.....

Enjoy your celebrations. Our Parade is tonite, but dh works a 12 hr shift, he'll be tired, too tired to go. Tomorrow is the fair down in our central park, always a good one.


Date: 7/3/99 Time: 9:56 AM
Subject: Tired Feet
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

Does anyone have a cure for overworked feet? After sewing for many days on quilts I find I am not used to being on my feet for 5 hrs at a stretch. I enjoy JoAnn's ,but gollieee, you never get to sit down and I'm moving 100% of the time. The old tooties throbbed all night and it was hard to sleep.
I had S.E.X. at Roberts Sewing Center when I went to pick up my machine from fixing. It just called my name. A fabric salesman was there and it was all I could do not to peek over Kathy's shoulder screaming , "That one! Ten yards at once!" I cannot buy fabric in little bits (sigh). I fall in love with one like the Hoffman red roses and find I'm using it everywhere.
Don't think that earthquakes only happen on the coast. Surprisingly, one of the biggest earthquakes recorded took place here in the midwest. It changed the course of the Mississippi . A couple of years ago we had a scare that it was going to happen again and did earthquake drills. We've had at least two here in Illinois in the last 20 years.- Peg in Chicago

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 8:02 AM
Subject: President's Job
E-mail Address: waybar@stc.net

This is my second year as President of my guild. I, too, had never done anything like this before but I have to say it hasn't been too bad. My guild members have been very supportive and helpful and we have a good time. It's not a very big guild, about 50 members but we seem to accomplish a lot.

Two years is enough though and I think the change is leadership is good for the guild, everyone has their own ideas and that gives us variety.

Barb in the North Georgia Mountains

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 6:01 AM
Subject: Just catching up
E-mail Address: SStrtPal@aol.com

I have made it nearly a month with my husband in Korea!!! There are moments I feel like I can do anything (except fix small engines of any lawnmower-mine is still hanging in there). I went to my local Walmart, and bought fabric and notions for quilting...I am not a summer quilter/sewer but I'm becoming one.
Are there any of you BB'ers (posting or not)in Harford/Cecil County (or thereabouts in) MD? Email me!

The kids are doing well and they are in Day Camp through the month...They come home tired but happy.

Thanks for all of your great support
Kris Hayhurst,
Sesame Street Pal in MD

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 6:00 AM
E-mail Address: djp@madras.net

The list of things to do at Walmart reminded me of when DS2 had an especially stressful time during final exams at the University. He was in a local "warehouse" type store where briefcases were on sale. He got the "brilliant" idea to set the locks with his own private combination. It sure made him feel better. The next week when he was in the same store (and feeling not so stressed), he went back to check on them. One was gone, the other was still there all locked up tight. He then opened it. That little bit of madness kept him sane for a week. He felt sort of bad about the missing one.
Are there any meetings for the yyy's at Sisters? I will be (Lord Willing) at the workshop on Tuesday evening and at Harriet Hargraves lectures on Friday. We have a wedding in Portland area Saturday evening so probably won't get to the show unless I can sneak in a morning visit. I have my yyy made, but feeling a little shy to wear it. I am glad that the yakima yakker wasn't too shy to wear hers at a quilt show, that is how I met her. I will be brave.
I work at Hatfield's Department store in Madras, 45 miles north of Sisters> BTW we are having a fabric sale and quilt showing too. I will be at work on Wednesday and Thursday. I am in the basement with the fabric. Stop in and look for the yellow yoyo.
Speaking of flannels in earlier posts, we have lots of flannels at the store where I work. Can I mention this little bit of info on the store where I work or is that against BB rules and regulations.
Hope to see some yyy's.
Dot in OR

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 3:59 AM
Subject: July 4th update
E-mail Address: BKlaver@webtv.net

Kitty-Kate... Thank you for that very moving update of the D. of I. signers. You are so right about not learning it from the history books. I, for one, had never heard this before. I have printed it to keep as a reminder of our 'roots'.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th.
Barbara in Spring Valley, Ca.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:55 AM
Subject: Quakes
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Kitty Kate glad to hear you are OK. just posted and refreshed and saw your listing.
Not being in a place that moves around too much i find the thought of a Quake quite worrying. many years ago there was a mild quake near me here and I saw the water in the drinking glass shake. took me by surprise but no harm as I remember.
ih hope no one was hurt there.
Linda UK

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:47 AM
Subject: Help???
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

I am finally going out for S.E.X. it's been far too long but.... all good things come to those that wait. trouble is I do not drive so DH is taking me. Is this morally right, he will not be in any way involved in the activity!!!
Or should I make other plans?

Stripey Bear- I will get that Quilt place Addy for you and post it later. that's where I am heading today.

Not sure if i should say anything , as a Brit, but happy 4th of July.

DD away for the weekend on a Girl Guide camp. this usually includes outdoor cooking walking treasure hunts etc. usual staff for outdoors living. This time the Guiders in charge have included aromatherapy and head massage!! "The times they are a changing".

Linda UK

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:38 AM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Babysitting 2 DGKs, DH at commissary, DD at work. I am sitting watching the news. The little beasties have escaped outside, again. I call and call and they finally come in. When DGS comes into the LR he jumps in. I am thinking he is not that heavy to make the house shake so. I hear a rubbling and the house starts shaking and the weights in GF clock are swinging, the chandelier is swinging. I am wondering when it is going to stop. Then the house feels like a swing, gently going back and forth. Weights swayed for about 15 min. Crystal and other things in curio did a little dance, but nothing broke. Weird. It was the second earthquake I felt. Thought from reports on news that I must be close to the epicenter. It was in SATSOP and hours drive from here.
Lived through tornados(cyclone is another name), hurricanes, wicked storms, blizzards in NW PA and I don't worry about them because I can't do anything about them. Hoping the BIG EARTHQUAKE won't happen in my lifetime.
My cats and dogs didn't act strangely before the earthquake happened. Cats did come to sit with Momma Kitty during and after. They must of thought I did it, when I was doing my Snoopy Dance for my masterpiece. Ha!
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^< (WAbbly)
PS Remember how powerful God is.

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:27 AM
Subject: 4th of July
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Subject: RE: July 4th message
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British
as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary
Army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they
pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they?
Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated. But
they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties
to pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKean was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and
his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters.
He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to
waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later
he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men
of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support
of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes,
and our sacred honor."
They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot of what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn't
just fight the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government! Some of us take these liberties so much for granted,
we shouldn't.

So, take a couple of minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and
silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask, for the price they

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 2:07 AM
Subject: Earthquakes
E-mail Address: horne3@kalama.com

Hi Michelle in Vancouver BC...yes, we felt the earthquake here too. I thought we'd left all that behind us when we moved away from California!! Of course we moved to where Mt. St. Helens could rain ash on us if it chose - is that like out of the frying pan into the fire? Kinda sorta...LOL!

Anyway it wasn't strong enough to do us any damage but it sure brought back memories of the Loma Prieta earthquake that stopped the World Series in Oakland.

Would they believe - you and I felt the earth move and we weren't even having S.E.X.!! (Well I wasn't, anyway!!)

Judy in beautiful SW Washington

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 1:09 AM
Subject: Progress on quilt blocks for Gibbs family
E-mail Address: blaylock@barn.hawthorne.nv.us

This is what I have been doing lately.

Arnie, my dh, had a friend drop in to visit us. They have a digital camera. I asked her to take a picture of the progress of the quilt top for David's wife.

The blocks all you ladies sent our beautiful! If I did not e-mail you with a picture you can e-mail and I will send you a digital picture of the progress to the present. I have ninety blocks sewn together.

I have spoken with the ladies from the Mormon church and they have ageed to hand quilt it for us, when I am finished sewing all the blocks together.

Mill Ends in Fallon has the two of the children's quilts. They have volunteered to also quilt them.

The other quilt blocks for Megan are with Dianne Villarreal from Sew and Such in Reno Nevada.

Susan at the The North Pole has agreed to quilt it for us. Kitty Kate will be providing the batting as soon as I find out the size.

I thought this would be a great way to share. It is sideways I still have not learned how to rotate. I still have about forty more blocks to sew onto the top. If you don't see your block I haven't sewn it yet.
I have had my grandaughter here and I have been enjoying her.
Aimmie, my granddaughter help me sew one row.
Thanks to everyone, you all make my heart warm.
Brenda in Nevada

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 12:52 AM
Subject: Walmart post
E-mail Address: mnmbriggs1@aol.com

That Walmart post was something still LOL. Will Sandi who sent that in please e mail me.
Marge from MI

Date: 7/3/99 Time: 12:42 AM
Subject: newcomer to your board
E-mail Address: sabpsp@earthlink.net

terter: when I was a girl scout leader, the first person to crab at me I said "I'll call G.S.Council tomorrow and have you put on as leader, I know you can do a better job than I. Do you know that woman became my greatest supporter...even volunteered for jobs.

Love your messages to each other.

Will never go into Walmart without thinking of many fun things to do.


Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:51 PM
Subject: abc quilts
E-mail Address: nanafor2@ameritech.net

Has anyone out there done any of these quilts. Our church org. is thinking of doing these for the new born children. I was wandering if any one had some ideas about this.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:51 PM
Subject: abc quilts
E-mail Address: nanafor2@ameritech.net

Has anyone out there done any of these quilts. Our church org. is thinking of doing these for the new born children. I was wandering if any one had some ideas about this.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:46 PM
Subject: Internet Providers, Kitties, and Disasters
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Thanks everyone who sent me an email about the internet providers. I'll take it up with DH as soon as I can get a hold of him. In TN he doesn't have a phone except at work.

Natural Disasters: I've been in a flood, earthquakes, blizzard & whiteout (lake effect from Lake Ontario), tornado, and hurricane. I think that I only have a few more to go, maybe volcano eruption, tsunami (sp), cyclone, desert sandstorm, and avalance to name a few.

Well time to put the kitties to bed. Lots of hissing but so far no biting.
Good night,
Sarah in Alabama

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:43 PM
Subject: advise
E-mail Address: lalbain@cass.net

I've been reading too about the trials of being President of an organization. But thought it wouldn't effect me, until tonight. I've been asked by a guild member if I would consider a nomination for the Director/Pres. I'm thinking...WHOA...I just joined this guild in Feb., never been the leader of anything. Like Karen I'm a great follower, not afraid to jump in w/ both feet to help. She said that's reason she wants me to consider it. I've just help set up our first really big workshop for MQing and the members are all excited. This isn't a very active guild, maybe they do need some different blood. Did you notice I didn't say younger blood?? LOL lets not step on any toes just yet. TerTer what do you think?? I just "met" you tonight, who knew we might be kindred spirits. I also feel that maybe I haven't been quilting long enough or have enough experience, but then I find out that the present Dir. doesn't even sew....period.
I know I'm babbling, but this did come as a surprise. But one that has me thinking.
Come on, girls, help me out!!!

Penny in s/e MI

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:27 PM
Subject: President !!!
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

I've been amused with all the postings about being President of a group. I was recently elected President of one of my church groups. Mind you, I have NEVER attended a meeting of this group!! I do help out when asked, but have stayed away from the meetings. When I moved to town there was a lot of bickering between the older members and the younger ones. I decided I didn't want to be a part of that, so have just stayed away. Now -- I'm president!! Elections were made at church, and many people who voted obviously don't go to meeting either! After talking with some other gals I realized I have quilting to blame for this. I've joined some other ladies from this group in making quilts for charity. A few months ago there were pictures and an article in our local paper about our efforts. Everyone saw this and thought I was REALLY involved in the group. So --- here I am -- stuck. Yes, I was a big girl and went through the installation of officers in church last week. Now the fun will begin! Wish me luck, I've always been a great follower, not a leader!

Karen in KS where the combines are cutting, but the clouds are rolling in again.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:18 PM
Subject: lurking
E-mail Address: catdr@doitnow.com

I have been lurking here a few times. Starting to
figure out your abreviations(I am a realllly bad
speller!) But, I have to say the Walmart story
made my day! So I had to say thanks! I especially
like the idea of trying on bra's. I may have to
try that one. Also, to KittyKate, when my husband
& I go to Bend(Sisters) & can't find a place closer
we stay at a little strip type motel in Redmond
call "The Hub". It's nothing fancy, but clean &
really cheap, the operators are really friendly.
Sister's is the only Quilt Show my husband will go
to, he loves the area & is a pretty good sport.
Oh, I forgot the Hub is right on the main drag
to Bend(99 I think) I'm sure you could call ahead.
I enjoy the discussions, thanks for letting me
chat! Jill

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:08 PM
Subject: Earthquake !!!!!!
E-mail Address: kmwilson@intergate.bc.ca

Ok, that's it!... 3 earthquakes in 3 days...I'm moving, look out East Coast! Did any of you Washington State quilters feel that one tonight?? My poor Bernina was shaking like there was no tomorrow...oh and me too, I'm a big chicken! Good thing I wasn't cutting fabric, I have a hard enough time cutting straight lines as it is! Well back to the sewing machine, just had to share/complain. Michelle from rainy and cold Vancouver BC

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 10:55 PM
Subject: New to Chat Room
E-mail Address: dlkramer@provide.net

Just got hooked up to the net and am learning the ropes. Was very glad to come across this chat room and read all the fun stuff. Just sticking my head in the rom and saying hello from Ann Arbor, MI. dlk

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 10:46 PM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Since I didn't have my 40 Toes here to talk to, bbchat, let me vent. And all of you that wrote, it just amazed me, I'm still getting good vibe messages, keep it up.

No I'll not do another term as Pres. but do feel if you belong, you need to do your share.

Again thank you from the bottom of my heart, I feel healed.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 9:35 PM
Subject: cats & things
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

Stripey Bear, your cat story is a hoot. I'm glad my little cat doesn't kill things any more. He just plays with them and scares them silly. We watched yesterday as he played with a mole. Rusty just followed it and batted it around, then let it run and batted it again. I guess he's discovered that if he is too rough with his little "friends" they stop playing with him. Last year he used to kill birds when playing with them but I haven't found any bird carcasses at all this year. Mind you my dog Lucky is pretty good at eating the evidance. YUCK! This is the same cat that jumped into the birdbath with all foru feet a few weeks ago.
I'm glad my big cat just lays around all day, one cat tearing around all over is enough.
Nelly from Thunder Bay

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 9:35 PM
Subject: Scary but True!
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

These are actual headlines!

1. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
2. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
3. Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should
Be Belted
4. Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case
5. Survivor of Siamese Twins Joins Parents
6. Farmer Bill Dies in House
7. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
8. Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus?
9. Stud Tires Out
10. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope
11. Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
12. Soviet Virgin Lands Short of Goal Again
13. British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands
14. Lung Cancer in Women Mushrooms
15. Eye Drops off Shelf
16. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
17. Reagan Wins on Budget, But More Lies Ahead
18. Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim
19. Shot Off Woman's Leg Helps Nicklaus to 66
20. Enraged Cow Injures Farmer with Axe
21. Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told
22. Miners Refuse to Work after Death
23. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
24. Stolen Painting Found by Tree
25. Two Soviet Ships Collide, One Dies
26. Two Sisters Reunited after 18 Years in
Checkout Counter
27. Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in 10
28. Never Withhold Herpes Infection from Loved One
29. Drunken Drivers Paid ?1000 in `84
30. War Dims Hope for Peace
31. If Strike isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last a
32. Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
33. Enfields Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
34. Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge
35. Deer Kill 17,000
36. Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
37. Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge
38. New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test
39. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
40. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
41. Chef Throws His Heart into Helping Feed Needy
42. Arson Suspect is Held in Massachusetts Fire
43. British Union Finds Dwarfs in Short Supply
44. Ban On Soliciting Dead in Trotwood
45. Lansing Residents Can Drop Off Trees
46. Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
47. New Vaccine May Contain Rabies
48. Man Minus Ear Waives Hearing
49. Deaf College Opens Doors to Hearing
50. Air Head Fired
51. Steals Clock, Faces Time
52. Prosecutor Releases Probe into Undersheriff
53. Old School Pillars are Replaced by Alumni
54. Bank Drive-in Window Blocked by Board
55. Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
56. Some Pieces of Rock Hudson Sold at Auction
57. Sex Education Delayed, Teachers Request
58. Include your Children When Baking Cookies

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 8:20 PM
Subject: Sisters Quilt Show
E-mail Address: peroxide@olypen.com

I've been off the BB for the past week and have been trying to catch up!!!
I need to know if there is a plan for BBers to meet at the show in Sisters next Saturday? If so, please send me the information and I will join you!
Deanna, finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in Sequim, WA

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 7:55 PM
Subject: Internet Providers
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Hey anyone out there have any recommendations about their internet provider. The one I currently subscribe to is going out of business (it is a local one for just my county).

Thanks for all who answer.
Sarah in Alabama

Now to read the CBB.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 7:21 PM
Subject: Just Stuff
E-mail Address: helniles@chorus.net

Hi All, Hope your day is going well. I miss all of you so I had to post!
TerTer- You hang in there girl and smile sweetly, they'll never know what your really thinking!!
Beth- hang in there honey, we are here for you!

Well I recieved some bad news today. My 33 yr. old DD has to have a hysterectomy. I am so worried about her, the Dr. won't know if there is c... (I can't even say it!) until they open her. It was discovered with her annual pap. Is there any one out there who has gone through this with thier DD? Hugs, Helen

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 6:56 PM
Subject: Hello
E-mail Address: derivenbark@worldnet.att.net

Well I thought that I would come out of lerking (it had to happen sometime) I've been watching what has been going on for about a week now, what a riot! I told my DH that he would have to start doing funny things so I could pass them along. (he said he would try to see what he could do, but the dog colar was out, it had already been done.)I've been quilting for about 6 yrs. And am active in a guild. This year I am the education\challenge chairperson.Last night I stumbled through my 1st education minute.(not my favorite part) Kathy in SC

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 5:53 PM
Subject: Cats, dogs and silly humans.
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

BUFORD and all you kitties and pups, I sympathise with you. My humans don't understand me either. One night, I brought them home some dinner, a live mouse, generous or what eh????? Mum is quite smart, she knew to catch it while it was frozen- scared, but Dad is , well, slow!!!!! He didn't realise to be quick, and was saying how cute this mousie was! So, picture it, Mum screaming, " get it quick", Dad had a box to catch it in, and then the mouse finally woke from it's fright and bolted under the china cabinet. To cut a very long story short, they were trying to catch the little bugger from 10pm to 2am. They gave up, the mouse ate the icing decoration from my DS christening cake in the cabinet overnight. The next night it ste the burgler alarm off at 3am. Yes ,they were up for an hour trying to catch it. It finally turned it's toes up the next day after eating Mum's Christmas cactus. Couldn't understand why they were cross with me mind you.Best purrs and meows from Scamper Cat, puss of Stripey Bear in Britain.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 5:45 PM
Subject: This and That
E-mail Address: mboyd54@juno.com

Just dropped in for a while. As usual you ladies and gents are a riot.
WEN - Hang in there, I'm glad things are going better for you and your dad.
Ronna - Happy anniversay and many many more.
Doni - Congrats on baby Ethan, he's a doll. Gammas have all the fun. Spoil 'em rotten and send 'em home. 8^)
Even though I've half a dozen projects that I should be doing (daughter's wedding, sister's wedding, etc.) I decided to work on something just for me. It's going to be a small wall hanging that I'm going to call "Dancing Grannies". As ususal, I started it awhile ago, but have decided to finish it now. Yesterday I signed up for a (dare I say it, die hard hand quilter that I am) machine quilting course. It's my intention to leave class and come home and start mqing. We're using a poly batt for class, but I'm thinking of using Warm and Natural on the wallhanging. Any thoughts? Will it be too heavy or thick??? Also, how difficult is it to use a walking foot? I've got one, but have never used it. I realize that this last is quilt related. Hope the BB police don't get me. That's it for now, if I don't get back I hope everyone has a spectactular Fourth.

Melodye in Randallstown, where the poison ivy has finally dried, yay!!!!!!

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 4:55 PM
Subject: new addy
E-mail Address: mshfeh@wnonline.net

Just to let you know we have a new mail server and addy.
Have a safe and happy week end
Marge in Louisiana

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 4:29 PM
Subject: Just stuff...
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Good afternoon! Good to see Katie Mac back..

Thank you for the kind words about little darling Ethan..he is just a love..he went in with mommie today for a check-up..Toni had him on the breast and he's losing way to much weight..Doc says she will probably have to start him on formula..He's down to 5# 6oz. now..thats alot of weight to lose when you only 6# 10 oz. to begin with I think..any way expecting them to put him on formula....I could just go on for hours about him!! Buford does lub cousin Ethan...wait till he's about a year old and teething on ears..then we'll see...LOL!! Poor Buford..I almost feel sorry for him..then I think about all the rotten things he's done in his puppyhood...and I don't feel as bad! LOL!!

Celia..I've never worked with flannel either..but really want to do a Stack and Slice out of it..Joleen made one for her...in about a day! And she used flannel..sounds like a winner to me...alot better than trying to do little bitty pieces..I remember well, how many dirty words Susan in Fresno came up while she was working on her flannel quilt...which I have to admit came out beautifully..but think I'll pass on the little bitty pieces out of flannel! LOL!! I'd be pulling my hair out by the time I got it finished...or repeating Susans favorite words! This fall maybe a better time to swap for flannel..our QS carries some flannel..but not alot at anytime...summer or fall!

WEN...hugs to you..hope things are going better for you now..still sending prayers your way...alot of shoulders here...we can carry alot of weight..

Terter...hang in there..sounds like your on the right track! My sis and I had a brownie troop for 2 years in her home town...mind you I had no little girls..and it wasnt my hometown..but I would drive in and back for every get together and every meeting...some off the girls we finally had to let go..they were an hour and a half early and most times was that long at least befor they were picked up...the girls and the mothers where not happy and they complained to the council..but we were right in how we handled it.. and we got no help from most of the mothers at all!

Well better get..see you all later..
Hugs Doni

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 4:11 PM
Subject: It's a tough job.........but somebody has to do it...
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

TerTer and Maryann...you BOTH have my sympathy! Gosh, if the whiners had to do something, they wouldn't stop whining, anyway! They would have to whine about how no one appreciated the "huge sacrifice and effort on their part" it took to do some little thing. But I think you are right to make them Committee chair. And I would give them the same advice I got once...Don't curse the darkness, light a candle! There is a really funny story about that saying. When I supervised some employees in a small start up company for my very first time, I was whining to the head of human resources and she gave me that sage advice about the candle. Ok, I thought, I'll do ....whatever....
One day when things got really bad, I went to her and said out of the blue "I've run out of matches". There was a group of people there (managers, mostly) she hesitated a second and then started laughing. Everyone else was puzzled. About a week later, I found a package on my desk. Yep! you guessed it...one of those packages of 1000 match books! Yes, thank you, I told her, but aren't you afraid I might get into trouble with these? We laughed about that saying for years when we both went through tough times....I got to say it to her a few times too!

Linda in CA: Thanks for the really cute cyber anniversary card! I'll have to show it to DH.

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 3:59 PM
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Pop's sugery went well, outta ICU today PTL, outta hospital this weekend???????? Huge response to block call for Pop's love quilt. Who all lives close to Monrovia, CA (20 mins. E of LA)?? Anyone out here, please e-mail me. TIIIRRREEDDD. UGHGHGHGH. Love coming here and reading all of your exploits, smiled so many times. Doni, I'm happy for you, wish I had a baby to smoochy. Have a great weekend girls. (((((Lovey))))) WEN in CA

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 3:32 PM
Subject: Hi Everyone
E-mail Address: Ohioccb@cwix.com

I'm typing this without my glasses on because I'm too lazy to get up and go get them, so please excuse any errors!

Serial Quilters met yesterday and, as usual, we had a great time together. Most of us handquilted on Ridgeley's quilt....it's looking beautiful, but it will most likely be a slow process since Serial Quilters are pretty busy this month! All of you coming to Ohio 99 with probably have a chance to work on it....unless I get some amazing amount of extra time between now and then!

Went over to Bev's this morning to raid her stash for fabrics for my Quilt America classes....it's fun to shop at her house. Brenda, I'm going to work with all those browns and pinks that I bought in Paducah and couldn't imagine why I was buying them - just about my two least favorite colors! That's for the Wyoming Valley Star class. For the curve-a-phobia class (drunkard's path) I'm using a black background floral and a small scale black/gray print. Then we worked on Bev's choices....more towards blues for the Star pattern and bright tropical fish for the curvey class.

Busy getting ready for a mom/daughter party here tomorrow night for our competitive dance team. I forgot to update you all about the raffle quilt and fundraising for nationals. The quilt brought in $300-plus, which I considered pretty good since it was the first year for us to do this and we didn't do much pre-selling of tickets before recital. For all the fund-raising events throughout the year, I received $195....which paid for most of the group routines to go to nationals. This was alomst $70 more per person than last year, so it was a very successful year, thanks in large part to the generous ladies on this BB....both for sending in Y2K squares without the benefit of a swap and for buying raffle tickets! Thanks again! Nationals are in two weeks....I'll keep you posted on how we do!

I would like to go cut my fabrics for Quilt America next week, but Ireally should be trying to get ready for the party tomorrow instead....sigh! Why do I volunteer myself for these things? I'm such a sucker sometimes....Cassi in Ohio

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 3:07 PM
Subject: Sewing in the Netherlands
E-mail Address: pgarnsey@mindspring.com

Hi, I live in Florida and love to make quilts,
embroider on machine and make crafts. We are going
to the Netherlands for 18 months! I hear I can't take my sewing machine, serger or my Brother PE100.
I am so depressed! I can try to buy a used sewing machine. I also have homeschooled
my children for 6 years and now they will have to go to school over there.
Does anyone know anything about life for lonely
housewives in the Netherlands? PG

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 3:07 PM
Subject: Sewing in the Netherlands
E-mail Address: pgarnsey@mindspring.com

Hi, I live in Florida and love to make quilts,
embroider on machine and make crafts. We are going
to the Netherlands for 18 months! I hear I can't take my sewing machine, serger or my Brother PE100.
I am so depressed! I can try to buy a used sewing machine. I also have homeschooled
my children for 6 years and now they will have to go to school over there.
Does anyone know anything about life for lonely
housewives in the Netherlands? PG

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 3:01 PM
Subject: Good Day Everyone
E-mail Address: ipelletier,@sprint.ca

Happy July 4th weekend to all our BBers in the States. We are all recovering here from Canada Day celebrations yesterday- lots of fun. Next event for me is Loon 99 next month- Ter Ter is telling us she might turn up in her bright purple convertible because we told her we were hoping that Ricky Martin(her hearthrob) might make a guest appearance- not very likely- but we can all dream a little!!!- LOL

Loved your Handprint post Katie Mac. I think most of us have experienced the writing on the wall budding artwork of our children, - even the "I woke up from my nap early with a full diaper" drawings- once was enough for me!!!

I finally got to read the week's Archives from when I was off-line- laughed my head off, - it must be so hard for a newbie to make any sense of us some days- LOL Welcome to today's newbies- don't forget to tell us your name,- doesn't have to be your real one if you are shy- as long as we can can address you other than Hey there!!!!!

Doni- you are Sooooo lucky being able to spoil that little tyke- want to send him to me for a week or two???- I love babies, and you are making me have Gramma stirrings- no immediate sign of any here, but ONE day- maybe one day, then I will buy the biggest Gramma's Brag Book I can find!!

The flannel swap sounds like a great idea for the Fall- must look here and see what is available- have not worked with flannel yet- is it difficult?- Does it stretch or shrink a lot?

Stripey- yes you got the Delsey product down pat- LOL sorry about the wry neck- must have been too busy fireman ogling!!! Get well soon. Must run, - have to go and buy yet more groceries- I think they inhale food around here!!!

I know this is not the PP, but too bad- Faith and Bill REALLY need your thoughts and prayers, - things are tough.

Have a great day ladies.

Hugs to all,

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 2:56 PM
Subject: Hi All!
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

TER-TER---Sounds to me like you handled the meeting situation just fine. One dear lady I know in her mid-80's has a saying that is one of my favorites: "Some people would complain even if they got a front row seat in heaven." I don't leave home without it! My father always told us: "don't criticize something unless you have a solution to offer." Pretty good stuff, too. But I like the BB posting about the guy who had a hole out back he could toss 'em into! LOL!!!

DONI---Thanks for the web address. Saved me from having to search the archives. Nathan is a pretty baby. He doesn't even look new-born. I'd have guessed 2-3 weeks old! Not all smushed up and wrinkly red like most:) Now I see why all the "fuss." Does he favor Buford at all? I don't think so, even though they are 'cousins'. We tell our son the dog is his brother because they both have brown eyes! LOL!

CAT STORY--Loved they story about kittie's dead offerings on the step. We had a neighbor with a pound-cat that they swore was brain-damaged. Bailey (the cat) would always stand at the patio door and scratch to come in. One evening when he came in, he had a mouse in his mouth that no one had noticed (it was dark outside, black cat, you get the picture.)
He dropped the mouse on the den floor, and proceeded to watch the entertainment, as in--- Watch The Humans Go Crazy Chasing the Mouse. They chased it all around the room for about 5 minutes. Pandemonium galore. Total chaos. Then the mouse made a break for freedom and headed into the kitchen, where, in the middle of the kitchen floor, it proceeded to stop and promptly drop dead!!! (cat is sitting calmly through all this watching the fun) Must have had a heart attack!!! End of fun. Neighbors still have cat.

SUSAN IN KS---if you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last year, you might need to get one if that wild kitty broke skin when he bit you.

SANDI IN MN---loved the "things to do at Wal-Mart" posting and have sent it to all my e-friends. I doubt the Wal-Mart execs would see the humor, but oh well. #l0, 22, 25 & 30 were my favorites.

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 2:53 PM
Subject: Troublesome Guild
E-mail Address: smn@cts.com


I can surely appreciate your problem since I am the "outgoing" Prez of my local guild. This last guild year was a doozie for me with people not doing their jobs, difficult guest speakers, and speakers who mark their calendars wrong and miss the meeting!!!! Talk about embarrassing!

As president I found you have to second-guess your board members. Don't ever assume that they have things "set" because sure as shooting, something will go wrong.
And when something does happen during a business meeting, just say "we will need to discuss this further after the meeting". Then see what happens afterwards.

I have been president of 2 different guilds twice, (one I founded) and it really is a rewarding experience. I learned alot both times and enjoyed my time as prez so much. It's just too bad though, that the members don't realize that you are a volunteer and that nobody is paying you to take all that abuse! I always suggested to those that were stirring up trouble, that they become a guild leader. I do wish they would so then they will know how some of these things work.
Keep up the good work..you have my applause!


Date: 7/2/99 Time: 1:55 PM
Subject: TerTer you have my sympathy
E-mail Address: mystyusa@aol.com

I had been meaning to ask how it is going. I belong to a group and everytime I bring up something new, they all say, "Oh no we can't do that. It's always been done this way.". I have even volunteered. I run a very successful business from my home in California and have an office in Washington, DC. My work is pretty stressful in itself without the extra aggravation of trying to work with a negative group. A couple of people said I should persevere but I'm wearing thin. My nerves that is. I think I may need to focus my efforts elsewhere. thanks for letting me vent. ttfn :) Mary Ann

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 1:36 PM
Subject: Question,questions,questions plus
E-mail Address: horne3@kalama.com

For Mindy - books published by That Patchwork Place have good general information on basting quilts, and binding them after they're quilted, too.

You asked about batting - polyester isn't a good idea for little children in case of fire ( which we all hate to think about anyway), and I've tried handquilting through Warm and Natural and found it much more difficult to use than Quilter's Dream Cotton, which is admittedly spendier than Mountain Mist but easier on the fingers.

As for hoops...take your basted quilt to the store with you and try different ones. I have different hoops that I like for different uses. The Q-snap rectangular frame is helpful when you're quilting
along the edges of a project; a 14" circular hoop
gives you a nice working area if you are doing central blocks...it all depends on what feels right to you. Happy quilting!

Judy in beautiful SW Washington

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: ter ter's post
E-mail Address: jclegg@venus.net

Howdy Ladies, and Holice if you're lurking. I finished up the plum jam (14 jelly jars worth - should keep the DH happy for a while). Next, I will arm myself and go do battle against the green bean plants. I will be brave and not whine, ha!

RE: ter ter's post - below is the note I sent her, and thought it was pretty funny - at least to me, but then I'm demented, warped, and generally unstable, ha!

"How do you stop them?" Club them in the head and drag them out back, ha! When I was an assistant service manager for a Toro Commercial equipment distributor - we had a pretty big dealer base. Those were the guys who sold the 21" mowers and riding mowers to you homeowners. Anyway, I had to screen all their warranty claims, etc. and got to know some of them pretty good. One particular dealer, whom I adored, was ragging about some difficult customer and asking for advice. I offered some and he didn't care for my suggestion. So, I asked what he'd like to do, and his reply was, "Club them in the head and drag them out back. My boy has a pretty good size hole dug out there. We need to fill it with something." (LOL!!!!!!)

Later kids! Brenda in Indiana >^..^<

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 1:05 PM
Subject: New Visitor!
E-mail Address: csiverling@mid-mo.net

Just found your web page and my how I have enjoyed it. I've gotten some great patterns that I didn't have and then I found thw WWQP BB! Read all the current postings and wanted to become part of it.

I've been quilting for about 5 years, married, 3 kids (all grown) and a 4 month old grandson who is just a joy!

Just wanted to introduce myself and welcome any/all of you to contact me and to congratulate you on a wonderful web page.

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 12:34 PM
Subject: Questions..Questions..and more Questions :)
E-mail Address: mmswagner@prodigy.net

Thanks to those of you who responded to me about what squishes are :) I have some more questions for you today. First of all...I've got the top to my babies Christmas quilt done. I'm going to hand quilt it together but I need to read up and try to get ideas on what I'm doing.
Do you suggest any certain books to look at?
What type of batting should I use? I've been told both Wonder Mist? polyester and Warm and Natural cotton..so now I'm confused?!
Also what type of hoop is best? I've been told both a 14" wooden hoop and/or a plastic rectangular tubing type hoop..so once again I'm just unsure?
If any of you could email me with answers to these questions I would REALLY appreciate it :) I'm really enjoying learning how to do this stuff. I've looked at many of the pictures of peoples quilts on the web and they are sooo beautiful! I can't imagine ever being that good since I'm just starting out, but I'm learning :)
Thanks for your answers in advance :)
MINDY in TN :)

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 12:18 PM
Subject: THANK YOU
E-mail Address: charlesknapp@earthlink.net

Thank you everybody who emailed me. Outlook Express seems to be working fine this morning. I knew I could count on this Board... thanks go Carol, 2 Lindas, Nelly and some more who didn't leave names. I appreciate it!!

Judy in ARk

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:44 AM
Subject: Frustration
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

TerTer - Boy do I know that hassle! A friend of mine and I were in Cub and Boy Scouts and it was always a handful of people that actually helped and one or two that never liked the way we did anything! I was the Pack Committee Chairman and would always ask for suggestions but nobody would raise their hands. During or after an event I would get the one or two that would gripe the whole time! I would ask them why they didn't tell me all of the "wonderful" ideas BEFORE the event and they had no answer just more complaints so I would put them in charge of it next time. That way they could get a dose of the work involved and someone would always complain that they didn't like the way it was done by them! Karma!

At one of our monthly meetings I told the crowd we were "Boy Scouts of America" not "Babysitters of America"! I explained that the monthly meeting was for families to come together and honor their boys for the achievements they had accomplished, not for them to drop them off at the door and go shopping and come back two hours later. After the meeting a lady came up to me and said, "Not everyone lives and breathes scouting like you do!" I told her if more people helped out instead of spending all of their time complaining I wouldn't have to and that I could actually have a real life too! LOL

Deep breaths! Deep breaths!!!

Katie Mac in Spring

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:42 AM
Subject: Hello
E-mail Address: lindanjc@aol.com

Hi Everyone;
It has been quite awhile since I was able to read the BB and post. First it was the vacation in Oregon and then I was watching the little 4 yr. old DGS. Talk about kissy face, I have to run real fast to catch that little bugger for a smoch.
But I do have such fun with the little guy, I love seeing the world through his eyes. We had such fun doing just simple things. Yes gramma even put on her bathing suit and played in the wading pool, hid behind trees and jumped out and squirted each other with squirt guns. With temperatures at 105 here in California, it felt ever so good. The little guy is back home and gramma is missing him so very much. I get worn out, but it is a good worn out, if you know what I mean! The DH is working on the 4th, so I will be celebrating the 4th by quilting!! YAH! I have not had the opportunity to quilt in so long or had time to myself in so long it will be fun!! I dearly love the DH but so much time together and we start picking on each other like 3 yr. olds. Don't get me wrong I would love to spend the holiday with him but I'm looking on the bright side of the situation... Further more the desire to fondle fabric is luring me to a fabric sale today..I think it is today, I lost my flyer so will take my chance and check it out anyway..
I have just a few more colors to find for my paper piecing quilt. The part I do have done is looking really good but have many miles to go until finished...I'm slooow. Life steps in and takes me other places but I eventually find myself back to the quilt, it is a good friend, it waits for me and gives me comfort when I return.
Quilting has brought me joy that I had never imagined.
RONNA ....Happy anniversary dear quilting friend and fellow frog lover...Ms.Rana has taken up new residence under the azealea bush..I think the DGS had something to do with her move. The pictures turned out so cute. Will have DH scan and see if I can send by email, never done this before, YIKES, I'm such a newby with the 'puter'.
KITTY KATE...I do hope a place to stay at Sisters comes through for you, I would certainly hate to think of you sleeping in the car...I would dearly love to go but it is not just a short trip for me..I hear it is fantastic. We go through Bend when we are on our way to Idaho but have never been to Sisters..The country is beautiful...but the traffic in Bend is a nightmare!! Yikes
I wish the best ever 4 th to everyone!! Happy quilting to all.....Linda in VERY HOT California

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 11:23 AM
Subject: Quild meetings
E-mail Address: marj@execpc.com

Terter - hang in there, you were absolutely correct in appointing her chairperson of the committee and giving her the direction to gather members of her committee and report back to the Prez. It seems like every Prez at sometime in their tenure needs to experience one of these (unfortunately). These people are the kind that complain about how everyone else does their job, but they never want to take on work. If I can find the words to a poem I have seen about being a member, I'll post it next week. Going to our DD#2's home for the weekend. Our "new" granddaughter turns 8 tomorrow and we are going to help with the birthday party. I'm taking along my Grandmothers Flower Garden to work on (all hand sewing). Hope everyone has a safe holiday.

Marj in WI

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 10:25 AM
Subject: Happy 4th!
E-mail Address: lpokress@hotmail.com

I just wanted to wish all of you a happy and safe
holiday weekend. Thank you to WEN in CA, Ronna, Sandi
and Helen for the nice emails. It was such a nice surprise
to find them this morning as I wasn't sure if anyone would
see my post since it was put into the archives.
Since I only read and post at work, I will check back on Tuesday.
Have a great long weekend everyone!


Date: 7/2/99 Time: 10:10 AM
E-mail Address: marcteri@jps.net

Well, there is always one in the crowd right. She was not on the agenda, but insisted that she have the floor...How do you stop them. This was my first business meeting as President and let me tell you, there are a few who can take a hike. Some jazz about donating a book to the local library and that it was in the by laws.

Well being a good Pres. of course I had already checked the by-l and of course there was nothing about donating books. She wouldn't listen, insisted she was correct. Also wanted 50 to 100$ for donation books...we already donate books, so why do we have to set aside $..We do it through AQS, you buy so many and they donate to the library(public). TooooooMuch

Then she wanted some committee but didn't want to head it of course...So I came right out and said T you are in charge of the list, when you have a committee you may turn it in to me. So of course she had another tizzy and I stuck to my grounds Ï do not have time to take on this list, you keep it untill you have your committee and then I'll accept it". Dh said I should have been more kind, but after the meeting had gone on for 1 hour just fine, we had 25 min of her...Maybe I'm being just picky....

But thanks for letting me vent.

Anneliese: Received the gifts, they are so precious, thank you very much.

Loon,TeaCup,Celia: My Sebring purple and all will drive up one day..so clean up your acts and get Ricky Ready for me.

Diane Ala: So glad ds is fine and trip went well.

SusanN.J.: Well you have sent me out on another SEX trip looking for those colors, but will work on it while up moving with the kids next week.

Sondra Stanford: Well weddings aside, you are a busy gal.

Kathleen BigTrees: Someday, someday

Gigi: Quit lurking and start typing...

Doni: We can't get that program to un load yet still working on it. BrandyWine sends her love to big "

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 9:26 AM
Subject: Doni!
E-mail Address: yakimayakker@hotmail.com

Hey, Girl! Is this a hint of how it will be for me when/if my kids marry and have babies? Will I go kissy beserk? Will I spoil my grandbabies? Am I doomed to inch thick picture books of THE CHILD? Congrats, Doni! Lindy

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 9:24 AM
Subject: KittyKate's need for a place to sleep in Sisters...
E-mail Address: yakimayakker@hotmail.com

I sure hope someone has a bed for KittyKate! She has a VERY big heart, but she really won't take up much room... And she LOVES making notches in her quilting hoop by meeting as many BB's as possible. (THERE jdb, I told something on Kate! NOW do I get chocolate? whimper, whine, grovel...)

Lindy the Yakima Yakker whose lips are loosening?

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 8:47 AM
Subject: Katie Macs post..
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

I just loved the little post Katie Mac wrote..My son Nick when he was two..left a little dirty hand print on my camper seat..the drivers side..we didnt clean it and didnt clean it..last year we had the funiture in our camper cleaned by the pros..and when Mark took it in he told them not to mess with that hand print! We had clean the upholstry ourselves a few time and neither of us had the heart to take it off...I was really worried that that little hand print would be gone by the time they were finished with cleaning.. We got our camper back..and there was that precious little hand print still on the side of the chair! I was so happy Mark had explained how special this print was! Nicks hand are already about an inch and a half bigger than it was then....I know musshey..but hey..they grow up so quickly!

Would anyone be interested in doing a flannel FQ swap with me?? I want to do a flannel quilt in patchwork..but flannel around here is pretty thin...and way to much to just do by the FQ's...anyone else doing one this winter?? Let me know and well see what we can get going...

Gotta get..see you all later..need to clean up around here befor Toni and Ethan gets here...I dont seem to get anything done after Ethan arrives...oh well...he's little and can't escape when gamma goes to kiss'n on him..Nick and Chris run away and hide..I'm sure little Ethan will to in a few months! LOL! Why don't little boys like Kisses!!!

See you all later!
Hugs Doni...

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 7:44 AM
Subject: Tough Times
E-mail Address: bevdahl@aol.com

Good Morning. It's been a few days since I have read the board. I hope everyone is well. I myself am not. DH and I are going through some tough times this week. Decided that we should separate for a while. I didn't even know that we were having problems! There's a lot to the story, but I won't go into detail. I don't have many friends in town and I feel like you ladies are my support. Just reading your posts and how much you take care of each other makes me feel better.

Made the flag quilt from yesterday's "Simply Quilts" Went together really easy. Maybe I will make a few more today! Suppose to go to Erie this weekend to see DH's grandparents. Don't know if I can make that. I don't know that even S.E.X. can me this go away.

Pepper...thanks for the email...it's nice to have someone out there that I can talk to.

Have a good one...

Beth in Ft Wayne

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 5:01 AM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

Anyone going to the Sisters quilt show? Anyone with a camper who has room for one more? I may need to find someone who can put me up. I was planning on driving down on Friday and back home on Sunday. I need somewhere, other than my car, to sleep. I don't want to miss the show this year. I haven't been since 96. If our weather out here holds to what it is now, it won't be horribly hot there. TIA
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 4:41 AM
Subject: quilts-english wedding
E-mail Address: dick@accessin.com.au

Is there a web site available(free instructions)for the "English Wedding Quilt" as I am searching for one?

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 12:28 AM
Subject: Test
E-mail Address: wilson@mx.wantage.nj.us

Sent you a test email, if it bounces back to me I'll post and let you know.
Carol of Wantage

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 12:13 AM
Subject: test
E-mail Address: charlesknapp@earthlink.net

Oh, and then come back and tell me if it went through or bounced. Thanks

Date: 7/2/99 Time: 12:08 AM
Subject: test me please
E-mail Address: charlesknapp@earthlink.net

If anybody is one now at 11:05 CDT will you please try sending me some email at the above address. For some reason I can't access m;y outlook express and don't know if they are down or if it is our problem. I would REALLY appreciate this. Thanks,
Judy in Ark

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 11:51 PM
Subject: wallyworld
E-mail Address: irishchain@iol31.com

Good evening!
It was requested that I post the entire list of fun things to do at Walmart. Don't get me wrong, I found great shorts there this summer, and some tanktops. Anyway, here it goes. (#22 is my Fave.)
1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and leaving them at strategic locations.
2. Get boxes of condoms and randomly leave them in peoples carts.
3. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals.
4. Run up to an employee (preferably a male) while squeezing your legs together and yell at him, "I need Tampons!"
5. Try on bras on top of your clothes.
6. Make a trail of orange juice on the ground leading to the restroom.
7. While walking around the store, sing in your loudest voice possible, "I smell sex and candy".
[Sidebar; That could be S.E.X.]
8. Walk up to an employee and tell him in an official tone, "I think we have a code three in Housewares", and see what happens.
9. Tune all the radios to a polka station; turn them off, and then turn the volumes to "10".
10. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.
11. Re-dress mannequins as you see fit.
12. Test the fishing rods and see what you can catch from other aisles.
13. Put M&M's on layaway.
14. Move "Caution, wet floor" signs to capeted areas.
15. Set up a tent in sporting goods; tell others you'll invite them in only if they bring pillows from bed and bath.
16. Contaminate the entire automotive dept. by sampling all of the spray car fresheners.
17. Nonchalantly "test" the brushes and combs in cosmetics.
18. When someone asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people leave me alone?"
19. Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose.
20. Take up an entire aisle in toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with GI Joes VS. The X-men.
21. Ask other customers if they have any Grey Poupon.
22. While handling guns in the hunting dept. suddenly ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are.
23. Switch the men's and women's signs on the restroom doors.
24. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from Mission: Impossible.
25. Set up a Valet Paking sign in front of the store.
26. In the auto dept. practice your Madonna look with funnels of various sizes.
27. Hide in the clothing racks and when people browse through, say things like: "pick me, pick me".
28. When an annoucement comes over the intercome, assume the fetal position and scream, "No, no! It's those voices again!"
29. Go to an empty checkout and try to check out people.
30. Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines and relax. If the store has a food court, buy a softdrink, explain that you don't get out much, and ask if they can put a little umbrella in it.
Funny, but not nearly as enduring as the previously posted poem.
Have a nice night.
Sandi in MN

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 11:30 PM
Subject: I'll keep my DH....
E-mail Address: etamiso@home.com

I really will keep my DH....not that I was thinking about leaving him for some poor, unsuspecting woman to retrieve....tonight we were finally able to bring in my new toy: a Horn sewing cabinet. This thing must weigh a ton....and we had to get it up 4 steps into the foyer, and then up the split stairway in our 107 yr. old house. It's a narrow stairway to begin with, and packed full of grunting DH and DS and me AND the cabinet....well, it was a sight! Today was warm and since it rained earlier, we have a lot of leftover humidity. So this was one of those slippery evenings anyway, and my two guys came through with flying colors!! Now we just have to put on the back extension and I will have some lovely machine quilting space.

Ronna: Happy Anniversary!!

Any one from Colorado out there....in the Denver area. We will be visiting from July 7-16 to 24, and very dear SiL is so excited, she and her DD (not quilters, but quilt lovers!) have found a quilt show or sale to take me too. They are so pleased with themselves for having foung this, and I am touched that they want to go with me. I am just wondering what may be going on quilt-wise during this time period, since Martha couldnt' quite remember all the details! On our last trip to Denver two years ago, I managed S.E.X. in 4 places....willl have to try that again!

Liz in CT, time to go stretch out under the ceiling fan and beat the heat!

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 9:34 PM
Subject: Heart Warming
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

A friend sent this and I thought I would share.


A weary mother returned from the store,
Lugging groceries through the kitchen door.
Awaiting her arrival was her 8 year old son,
Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done.

"While I was out playing and Dad was on a call,
T.J. took his crayons and wrote on the wall!
It's on the new paper you just hung in the den.
I told him you'd be mad at having to do it again."

She let out a moan and furrowed her brow,
"Where is your little brother right now?"
She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride,
She marched to his closet where he had gone to hide.

She called his full name as she entered his room.
He trembled with fear--he knew that meant doom!
For the next ten minutes, she ranted and raved
About the expensive wallpaper and how she had saved.

Lamenting all the work it would take to repair,
She condemned his actions and total lack of care.
The more she scolded, the madder she got,
Then stomped from his room, totally distraught!

She headed for the den to confirm her fears.
When she saw the wall, her eyes flooded with tears.
The message she read pierced her soul with a dart.
It said, "I love Mommy," surrounded by a heart.

Well, the wallpaper remained, just as she found it,
With an empty picture frame hung to surround it.
A reminder to her, and indeed to all,
Take time to read the handwriting on the wall

Katie Mac in Spring

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 9:07 PM
Subject: just stuff
E-mail Address: reimer1@prodigy.net

Ladies going to Ohio...Please bring photos of your sewing rooms....I need ideas for mine! LOL!! I figure if I get to look at enough, when I get home walk in there I may come up with some idea on how to do this..only get one shot..so...bring photos!

Doris..the web page for Ethan is www.wesleymc.com find web babies and the Ethan Alexander on the 25th...Tonis nurse said they came up with this idea because so many people now days have friends on the net...hmmm wonder why he thinks that!

Had a totally baby day..done a lot of suck facin on that youngun'....it was great! Didnt get much else done..but hey! Toni was busy cleaning out her old room..so that left me the job of sucky face on Ethan!! LOL!! Does life get any better than this??

Peg...... Wonderful cat post..never quit thought about it on a cats point of veiw....

Any one getting ready to do a flannel quilt?? Maybe this fall?? Let me know...

Susan in Ks..got your squishey today! Its just beautiful! Thank you!

Gotta go..see you all later!
Hugs, Doni

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 8:24 PM
Subject: Quilted christmas tree skirt
E-mail Address: Kimchee39@aol.com

I need help,and soon. I'm making a tree skirt for a friend. It's huge; 45" from the center to the hem. I can't figure out how to make the design come out in an even circle that lays flat. Where can I find a simple pattern for such a large skirt? I like the Dresden Plate because of the flared design and simplicity. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 7:59 PM
Subject: I'm with you, Buf!
E-mail Address: tsfrushr@ruraltel.net

Good Evening!

I think that I will join Buford in the "Cats Are Not My Friends Club"!! I opened my garage door this afternoon to find 2 little half-wild kitties in there--they must've been in there for a couple days. I picked one up and took it outside--no problem there. The other ran off and hid behind some stuff, I went to pick it up and the little thing sunk its teeny tiny very sharp little teeth into my finger and would not let go. Yeeeeouch!! Big time!! I had no idea that one little kitty could inflict so much pain! Couldn't get it off my finger for anything, until I finally came tomy senses and put it down.

And of course, I was planning to finish up some blocks that I was hand appliqueing. Needless to say--it's going very slowly! And I wasn't too speedy to begin with.

No wheat cutting here today as we had a big thunderstorm last night and quite a big rain. I think we needed a break anyhow! Only about 100 acres left to cut. I think we will all be glad to get it over with!

Happy Canada Day to everyone up north!!

Susan in KS

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 7:27 PM
Subject: sites
E-mail Address: weer@skybest.com

Can anyone help?
Can you please email me the URLs for other internet sites that offer Y2K swaps? I'm especially interested in international.
Thank you for your help.
Cecelia in North Carolina

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 7:22 PM
Subject: Need Popular Bazaar Quilt Items IDEAS - Help!
E-mail Address: auntjane@humboldt1.com

Hi! I am helping my sister at a Quilt Show &
am looking for small quilt gift items IDEAS so
I can help her.
She is making money to save & help pay for
college expenses this coming fall.
I am fairly new to quilting but
want to contribute to her booth. Any popular
& easy ideas for quilted items to make???
Small, cute, popular & easy! Thank you so
much!!!! Jane

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 7:19 PM
Subject: Marilyn's quilt and surgery
E-mail Address: jmacdon5@maine.rr.com

I am SO relieved Marilyn's quilt got to Marty in one piece (I got your e-mail, Marty, and will drop you a line later!).
Some of you asked when my surgery is - it will be on July 12. I would truly appreciate good thoughts and a few prayers on that day! DH promised he would post after the surgery for anyone who wants to know how it went...
The good news is that even though I miss keeping up with all of you, I have two quilt tops close to done and want to get a third one done and then get them all basted next week. If I am really lucky, I can maybe squeeze out one other top that really needs to get done by the end of the summer...8^)
Well, I'll be back probably at the end of the month then, when I am feeling a bit better and I need a break from all the hand quilting I will be doing!

Monica in Maine (kind of chilly but humid!)

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 6:45 PM
Subject: kitty story
E-mail Address: mystyusa@aol.com

My sister has a kitty who likes to hunt. After a successful hunt her kitty will leave her prey on the front porch as a present, or what is left of it. If it is a mouse, the kitty eats it but leaves face and some of the skin and skeleton. One morning, my sister came out to find a mouse face and skeleton staring up at her. She was wearing flipflops and kicked it off the porch. Well the nasty thing lodged between her toes. Ick It sure was funny.

ttfn :) Mary Ann in Pleasanton, Ca

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 5:13 PM
Subject: Stripey's bad neck
E-mail Address: redmill@email.msn.com

Hi ladies and firefighters, well, you never know!!!!! I've cricked my neck badly and can't do any housework, saaaaaaaaaaaad isn't it. Can't bend over the sewing machine either, now that is catastrophic.
KATIEMAC AND BRENDA, I would like to meet with you bad girls, but I can't afford the airfare.
KITTYKATE- something will be winging it's way to you soon, sorry I haven't been in touch. This Y2K swap is nearly done. The postage is so much the DD and DH will starve, HA.
Best Wishes from a sore Stripey Bear in Britain.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 5:11 PM
Subject: barn patterns
E-mail Address: lleeanne@aol.com

I saw foundation pieced barn patterns while in Omaha and lost info on who designs them. Help!!

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:35 PM
Subject: The sun is shining!!!
E-mail Address: reedfarm@ruraltel.net

YEAH, THE SUN IS SHINING!!! Yes, I'm excited! We've had rain and more rain since Saturday and I'm more than tired of it! Wheat harvest came to a halt, and the moods became ....(use your imagination) Now we've got sun, send us a little wind, and maybe things will dry up enough to get in the fields again. DH was in a little bit ago and said they might try it. Will have to keep a tractor handy to pull the combine out when it gets stuck. Last year we finished cutting on the 3rd of July -- this year we're barely starting.

All this talk about animals. Did you know that a gold fish can be spoiled? My 3 yr old DD volunteered to baby-sit grandma's fish while grandma and grandpa went to TN for my brother's wedding. The fish is now at our house. Every time you walk into the room where it is,the fish bangs on the side of it's tank, or does something with it's mouth to make noise to make sure you know it's there!! The kids think it needs fed every time it does this -- hope we still have a fish left when grandma returns!!

My oldest sis took the quilt we made for my brother's wedding gift to TN with her. She is going to give it to them the night before the wedding. I really wish I could be there to see their reaction! I told my sis to take plenty of pictures, but it just isn't the same as being there! I really hate to miss out on everything, but we are just too busy on the farm this time of year.

Hope everyone has a great day!! Seeing the sun has sure helped my mood!!

Karen in KS

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:34 PM
Subject: Miscellaneous
E-mail Address: dorwald@aol.com

DONI----I loved the story about Buford on the boat with the kitties, going fishing!! I LOL!
I can't get back far enough in the archives to access the website everyone is talking about to see the new grandbaby, so I'll have to try later.

TO ALL THE BB'ers---Here's a website I received in e-mail from a friend yesterday that will especially apply to all our BB'ers who are "grandmas". Since it's NQR, I put it here:
Give it a few seconds to load into the computer, and it's really cute, and rather true!!!

Have a great day,

Doris W. in Tennessee

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:27 PM
Subject: advice to Leo
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDotedu

LEO: A word of advice....watch out that the machine doesn't eat your tail! If mommy grabs it and feeds it to the machine, you would be very unhappy. :|
Best that good kitties stay on top of the laundry basket. Who knows? Maybe you can find some tasty thing to drag outside and show the neighbors....

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:18 PM
Subject: Buford--HELP
E-mail Address: P-Palmer@govst.edu

Buford, you have been a quilter's pet for longer than I have and I need advice! The machine keeps trying to eat Mommy's hand. When I try to catch it she says words I haven't learned yet. She says she is taking me to Ohio so I can explain to all the ladies why all her 1/4" seams have waves in them. She also says I can't sit on the cutting board "cause Bethany didn't include a chapter on piecing Stacked n'Whacked Cats (maybe it will be in her next book). I'm not allowed to cut fabric with my claws even though I have been practicing on the couch. I have singed whiskers from sitting on the ironing board. Being a quilter's cat has few rewards other than being able to sit on ones in progress (it's easy 'cause Mommy has 6 quilts going all at once-she's weird). Do you think Holice would like a cat to nap at his booth? When the ladies stop to pet cute little me, they would see all his stuff and buy like mad. If Mommy doesn't stop working and love on me I'm moving out-Leo who owns Peg in Chicago

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:07 PM
Subject: Hello, I've missed you.
E-mail Address: helniles@chorus.net

It's been so long since I've posted! I just got back from a two week vacation with DH. Went as far as MT and boy, God sure knew what he was doing out there, the mountains were unbeilevable. I am ashamed to say that I did not have S.E.X. the whole time I was gone! Please forgive me!! I don't know if I will ever catch up with all the events in your lives, but I missed all of you and will be back again. Hugs, Helen

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:02 PM
Subject: Anniversary
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

Well! Here it is....our 15th Anniversary today! What did I get DH? A Guy Thing. Something "Useful". Just the way he likes em. Of course, I couldn't actually GET the thing.....same as if he were getting me a new sewing machine...wouldn't want him to just pick up one HE thought was nice, would we???
So I used "Print House" software and made a special anniversary card. It had 15 pirana swimming in formation (one fish for each year). It said....."What do these fish have in mind for your anniversary gift?" You open it up, and I cut and pasted the fifteen pirana in a circle with their heads facing out, and had an arm holding the "wheel" of piranas (isn't clip art wonderful?)
He looked slightly puzzled....(you probably are too!!!LOL!) Well, I said, Don't you see what the fish are saying? Ummmm.... several fish in small print were saying "wood", some were saying "mmmmmm", some were saying "zzzz". He looks at me. "Ummmmmmmm..... uhhh a saw? A radial arm saw?" Yep! That's what I heard him wishing for as he was starting to make my birthday gift (was in March)and trying to cut large wood pieces on the table saw (a birthday gift for him some years ago that resulted in a B-day gift to me of my beloved sewing table).
So, once he decides what he wants, I will go out and capture the item to bring it home. He sat there thinking, "Yeah, if it was portable enough...I could set it up in the carport and cut those large pieces of plywood so they will fit in the basement workshop....". I think it was a sucess!
His turn now.
Guess we will go out to dinner tonight after work!

Ronna in Happy Valley

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 1:59 PM
Subject: Friend Needs Book
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Hey, I have a friend that is looking for a copy of the October 95 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. She would be willing to trade a couple fat quarters for it. Anyone have it??

Leslie - Welcome to one of the most fun places to be.

Marty - Be sure and give Marilyn a hug for us!

Who out there has a program for those cute quilt labels & stuff? Can you tell me the name of the program? TIA

Katie in Spring, TX

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 1:49 PM
Subject: Archives!
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Ah, seeing the archives again is like a glass of ice water when it's 110F outside, or like getting my computer files cleaned up and in order.

Thanks for updating them!
jdb in AZ

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 1:35 PM
Subject: POP's
E-mail Address: dothewrd@gateway.net

Hi,,, I'm ssooooo tired, last night I passed out from 6-8pm on the couch with the kids climbing on me, slept right through it...

You guys are too much... thanks for the shower, I smile so big as I'm opening the packages which makes it even harder for me to ask this but...

BIG REQUEST: I have some blocks, completed that I never used in one quilt or another and I was wondering if any of you have the same... UFO's that have no place to go... maybe if it wouldn't be asking to much if you could forward them to me, with either your favorite verse or just a siggy. I would like to put a quilt together for Pop's before he dies. He's going in for surgery at 1pm PST again. Who knows it may be too late then... God help me in my unbelief... Anyway, let me know if anyone's interested and could get them in the mail today. Thanks so much, without being able to come crying (literally) to I would be out of my mind... I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH... WEN in CA

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 12:14 PM
Subject: snoopy dance
E-mail Address: rowley@the-onramp.net

Doni - Sooo cute Ethan! Let's all tell our local hospitals about the web babies.

Just in case there are others (besides me) that haven't an excuse to do the snoopy dance...or maybe just don't quite know the steps, here's a cute website that will, at the very least, bring a grin: www.hampsterdance.com

Cats n dogs > IF I stand guard when I turn out our 3 dogs and George (the clipped kitty), the dogs' eyes almost cross trying to watch the cat and where she's going and watching to see if I will go back in the house so they can gently harass her. As soon as the door clicks, the race is on! Our bigest dog, Sis, plays mama to all of them (cat included) by licking their faces and ears.
Love and Happy 4th, Canada Day to northern friends!
Connie where it was warm at 3a.m.!!and worse now, HiDesert in Nevada

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 12:09 PM
Subject: Babies and quilts
E-mail Address: horne3@kalama.com

Doni - little Ethan is drop-dead gorgeous! He sure has a proud Papa, too! I wish I would've looked so good after having a baby as Toni does. Is it something in the water back there? LOL

Kittykat, you're amazing...I think you'll have that quilt bound and ready to show next week. Is it chocolate that gives you that energy boost, or have you been eating the cat's Friskies??

Today I am sewing the applique borders to the sides of our guild's raffle quilt for 2000, mitering corners, and the applique will then get extended
over those corners. It's exciting to see it come together so well! There are about 200 blocks
made by about 50 different people, and each of the four applique borders was done by a different person, so it's a delight that it all fits together and looks so great!

Have a safe, fun and memorable 4th, everyone!

Judy in beautiful SW Washington

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 11:32 AM
Subject: sheesh!
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

How did my siggy get in the middle of that post????
Oh well, cut and paste sometimes doesn't do what you think it will.

Ronna in HV

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 11:25 AM
Subject: Hi everyone :)
E-mail Address: lpokress@hotmail.com

Hi everyone. I am new both to this (or any) BB and to quilting.
I have been reading the posts for about two weeks but feeling
a little too shy to post myself. But I finally convinced myself
since you all sound so nice. To Julie in GA-- I am also in the
Atlanta area. Where about are you?


Date: 7/1/99 Time: 11:25 AM
Subject: everything!
E-mail Address: ericksonATphastDOTumassDOTedu

DONI: What a little cutie Ethan is...no wonder gramma gets all sucky face when he is around! Looks like he want to hold gramma's quilting hoop, though. Watch out!

MARTY: How to keep things "Ship-shape"? Wellllll…….Since we go to the boat only on weekends, I always make sure that nothing is left aboard that will result in surprising colors of "fur" if left for a week!!!
Or will possibly result in unrecognizable, desiccated, shriveled artifacts when we return. Always turn off or shut valves (called "seacocks" on a boat) that separate the water from areas designed to be dry.
The other half of Ship Shape is when you are there and at sea……….always put objects in their lowest potential energy state (i.e.; a place where it cannot fall or roll to its death should the reference frame of its existence shift). All of these basic principals of Ship-Shapeness may be applied at home! And I do apply them when leaving for vacation. Things like turning off the water supply to the washer, unplugging my iron (even if in the off state), unplugging coffee maker, etc.

LINDA: I always clean the house before leaving for exactly the same reasons you posted. I find it terribly ickky to return and see chaos and slime awaiting me.

GRAMMA CAROL: I quilt because I like to see little, orderly, stitches crawl across the fabric….each one trying to be a perfect model for the rest its kind. I am not experienced enough to have a "rhythm" yet, but I am told that with practice, that will happen. To me, it is a very Zen thing. Making "the perfect stitch" takes all of your attention and focus in a way that is very calming. Just like the practice of Kata (forms) in martial arts. It is the process of "making things" that I enjoy, although making a beautiful, pleasing finished product gives a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment as well.

Ronna in Happy (but cloudy) Valley

YLI THREAD: I have been using YLI thread to HQ. I have used Dual Duty Coats and Clark thread for machine and other hand uses, but the YLI thread is glazed and that makes it go through the layers easily and makes it easy to thread the needle. Nice stuff. It also happened to be the right color for this particular project. It came well recommended by Kathy at the Maui Quilter, who helped me to baste this little quilt together (my first time!). I use it happily.

JEAN in CT: Everytime I see your address I LOL! Why did you get that particular address? Was it because of the Gary Larson cartoon showing a dog introducing himself to another dog, "my name is no-no-bad dog, what's yours?"

SARA in FL: I loved the alligator story!! I guess you could replace "blonde" with the group of your choice. I will have to do that since I am far from blonde.

Fireman Fantasies…… Gee, do you think women like men in uniforms because they represent authority figures? just wondering……………..

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 11:25 AM
Subject: whatever
E-mail Address: mickey@digitalf.com

Last night DH and I saw the new movie Wild, Wild West. It was like Men in Black go western, with special effects from the Star Wars people. May the farce be with you. Anyway, part of it supposedly took place at Promontory, Utah (where the golden spike was driven to join the transcontinental railroad in 1869.) This would be sagebrush/farmland surrounded by winter-olympics-type mountains. Instead they filmed it at Monument Valley (Utah-Arizona border.) Besides being hundreds of miles apart, the two areas look as much alike as Alaska and Hawaii.

O.K. call me picky, but as quilters who test fabric to determine cotton content and read web-sites to compare two types of Ott lamps, or rip out a seam that is 1/16" off, picky is what we do best.

TTFN, jdb in AZ
BTW, it was still a funny movie.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 10:54 AM
E-mail Address: mhyne@together.net

I received Marilyn's Quilt this morning. OH, OH, OH. Not enough words to describe it. Thank you Monica in ME, Trudy in IA and Susan in Germany for your very special effort in putting the top together, quilting it, and for the Beautiful Label on the back. A special THANK YOU also to each and everyone of you who contributed the blocks...144 of them. Quilt is 78.25" X 78.25" to be exact. Such beautiful blocks and only a couple of them that I found that didn't have a siggie. What a TREASURE this quilt is! As I was looking at each individual block I was LOL at all the stories of you searching for the Mulberry fabric!! 8^)

Marilyn is going back to Boston on July 27th to have her pacemaker and debigrillator checked out...I guess that means stopping everything to see if it will start her heart beating again??? At least I know she will be in good hands and will have all your prayers. JULY 27TH!!

That is the same day that we will be leaving home for the journey to Long Island to pick up friends and continue on to Ohio 99, etc. I will be making lots of phone calls back home to check on Marilyn.

Will be back later....have to leave for an appointment with Senior Meals now.


Marty in Vermont

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 10:51 AM
Subject: Baby
E-mail Address: KAM@paonline.com

Ahhh! Doni the baby's so cute. Well so are mom and dad too.
What a fun thing for a hospital to do.
I'm off to get some work done so I don't feel guilty sewing
Kathy in Pa. where the clouds still haven't produced
any much needed rain.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 10:33 AM
Subject: Happy Holidays!
E-mail Address: sondra@cs.stanford.edu

Hope this finds everyone staying cool (for those who are having hot weather). It has been hot here.

Doni -- What a beautiful family you have! That baby is darling. I really liked the website. Very nice that they do that for the new parents.

Had fun catching up this morning. Ran late yesterday. It just wasn't my day! Had a flat tire on the way to work. Ended up changing it myself. My carpool mate was shocked that I could change a tire. Hey, my dad was a mechanic and he taught me the basics. DH was amazed. Then on the way home, the transmission was acting up, so guess you know what my paycheck will be going for. Had to cancel the trip to attend the Eleanor Burns class next week. I'm not really an applique quilter, so perhaps it's best. I can always get her book later off the web. Besides, I probably would have bought more fabric and DH wouldn't have liked that. He claims my stash is too big as it is. He'd gladly give it away if someone would come by to pick it up.

I am truly looking forward to the weekend. Plan on spending the entire time at home, sewing. My strips are cut for a Pineapple quilt and I want to get the majority of it done this weekend. There's a big motorcycle rally in town this weekend, so staying home is probably very wise as they're expecting around 50,000 people besides all the people who already live there.

Kitty Kate, so happy to hear about your masterpiece. Be sure to post a picture on Kellie's webpage, okay? It sounds interesting.

TerTer -- sounds like you have been busy. Your DD's house sounds lovely.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe July 4th weekend. Also, Happy Canada Day to our dear friends to the north.

Sondra in Hot Calif.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 10:10 AM
Subject: Crackle & Men
E-mail Address: ktmccollum@aol.com

Doni - The crackle medium is easy to use. I get mine at a craft store. You paint it on, let it dry and then paint over it and it automatically crackle.

Brenda - I love a firm man in a uniform but they are even better out of uniform!!! Right Stripey Bear??!! Bad girls.

Katie Mac - In Spring, Texas where it is almost too hot to wear clothes!

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 9:59 AM
Subject: quilting groups in norfolk county, ma
E-mail Address: bab@ncounty.net

I would love to hear from quilters in Norfolk County, MA who are interested in forming a quilting group/guild. I've been quilting for years by myself, but would enjoy company. Most local guilds have waiting lists and I just don't believe that quilting should be that formal. What do you think?

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 8:40 AM
Subject: this 'n that
E-mail Address: mzeigler@bucknell.edu

Doni--congrats on a beautiful grandson. He is so cute!

Poor buford! Raven, our black lab still hasn't quite adjusted to the hissy furry cats. She doesn't understand why they run away when she tries to play with them. They have
in turn retreated to the high ground. Their path to the food bowl is across the windowsill--to the radiator--to the kitchen table--to a chair--to the counter--scope out the area
and down to the bowl. One cat keeps a watch while the other eats. Other than that I don't think they ever really stay on the floor for extended periods of time. They get their
revenge by waiting until the dog is in her crate for the night, standing on top of the crate and trying to bat at her through the holes!

Happy fourth to all! I can't wait for the fireworks.
Michelle in Hot and Muggy PA

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 8:35 AM
Subject: Names and Games
E-mail Address: omarski@mail.auburn.net

Sara in Florida, Believe it or not, my everyone does call me Sarah, pronounced "SAH-RAH" (guess it's just the Egyptian/Arab way to say it).

What's with it? All the dogs have learned how to type? I have to chase Buster away just to get to the keyboard and the computer chair. Wonder what the attraction is.

Kitty Kate, congradulations for getting your masterpiece done and ready for borders and basting. I know what a wonderful feeling it is to be that far along. I count all the milestones and sections of my quilting this way.

Doni, congradulations on the grandbaby. I just know who will be spoiled by his granny. Just think how lucky all you grandmothers are who get to spoil their grandkids. DS wants to go to Egypt but doesn't want to see his "Teyta" ("grandma" in Egyptian-Arabic") cause she has said over and over that she is going to smother him with kisses. DS is 11 and really afraid she'll follow through with the "threat".

Well time to get quilting before someone wakes up. I have another client coming to see about me putting a top together and quilting it. All I know is that it is embroidered "scripture" blocks and that it is for a long-awaited 2-year-old's birthday in November. I figure with that much notice I'll have a chance to get some quilting of my own done.

Until later, Sarah in Alabama

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 8:21 AM
Subject: Babies
E-mail Address: linda@ndcs.org.uk

Congrats to Gran-mama, isn't baby Ethan cute, I have never seen a hospital web site over here. do all the babies go on the Web or do you have to ask? that is such a nice idea for letting friends and family have an early look see.
Linda Uk

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 7:55 AM
Subject: dogs and cats
E-mail Address: sewingsolutions@hotmail.com

I just read the post from the other Nelly. Definitely not me as I don't think dogs can quilt. I'll have to change my siggy.

From Lucky: BUfford Why don't cats want to be my friend. Its so boring with only two cat friends here and one of them keeps jumping on my back.

Nelly from TB

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 7:25 AM
Subject: Ethan
E-mail Address: jrunyan@synaps-inc.com

Good morning ladies!

Doni--Ethan is adorable and Toni looks great for having recently given birth. (I am sure she looks great all of the time. This wasn't meant to be an insult!) I don't think I will ever look that awake again and it has been 4 years! I tihk I would have been really mad at anyone who put my picture in public that soon after having a baby. By the way, is there a picture of Buford anywhere?

It actually looks sunny here in Atlanta this morning. Last night I was beginning to think we would have to take a boat to work this morning!

Julie in GA

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 4:21 AM
Subject: new to here
E-mail Address: lorrn@velocity.net

I'm new to this web thing. I would like to talk with other quilters. Please get in touch with me.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 3:23 AM
Subject: sorry
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

sorry about the double post, It disappeared on me, and I reloaded, but nothing was there so I reposted. G'nite! RJ

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 3:20 AM
Subject: SSS: Stealing Sue's Stash
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

Hey Martha, sounds good to me!! And I'm sure her DH wouldn't mind at all, in fact he'd probably lead us right in and help us load up!!Teheehee
I'm thinking (watch out), that I might go out to the pond on Saturday, haven't decided if I'll stay overnight.

Doni, I checked out the web babies site, Ethan sure is a cutie!

Buford, you can come live with me, I have a kitty who would love to play with you. And I won't throw you in the drink!!!!!

Good night ladies and gents, don't stay up too late,(like I've been doing- just have to keep checking this place out) Raye-Jean in Alaska, who's looking forward to meeting jdb in August!

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 3:09 AM
Subject: ETHAN
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

DONI what a beautiful baby. He is just adorable. He has such a cute little nose. He isn't all smushed looking like lots of new borns. Congratulations! I'll bet you are having the time of your life.
God bless your adorable grandson, Ethan.
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<
PS Looks like he will be like his grampa. He'll be a cat lover. I can tell!

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 3:07 AM
Subject: SSS: Stealing Sue's Stash
E-mail Address: raynamajean@worldnet.att.net

Hey Martha, sounds good to me!! And you know her DH wouldn't mind at all, In fact I'm sure he'd open the door for us, and help us load up!!!teheehee
Seriously tho, I probably will go out on Saturday, don't know if I'll stay overnight tho.

Doni, I checked out your grandbaby earlier, and he is a little cutie!! Congrats!

Buford, I have a little kitty that would love to play with you, and I wouldn't throw you in the drink!!

Good nite ladies and gents, don't stay up too late like I've been doing lately. Raye-Jean in Alaska, who's looking forward to Meeting jdb in August.

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 3:02 AM
E-mail Address: kittykat@internetoutlet.net

CLEANING before going away. I always left the house immaculate. I was sure all the trash was out. I didn't want to come home to something rotten. If anyone had broken in we would have gotten good fingerprints. I would polish all the surfaces so any fingerprints wouldn't be ours. I know this sounds paranoid but I was married to a Baltimore City Police Helicopter Pilot then.
OKAY, you guys, what is it "Pick on Kitty Cats Day". Geez! Some of my best friends are kitties. Pout, pout! Hey, dogs! Cats rule and dogs drool!!! From Mittens, Alice, Chloe, Jasper, Niki, Jeeves, Wooster, Tigger, Freebie and Oliver! Hiss! Hiss! >^..^< x's 10
The Police Helicopter Pilot is now a Forester and he fights forest fires. When he comes home he smells like the fireplace or an ash tray.
SANDI you have been spying on my life. My DH has always delighted in setting all the alarm clocks. DD#2 would mess with wigs on mannequins. DH and DDs would shoot the little plastic gizzies with elastic attached across department store at each other. When DH takes me shopping and I need to use my wheelchairl, he pushes me into racks of clothing. He pushes me really fast and then lets go. At the Zoo last year, my chair was flying down hill and I couldn't stop it. I thought I was in for a big accident. Nice man stopped it for me. Geez! He really embarrasses me.
MASTERPIECE I have finished piecing my masterpiece. Tomorrow I will add borders and then go to a quilt group in Lacey, WA and get the ladies to help me pin baste it. Can't do basting by myself. Bod won't let me crawl around on the floor, etc. When this quilt is finished I am going to enter it in a couple of shows. I will send a picture to Kellie's page. It is different.
Take care and may God bless you and yours!
Special blessings to all the cat lovers out there!
Love, >^..^< Kitty Kate in WA >^..^<

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 2:14 AM
Subject: RJ
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Yo.. RJ when are you going out to the pond to bug NPSue?? Lets go raid her fabric stash while she's camping!!! I know she has some new yummy batiks... hehehehe... : ) Martha/Artee @[_]

Date: 7/1/99 Time: 2:11 AM
Subject: Ethan
E-mail Address: wildwied@alaska.net

Doni!! Ethan is adorable!! Thanks for giving us the web addy so we can see him..... Martha/Artee in Fairbanks...

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